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Ende is a Keep away character who uses their large screen control options to push back the opponent.
While Phantom Breaker: Omnia does'nt offer a traditional Puppeteer character, Ende and his robotic companion Nitaku would be the next best thing. The duo mostly fight as one, how ever some of Nitaku's special like Light Shiden and Raiden will have different properties base Ende prior actions. For example light Shiden has Nitaku fire a beam at his current location, Ende can manipulate this by jumping, ducking or using certain chain attacks. The only time Nitaku act independently from Ende is from their KARURA special, a special that leaves an active hitbox on screen for 130 frames, allowing Ende to do what ever they want like a pseudo puppet character.
Ende can dominate the neutral game thanks to his powerful zoning, but more importantly, Ende can shut done other zoners. Shiden can win majority of projectile wars thank to his priority and durability. Ende can also his unique 6B missile projectile to discourage clashing with Shiden. If all else fails, ende can fall back Ashura to erase or reflect projectiles, while also pushing back the opponent. Ende with meter can lead to some damaging combo with RAIDEN and KARURA which are both emergency mode safe.
Outside of Neutral Ende has trouble opening up opponents with his weak mix-up. Ende majority of attacks are unsafe on block, needing spacing to limit how harsh he punished. Ende reversal Hein has 23 frames of start-up making it unreliable in most cases outside of preemptive anti-air.

Ende is Keep away Character whose good at controlling the space around him with his Mecha hand having large range. Ende zoning is linear but combining his Beam with 6B Missile can tricky to navigate around even with Slip shift dodge. With TYPE 24 Asura special being projectile nullify and reflector, on top of having massive hit box, insure that Ende will always have the advantage in the neutral game.

| intro ='''Ende''' is classified as a Long-Range Tricky. He can keep out opponents with is large space control, this kit also allows him to anti-zone. 

* '''Anti zoning''': Ende's ability's to contest with other zoners is bare none since he has both projectile reflector and nullifier  
* '''Anti zoning''': Ende's ability to contest with other zoners is bare none since they have both projectile reflector and nullifier.
* '''Strong Keep Away''': Ende Specials and C normal pushes the opponent back considerably, allowing him to keep his distance and zone comfortably.
* '''Strong Keep Away''': Ende Specials and C normals pushes the opponent back considerably, allowing them to keep their distance and zone comfortably.
* '''TYPE - 24 Karura''': This command is Ende All-purpose tool being able to serve multiple functions, such as Anti-air, Lockdown, Whiff punish, combo filler, and tech chase.
* '''TYPE - 24 Karura''': This command is Ende All-purpose tool that is able to serve multiple functions, such as Anti-air, Lockdown, Whiff punish, combo filler, and tech chase.
* ''' High damage''': A Zoner who has surprisingly good damage, even from mid-screen confirm.
* ''' Great defense''': Asura pushback to make it really hard to punish for most characters, hein while slow leads to high rewards on hit and can be made safe when charged.


* ''' Struggles with Guard cancel''': Ende has difficulty dealing with enemies who guard cancel his offense
* ''' Struggles in air''': While a great ground fighter, Ende's aerial game is lackluster, and has a hard time anti-airing consistently.
* ''' Resource reliant:'''Without resources, Ende's offense is underwhelming.
* ''' Resource reliant:''' Ende needs a meter to compliment his game, as he underwhelming outside of neutral.  
*  '''weak offense''' Ende lack some fundamental tools like Universal Overhead or sweep to enforce basic mix-ups, on top of most of Ende's attack being unsafe on block
*  '''Poor offense''' Ende needs to create enough pushback on his pressure to be safe from reversal, and his notable mix-up requires strict kara cancel to be effective.
* '''  

Style overview

[[file:PBO_QuickStyle_Icon.png|50px|]] Being able to convert off his Massive counter burst is great, but the real kicker for quick is the Burst gauge building quickly which ende needs for his offense.
Style Overview
A mix up Focus ende since his light chain can be looped endlessly into high/low mix-ups. Quick style does have the best meter gain which is great for Ende since he's a meter-hungry character. Ende having a slow counter burst weakens its effectiveness, and using stuff lick clock up, emergency mode, and TSURUGI is a heavy burden thanks to overheating. This version of Ende wants to stay up close, so players should play this one.

