Duelists of Eden/Spells

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Alongside Weapons, spells are your primary way of interacting with your opponent.

Your deck's order is randomized at the start of each game, as well as with each shuffle. You can see the order of cards in your own, and your opponent's, deck at any time. This requires you to quickly consider how to deal with different threats using ever-changing options at hand.

You will draw a new spell each time you cast one if your deck still has any cards remaining. Once you run out of cards in your hand and deck, all cards will return to your deck and you will automatically shuffle. You may also choose to manually shuffle your deck at any time. Shuffling takes time and this time increases with each shuffle, up to a cap.

Different from One Step from Eden, Spells are limited to 8 up to 10 per deck.

Spell Categories

Spell List

Name Description Cost Category
Air Rifle Air Rifle Shoots a Pushing laser. 0 Laser
Crystal Rifle Crystal Rifle Shoot a laser, increase damage by 2 when you deal Frost Frost damage. 2 Laser
Hydro Pump Hydro Pump Shoot Pushing water laser above and below. 0 Laser
Hyper Beam Hyper Beam Shoot a multihit laser that Pushes yourself back. 3 Laser
Sacrifire Sacrifire Hit tile behind. On-hit shoot a laser that creates a Flame Flame. Can hit self. 2 Laser
Venoshock Venoshock Shoot a laser that applies 6 Poison Poison. Deals damage equal target's Poison Poison. 2 Laser
Warp Rays Warp Rays Shoot lasers above and below that teleport targets 4 tiles away and below on-hit. 3 Laser

Name Description Cost Category
Amplifier Amplifier Summon a 7HP amplifier in front. Hitting the amplifier creates a soundwave that deals damage. 2 Melee
Apprehend Apprehend Hits in small cone, targets will be dragged to tile in front. 1 Melee
Armor Drop Armor Drop Summon a 5HP block in front. Hitting summons increases maximum HP in 5. 1 Melee
Beam Crystal Beam Crystal Summon a 3HP beam crystal in front that shoots a laser on death. 2 Melee
Breakout Breakout Hit surrounding tiles. 1 Melee
Crossfire Crossfire Hits in a X shape, deals bonus damage in the center. 1 Melee
Dimension Sword Dimension Sword Hit 4 tiles away in front, on-hit teleport targets to random tiles. 2 Melee
Double Team Double Team Hit and Strong Push 2 tiles in front, then hit an small column and Strong Pull in the last column. 2 Melee
Entangle Entangle Hit in a cross 2 tiles away and Root Root. 1 Melee
Flurry Flurry Stab and Push 3 tiles in front 5 times. 1 Melee
Frost Slash Frost Slash Hit in a triangle in front and apply 2 Frost Frost. 3 Melee
Gun Turret Gun Turret Summon a 7HP gun turret in front. 2 Melee
Harvest Harvest Hit tile in front to restore 4 Mana. 2 Melee
Ice Pick Ice Pick Hit 2 tiles away, dealing 5 bonus damage per Frost Frost on target. Removes Frost Frost on-hit. 1 Melee
Laser Turret Laser Turret Summon a 6HP laselar turret in front. 2 Melee
Last Latter Last Latter Hit in 2 tiles in front. If Laster Letter is the last spell, also hits in a Z and deals bonus damage. 2 Melee
LuxCannon LuxCannon Summon a 6HP cannon in front that shoots a wise laser once after a delay. 3 Melee
Perforate Perforate Gain 1 Spear Spear. Use up to 3 Spear Spears to stab in a 1×3 2 tiles away. 1 Melee
Punch Cannon Punch Cannon Hits 2 tiles in front. On-hit fire a shot from the target hit. 1 Melee
PushSlash PushSlash Slash in 2×3 in front and Strong Push on-hit. 1 Melee
Reaper Reaper Hit far surrounding tiles, applies Mark Mark and catch a Spear Spear on-hit from every target hit. 2 Melee
Rush Rush Gain Invincible Invincible and dash to front. Also hits in a small cone. 1 Melee
SD Turret SD Turret Summon a decaying 10HP self defense turret in front. 2 Melee
Sentry Turret Sentry Turret Summon a 2HP sentry turret in front. 3 Melee
Shotgun Shotgun Hit in a small cone, on-hit Push. 2 Melee
Skewer Skewer Hit 4 tiles in front, on-hit Stun target and self for 1 second. 0 Melee
Toxicross Toxicross Gain 1 Spear Spear. Hit in an X and apply Poison Poison equal to your Spear Spears on hit. 2 Melee
Shear Shear Hit in a Y to drag to center, then hit 3 tiles in front. 2 Melee

