Street Fighter 1 MR/Adon/Strategy

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General Strategy

Adon obtains his win condition at the moment he finds an opening through getting in his effective burst range and is able to mix between a low in 2B / 2D or an overhead in Jaguar Kick (214B), and when he scores a hit, converts it into big damage and can maintain offense. Adon's mix and damage helps to make incredible comebacks, and infinite blockstrings help to maintain a life lead.


Long Range/Closing Space

Right at round start, the onus is on Adon to close in the distance and make his way past pokes and fireballs. Walk speed and run speed are naturally high for SF1MR, and Adon has a long low poke in 2B to help his burst movement approaches. Adon is also blessed with a safe mobility special in Jaguar Kick (214B), which he can use to hop over most low pokes that some characters are reliant on, or hop over low fireballs like Sagat's Low Tiger Shot and Geki's A Shuriken Toss.

Whenever Adon has built meter off his offense and needs to find another approach, his Jaguar Revolver (236236K) shines as a threat to close distance. You can YOLO it to hope to sneak past a poke or to gain block pressure, or you can use it on reaction to any fireball to invuln your way past them. This limits the threat that some characters can pose to wall you if you represent this as an anti-fireball option.


Adon plays footsies very well utilizing his 2B for poking/counterpoking. It is a very nice poke by itself, and it also high/low mixes anyone that low blocks it. It's also an amazing punish tool and is great in Adon's long range confirms where he would need to cancel into 2D or Jaguar Kick (214B). While Adon primarily uses 2B for all situations in footsies, he also has other various pokes like 2D which is another cancellable low that knocks down, or his 5D which can preemptively antiair.

Close Range

Adon likes a good scramble situation as his returns on a right guess give him great damage. 5A and 2A are the main mashing tools Adon uses that can give him confirms into his great punish normals, or they can make for excellent jabwalk normals. Unsurprisingly, 2B is also useful here as it is + on block, and only 1 frame slower than his A normals with the same returns on hit.


Block Pressure

Adon has phenomenal block pressure even when his mixup tools are being blocked. Adon's 2A and 2B are + on block for effective jab pressure, and he can cancel into his 236D to set up infinite blockstrings without committing to mixups.





Adon's set of antiairs are pretty standard for SF1MR. 5D is his main antiair on reaction to jumps, it's standardly air unblockable, and has a hitbox that is good against spacing. The D version of Jaguar Kick (214D) is also an option Adon can stick out preemptively for meeting the opponent midair and preventing a possible crossup. It does have a considerable amount of startup though, and is air-blockable with a good amount of pushback on air block.

Adon's air-to-air set is pretty good in comparison, j.A is used as a very quick air interrupt with many active frames,j.C is a similarly quick option with more damage, and j.D is a prime air-to-air with good damage, an upward diagonal hitbox, and 11 active frames.


While his offense is particularly strong, Adon's defensive utility is very limited. He has to rely on his Super, Super Jaguar, to be a reversal, and while it gives good damage on hit and an infinite blockstring if blocked, the startup by reversal standards is fairly slow at 6f startup, while other reversals tend to be around 2-3f. This can also have an annoying tendency to fall out if it hits someone crouching. Nonetheless, this tool can be useful to reset the momentum and to reclaim offense.
