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==Match Ups==
==Match Ups==
tips on specific match ups
Currently working on Matchups. Will be added at a later time.
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[https://docs.google.com/document/d/17YbVGiHnnA-_1LxVRuvRsCy3JEmcsn1MxAAmwNL6YEY/edit LTP's Notes (made with ST in mind but applicable to UNICLR) ] by [https://twitter.com/FlyingMODOK39 LTP]

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[[Category:Under Night In-Birth Exe:Lateclr]]
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/17YbVGiHnnA-_1LxVRuvRsCy3JEmcsn1MxAAmwNL6YEY/edit LTP's Notes (made with ST in mind but applicable to UNICLR) ] by [https://twitter.com/FlyingMODOK39 LTP]

Latest revision as of 19:02, 27 September 2021


Disclaimer: This is a community written page and may contain opinions that not all players may agree with. Use at your own discretion.

General Gameplan

Phonon is a character that can be played in a variety of ways due to the nature of her frame data, stagger windows, and overall kit. She can be played as a defensive zoner, offensive rushdown, or even both. Phonon is best described as a character who excels just outside of mid-range, making the other player feel very uncomfortable with her large buttons, strong stagger windows, and ability to cover space at any area of the screen. Phonon doesn't have the best mixups however, so she has to rely on strike/throw in order to open the opponent up. Her neutral tools are very strong and are strong at forcing the opponent to take risks into trying to approach and punish Phonon's options in neutral.


Due to the flexibility of Phonon's kit, her neutral can be played in a variety of ways. She can be played as a zoner, utilizing specials like 236x, 623x, and j236x while also utilizing normals like 3C and 4B. She can be played with a rushdown style as well. Use moves like j236a for plus frames, strong close range normals like 5A and 2B to start running her powerful strike/throw game, and use moves like 5[C] and 6FF~A to pull the opponent up close. She shines best in the midrange though, as characters have a tough time dealing with Phonon when she is played in that area of the screen. Use powerful midrange normals like 2B, 5BB, 5C, and 2C for strong and safe pressure from powerful ranges.


Phonon has a generous amount of ways to approach the opponent.

She has a good amount of moves that pull the opponent in, allowing her to get into optimal ranges without taking too much risks. Use moves like 5C, 5[C], 6FF~A, and 4B to vacuum the opponent into the mid range or close range depending on where these moves are used from.

Her fireballs, mainly j236a, j236c, and 236c can be used as approach options as well. Try doing whiff j.A into j236a, as this will make the fireball still be active while you land. This makes j236a very plus on block and gives you enough time to close space and get into the range you need to be in. Her EX fireballs j236c and 236c are very fast projectiles that are very plus on block, which allows Phonon to get in and start her offense as well.

Assaulting is a very powerful option in the neutral as well. Her assault jC has a very big hitbox horizontally, which allows her to get in from ranges that other characters cannot. Assaults also jump over lows, and can be used as strong air to airs so keep that in mind.

Phonon can also use j.[C] in neutral for apporaching as well. Although it can be very risky using this move, she can use this as an air-to-air and a movement option as well. Phonon can assault after j.[C] on whiff, making her movement very tricky in the air.

Phonon has lots of ways to use chain shift to start her turn. 623B into CS is a very powerful option for approaching the opponent. Not only can you chain shift this on whiff, but it is very plus when blocked as well. This allows you to run up and be able to start your offense. 623B is also an anti-air as well, so this can be used to try to snipe opponents out of the air.

Keep Away

Phonon has a plethora of tools to be used for keep away as well. Keep in mind that these options do give lots of GRD to the opponent, which can change the outcome of the match greatly.

Her grounded fireballs can be used for a zoning playstyle. They go fullscreen, and the frame advantage is better the further away you are from the opponent. If you charge her fireballs, the frame advantage is also better as well. Be careful about this, because her grounded fireballs can be jumped and assaulted over.

Her j.236a can also be used as a zoning tool. Upback j.236a is very powerful and can be annoying for the opponent to deal with. Be cognitive of moves that are projectile invincible and invincible moves that cover a generous amount of space on the screen.