Name Description Cost Category
Bomb Toss Bomb Toss Summon a 8HP bomb 4 tiles away that explodes on death. 2 Missile
Cataclysm Cataclysm Hit center columns and TileCrack Crack them. 2 Missile
Claw Trap Claw Trap Launch a trap 4 tiles away that Root Roots and Mark Marks. 1 Missile
Downfall Downfall Hit in a column 4 tiles away that Pulls down. 2 Missile
Ember Ember Launch a shot 4 tiles away that creates a Flame Flame. 0 Missile
Eruption Eruption TileBreak Break TileCrack Cracked tiles and back Column, hit and launch shots 4 tiles away from the tiles and Flame Flames on your side. 1 Missile
Firewall Firewall Launch fireballs in a column 4 tiles away, creates Flame Flames. 2 Missile
Fadeaway Fadeaway Teleport to inverse tile then launch a shot 4 tiles away that TileCrack Cracks. 1 Missile
Freezer Burn Freezer Burn Creates Flame Flames on target with Frost Frost. 0 Missile
Golf Bomb Golf Bomb Launch a granade 4 tiles away, if tile is TileBreak Broken, explodes. 1 Missile
Heatseekers Heatseekers Launch 2 missiles at targes that applies Frost Frost. 1 Missile
Jackhammer Jackhammer Launch 5 shots 4 tiles away that TileCrack Crack. 1 Missile
Lasso Lasso Throw a lasso 4 tiles away that drags targe to tile in front. 0 Missile
Mine Mine Launch a mine 4 tiles away. 2 Missile
Missiletow Missiletow Channel 2 homing shots. 2 Missile
Needler Needler Gain 1 Spear Spear. Use all Spear Spears to channel homing shots that applies Mark Mark on-hit. 1 Missile
Rage Rage Launch fireballs in a cross 4 tiles away. Deals 1 bonus damage per Flame Flames on ground. 2 Missile
Rocket Rocket Launch an exploding missile at a Mark Marked targets, on-hit creates a Flame Flame. 2 Missile
Snowfall Snowfall Call hail down in a small column 4 tiles away, applies Frost Frost. 2 Missile
Starfield Starfield Hit in a cross on TileBreak Broken tiles. 1 Missile
Stinger Stinger Drain 2 shield to channel homing shots that creates Flame Flames. 2 Missile
Strangle Strangle Hit 3 tiles in front and applies Root Root. Also channel 2 homing shots at Root Rooted targets that applies Root Root. 2 Missile
Strip Mine Strip Mine Launch mines in a column 4 tiles away. 2 Missile
Sweeper Sweeper Hit all enemy tiles in a sweeping pattern. 3 Missile
Ultrangle Ultrangle Launch an arrow 4 tiles away. 3 Missile
Vine Pull Vine Pull Channel homing shot at Root Rooted targets that Strong Pull. Also casts Snare. 1 Missile
Vortex Vortex Launch a 3×3 explosive that drags to center 4 tiles away. 2 Missile
Wrecking Ball Wrecking Ball Launch a ball that TileBreak Breaks 4tiles away. 0 Missile
Zenith Zenith Launch a 3×3 explosive at own tile. 1 Missile

