E's Laf++/Akamine Tae: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 22:05, 24 June 2024

EL2 Akamine Tae.png


Akamine Tae

Do you like:

  • Close ranged combat? ✓
  • Attacks that evade the opponent's attacks? ✓
  • Guns n' grenades to keep your opponent at bay? ✓

Then Akamine Tae is your choice.

Tae has a very extensive list of attacks she can perform. Jab strings, aerials based on the direction inputted, and even a throw with four different followups! The important part is that a large majority of her normals have upper/lower body invincibility tied to them. What this means is that you can beat aerial approaches with spinning kicks, stomp the ground to avoid lows, and even shoulder tackle through projectiles! The opponent has to think twice when facing against a character with a half-sized hurtbox on most of her actions. All of these attacks combined make for long blockstrings which can be extended by having a grenade out on the field. A grenade can either be detonated manually or after a set amount of time. She can also shift to mid-range pressure with her ranged gun specials that also work great as combo filler!

Strengths Weaknesses
  • A wide array of normals with upper/lower body invincibility.
  • Carries the opponent from one side of the stage to the other.
  • Multiple high/low options both up close and at mid range.
  • Grenade setplay extends her pressure and combos.
  • Never-ending blockstrings when Wednes4th is active.
  • Lack of neutral with her stubby and over-committal normals.
  • Most of her body invuln moves are unsafe or end her turn.
  • Grenade locks Tae out of important options while active.
  • Suffers damage + knockdown if Tae was hit by Burst with a grenade in hand.

Character Information

Health 9500
Backdash 28 Frames (3-10 Invincible)
Walk Speed 3rd
Run Speed 4th
Prejump 3 Frames (7 for High Jump)

EL2 Akamine Tae Free Route.png Wednes4th

Hitting the opponent with a 6C or 46C will give Tae access to Wednes4th. Wednes4th is an install that lets Tae cancel ANY move into ANY move on hit or block. Examples would be performing gatling routes that aren't normally possible, repeated gatlings, or even special into special cancels! Wednes4th also allows most attacks to be jump cancelable. The install has a 10 second duration and a 5 second cooldown afterwards before Tae can activate it again. Hitting or grabbing Tae will remove the install. Some moves cannot be canceled during this install (236A, 214C, and supers).

EL2 Akamine Tae Chains Chains.png Playchain

While Wednes4th is active/on cooldown, landing certain attacks on the opponent will cause chains to hover around Tae:

-Orange Chain: 6A, 6AA, 4A

-Blue Chain: 2BB, 6B, 4B, 46B

-Green Chain: 5CC, 2C, 2[C], 4C, 4CC

-Pink Chain: 2D, 6D, 4D, 4[D]

Once Tae has all four colored chains, she can use them all to enhance the next 214C that's performed. Enhanced 214C will now cause a long lasting tumble (starts a combo or extension in the corner), a hard knockdown, and have Its damage greatly increased. The chains will disappear upon doing 214C, or when the Wednes4th cooldown timer has expired. This gives Tae about 15 seconds to get all four chains and have a shot at using enhanced 214C. Wednes4th will also end upon firing enhanced 214C, regardless of timer duration.


Tae can transition into her followup attacks sooner by quickly inputting the buttons after an attack. (ex: 5AAA, 5BBB, 2BB, 5CC). These followups can also be canceled into on whiff!

Normal Moves

EL2 Akamine Tae 5A.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
431 Mid 4 5 11 +4 +2 Throw Invincible

Chain/Cancel Options: 5AA, 5AAA, 5B, 5BB, 5BBB 5C, 5CC, 5D, 2A, 2B, 2BB, 2C, 2D, 6A, 6AA 6C, 6D, 4A, 4C, 4CC, Special, Jump

  • Standard jab that leads into her 5A string.

EL2 Akamine Tae 5AA.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
691 Mid 7 3 15 0 -6 -

Chain/Cancel Options: 5AAA, 5C, 5CC 5D, 2C, 2D, 6A, 6AA 6C, 6D, 4A, 4C, 4CC, Special, Jump

  • Followup leg kick, slightly pulling the opponent in on block.
  • Has less range than 5A which causes the move to whiff if too far away.

