KILL la KILL IF/Sanageyama

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KLKIF Sanageyama.png




Character Information

Health: 10,500

Valor Level 1

  • Gains the ability "Shingan Step." Allows him to dash cancel out of a successful block.
  • Increased Dash attack damage.

Valor Level 2

  • Close Ranged Attack Special enhanced

Walkspeed Ranking: ???

Front Step Dash: ??? Frames
Back Step Dash: ??? Frames
Side Step Dash: ??? Frames

Close Ranged Attacks

KLKIF Sanageyama 5A.png
KLKIF Sanageyama 5AA.png
Dou: Frenzy
Dou: Frenzy
KLKIF Sanageyama 5AAA.png
Kote: Frenzy
Kote: Frenzy
KLKIF Sanageyama 5AAAA.png
Men: Brave Blade
Men: Brave Blade
KLKIF Sanageyama 5AAAAA.png
Dou: Brave Blade
Dou: Brave Blade
KLKIF Sanageyama 5AAAAAA.png
Kote: Brave Blade
Kote: Brave Blade
KLKIF Sanageyama 5AAAAAAA.png
Men: Goku Blade
Men: Goku Blade
Version Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
5A 200 - - - - - +600 Damage
  • Downward swing that can anti-air.

5AA 100 - - - - - +600 Damage, Crumple
  • Followup horizontal swing.

5AAA 100 - - - - - +600 Damage, Knockdown
  • Another downward swing.

5AAAA 400 - - - - - +600 Damage
  • Another downward swing.
  • We're halfway there.

5AAAAA 140 - - - - N/A N/A
  • Only available if 5AAAA hits.
  • Another horizontal swing.

5AAAAAA 140 - - - - N/A N/A
  • Only available if 5AAAAA hits.
  • Another downward swing.
  • Almost there.

5AAAAAAA 1240 - - - Sliding Knockdown N/A N/A
  • Only available if 5AAAAAA hits.
  • Downward swing ender.
  • Rest easy, you've made it to the end.
5AAA > 4/6A
KLKIF Sanageyama 5AAA4A.png
Dou: Flash
Dou: Flash
KLKIF Sanageyama 5AAA4AA.png
Brave Blade: Pummel
Brave Blade: Pummel
KLKIF Sanageyama 5AAA4AAA.png
Brave Blade: Pummel
Brave Blade: Pummel
Version Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
5AAA > 4/6A 200 - - - - - -
  • Lunging forward strike that makes Sanageyama move through the opponent on hit.

5AAA > 4/6AA 180 - - - Knockdown - -
  • Only available if 5AAA > 4/6A hits/was blocked.
  • Quick three hit attack that knocks the opponent up.

5AAA > 4/6AAA 300 - - - Knockdown - -
  • Only available if 5AAA > 4/6AA hits/was blocked.
  • Followup three hit attack with Sanageyama doing a little hop forwards.

5AAA > 2/8A
KLKIF Sanageyama 5AAA2A.png
Brave Blade: Blade Uppercut
Brave Blade: Blade Uppercut
KLKIF Sanageyama 5AAA2AA.png
Men: Fierce Rising
Men: Fierce Rising
Version Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
5AAA > 2/8A 300 - - - Knockdown - -
  • Sanageyama does an underhand swing that launches both the opponent and Sanageyama into the air.
  • On hit/block, can perform aerials afterwards.

5AAA > 2/8AA 200 - - - Knockdown N/A N/A
  • Only available if 5AAA > 2/8A hits.
  • Sanageyama flies into the sky, landing and striking from above shortly after.
4/6A (Ender)
KLKIF Sanageyama 5AAAAAA4A.png
Dou: Goku Flash
Dou: Goku Flash
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
500 - - - - N/A N/A
  • Only available if 5AAAAAA or 5AAA > 4/6AAA hits.
  • A lunging forward strike similar to 5AAA > 4/6A, can be combo'd off of.
2/8A (Ender)
KLKIF Sanageyama 5AAAAAA2A.png
Brave Blade: Goku Blade Uppercut
Brave Blade: Goku Blade Uppercut
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
640 - - - Knockdown N/A N/A
  • Only available if 5AAAAAA or 5AAA > 4/6AAA hits.
  • An underhand swing ender similar to 5AAA > 2/8A, keeping the opponent close to Sanageyama.
KLKIF Sanageyama 4A.png
Men: Hop
Men: Hop
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
240 - - - Knockdown - -
  • Sanageyama hops towards the opponent with a strike from above.
KLKIF Sanageyama 2A.png
KLKIF Sanageyama 2A 2.png
Men: Torrent
Men: Torrent
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
240 - - - Knockdown - -
  • After winding up, Sanageyama slams the ground with his weapon.
  • Armor against hitstun and damage on startup.
KLKIF Sanageyama 5A.png
Thrust: Full Body
Thrust: Full Body
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
160 - - - Knockdown - -

Lunging forward swing that can anti-air.

KLKIF Sanageyama jA.png
Men: Rising Strike
Men: Rising Strike
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
240 - - - - - -
  • Sanageyama throws himself at the opponent and lands with a strike.
KLKIF sA Sanageyama.png
KLKIF sA enhanced Sanageyama.png
Hasso Ranbu
Hasso Ranbu
Version Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
Normal 1920 - - - - - -

Mash for more damage. 1920 minimum.