[[file:PBO_HardStyle_Icon.png|50px|]]With Hard' Protection, Asura gaining guard points, and Phantom breaker that guaranteed damage, the opponent will have a hard time-fighting Ende in this style.
  A defensive focus Ende since Asura and Hein become better defensive tools, and Mizuchi is a high-reward anti-air that ignores emergency mode. Protection is bar none one of the best defensive tool Ende could ask for, and 4M is a great poke to wall out opponents. Hardstyle poor mobility, and frame data being worst is the least of this style problem. What really hurts is the poor damage scaling, which let opponent live longer than they should. But this may be a small price to pay for hardstyle also living longer and Ende tool offset hard style innate weakness to zoning.  

[[file:PBO_OmniaStyle_Icon.png|50px|]]Probably Ende Best Version since access to multiple and tension bonus lets Ende Karura liberally. Light Hein is decent reversal and with the ability to guard cancel it make it even better.
Build to tension mode, Kurara loops, and profit. It's really that simple to be effective with this style of Ende. While this style lacks the mix-up of quick or the comeback potential of Hard. Omnia lets Ende control the match, Ende has alot of clash tools, and clashing leads to tension and Tension leads to a surplus of ex-moves. While Omnia doesn't have Reflection, Ende can use Hein guard cancel as a replacement. Though not all is well in omnia, no overdrive means no safeguard for whiff or punishable moves, and no emergency mode means no lifeline from a damaging combo or being dizzy.

==Normal Moves==
==Normal Moves==
Line 41: Line 58:
  |description= Ende kicks low to the ground.
*can be reverse beat from 2A
* Ende standing low kick
* This normal does not affect 6A+SP
*can be reverse beat from 2A in quick style.

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  |description= A standing Overhead
  |description= Ende Punches downward
* A standing overhead with deceptively long range.
* Using 6A+Sp fire shinden at its usual position.

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  |description= Nitaku moves in front of ende and shoot 5 minitaur beam in a downward Angle.
  |description= Nitaku moves in front of Ende and shoots 5 Minotaur beams at a downward Angle.
*Can be special cancel on the first beam, but only Normal cancel after the fith beam
* Can be special cancel on the first beam, but only Normal cancel after the fifth beam
*Using 4A+SP during this chain have Nitaku Fire the Beam at a much more alivated height, that can be used to cover hi jump space.
* Using 6A+SP during this chain Fires Shiden at an elevated height; perfect for anti-airing.
*Due to this being Projectile, opponent can not reflect it.
* Due to this being a projectile, the opponent can not use reflection.
* This is a true block string where the opponent can only guard cancel the final hit. evade is an exception.
* Can link an air throw with timing.
Line 102: Line 126:
  |description= Ende does a rising kick
  |description= Ende does a rising kick
*On offense primarly a combo/Pressure filler, on defense its one Ende low risk option to clash with projeciles and certain pokes. Note the clash not during its start up
* Primarily a pressure tool that can force mix-up between 2B or 5CC kara cancel.
* This chain doe snot affect 6A+SP.
Line 120: Line 145:
  |description= Ende does a uppercut
  |description= Ende does an uppercut
* This move is much easier to clash with.
* This move is much easier to counter-poke and fish for clashes baring the initial 5B.
* This chain does not affect 6A+SP
Line 139: Line 165:
  |description= Ende with nitaku does a Swiping motion. On Hit cause the opponent to be air born
  |description= Ende with Nitaku does a Swiping motion.  
* Using 4A+SP during this chain will fire a beam in the center of the screen.
* On hit this move launches the opponent, can follow up with a jump cancel if not too far away.
* One of Ende's better pokes due to its speed.
* Using 6A+SP during this chain will fire a beam in the center of the screen. Usually being center behind Ende.  
* Can cancel into shiden before the attack starts.
* In Hard Style, this move is his 4B.
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  |description= unlike most characters 6b is not an overhead. it is a weird missile that whiffs on most of the cast crouching. easily low profiled.
  |description= Ende uses Nitaku to Point a finger gun and shoot a missile.
*Stable tool in Ende's Zoning game due to its cancel properties and relative low risk.  
* The initial finger gesture has its own hitbox.
* The missile on hit will launch the opponent, however, it whiffs on crouching opponents.  
* Stable tool in Ende's Zoning game due to its cancel properties and relatively low risk.
* Ende only Safe on block move to reversals, This does not include guard cancels.
* Using 6A+SP has similar effect to 5BBB version.
Line 178: Line 211:
  |description= Ende does an upward kick.
* Can be Kara cancel into his 5HH.
* This move does not affect 6A+SP.
* Ende Primary tool to do mix up as it leads to 50/50 with 5CC & 66B

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  |description= Ende Smash Nitaku to the ground
* An deceptively fast overhead, which can be unreactable if Kara cancels the initial 5C. Mix up become even more potent when used along with 66B
* This attack only has an active hitbox on the ground slam, meaning the opponent can jump over it or back dash.
* Using 6A+SP shoot shiden at ground level.

