KILL la KILL IF/Fiber-Arms Nui

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Nui Harime -Fiber-Arms- (針目縫)
After losing her arms to Ryūko Matoi, Nui appeared to be without use for Ragyo - and yet, her creator gave her new arms. Now that Shinra-Kōketsu is done, Nui can dedicate all her time to fighting everyone who defies the Life Fibers... no matter how much it will cost.

Character Information

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Can teleport over various distances
  • Shares the higher meter gain like her Scissor Blade variant
  • Devastating damage output
  • One of the fastest walking speeds in the game
  • Can travel long distances in the blink of an eye, allowing surprise attacks
  • Valor 1 EX moves unlocked by default unlike the Scissor Blade variant
  • Combined with clunky controls, timing certain combo moves can be difficult
  • Mediocre defense
  • d. B not of any use

Gameplay Style: Rushdown
Ease of Use: Medium

Health: 11,000

Valor Level 1

  • No effects

Valor Level 2

  • Long Ranged Attack Special enhanced

Walkspeed Ranking: -

Homing Dash Speed Ranking: -


  • Forward dash, back dash, and forward air dash are dash cancelable.


Fiber Arms Nui's gameplan can vary slightly depending on the opponent. Generally though, as Fiber Arms Nui, you want to keep your opponent under pressure. Thanks to her incredibly fast walk speed and her teleports (which she can change depending on how long you hold the B button), Nui can start a lot of surprise attacks which the enemy needs to react to. This allows you to also play defensive if needed and intercept dash attacks for example.

Using valor is obsolete on her since she has by default Valor 2 and with that, her EX moves unlocked which, in exchange for 1 meter bar, can make for some evil surprise attacks too. Sp. A removes the opponents meter bar entirely and can be connected after certain A enders - essentially a mini version of Houka Inumuta. Patience is needed with Fiber Arms Nui, but if you can do that and know what your opponent will do, or can trick him into doing a mistake, you will obliterate enemies with her.

Close Ranged Attacks

KLKIF Nui 5A.png
KLKIF Nui 5AA.png
KLKIF Nui 5AAA.png
Version Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
5A 780 - - 15 - - +300 Damage
  • Multi-hit swing downwards.

5AA 250 - - - Sliding Knockdown - +300 Damage
  • A kick to the oppponent and a backwards flip in the air afterwards.
  • Can cancel into j.B or j.C.

5AAA (Ender) 1540 - - - Knockdown - +300 Damage
  • Damaging ender with huge knockback on hit.
4/6A (Ender)
KLKIF Nui 46A Ender.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
960 - - - Knockdown N/A N/A
  • Only available if 5AA hits.
  • Nui disappears and summons clones to do the ender for her, then reappears with a homerun swing.
  • A less damaging ender but gives a good amount of meter.
2/8A (Ender)
KLKIF Nui 28A Ender.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
380 - - - Launch N/A N/A
  • Only available if 5AA hits.
  • Nui teleports to the opponent, launching them into a Scissor Blade propeller.
  • Can perform aerials afterwards.
KLKIF Nui 46A.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
900 - - 40 - - +600 Damage
  • Multi-hit slice to the side.
KLKIF Nui 28A.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
800 - - - 19 - +600 Damage
  • Multi-hit swing upwards.
KLKIF Nui dA.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
700 - - 13 Knockdown - +300 Damage
  • Nui flies towards the opponent, bonking into them.
  • This Blanka Ball-esque move deals high knockback on hit making it wallsplat from a good distance.
  • When inputting A after B A or B B Nui will perform a variation of this attack that instead of wallsplatting will on hit (even block) will allow a follow up to scissor drop.
KLKIF Nui jA.png
KLKIF Nui jAA.png
KLKIF Nui jAAA.png
Version Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
j.A 160 - - 22 Launch - +280 Damage
  • Advances forward with a three-hit tatsu in the air.

j.AA 300 - - - Knockdown - -
  • Disappears, reappears, then stomps on the opponent from above.

