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::Spacing-dependent. Works from midscreen, where the last hit of 412HP causes the first wall hit. Using 2146MP/HP here ensures you’re in the corner.
::Spacing-dependent. Works from midscreen, where the last hit of 412HP causes the first wall hit. Using 2146MP/HP here ensures you’re in the corner.
::Stun is hard on Gonzales, requires hitting the last hitbox of 2146P or subbing a 2MP for 2HP.
::Stun is hard on Gonzales, requires hitting the last hitbox of 2146P or subbing a 2MP for 2HP.
*j.LK/j.LP (412HP 2146P 2146P)/(2HP xx 2146P/412HP 2146P 2146P) <br> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="show video examples" data-collapsetext="hide video examples">{{#ev:youtube|vtakbooha0Q}} {{#ev:youtube|nBxFvnWikMc}} {{#ev:youtube|Pjs2Hm__vOU}}</div>
:: Connecting a jumping light attack close enough to the ground will allow you to link afterward for a variety of follow-ups. Spacing may affect your juggle potential following any 412HP.

=== Wallbreak ===
=== Wallbreak ===

Revision as of 20:26, 9 February 2022

Fighting Style:


I won, Grandpa! I know my parents are watching me somewhere, so I'll keep at it.

Upbeat sword girl who makes up what she lacks in pants with obnoxious invulnerability. Another brutal top-tier with arguably the best punish game in DKG.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • High damage potential
  • Incredible anti-air game
  • Ridiculous block and whiff punish game with Kasumi-giri
  • Mueikassatsu makes an incredible meaty
  • Has command grabs for no reason
  • Can struggle with fireballs
  • Awkward inputs and difficult confirms
  • Mediocre ground normals


Forward walk speed Backward walk speed Prejump Jump length Backdash length Backdash distance Defense Stun
3.125000 2.343750 4 frames 36 frames 1-16 invulnerable, 17-20 vulnerable 112px 4064 528



DKG lihua 5LP.png
close is identical
close is identical
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 32 2 4 6 +3 +1 HL Y - Reset

A below average jab, but at least you can chain it into 2LP for easy combos.
Crouched by Liza (crouch blocks it)

DKG lihua 5MP.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 64 4 5 8 +5 +3 HL N - Reset

Lihua delivers a backhand. An decent button that is safe but not very rewarding.
Crouched by Liza (crouch blocks it)

DKG lihua nMP.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 64 4 2 16 ±0 -2 - Y - Reset

A scabbard jab that has an unusual amount of recovery. Cancelable, but you have faster normals for combos.
Max activation range is 72px

DKG lihua 5HP.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 128 6 2 20 ±0 -2 HL N - Reset

A chop with near-identical range to 5MP. There isn't much going for it because of the short active frames and long recovery. At least it can't be crouched.

DKG lihua n5HP 1.png
DKG lihua n5HP 2.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 64+64 4 4(2)10 12 -6/±0 -8/-2 HL Y/N - Reset, KD if both hit

Lihua throws two punches, the first of which is cancelable. It does pretty low damage, though.
Max activation range is 80px

DKG lihua 5LK.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 32 4 4 4 +5 +3 HL N - Reset

A good disjointed normal with slightly more range than 5LP, but it doesn’t chain. It also pulls her hurtbox back a bit.

DKG lihua nLK.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 32 2 6 4 +3 +1 HL Y - Reset

A quick, chainable knee attack that’s pretty active for a light normal.
Max activation range is 52px

DKG lihua 5MK.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 64 5 6 8 +4 +2 HL N - Reset

An upward kick with good range but little disjoint.

DKG lihua nMK.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 64 6 3 8 +7 +5 HL Y - Reset

Lihua kicks close to the ground. A strong normal for its frame advantage, which gives her all sorts of links. The only downside is kinda slow startup.
Max activation range is 72px

DKG lihua 5HK.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 128 6 6 19 -3 -5 HL N - Reset

Lihua turns around and kicks with both feet. Makes a good anti-air, but she has better options.

