Mizuumi Wiki:Roadmap: Difference between revisions

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*A new [http://wiki.mizuumi.net/w/Template:Under_Night_In-Birth_Character_Combos combo page template] has been created which includes notation, damage, vorpal damage, resource cost, meter gain, opponent meter gain, etc.
*A new [http://wiki.mizuumi.net/w/Template:Under_Night_In-Birth_Character_Combos combo page template] has been created which includes notation, damage, vorpal damage, resource cost, meter gain, opponent meter gain, etc.
*All important pins from the UNIcord character channels are now under the External Links section.
*All important pins from the UNIcord character channels are now under the External Links section.
*Move Data needs to checked and standardized in preparation for UNICLR.
*Move Data needs to checked and standardized in preparation for UNICLR:
**Refer to [[Under Night In-Birth/Linne|Linne's page]], [[Template:MoveData|MoveData]], [[Template:AttackData-UNI|AttackData-UNI]], and [[Template:Property-UNI|Property-UNI]] for standardization.
**Update and standardise Character pages Move Data to include: [[Template:MoveData|MoveData]], [[Template:AttackData-UNI|AttackData-UNI]], and [[Template:Property-UNI|Property-UNI]];
**Use [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e7y3zS0aMcG34Jke-KoiJLBdQN1LIivyQMA82niTiZs/edit#gid=334473734 Translated Official Frame Data Sheet] as general reference.
**Use [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e7y3zS0aMcG34Jke-KoiJLBdQN1LIivyQMA82niTiZs/edit#gid=334473734 Translated Official Frame Data Sheet] as general reference;
**Use [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wjIN2j1aMAU3K81Q5186K9L-I6xMFmN0/view Japanese Frame Data PDF] as general reference (include cancels).
**Use [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wjIN2j1aMAU3K81Q5186K9L-I6xMFmN0/view Japanese Frame Data PDF] as general reference (include cancels);
***[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Hyde]]
***[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Waldstein]]
****[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Linne|Linne]]
***[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Carmine]]
***'''Currently Under Progress:'''
***[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Orie]]
****[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Hyde|Hyde]]
***[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Gordeau]]
****[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Waldstein|Waldstein]]
***[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Merkava]]
****[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Carmine|Carmine]]
***[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Vatista]]
***[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Seth]]
****[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Orie|Orie]]
***[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Yuzuriha]]
****[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Gordeau|Gordeau]]
***[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Hilda]]
****[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Merkava|Merkava]]
***[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Chaos]]
****[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Vatista|Vatista]]
***[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Nanase]]
****[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Seth|Seth]]
***[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Byakuya]]
****[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Yuzuriha|Yuzuriha]]
***[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Phonon]]
****[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Hilda|Hilda]]
***[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Mika]]
****[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Chaos|Chaos]]
***[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Wagner]]
****[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Nanase|Nanase]]
***[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Enkidu]]
****[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Byakuya|Byakuya]]
***[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Eltnum]]
****[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Phonon|Phonon]]
***[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Akatsuki]]
****[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Mika|Mika]]
****[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Wagner|Wagner]]
****[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Enkidu|Enkidu]]
****[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Eltnum|Eltnum]]
****[[Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Akatsuki|Akatsuki]]
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*Strategy and combos need to be expanded across the cast (refer to Google Doc primers)
*Strategy and combos need to be expanded across the cast (refer to Google Doc primers)

Revision as of 18:44, 15 February 2020

This a partial list of wikis currently being worked upon at Mizuumi Wiki and the level of completion they have. It is meant to aid in the coordination of current pending tasks as well as a guide for new editors to direct their help where it is most needed. Feel free to add/remove items on the games' "To-do" lists as milestones are reached.