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  |description= Ende has Nitaku shoot several Laser beams on the ground.
* Nearly Identical to Ende 5AAA except for more range and the laser has a much bigger hitbox.
* Even using 6A+SP shoots shiden at the anti-air height. this time serving as a combo ender, as opposed to its 5AAA counterpart.
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  |description= Ende takes hold of Nitaku and does big karate chop.
* Ende second longest poke, which causes a launch on hit.
* This attack is an overhead.
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  |description= Ende Punches forward with Nitaku in hand.
* A counter burst with massive range, at potentially otg at certain ranges.
* When used as a Set burst, this move wall carry, leading to wall bounce on counter hit.
* Ende has Mid invincibility as he swings.
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  |description= Ende crouches and strikes low with his leg
* While slow, this is still long reaching normal by 2A standards.
* An invaluable tool to help create further pushback in Ende's pressure.
* Does not effect 6A+SP.

Line 289: Line 339:
  |description= Ende Sits back and does a double leg attack.
* Ende fastest low attack that hits twice.
* Can only cancel into Heavy normal after the second hit, while he can into special on either hit.
* Does not affect 6A+SP.
Line 307: Line 360:
  |description= Ende takes Nitaku and does an open-hand uppercut
* Not a Low nor a sweep, instead this launches the opponent in a soft knockdown.
* One of Ende primary juggle tools and potential anti-air.
* Using 6A+SP have shiden shoot similar to the neutral version but Nitaku stands in front of Ende.
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  |description= Ednde does a double kick attack that hits twice
* A rare double-hitting j.A.
* Unlike most j.A, it does not stay active for very long.
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  |description= Ednde does an awkward kick?
* Has long active frames but lengthy start-up.
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  |description= An upward angle kick
* This normal is decent at hitting above ende.
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  |description= Ende uses Nitaku to do a downward Swing with it.
* A normal with great horizontal coverage.
* primarily used in combo to tack on the damage in juggles.
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">j.C</font> ======
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">j.C</font> ======
Line 395: Line 459:
  |description= Ende does a closing grip with Nitaku, doing two hits in the process.
* This normal pushes ende forward considerably, changing his jumping arc in the process
* A versatile normal that lets ende fast fall from his jumps, which provides many advantages from altering his hurt box to repositioning.
* Can hit crouching Infinity & Waka, otherwise whiffs on other crouching opponents.
* Can cancel its start-up into j.SP for low altitude overhead atack.
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  |description= Ende flips in the air with Nitaku that hits the opponent as he up rises.
* Ende strong air normal for invincibility and coverage.
* Causes a soft knockdown when used on air-born opponents.
* This normal can cross up opponent, especially when done out of j.C.
* The attack hits low enough to tog opponents.
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  |description= Ende rush at his opponent with his hand out.
* One of Ende plus on block moves.
* Stable move in Ende Combo from throws and 2C.
* Move has a deceptively small range, Usually needs to be up close for it to hit reliably.
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  |description= Ende Slide at his opponent.
* A low attack that hit multiple times can be used in pressure to discourage guard cancel, but prone to evasion.
* Ende can link to his light or 2M normal on crouching opponents.
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  |description= Ende rushes at his opponent with Nitaku in an open palm form.
* A two-hit move that wall carries the opponent, on a counter hit it'll a wall bounce.
* Unique attribute of being Air unblockable, however, ende can not jump cancel like other dashing attacks.
* Its massive hitbox is what helps Ende keep the opponent from jumping, just make sure it's not blocked or whiffed. 
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  |description= Ende lifts himself and the opponent in the air and pile drives them to the ground.
* Ende can usually combo after this with a variety of options.
* The opponent is in a soft knockdown state but can corner tech.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">j.B+C</font> ======
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">j.B+C</font> ======
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|name=Air Throw
|name=Air Throw
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  |description= Similar to Ground grab but Ende finishes up by drilling the opponent with Nitaku.
* Does more damage than the ground grab but has more recovery, making it harder to link after wards.
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  |description= Ende orders Nitaku to fire a laser beam at its current location. Beam hits once at a distance, twice if opponent is air born.
* Light Shiden has faster start-up and recovery, but can only cancel on the recovery frames.
* Light Shiden shooting angle can be manipulated by Ende's current position, whether he's standing, jumping, crouching, or Attacking.
* light Shiden usual firing angle is great at anti-airs but is easily low profile by crouching.
* Due to Light Shiden attacking initially being behind Ende, it has limited application as an anti cross-up tool.
* The Initial firing has a hitbox that is larger than the beam, but only hits up close.
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  |description= Ende Summons Nitaku in front of him and fires a large beam at floor height. The beam hits twice at a distance, while up close hits three times.
* Medium Shiden has the slowest start-up and recovery but can be canceled on the projectile's active frames or even whiff on whiff.
* Medium Shiden has a Set firing range and angle that is always low to the ground.
Line 552: Line 645:
  |description= Ende summon Nitaku in front and does two Shiden beams.The first beam doing two hits, and the latter doing four hits.
* EX SHIDEN has the fastest start start-up and the quickest recovery of the three beams
* In the corner Ednde can combo off EX Shiden.
* The Second shiden beam acts like Light Shiden and follows similar rules. Making it possible to whiff if not careful.
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  |description= Ende grabs a hold of Nitaku and bashes it horizontally.
* Light Hein can be held to unleash a short-range projectile, at the expense of a longer start-up.
* Light Hein has short frames of invincibility while having clash frames on the start-up until Ende starts to swing.
* Light Hein on hit/clash can be jump cancel, The first attack is AUB.
* Light Hein uncharged cause a launch, while held light hein leaves the opponent standing.
* Light Hein can cancel the swing before its active frames into EX, Overdrive, Counter burst, and Phantom breaker.
* In hardstyle, light hein loses low invincibility for low guard points.

