E's Laf++/Yagabi

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EL2 Kitsune.png




Strengths Weaknesses
  • Placeholder
  • Placeholder

Character Information

Health 10500
Backdash 19 Frames (3-14 Invincible)
Walk Speed 8th
Run Speed N/A
Prejump 5 Frames (7 for High Jump)

EL2 Kitsune Dodge.png Dodge

When double-tapping back, Yagabi doesn't perform a backdash but instead a dodge in place.

Normal Moves

EL2 Kitsune 5A.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
819 Mid 4 5 11 +4(-7) +2(-9) Throw Invincible

Chain/Cancel Options: 5A, 2A, Special

  • Typical plus on block Jab, can function as a pseudo Anti-Air

EL2 Kitsune cB.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
1331 Mid 6 5 16 +3(-4) 0(-7) Throw Invincible

Chain/Cancel Options: f.B, 5C, Special

  • Really Strong pressure/offense starter

EL2 Kitsune fB.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
1228 Mid 10 3 18 +2(+2) -5(-5) -

Chain/Cancel Options: Special

  • Neutral Tool.

EL2 Kitsune 5C.png
If you get hit by this, you're going to lose.
If you get hit by this, you're going to lose.
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
2047 Mid 13 6 23 +1(+9) -9(-1) -

Chain/Cancel Options: Special

  • Arguably his Best Starter

EL2 Kitsune 5D.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
2559 Mid 18 2 22 +4 -8 Hard Knockdown (No Pursuit)

Chain/Cancel Options: N/A

  • An extremely fast overhead that gives One stock of Fox Fire on hit.
  • Forces No Pursuit and gives Hard Knockdown to enable [2]8A Okizeme

EL2 Kitsune 6A.png
High Arching Anti-Air
High Arching Anti-Air
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
1228 Mid 9 4 19 Launch -11(-9) -

Chain/Cancel Options: Special, Jump

  • Standard Anti-Air, hits at a very strong angle and allows for easy combos on hit

EL2 Kitsune 6B.png
Inconspicuous Overhead
Inconspicuous Overhead
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
1279 High, Air 21 3 21 +3(+6) -4(-1) -

Chain/Cancel Options: Special

  • Very quick overhead, great for punishing overly defensive opponents

EL2 Kitsune 6C.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
1535 Low 16 4 14 +3(0) -2(-5) Jump Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: Special

  • Placeholder

EL2 Kitsune 6D.png
31 Frames. You're still getting hit
31 Frames. You're still getting hit
EL2 Kitsune 5D.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
1433 High 31 2 20 +8(+9) -6(-5) -

Chain/Cancel Options: Special

  • Strong But slow Overhead Option.
  • Special Cancel into stance makes it a good option to utilize.

EL2 Kitsune 2A.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
793 Mid 4 4 12 +2(-9) 0(-9) Throw Invincible

Jump Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: 5A, 2A, Special

  • Typical Crouching Jab, Benefits due to a slight disjoint.

EL2 Kitsune 2B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
1177 Low 11 4 12 +9(+4) -4(-9) Throw Invincible

Jump Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: Special

  • Furthest reaching Low Option due to it moving forward.
  • Staple Low combo tool

EL2 Kitsune 2C.png
Nagoriyuki would blush at this
Nagoriyuki would blush at this
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
1791 Mid 18 3 25 Launch -6 -

Chain/Cancel Options (Hit only): Special

  • Hits essentially all around Yagabi.
  • Not a True Anti-Air but very good at hitting really high up.
  • Be careful, the hurtbox is not disjointed and could lead to you getting tagged out of your Anti-Air attempt.

EL2 Kitsune 2D.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
1228 Low 11 4 17 Hard Knockdown -9(-9) Jump Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: Special

  • Standard but Far Reaching sweep.

EL2 Kitsune jA.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
716 All 8 5 7 +13 to +16 +7 to +10 -

Chain/Cancel Options: j.A, j.D

  • Air to Air Jab, decent at its job
  • Can link into j.B on hit to allow easy confirms

EL2 Kitsune jB.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
1228 All 10 3 19 +11 to +16 +4 to +10 Crouch Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: j.D

  • Another stellar air to air normal. Confirms easily into j.D

EL2 Kitsune jC.png
The Jump in
The Jump in
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
1382 High, Air 14 4 26 -11 to +16 -17 to +10 Hard Knockdown

Chain/Cancel Options: N/A

  • High damaging jump in as its only weakness is that it isn't disjointed at all meaning you can get tagged very early and easily
  • Forces Hard Knockdown on hit

EL2 Kitsune jD.png
"Instant" Overhead
"Instant" Overhead
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
1531 High, Air 16 Until Landing + 2 22 Hard Knockdown -10 -

Chain/Cancel Options: N/A

  • lowest possible Height j.D hits on Frame 23

Universal Mechanics

Ground Throw
EL2 Kitsune Throw.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
1000 Throw 1 4 37 Hard Knockdown N/A -
  • Placeholder

Air Throw
EL2 Kitsune Air Throw.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
998 Throw 1 5 36 Hard Knockdown N/A -
  • Placeholder

Tactical Guard (Air OK)
EL2 Kitsune Tactical Guard.png
EL2 Kitsune Tactical Guard2.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
Parry N/A N/A N/A N/A 41 Total N/A N/A Armor 3-24 (Low/Mid/High)
Attack 800 All 16 2 25 Knockdown -34 Invincible 1-20
  • Yagabi flashes blue and parries incoming strikes/projectiles.
  • Coming in contact with an opponent's move, Yagabi attacks with a blue blast.
  • Time briefly stops when armoring a strike but not a projectile.
  • Any special cancelable normal can be canceled into Tactical Guard.
  • Armors Fatal Shift attacks on frame 1 and increases the size of the blast.
  • Holding the input extends the armor duration while draining the Action and Risk Gauge over time.
  • The damage from Tactical Guard is non-lethal, as in it cannot KO.