j.AAA 1000 - - - Sliding Knockdown - -
  • Disappears again, reappears again, then strikes with a multi-hit slice.
KLKIF Nui AB.png
Version Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
Normal 2360 - - 11 Knockdown - +800 Damage
Valor Level 1 2800 - - 11 Knockdown - +900 Damage
  • Costs one bar of meter to use.
  • Nui teleports forward and performs a stab with her Needle Blade.
  • On hit, summons clones for additional damage and finishes it off with a swing.
  • Will not cause any wallsplat unlike her Scissor Blade variant, will however allow you to continue your combo.
  • Therefore a very good combo starter move
  • Damage/Hitstun Armor on startup.
KLKIF Nui jAB.png
Version Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
Normal 820 - - 20 Knockdown Guard Crush +600 Damage
Valor Level 1 1120 - - 20 Knockdown Guard Crush +600 Damage
  • Costs one bar of meter to use.
  • Nui spins herself forward with her parasol.
  • On hit, summons a clone to launch the opponent which then Nui follows up by kicking them to the ground.
  • On hit, can perform aerials afterwards.
  • At Valor 0 Nui receives 18 seconds of meter cooldown.
  • At Valor Level 1, deals additional damage and meter cooldown is reduced to 9 seconds.
  • Damage/Hitstun Armor on startup.
KLKIF Nui spA.png
KLKIF Nui spA2.png
KLKIF Nui spA3.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
2540 - - 11 Knockdown - +2540 Damage
  • Nui slides forward through the opponent, pulling out the Goku Uniform's Banshi.
  • On hit, a wave of clones topple on top of them causing a knockdown.
  • On hit, removes the opponents meter bar entirely.
  • Will cause a meter cooldown on the opponent and makes for an extremely strong tool and reversal

  • Invincible on startup.

Long Ranged Attacks

KLKIF Nui 5B1.png
KLKIF Nui 5BB.png
Version Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
5B 40 / 280 - - 63 Launch N/A +300 Damage
  • Nui throws out a clone that activates on contact with the ground.
  • The clone homes in on the opponent from fullscreen and strikes.
  • When inputting A after B Nui will perform a projectile slash similar to what her clones perform in j.B and D.B.
  • Note: Nui's clones disappear if she's hit.
5BB 40 / 500 each - - - Sliding Knockdown N/A +300 Damage
  • Nui throws out two clones, one on each side of her.
  • The clones home in on the opponent from fullscreen and strikes.
  • Afterwards, Nui hops backwards into the air and can perform aerials afterwards.
KLKIF Nui 5B2.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
40 / 400 - - 98 Knockdown Guard Crush +600 Damage
  • Once charged, Nui throws out a clone.
  • The clone spins around in a zig-zag pattern, causing a Guard Crush if the opponent blocks.
  • If you press A after the clone is thrown out Nui will also spin and attack like the clone but is still freely controlled by the player.
  • Dash cancelable while charging.
KLKIF Nui dB.png
KLKIF Nui dB2.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
40 / 160 to 320 each - - 52 Sliding Knockdown N/A +300 Damage
  • Nui throws out two clones, one to the right then one to the left.
  • The clones fire a vertical arc-shaped projectile straight at the opponent.
    • Deals more damage from a distance.
  • Cancelable to j.AAA, jC or j.BC.
    • Attacks can either be canceled after the first clone is thrown out or performed after the second clone is thrown.
    • After the second clone is thrown Nui may also perform j.B afterwards.
KLKIF Nui jB1.png
KLKIF Nui jBB.png
Version Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
j.B 40 / 600 to 1000 - - 52 Knockdown N/A +300 Damage
  • Nui throws out a clone.
  • The clone fires a vertical arc-shaped projectile straight at the opponent.
    • Deals more damage from a distance.
j.BB 40 / 600 each - - - Knockdown N/A +300 Damage
  • Nui throws out three clones in a straight vertical line.
  • The clones rapidly spin upwards in a tornado fashion.
KLKIF Nui jB2.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
660 - - - Knockdown Guard Crush +600 Damage
  • Nui throws out three clones in the air, activating once on top the opponent.
  • The clones fall from above, causing a Guard Crush if the opponent blocks.
  • If you press A after the attack comes out Nui will teleport and perform a Scissor Drop alongside the rest of her clones.
KLKIF Nui spB.png
KLKIF Nui spB2.png
Version Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
Normal 960 - - 42 Sliding Knockdown N/A +300 Damage
Valor Level 2 2000 - - 42 Knockdown N/A +300 Damage
  • Nui floats in the air, throwing out three clones that activate on contact with the ground.
  • The clones each fire a vertical arc-shaped projectile, then home in on the opponent and strike.
  • At Valor Level 2, Nui flies off the screen and throws out four clones this time.
    • The homing strike from the clones is replaced with a large whirlwind attack.
  • Can be performed in the air.
  • At valor 0 Nui receives 18 seconds of meter cooldown, reduced to 14 seconds at valor 2.

