E's Laf++/Alcott

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EL2 Alcott.png



He is the captain.

As the big burly character of the roster, what you see is what you get. Big health, big damage, big hitboxes, big, BIG, BIG. Alcott is strong in these categories, while unsurprisingly weak in movement. His vast amount of armor options though help him stay as a threat against those trying to zone him out. Up close you can pressure with a rewarding strike/throw game, or play with meter and hit confirm from mid-range pokes. Overall, Alcott is a simple and approachable character that gets the job done. And that is bringing your opponent's health to zero. Just remember one thing:

He is the captain.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • GIANT reach and looooooong pokes.
  • Large damage of stray hits and menacing Risk Gauge damage.
  • Multiple armored options to cover many scenarios.
  • He is the captain.
  • The least mobile character in the game.
    • Have you seen that airdash?
  • Every armored option (except for 2D) loses to low attacks.
  • All jumping attacks are not overheads, and can be blocked low.
  • Relies more on callouts, as his attacks are slow and punishable.

Character Information

Health 10700
Backdash 19 Frames (2-18 Invincible)
Walk Speed 7th
Run Speed 5th
Prejump 3 Frames (7 for High Jump)

EL2 Alcott Meter.png Punch Meter

Alcott has a meter above his Action Gauge that determines the level of his 236C punch. The meter can be charged with 214C, which will max the gauge to level 3. The meter slowly depletes over time, and empties out once the 236C punch is used.

Risk Gauge Damage

Specific attacks from Alcott when blocked will deal increased Risk Gauge damage, allowing him to guard break much easier than the rest of the cast.


He is the captain.

Normal Moves

EL2 Alcott 5A.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
703 Mid 4 3 13 +1 +2 Throw Invincible

Chain/Cancel Options: 5B, 5C, 5D, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 6A, 6B, 6C, Special, Jump

  • Quick jab from the hilt of the axe.

EL2 Alcott 5B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
895 Mid 6 6 15 +1 0 Throw Invincible

Chain/Cancel Options: 5C, 5D, 2B, 2C, 2D, 6C, Special, Jump

2x Risk Gauge damage

  • Alcott thrusts his axe in front of him.
  • Links into itself on air hit, very useful in combos.

EL2 Alcott 5C.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
991 All 19 4 27 -13 -15 -

Chain/Cancel Options: 5D, 2C, 2D, 6C, Special

2.5x Risk Gauge damage

Air hit: Ground Bounce

  • GIANT SWING that reliably hits opponents above Alcott.
  • On block it pulls the opponent towards Alcott.

EL2 Alcott 5D.png
EL2 Alcott 5D2.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
Normal 1119 Mid 25 4 26 Hard Knockdown -16 Armor 5-24 (Mid/High)
Enhanced 1599 Mid 25 - - Hard Knockdown -10 Armor 5-24 (Mid/High)

Chain/Cancel Options: N/A

3x Risk Gauge damage

  • Alcott focuses and armors incoming mid or high attacks during the startup.
  • Afterwards, Alcott swings his axe upwards.
  • If an attack comes in contact with the armor, Alcott turns red and unleashes a more damaging swing with better combo potential.
  • The opponent loses one bar of Risk Gauge if the enhanced version counter hits.
  • Armoring a cross-up attack causes Alcott to auto-correct in the direction of the opponent before attacking.
  • The armor is not frame 1, and 5D cannot armor lows.

EL2 Alcott 6A.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
911 Mid 9 4 24 Launch -12 Aerial Invincible

Upper Body Invincible 1-16

Chain/Cancel Options: 5C, 5D, Special, Jump

  • Uppercut!
  • Launches for full combo.

EL2 Alcott 6B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
847 All 14 4 18 +2 -8 -

Chain/Cancel Options: Special

2x Risk Gauge damage

  • Alcott's farthest reaching normal, and best poke tool too.
  • Has a small blind spot point blank at the hilt.

EL2 Alcott 6C.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
991 High/Air 17 4 31 Hard Knockdown -21 Lower Body Invincible (front leg) 1-16

Chain/Cancel Options: 6CC, Special

2.5x Risk Gauge damage

  • Alcott slams his axe to the ground for an overhead attack.
  • During the startup, Alcott lifts his leg and can avoid low attacks.
  • Great juggle tool in the corner and can sometimes work as an anti-air.