Akatsuki Blitzkampf

20% complete
In Progress / Completed To-do
  • Character page revamps:
    • Move lists: 3/12
    • Strategy: 5/12
    • Combos: 8/12
    • Story: 1/12
      • Akatsuki:
        • Low priority unfinished.
        • Moveset has images, but they're lacking hurtboxes.
        • Story is a rough, old translation.
        • Strategy (1%) and combos (1%) are as good as done.
      • Mycale:
        • Low priority unfinished.
        • Only normals and command normals have images. Either find a way to see special hitboxes, or be satisfied with mockups.
        • Combos are satisfying, but should be reformatted.
        • No strategy section at all.
      • Sai:
        • Low priority unfinished.'
        • Move list is complete. Someone can do a better job than me at providing information about his moves. (2%)
        • Strategy is satisfying, but somewhat lacking.
        • Combos are good. (1%)
      • Kanae:
        • High priority unfinished.
        • Strategy (1%) and Combos (1%) are complete.
      • Fritz:
        • High priority unfinished.
      • Marilyn Sue:
        • Low priority unfinished (TODO: Story)
        • Shoutouts to Ctrekoz#5174.
        • Movelist is complete. (2%)
        • Strategy (1%) and Combos (1%) are complete.
      • Wei:
        • High priority unfinished.
        • I have the moveset images, so he should be done soon.
      • Anonym:
        • High priority unfinished.
        • Moveset will most likely be mockups of bullet trajectories.
        • Strategy (1%) and Combos (1%) are done. Thanks, Apples!
      • Elektrosoldat:
        • Medium priority unfinished.
        • Moveset is properly moved to templates, waiting for images. Greatness awaits.
        • Strategy (1%) and Combos (1%) are bar-none the best of the wiki. Bell sure knew their favorites.
      • Blitztank:
        • Highest priority unfinished.
        • Strategy is satisfying. May take the complete check from this one.
        • Combos are complete. (1%)
      • Adler:
        • Medium priority unfinished.
        • Move list is almost done, but frame data is lacking. Take from the Japanese wiki page.
        • Strategy is satisfying, but I don't like simple "here's the tutorial video" strategy sections.
        • Combos (1%) are good.
        • The only character with Story (1%) translated.
      • Murakumo:
        • Low Priority unfinished.
        • Movelist is done. (2%)
        • That strategy is a big nono.
        • Combos have some theory, but deserve some work done.
  • Character Pages Revamped: (60%, 5% each character)
    • Move lists: (2% each character)
      • Use AttackData-ABK template.
      • Upload moveset images with hitboxes and hurtboxes.
    • Strategy: (1% each character)
      • How does each character play? Gameplans?
      • Strategy overviews are awesome.
      • Matchups are not necessary (yet!) but are desirable, if you know a lot of how each character plays against yours.
    • Combos; (1% each character)
    • Story; (1% each character)
  • General Information pages: (35%)
    • FAQ: (15%)
      • Akatsuki Blitzkampf spans four games, each one with their own quirks. Talk about them.
      • Quick details over netplay.
    • Netplay: (15%)
      • "Why do you guys play ABK instead of ABKAA?", ABKCaster edition
      • Port forwarding guide for properly hosting matches
    • Lore: (5%)
      • Lore page, repurposed from the Glossary page.
      • Since most of the lore will be on the character pages, this is a low priority, but would be neat to have once all is figured out.
  • Portability to Ausf. Achse (5%)
    • Even without a PC port, AA is still more convenient to play on locals than ABK. The problem comes when the game has its differences, so there should be somewhere detailing the changes. Maybe character subpages with their meta AA info, and a general "AA changes" page?


20% complete
In Progress / Completed To-do
  • Character and assists pages created, have some good info
  • Need to categorize images/files. (Done)
  • The movelist images on the various character pages should be updated with names to reflect the English release. (Done)
  • System pages are rather barebones
  • Assimilate frame data from AquaPazza wikia
  • Need images for the Ma-ryan (BOSS) page for her colors. Ideally ones that look like the other pages.

Arcana Heart 3

80% complete
In Progress / Completed To-do
  • Full frame data for characters and Arcana.
  • Fleshed out strategy sections.
  • Move descriptions for all characters.
  • Colors for most characters.
  • All image files have been categorised. (Needs a second pass.)
  • No move image files.
  • Not all character have combos.

Arcana Heart 3 Love Max

10% complete
In Progress / Completed To-do
  • Move image files for some characters.
  • Roadmap for this wiki can be found here.
  • Love Max wiki is for the most part a carbon copy of AH3 wiki with less info.