EL2 Akamine Tae 5AAA.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
777 Mid 8 4 23 Knockdown -13 -

Chain/Cancel Options: 6C, Special

  • Advancing palm thrust ender.

EL2 Akamine Tae 5B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
676 Mid 6 3 16 0 0 Throw Invincible

Chain/Cancel Options: 5BB, 5BBB 5C, 5CC 5D, 2B, 2BB, 2C, 2D, 6A, 6AA, 6B, 6C, 6D, 4A, 4C, 4CC, Special, Jump

  • Hand swipe that starts her 5B string.

EL2 Akamine Tae 5BB.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
748 Mid 8 4 8 +4 0 -

Chain/Cancel Options: 5AA, 5BBB, 5C 5D, 2C, 2D, 6AA, 6C, 6D, 4C, 4CC, Special, Jump

  • Followup kick that moves Tae forward a bit.

EL2 Akamine Tae 5BBB.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
748 Mid 8 4 22 -10 -12 -

Chain/Cancel Options: 5D, 2D, 6AA, 6D, Special, Jump

  • Kick ender that doesn't connect if done from a max distance 5BB.

EL2 Akamine Tae 5C.png
This is an anti-air!(?)
This is an anti-air!(?)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
777 Mid 9 5 14 +3 +2 Upper Body Invincible 4-15

Chain/Cancel Options: 5D, 2C, 2D, 6B, 6C, 6D, 4C, 4CC, Special

  • Tae bends down and moves slightly forward. Gains upper body invuln while throwing out an elbow strike.

EL2 Akamine Tae 5CC.png
This is...also your Anti Air
This is...also your Anti Air
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
777 Mid 13 5 20 -9 -11 Upper Body Invincible 1-18

Chain/Cancel Options: 2C, 6C, 6D, 4C, 4CC, Followup 1, Special

  • Followup tonfa swing with good reach.
  • Grants a Green Chain on hit.

EL2 Akamine Tae 5D.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
820 Mid 11 5 16 +1 -1 Lower Body Invincible 4-15

Chain/Cancel Options: Followup 1, Special

Wall bounces if close to the corner

  • An advancing flaming kick that wall bounces on hit.

Followup 1
EL2 Akamine Tae Followup1.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
1065 All - - - Launch -13 -

Chain/Cancel Options: N/A

  • Advancing forward kick.
  • Can be performed after 5CC or 5D.
  • Cannot be Fatal Connection canceled.

Followup 2
EL2 Akamine Tae Followup2.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
1300 All - - - Hard Knockdown -11 -

Chain/Cancel Options: N/A

  • Advancing forward thrust attack. Tumbles the opponent on hit.
  • Cannot be Fatal Connection canceled.

EL2 Akamine Tae 6A.png
Okay this is **Actually** your Anti Air
Okay this is **Actually** your Anti Air
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
719 Mid 9 4 19 Launch -16 Aerial Invincible

Upper Body Invincible 1-18

Chain/Cancel Options: 5BB, 5C, 5CC, 5D, 2C, 2D, 6AA, 6C, 6D, 4A, 4C, 4CC, Special

Wall bounces if close to the corner

  • Gut punch!
  • After the wall bounce, the opponent will be put in a hard knockdown state.
  • Grants an Orange Chain on hit.

EL2 Akamine Tae 6AA.png
..How many Anti-Airs?
..How many Anti-Airs?
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
835 Mid 13 5 18 -5 -11 Upper Body Invincible 1-20

Chain/Cancel Options: 5C, 5CC, 5D, 2C, 2D, 6C, 6D, 4C, 4CC, Special

  • Followup leg kick upwards with added upper body invuln.
  • Grants an Orange Chain on hit.

EL2 Akamine Tae 6B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
705 Low 12 3 17 Knockdown -4 Jump Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: N/A

  • Tae slides for about a half screen distance and does a sweep of the leg.
  • Grants a Blue Chain on hit.

