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Ro NEKOGAMI headshot.png
Health 550
Forward Walk Speed 1.40
Backward Walk Speed 1.30
Forward Dash Speed 2.60
Backward Dash Speed 2.34
Jump Speed 1.40


NEKOGAMI is an absolute rushdown and mixup monster who can throw out multiple unreactable overheads leading into deadly knockdowns. However, NEKOGAMI’s combo damage is somewhat low compared to other characters, mostly because it relies on getting multiple knockdowns with its potent mixup game. Strike fear into the hearts of your opponent by using the Cat God to overwhelm and overpower.

“I am equipped with nine power sources!”

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Ridiculous mix: NEKOGAMI has the fastest overhead in the game with only 9 frames of startup. On top of also boasting an overhead divekick, an advancing command heavy, and rolling ball low, its great mobility allows it to quickly apply pressure between high and low.
  • Fast: Having the fastest walk speed, dash speed, and jump height give NEKOGAMI great advantage over its opponents. There is no escape.
  • Low health: NEKOGAMI is tied for the 2nd lowest health with UCHUZINE and SHIPPOOH.
  • Not Really That Disjointed: Can get anti-aired easily under certain conditions.
  • Requires multiple interactions: NEKOGAMI’s combo damage is low, so you’ll need to get in more times than most other characters to win the round.

Unique Tools

NEKOGAMI makes use of the quickest movement speed in the game combined with its divekick to create a very effective loop of pressure. It can perform 3 overheads in a row in a true blockstring.


Ro NG 5L.png
Type 1 light attack.
Type 1 light attack.
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
25 5 2 6 +4 +4 Mid 0 - -
  • Cancels into itself.

Gatling Options: 5L, 2L, SP, SC

Ro NG 2L.png
Type 1 light attack.
Type 1 light attack.
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
25 5 2 6 +4 +4 Low 0 - -
  • Cancels into itself. Hits low.

Gatling Options: 2L, 5L, SP, SC

Ro NG 5H.png
Look at me, I throw this out and call it a mixup
Look at me, I throw this out and call it a mixup
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
70 10 6 15 -9 -13 High 0 - -
  • Stupidly fast overhead.

Gatling Options: SP, SC

Ro NG 2H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
40 7 6 24 Knockdown -18 Mid 0 - -
  • A low sweep that knocks down.

Gatling Options: SP, SC

Ro NG cmdH.png
Ro NG cmdH2.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
40,40 13 6 15 - - Mid 0 - -
  • Approaches a slight bit. tied for Neko's strongest meterless move and has enough pushback to be effectively safe.

Gatling Options: SP, SC

Ro NG jL.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
25 5 999 - - - High 0 - -
  • Standard j.L.
Ro NG jH.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
60 13 10 11 +9 -1 High 0 - -
Ro NG Throw.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
70 16 3 27 Knockdown - Throw 0 - -
  • Universal throw. Unusually powerful.
Rolling Ball High
Ro NG 26x.png
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
26L 80 6 18 17 0 -25 Mid 20 - -
  • Usually worse than the low version, but there are some niche cases where it sees use. Spaced properly, it can lead into 5L or 2L on hit.
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
26H 80 6 34 17 Knockdown -41 Mid 20 - -
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
26L+H 90 6 34 17 Knockdown -41 Mid 22.5 - f1-6 Full, f7-39 Projectile
Rolling Ball Low
Ro NG 24x.png
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
24L 80 6 18 17 0 -25 Low 20 - -
  • Usually used more than the high version due to having the same frame data but being a low. Just like the high version, if spaced properly, you can follow it up with a 5L or 2L.
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
24H 80 6 34 17 Knockdown -41 Low 20 - -
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
24L+H 90 6 34 17 Knockdown -41 Low 22.5 - f7-39 Projectile
Shadow Kick
Ro NG j24x.png
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
j.24L 50 6 999 - - - High 12.5 - -
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
j.24H 50 6 999 - Knockdown - High 12.5 - -
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
j.24L+H 30,30 6 999 - - - High 7.5,7.5 - 6-999 Projectile
Super Neko Shot
Ro NG ODS.png
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
1 Bar 18x4 20 20 41 Knockdown - Mid 4.5x4 - -
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
2 Bar 41x4 20 20 41 Knockdown - Mid 0 - 1-39 Projectile
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
3 Bar 55x4 20 20 41 Knockdown - Mid 13.75x4 - 1-39 full

Patch Notes