Line 585: Line 688:
  |description= Same as Light version, except it has more projectiles.
* The uncharged version always shoots two small projectiles, while held version shoots three.
* This version can not be jump cancel, still aub with the first hit.
* With some Spacing this Move can be slightly plus.
* Medium Hein can only be EX, Overdrive, Counterburst, and phantom breaker canceled after its initial projectile
* The charge version builds a decent amount of meter.

  |version=Heavy (100%BG)
  |version=Heavy (100%BG) HOUOU
Line 598: Line 706:
  |description= Ende bash with Nitaku and shoot four short projectiles.
* Unlikes HEIN, this projectile portion is AUB.
* Ende has some forward momentum when swinging.
* Launches the opponent on hit into a soft knockdown. (can corner tech)
* IF Spaced outside of the fist hit, Ende is plus on Block and Hit.
* Ende's most damaging Super if land all hits.
* This move has very short invincibility before the Ex portrait but not after.
* In hard style this Move gets a hit of amour before the swing.
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  |description= Ende Places Nitaku in front of Him and a Light shield emanates from Nitaku. The shield hits 2 times.
* Their is a dead zone right in front of Ende.
* Asura has a lot of clash frames once the shield is up.
* Asura can reflect non-ex projectiles, otherwise, everything else clashes with it.
* On Hit this move launches the opponent in the air.
* Has very short frames of invincibility on start up.

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  |description= Same as Light version but this one hits three times.
* Has slight longer active frames thus slight more recovery.
* On hit it leaves opponent standing.
* Medium ASURA does alot of push back on block, one of his best keep out tool during pressure.
* Other Asura feature is about the same.
  |version=Heavy (100%BG)
  |version=Heavy (100%BG) KARURA
Line 643: Line 771:
  |description= Nitaku teleports 3/4 screen away from Ende's current position and stays active for about 125 frames (around 3 seconds).
* Startup is "estimated" to be 6 frames, 3 before super flash, and 3 after. being active in frame 5.
* KARURA will hit the opponent 9 times, while on block 6 times before being pushed out
* During KARURA Ende can take any action that doesn't u.
* KARURA will not reflect projectiles but still clashes with them.
* KARURA will end prematurely if Ende uses any move that requires Nitaku, I.E 6C or Shiden.
* A Versatile tool that can serve many functions, with its primary weakness being its dead space between Ende and Nitaku. Also, it can't be used in the corner effectively.
Line 663: Line 799:
  |description= Ende leaps in the air while swingting Nitaku in a donwards, follow up by Ende transforming his legs into a drill as he drags the opponent thru the ground. Doing about 42 hits.
* The initial start-up leap has invincibility up to the first active frame.
* The initial attack is an Overhead and AUB.
* If the Initial leap attack is blocked or whiffed, the follow-up attack won't occur. However, it will initiate on Amour hits but this is usually not favorable either.
* Opponent is in a hard knockdown state after the drill portion.
Line 682: Line 822:
  |description= Ende does a swing identical to 6C. Upon hit, Ende does a follow-up hit grab where he lifts the opponent into the air and slams them to the ground.
* Ende has invincibility on start-up and two hits of amour during the swing.
* Using MIZUCHI as a guard cancel or Protection, there will be no super flash. *
* Opponent can not emergency mode the hit grab attack making solid anti-emergency mode.
Universal for any style and work on most characters.
===Match videos===
EVO Japan PBO 2023 Q.Yuzuha vs O.Ende:


