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Fin is a Technical character who can set up some unorthodox pressure, normally center around unblockable.

Fin is a tricky character to nail down since she is both good up close and from a distance. Fin's Heavy normals and BeBebeam are disjointed attacks that can harass opponents in the mid-range with decent rewards for their low risk. While Fins Projectile has lengthy recovery, once she deployed them, the projectile stay active even if Fin is hit. Fin has above average meter build thanks to her Heavy chain and heavy dash attack, grantes her access to Meter options like a Phantom breaker, All range, and EX special regularly.  
Machu bomb is low to the ground fireball, and Multi-missile can cover the air space. These projectiles have lengthy start up but in return they have homing properties to track the opponent's location. This allows Fins to approach option being hard to contest with if she ever has one of these projectiles out on the field. Fin can formulate a game plan of securing knockdown, where she can set up one of her projectile risk-free.  
Besides her projectile, Fin has great set of normals in a standing Low (5A), command normal (6A) with kara throw, solid counter burst and bunch of cross normals. Most notably Fins Heavy normal shoot mini projectiles that are great at pressuring up close, where the full chain is gapless and plus on block. Fin can also force guard to crush with her Dashing heavy that also help her meter gain, how ever it is risky option without projectiles to cover it.
On paper Fin seem strong but its all the little thing that make her cumbersome to play well. Fin is as floaty as Artifactor allowing unique juggle that would otherwise be impossible, on top of having one of the weaker health make and pretty bad defensive options. Fins offense is impressive when she can get her set up going but the damage she does is minuscule in most cases.
Fin's risk and reward are roughly stacked against her, however, she's able to even out those odds with a meter usage. Fins unblockable game is one of the better ones with low risk, albeit not the highest reward.

| intro ='''Fin''' is classified as a Long-Range Tricky. She can pollute the screen with projectiles, allowing her to pressure risk free.
* '''Disjointed Normals''': All of Fins Heavy Normals are short-range projectile that can clash with other hitboxes while not expanding any hurtbox of her own
* ''' Disjointed Normals''': All of Fins Heavy Normals are short-range projectiles that can clash with other hitboxes while not expanding any hurt box of her own.
* '''Tracking Projectiles''': Fin has two projectiles that track both aerial and ground, becoming excellent oki tools on knockdowns.  
* ''' 2 Tracking Projectiles''': Multi Missle and Machu Bomb are tracking projectiles that are great at pining down the opponent enabling Fins gameplan.
* '''Resource Build''': Fins general game plan lets her build both Burst and Tension respectably (guard crashing/ combo/ clashing).  
* '''Machu Bomb''': These bombs are the few projectiles that can't be clashed or go away if Fin is hit. Not only that they are overhead which leads to an unblockable, bait guard cancels, or further pressure.  
* ''' Easy Meter build'''': fins heavy chain build considerable amounts of meter, allow her to use resource option regularly.
* '''Low Health''': Fin Has the second-lowest health in the game meaning she can't afford to make mistakes.
* '''Poor defense''': From one of the lowest health pools and lack of a reversal, opponents can bully Fin easily.
* ''' Long Recovery''': A fair bit of Fin move have lengthy recovery, making it easy to whiff punish her.  
* '''Weak Anti-air''': All Fins Anti-air require resources and have glaring blind spots making them unreliable in most circumstances.
* '''Weak Anti-air''': All Fins Anti-air require resources and have glaring blind spots making them unreliable in most circumstances.
* ''' No reversal''': Fin has no meterless reversal and her meter version is risky.
* ''' Low damage''': Without a meter, Fin tends to do little damage, and while it's possible to offset this with resource, that resource tends to be used defensively than offensively.
* ''' Polarszing match up''': rushdown characters bully Fins lack of defensive option, and zoners tend to stop her from setting her own projectiles.
* ''' Extended Hurt box''': Any of Fin's normal that are not her Heavy normal extend her hurt box, with their speed and range rarely compensating.

Style over view

[[file:PBO_QuickStyle_Icon.png|50px|]] The MVP for this style would be Dimension Kick Phantom Breaker which is unblockable. and the fact Fin's meter gain is good, it is very likely fin can use it multiple times per round.
Style Overview

[[file:PBO_HardStyle_Icon.png|50px|]]Fin has one of the worst health in the gain, so hard style improve HP let Fin stay in fights longer. Fin exchanges Dimension kick for Chunky Alligator Beam, the name says it all.  
Dimension Kick is the saving grace for this style since it is an unblockable attack that is hard to punish, and FIN can build this multi times per round. Otherwise Fin bleeds in this style and will use Emergency than any other mechanic. A Fin for the Unblockable specialist.
Be-bebeam guard point may be weak, but protection more than make-ups for its shortcoming, solid amour improve states also helps here. Fin exchanges Dimension kick for Chunky Alligator Beam, a more traditional zoning tool.This style shines as a counter-pick against rush-down characters.  