Arcana Heart 3 Love Max Six Stars

45% complete
In Progress / Completed To-do
  • Characters with full movelists (the majority of these need more strategy info):
  • Angelia (WIP)
  • Clarice
  • Dorothy
  • Elsa
  • Fiona
  • Heart
  • Kamui
  • Kira
  • Lieselotte
  • Maori (WIP)
  • Minori
  • Nazuna
  • Petra
  • Scharlachrot
  • Weiß
  • Yoriko
  • Zenia
  • All templates have been updated to make use of the global MoveData template.
  • All pages and newly uploaded sprites have been categorized.
  • All Arcana pages have been created but need frame data and move images.
  • Placeholder character pages (all characters have their complete list of moves, but lack most of the data for them):
  • Akane
  • Catherine
  • Eko
  • Konoha
  • Lilica
  • Mei-Fang
  • Pistrix
  • Saki
  • Contributors are adding new translations from JP wiki but double checking of info is very much needed.

Chaos Code

28% complete
In Progress / Completed To-do
  • Lupinus page rework complete and live on her wiki page, missing frame data for moves & page images.
  • Cait and Sith are on the new template
  • Cerb is on the new template
  • Kagari is on the new template
  • Template page updated.
  • Hikaru and Kagari have hitboxes
  • All important images/files have been categorized.
  • New Profile images have been uploaded
  • Update other characters to template.
  • Figure out how to explain Ray's cancel system, the current explanation & the given diagram are not at all helpful.
  • Need hitbox images for everyone else
  • Hermes, Celia, Kudlak, and Ray in particular need to have their pages cleaned up/expanded beyond just the template

Daemon Bride

5% complete
In Progress / Completed To-do
  • Important files have been categorized.
  • Need to finish character template before start making the other ones.
  • Once templates are done, need to upload the sprites.
  • Need to write all system pages for this game.
  • Frame data can be found at Primer of Duel, needs to be translated.

Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax Ignition

30% complete
In Progress / Completed To-do
  • DFCI and DFC wikis have properly been split
  • Character categories are in place and all images are properly categorized.
  • Character frame data needs to be checked for all characters
  • Assist frame data needs to be filled in for:
    • Froleytia
    • Iriya
    • LLENN
  • Expand information about characters and check information, character overview doc might be a good start
  • Expand information about assists - 50% done
  • Add combos and oki for all characters
  • Add links to the written guides here

Eternal Fighter Zero

50% complete
In Progress / Completed To-do
  • Rewrite several character pages with outdated information.
  • Move descriptions, basic strategy and combos for the character pages currently without them.
  • Research frame data missing on BambooSword.

Fantasy Strike

70% complete
In Progress / Completed To-do
  • Main page, and the navbox are a work in progress.
  • All character pages are in their first draft.
  • Controls page done.
  • Mechanics page created, but still a work in progress.
  • Add images to all characters.
  • Fill the FAQ page.
  • Create a training mode page.

Koihime Enbu RyoRaiRai

90% complete
In Progress / Completed To-do
  • Main page has links to all versions of the game.
  • General pages have small but helpful content.
  • Full frame data on wiki as of ver 2.12.
  • Move images for all characters + strategists.
  • Combo videos for all characters.
  • Small gameplan sections for all characters.
  • External links for all characters for Twitter tech and full frame data spreadsheet.
  • Character categories are in place and all images are properly categorized.
  • Shin Koihime Musou files and pages have also been categorized.
  • Expand Recommended Assist section under Gameplay for most characters.
  • Add more written combos, both normal and Hougeki.
  • Some images for EX moves missing like Sonken 214, Kannei 623, Shonshoukou 214, Shuutai 236/632146, Ryofu 236/623.


5% complete
In Progress / Completed To-do
  • System and control pages have good info.
  • Some character pages have been started.
  • Pretty much everything else is missing. A good starting point would be to add full character movelists from this page.

