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===== Ground Blocking =====
===== Ground Blocking =====
Holding [4] will block all High (H) and Mid (LH) attacks. Holding [1] will block all Low (L) and Mid (LH) attacks. While there is crossup protection in Type Lumina, it only applies to stand block. If you crouch block, crossup protection will not help you. Blocking is always vulnerable to Throws or Unblockable attacks. Having your attack [[Melty_Blood/MBTL/Offense#Attack Properties|clash with another]] gives the same cancel options as if the attack were blocked. There are no infinite blockstrings in Type Lumina thanks to blockstun decay, which reduces blockstun by three frames every 28 blocked hits.
Holding [4] will block all High (H) and Mid (LH) attacks. Holding [1] will block all Low (L) and Mid (LH) attacks. Blocking is always vulnerable to Throws or Unblockable attacks. Having your attack [[Melty_Blood/MBTL/Offense#Hitbox_Clashes|clash with another]] gives the same cancel options as if the attack were blocked. There are no infinite blockstrings in Type Lumina thanks to [[Melty_Blood/MBTL/Game_Data#Blockstun_Decay|blockstun decay]].
[ [1]] [ [2]]

===== Air Blocking =====
===== Air Blocking =====
Holding any back direction in the air ([1], [4], or [7]) will make your character Air Block. Air Blocking will succeed against every air button in the game and almost every projectile, but it comes with a major weakness. You cannot block grounded normals while in the air, and you cannot block Air Throws. If your character gets stuck blocking a highly plus projectile in the air, your opponent is free to run up and unblockable you with a grounded normal.
Holding any back direction in the air ([1], [4], or [7]) will make your character Air Block. Air Blocking will succeed against every air button in the game and almost every projectile, but it comes with a major weakness. You cannot block grounded normals while in the air, and you cannot block Air Throws. If your character gets stuck blocking a highly plus projectile in the air, your opponent is free to run up and unblockable you with a grounded normal.
Landing after Air Blocking reduces blockstun from A normals by 5f and from all other attacks by 6f. If this results in 0f remaining blockstun, the defender can act immediately without any landing recovery time.
===== Crossup Protection =====
<span style="display: block; float: right; overflow: hidden; border-radius: 15px; line-height: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 7px;>[[File:MBTL CROSSUP PROTECTION.mp4]]</span>
If you and your opponent (or the opponent's projectile) are facing the same direction, you can block the attack by holding forwards or backwards. This means if, for example, a character jumps over you with an attack and that attack connects with you after they have crossed up, you will be able to block it as long as you are either holding forwards or backwards, because in that situation you and your opponent are both facing the same direction.
Do note that backwards walking still has you facing forwards. So as long as you continue to hold backwards, even if your opponent jumps over you and waits for 20 seconds, the moment they attack you from that side, you will be able to block it by continuing to hold the initial direction.

== Shield ==
== Shield ==
Shield is a parry-like defensive option that is available to all characters. Standing Shield (4D/5D) will block highs and mids, and crouching Shield (1D/2D) will block mids and lows. Generally, if the opponent is airborne you should use stand Shield and if they're grounded you should use crouching Shield. Some attacks are unshieldable (mostly grabs) or require specifically standing or crouching Shields (unblockables).
Shield is a frame 1 universal defensive option that is available to all characters. Shield can be used while crouching (2D), standing (5D), or airborne (j.D), and each type of Shield will work against different types of attacks. Except for grabs, it's possible to Shield any attack: even ones which are impossible to block. Although Shield is a powerful tool, being hit while shielding results in a [[Melty_Blood/MBTL/Offense#Fatal_Counter|Fatal Counter]], so be careful!
'''Crouching Shield (1D/2D)''' beats all lows, but is countered by all highs. Charged standing normals (i.e. 5[B] and 5[C]) also counter low shield, even if they hit mid. Uncharged standing normals (5B and 5C) result in a 'failed' Crouching Shield, which leaves the defender in blockstun, deals significant chip damage, and removes 20% of the Moon Gauge.  Aside from that, low shield beats all other mids. Some unblockable moves, like PCiel 2[C], can only be shielded crouching.
'''Standing Shield (4D/5D)''' beats all highs, but is countered by all lows. Similarly to Crouch Shield, mid-hitting 2B and 2C attacks cause a 'failed' Standing Shield, which leaves you in blockstun, does chip damage, and removes 20% Moon Gauge. All other mids are susceptible to Standing Shield. Some unblockable moves, like Shiki 5[C], can only be shielded standing.
'''Aerial Shield (j.D)''' beats all strikes whatsoever, and is the only possible way to 'block' most grounded attacks while in the air. The only catch is that, if it whiffs, you can easily be punished on landing.