EL2 Alcott 6CC.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
991 All 18 4 30 Hard Knockdown -18 -

Chain/Cancel Options: Special

2.5x Risk Gauge damage

Wall bounces if close to the corner

  • Followup kick that can be used as an ender.

EL2 Alcott 6D.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
1390 Mid 24 4 32 Hard Knockdown -20 -

Chain/Cancel Options: N/A

3x Risk Gauge damage

  • GIANT SWING that covers a large range in front and above Alcott.
  • One of the few attacks Alcott has that can't be air blocked.
  • Not much reward off a ground hit, but an aerial hit is where the fun starts.
  • Also a great OTG tool to add on some extra damage at the end.

EL2 Alcott 2A.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
703 Low 4 5 11 -1 0 Throw Invincible

Jump Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: 5B, 5C, 5D, 2B, 2C, 2D, 6B, Special

  • Alcott moves slightly forward for a slide.
  • Has more range in comparison to 5A.
  • Fabulous.

EL2 Alcott 2B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
767 Low 10 4 13 +3 -5 Throw Invincible

Jump Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: Special

2x Risk Gauge damage

  • A low committal low poke.

EL2 Alcott 2C.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
927 All 18 4 29 Hard Knockdown -16 -

Chain/Cancel Options (Hit only): Special

2.5x Risk Gauge damage

  • Far reaching grounded GIANT SWING.
  • On block, it pulls the opponent towards Alcott. It cannot be cancelled at all, this move has very bad risk/reward as a callout.

EL2 Alcott 2D.png
EL2 Alcott 2D2.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
Normal 1119 Mid 26 4 26 Hard Knockdown -16 Armor 5-24 (Low)
Enhanced 1599 Mid 26 - - Hard Knockdown -10 Armor 5-24 (Low)

Chain/Cancel Options: N/A

3x Risk Gauge damage

  • Alcott focuses and armors incoming low attacks during the startup.
  • Afterwards, Alcott swings his axe upwards.
  • If an attack comes in contact with the armor, Alcott turns red and unleashes a more damaging swing with better combo potential.
  • The opponent loses one bar of Risk Gauge if the enhanced version counter hits.
  • Armoring a cross-up attack causes Alcott to auto-correct in the direction of the opponent before attacking.
  • The armor is not frame 1, and 2D can only armor attacks that have to be blocked low.

EL2 Alcott jA.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
687 All 5 5 15 +8 to +10 +3 to +8 Anti-Air Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: j.A, j.B, j.C, j.D, Special, Jump

  • A simple axe jab from above.
  • Hits a little too high but can still work as a jump-in.

EL2 Alcott jB.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
Strong 1854 All 9 2 Until Landing + 21 Launch -10 to -7 Anti-Air Avoidable
Weak 703 All 11 Until Landing Until Landing + 21 -19 to -13 -21 to -15 Anti-Air Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: j.C

4x Risk Gauge damage

  • The knee of justice.
  • The strength of the knee depends on when it hits.
    • First two active frames = Strong
    • Anything afterwards = Weak
  • Please resist the temptation to use this as your go-to jump-in.

EL2 Alcott jC.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
863 All 17 2 23 -4 to +7 -11 to -1 Anti-Air Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: j.D, Special, Jump

2x Risk Gauge damage

  • Aerial GIANT SWING that's an alright jump-in, just have to get used to the timing so that you're not minus on landing.
  • You can also do some deceptive cross-ups with it.

EL2 Alcott jD.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
943 All 19 Until Landing Until Landing + 33 Hard Knockdown -22 Lower Body Invincible from frame 1 until landing

Anti-Air Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: N/A

3x Risk Gauge damage

  • Alcott stalls in the air for a bit before slamming down to the ground with his axe.