Her j.22x has a very niche use, but can be used to throw the opponents different looks in neutral. Her j.22a covers a space in front of Phonon, while her j.22b covers a space that is a considerable distance away. When blocked, she can cancel into j236x to keep herself safe. Be careful, because Phonon can be prone to getting punished if any of these options whiff. The A and B versions of j.22x can be CSed on whiff, so make sure to keep this in mind, because this can prevent you from being punished. Her j.22C is a massive hitbox that tracks, so if you have meter, this can be used as a very powerful zoning option. It is also an overhead.


Use powerful staggers, throw mixups, and a plethora of knowledge checks to open up the opponent. Phonon's toolset is very flexible, so experiment with different ways to open up your opponent.


  • Phonon is notoriously known for not having the best high/low mixup, so she has to resort to using her powerful strike/throw game and neutral tools in order to open up the opponent.
  • Phonon has a plethora of moves that vacuum the opponent in, so she can put the opponent in certain ranges where Phonon can pressure from.
       5C, 5[C], 6FF~A, and 4B are the moves with a vacuum effect.
  • Up close, her A normals are extremely powerful for strike/throw situations. Her 5A has very good vertical and horizontal range and has a very long stagger window. Her 2A is a very long low with a very long stagger window as well. Combine these with assault and throw in order to keep the opponent guessing.
  • From the mid range, Phonon can pressure the opponent from a range that is very hard for the opponent to deal with. 2B and 5B are very strong mid range normals that are -5, allowing her to end pressure safely. These normals have very powerful stagger windows to setup frame traps as well. If the opponent is respectful on defense, try running up and setting up a strike/throw situation.
  • 5C is -2 on block. This is a very flexible normal for multiple reasons. When using this normal from mid range, she can safely end her turn and go back to playing neutral, or she can take a risk and dash at her opponent for a throw mixup. When done point blank, this forces a very powerful strike/throw mixup. She can no cancel and go for a throw due to the move being -2 on block. She can also go for a frame trap, and counter hit someone doing an throw tech OS.
       Try mixing up 5C no cancel into throw with 5C delay cancel into 6FF and 5C no cancel into assault. This is very powerful at opening up opponents via traditional strike/throw mixups.
  • Assault j.2[b] is very powerful for starting pressure. It is very plus on block, and can be plus on shield depending on the spacing. Use this to force a strike/throw mixup and to start your pressure when blocked.
  • Phonon's rebeat pressure combined with the ranges she excels at can be very problematic for the opponent. 2C and 4B are long range normals that are commonly used with rebeats during pressure. These normals have long stagger windows as well.
       Try to mixup delayed frame traps with rebeat pressure to keep the opponent guessing.
  • Her fireballs have a multitude of uses:
  1. 236a is -2 on block point blank. The more spaced this is, the more advantageous it is on block. The same applies with 236[a], which is +1 on block point blank. This is her only access to meterless plus frames when grounded. With meter, she can use 236c for free plus frames.
  2. j.236b was nerfed from ST, but it is still strong for pressure nonetheless. It is now 0 on block when TKed point blank, but can still be made plus at certain spacings. Doing upback j236b after a is a common way to deal with other opponents trying to react to her rebeats. If an opponent tries to retaliate with low normals, Phonon will win the exchange more often than not. This leads to big damage combos as well. Another option for pressure is dash up TK j236B. This is used to beat delay mashes and delayed option selects. Reward is huge when successful. With meter, j236c has the same utility but is extremely quicker and has lots of plus frames regardless of spacing.
  • 623B leads to pressure in many scenarios. Can be chain shifted for plus frames which leads to Phonon beginning her turn. Can be hit confirmed with 22C on hit and 236C on block. Cancelling into 236C gives her access to plus frames, allowing her to start her offense.
  • 6FF~B can be described as a free get-in tool if Phonon has resources behind this tool. The B followup is a gapless overhead that can be special cancelled and CS cancelled. When cancelled into j236c, there is no gap and she gets access to plus frames for free. She can keep her turn when CSing the move as well, giving her many different options.