On a successful Shield, one hit of an incoming attack is nullified and a small amount of health is restored for the defender. When the first hit of rapidly-hitting multi-hit attacks is shielded, all subsequent hits are automatically shielded also (known as auto-shielding), but health is only restored once.  
On a successful Shield, one hit of an incoming attack is nullified and a small amount of health is restored for the defender. When the first hit of rapidly-hitting multi-hit attacks is shielded, all subsequent hits are automatically shielded also (known as auto-shielding), but health is only restored once.  

Shields interact with the [[Melty_Blood/MBTL/Moon System|Moon System]], giving 2 Moon Icons on success and losing 1 if the Shield recovers without catching anything. The recovery frames of Shield also varies based on your Moon Icons, becoming worse with fewer remaining.
Shields interact with the [[Melty_Blood/MBTL/Moon System|Moon System]], giving 1 Moon Icon on success and losing 1 if the Shield recovers without catching anything. Additionally, holding Shield will gradually drain Moon Gauge over time. The recovery frames of Shield also varies based on your Moon Icons, becoming worse with fewer remaining.

=== Shield Counters ===
=== Shield Counters ===
Successful Shields enable three different follow-ups: '''Shield Counter A, Shield Counter B, and Shield Counter B+C'''.  
Successful Shields enable three different follow-ups: '''Shield Counter A, Shield Counter B, and Shield Counter B+C'''.

'''Shield Counter A''' performs an attack using your character's 3C animation, launching into a combo. In the air, your character uses the animation of their j.C instead. This Shield Counter can also be performed using the C button.
'''Shield Counter A''' performs an attack. On the ground, it uses your 3C animation and launches into a combo. In the air, it uses the j.C animation and floats instead. This Shield Counter can also be performed using the C button.  

'''Shield Counter B''' performs a slow side-swapping teleport into a jumping attack, which ground bounces on counterhit for a combo.  
'''Shield Counter B''' performs a slow side-swapping teleport into a jumping attack. On counterhit, it ground bounces for a combo.  

'''Shield Counter B+C''' is the only follow-up that requires resources, requiring at least 50% Moon Icons to be filled and consuming 5 Moon Icons to perform, but it crosses through opponents and recovers in an airborne state, getting you out of almost any sticky situation. It launches high enough on hit for a combo. The successful shield still rewards 2 Moon Icons afterwards, effectively making '''Shield Counter B+C''' cost 3 Moon Icons when performed that way. It is also possible to cancel directly into B+C counter in response to one's own attack being shielded, without having to perform a successful re-shield first.
'''Shield Counter B+C''' performs a rising diagonal lunge. It costs 5 Moon Icons. But in exchange, it crosses through opponents, recovers while airborne, is plus on block, and launches high enough on hit for a combo. It is also possible to cancel a shielded attack directly into B+C counter.

{| class="wikitable " border="0" style="text-align: center"
{| class="wikitable " border="0" style="text-align: center"
! Shield Counter Type || Startup || Active || Recovery || Total || Adv. on Block || On Hit || On Counterhit || Damage || Invincibility
! Shield Counter Type || First Active || Active || Recovery || Total || Adv. on Block || On Hit || On Counterhit || Damage || Invincibility
| A/C || 11 || 6 || 18 || 34 || -8 || Launch || Launch || 1000 || 1-15
| A/C (air) || 6 || 6 || 12L ||  || -6 (min height) || Float || Float || 1000 ||
| A/C || 11 || || || || -7 || Launch || Launch || 1000 ||  
| B || 24~29* || 2 || 6* + 12L || 43 || -2 || 0 || Ground Bounce (Fatal) || 1000 || Startup
| B || 25 || || || || -2 || 0 || Ground Bounce || 1000 ||  
| B (air) || 19~24* || 2 || 6* + 12L || 43 || -2 || 0 || Ground Bounce (Fatal) || 1000 || Startup
| B+C || 7 || || || || || Float || Fatal Counter || 1200 ||  
| B+C || 6 || 10 || 0 || 15 || +16 || Float || Float || 1200 || 1-15*
* Shield Counter B has longer startup depending on the distance to the opponent, up to a maximum of 5 additional frames at full screen.
* Shield Counter B takes longer to land depending on how high the opponent is. The given recovery and advantage values are against a grounded opponent.
* Shield Counter B+C loses its invincibility after making contact with the opponent (on hit, block, clash or shield).