EL2 Akamine Tae 6C.png
Super Late Anti-Air
Super Late Anti-Air
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
6C 835 Mid 17 3 23 Knockdown +8 Upper Body Invincible 17-22

Jump Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: N/A

  • Tae poses, then advances forward with a thrust attack that tumbles the opponent.
  • Grants Wednes4th on hit.
  • During the startup, Tae's front hurtbox is greatly increased.

EL2 Akamine Tae 6D.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
878 High 26 4 25 Knockdown -6 Throw Invincible on Frame 3

Lower Body Invincible 3-16

High Profile 5-38

Anti-Air Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: N/A

Wall splats if close to the corner

  • Tae leaps half a screen distance forward with an overhead kick.
  • Grants a Pink Chain on hit.

EL2 Akamine Tae 4A.png
Anti-Air #6 for Angled Approaches!
Anti-Air #6 for Angled Approaches!
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
691 Mid 9 6 17 Launch -11 Aerial Invincible

Upper Body Invincible 1-17

Chain/Cancel Options: 5C, 5D, 2C, 2D, 6AA, 6C, 6D, Special, Jump

  • Diagonal kick to the air that pushes Tae forward a bit.
  • Has full invincibility to air normals much like 6A's do.
  • Grants an Orange Chain on hit.

EL2 Akamine Tae 4B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
777 High 19 1 17 +3 -4 -

Chain/Cancel Options: N/A

Air hit: Ground Bounce

  • Overhead axe kick with a high hitting hitbox that is air unblockable.
  • Grants a Blue Chain on hit.

EL2 Akamine Tae 4C.png
Lean back into Another Anti-Air
Lean back into Another Anti-Air
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
777 Mid 14 4 20 Knockdown -8 Upper Body Invincible 1-20

Chain/Cancel Options: 2C, 6C, 6D, 4CC, Special

  • Advancing forward roundhouse kick.
  • Grants a Green Chain on hit.

EL2 Akamine Tae 4CC.png
Anti-Air Followup
Anti-Air Followup
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
753 Mid 11 6 21 Knockdown -11 Upper Body Invincible 1-16

Chain/Cancel Options: 2C, 6D, Special

  • Followup spinning roundhouse kick.
  • Grants a Green Chain on hit.

EL2 Akamine Tae 4D.png
Low Crush!
Low Crush!
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
4D 878 Mid 19 2 23 +1 +2 Lower Body Invincible 1-19

Jump Avoidable

4[D] 1151 Mid 43 2 23 +4 +6 Lower Body Invincible 1-43

Jump Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: N/A

  • Tae moves forward and stomps the ground while being invulnerable to lows.
  • Can be held to increase Tae's lower body invlun.
  • 4[D] has increased damage, a bigger hitbox, and is more advantageous.
  • Stomping on a grenade causes it to bounce up into the air.
  • Grants a Pink Chain on hit.

44 > C
EL2 Akamine Tae 6AA.png
Backdash Anti-Air
Backdash Anti-Air
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
835 Mid 13 5 18 Launch -9 Aerial Invincible

Upper Body Invincible 1-21

Chain/Cancel Options: N/A

  • From a backdash, Tae advances forward with a kick motion similar to 6AA.

EL2 Akamine Tae 2A.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
417 Mid 4 3 13 -2 0 Throw Invincible

Jump Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: 5A, 5AA, 5AAA, 5B, 5BB, 5BBB, 5C, 5CC 5D, 2A, 2B, 2BB 2C, 2D, 6A, 6AA, 6C, 6D, 4C, 4CC, Special

  • Quick self cancelable jab to hit confirm with.

EL2 Akamine Tae 2B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
662 Low 8 5 9 0 -2 Throw Invincible

Jump Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: 5C, 5CC, 5D, 2C, 2D, 6C, 6D, 4C, 4CC, Special

  • Far reaching low poke.

EL2 Akamine Tae 2BB.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
714 Low 11 3 23 Knockdown -12 Jump Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: Special

  • An advancing leg sweep followup that pulls the opponent in on block.
  • Grants a Blue Chain on hit.