Latest revision as of 06:14, 7 September 2023


Ende is a Keep away character who uses their large screen control options to push back the opponent.

While Phantom Breaker: Omnia does'nt offer a traditional Puppeteer character, Ende and his robotic companion Nitaku would be the next best thing. The duo mostly fight as one, how ever some of Nitaku's special like Light Shiden and Raiden will have different properties base Ende prior actions. For example light Shiden has Nitaku fire a beam at his current location, Ende can manipulate this by jumping, ducking or using certain chain attacks. The only time Nitaku act independently from Ende is from their KARURA special, a special that leaves an active hitbox on screen for 130 frames, allowing Ende to do what ever they want like a pseudo puppet character.

Ende can dominate the neutral game thanks to his powerful zoning, but more importantly, Ende can shut done other zoners. Shiden can win majority of projectile wars thank to his priority and durability. Ende can also his unique 6B missile projectile to discourage clashing with Shiden. If all else fails, ende can fall back Ashura to erase or reflect projectiles, while also pushing back the opponent. Ende with meter can lead to some damaging combo with RAIDEN and KARURA which are both emergency mode safe.

Outside of Neutral Ende has trouble opening up opponents with his weak mix-up. Ende majority of attacks are unsafe on block, needing spacing to limit how harsh he punished. Ende reversal Hein has 23 frames of start-up making it unreliable in most cases outside of preemptive anti-air.

Ende is classified as a Long-Range Tricky. He can keep out opponents with is large space control, this kit also allows him to anti-zone.
Strengths Weaknesses
  • Anti zoning: Ende's ability to contest with other zoners is bare none since they have both projectile reflector and nullifier.
  • Strong Keep Away: Ende Specials and C normals pushes the opponent back considerably, allowing them to keep their distance and zone comfortably.
  • TYPE - 24 Karura: This command is Ende All-purpose tool that is able to serve multiple functions, such as Anti-air, Lockdown, Whiff punish, combo filler, and tech chase.
  • High damage: A Zoner who has surprisingly good damage, even from mid-screen confirm.
  • Great defense: Asura pushback to make it really hard to punish for most characters, hein while slow leads to high rewards on hit and can be made safe when charged.
  • Struggles in air: While a great ground fighter, Ende's aerial game is lackluster, and has a hard time anti-airing consistently.
  • Resource reliant: Ende needs a meter to compliment his game, as he underwhelming outside of neutral.
  • Poor offense Ende needs to create enough pushback on his pressure to be safe from reversal, and his notable mix-up requires strict kara cancel to be effective.

Style Overview

PBO QuickStyle Icon.png

A mix up Focus ende since his light chain can be looped endlessly into high/low mix-ups. Quick style does have the best meter gain which is great for Ende since he's a meter-hungry character. Ende having a slow counter burst weakens its effectiveness, and using stuff lick clock up, emergency mode, and TSURUGI is a heavy burden thanks to overheating. This version of Ende wants to stay up close, so players should play this one.

PBO HardStyle Icon.png

 A defensive focus Ende since Asura and Hein become better defensive tools, and Mizuchi is a high-reward anti-air that ignores emergency mode. Protection is bar none one of the best defensive tool Ende could ask for, and 4M is a great poke to wall out opponents. Hardstyle poor mobility, and frame data being worst is the least of this style problem. What really hurts is the poor damage scaling, which let opponent live longer than they should. But this may be a small price to pay for hardstyle also living longer and Ende tool offset hard style innate weakness to zoning. 