DKG lihua n5HK 1.png
DKG lihua n5HK 2.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 16+128 1 1(2)10 17 -8/-5 -10/-7 L/HL Y/N - Reset, KD if both hit

An interesting normal with lightning-fast startup, but it’s sadly unsafe on hit. The first hit is a low, cancelable at an awkward window. The second hit is pretty active for an anti-air.
Second hit crouched by Kazuya, Barts (crouch blocks it), Gekkou, Wulong, Lihua, Liza, J. McCoy, Marco, Azteca.
Max activation range is 60px

Balance Swing
DKG lihua 6hk.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 96 6 8 21 -7 -9 HL N - Reset

Lihua balances on her scabbard, spinning around. Can be unsafe on hit, but it’s her longest-reaching normal and it low crushes, so it can be a tricky counterpoke.
Low crush on frame 3-31.


DKG lihua 2LP.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 32 2 6 4 +3 +1 L Y - Reset

A downward palm strike that hits low. This is largely outclassed by 2LK on its own, but you can chain it from 5LP.

DKG lihua 2MP.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 96 2 2 16 ±0 -2 L Y - Reset

A quick low-hitting scoop that has fast startup and high stun for a medium button. Your ideal combo filler, cancel this into 412P. Not recommended as a poke due to the recovery.

DKG lihua 2HP.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 128 4 8 18 -4 -6 L Y - Reset

Another low-angled palm attack. You’d better cancel this, since it’s pretty unsafe otherwise. Good hitbox, press it to beat Genroudan and the like.

DKG lihua 2LK.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 32 1 5 5 +3 +1 L Y - Reset

A long range, chainable low kick. Outranges most 2LKs, so it's one of her best buttons.

DKG lihua 2MK.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 96 6 5 9 +4 +2 L Y - Reset

Lihua kicks with both feet. Overall a decent low button, but she has better options.

DKG lihua 2HK.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 128 5 4 23 KD -7 L N - KD

Lihua’s sweep which low profiles for some reason, giving it utility. You can use it as an anti-air, since it’ll dodge the jumping normal and they won’t be able to block.
Low profile on frame 2-28.

Slide Trip
DKG lihua 3HK.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 128 6 20 14 KD -14 L N - KD

A slide that doesn’t go under fireballs, but it still catches people walking back. It slows down near the end, so it’s difficult to space it to be safe.


DKG lihua jLP.png
neutral jump is identical
neutral jump is identical
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 32 2 Until landing - - - H N - Reset

Good jumping jab. Can work as an air-to-air, but it’s not her best option.

DKG lihua jMP.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 96 4 18 4 - - H N - Reset

One of Lihua’s best buttons for the fact that it can cross up. Has a solid front hitbox as well.

DKG lihua j8MP.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 128 4 18 8 - - H N - Reset

Lihua sticks her hand out. A notably disjointed air-to-air that outranges j.HP and deals the same stun.

DKG lihua jHP.png
neutral jump is identical
neutral jump is identical
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 128 6 8 6 - - H N - Reset

Lihua’s strongest jump-in, the range isn’t amazing but it’s disjointed. Overall quick enough for her to do rising j.HP, divekick.

DKG lihua jLK.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 32 2 Until landing - - - H N - Reset

A jumping knee that can’t cross up, but hits the lowest of all her air normals.

DKG lihua j8LK.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 32 2 Until landing - - - H N - Reset

Weird-looking upward knee attack. It really shrinks Lihua’s hurtbox, so it can be tricky to beat.

DKG lihua jMK.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 64 4 18 6 - - H N - Reset

A straight kick that makes a good air-to-air due to some disjoint.

DKG lihua j8MK.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 64 4 18 6 - - H N - Reset

This actually reaches the furthest of her neutral jump normals, and it hits pretty high up.

DKG lihua jHK.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 128 6 8 10 - - H N - Reset

Lihua does a drop kick. Her farthest-reaching air normal, it can catch people off guard and punish fireballs from a good distance.

DKG lihua j8HK.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 128 5 9 12 - - - N - Reset

Another dropkick at a different angle. If only this weren't a neutral jump only move. It can cross up after a jump cancel in the right situation.