=== Shield RPS (Rock, Paper, Scissors) ===
=== Shield RPS (Rock, Paper, Scissors) ===
Most attacks that are shielded can be cancelled into Shield themselves, which results in a Rock Paper Scissors-esque mind game. At a basic level, '''Shield Counter A''' will beat any attack that isn't Shield. '''Shield Counter B''' has a slower enough startup to punish people immediately trying to shield your '''Shield Counter A'''. '''Shield Counter B+C''' can be ''whiff cancelled'' into, giving you a safe out unless your opponent manages to shield it.
Most attacks that are shielded can be cancelled into Shield themselves, which results in a Rock Paper Scissors-esque mind game. At a basic level, '''Shield Counter A''' will beat any attack that isn't Shield. '''Shield Counter B''' has a slower enough startup to punish people immediately trying to shield your '''Shield Counter A'''. '''Shield Counter B+C''' can be ''whiff cancelled'' into, giving you a safe out unless your opponent manages to shield it.

However, if a Moon Skill, EX Special, Arc Drive, Last Arc, Forced Release, or invincible special are shielded, they can ''not'' be cancelled into Shield.
However, if a Moon Skill, Arc Drive, Last Arc, Forced Release, or invincible special is shielded, it ''cannot'' be cancelled into Shield.

===== Shield Frame Data =====
===== Shield Frame Data =====
Line 44: Line 62:
! Moon Icons during Shield || Minimum Active (all) || Whiff Recovery (stand) || Whiff Recovery (crouch) || Minimum Whiff total (stand) || Minimum Whiff total (crouch)
! Moon Icons during Shield || Minimum Active (all) || Whiff Recovery (stand) || Whiff Recovery (crouch) || Minimum Whiff total (stand) || Minimum Whiff total (crouch)
| 10 || 19 || 10 || 12 || 29 || 31
| 10 || 19 || 7 + 5 || 9 + 5 || 26 (31) || 28 (33)
| 9 || 19 || 12 || 14 || 31 || 33
| 5-9 || 19 || 11 + 3 || 13 + 3 || 30 (33) || 32 (35)
| 8 || 19 || 12 || 14 || 31 || 33
| 1-4 || 21 || 13 + 2 || 15 + 2 || 34 (36) || 37 (38)
| 7 || 19 || 12 || 14 || 31 || 33
| 0 || 22 || 14 + 2 || 16 + 2 || 36 (38) || 38 (40)
| 6 || 19 || 12 || 14 || 31 || 33
| 5 || 19 || 12 || 14 || 31 || 33
| 4 || 21 || 12 || 14 || 33 || 35
| 3 || 21 || 12 || 14 || 33 || 35
| 2 || 21 || 12 || 14 || 33 || 35
| 1 || 21 || 12 || 14 || 33 || 35
| 0 || 22 || 13 || 15 || 35 || 37
* It is possible to block and tech throws that hit during the end of recovery, indicated by the second value in each field.
* Successful shields with no Shield Counter remain in shield for 25f and have 0f recovery.
* Successful shields with no Shield Counter remain in shield for 25f and have 0f recovery.
* Air shields are in recovery until landing. They have an additional 12f landing recovery on whiff, but no landing recovery after shielding an attack.
* Air shields are in recovery until landing. They have an additional 12f landing recovery on whiff, but no landing recovery after shielding an attack.
*Shield FD behaves as if the Moon Gauge is full for the duration of Moon Drive.
* Shield behaves as if the Moon Gauge is full for the duration of Moon Drive.

== Throw Teching ==
== Throw Teching ==
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[ [1]][ [2]]
[ [1]][ [2]]

=== Option Selects ===
If you don't know what an option select is, check the [[Melty_Blood/MBTL/Glossary#Option Select (OS)|Glossary page]] for it before reading on.

