Rivals of Aether/Elliana

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The Aerial Arsenal


Elliana is a snake from the burrows in the Eastern Wastelands who has always dreamt of flying. After her dreams of joining the Air Armada were crushed by an intolerant captain, she sought the aid of Ayala, a brilliant engineer. Together they built a steam-powered flying machine and with it, Elliana now plans to destroy the armada that rejected her.

  • Fun fact: her mech is named YB-33.


Elliana plays out as a unique take on the glass cannon archetype, who has both abhorrent disadvantage and perhaps the single strongest combo game among the entire roster.

You do not want to lose neutral with Elliana. Her massive hitbox size, high weight and general lack of strong escape options mean that if you do, you will get hit just as much as you could have hit them. Elli does actually have one very good escape tool in Eject, her Up Special, which is invulnerable frames 5-7. Be very conservative using this move, as it puts you into one of the most vulnerable states in the game. Jab gives you a good get-off-me tool, provided you can get some space to throw it out. And despite her impressive aerial mobility, hover moves slowly, Up Special is risky and heat puts Elliana on a timer, so you have to be careful and adaptive in off-stage situations.

Thanks to her hover and more advanced techniques using her heat mechanic, Elliana is surprisingly mobile, though not agile. Her ground and air speed are among the lowest in the game, which usually means she has to take a more reactive role in neutral, harassing her opponent with her signature Missile projectile and occasionally poking with Neutral Air to create openings for her devastating punish game. Zoning can find decent short term success, but is inherently limited by the heat mechanic and Elli's below average neutral.

More than any other character, Elliana wants to skip the neutral game and go immediately to advantage, where she truly shines. Even without a mine stuck to the opponent, her advantage state is unusually creative. Hover Aerials, missiles and hover by itself make it easy for her to follow her opponent's DI. When Elliana sticks you with a mine, however, your stock may as well be over. Additionally, a combo doesn't have to end in the blastzone to lead to a stock for Elli. Missiles and hover allow her great precision and flexibility in hitting off-stage opponents, while Mine and Up Tilt are very good for setting up ledge traps.

Elliana is a very explosive character. If you enjoy getting creative with your combos and like managing resources, give her a try.

Elliana is a heavyweight glass cannon who deletes stocks with an oppressive advantage state.
Pros Cons
  • Shining Punish: Elliana's advantage is her defining trait. Her combo game is immensely open-ended and can take stocks from a hit as early as 40-50%.
  • Recovery Wall: With tools like Mine, Up Tilt and even Steam and hover Forward Aerial, she can very effectively keep her opponents off-stage or punish them for trying to get back on.
  • Massive aerial mobility: Her hover, as well as techniques like superjumping, hover reverse and steam boosting, Elli is massively flexible in the air.
  • Heat The unique heat gauge allows Elli to do truly obscene stuff as long as its managed well, which is key to mastering her.
  • Combo Food: Her heavy status, big hurtbox, lack of traditional double jump, low air speed and lacking to risky escape options make Elliana very easy to combo.
  • Readable recovery: With hover being slow and her Up Special literally going up in a straight line, it can be hard to mix up your recovery.
  • General sluggishness: Elliana is slow, especially on the ground. She can struggle to get in or out without spending heat to extend her window.
  • Heat Her greatest strength is also her biggest weakness. Heat holds Elli down and limits what she can get away with. Mismanaged, it can easily lead to massive percent or a lost stock.





Jab Combo
Attack > Attack > Attack (Hold OK)
Lua error: Error: No field named "images" found for any of the specified database tables..
Jab 1
Lua error: Error: No field named "images" found for any of the specified database tables..
Jab 2
Lua error: Error: No field named "images" found for any of the specified database tables..
Jab 3 / Rapid Jab
Lua error: Error: No field named "hitboxes" found for any of the specified database tables..
Jab 1
Lua error: Error: No field named "hitboxes" found for any of the specified database tables..
Jab 2
Lua error: Error: No field named "hitboxes" found for any of the specified database tables..
Jab 3 / Rapid Jab
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Jab 1

No results Begin by explaining the move's purpose: is it a neutral tool? a kill move? a mobility option? is it useful for techchase / combo extensions / juggles / edgeguards / spacing?

What makes this move worth using? Highlight some key strengths (comes out quickly, has lots of active frames, has high knockback, etc.) that pertain to its function. What are some important details that are worth knowing (the sweetspot does X, the angle flipper allows it to do Y, the disjoint allows it to challenge Z, etc.)?

A mention of important combo routes can be helpful ("notably, this move combos into Up Strong for a reliable kill confirm"), but don't go into extensive detail outlining entire combo trees. Combo strategy is best saved for the Strategy pages.

A paragraph should be sufficient for more simple moves, but feel free to use multiple to explain different features, functions, interactions, etc. as needed.

As always, give adequate detail, but be concise. Aim to be unbiased, but good use of flavorful descriptions can help emphasize key information.