Break Attacks

KLKIF Nui 5C1.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit Guard Break Counter Hit
1260 - - 81 Launch +600 Damage +600 Damage
  • Nui balances a clone on top of her as they both rapidly spin ahead.
    • Can move while active.
  • The clone of top of Nui can get knocked off by hitting/clashing with it.
  • Can cancel into Aerial Homing Dash on hit.
  • Dash cancelable during the startup and while active.
5C (Clone)
KLKIF Nui 5C2.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
640 - - 40 Knockdown Guard Crush +600 Damage
  • Dash canceling 5C while the clone is out will cause it to teleport above the opponent and land on top of them.
  • Only available if the clone wasn't knocked off on top of Nui.
KLKIF Nui dC1.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit Guard Break Counter Hit
800 - - 33 Knockdown +600 Damage +600 Damage
  • Nui summons two clones beside her, and the three Nui's charge ahead at an upwards angle.
  • Can cancel into Homing Dash on hit.
  • Dash cancelable during the startup and while active.
d.C (Clone)
KLKIF Nui dC2.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
1000 - - 42 Sliding Knockdown - +300 Damage
  • Dash canceling d.C while the clones are out will cause them to charge ahead in a straight line.
KLKIF Nui jC.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit Guard Break Counter Hit
640 - - 28 Sliding Knockdown +600 Damage +600 Damage
  • Nui advances forward in the air, surrounding her landing with Life Fibers.
  • Invincible upon landing.
  • On hit, summons a clone that does a homerun swing to the opponent.
  • Dash cancelable during the startup.
KLKIF Nui BC.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit Guard Break Counter Hit
140 / 840 - - 45 Knockdown +600 Damage +600 Damage
  • Costs one bar of meter to use.
  • Nui throws out a clone.
  • The clone propels herself in the air with her parasol, spinning towards the opponent.
  • At valor 0 Nui receives 18 seconds of meter cooldown, reduced to 9 seconds at valor 1.
KLKIF Nui jBC.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit Guard Break Counter Hit
400 each - - 158 Crumple +600 Damage +600 Damage
  • Costs one bar of meter to use.
  • Nui throws out two clones in the air.
  • After a set distance, the clones fall from above and perform an attack similar to j.C.
  • Cancelable to d.C, j.B, scissor drop (A), Homing Dash, j.AB, j.BC, side step.
    • Cancelable only after the first clone is thrown
  • At valor 0 Nui receives 18 seconds of meter cooldown, reduced to 9 seconds at valor 1.
  • Important note is that at Valor 1 and above, Canceling this move into itself multiple times will cause a visual bug for Steam/PS4 and crash the game on the Switch version.
KLKIF Nui spC.png
KLKIF Nui spC2.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit Guard Break Counter Hit
2400 - - 47 Knockdown +600 Damage +600 Damage
  • Nui summons a clone and gives them a Life Fiber Ball.
    • Of death.
  • The clone chases down the opponent with a smile. :)
  • Once close to the opponent, the Life Fiber ball explodes.
  • If Nui is hit while the clone is active, the Life Fiber ball explodes prematurely (still deals damage.)
  • At Valor 0 Nui receives 28 seconds of meter cooldown, reduced to 16 seconds at valor 1.

General Moves

Homing Dash
KLKIF Nui Homing Dash.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
50 - - 25 Knockdown - +300 Damage
  • Nui homes in on the opponent and quickly attacks.
  • On hit, can perform aerial attacks afterwards.
  • Homing Dash can be canceled into Dash attacks after the initial startup.
  • Allows you to armor through low priority projectiles after the initial startup.
  • Dash cancelable after the initial startup.
  • Non-lethal, cannot KO.
Aerial Homing Dash
KLKIF Nui Air Homing Dash.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
50 - - 28 Launch - +300 Damage
  • Nui homes in on the opponent and quickly attacks.
  • On hit, can perform aerials afterwards.
  • Allows you to armor through low priority projectiles after the initial startup.
  • Air dash cancelable after the initial startup.
  • Non-lethal, cannot KO.
Valor Burst
KLKIF Nui Valor Burst.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
1500 - - 15 Bloody Valor / Sliding Knockdown Guard Crush +300 Damage
  • A Burst that has been performed while your character is in a free state.
  • Once activated, you become invincible and release a multi-hit shockwave.
  • On hit, Bloody Valor will commence.
  • At Valor Level 3, Valor Burst won't trigger Bloody Valor and will only cause a Sliding Knockdown.
  • Non-lethal cannot KO.
Counter Burst
KLKIF Nui Valor Burst.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
10 - - 15 Sliding Knockdown - +590 Damage
  • A Burst that has been performed under the effects of hitstun or blockstun.
  • Once activated, you become invincible and knockback the opponent.
  • Counter Burst can be performed in the air.
  • You will not be able to perform any action until you land on the ground.
  • Meter Cooldown for 7 seconds.
  • Non-lethal, cannot KO.
KLKIF Nui Fiber Lost.png
KLKIF Nui Fiber Lost2.png
KLKIF Nui Fiber Lost3.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
  • Dashes forward and stabs the opponent, similar to d.A (except much less range.)
  • On hit, she's gonna cut you up just like Ryuko's dear dead daddy. Well, he saw it coming.
  • Angry as hell.




Notable Players

External Links

Bloody Valor
Patch Notes
Ryuko Dual-Wield
Satsuki Dual-Wield