Universal Mechanics

Ground Throw
EL2 Alcott Throw.png
EL2 Alcott Throw2.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
A+B 300 Throw 1 4 37 Launch N/A -
A+B > C (Miss) 0 - - - - Hard Knockdown - -
A+B > C (Early/Late) 1200 - - - - Launch - -
A+B > C (Close) 1300 - - - - Launch - -
A+B > C (Perfect) 1400 - - - - Launch - -
  • Alcott tosses the opponent upwards. A bar then appears on the side of Alcott.
  • By pressing C with the right timing, Alcott swings and hits the falling opponent.
  • The closer you are to landing on the red center, the more damage the swing will deal.
  • Landing an early, late, close, or perfect swing will always give the same amount of hitstun.
  • In the corner, a throw lets Alcott easily deal over 4000 damage (A+B > C > j.B > j.C > j.B.)
  • Funnily enough the midscreen throw optimal is to not input anything and go for an OTG combo.
    • Be mindful that the combo afterwards can be bursted.

Air Throw
EL2 Alcott Air Throw.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
799 Throw 1 5 36 Hard Knockdown N/A -
  • Chucks the opponent fullscreen. Wall bounces if close to the corner.
  • Alcott lands to the ground afterwards.

Tactical Guard (Air OK)
EL2 Alcott Tactical Guard.png
EL2 Alcott Tactical Guard2.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
Parry N/A N/A N/A N/A 41 Total N/A N/A Armor 3-24 (Low/Mid/High)
Attack 800 All 16 2 25 Knockdown -19 Invincible 1-20
  • Alcott flashes blue and parries incoming strikes/projectiles.
  • Coming in contact with an opponent's move, Alcott attacks with a blue blast.
  • Time briefly stops when armoring a strike but not a projectile.
  • Any special cancelable normal can be canceled into Tactical Guard.
  • Armors Fatal Shift attacks on frame 1 and increases the size of the blast.
  • Holding the input extends the armor duration while draining the Action and Risk Gauge over time.
  • The damage from Tactical Guard is non-lethal, as in it cannot KO.

Tactical Attack (Air OK)
EL2 Alcott Counter Boost.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
800 (Recoverable) All 11 2 Until Landing + 14 Launch -22 to -28 Invincible 1-14

Costs 1 Action Gauge to use

  • Alcott becomes invincible on startup, and lets out a green blast.
  • Any special cancelable normal can be canceled into Tactical Attack.
  • The damage from Tactical Attack is non-lethal, as in it cannot KO.

Guard Cancel (Air OK)
6B+C During Blockstun
EL2 Alcott Tactical Guard2.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
800 (Recoverable) All 11 2 41 Launch -22 Strike/Projectile Invincible 1-13

Costs 2 Action Gauge to use

  • While stuck in blockstun, Alcott counterattacks with an invincible blast that knocks the opponent away.
  • Guard Cancel is not invincible to throws or supers.
  • The damage from Guard Cancel is non-lethal, as in it cannot KO.

Burst (Air OK)
A+B+C During Hitstun/Blockstun
EL2 Alcott Burst.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
0 Unblockable 11 2 Until Landing + 21 Hard Knockdown N/A Invincible 1-12
  • While under the effects of hitstun/blockstun, Burst can be performed to become invincible and knock the opponent back.
  • Only usable once per round.
  • Grants two bars of Action Gauge on hit.
  • Not invincible to Fatal Shift actions or supers.

  • Burst is temporarily disabled from being used when hit by a:
    • Throw
    • Super
    • OTG Attack
    • Tactical Guard
    • Tactical Attack
    • Counter Burst

Special Moves

EL2 Alcott 236A.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
N/A N/A N/A N/A 31 Total N/A N/A Armor 5-27 (Mid/High)
  • Alcott steps forward with an armored dash.
  • Great for closing the distance after a hard knockdown or to sneak in a throw attempt.
  • The armor isn't frame 1, it isn't active for the entire animation, and 236A cannot armor lows.

EL2 Alcott 236B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
1535 All 16 13 21 Launch -15 Fatal Connection Active
  • Slamming his axe to the ground, Alcott erupts the ground in front of him.
  • Alcott's only threatening special cancel. Can be used to extend your turn if you want to play risky.