  • 2A - Fast, hits low, and can chain into itself. Very common meaty and very simple.
  • 2B - Very common meaty from a knockdown midrange. Good range, long stagger window, and safe at certain ranges. Be careful because this move does have a foot property, so it can lose to things like upback divekick.
  • 5C - One of her best meaty options. Very easy to confirm on hit because of the normal having 2 hits. -2 on block, which leads to a large amount of options when blocked. Can catch backdashes. Can bait VO and vertical DPs at max range. Can punish someone trying to upback on wakeup.
  • 66B - Extremely powerful meaty, but sees more use at high level. Crushes lows and beats someone trying to upback on wakeup. If someone delay techs, 66B will whiff and can lead up to Phonon getting punished. Can be chain shifted on whiff to keep herself safe.
  • 6FF - Phonon's most powerful meaty, but does cost a block of GRD. -3 on block. Same startup as 2C but covers lots more space. 3 hits so easy to confirm a hit by using the A followup. Can bait vertical reversals and veil off when spaced. Can be EX cancelled ON WHIFF so if someone does a metered reversal (like Byakuya 236C), you can react with 623C or IW to punish that option.

Gimmicks and Tricks

Chain Shift Usage
  • Assault j.A > CS - A very quick overhead option that leads into a full combo when used with chain shift. Very hard to react and a very common way to open up an opponent. Can be reactable if the opponent is looking out for it. -4 on block so it can be throw punished when block.
  • 623b > CS - A very common way for Phonon to get her turn back and start her offense. Commonly used when reaction to a rebeat, or checking an opponent when they do something that is -5 on block. Can be used to check someone's air movement as 623b is an anti-air. Can be CSed on whiff to keep herself safe. Can get a confirm on hit with CS, leading to big damage.
  • 236a > CS - Due to 236a (same can be applied for 236[a] as well) having slow startup and being low to the ground, this can lead to the move being assaulted over and jumped over. If you have 100 meter, you can whiff cancel the special into 623C to punish someone using this option. But if you don't have meter, 236a can still be CSed on whiff to keep herself safe. Depending on the situation, this can allow Phonon to react with anti air moves like 5A, 623A, and FF.
  • TK j236b > CS - This is commonly used to beat delay lows, delay throw OSes, and bait VOs. The options after the CS are similar to if 66B and 6FF~B gets CSed on block. CSing this move is also important because since TK j236b is 0 on block, characters with 5F normals can take their turn back. CSing this move allows the player to keep their plus frames.
  • 66B > CS - Extremely powerful and can lead up to very scary situations. Can get a full confirm if someone gets hit by 66B before the CS even happens. A common answer to 66B is to shield the 2nd hit, which leads to Phonon being unable to cancel the move, leading to a big punish. Luckily, Phonon can still CS 66B when the 2nd hit gets shielded. There is also an option select that utilizes this option as well. Phonon can go for many situations after the CS. She can go into j.A which is gapless. She can go into j.2b > j.a > j.b for a triple overhead string that also crosses up. She can go into whiff j.4B and go for a throw or a low. That option is used for people trying to punish the overhead options with shield. Finally, she can cancel into j236a, which is low risk and gives her plus frames even on shield.
  • 6FF~B > CS - The B followup for 6FF is a high risk option without resources; however, this follow-up becomes before with chain shift behind it. After CSing the B follow-up on block, the options she gets are the exact same as CSing 66B on block. The reward on hit is also very massive.
  • j.22a/b > CS - There really isn't anything crazy to talk about with this. Phonon whiffing j.22a/b can lead to a huge punish, so CSing this on whiff allows Phonon to still be safe.
Corner Memes

Phonon has lots of Corner setups that can be very dangerous when used well.