PBO OmniaStyle Icon.png

Build to tension mode, Kurara loops, and profit. It's really that simple to be effective with this style of Ende. While this style lacks the mix-up of quick or the comeback potential of Hard. Omnia lets Ende control the match, Ende has alot of clash tools, and clashing leads to tension and Tension leads to a surplus of ex-moves. While Omnia doesn't have Reflection, Ende can use Hein guard cancel as a replacement. Though not all is well in omnia, no overdrive means no safeguard for whiff or punishable moves, and no emergency mode means no lifeline from a damaging combo or being dizzy.

Normal Moves

PBO Ende 5A.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Ende kicks low to the ground.

  • Ende standing low kick
  • This normal does not affect 6A+SP
  • can be reverse beat from 2A in quick style.
PBO Ende 5AA.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Ende Punches downward

  • A standing overhead with deceptively long range.
  • Using 6A+Sp fire shinden at its usual position.
PBO Ende 5AAA.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Nitaku moves in front of Ende and shoots 5 Minotaur beams at a downward Angle.

  • Can be special cancel on the first beam, but only Normal cancel after the fifth beam
  • Using 6A+SP during this chain Fires Shiden at an elevated height; perfect for anti-airing.
  • Due to this being a projectile, the opponent can not use reflection.
  • This is a true block string where the opponent can only guard cancel the final hit. evade is an exception.
  • Can link an air throw with timing.
PBO Ende 5B.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Ende does a rising kick

  • Primarily a pressure tool that can force mix-up between 2B or 5CC kara cancel.
  • This chain doe snot affect 6A+SP.
PBO Ende 5BB.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Ende does an uppercut

  • This move is much easier to counter-poke and fish for clashes baring the initial 5B.
  • This chain does not affect 6A+SP
PBO Ende 5BBB.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Ende with Nitaku does a Swiping motion.

  • On hit this move launches the opponent, can follow up with a jump cancel if not too far away.
  • One of Ende's better pokes due to its speed.
  • Using 6A+SP during this chain will fire a beam in the center of the screen. Usually being center behind Ende.
  • Can cancel into shiden before the attack starts.
  • In Hard Style, this move is his 4B.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Ende uses Nitaku to Point a finger gun and shoot a missile.

  • The initial finger gesture has its own hitbox.
  • The missile on hit will launch the opponent, however, it whiffs on crouching opponents.
  • Stable tool in Ende's Zoning game due to its cancel properties and relatively low risk.
  • Ende only Safe on block move to reversals, This does not include guard cancels.
  • Using 6A+SP has similar effect to 5BBB version.
PBO Ende 5C.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Ende does an upward kick.

  • Can be Kara cancel into his 5HH.
  • This move does not affect 6A+SP.
  • Ende Primary tool to do mix up as it leads to 50/50 with 5CC & 66B
PBO Ende 5CC.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Ende Smash Nitaku to the ground

  • An deceptively fast overhead, which can be unreactable if Kara cancels the initial 5C. Mix up become even more potent when used along with 66B
  • This attack only has an active hitbox on the ground slam, meaning the opponent can jump over it or back dash.
  • Using 6A+SP shoot shiden at ground level.
PBO Ende 5CCC.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Ende has Nitaku shoot several Laser beams on the ground.

  • Nearly Identical to Ende 5AAA except for more range and the laser has a much bigger hitbox.
  • Even using 6A+SP shoots shiden at the anti-air height. this time serving as a combo ender, as opposed to its 5AAA counterpart.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Ende takes hold of Nitaku and does big karate chop.

  • Ende second longest poke, which causes a launch on hit.
  • This attack is an overhead.
PBO Ende 5SP.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Ende Punches forward with Nitaku in hand.

  • A counter burst with massive range, at potentially otg at certain ranges.
  • When used as a Set burst, this move wall carry, leading to wall bounce on counter hit.
  • Ende has Mid invincibility as he swings.
PBO Ende 2A.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Ende crouches and strikes low with his leg

  • While slow, this is still long reaching normal by 2A standards.
  • An invaluable tool to help create further pushback in Ende's pressure.
  • Does not effect 6A+SP.
PBO Ende 2B.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Ende Sits back and does a double leg attack.