Name Description Cost Category
Align Align Fires a wide shot that teleport targets 4 tiles away from you. 2 Shot
Anubis Anubis Fires a wide piercing shot that applies 9 Poison Poison. 0 Shot
Blink Blink Teleports forward and fire a shots that Pulls. 1 Shot
Boomerang Boomerang Shots a piercing boomerang that circles the grid. 2 Shot
Bouncing Blade Bouncing Blade Shots a blade that bounces back to your field on-hit. 1 Shot
Bow Snipe Bow Snipe Fire an arrow after a short delay. 3 Shot
Break Shot Break Shot TileBreak Break tiles above and below in front and shots a rock. 2 Shot
ColdMedicine ColdMedicine Fire a shot that applies Frost Frost but Heals 2. 1 Shot
Diag Beam Diag Beam Fire a shot that bounces in corners. 2 Shot
Escalation Escalation Fire shots from all tiles in front. 1 Shot
Flamberge Flamberge Fire a shot, on-hit creates a cone behind the target. 2 Shot
Frost Barrage Frost Barrage Fire 3 shots in a small column that applies Frost Frost. 2 Shot
Gust Gust Fire Pushing shots in a small column. 0 Shot
Inverter Inverter Fire shots that teleport the target to the inverse tile. Can move while casting. 2 Shot
Javelin Javelin Fire a shot that applies Mark Mark on-hit. Can catch to gain 1 Spear Spear. 1 Shot
Knife Knife Fire a knife up to 5 tiles away, on-hit applies 2 Mark Mark. 2 Shot
Kunai Kunai Fire a kunai up to 5 tiles away, on-hit applies 5 Poison Poison. 1 Shot
Minigun Minigun Fire 4 shots. 2 Shot
Monsoon Monsoon Fire Pushing shots in all rows. 2 Shot
Northwind Northwind Fire a wide shot that Pushes upwards. 1 Shot
PowerDrain PowerDrain Fire shots above and below that gives 2 Spellpower Spellpower on-hit. 2 Shot
Pull Pull Fire 3 shots that Strong Pull. 1 Shot
Purgatory Purgatory Fire shots from behind in middle rows, creates Flame Flames on-hit. 2 Shot
Pyroblast Pyroblast Fire shot from behind. On-hit deals damage in a 3×3 area and create Flame Flames in a cross. 2 Shot
Quadclaws Quadclaws Fire 4 shots that Eject Eject on-hit. 2 Shot
Salamander Salamander Fire a shot from each Flame Flame. On-hit create a Flame Flame. 2 Shot
Salvo Salvo Fire shots in all rows. 3 Shot
ShadowShift ShadowShift Dash to inverse tile and throw two kunai up to 5 tiles away, on-hit applies 3 Poison Poison. 1 Shot
Shield Throw Shield Throw Spend all shield to fire a pushing shot that deals damage equal to Shield, bounces back and can catch to restore shield. 2 Shot
Slowball Slowball Fire a slow shot. Deals bonus damage equal to your Spear Spears. 1 Shot
Spear Wave Spear Wave Gain 1 Spear Spear. Use up to 3 Spear Spears to fire wide shots. 3 Shot
Tailwind Tailwind Fire Pulling shots in a small column from behing enemy. 0 Shot
TripleBarrel TripleBarrel Slowly fire 3 Pushing shots. 2 Shot
Unleash Unleash Spend all Mana, fire a wide shot for each Mana spent. X Shot
Vivisection Vivisection Fire 3 knifes from behing. Can move while casting. Can hit self. 1 Shot
Volley Volley Fire a shot from each Summon. 1 Shot

Name Description Cost Category
Auto Slash Auto Slash Dash in front of opponent, then hits 1×3 and Push. 1 Step
Back Slash Back Slash Dash backwards 2 tiles and hits 3 tiles in front, applies Frost Frost. 1 Step
Step Blaze Step Blaze Dash forward 3 tiles and create Flame Flames in path. 1 Step
Step Lance Step Lance Hit surrounding tiles and Strong Push, then dash forward 3 tiles and strike in a 1×4 area. 2 Step
Step Reverse Step Reverse Dash forward 4 tiles, turn around and slash 2×3. Applies 3 Poison Poison on-hit. 1 Step
Step Slash Step Slash Dash forward 3 tiles, and slash 2×3. 1 Step