  • A common ender that is used in the corner is 66C 22B 214AA/BB. A setup can be used by changing the ender into 66C 22B delay j236a into whiff j.C. This allows Phonon to go for lots of different options. She can go into j.A or j.B for a very deep hitting overhead that is hard to block on reaction. This is also a safejump. She can also go for whiff assault j.4B and cross up the opponent in the corner.
  • Dash whiff j.4b in the corner can lead to lots of sketchy crossup setups in the corner. She can go for a triple overhead setup after the intitial crossup with j.2b ja jb. There is also another crossup that needs to be blocked as well, adding another layer onto this setup. She can go for a 2a after the crossup in the corner, as this will beat players trying to shield out the j.2b after the crossup.
       Here is a video demonstration these corner interactions. Note that these work on BOTH SIDES in CLR due the P1 side bug being fixed.
The "Rhythm Game"

When doing her 6FF, pressing a button when the whip hits the opponent will create a particle effect and increase the damage of each whip hit. This is simultaneously good and pointless depending on the situation. If you manage to pull this off successfully with a 6FF starter, the starter will be prorated less and you will net a big damage increase up to 800 damage, which is pretty crazy. Aside from this, there is really no incentive for it.

       Here is an example of the rhythm game in action. 

Utilizing 6FF

6FF is a new move that Phonon received in UNICLR, and is without debate, the most important part of Phonon’s kit in this version of the game. In 1.00, this move was decent; however, this move got buffed a large amount in 1.03. I will not go over the changes that happened between updates, but it is safe to say this is one of the strongest moves in the ENTIRE GAME.

  • 6FF is a move that hits 3 times on block, and hits from a range comparable to 4B. She can perform 3 different follow ups after the 3rd hit. All 3 hits of the move are special, EX, and CS cancellable on hit or block. The follow ups of 6FF can’t be staggered, so the timing is always the same.
  • The follow ups of 6FF can’t be staggered, so the timing is always the same. 6FF is 11 frames, which is the same as her 2C. This is strong because unlike 2C, 6FF covers more areas at the same speed.
  • 6FF has a very disjointed hitbox, which makes the move very powerful as a meaty. Because of this, she can make vertical DPs and veil offs whiff while still getting a meaty.
  • 6FF is also -3 on block, which is absolutely absurd when you consider the options and ranges Phonon utilizes. This allows for very uncomfortable pressure, and strike-throw situations.
  • She can EX cancel 6FF ON WHIFF, allowing her to bait chain shifts with little to no effort. In certain MUs where characters only have metered reversals (like Byakuya), she can react to their reversals with her own, essentially making the other player waste meter, and their chain shift.
  • The only weaknesses of this move is that it has a deadzone where characters can jump over it (similar to 4B) and that this move dispenses GRD like crazy, on top of already costing GRD to use the move.
  • The A follow-up to 6FF is a mid that vacuums the opponent in, with a similar effect and animation as 5C. The key difference is the stagger window, as the A followup to 6FF has a better stagger window compared to 6FF.
  • This follow-up can be special, normal, EX, and CS cancellable. Combine all these factors, and you have a move that can set up strike throw situations like 5C without actually using the normal.
  • This follow-up can be used in blockstrings to pull the opponent from very far ranges into Phonon’s optimal range and even throw range as well, which is extremely powerful in its own right.
  • The A follow-up also launches on hit, making it a very reliable combo starter. It is also commonly used as combo filler, as the A follow-up is used in vorpal strip and sideswitch routes.
  • The A follow-up is -5, which allows Phonon to end her turn safely at certain ranges.
  • The B follow-up is a gapless overhead.
  • It is a pretty high risk move, as you can only CS or EX cancel the move. If you don’t have vorpal or 100 meter, you’re essentially screwed if this gets blocked, as this move is -8 on block.
  • This isn’t a hard move to block, as there isn’t a low option paired with this follow-up.
  • It is a big starter though, so you will be properly rewarded for hitting this move.
  • Combined with resources, this move can create some very scary situations, specifically paired with chain shift. A pretty simple move at the end of the day.
  • The C follow-up is a 4 hit mid that can be special, EX, and CS cancellable at any point in the follow-up. One important thing to note is that the last hit can be normal cancellable. This is huge because this allows Phonon to have her best rebeat data from this move. The rebeat data is -1 with 5A and -2 with 2A respectively.
  • This follow-up also has the “Rhythm Game”, which can be used to boost her damage as well.
  • This follow-up is mainly used for situations like timer scam, or building meter for a kill after a CS.
  • This move is free GRD, so if someone shields you out, they get lots of GRD and Phonon gets pushed out. The recovery on this move is hilariously bad as well, so combine all these problems, and there is a big chance you will get punished for using this move.
  • This followup does become more powerful when the opponent is GRD broken because they can’t try to shield you out, which allows you to use the rebeat frame data to create strong offensive situations.