2C / 2[C]
EL2 Akamine Tae 2C.png
Crouching Anti-Air
Crouching Anti-Air
EL2 Akamine Tae 2C2.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
2C 820 Mid 14 6 27 Launch -17 Throw Invincible on Frame 8

Upper Body Invincible 7-29

High Profile 8-29

Crouch Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: j.A, j.B, j.2B, j.6B, j.4B, j.C, j.D

  • Tae winds up and does a spinning kick.
  • Grants a Green Chain on hit.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
2[C] 806, 355 Mid 20 4(5)2 31 Knockdown -17 Throw Invincible on Frame 15

Upper Body Invincible 14-44

High Profile 15-44

Crouch Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: j.A, j.B, j.2B, j.6B, j.4B, j.C, j.D

  • Tae winds up even further for two spinning kick reps.
  • Grants a Green Chain on hit.

EL2 Akamine Tae 2D.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
691 Low 8 9 8 Hard Knockdown -5 Jump Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: Special

  • Low sweep that forces a hard knockdown.
  • Grants a Pink Chain on hit.

EL2 Akamine Tae jA.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
575 All 7 6 13 +5 to +12 +1 to +8 Anti-Air Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: j.A, j.B, j.2B, j.6B, j.4B, j.C, j.D, j.6D, Special

  • Aerial kick from above.

EL2 Akamine Tae jB.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
647 All 6 4 19 +7 to +12 +5 to +10 Crouch Avoidable

Anti-Air Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: j.6B, j.4B, j.C, j.D, j.6D, Special, Jump

  • Elbow thrust upwards that's her fastest and best air-to-air option.

EL2 Akamine Tae j2B.png
Toe Taps
Toe Taps
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
691 High/Air 7 4 19 +5 +3 Anti-Air Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: N/A

  • Tae jumps on top of the opponent and can perform any aerial action afterwards.
  • Can be used as an Instant Overhead if done instantly out of a Jump

EL2 Akamine Tae j6B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
748 All 6 2 20 Knockdown +6 to +12 Crouch Avoidable

Anti-Air Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: j.D, j.6D, Special, Air Dash

Wall bounces if close to the corner

  • Horizontal kick forward that wall bounces on hit.

EL2 Akamine Tae j4B.png
The Iori Yagami Special
The Iori Yagami Special
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
748 High/Air 8 6 18 +7 to +12 +5 to +10 Anti-Air Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: j.D, j.6D, Special

  • Tae kicks behind her for a reliable cross-up option.

EL2 Akamine Tae jC.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
705 High/Air 12 4 21 +5 to +12 +4 to +10 Anti-Air Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: j.D, j.6D, Special

  • Aerial kick downwards that can also cross-up.

EL2 Akamine Tae jD.png
Instant Overhead Fuel
Instant Overhead Fuel
EL2 Akamine Tae jD2.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
748 High/Air 14 7 12 -1 to +8 -1 to +8 Anti-Air Avoidable

Fatal Connection Active

Chain/Cancel Options: j.6D, Special

  • Finger gun!
  • Great air stall, cross-up, and instant overhead option that can combo into 214A/B > 214A/B explosion.
  • Fatal Shift: Shoots out three explosions, however none of them hit as an overhead.

EL2 Akamine Tae j6D.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
806, 263 High/Air 25 Until Landing Until Landing + 25 Hard Knockdown -13 to -7 Anti-Air Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: N/A

  • Tae flips in the air before plummeting down with a divekick.

Universal Mechanics

Ground Throw
EL2 Akamine Tae Throw.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
A+B 0 Throw 1 4 37 0 N/A -
A+B > Forward 450, 560 N/A N/A N/A N/A Hard Knockdown - -
A+B > Back 1000 N/A N/A N/A N/A Hard Knockdown N/A N/A
A+B > Up 500 N/A N/A N/A N/A Launch N/A N/A
A+B > Down 1333 N/A N/A N/A N/A Hard Knockdown - -
  • Tae grabs the opponent, stares into their soul, then releases them.
    • That is if you input no direction.
  • Tae has various followups off her throw depending on the direction pressed.
    • Forward Throw: Kicks them away to about half a screen distance.
    • Back Throw: Tosses them to the other side of the stage.
    • Up Throw: Kicks them upward, able to combo afterwards.
    • Down Throw: STONE COLD STUNNER. Opponent is knocked down right in front of Tae.
  • Before throwing, Tae can pummel the opponent up to three times by pressing C for extra damage.