Tactical Attack (Air OK)
EL2 Kitsune Counter Boost.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
800 (Recoverable) All 11 2 Until Landing + 14 Launch -29 to -30 Invincible 1-14

Costs 1 Action Gauge to use

  • Yagabi becomes invincible on startup, and lets out a green blast.
  • Any special cancelable normal can be canceled into Tactical Attack.
  • The damage from Tactical Attack is non-lethal, as in it cannot KO.

Guard Cancel (Air OK)
6B+C During Blockstun
EL2 Kitsune Tactical Guard2.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
800 (Recoverable) All 11 2 41 Launch -34 Strike/Projectile Invincible 1-13

Costs 2 Action Gauge to use

  • While stuck in blockstun, Yagabi counterattacks with an invincible blast that knocks the opponent away.
  • Guard Cancel is not invincible to throws or supers.
  • The damage from Guard Cancel is non-lethal, as in it cannot KO.

Counter Burst (Air OK)
A+B+C During Hitstun/Blockstun
EL2 Kitsune Burst.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
0 All 11 2 Until Landing + 21 Hard Knockdown -5 Invincible 1-12
  • While under the effects of hitstun/blockstun, Burst can be performed to become invincible and knock the opponent back.
  • Only usable once per round.
  • Grants two bars of Action Gauge on hit.
  • Not invincible to Fatal Shift actions or supers.

  • Burst is temporarily disabled from being used when hit by a:
    • Throw
    • Super
    • OTG Attack
    • Tactical Guard
    • Tactical Attack
    • Counter Burst

Special Moves

EL2 Kitsune 46A.png
Mist Finer Meets Parry
Mist Finer Meets Parry
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
1535 Mid 12 2 22 Launch -8 Crouch Avoidable
  • A completely Air Unblockable attack if released immediately
  • [4]6A~D is a stance cancel. It changes the frame data of normals
  • If [4]6A is done out of blockstrings, it is whiff cancelable on startup
  • Is a parry when Held to enforce a mixup. [4]6A Parry clashes with; Highs, Mids, Projectiles.
  • If done during a combo/blockstring doing 46A Allows the stance to come out regardless meaning you don't have to charge!
  • When done with a Fox Fire Stock, it allows Yagabi to do the parry out of blockstun.

EL2 Kitsune 46B.png
Low Mist Finer, also a Parry
Low Mist Finer, also a Parry
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
1228 Low 12 2 26 Hard Knockdown -14 -
  • A Low slash that forces a hard knockdown and juggles in combos.
  • [4]6B~D is a stance cancel. It changes the frame data of Normals
  • If [4]6B is done out of blockstrings, it is whiff cancelable on startup
  • Is a parry when Held to enforce a mixup. [4]6B Parry clashes with Lows Specifically.
  • If done during a combo/blockstring doing 46B Allows the stance to come out regardless meaning you don't have to charge!
  • When done with a Fox Fire Stock, it allows Yagabi to do the parry out of blockstun.

EL2 Kitsune 46C.png
The gap closer.
The gap closer.
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
1407 Mid 29 10 18 Hard Knockdown 0 Frame 3 Armor (High, Mid, Projectile)
  • An Armored tackle that allows Yagabi to brute force his way in. It being 0 on block means he can force RPS after
  • Blows through Highs, Mids and Projectiles allowing him to navigate neutral.

EL2 Kitsune 28A1.png
Fireball Okizeme
Fireball Okizeme
EL2 Kitsune 28A2.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
Normal 1228, 216 Mid, All 9 6(9)13 10 Knockdown -5 -
Charged 1228, 1532 Mid, All 9 6(17)3(3)Until Hit 64 Total Knockdown +11 -
  • If the first slash comes in contact with a Projectile, the Fireball is automatically enhanced.
  • Launches on hit allowing Yagabi to get certain combo extensions
  • The Charge Version is an extremely strong Okizeme tool and a way for Yagabi have more screen presence.

EL2 Kitsune 28C.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
440 Mid 8 9 38 Knockdown -35 Invincible 1-10
  • A Lightning fast Flashkick that forces Knockdowns
  • If done early in a combo it can allow for safejumps when used as an ender.

Super Moves

EL2 Kitsune 214D.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
2016 All - - - Hard Knockdown - -

Parry type move. Can be held to trigger the rest of the super.

EL2 Kitsune 46C.png
The Coolest Super in the Game
The Coolest Super in the Game
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
2128 All - - - Hard Knockdown -15 -

Combo Ender Super, use it to tack on a lot of damage.

  • Forces Side Swap on hit.



28A Loops


Probably his best meterless BnB.
Very versatile and can fit into many routes, plus it can be extended with Fatal Shift.
You can choose to end the loop in 28[A] so it'll reset them but leave you flame oki afterwards.
You can do 2A/5A after the dash if you feel you're not close enough for cl.5B to connect.
You can buffer the dashes during the last part of the 28A animation, the window is very generous.

6B/6D Overhead Conversions

Both are special cancellable so you can go for 28A Loops on hit. It's best to use Dash A in between since you'll probably be farther.
If you hit 6D close enough, you can gatling into c.BC after it hits thanks to the stagger (as in 6D>c.BC>Loops)

Air Throw Conversion


28[A] can be delayed so the flames hit on oki instead of OTG.

Move Attributes
Akamine Tae
Saving Tina