  • Ende fastest low attack that hits twice.
  • Can only cancel into Heavy normal after the second hit, while he can into special on either hit.
  • Does not affect 6A+SP.
PBO Ende 2C.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Ende takes Nitaku and does an open-hand uppercut

  • Not a Low nor a sweep, instead this launches the opponent in a soft knockdown.
  • One of Ende primary juggle tools and potential anti-air.
  • Using 6A+SP have shiden shoot similar to the neutral version but Nitaku stands in front of Ende.
PBO Ende jA.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Ednde does a double kick attack that hits twice

  • A rare double-hitting j.A.
  • Unlike most j.A, it does not stay active for very long.
PBO Ende jB.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Ednde does an awkward kick?

  • Has long active frames but lengthy start-up.
PBO Ende j8B.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

An upward angle kick

  • This normal is decent at hitting above ende.
PBO Ende jC.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Ende uses Nitaku to do a downward Swing with it.

  • A normal with great horizontal coverage.
  • primarily used in combo to tack on the damage in juggles.
PBO Ende j6C.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Ende does a closing grip with Nitaku, doing two hits in the process.

  • This normal pushes ende forward considerably, changing his jumping arc in the process
  • A versatile normal that lets ende fast fall from his jumps, which provides many advantages from altering his hurt box to repositioning.
  • Can hit crouching Infinity & Waka, otherwise whiffs on other crouching opponents.
  • Can cancel its start-up into j.SP for low altitude overhead atack.
PBO Ende jSP.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Ende flips in the air with Nitaku that hits the opponent as he up rises.

  • Ende strong air normal for invincibility and coverage.
  • Causes a soft knockdown when used on air-born opponents.
  • This normal can cross up opponent, especially when done out of j.C.
  • The attack hits low enough to tog opponents.
PBO Ende 66A.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Ende rush at his opponent with his hand out.

  • One of Ende plus on block moves.
  • Stable move in Ende Combo from throws and 2C.
  • Move has a deceptively small range, Usually needs to be up close for it to hit reliably.
PBO Ende 66B.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Ende Slide at his opponent.

  • A low attack that hit multiple times can be used in pressure to discourage guard cancel, but prone to evasion.
  • Ende can link to his light or 2M normal on crouching opponents.
PBO Ende 66C.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Ende rushes at his opponent with Nitaku in an open palm form.

  • A two-hit move that wall carries the opponent, on a counter hit it'll a wall bounce.
  • Unique attribute of being Air unblockable, however, ende can not jump cancel like other dashing attacks.
  • Its massive hitbox is what helps Ende keep the opponent from jumping, just make sure it's not blocked or whiffed.


PBO Ende T.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - Throw Throw

Ende lifts himself and the opponent in the air and pile drives them to the ground.

  • Ende can usually combo after this with a variety of options.
  • The opponent is in a soft knockdown state but can corner tech.
Air Throw
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - Throw Throw

Similar to Ground grab but Ende finishes up by drilling the opponent with Nitaku.

  • Does more damage than the ground grab but has more recovery, making it harder to link after wards.

Special Moves

PBO Ende 6SP.jpg
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
Light - - - - - - - -

Ende orders Nitaku to fire a laser beam at its current location. Beam hits once at a distance, twice if opponent is air born.

  • Light Shiden has faster start-up and recovery, but can only cancel on the recovery frames.
  • Light Shiden shooting angle can be manipulated by Ende's current position, whether he's standing, jumping, crouching, or Attacking.
  • light Shiden usual firing angle is great at anti-airs but is easily low profile by crouching.
  • Due to Light Shiden attacking initially being behind Ende, it has limited application as an anti cross-up tool.
  • The Initial firing has a hitbox that is larger than the beam, but only hits up close.
Medium - - - - - - - -

Ende Summons Nitaku in front of him and fires a large beam at floor height. The beam hits twice at a distance, while up close hits three times.

  • Medium Shiden has the slowest start-up and recovery but can be canceled on the projectile's active frames or even whiff on whiff.
  • Medium Shiden has a Set firing range and angle that is always low to the ground.
Heavy (100%BG) - - - - - - - AUB

Ende summon Nitaku in front and does two Shiden beams.The first beam doing two hits, and the latter doing four hits.

  • EX SHIDEN has the fastest start start-up and the quickest recovery of the three beams
  • In the corner Ednde can combo off EX Shiden.
  • The Second shiden beam acts like Light Shiden and follows similar rules. Making it possible to whiff if not careful.
PBO Ende 2SP.jpg
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
Light - - - - - - - -

Ende grabs a hold of Nitaku and bashes it horizontally.