EL2 Alcott 236B2.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
2365 All 24 23 12 Launch -6 to -4 -

0.5x Risk Gauge damage

  • This time, three eruptions come from the ground that has a total of four hits.
  • The pushback makes this move impossible to punish unless done in the corner.
  • Deals 50% less Risk Gauge damage.

EL2 Alcott 236C.png
EL2 Alcott 236C2.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
Normal 1500 All 45 8 26 Launch -10 -
Level 1 4000 All 45 8 26 Hard Knockdown -7 -
Level 2 5000 All 45 8 26 Hard Knockdown -6 -
Level 3 7000 All 45 8 26 Hard Knockdown -2 -
  • This is it. This is the move. This is what all Alcotts strive to land. The punch.
  • After a slight delay, Alcott lets loose with a standing punch that powers up based on the charged meter of 214C.
  • With each level, 236C deals more damage, becomes safer on block, and starting at Level 1 will deal a hard knockdown on hit.
  • Even if blocked, the least amount of chip damage the move will deal is 1000, while a blocked level 3 punch deals 3000 chip damage.
  • The level of the punch is determined by when it connects, not when it was executed.
    • If the input was pressed while the meter was blue (level 3), and it goes down to yellow (level 2) during the startup, you'll get a level 2 punch.

EL2 Alcott 214A.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
911 All 14 5 43 Launch -36 -
  • Alcott poses like a captain, and lets out a blast.
  • Once the move is active, the blast reliably covers Alcott's hurtbox.
  • Hits all around Alcott which makes it a great anti-cross-up tool.

EL2 Alcott 214B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
N/A N/A N/A N/A 37 Total N/A N/A Armor 5-20 (Mid/High)
  • Alcott goes into an armored stance, almost looking like a statue.
  • If the opponent hits Alcott during this state, the opponent will be frozen in place for 10 frames.
  • Armoring a cross-up attack causes Alcott to auto-correct in the direction of the opponent.
  • This allows Alcott to punish moves that are usually safe on block by getting a consistent 2B/5B punish or greater depending on the recovery of the armored attack.
  • The armor isn't frame 1, it isn't active for the entire animation, and 214B cannot armor lows.

EL2 Alcott 214C.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
N/A N/A N/A N/A 67 Total N/A N/A Fatal Connection Active
  • Alcott winds up his good arm to power up the 236C punch.
  • The charge cannot be interrupted halfway. Alcott is the captain and the captain deserves his level 3 7000 damage, 3000 chip, -2 on block punch.
  • Fatal Shift: Can cancel at any moment for a brief charge.

Super Moves

Coming soon!




To get to the corner, 2C>236A is a vital tool.

5A>6A>5C>2C, 5B, 5B>2C>236A, 5B, 5B>2C>236A, 5B>6CC>236A. Carries almost the entire stage. If you are closer to the corner than the opponent, 5A>6A>5C>2C>236A in the beginning crosses up, letting you do the rest of the combo and getting the corner.

2A>5B>2B>236B Sadly the best you get without meter from a low.

A+B, 5B>5C>2C, 5B>2C>236A, 5B>6CC Don't hit the marker on your throw midscreen, just let the opponent hit the ground, you will get better corner carry and positioning afterwards.


In the corner, 6CC>236[B] is the main damage component of combos. You can do it twice in most combos and still get follow ups if you delay properly.

One meter


5D/2D enhanced, 6D, 5B>2C>236[B], FSjC djB, 6CC>236[B], 6CC>236[B] Over 8 000 damage. Must be some distance from the corner. Must be enhanced 5D/2D.

Video: https://streamable.com/3vnhoj

Two meters


6A>5C>2C, 5B, 5B>5C>FS236[B]xx214C, dash 6D, 5B>2C>FS236C Can start with two 5A's and still work. Does almost 7000 damage and leaves them with one and a half guard blocks afterwards. 5A>5A>5B>5C>2C afterwards breaks their block and stuns them. If you are close enough to the corner, the 236C can be followed up with 6CC>236[B] for almost 10 000 damage.

Midscreen video: https://streamable.com/1vlvba Close to corner video: https://streamable.com/nwa3ot

Move Attributes
Akamine Tae
Saving Tina