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how to play neutral
Due to the flexibility of Phonon's kit, her neutral can be played in a variety of ways. She can be played as a zoner, utilizing specials like 236x, 623x, and j236x while also utilizing normals like 3C and 4B. She can be played with a rushdown style as well. Use moves like j236a for plus frames, strong close range normals like 5A and 2B to start running her powerful strike/throw game, and use moves like 5[C] and 6FF~A to pull the opponent up close. She shines best in the midrange though, as characters have a tough time dealing with Phonon when she is played in that area of the screen. Use powerful midrange normals like 2B, 5BB, 5C, and 2C for strong and safe pressure from powerful ranges.

tools and plans to approach
Phonon has a generous amount of ways to approach the opponent.

She has a good amount of moves that pull the opponent in, allowing her to get into optimal ranges without taking too much risks. Use moves like 5C, 5[C], 6FF~A, and 4B to vacuum the opponent into the mid range or close range depending on where these moves are used from.
Her fireballs, mainly j236a, j236c, and 236c can be used as approach options as well. Try doing whiff j.A into j236a, as this will make the fireball still be active while you land. This makes j236a very plus on block and gives you enough time to close space and get into the range you need to be. Her EX fireballs j236c and 236c are very fast projectiles that are very plus on block, which allows Phonon to get in and start her offense as well.
Assaulting is a very powerful option in the neutral as well. Her assault jC has a very big hitbox horizontally, which allows her to get in from ranges that other characters cannot. Assaults also jump over lows, and can be used as strong air to airs so keep that in mind.
Phonon can also use j.[C] in neutral for apporaching as well. Although it can be very risky using this move, she can use this as an air-to-air and a movement option as well. Phonon can assault after j.[C] on whiff, making her movement very tricky in the air.
Phonon has lots of ways to use chain shift to start her turn. 623B into CS is a very powerful option for approaching the opponent. Not only can you chain shift this on whiff, but it is very plus when blocked as well. This allows you to run up and be able to start your offense. 623B is also an anti-air as well, so this can be used to try to snipe opponents out of the air.
===Keep Away===
===Keep Away===
tools and plans to keep opponent away
Phonon has a plethora of tools to be used for keep away as well. Keep in mind that these options do give lots of GRD to the opponent, which can change the outcome of the match greatly.
Her grounded fireballs can be used for a zoning playstyle. They go fullscreen, and the frame advantage is better the further away you are from the opponent. If you charge her fireballs, the frame advantage is also better as well. Be careful about this, because her grounded fireballs can be jumped and assaulted over.
Her j.236a can also be used as a zoning tool. Upback j.236a is very powerful and can be annoying for the opponent to deal with. Be cognitive of moves that are projectile invincible and invincible moves that cover a generous amount of space on the screen.
Her j.22x has a very niche use, but can be used to throw the opponents different looks in neutral. Her j.22a covers a space in front of Phonon, while her j.22b covers a space that is a considerable distance away. When blocked, she can cancel into j236x to keep herself safe. Be careful, because Phonon can be prone to getting punished if any of these options whiff. The A and B versions of j.22x can be CSed on whiff, so make sure to keep this in mind, because this can prevent you from being punished. Her j.22C is a massive hitbox that tracks, so if you have meter, this can be used as a very powerful zoning option. It is also an overhead.


Revision as of 13:31, 27 September 2021


Disclaimer: This is a community written page and may contain opinions that not all players may agree with. Use at your own discretion.

General Gameplan

Phonon is a character that can be played in a variety of ways due to the nature of her frame data, stagger windows, and overall kit. She can be played as a defensive zoner, offensive rushdown, or even both. Phonon is best described as a character who excels just outside of mid-range, making the other player feel very uncomfortable with her large buttons, strong stagger windows, and ability to cover space at any area of the screen. Phonon doesn't have the best mixups however, so she has to rely on strike/throw in order to open the opponent up. Her neutral tools are very strong and are strong at forcing the opponent to take risks into trying to approach and punish Phonon's options in neutral.