[[file:PBO_OmniaStyle_Icon.png|50px|]]Fin's high meter build means she can even build Omnia gauge pretty effectively, and machu bomb is obnoxious as guard cancel.
Potentially The best Fin as ever been. Omnia good damage scaling lets her match some character's damage output, Stockpiling meter comes easy for her, and Machu bomb is really obnoxious as a guard cancels. While Fin won't be missing the other style mechanics, she will be yearning for Emergency mode to prevent herself from becoming the opponent's training dummy.

==Normal Moves==
==Normal Moves==
Line 58: Line 74:
  |description= Fins kicks at the opponent's shin
*can be reverse beat from 2A
* Can be reverse beat from 2A
* A standing Low
* One of Fin's only AUB normal
*  Has less reach than 2A, but has more hit advantage
* unsafe on block.
Line 78: Line 97:
  |description= Fin does a high kick
* Mostly Pressure filler
* Unsafe on block.

Line 97: Line 118:
  |description= Fin does a stepping punch.
* Moslty a pressure/combo filler
* Unsafe on block
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">5AAA</font> ======
|description= Fin does a stepping punch. Identical to 5AAA
* Has the ability to kara throw after the active frame, making it ideal to use versus evasion.
Line 115: Line 158:
  |description= Fin does a weird looking rising attack.
* This Move Pushes Fin Considerably forward, giving it more horizontal; range than it appears.
* Start up make this move better at checking jump out as oppose to anti airing.
* Unsafe on block.
Line 133: Line 180:
  |description= Fin does a twirl kick. * Has a lot of clash frames
* One of Fin's further pokes outside of her H Chains.
* Leads to 50/50 5bbb for overhead, and 2B for lows
* Is Safe on block.
Line 151: Line 202:
  |description= Fin Raising her legs to emit fire from her rocket boots.
* This is Fin's Unique chain Overhead that hits 4 times.
* Has deceptively long range than animation suggest, even more range than Heavy attack.
* Can cancel the chain into at anytime, forcing another 50/50 with 2C.
* In hard style this is Fin's 4B.
* Is unsafe on block.
* Fins Hurtbox is extended far out, need to cancel it to shrink it or risk whiff punishing.
Line 169: Line 227:
  |description= Universal Over Head
  |description= Fins twirls around with her tail striking at the opponent.
* Fin's Universal over head, that hits twice.
* This is short range overhead, but is safe on block.
* Can Be kara cancel into specials and dash attacks.
Line 187: Line 249:
  |description= Fin shoots out two mini projectiles.
*  The first projectile goes straight, while the other is at 45% downward angle.
* Plus enough to make 5CC into true block string, as long the opponent isn't crouching.
* only punishable to certain guard cancel at point blank range. Frame traps that is not 5L or spaced is punishable to throws.
* Fin's only safe way to deploy machu bomb during pressure. Character with large grab range can challenge (Ende, Artifact)

Line 206: Line 272:
  |description= Fin fires a single projectile at lower angle.
* Almost the same angle as the 5C, but it's slightly elevated which allows it to have more range in footsie.
* Can be grab punish if try to frame trap outside of light normal. Slightly delaying 5CC from 5C creates enough pushback to force grab whiff.
* 5CC into 5CC is true block string when cancel early.
* Fin can force 50/50 with 2C for low, or 6C for overhead.

Line 225: Line 295:
  |description= Fin fires a flurry of projectiles, up  to 6 projectiles.
* Insanely plus to were 5B >5C can be looped int true block string up three times.
* A versatile tool since it can wall out opponent in mid range, lock down opponent on pressure, or combo filler for meter build.
* Fin can cancel any of the 6 projectiles into special, machu bomb or Bebebam RPS shines.
Line 243: Line 316:
  |description= Fins Gun turns into a giant mallet and she swings it down, doing two hits.
* an Overhead that causes a soft knockdown on hit.
* This move does extend Fin hurtbox, so its prone to whiff punishing.
Line 261: Line 337:
  |description= Fins Swing her Mallet but upward.
* Charge as set burst does a wall carry, with wall bounce on counter hit.
* The low swing can OTG grounded opponents. allowing conversion with Quick's counter burst cancel.
Line 279: Line 357:
  |description= Fin Duck low and does the infamous shoto cr.MK.
* Excellent ground poke that chain into itself, good for checking approaches and confirming.
* Fin's only safe Light attack. outside of Character with large grab range ( Ende, Artifactor)