Melty Blood

20% complete
In Progress / Completed To-do
  • FAQ, Resources, etc. (general section) pages are pretty much done
  • Some character pages are very complete (even though most of them lack something, like the C-Kohaku one that doesn't have frame data, images or special moves descriptions).
  • Add images/hitboxes to character pages.
  • Not all characters have combos on their pages.
  • Update the pages of characters with more recent information (C-Ries, H-Seifuku Akiha, C-Arcueid etc.)
  • Add movelists on characters that don't have it listed.
  • Add frame data on character pages.
  • Overall some characters pages are totally empty (Koha&Mech pages, for example)

Million Arthur: Arcana Blood

35% complete
In Progress / Completed To-do
  • All character pages have full movelists and images.
  • All character pages have colors.
  • Controls, HUD, System, and FAQ pages created
  • Character categories are in place and all images are properly categorized.
  • Eternal Flame, Snow White, and Riesz do not have frame data. Koume is missing it on a few moves. Supers do not have frame data.
  • Iori missing j.4B in move list
  • Only half the cast has written combos on their pages.
  • Most of the character pages are missing their Overview sections.
  • Support Knight page needs strategy and properties.

Nitroplus Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Duel

77% complete
In Progress / Completed To-do
  • System data is completed (except for exact HP of cast members, this will need testing).
  • Most character and assist pages have been updated with a good amount of their relevant info.
  • Character categories are in place and all images are properly categorized.
  • Updated NavBox at bottom of each page to the new format with images / icons and a better look
  • MoveData templates created and available for use. See Saya / Ignis page for details on how they look
  • Characters missing frame data / double check frame data:
    • Ein - j214AB
    • Mora - 214AB, j214AB, 236236BC
    • Ruili - 236236BC
    • Anna - Everything
    • Ignis - 236X / j236X
    • Muramasa - j.236X
    • Ethica - 214X-41236X, 236AB, 236236BC
    • Saber - all
    • Ouka
    • Homura - 236AB, 421AB, 623AB
    • Sonico - 5AA, 5AAA, 236AB, VR, 236236BC
    • Heart - supers
  • Characters that have combos in video form, but not in text form:
    • Heart
  • Character pages that need to be converted to move templates (use Saya's Page as a guide):
    • Ouka
    • Homura
    • Sonico
    • Heart
  • Everyone outside of Ein needs their "Strategy" sections filled in (this is ideally where we call on help from people who have experience playing the characters).
  • All character pages may need checking to see if info is up-to-date for Arcade v1.08+, which was a major balance patch. 1.09 was just a bugfix patch. Use this document for looking up changes. The characters seemingly most affected by the patch are:
    • Sonico
    • Ouka
    • Ethica
    • Homura
    • Saber
    • (The likelihood is that these are in fact up to date, so this is a low priority albeit still necessary task).
  • Assist pages need detail on practical applications, as well as how usable they are overall and why (unlike characters, some assists in this game are extremely niche, while others get seen everywhere).
  • Assist Pages should probably use MoveData templates to show what the moves look like

Ougon Musou Kyoku

30% complete
In Progress / Completed To-do
  • All characters have pages with some combos and strategies.
  • Mechanics/system arcanae pages are essentially finished. The Touch page could use a visual overhaul but it's otherwise perfectly functional.
  • The entire wiki hasn't been touched since 2015.
  • Brief character intros were at one point there, but were deemed outdated at some point. Some were updated, others removed, others left unchanged. It's inconsistent.
  • Steam release is identical balance-wise, but some pages might need updating to reflect new netplay.
  • Frame data is literally impossible to obtain, unless some wizard puts in the work to make frame display work with OMKCross.

Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid

47% complete
In Progress / Completed To-do
  • General:
  • Controls, Patch notes, and system pages are all up to date as of 1.6.2
  • Files have been categorized

  • Zords:
  • All zord pages have been made
  • Zord Pages are all formatted

  • Characters:
  • Jason, Gia, Ranger Slayer, Kat, Magna Defender, Drakkon, Mastodon Sentry, Cenozoic, Jen, Trey, Dragon Armor Trini, Zedd, Doggie, and Udonna pages are all formatted.
  • Magna defender, Doggie, and Jen's pages have damage and guard info plus useful descriptions for all their moves.
  • Kat and Doggie's pages have filled out Strategy sections
  • Kat, Magna, Jen, and Doggie have health and frame data from 1.6.2
  • General pages 5% / 6% done
  • The FAQ doesn't actually have any questions on it
  • Re-check the Controls, Patch notes, and system pages for 2.0