  • Make sure to double check your facts before posting!
  • Don't overdo it with move captions! Consider adding captions which add additional info, emphasize a main takeaway, or some interesting trivia in the context of the character/game when appropriate, but not every move necessarily needs a caption. Feel free to inject some humor or jokes when appropriate for flavor, but keep these to a small handful at most.
  • Feel free to include a few bullet points at the beginning or end to cover other key points that don't otherwise fit into the body of the text (for example, "fastest aerial", "can be canceled into X on hit", "has invulnerability on frames A thru B", etc.).
  • If a Special Move has a known official name, list it in the Title field of the MoveDataCargo structure. Otherwise, use a common community-given name if such a name exists and is commonly understood. If a move has a known official name AND a DIFFERENT community name, list the official name in the Title field and include a bullet point at the beginning of the move's text field which indicates the commonly-used community term. See Sylvanos Down Special for an example.

Jab 2

No results If a move consists of multiple distinct components, provide separate tables for each. In general, sweetspot/soutspot distinctions can be marked in one table in the character's Frame Data directly. (Discuss how to standardize this with brackets / slashes / parentheses)

Jab 3 / Rapid Jab

No results

Dash Attack

(while running) Attack
Lua error: Error: No field named "images" found for any of the specified database tables..
Lua error: Error: No field named "hitboxes" found for any of the specified database tables..
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
No results


Forward Tilt

Lua error: Error: No field named "images" found for any of the specified database tables..
Lua error: Error: No field named "hitboxes" found for any of the specified database tables..
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
No results

Up Tilt

Lua error: Error: No field named "images" found for any of the specified database tables..
Lua error: Error: No field named "hitboxes" found for any of the specified database tables..
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
No results

Down Tilt

Lua error: Error: No field named "images" found for any of the specified database tables..
Lua error: Error: No field named "hitboxes" found for any of the specified database tables..
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
No results

Strong Attacks

Forward Strong

(Forward/Back +) Strong
Lua error: Error: No field named "images" found for any of the specified database tables..
Lua error: Error: No field named "hitboxes" found for any of the specified database tables..
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
No results

Up Strong

Up + Strong
Lua error: Error: No field named "images" found for any of the specified database tables..
Lua error: Error: No field named "hitboxes" found for any of the specified database tables..
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
No results

Down Strong

Down + Strong
Lua error: Error: No field named "images" found for any of the specified database tables..
Lua error: Error: No field named "hitboxes" found for any of the specified database tables..
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
No results


Neutral Air

(while airborne) Attack
Lua error: Error: No field named "images" found for any of the specified database tables..
Lua error: Error: No field named "hitboxes" found for any of the specified database tables..
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
No results

Forward Air

(while airborne) Forward + Attack
Lua error: Error: No field named "images" found for any of the specified database tables..
Lua error: Error: No field named "hitboxes" found for any of the specified database tables..
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
No results

Back Air

(while airborne) Back + Attack
Lua error: Error: No field named "images" found for any of the specified database tables..
Lua error: Error: No field named "hitboxes" found for any of the specified database tables..
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
No results

Up Air

(while airborne) Up + Attack
Lua error: Error: No field named "images" found for any of the specified database tables..
Lua error: Error: No field named "hitboxes" found for any of the specified database tables..
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
No results

Down Air

(while airborne) Down + Attack
Lua error: Error: No field named "images" found for any of the specified database tables..
Lua error: Error: No field named "hitboxes" found for any of the specified database tables..
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
No results


Neutral Special

Special (Air OK)
Lua error: Error: No field named "images" found for any of the specified database tables..
Lua error: Error: No field named "hitboxes" found for any of the specified database tables..
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
No results

Forward Special

Forward/Back + Special (Air OK) (Hold OK)
Lua error: Error: No field named "images" found for any of the specified database tables..
Lua error: Error: No field named "hitboxes" found for any of the specified database tables..
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On


Damage Active Endlag Angle KB (Base+Scaling)
8 4(7)4(7)4... 30 45 8
Startup Landing Lag FAF Angle Flipper Hitstun
17 53 0 1x

Hitpause (Base + Scaling) Parry Stun Type Priority
10 + 0.35 Normal 2
Hit Lockout Force Flinch Value Kills Projectiles?
0 0 N

Up Special

Abandon Ship
Up + Special (Air OK)
Lua error: Error: No field named "images" found for any of the specified database tables..
Lua error: Error: No field named "hitboxes" found for any of the specified database tables..
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
No results

Down Special

Mine Lay
Down + Special (Air OK)
Lua error: Error: No field named "images" found for any of the specified database tables..
Lua error: Error: No field named "hitboxes" found for any of the specified database tables..
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
No results

Alternate Palettes

Default Colors

Alt Blue
Alt Red
Alt Green
Alt Grey
Alt Pink
Custom Color 1
Custom Color 2

Seasonal Colors

Genesis Old (removed)

Premium Skins

Early Access Promo
Arcade (Blue)
Arcade (Green)
Arcade (Pink)
(Gamers) On The Edge
Infamous (unobtainable)
Golden Promo


Practice Mode
Ori and Sein
Shovel Knight
Fire Capital
Air Armada
The Rock Wall
Merchant Port
Treetop Lodge
Blazing Hideout
Tempest Peak
Frozen Fortress
Tower of Heaven
Aethereal Gates
The Endless Abyss
The Spirit Tree
The Forest Floor
Troupple Pond