===== Anti-Heat OS =====
Input: 5A > 5B~D

Explanation: 5A > 5B will come out on block, and 5A > Shield will come out if the 5A whiffs (I.E. Heat Activation), giving an easy punish.
== Ground and Air Recovery ==
===== Ground Recovery =====
{| class="wikitable " border="0" style="text-align: center"
! Direction || Invulnerability || Recovery
| Neutral || 1-21 Full || 21 
| Backward || 1-26 Full || 26
| Forward || 1-26 Full || 28 
Neutral and back techs still get the 8 frames of wakeup throw invuln, but forward tech doesn't.
===== Air Recovery =====
All airtechs have the same framedata.
{| class="wikitable " border="0" style="text-align: center"
! Invulnerability || Recovery
| 1-21 Full, 22-24 Strike || 20
If any aerial action is taken, such as airthrowing, double jumping, using an air normal, etc; all remaining invulnerability is forfeit (e.g. neutral tech > jump's invuln only lasts from f1-20)
===== Wakeup =====
Every character's wakeup animation from a hard knockdown is universally 22f.

How to beat it: Vary the timing and situations of Heat activation to keep from being predictable.
== Magic Circuit ==
Check the [[Melty_Blood/MBTL/Resources#Magic_Circuit|Magic Circuit]] page on the [[Melty_Blood/MBTL/Resources|Resources]] tab.

This OS allows you to react to moon drive activation with your own with a delayed 5BC input (the so-called [ [reacted<nowiki>]</nowiki> option select].)
== Defensive Option Selects ==
If you don't know what an option select is, check the [[Melty_Blood/MBTL/Glossary#Option Select (OS)|Glossary page]] for it before reading on.
===== Shield + Throw Tech =====
Input: [ 1D~AD]

''An equivalent page for Offensive Option Selects can be found [[Melty_Blood/MBTL/Offense#Offensive_Option_Selects|here]].''

How to beat it: Punish the throw tech.
See also:
* [ Demystifying Melty Blood's Option Selects] by ScrawtVermillion
* [ The MBTL Defensive OS Essentials] by AlexTheMaestro

===== Fuzzy Mash + Throw Tech =====
=== Throw Tech Option Selects ===
Input: 1 > 1A > slight delay AD > 1
You can input a throw tech behind essentially any action in the game: simply press A+D slightly after your other input. These are some of the most useful ones:


How to beat it: Frame trap it, the OS will result in mashing if there is no throw.
===== Antiair + Throw Tech =====
'''Input''': 1 > 3C~AD > 1  (or 1B~AD, depending on character)

===== Backdash + Throw Tech =====
'''Explanation''': Either block an immediate strike, tech a throw, or antiair them if they jump to try to bait you into whiffing throw.
Input: 1 > 4AB~D > 1

'''How to beat it''': Delay to frame trap it (or for 3C, hit them while they're not holding downback).

How to beat it: Frame trap it or chase the backdash.

===== Heat + Throw Tech =====
===== Heat + Throw Tech =====
Input: 1ABCD
'''Input''': 1ABCD

'''Explanation''': Either activates Heat or techs a throw. Be careful if you have 4 bars, because you'll get Last Arc instead.

How to beat it: Shield the Heat activation.
'''How to beat it''': Shield the Heat activation.  

===== Moon Drive + Throw Tech =====
Input: 1ABCD

===== Moon Skill + Throw Tech =====
'''Input''': 1BC~AD  (or 1 > 3BC~AD > 1, etc.)

How to beat it: Block.
'''Explanation''': Block an immediate strike, use a delayed Moon Skill, or tech a throw.

===== Moon Skill + Throw Tech =====
'''How to beat it''': Frame trap it if they're not in Moon Drive. If they are, all the usual countermeasures (e.g. Moon Drive cancel, jump cancel shield, etc.) apply.
Input: 1 > 1BC > 1AD


How to beat it: Depends on the Moon Skill, blocking is the best option.
===== Backdash + Throw Tech =====
'''Input''': 1 > 4AB~D > 1

== Ground and Air Recovery ==
'''Explanation''': Block an immediate strike, delay backdash, or tech a throw.
Forward recovery is punishable, all other recovery options are fully invincible and safe.

== Magic Circuit ==
'''How to beat it''': Hit them low or chase the backdash.