Due to how strong Phonon's offense and neutral is, her defense is among the weaker end in the game to balance this out. A big change to her defense is the 2A nerf, as it is now 6 frames as opposed to 5 frames in ST. Phonon has to take risks on defense to get out of situations. Luckily, one of Phonon's strengths compared to the rest of the cast is the ability to take her turn back when the opponent does something minus on block. 623b into CS or 236c is a very powerful answer on defense, allowing her to start her turn. Phonon can also mash out at ranges other characters can't due to the ranges of her B and C normals.

Generally, playing defense with Phonon requires confidence and patience. Be ready to block a good amount and don't be afraid to use any resource at your disposal to get out of uncomfortable situations.

Reversal Tools

  • 2A - Her most common abare option. Even though it is 6 frames, it still has very good range. It is also very easy to use because it is cancellable into itself.
  • 5A - One of her better abare options. Due to the buffs 5A received in UNICLR, this button is very strong. Very large vertical and horizontal hitbox for an A normal. Can get reliable anti-air confirms if someone assaults at you. Backtech 5A is a very strong option against characters with weak to mediocre oki.
  • 2B - One of her best normals when used defensively. Even though 9 frames is pretty slow for a B normal, the range makes up for the startup.
  • 2C - A common normal used to mash out of situations. Since it is a long range low, it can catch people walking back and is good at checking rebeat pressure. Can be risky because players can jump and assault over this normal.
  • 6FF - Has the same start up of 2C, but covers more space. Due to Phonon having a small hurtbox, this can be better than 2C when it comes to mashing out of situations. If Phonon has 100 meter and she retaliates while the opponent is in the air, she can react with whiff cancel 623C and punish them.
  • 4B - Can be used in certain situations. Very high risk though because of the long startup. Very good at tagging assaults.
  • 9j.236b/c - This is powerful when the read is correct. This option is good at blowing up run up lows and run up throws. Can also blowup certain normals if they are out of range. Very rewarding on hit. When j.236c is used, Phonon gets free plus frames when blocked. Loses to run up anti-airs (like Hyde 3C) and assault. Use this if you have a confident grasp on the opponents offense.
  • 623C - Phonon's only invincible wakeup option. A fully invincible DP with a gigantic vertical hitbox. Sadly it doesn't cover the biggest horizontal space. Has projectile property so projectile invul moves like Akatsuki 214C can punish this move.
  • Veil Off - Self explanatory. A burst like move that gives you a damage bonus that grd breaks or takes away vorpal from the opponent. Very punishable on block.
  • IW - Phonon's super that costs 200 meter. INVINICBLE THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE MOVE. Very punishable on block.
  • IWEX - A super that costs 200 meter that can only be used when Phonon is at red health. High risk and mainly used in combos. Hype when it connects though.

Option Selects

Phonon has a plethora of option selects that can be used to deal with throw and assault. Every option select beats certain options and loses to other options, so keep that in mind when learning and performing these on defense. Here is a list compiled by LTP of every throw tech OS Phonon can utilize, and the risk and reward that comes with them.

The following option selects are Phonon's most commonly used option selects.

  • 1AD - Crouch shield. Very common throw tech OS. Beats throw and delay normals. Loses to assault and delay throw. Can be strong if an opponent doesn't know how to deal with it. Relying on this OS at higher levels is not advised.
  • 5FF~AD - Force Function option select. One of Phonon's main option selects. Beats throw and assault. Loses to TRM and delayed buttons. Very bad when not in vorpal due to the slow startup FF has. This option select is used more in vorpal due to the buffs Force Function receives towards its head invincibility and startup. Gets a full combo after a successful anti-air on a assault.
  • 171AD/7AD - Upback shield OS. Phonon's strongest option select, which is commonly used at high level. Can get out of situations with this OS, and can perform air actions even after whiffing shield in the air. Beats assault, and throw. Delayed buttons is good at beating this option select. Very hard to beat otherwise when performed well. When air shielding an assault normal, Phonon gets a guaranteed punish with j.236c if she gets meter. Depending on where the assault normal hits, she can get punishes with j.A, j.B, 5A, and 2A.
  • 8AD~J.2[B] - A strong option select that is commonly used at high level. 8AD allows you to tech throws and will give you a neutral jump jA when the opponent goes for a throw. If the opponent goes for an assault, j.a combos into j.2[b], allowing Phonon to net a full confirm. If the opponent doesn't go for a throw and assault, you will do j.a into j.2[B] as a blockstring. This is strong because j.2[B] is plus on block.