  • Light Hein can be held to unleash a short-range projectile, at the expense of a longer start-up.
  • Light Hein has short frames of invincibility while having clash frames on the start-up until Ende starts to swing.
  • Light Hein on hit/clash can be jump cancel, The first attack is AUB.
  • Light Hein uncharged cause a launch, while held light hein leaves the opponent standing.
  • Light Hein can cancel the swing before its active frames into EX, Overdrive, Counter burst, and Phantom breaker.
  • In hardstyle, light hein loses low invincibility for low guard points.
Medium - - - - - - - -

Same as Light version, except it has more projectiles.

  • The uncharged version always shoots two small projectiles, while held version shoots three.
  • This version can not be jump cancel, still aub with the first hit.
  • With some Spacing this Move can be slightly plus.
  • Medium Hein can only be EX, Overdrive, Counterburst, and phantom breaker canceled after its initial projectile
  • The charge version builds a decent amount of meter.
Heavy (100%BG) HOUOU - - - - - - - AUB

Ende bash with Nitaku and shoot four short projectiles.

  • Unlikes HEIN, this projectile portion is AUB.
  • Ende has some forward momentum when swinging.
  • Launches the opponent on hit into a soft knockdown. (can corner tech)
  • IF Spaced outside of the fist hit, Ende is plus on Block and Hit.
  • Ende's most damaging Super if land all hits.
  • This move has very short invincibility before the Ex portrait but not after.
  • In hard style this Move gets a hit of amour before the swing.
PBO Ende 4SP.jpg
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
Light - - - - - - - -

Ende Places Nitaku in front of Him and a Light shield emanates from Nitaku. The shield hits 2 times.

  • Their is a dead zone right in front of Ende.
  • Asura has a lot of clash frames once the shield is up.
  • Asura can reflect non-ex projectiles, otherwise, everything else clashes with it.
  • On Hit this move launches the opponent in the air.
  • Has very short frames of invincibility on start up.
Medium - - - - - - - -

Same as Light version but this one hits three times.

  • Has slight longer active frames thus slight more recovery.
  • On hit it leaves opponent standing.
  • Medium ASURA does alot of push back on block, one of his best keep out tool during pressure.
  • Other Asura feature is about the same.
Heavy (100%BG) KARURA - - - - - - - AUB

Nitaku teleports 3/4 screen away from Ende's current position and stays active for about 125 frames (around 3 seconds).

  • Startup is "estimated" to be 6 frames, 3 before super flash, and 3 after. being active in frame 5.
  • KARURA will hit the opponent 9 times, while on block 6 times before being pushed out
  • During KARURA Ende can take any action that doesn't u.
  • KARURA will not reflect projectiles but still clashes with them.
  • KARURA will end prematurely if Ende uses any move that requires Nitaku, I.E 6C or Shiden.
  • A Versatile tool that can serve many functions, with its primary weakness being its dead space between Ende and Nitaku. Also, it can't be used in the corner effectively.

Phantom Breakers

Quick Super Attack
5H+SP (200%BG)
PBO Ende QPB.jpg
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - AUB

Ende leaps in the air while swingting Nitaku in a donwards, follow up by Ende transforming his legs into a drill as he drags the opponent thru the ground. Doing about 42 hits.

  • The initial start-up leap has invincibility up to the first active frame.
  • The initial attack is an Overhead and AUB.
  • If the Initial leap attack is blocked or whiffed, the follow-up attack won't occur. However, it will initiate on Amour hits but this is usually not favorable either.
  • Opponent is in a hard knockdown state after the drill portion.
Hard Super Attack
5H+SP (200%BG)
PBO Ende HPB.jpg
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Ende does a swing identical to 6C. Upon hit, Ende does a follow-up hit grab where he lifts the opponent into the air and slams them to the ground.

  • Ende has invincibility on start-up and two hits of amour during the swing.
  • Using MIZUCHI as a guard cancel or Protection, there will be no super flash. *
  • Opponent can not emergency mode the hit grab attack making solid anti-emergency mode.


Universal for any style and work on most characters.


Match videos

EVO Japan PBO 2023 Q.Yuzuha vs O.Ende:

Phantom Breaker: Omnia

ControlsFAQHUDStrategySystemPatch Notes


ArtifactorCocoaEndeFinGaitoInfinityItsukiKurisuLMMaestraMeiMikoto NishinaMikoto WRenRiaRimiShizukaShin-WakaSophiaTokiyaWakaYuzuha