Name Description Cost Category
Acid Rain Acid Rain Call down arrows 4 tiles away that applies 6 Poison Poison. Applies extra 2 Poison Poison for every Frost Frost stack. 3 Strike
Backstab Backstab Hit the last enemy column and Pull 1 Strike
Barricade Barricade Summon 3 Ice Blocks 3 tiles away that apply Frost Frost. 1 Strike
Brushfire Brushfire Hit tiles above Flame Flames and spread them. 1 Strike
Combust Combust Hit on Flame Flames and refresh them. 1 Strike
Compactor Compactor Hit and TileCrack Crack 4 tiles in front. Uncounterable. 2 Strike
Crackroots Crackroots Hit in small column on TileCrack Cracked tiles, applies Root Root. 1 Strike
Crevasse Crevasse Summon two rows of decaying 9HP ice blocks in top and bottom rows. On-hit applies Frost Frost. 4 Strike
Dark Grasp Dark Grasp Hit 5 tiles away and Pull, on-hit, cast again 1 tile closer and also hits in a small column. 1 Strike
Earthquake Earthquake Hit on TileCrack Cracked tiles and Pull. 1 Strike
Glitter Glitter Hit 10 random unbroken enemy tiles. 2 Strike
Guillotine Guillotine Hit 4 tiles away, if target has more HP than you, deal 1.5× damage. Uncounterable. 2 Strike
Hailstone Hailstone Call hail down 4 tiles away, applies Frost Frost. 0 Strike
Ion Cannon Ion Cannon Hit 4 tiles in the center of enemy field and TileCrack Crack them. 2 Strike
Lockdown Lockdown Hit 4 tiles away, TileBreak Break tiles in a small cone. 3 Strike
MagicClaw MagicClaw Hit in a X shape 4 tiles away twice, on-hit applies Mark Mark. 2 Strike
Meteors Meteors Call down homing meteors that summon rocks and create Flame Flames. 2 Strike
Paragon Paragon Hit in a diamond 4 tiles away. Applies randomly Frost Frost, 5 Poison Poison or create a Flame Flame on-hit. 2 Strike
Ragnarok Ragnarok Call down a giant sword 4 tiles away that TileBreak Breaks. Uncounterable. 3 Strike
Seize Seize Summon swords that hit tiles around the field and Root Root. Can hit self. 3 Strike
Tetra Tetra Hit in 4 corners and Push in a circle. 2 Strike
Thunder Thunder Call down thunder 4 tiles away. 1 Strike
TriThunder TriThunder Call down thunder 3, 4 and 5 tiles away. 2 Strike
Twinferno Twinferno Create two explosions every other tile and create Flame Flames. 3 Strike
Whirl Whirl Hit 5 times 3 tiles away. On-hit drags targets. 1 Strike

Name Description Cost Category
FireBreath FireBreath Hit in a cone in front, on-hit create a Flame Flame. 1 Wave
Kinetic Wave Kinetic Wave Fire a Pushing wave. 1 Wave
Snow Cone Snow Cone Hit in a cone in front, applies Frost Frost on-hit. 1 Wave
Transmute Transmute Hit tiles in front. Can catch a Spear Spear for every enemy hit. 2 Wave
Tremor Tremor TileCrack Crack tiles around you and hit in front. 1 Wave
Tsunami Tsunami Charge to fire Pushing waves in first three columns. 3 Wave

Name Description Cost Category
Entrench Entrench Eject Eject and restore all Shield. 0 Utility
Fling Fling Cast spell in other slot and Eject Eject it. 2 Utility
Innervate Innervate Hit self but gain 1 Max Mana. 6 Utility
Mana Catch Mana Catch Throw a potion on own tile, can catch to restore 3 Mana. 1 Utility
Scatter Spear Scatter Spear Throw 3 Spear Spears on random allied tiles, can catch to gain 1 Spear Spear. 2 Utility
Spear Catch Spear Catch Throw a Spear Spear on current tile, catch to gain 1 Spear Spear. 0 Utility
Study Study Channel then reduces next spell Mana cost by 3. 1 Utility
SwallowSpear SwallowSpear Gain 1 Spear Spear. Use up to 3 Spear Spears to throw potions on self tile, can catch to restore 1 Mana and gain 1 Spear Spear. 1 Utility


Laser Spells
Melee Spells
Missile Spells
Shot Spells
Step Spells
Strike Spells
Wave Spells
Utility Spells