Acceleration of Suguri X/Suguri-P

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Suguri with Bits. She is essentially the same as regular Suguri, but with a couple of added/changed moves which switch up how she works. Only available in X-Edition.

Normal Moves

Weapon A

Beam Rifle

  • Tap A [Beam]
    • Damage: 120
    • Fires a single laser from a rifle. Dash cancelable as soon as beam leaves the weapon. Slightly tracking in close proximity.

Strait Beam + Pod

  • Hold [A] [Beam]
    • Damage: 120 + 60 × 5
    • Fires lasers from each pod plus a charged laser from the beam rifle. Pods fire regardless of positioning.

Pod Surround

  • Dash + A [Beam]
    • Damage: 40 × 5
    • The pods surround the opponent then fire lasers directly at opponent from multiple directions.

Weapon B

Guided Missiles

  • Tap B [Ballistic]
    • Damage: 60 × 4
    • Four generic missiles arc outwards before tracking opponents position.

Zig-Zag Drive Missiles

  • Hold [B] [Ballistic]
    • Damage: 80 × 7
    • Seven smaller missiles randomly scatter forwards in an acute spread. Missiles trajectory randomly changes slightly.

Special 1

Beam Saber

  • Close ~A [Melee]
    • Damage: 40 + 120 + 120
    • Close range saber slashes, can chain up to three hits. The third cut can be exchanged with a WA beam shot which can then be chained with her Saber Rush attack.
      • Combo: Spec1 (120) + Spec1 (40) + WA (200) + WB (85) + HyperB (500)
      • Combo: Spec1 (120) + Spec1 (40) + WA (200) + HyperA (330) + Dash cancel + Spec1 (120) + Spec1 (40) + WA (200) + WB (85)

Pod Laser Firing

  • Far ~A [Beam]
    • Damage: 60 × 5
    • A laser shot from each pod targets the opponent directly. This requires each pod to be ready to fire. If a pod is out of position or busy then it will not fire. Can not be rapidly discharged (pods take a while to "reload").

Special 2

Saber Rush

  • Press ~B [Melee]
    • Damage: 85 + 65 × 5
    • Dashes toward the opponent with sword for multiple hits. Number of hits relative to distance and positioning.

Hyper Attacks

Hyper A1: Hyper Beam Rifle

  • Execution: Hyper
    • Damage: 30 × 11
    • A narrow plasma laser. Fires fairly quickly, but damage is kind of low. It can be canceled into itself twice in a row. Just like Suguri's, the beam can be dash canceled mid-way through the Hyper and it will continue to fire even while Suguri-P is dashing. This can allow you to create interesting combos such as: Beam Saber x2 > Hyper Beam Rifle > Dash cancel > Beam Saber x2 > Hyper Beam Rifle > Dash cancel > Beam Saber x3

Hyper A2: Pod Barrage

  • Execution: Dash + Hyper
    • Damage: 40 × 10
    • Pods surround opponent and fire multiple laser shots at opponent. Basically a super version of her dash+WA.

Hyper B: Saber Slash

  • Execution: B + Hyper
    • Damage: 85 × 4
    • Sends out an energy wave from the saber. Moves pretty fast but only covers a short distance.

Hyper C: Hyper Saber

  • Execution: ~Hyper
    • Damage: 500 x 1
    • A single rushing super saber slash. Essentially a super version of her Spec+WB.

Accel Hyper: Hyper-Expansion Pod

  • Execution: A + B + Hyper or ~B + Hyper
    • Damage: 40 × 17
    • Pods surround opponent and fire multiple laser shots at opponent. Basically a powered-up version of her Pod Barrage.


It's Suguri with Pods, so play her like Suguri. She shares the same moves as Suguri except for [A], Dash+A and far-~A which become pod-moves. She also shares the same supers except for the pod-supers (which suck unless comboed).

Suguri-P's far-~A1 is kind of nice for damage if all the lasers hit. Suguri-P's Dash+A is nice to just fire and forget, since the pods will continue to fire for a long period of time you can do other things while they fire, and it also encourages the opponent to dash a lot and increase their heat.

Acceleration of Suguri X-Edition

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