===== Earning Magic Circuit Defensively =====

===== Heat =====
=== Miscellaneous Option Selects ===
Heat functions as a universal reversal and guard cancel option. Heat activation is slow but it is omnidirectional and ''unblockable,'' but there are specific Option Selects found to deal with it. Heat requires one bar or Magic Circuit to use, but starts a timer equivalent to how much meter you had. While your character is in Heat, they will slowly regenerate blue health and have access to their Arc Drive (at the cost of ending heat). EX Edge moves will consume a portion of the timer. Heat also gives your character a 10% damage boost.

===== Blood Heat =====
===== Double-Sided 623X =====
Blood Heat works similarly to Heat but requires your character to be in Awakening state. Blood Heat is functionally a stronger Heat mode, with a higher damage bonus of 20% and higher health regeneration rate. Blood Heat also gives access to Last Arc, making Shield very threatening as Shielding ''anything'' can lead to 5K damage.
'''Input''': 624 321 X or 64 231 X  (note that front and back are interchangeable here)
*624 321 X - Can be input as double halfcircle, with the second halfcircle ending on the diagonal instead of going all the way. Simple input for stick/pad players. Akiha cannot use this method, because she has a halfcircle input - she has to use the one below.
*64 231 X - On hitbox/keyboard, can be input with: tap 6, hold 4, hold 2+6, release 4, release 6, tap 4. Simple input for hitbox/keyboard players. Also possible for stick/pad, where it can be input in a manner similar to a DP motion.

== Defence Modifiers ==
Note for both input methods that which direction you consider to be 'back (4/1)' or 'forward(6/3)' is inherently irrelevant - doing it either way works.
===== Health =====
All characters have 11,001 Health.
There are no guts values that change how much damage a character takes.

===== Heat/Blood Heat =====
'''Explanation''': Gives a 623X input, regardless of which side you're facing. Used for characters with invincible 623 DPs to beat left/right mixups.
Heat has a x1.1 damage modifier for the attacker.
Blood Heat has a x1.2 damage modifier for the attacker.
There is no defence modifier for heat or blood heat.

===== Stand/Crouch/Air States =====
'''How to beat it''': Standard DP countermeasures, i.e. safejump, [[Melty_Blood/MBTL/Offense#Anti-Heat_OS|Anti-Heat OS]], block, or make it whiff somehow.
There is no defence modifier for any state (stand/crouch/air), so all base damage of any move will be the same regardless of state.

== MBTL Navigation ==
== MBTL Navigation ==
[[Category:Melty Blood: Type Lumina]]
[[Category:Melty Blood: Type Lumina]]

Latest revision as of 00:29, 26 April 2023


Ground Blocking

Holding [4] will block all High (H) and Mid (LH) attacks. Holding [1] will block all Low (L) and Mid (LH) attacks. Blocking is always vulnerable to Throws or Unblockable attacks. Having your attack clash with another gives the same cancel options as if the attack were blocked. There are no infinite blockstrings in Type Lumina thanks to blockstun decay.

Air Blocking

Holding any back direction in the air ([1], [4], or [7]) will make your character Air Block. Air Blocking will succeed against every air button in the game and almost every projectile, but it comes with a major weakness. You cannot block grounded normals while in the air, and you cannot block Air Throws. If your character gets stuck blocking a highly plus projectile in the air, your opponent is free to run up and unblockable you with a grounded normal.

Landing after Air Blocking reduces blockstun from A normals by 5f and from all other attacks by 6f. If this results in 0f remaining blockstun, the defender can act immediately without any landing recovery time.

Crossup Protection

If you and your opponent (or the opponent's projectile) are facing the same direction, you can block the attack by holding forwards or backwards. This means if, for example, a character jumps over you with an attack and that attack connects with you after they have crossed up, you will be able to block it as long as you are either holding forwards or backwards, because in that situation you and your opponent are both facing the same direction. Do note that backwards walking still has you facing forwards. So as long as you continue to hold backwards, even if your opponent jumps over you and waits for 20 seconds, the moment they attack you from that side, you will be able to block it by continuing to hold the initial direction.