  • Zord pages 1.8% / 4% done
  • Zords could use more detailed descriptions of their moves (70% done)
  • Zords do not have frame data or duration data (0% done)
  • Zords do not have strategy sections written outside of overviews (10% done)

  • Character pages 41.7% / 90% done

  • Tommy 1.7% / 5%
  • Formatting (90%) - Missing white ranger costume
  • Move info (20%) - only some moves have info, move properties seem to all be listed tho. Missing move names
  • Character Data (10%) - health value and startup on very few moves
  • combos(40%) - Combo route is not noted to be tested in 2.0
  • Strategy (10%) - overview written but nothing else

  • Jason - 1.9% / 5%
  • Move info (20%) - only some moves have info. Missing move names
  • Character Data (10%) - Health value only, no frame data
  • Combos (50%) - routes not tested in 2.0
  • Strategy (10%) - overview written but nothing else

  • Gia - 2.2% / 5%
  • Move info (60%) - most moves have info but not all, Missing move names
  • Character Data (10%) - Health value only, no frame data
  • Combos (40%) - route not tested in 2.0
  • Strategy (10%) - overview written but nothing else. Overview could be a little more descriptive

  • Slayer - 2.3% / 5%
  • Move info (60%) - most moves have info but not all. Missing move names
  • Character Data (10%) - Health value only, no frame data
  • Combos (50%) - routes not tested in 2.0
  • Strategy (10%) - overview written but nothing else

  • Kat - 3.9 / 5%
  • Move info(60%) - most moves have info but not all
  • Character (80%) - Frame data must be re-verified for 2.0
  • Combos (50%) - routes not tested in 2.0

  • Magna - 3.3 / 5%
  • Move info (90% - Missing move names
  • Strategy (10%) - overview written but nothing else
  • Character (80%) - Frame data must be re-verified for 2.0
  • Combos (50%) - routes not tested in 2.0

  • Drakkon - 2% / 5%
  • Move info (50%) - most moves have info but not all. Some with info are pretty light. Missing move names
  • Character Data (10%) - Health value only, no frame data
  • Combos (30%) - routes not tested in 2.0, there's a lot of routes whose uses are unexplained, some look basically the same. Needs to be cleaned up as well as tested
  • Strategy (10%) - overview written but nothing else

  • Goldar - 1.3% / 5%
  • Formatting (70%) - Some moves are missing pictures
  • Move info (0%) - nothing
  • Character Data (10%) - Health value only, no frame data
  • Combos (40%) - route not tested in 2.0
  • Strategy (10%) - overview written but nothing else, overview could be more descriptive

  • Sentry - 2.3% / 5%
  • Move info (60%) - most moves have info but not all. Missing move names
  • Character Data (10%) - Health value only, no frame data
  • Combos (50%) - routes not tested in 2.0
  • Strategy (10%) - overview written but nothing else

  • Cenozoic - 1.7% / 5%
  • Move info (0%) - exactly 1 move has any info
  • Character Data (10%) - Health value only, no frame data
  • Combos (50%) - routes not tested in 2.0
  • Strategy (10%) - overview written but nothing else

  • Udonna - 1.6% / 5%
  • Move info (0%) - nothing
  • Character Data (10%) - Health value only, no frame data
  • Combos (50%) - routes not tested in 2.0
  • Strategy (0%) - nothing

  • Trini - 2% / 5%
  • Move info (40%) - A few moves have info. Missing move names
  • Character Data (10%) - Health value only, no frame data
  • Combos (50%) - Routes not tested in 2.0
  • Strategy (0%) - nothing

  • Trey - 2% / 5%
  • Move info (20%) - A few moves have info. Missing move names
  • Character Data (10%) - Health value only, no frame data
  • Strategy (10%) - Overview written but nothing else
  • Combos (50%) - routes not tested in 2.0

  • Jen - 3.3% / 5%
  • Move info (90%)- Missing move names
  • Strategy (10%) - Overview written but nothing else
  • Combos(50%) - Routes not tested in 2.0
  • Character Data (80%) - Frame data must be re-verified for 2.0