Air Throw
EL2 Akamine Tae Air Throw.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
1000 Throw 1 5 36 Hard Knockdown N/A -
  • Tosses the opponent to the ground, causing a ground bounce.
  • Tae lands to the ground afterwards.
  • If you combo into an Air Throw, you can perform any aerial action afterwards (except double jump or air dash.)

Tactical Guard (Air OK)
EL2 Akamine Tae Tactical Guard.png
EL2 Akamine Tae Tactical Guard2.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
Parry N/A N/A N/A N/A 41 Total N/A N/A Armor 3-24 (Low/Mid/High)
Attack 800 All 16 2 25 Knockdown -19 Invincible 1-20
  • Tae flashes blue and parries incoming strikes/projectiles.
  • Coming in contact with an opponent's move, Tae attacks with a blue blast.
  • Time briefly stops when armoring a strike but not a projectile.
  • Any special cancelable normal can be canceled into Tactical Guard.
  • Armors Fatal Shift attacks on frame 1 and increases the size of the blast.
  • Holding the input extends the armor duration while draining the Action and Risk Gauge over time.
  • The damage from Tactical Guard is non-lethal, as in it cannot KO.

Tactical Attack (Air OK)
EL2 Akamine Tae Counter Boost.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
800 (Recoverable) All 11 2 Until Landing + 14 Launch -22 to -28 Invincible 1-14

Costs 1 Action Gauge to use

  • Tae becomes invincible on startup, and lets out a green blast.
  • Any special cancelable normal can be canceled into Tactical Attack.
  • The damage from Tactical Attack is non-lethal, as in it cannot KO.

Guard Cancel (Air OK)
6B+C During Blockstun
EL2 Akamine Tae Tactical Guard2.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
800 (Recoverable) All 11 2 41 Launch -22 Strike/Projectile Invincible 1-13

Costs 2 Action Gauge to use

  • While stuck in blockstun, Tae counterattacks with an invincible blast that knocks the opponent away.
  • Guard Cancel is not invincible to throws or supers.
  • The damage from Guard Cancel is non-lethal, as in it cannot KO.

Counter Burst (Air OK)
A+B+C During Hitstun/Blockstun
EL2 Akamine Tae Burst.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
0 All 11 2 Until Landing + 21 Hard Knockdown -5 Invincible 1-12
  • While under the effects of hitstun/blockstun, Burst can be performed to become invincible and knock the opponent back.
  • Only usable once per round.
  • Grants two bars of Action Gauge on hit.
  • Not invincible to Fatal Shift actions or supers.

  • Burst is temporarily disabled from being used when hit by a:
    • Throw
    • Super
    • OTG Attack
    • Tactical Guard
    • Tactical Attack
    • Counter Burst

Special Moves

Under Siege
EL2 Akamine Tae 236A.png
EL2 Akamine Tae 236A2.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
Normal 575 All 15 4 12 Hard Knockdown -7 Jump Avoidable

Fatal Connection Active

No Pursuit

Charged 799 All 15, 21, 26 4(2)4(1)4 17 Hard Knockdown -7 Jump Avoidable

No Pursuit

COUNTER HIT!!: Hard Knockdown

  • Tae forms her magical chain into a gun, shooting at the opponent's position regardless of distance.
  • Holding 236A fires one to two additional bullets at a farther distance.
  • Cannot be canceled during Wednes4th.
  • Fatal Shift: Once the bullet hits the ground/opponent, a pillar of fire will shortly appear afterwards.
    • Charged 236A will place down three pillars, each activating one after another.

EL2 Akamine Tae 236B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
820 Mid 17 2 15 Hard Knockdown +1 Upper Body Invincible 3-21

Chain/Cancel Options: Super

  • A half screen shoulder tackle with some upper body invuln tacked onto it.
  • One of the few specials in the game that allows you to cancel into super afterwards.
  • On counter hit, 236B causes the opponent to tumble on the ground and receive a hard knockdown.