Due to the flexibility of Phonon's kit, her neutral can be played in a variety of ways. She can be played as a zoner, utilizing specials like 236x, 623x, and j236x while also utilizing normals like 3C and 4B. She can be played with a rushdown style as well. Use moves like j236a for plus frames, strong close range normals like 5A and 2B to start running her powerful strike/throw game, and use moves like 5[C] and 6FF~A to pull the opponent up close. She shines best in the midrange though, as characters have a tough time dealing with Phonon when she is played in that area of the screen. Use powerful midrange normals like 2B, 5BB, 5C, and 2C for strong and safe pressure from powerful ranges.


Phonon has a generous amount of ways to approach the opponent.

She has a good amount of moves that pull the opponent in, allowing her to get into optimal ranges without taking too much risks. Use moves like 5C, 5[C], 6FF~A, and 4B to vacuum the opponent into the mid range or close range depending on where these moves are used from.

Her fireballs, mainly j236a, j236c, and 236c can be used as approach options as well. Try doing whiff j.A into j236a, as this will make the fireball still be active while you land. This makes j236a very plus on block and gives you enough time to close space and get into the range you need to be. Her EX fireballs j236c and 236c are very fast projectiles that are very plus on block, which allows Phonon to get in and start her offense as well.

Assaulting is a very powerful option in the neutral as well. Her assault jC has a very big hitbox horizontally, which allows her to get in from ranges that other characters cannot. Assaults also jump over lows, and can be used as strong air to airs so keep that in mind.

Phonon can also use j.[C] in neutral for apporaching as well. Although it can be very risky using this move, she can use this as an air-to-air and a movement option as well. Phonon can assault after j.[C] on whiff, making her movement very tricky in the air.

Phonon has lots of ways to use chain shift to start her turn. 623B into CS is a very powerful option for approaching the opponent. Not only can you chain shift this on whiff, but it is very plus when blocked as well. This allows you to run up and be able to start your offense. 623B is also an anti-air as well, so this can be used to try to snipe opponents out of the air.

Keep Away

Phonon has a plethora of tools to be used for keep away as well. Keep in mind that these options do give lots of GRD to the opponent, which can change the outcome of the match greatly.

Her grounded fireballs can be used for a zoning playstyle. They go fullscreen, and the frame advantage is better the further away you are from the opponent. If you charge her fireballs, the frame advantage is also better as well. Be careful about this, because her grounded fireballs can be jumped and assaulted over.

Her j.236a can also be used as a zoning tool. Upback j.236a is very powerful and can be annoying for the opponent to deal with. Be cognitive of moves that are projectile invincible and invincible moves that cover a generous amount of space on the screen.

Her j.22x has a very niche use, but can be used to throw the opponents different looks in neutral. Her j.22a covers a space in front of Phonon, while her j.22b covers a space that is a considerable distance away. When blocked, she can cancel into j236x to keep herself safe. Be careful, because Phonon can be prone to getting punished if any of these options whiff. The A and B versions of j.22x can be CSed on whiff, so make sure to keep this in mind, because this can prevent you from being punished. Her j.22C is a massive hitbox that tracks, so if you have meter, this can be used as a very powerful zoning option. It is also an overhead.


how to keep the advantage


tools to frame trap, blockstring,


lead up enders and tools to help in keeping pressure on opponents waking up


tools that have situational, limited, or questionable usage


how to defend against, break, or escape pressure

Reversal Tools

tools that are invincible, strong, or fast at getting out of pressure/okizeme

Option Selects

inputs that cover multiple situations

Counter Strategies

general ways to aid players having trouble fighting against this character

Match Ups

tips on specific match ups


External Links

Phonon Wiki Roadmap

Click here for the UNICLR roadmap.

Page last edited on: 2021-09-27 by Silent.

75% complete
Page Completed To-do Score


  • Added list of players and resources.
  • Add some videos.
  • Wrote overview on the character with various sections.
  • Finish matchup section.
  • Finished 4B combo section.
  • Finish the rest of the combo section.
Patch Notes
Frame Data