Sword Stab
DKG lihua j2mp.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 64 4 20 until landing - - H N - Reset

Similar to Chun-Li’s stomp, a downwards stab that bounces Lihua up and either forwards, or if her opponent is in the corner, backwards. You can follow up with any air attack, and it actually restores your double-jump, thought this won't often come into play.
It has a tall hitbox that can beat a lot of anti-air normals, like Kazuya 2HP. This also means it can instant overhead Boggy (frame perfect), Barts, and Gonzales.

Sword Dive
DKG lihua j2KKK.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 128 18 19 1 landing*/up to 41 air - - H - - KD

Surprise, Lihua’s divekick has her using her sword. Travels at a steady 45 degree angle with a good hitbox for a divekick.


Flip Throw
DKG lihua throw.png
Max range 48 px
Max range 48 px
DKG lihua mpthrow.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 32 - - - - - - - - KD

Lihua flips backwards and throws her opponent, switching sides. Gives solid advantage, but it throws them into the corner unless you’re all the way in the opposite corner.

Palm Shoot
DKG lihua throw.png
Max range 48 px
Max range 48 px
DKG lihua hpthrow.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 32 - - - - - - - - KD

Lihua pushes her opponent to the other end of the screen with explosive force. Doesn’t side switch, but has worse advantage outside of the corner.

Special Moves

DKG lihua 2369p 1.png
DKG lihua 2369p 2.png
DKG lihua 2369p 3.png
Version Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
LP - 80/144/144 12 4/4/4 34 KD -26/-22/-18 HL - 1-20F KD
MP - 80/144/144 11 3/3/3 34 KD -25/-21/-17 HL - 1-17F KD
HP - 80/144/144 9 3/3/3 34 KD -25/-21/-17 HL - 1-15F KD

A ridiculous DP that’s invulnerable for its entire startup and most of its active frames. It’s difficult to punish reliably for most characters due to huge pushback, unless horribly mis-spaced. Note that up close, the LP version hits twice on block but the MP and HP versions hit 3 times, making them safer.
You can stick to 2369HP for general use due to its speed, though 2369LP’s longer invulnerable frames make it nice for counterpoking, especially against fireballs.

DKG lihua 412p 1.png
DKG lihua 412p 2.png
Hits 7 times, view all hitboxes below
Hits 7 times, view all hitboxes below
Version Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
LP - 16 14 5/5/4/4/5/5/4 19 KD -22 HL - - Y
MP - 16 16 4/4/3/3/4/4/3 18 KD -19 HL - - Y
HP - 16 4 2/2/1/1/2/2/1 19 KD ±0 HL - - Y

Iai slashies that eschews throwing a piece of fruit in favor of just starting up really fast... at least for 412HP. Any hit launches for an easy followup with 2146P or a reset of choice. Can be used as a nigh-incontestable meaty for good chip damage or randomly thrown out to catch limbs in footsies.
The HP version is what you'll use, since the speed of the hits also makes it safer. Annoyingly if you use it too close to Wulong, it will hit 7 times, instantly hitting the juggle limit and causing hard knockdown. The MP version may see use in confirms against him.
The LP and MP versions hit twice on block, while HP version hits all 7 times on block. Frame advantage is based on the latest of these hits.

Hen'i Battou Kasumi-giri
DKG lihua 2146p 1.png
First hit
First hit
DKG lihua 2146p 4.png
Second hit
Second hit
Version Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
LP - 80/80/144, 144 2 2/2/2(6)2/2 28 KD -12 HL - - Y, KD
MP - 80/80/144, 144 2 2/2/2(8)2/2 30 KD -14 HL - - Y, KD
HP - 80/80/144, 144 2 2/2/2(10)2/2 30 KD -14 HL - - Y, KD

Another overtuned special move? Yeah. Lihua does two running slashes, which starts up ungodly fast for the range on the first slash, allowing her to punish quite a few moves that probably weren’t designed to be punished on block. Heavier versions have a larger gap between hits and more range, but remain extremely fast to start up, and the all leave you point-blank so they're unsafe on block.
The first hit juggles and the second hit causes hard knockdown, so you can continue a juggle by only landing the first hit. This is especially easy after 412HP, but you could also trade with 2146P to start it.