Shield is a frame 1 universal defensive option that is available to all characters. Shield can be used while crouching (2D), standing (5D), or airborne (j.D), and each type of Shield will work against different types of attacks. Except for grabs, it's possible to Shield any attack: even ones which are impossible to block. Although Shield is a powerful tool, being hit while shielding results in a Fatal Counter, so be careful!

Crouching Shield (1D/2D) beats all lows, but is countered by all highs. Charged standing normals (i.e. 5[B] and 5[C]) also counter low shield, even if they hit mid. Uncharged standing normals (5B and 5C) result in a 'failed' Crouching Shield, which leaves the defender in blockstun, deals significant chip damage, and removes 20% of the Moon Gauge. Aside from that, low shield beats all other mids. Some unblockable moves, like PCiel 2[C], can only be shielded crouching.

Standing Shield (4D/5D) beats all highs, but is countered by all lows. Similarly to Crouch Shield, mid-hitting 2B and 2C attacks cause a 'failed' Standing Shield, which leaves you in blockstun, does chip damage, and removes 20% Moon Gauge. All other mids are susceptible to Standing Shield. Some unblockable moves, like Shiki 5[C], can only be shielded standing.

Aerial Shield (j.D) beats all strikes whatsoever, and is the only possible way to 'block' most grounded attacks while in the air. The only catch is that, if it whiffs, you can easily be punished on landing.

On a successful Shield, one hit of an incoming attack is nullified and a small amount of health is restored for the defender. When the first hit of rapidly-hitting multi-hit attacks is shielded, all subsequent hits are automatically shielded also (known as auto-shielding), but health is only restored once.

Shields interact with the Moon System, giving 1 Moon Icon on success and losing 1 if the Shield recovers without catching anything. Additionally, holding Shield will gradually drain Moon Gauge over time. The recovery frames of Shield also varies based on your Moon Icons, becoming worse with fewer remaining.

Shield Counters

Successful Shields enable three different follow-ups: Shield Counter A, Shield Counter B, and Shield Counter B+C.

Shield Counter A performs an attack. On the ground, it uses your 3C animation and launches into a combo. In the air, it uses the j.C animation and floats instead. This Shield Counter can also be performed using the C button.

Shield Counter B performs a slow side-swapping teleport into a jumping attack. On counterhit, it ground bounces for a combo.

Shield Counter B+C performs a rising diagonal lunge. It costs 5 Moon Icons. But in exchange, it crosses through opponents, recovers while airborne, is plus on block, and launches high enough on hit for a combo. It is also possible to cancel a shielded attack directly into B+C counter.

Shield Counter Type First Active Active Recovery Total Adv. on Block On Hit On Counterhit Damage Invincibility
A/C 11 6 18 34 -8 Launch Launch 1000 1-15
A/C (air) 6 6 12L -6 (min height) Float Float 1000
B 24~29* 2 6* + 12L 43 -2 0 Ground Bounce (Fatal) 1000 Startup
B (air) 19~24* 2 6* + 12L 43 -2 0 Ground Bounce (Fatal) 1000 Startup
B+C 6 10 0 15 +16 Float Float 1200 1-15*
  • Shield Counter B has longer startup depending on the distance to the opponent, up to a maximum of 5 additional frames at full screen.
  • Shield Counter B takes longer to land depending on how high the opponent is. The given recovery and advantage values are against a grounded opponent.
  • Shield Counter B+C loses its invincibility after making contact with the opponent (on hit, block, clash or shield).

Shield RPS (Rock, Paper, Scissors)

Most attacks that are shielded can be cancelled into Shield themselves, which results in a Rock Paper Scissors-esque mind game. At a basic level, Shield Counter A will beat any attack that isn't Shield. Shield Counter B has a slower enough startup to punish people immediately trying to shield your Shield Counter A. Shield Counter B+C can be whiff cancelled into, giving you a safe out unless your opponent manages to shield it.

However, if a Moon Skill, Arc Drive, Last Arc, Forced Release, or invincible special is shielded, it cannot be cancelled into Shield.

