Under Night In-Birth/UNI2/Waldstein/Matchups

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  • We have a fireball to stop Orie from running us over with Divine Thrust.
  • Orie's 236B (B-Divine Thrust) is punishable with A normals on shield (This does not include 236[B]).
  • Orie's 236A (A-Divine Thrust) is punishable with 214C or 623B on shield.
  • There is a small gap between her 214B~B. If you shield the first hit, you can mash an A normal before the second hit.
    • Her other follow ups will frame trap you though.

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  • Knowledge-heavy matchup. Data will be written as I come across it.
  • Very Vorpal-heavy matchup. You will need vorpal if you want to win.
  • Do your best to prevent Vatista from following her A-ball:
    • If she follows it, use j.C to destroy it. Jumpback is safer, but jumpforward can make it your turn.
    • If she remains distant, use 214A, 4B, or 22X. 22X can bleed GRD though, so be careful.
  • Respect B-Ball. There is usually a small gap between when she shoots and when it connects, but you're not helpless.
    • The safest course of action is to 3D through it to close the gap. Be mindful of how close you are, because it will still be Vatista's turn at most ranges.
    • You have enough time to [4]6C on reaction, but Vatista can press a button to remain airborne, causing you to whiff. She will punish you quite easily. If she doesn't know to float though, this is an easy knowledge check in your favor.

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  • Creeping Edge (3D) helps , but this matchup is still pretty bad.
  • Be sure to whiff punish her 236B with your 236C.

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Hilda is a very knowledge-heavy matchup, since she is a very knowledge-checky character. Even if you made it your life's goal to study what is written here, you will still get rolled many times due to how oppressive her neutral can be and how safe many of her tools "appear" to be. With our 236C and [4]6C buffed, Creeping Edge existing, and GRD wars changed slightly, this matchup went from us being trapped with her, to her being trapped with us. However, Hilda still demands immense respect in neutral, even if you know the matchup like the back of your hand.

For starters, let's get a few key things to look out for. For the following section, when I suggest you take your turn, the buttons you should generally use are 66B and 236A if you think she will attempt to continue pressure. Once she starts respecting when it's your turn, you will need to change up your approach with something different.

  • If you block 22A/B, take your turn. She is -8.
  • If you shield her Falling Pin, she becomes -5. Take your turn.
    • Falling Pin hits Waldstein earlier than anyone else in the cast, so you will need to be vigilant about this move. You don't have to shield it every time, but blocking it is a must.
  • If she attempts to use 623B in her block strings, you can assault over it before it hits you.
  • If she uses 236A in neutral to try and keep you out, you can crouch under it and whiff punish her with 236A or 236C. Get comfortable with these two moves' ranges.
    • If she is using j.236A, you will need to shield it for GRD.
  • If she is using 236B or j.236B instead, be sure to use Creeping Edge for the GRD boost + gap closer. It has a long startup, so you should be able to do it on reaction.
  • Jumping or assaulting predictably is especially ill-advised in this matchup, even more so when she has CS. Her 22C is air-unblockable and appears at your current location.
  • If she is using 2CC or 5CC a lot, you can shield the first hit to create a gap, then Creeping Edge in this newly created gap, and take your turn with an A button.
    • If she is doing 2C > 2Aw, do not attempt this.
  • You can quite easily assault over 2C, but be sure to be wary of 3C.
  • If she is using 66C at the wrong spacing, you can use Creeping Edge to make it count as a whiff, and make it your turn. Be sure to continue holding [4] until you are sure you are outside of the attack's range.
  • If she ever tries to lame you out with 66C > Gloom without EX canceling into 236C, punish her with your own 236C. It reaches, I promise.

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  • 22X deletes Nanase's fireballs, even if she blocks it.
  • We basically win neutral instantly with it.
  • Remember that her 236C (EX Swordcar) is projectile invuln and will punish you for spamming it if you don't have CS to cancel it on reaction to her super flash.
  • Her up-close pressure is still very good, so keep her out of it.
  • If she is resetting pressure with fireballs for free, remember to mash with 5C, 2C, 214C, or even [4]6C.
  • Respect her on your wakeup. If she does a meaty fireball set (or 22X), it's very easy for her to deny all of our wakeup options.

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  • Byakuya's gameplan is to stagger his normals and specials until you become too scared to mash. Combat this with a blue shield > 360C.
  • If you get trapped in the corner in a triple web setup, use 2C or 623B (depending on setup) to clear all of them, or 720C if you think he will attempt to meaty you. 623C still manages to baffle me by losing to webs too.
  • If you decided to block and there is still a web above you, you can use 3D to clear it without worrying about lows.
  • If you CS in a web setup, the webs will activate on frame 1 post-CS. This makes waking up with CS weaker.
    • You can still use it to see if he will meaty, but if he doesn't, your only option is to block (unless he can't react to 360C with a jump, I guess).
  • If he cancels 236X into a webset, you can safely press 2C to either clear it or counter hit him out of the air.

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  • She has high damage, which partially eliminates the benefit of our large healthpool.
  • She has multiple ways to make herself airborne during her blockstrings, making our 360C more risky than usual.
  • Hard-to-contest frame data.
  • Her buffs mean that you can't let her sit back fullscreen, you have to be very proactive if she starts to create space. You do not want her buffing herself for free.

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  • New 6FF is a guard point. You can cancel any hit that connects with this move into 360B or 360C if you can react fast enough.
  • Has really good staggers, which can be both good and bad.
    • Good because staggers means you can sneak in shield > 360's
    • Bad because it makes it hard to take back your turn with a regular button.
  • Has many disjointed buttons that rival our reach.
  • Has many forward-advancing moves that can be made safe on block effortlessly.
  • Watch out for his high/low mixups. Halfcharged 5C > 2A and halfcharge 6C > FF (first hit is a low) will both catch you trying to block the overhead if you are too ready for them.
  • His meaty 66B is uncontestable. It will Counter Hit our 360A, hop over 360C, and it recovers fast enough for 623C and 3D.
  • At least we can 360B his parries?

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Going to use this as a personal info dump until I get enough information to actually put coherent things down.

  • 214X is -8, perfect for 214C
  • Assault between 5CC or 5[C]C, and punish with dl.j.B > 720A. Do not jump, you will miss your punish.
    • Assault dl.j.B, 720A > CS > 214B, 6C, 4B > Simple Ender
    • If you shield the first 5C/5[C], you can assault j.C and not need CS
  • 6C is punishable with throw/360A on shield and is a mid.
  • 6[C] can be punished with a late 360C on reaction maybe (too early and she's still airborne)? If you shield this overhead, it's still her turn. Do not mash.
  • Don't ever bother pressing after j.214A unless you feel like gambling with bad odds.
  • During her block pressure, if you shield the first portion of Ricochet, you should press 214C and catch anything that isn't blocking or DP.
  • If you block or shield any other enhanced bullet, just don't bother pressing anything.
  • If she is hogging her enhanced bullets and resetting pressure with 421A, you need to mash an A button. It has throw invuln for some reason.

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  • Still one of the best at stagger pressure/tick throws, Wald's critical weakness.
  • Still jumps over your command grabs with tatsu.
  • Frame 1 parry to interrupt any of your gaps.
  • Overall just a really poor matchup.

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Slight Disadvantage

  • Versus roundstart 66B, you have:
    • 2A
    • 623B
    • 720B
    • Backdash 623A (Good reward)
    • Backdash 6C (Great reward with optimal but hard)

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