Shinkuu Nage
DKG lihua 214p.png
Version Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
LP - 224 11 (Low profile 8) 13 12 KD +8 HL - - KD
MP - 224 14 (Low profile 12) 23 13 KD -3 HL - - KD
HP - 224 17 (Low profile 15) 33 13 KD -13 HL - - KD

Lihua turns and ducks, conjuring a tornado that reaches past the top of the screen. On hit, the opponent is spun and thrown the way Lihua is facing, giving her forever to set up oki. This all makes it an unbeatable anti-air and ridiculous counterpoke that’s virtually always a good trade for Lihua.
There’s more - it protects her from fireballs, aiding her approach and defense by allowing her to avoid chip damage or the risk of jumping. It also deals a lot of stun, and in the corner or against walls can be used for an inescapable reset, adding a lot of damage to combos. Heavier versions have more startup and active frames. They all deal the same damage and stun, so stick to 214LP.
It's technically possible, but unrelaible, to clear the hitbox with wall jumps or Gekkou's double jump.

DKG lihua spthrow ground.png
Max range 64px
Max range 64px
DKG lihua 623p.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 32 - - - - - - - - KD

Why does she even have a command throw? Anyway, it’s better than your normal throws, and a good use of Crush damage. It can naturally be comboed into, but you can’t negative edge it. Side switches and grants a lot of frame advantage.

DKG lihua spthrow air.png
Max range 64px, air OK
Max range 64px, air OK
DKG lihua 63214k.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 32 - - - - - - - - KD

Wait, why does she have two? Has all the same properties of Momiji-gari, except she can use it in the air. Leaves Lihua nearly at the ideal range for a j.MP crossup, but has less frame advantage.


DKG lihua super.png
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel Invuln Juggle
- 0 22 (Low profile 22) 53 14 KD -39 HL - - KD

Lihua’s super is an even larger tornado with better damage and disjoint than 214P. On hit, it catches and throws the opponent to the wall Lihua is facing. Has similar use as an anti-air or gimmicky neutral tool, but the annoying motion and slower startup than even 214HP make it just that - gimmicky. Still, it’s cool-looking and usable for unavoidable resets in the corner.



  • 2LK (up to x3) xx 2146P
    • 2LP (x2) xx 2146P
      • 5LP 2LP xx 623P
        • 412HP 2146P
          If you land only the first hit of 2146P, you can go for a restand, or cancel into 2146P again for knockdown.
          In the corner or near a wall, go for 2MP/2HP xx 214LP for an unavoidable reset (except vs Wulong, who can escape if the wall breaks).
          • n.5LK/2LP/2LK (x2) 2MP xx 412HP 2146P 2MP/2HP xx 214LP
            These buttons are 1f links into 2MP. Stuns everyone but Gonzales if you hit the late hitbox of 2146P. Stuns Gonzales too if you use 2HP at the end.
            • n.5MK 2MP xx 2146P
              • n.5MK 2MP xx 412HP 2146MP/HP 2MP 214LP
                Stuns Liza and Marco reliably, everyone else but Gonzales if you hit the late hitbox of 2146P, and Gonzales if you use 2HP instead of 2MP at either point.
                • j.MP 412HP 2146HP
                  Sideswitch that works midscreen, useful for keeping your opponent in the corner. Follow up with 2LK or 2MP for a potential restand, or 2146P for knockdown
                  • j.MP 2MP xx 412HP, 2146MP/HP (1 hit) 2MP xx 214LP (stuns)
                    Spacing-dependent. Works from midscreen, where the last hit of 412HP causes the first wall hit. Using 2146MP/HP here ensures you’re in the corner.
                    Stun is hard on Gonzales, requires hitting the last hitbox of 2146P or subbing a 2MP for 2HP.
                    • j.LK/j.LP (412HP 2146P 2146P)/(2HP xx 2146P/412HP 2146P 2146P)
                      Connecting a jumping light attack close enough to the ground will allow you to link afterward for a variety of follow-ups. Spacing may affect your juggle potential following any 412HP.