Shield Frame Data
Moon Icons during Shield Minimum Active (all) Whiff Recovery (stand) Whiff Recovery (crouch) Minimum Whiff total (stand) Minimum Whiff total (crouch)
10 19 7 + 5 9 + 5 26 (31) 28 (33)
5-9 19 11 + 3 13 + 3 30 (33) 32 (35)
1-4 21 13 + 2 15 + 2 34 (36) 37 (38)
0 22 14 + 2 16 + 2 36 (38) 38 (40)
  • It is possible to block and tech throws that hit during the end of recovery, indicated by the second value in each field.
  • Successful shields with no Shield Counter remain in shield for 25f and have 0f recovery.
  • Air shields are in recovery until landing. They have an additional 12f landing recovery on whiff, but no landing recovery after shielding an attack.
  • Shield behaves as if the Moon Gauge is full for the duration of Moon Drive.

Throw Teching

The throw tech window in Type Lumina is 8 frames. This includes the beginning of the catch animation. The player who actually techs the throw (typically the defender) ends the throw tech at +3. Techs will also occur from throw inputs during the attacker's throw startup.


Ground and Air Recovery

Ground Recovery
Direction Invulnerability Recovery
Neutral 1-21 Full 21
Backward 1-26 Full 26
Forward 1-26 Full 28

Neutral and back techs still get the 8 frames of wakeup throw invuln, but forward tech doesn't.

Air Recovery

All airtechs have the same framedata.

Invulnerability Recovery
1-21 Full, 22-24 Strike 20

If any aerial action is taken, such as airthrowing, double jumping, using an air normal, etc; all remaining invulnerability is forfeit (e.g. neutral tech > jump's invuln only lasts from f1-20)


Every character's wakeup animation from a hard knockdown is universally 22f.

Magic Circuit

Check the Magic Circuit page on the Resources tab.

Defensive Option Selects

If you don't know what an option select is, check the Glossary page for it before reading on.

An equivalent page for Offensive Option Selects can be found here.

See also:

Throw Tech Option Selects

You can input a throw tech behind essentially any action in the game: simply press A+D slightly after your other input. These are some of the most useful ones:

Antiair + Throw Tech

Input: 1 > 3C~AD > 1 (or 1B~AD, depending on character)

Explanation: Either block an immediate strike, tech a throw, or antiair them if they jump to try to bait you into whiffing throw.

How to beat it: Delay to frame trap it (or for 3C, hit them while they're not holding downback).

Heat + Throw Tech

Input: 1ABCD

Explanation: Either activates Heat or techs a throw. Be careful if you have 4 bars, because you'll get Last Arc instead.

How to beat it: Shield the Heat activation.

Moon Skill + Throw Tech

Input: 1BC~AD (or 1 > 3BC~AD > 1, etc.)

Explanation: Block an immediate strike, use a delayed Moon Skill, or tech a throw.

How to beat it: Frame trap it if they're not in Moon Drive. If they are, all the usual countermeasures (e.g. Moon Drive cancel, jump cancel shield, etc.) apply.

Backdash + Throw Tech

Input: 1 > 4AB~D > 1

Explanation: Block an immediate strike, delay backdash, or tech a throw.

How to beat it: Hit them low or chase the backdash.

Miscellaneous Option Selects

Double-Sided 623X

Input: 624 321 X or 64 231 X (note that front and back are interchangeable here)

  • 624 321 X - Can be input as double halfcircle, with the second halfcircle ending on the diagonal instead of going all the way. Simple input for stick/pad players. Akiha cannot use this method, because she has a halfcircle input - she has to use the one below.
  • 64 231 X - On hitbox/keyboard, can be input with: tap 6, hold 4, hold 2+6, release 4, release 6, tap 4. Simple input for hitbox/keyboard players. Also possible for stick/pad, where it can be input in a manner similar to a DP motion.

Note for both input methods that which direction you consider to be 'back (4/1)' or 'forward(6/3)' is inherently irrelevant - doing it either way works.

Explanation: Gives a 623X input, regardless of which side you're facing. Used for characters with invincible 623 DPs to beat left/right mixups.

How to beat it: Standard DP countermeasures, i.e. safejump, Anti-Heat OS, block, or make it whiff somehow.

MBTL Navigation

The Game
Getting Started
News & updates
The Battle System
Game Data
Shiki Tohno
Arcueid Brunestud
Akiha Tohno
Hisui & Kohaku
Miyako Arima
Kouma Kishima
Michael Roa Valdamjong
Vlov Arkhangel
Red Arcueid
Aoko Aozaki
Dead Apostle Noel
Mario Gallo Bestino
Powered Ciel
Mash Kyrielight
Monte Cristo