Counter Strategies

Very Weak on Defense
  • Once Phonon gets knocked down, it is extremely important that Phonon doesn't get to play. She doesn't have a meterless reversal or a 5 frame normal, so getting out of situations is tough for Phonon to deal with. She has to take lots of risks when getting out of defensive situations.
  • Lots of Phonon players tend to retaliate on defense but mashing lows and upbacking on defense. Pay attention to the Phonon player's defensive tendencies. Assaults are strong against both options because assaults will go over lows and hit players out of their upback. Another option is to do delay anti air buttons as a meaty to clip a player that likes to upback on defense. A common example is Hyde 3C as a meaty.
  • Delay throws and buttons are strong against Phonon's option selects, particularly her Force Function option select. When Phonon isn't in vorpal, FF~AD is very weak due to the slow startup of her 5FF. There are situations where even assaults will beat the startup of 5FF.
Lots of Projectiles
  • A large amount of moves in Phonon's arsenal have projectile property. If you have a move that is projectile invincible, that can be a good way to shut down Phonon in neutral.
Winning the Cycle and Taking Risks
  • Phonon dispenses lots of GRD when she runs her offense, and has to resort to ending her offense abruptly in order for her to secure the cycle. Pay attention to the Phonon player's tendencies when the vorpal cycle is about to end, and try to take your turn there.
  • As strong as Phonon's neutral can seem to be, it is only really strong if the opponent respects her enough. Going into training mode and labbing certain situations can be the key to fighting out of these situations.
  • Dashblocking is very common against Phonon. There are certain situations where you can force whiffs and punish Phonon by dashblocking. A common example is dashblocking when a Phonon player does 623b round start, as dashblocking will make this whiff.
Holding 9 and Jumping at Her
  • As counterintuitive as this sounds, jumping at Phonon and assaulting at Phonon is one of the best ways to deal with Phonon.
  • Phonon has lots of lows and/or moves that are low to the ground. A well-timed jump or assault can leave Phonon very susceptible to getting punished.
  • Moves like 4B and 6FF have a deadzone where Phonon completely whiffs the move if an opponent jumps at them. These moves are extremely bad on whiff, which commonly lead to a punish. 4B has slow startup as well, and moves like Akatsuki j.6[C] are good at hitting Phonon out of the startup of the moves.
Knowledge Checks
  • 66b into j236a is a very common blockstring. Phonon has to delay the j236a to make it plus, because of this she leaves a gap in between the cancel. Characters can DP, VO, or interrupt this string with a 5A. Phonon does have an answer to beat this however with 66b into j.22a. Lab this situation and the interactions your character has with this.
  • j.2b > j.a > j.b is a triple overhead string that is very powerful. There is a gap between the j.2b and j.a, which can be VOed or DPed.
  • j.236b frame data is worse, so lab out spacings and areas where you can challenge when the fireball is blocked.

Match Ups

Currently working on Matchups. Will be added at a later time.


The P2 Side Bible by Silent

External Links

LTP's Notes (made with ST in mind but applicable to UNICLR) by LTP

Phonon Wiki Roadmap

Click here for the UNICLR roadmap.

Page last edited on: 2021-09-27 by Silent.

75% complete
Page Completed To-do Score


  • Added list of players and resources.
  • Add some videos.
  • Wrote overview on the character with various sections.
  • Finish matchup section.
  • Finished 4B combo section.
  • Finish the rest of the combo section.
Patch Notes
Frame Data

LTP's Notes (made with ST in mind but applicable to UNICLR) by LTP