Valor Level 2 3930 - - - - - -
  • Sanageyama swings downwards, stunning the opponent for a period of time.
  • An ATTACK prompt will appear which allows Sanageyama to perform additional swings with A, B, and C.
  • Each attack represents a part of MEN DOU KOTE.
    • A = MEN
    • B = DOU
    • C = KOTE
  • The initial swing of the super will perform MEN.
  • Performing MEN DOU KOTE in order will give you additional damage.
  • At Valor Level 2, Sanageyama swings faster allowing for more reps.
    • If enough reps have been done, a more damaging ender will be granted.

Long Ranged Attacks

KLKIF Sanageyama 5B.png
Brave Blade: Thrust
Brave Blade: Thrust
KLKIF Sanageyama 5BB.png
Brave Blade: Multi-Thrust
Brave Blade: Multi-Thrust
KLKIF Sanageyama 5BB.png
Brave Blade: Multi-Thrust
Brave Blade: Multi-Thrust
Version Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
5B 120 - - - Knockdown. - -
  • Lunging stab.

5BB 160 - - - - - -
  • Followup lunging stab.

5BBB 300 - - - Sliding Knockdown N/A N/A
  • Only available if 5BB hits.
  • Another followup lunging stab.
5B (Ender)
KLKIF Sanageyama 5BBB.png
Thrust: Full Body
Thrust: Full Body
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
560 - - - N/A N/A -
  • Only available if 5AAAAAA, 5AAA > 4/6AAA, or 5BBB hits.
  • Stabbing ender that launches the opponent a good distance away.
KLKIF Sanageyama 5(B).png
Thrust: Gallop
Thrust: Gallop
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
1200 - - - Knockdown Guard Crush +1200 Damage
  • Once charged, Sanageyama lets out a straight blast from his weapon.
  • Dash cancelable while charging.
KLKIF Sanageyama dA.png
Thrust: Full Body
Thrust: Full Body
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
300 - - - Sliding Knockdown - -
  • Lunging forward stab with further range than 5B.
KLKIF Sanageyama j(B).png
Brave Blade: Thrust
Brave Blade: Thrust
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
180 - - - Launch - -
  • Aerial lunging forward stab as Sanageyama dives to the ground.
KLKIF Sanageyama j(B).png
Thrust: Multi-Hit
Thrust: Multi-Hit
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
410 - - - Sliding Knockdown Guard Crush -
  • Once charged, Sanageyama lunges forward with further than 5B.
KLKIF sB Sanageyama.png
Godspeed Thrust
Godspeed Thrust
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
1200 - - - Knockdown - +600 Damage
  • Sanageyama lunges with high speed and fullscreen distance.
  • Launches the opponent into the air with well enough time to convert into a combo.

Break Attacks

KLKIF Sanageyama 5C.png
Brave Blade: Lunge
Brave Blade: Lunge
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit Guard Break Counter Hit
600 - - - Sliding Knockdown +1200 Damage +1200 Damage
  • Sanageyama strikes a pose and fires a point blank blast, pushing himself back a bit.
  • Armor against hitstun and damage on startup.
  • Can cancel into Homing Dash on hit.
  • Dash cancelable during the startup.
5C (Ender)
KLKIF Sanageyama 5AAAAAA5C.png
Brave Blade: Blink Lunge
Brave Blade: Blink Lunge
KLKIF Sanageyama 5AAAAAA5B2.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
560 - - - Sliding Knockdown N/A N/A
  • Placeholder
KLKIF Sanageyama dC.png
Lunge: Encircling Strike
Lunge: Encircling Strike
KLKIF Sanageyama dC2.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit Guard Break Counter Hit
600 - - - Sliding Knockdown +1200 Damage +1200 Damage
  • Sanageyama twirls around before firing a point blank blast, pushing himself back a bit.
  • Armor against hitstun and damage on startup.
  • Can cancel into Homing Dash on hit.
  • Dash cancelable during the startup.
KLKIF Sanageyama jC.png
Brave Blade: Lunge
Brave Blade: Lunge
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit Guard Break Counter Hit
800 - - - Sliding Knockdown +1200 Damage +1200 Damage
  • An aerial variant of 5C.
  • Armor against hitstun and damage on startup.
  • Can cancel into Homing Dash (Air) on hit.
  • Air Dash cancelable during the startup.
KLKIF sC Sanageyama.png
Shingan Thousand Strikes
Shingan Thousand Strikes
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit Guard Break Counter Hit
1960 to 2460 - - - - - -
  • Sanageyama walks menacingly towards the opponent.
  • Armor against hitstun and damage as he's walking.
  • The special is canceled if Sanageyama cannot reach the opponent within five steps.
  • Once close to the opponent, Sanageyama stuns the opponent and unleashes a flurry of 1000 punches.
  • Mashing attack buttons during the special grants additional damage.

General Moves

Homing Dash
KLKIF Sanageyama Homing Dash.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
50 - - - - - -
Homing Dash
KLKIF Sanageyama Air Homing Dash.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
50 - - - - - -
Ketsui Burst
KLKIF Sanageyama Valor Burst.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
1500 - - - - - -
Ketsui Burst
KLKIF Sanageyama Valor Burst.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
10 - - - - - -
KLKIF Sanageyama Fiber Art.png
KLKIF Sanageyama Fiber Art2.png
KLKIF Sanageyama Fiber Art3.png
KLKIF Sanageyama Fiber Art4.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
SEN-I-SOSHITSU - - - - - -




Default OVA ARC Collab (Johnny Sfondi)
KLKIF Sanageyama Color1.png KLKIF Sanageyama Color2.png KLKIF Sanageyama Color3.png

Bloody Valor
Patch Notes
Ryuko Dual-Wield
Satsuki Dual-Wield