  • Zedd - 2.1% / 5%
  • Move info (50%) - Missing move names. Some moves have stuff, everything has damage/guard info
  • Character Data (10%) - Health value only, no frame data
  • Combos (40%) - route not tested in 2.0
  • Strategy (10%) - Overview and nothing else

  • Doggie - 4.2% / 5%
  • Move info (90%) - Missing move names
  • Character Data (80%) - Frame data must be re-verified for 2.0
  • Combos (50%) - not tested in 2.0

  • Eric - 0.7% / 5%
  • Formatting (30%) - slightly more than the default template
  • Move info (20%) - some info, but not much. Missing move names
  • Character Data (10%) - Health value only, no frame data
  • Combos (10%) - route not tested in 2.0, the one listed almost definitely does not work anymore
  • Strategy (0%) - nothing

  • Dai Shi - 1.8% / 5%
  • Formatting (60%) - All their moves exist but no images
  • Move info (60%) - Has damage and block values and some moves have useful descriptions. Missing move names
  • Character Data (0%) - nothing
  • Combos (30%) - no routes but some combo theory
  • Strategy (30%) - some strategy info and an overview

Samurai Shodown

60% complete
In Progress / Completed To-do
  • Characters with full movelists (underneath them, extra info they might miss):
  • Basara
Add images for all moves + colors, combos; frame data is up to date (1.30)
  • Charlotte
Complete and up to date 👍
  • Darli
Update frame data to 1.11/1.30
  • Earthquake
Update frame data to 1.11/1.30, add combos and colors
  • Haohmaru
Update frame data to 1.11/1.30, add move descriptions, gameplan, and more combos
  • Jubei
Update frame data to 1.11/1.30, add move descriptions and expand gameplan
  • Kyoshiro
Update frame data to 1.11/1.30, add move descriptions, gameplan, and colors
  • Nakoruru
Add gameplan section
  • Rimururu
Add combos
  • Shiki
Complete and up to date 👍
  • Tam Tam
Update frame data to 1.11/1.30, add descriptions for normals, gameplan, and colors
  • Ukyo
Update frame data to 1.11/1.30, expand gameplan, add move images and colors
  • Yoshitora
Update frame data to 1.11/1.30
  • General game info pages: Controls, Mechanics, System Data, and Patch Notes have good info and are up to date.
  • Character data and hashtags are properly transcluded from System Data and the FAQ respectively.
  • Incomplete character pages:
  • Galford
Missing descriptions for normals, images for all moves + colors, combos, and updated frame data to 1.11/1.30
  • Genjuro
Missing descriptions for gameplan, normals, images for all moves + colors, combos, and updated frame data to 1.11/1.30
  • Hanzo
Missing descriptions for gameplan, normals, images for all moves + colors, combos, and updated frame data to 1.11/1.30
  • Kazuki (placeholder)
  • Shizumaru (placeholder)
  • Wan-fu (placeholder)
  • Wu
add descriptions for few missing normals, add missing images, gameplan, and colors
  • Yashamaru
Update frame data to 1.11/1.30, add move descriptions, missing images, gameplan, combos, and colors
  • FAQ needs expansion, chances are people will be confused about the season pass being free and the game's high damage. 5sp's FAQ should be a good starting point for the new game's page
  • Half the cast need their Ver.1.11 patch notes transcribed to numpad
  • Categorize all character images

Samurai Shodown 3

85% complete
In Progress / Completed To-do
  • FAQ/Controls/Mechanics pages finished
  • Character pages are largely completed
  • Frame data for all characters transcribed
  • More character pages need strategy info/matchups(?)

Samurai Shodown V Special

80% complete
In Progress / Completed To-do
  • Full frame data for all characters
  • Hidden Moves page is clean and more accurate.
  • All images categorized.
  • Several move images and hitboxes missing.
  • Characters' Strategy and Stengths/Weaknesses need work.
  • Fill out missing normals (pursuits as well)/specials for the characters that still need them.
  • Lab/add Charlotte's hidden 14-hitter special to her page.
  • The FAQ needs info for the Code Mystics port and then the Digital Eclipse one when it releases.