EL2 Akamine Tae 236C.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
1248 All 31 4 27 +3 -14 Jump Avoidable
  • Tae preps herself, then punches the ground causing a multi-hitting explosion.

Wait Until Dark
EL2 Akamine Tae 214AB.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
214A/B N/A N/A N/A N/A 30 Total N/A N/A Fatal Connection Active
Self Destruct 500 (Recoil) All 4 N/A N/A Knockdown N/A -
  • Tae takes out a grenade and pulls out the pin.

  • A timer will show up above Tae's Action Gauge that counts down when it will explode.
    • 214A = 3 second timer
    • 214B = 6 second timer

  • If Tae doesn't throw the grenade in time, it will explode and deal recoil damage to Tae.
    • Self destruct explosion is unblockable which Tae cannot avoid. It will even interrupt Fatal Shift or supers.
    • The self destruct only hits Tae, the opponent is unaffected.
    • Tae cannot be KO'd from the self destruct.

  • Tae can still perform attacks and actions while she has a grenade in hand, but she cannot:
    • Throw/Air Throw
    • Tactical Guard
    • Tactical Attack

  • The grenade prematurely detonates if Tae is hit or grabbed.

214A/B > A+B
EL2 Akamine Tae 214AB2.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
5A+B 532 All 8 30 17 +20 +10 -
6A+B 532 All 11 63 24 +16 +6 -
4A+B N/A N/A N/A N/A 17 Total N/A N/A -
8A+B 532 All 9 59 19 Launch 0 to +13 -
2A+B 532 All 9 18 20 +19 +9 -
Explosion 1172 All 4 7 N/A Knockdown - -
  • With a grenade in hand, pressing A+B or B+C will toss the grenade which has a hitbox to it.

  • The grenade can be thrown in many different directions:
    • 5A+B = Half screen throw
    • 6A+B = Fullscreen throw with an upwards arc
    • 4A+B = Dropped in front of Tae, no hitbox on grenade throw
    • 8A+B = Tosses into the air, eventually falls down (the toss only hits aerial opponents)
    • 2A+B = Thrown downwards with a quarter screen distance

  • The grenade will explode once the timer reaches zero.
    • This explosion can only hit the opponent. Tae will not be affected by it.
    • Depending on the position of the grenade, the explosion will either launch the opponent towards or away from Tae.
  • Tossing the grenade while Tae is running performs a farther throwing arc.
  • While a grenade is active on the screen, Tae cannot throw or air throw.
  • The grenade disappears if Tae is hit or grabbed.


214A/B When Grenade is out

(Air OK)
EL2 Akamine Tae 214AB3.png
EL2 Akamine Tae 214AB4.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
1172 All 14 7 8 Knockdown +15 -
  • Manually detonates the grenade regardless of how much time is left.

Some Like It Hot
EL2 Akamine Tae 214C.png
EL2 Akamine Tae 214C2.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
Normal 1223 All 15 7 31 Knockdown -16 -
Enhanced 2565 All 15 7 31 Hard Knockdown -4 No Pursuit
  • With her magical chain, Tae creates a gun and fires a shot that covers a large range in front of her.
  • On counter hit, the opponent tumbles on the ground.
  • Cannot be canceled during Wednes4th.

Elbow Girl
EL2 Akamine Tae 46A.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
777 Mid 13 6 9 +7 -7 -

Chain/Cancel Options: Special

  • Tae lunges forward a short distance for an elbow thrust.
  • Able to cancel into any special (except 46A or 46C) on hit or block.
    • Can also cancel into supers too, just like 236B.
  • On hit, allows you to link into moves like 5C.

EL2 Akamine Tae 46B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
929 Air Unblockable 21 7 10 Launch N/A Throw Invincible on Frame 3

High Profile 3-19

Crouch Avoidable

  • Tae hops forward with dual pistols and shoots them diagonally into the air.
  • Can only hit aerial opponents. Completely whiffs on grounded opponents.
  • Grants a Blue Chain on hit.