80% complete
In Progress / Completed To-do
  • Complete empty sections on sub pages:
    • Filia - Team page, strategy (see cleanup)
    • Cerebella - strategy (see cleanup)
    • Peacock - Resets, strategy (see cleanup)
    • Parasoul - Resets, strategy (see cleanup)
    • Ms. Fortune - Team page, strategy (see cleanup)
    • Painwheel - Resets, team page, strategy (see cleanup)
    • Double - Strategy (see cleanup)
    • Big Band - Resets, team page
    • Eliza - Team page, strategy (see cleanup)
    • Beowulf - Resets
    • Robo-Fortune - Combos, resets, team page

  • Verify frame data with final version
    • All characters complete

  • Move, hitbox, and frame data images
    • All characters complete

  • Move descriptions and basics sections
    • All characters complete

  • Endless tasks
    • Add tech to combo and reset pages
    • Add links to external resources
    • Update community page with events and results
  • Combo pages - add new sections explaining which in-game trials are useful
  • Training room - Make IPS diagrams for each character
  • Advanced - add info on different reversal / input / link buffers
  • Complete launch options page
  • HUD - Make a numbered diagram of the HUD
  • FAQ - Add info on how to unlock colors
  • Combo pages
    • Add missing video links / record new videos for them
    • Highlight BnBs using 'BnBCombo-SG' template over 'Combo-SG' (what are the conditions for bnbs?)
  • Cleanup / strategy pages
    • The character overviews are all complete, but a lot of them could be streamlined more. The main goal of the move descriptions should be to explain behavior. The extra info should be moved to their relevant subpages (eg, conversions and strategy). Doing this should give the strategy section a good basis b/c a lot of strategy info is contained within the overview pages.
  • Reset pages
    • Create a consistent structure
  • Add frame data for 'on pushblock'
  • Jump arc comparison visual
  • Dash / backdash / walking velocity/acceleration in character stats

Them's Fightin' Herds

60% complete
In Progress / Completed To-do
  • Controls Page completed
  • Links Page completed
  • Basic HUD page completed
  • Systems page completed
  • Character Pages with Appropriate Sections
  • Image categorization
  • Character Page Refinement and Information
    • Velvet, needs combos
    • Tianhuo, needs combos
    • Paprika, needs combos
      • (Combo sections in general could use more refining)
    • Info on Level 3s (once they come out)
    • Advanced gameplan descriptions (neutral, matchups, etc)
  • Extra Pages
    • Refinement on HUD page
    • FAQ
    • Refinement on Salt Mines page (images, elaboration on chests and multipliers, possibly a predators section)

Ultra Fight Da! Kyanta 2

55% complete
In Progress / Completed To-do
  • All characters' basic information added.
  • Most System data has been added.
  • Kyanta, Spike, Garasha, M. Michelle, and some other characters need their move descriptions expanded upon.
  • Netplay Section
  • Advanced Character pages (complete frame data, hitboxes, matchups, specific interactions etc.) Harama-sensei has considered finding a way to easily acquire data relevant to hitboxes and frame data, so waiting on this is recommended. Advanced pages should comply with the Mizuumi Move Data template.
  • Natanee, when the character becomes available.

Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r]

Click here for character pages roadmap and here for scoring criteria.

0% complete
Page Completed To-do %
Main Page ?/?
Controls ?/?
  • New character hashtags added.
Glossary ?/?
HUD ?/?
Offense and Defense ?/?
Patch Notes
  • Needs CLR official patch notes when they're out.
System ?/?
Character Pages
  • All characters page need to be created
Misc ?/?

Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st]

60% complete
In Progress / Completed To-do
  • Strategy and combos need to be expanded across the cast (refer to Google Doc primers)
  • System article can be expanded with the links added on its external links
  • Add a rebeat/gap table to the character's overview page beneath the move list.
  • Add the smart steer route somewhere in the character stats section.
  • Create a standard format for combo and strategy pages. Maybe refer to Hyde's current strategy page?
  • File names should be standardized, but this is low priority - I suggest "UNI <file name>".png/jpeg/gif/etc.
  • Figure out a way to systematically determine cancel windows along with aerial/assault move advantage.

Vampire Savior

Wonderful World

0% complete
In Progress / Completed To-do
  • Need to finish the last character pages.
  • Once character pages are done, need to update/remove? outdated information.
  • Need to add more information to the character pages.