Your Name
EL2 Akamine Tae 46C1.png
EL2 Akamine Tae 46C2.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
863 High/Air 20 3 22 Hard Knockdown +4 Throw Invincible on Frame 3

Lower Body Invincible 3-19

Invincible 20-24

Anti-Air Avoidable

  • A leaping overhead divekick that quickly sends Tae at a diagonal angle.
  • Grants Wednes4th on hit.
  • Lower body invuln on frame 3, and as Tae is descending she's completely invincible while the hitbox is active.

Wait Until Dark (air) 214A/B > j.A+B
EL2 Akamine Tae j5AB.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
j.5A+B 532 All 11 Until Landing 30 Total +11 to +13 0 to +3 -
j.6A+B 532 All 9 Until Landing 31 Total +29 +19 -
j.4A+B 532 All 9 Until Landing 29 Total +8 -2 -
j.8A+B 532 All 9 Until Landing 29 Total Launch 0 -
j.2A+B 532 All 9 Until Landing 30 Total +10 0 -
Explosion 1151 All 4 7 N/A Knockdown - -
  • Aerial version of grenade toss.

  • The grenade can be thrown in many different directions:
    • j.5A+B = Half screen throw
    • j.6A+B = Fullscreen throw with an upwards arc
    • j.4A+B = Dropped underneath Tae, no hitbox on throw
    • j.8A+B = Tosses into the air, eventually falls down (the toss only hits aerial opponents)
    • j.2A+B = Thrown at a 45 degree angle downwards

  • The grenade will explode once the timer reaches zero.
    • This explosion can only hit the opponent. Tae will not be affected by it.
    • Depending on the position of the grenade, the explosion will either launch the opponent towards or away from Tae.

  • While a grenade is active on the screen, Tae cannot throw or air throw.
  • The grenade disappears if Tae is hit or grabbed.

Super Moves

Mystical Machine Gun
EL2 Akamine Tae 236D.png
EL2 Akamine Tae 236D2.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
2373 Mid, All*33 10 6(12)72 31 Hard Knockdown -21 -

Chain/Cancel Options: 214A/B > A+B

Costs 2 Action Gauge to use

  • Tae conjures up a minigun and whips it out. The minigun has an active hitbox during this time.
  • Tae then lets loose with a stream of 33 bullets that are fired ahead at a fullscreen distance.
  • If Tae has a grenade in hand, she can cancel into a grenade toss afterwards.

Summon Apocalypse
EL2 Akamine Tae 214D.png
EL2 Akamine Tae 214D2.png
EL2 Akamine Tae 214D3.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
214D 2017 Mid, All*27 10 8(14)4(19), 1(2) x25, 5 43 Hard Knockdown -39 Invincible

Chain/Cancel Options: 214A/B > j.A+B

Costs 2 Action Gauge to use

  • Tae summons a motorcycle and pops a wheelie that launches the opponent.
  • She then rides into the sunset, or until she reaches the other side of the stage.
  • At the end of the long road, the motorcycle explodes and the opponent is sent flying upwards.
  • If Tae has a grenade in hand, she can cancel into a grenade toss afterwards.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
214D > B 2151 to 2329 Mid, Mid 5 19(13)9 28 Launch -27 Crouch Avoidable (Explosion)

Chain/Cancel Options: 214A/B > j.A+B

  • While riding you can press B, which causes Tae to jump off her bike and toss it into the air.
  • The bike itself has an active hitbox, which then shortly explodes.
  • If Tae has a grenade in hand, she can cancel into a grenade toss afterwards.
  • Fatal Shift: Launches the opponent higher than normal, allowing Tae to combo after the explosion.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
214D > C 1840 to 2005 All 2 Until Hit 49 Total Hard Knockdown -39 -

Chain/Cancel Options: 214A/B > j.A+B

  • You can end the road trip prematurely by pressing C. Tae jumps off while the bike still rides forward.
  • The bike explodes on contact with the opponent.
  • If Tae has a grenade in hand, she can cancel into a grenade toss afterwards.


Feil's Tae Combo Compilation

Kurako's Tae CMV

DiscoWonderland's Tae Combos, Mixups and Setups pt.1 pt. 2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6 pt.7

Move Attributes
Akamine Tae
Saving Tina