Line 298: Line 379:
  |description= Fin twirls her tail while crouching.
* Fins fastest B normal, that even be linked from 5CCC chain if close enough. ( leading to Fin loops)
* looks Similar to 6M which is an overhead, can disorient opponents who are sleeping.
* Safe on block.
Line 316: Line 401:
  |description= Fin fires her gun at lower angle.
* This move is a true low, despite being a projectile.
* Fins reliable way to score AUB.
* one rare sweep that is safe on block, great for fishing for counter burst.
Line 334: Line 422:
  |description= Fin does mortal kombat jumping kick
* Active until landing, good for jump or clashing.
* It's slower start-up than most j.a making poor air to air if didn't use early.
Line 352: Line 443:
  |description= Fin swings her hammer down, similar to her 6C.
* Decent normal for air footsie due to is deceptive active frames.
* Does extend Fin hurt box
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">j.B</font> ======
|description= Fin twirls her tail, similar to her 6B.
* Fin dedicated cross normal.
* Does extend Fin hurt box a bit.
Line 370: Line 483:
  |description= Fin fires her gun at downard angle.
* a jumping projectile that saldy not an overhead, but still plus on block.
* When Fins fires the gun, it slight pushes her back, making it excellent retreating normal.
* Its start up make it difficult to combo in air string, but the trade off it allow fin to combo into her air throw.
* Uniquely Fin can't cancel the start up into a double jump, Only after the projectile is shoot. Making a more commit able than most jumping normals.
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">j.C</font> ======
|description= Fin drops down below her.
* A dive kick that drastically reduce Fins momentum. Carry some of Fin jumping inertia as she dives.
* Has very little start-up and is active till landing. With little recovery to boot.
* The moves enable ambiguous cross up, that's pretty much an unblockable when time on top of the opponent.
Line 388: Line 527:
  |description= Fins swings her Hammer upwards, similar to 5SP.
* High risk/High reward air option due to its invincibility on start-up, and being an untechable launcher. But it's very commitable .
* Due to hit swing starting behind fin, it can also cross up, and lead to further ambiguous cross up.
* Can hit OTG when do low to the ground.
Line 406: Line 548:
  |description= Fin rushes at the opponent with super man punch. blue aura.
* a good tool to establish offense since it only loses to early evasion or guard cancels super.
* great combo tool due to its launching properties. 
Line 424: Line 568:
  |description= Fins does another superman punch with the other hand, red aura.
* On hit send the opponent flying to the wall, on counter hit its a wall bounce.
* This moves compliment Fins' frame trap game, by it having huge reward on counter hit.
Line 442: Line 588:
  |description= Fins does yet another super man punch, but instead its a DRILL. up to 7 hits.
* This dash attack is one of Fin's other Meter building tool, it alone builds 19% on block and 23% on hit.
* While unsafe on block, spacing limits the opponent's punishment option. Having machu bomb lowers that risk further
* Unique this Move depletes the opponent's guard gauge, giving fin some guard breaking potential.
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">5/6B+C</font> ======
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">5/6B+C</font> ======
Line 451: Line 601:
Line 461: Line 611:
  |description= Fins grabs and hold the opponent, as a Spring paw? launches the opponent in the air.
* A throw that leads into a soft knockdown, can follow up into a juggle.
* Can be Kara canceled into from 6A.
* One fF Fins better starter dues to its low poration on combo scaling.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">j.B+C</font> ======
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">j.B+C</font> ======
Line 471: Line 623:
|name=Air Throw
|name=Air Throw
Line 481: Line 633:
  |description= Fins grabs and hold the opponent, as a Spring paw? launches the opponent in the air.
* Air throw that launches the opponent much shorter height.
* Fin can naturally combo into this from her j.C.
* Has weird Quirk, well fin loses the ability to double jump unless she whiffs a normal.
Line 490: Line 647:
Line 502: Line 659:
  |description= Fin targets her gun at 85 degree angle and shoots a stationary beam. On contact the beam will capture the opponent and damaged them, with Fin tossing the opponent for the finishing touch.
* A hit grab move that'll result in a side switch.
* Lock outs opponent emergency mode when the hit grab portion is in motion, 2nd hit
* Opponent is in a soft knockdown state after the move, they can air recovery if their being thrown into the corner.
* Primarily combo tool for high height juggle, or niche anti air.
* Fin can cancel into Super, overdrive and counter burst the initial hit and last hist. To ether follow up on combo or or more down time for set ups.
* Is Grab and command grab invul, although this invincibility is very short.
* Very Punishable on block or whiff.
* In Quick, an Omnia, it has mid invincibility, while in Hard it gets Guard points. Theirs very little practical use
Line 514: Line 680:
  |description=Fin targets her gun at 45 degree angle and shoots a stationary beam. Looking Identical to its light version but with extra properties.
* Does a bit more damage, adding an additional 250.
* The version Fin can combo reliably on most confirms.
* Has OTG properties when Link into Heavy normal's.
* Punishable on block.
* Is Grab and command grab invul, although this invincibility is very short.
* Very Punishable on block or whiff.
* In Quick, an Omnia, it has mid invincibility, while in Hard it gets Guard points. Theirs very little practical use
Line 526: Line 699:
  |description= Fin Targets her Gun straight and shoot stationary beam. She performs her usual Bebebeam special, but she smacks the opponent on the ground a few times and then tosses them upwards.
* This version of Bebebeam doesn't side switch.
* This is Fins most reliable way to add damage with Ex moves, as her other ex are more utility base.
* Its extremely fast start up, makes it good whiff punish or guard cancel reversal.
* Has throw invincibility.
* Can follow up into over drive or another Ex Bebebeam. Often being more damage than her phantom breaker.
Line 534: Line 713:
Line 546: Line 725:
  |description= Fins Deploys 3 missile that'll loosely track the opponents location. Mostly covering the air space.
* A move that great at controlling air space and is fin only full screen projectile.
* Uniquely Fin can have more than one multi missle out at a time.
* Its lengthy start up make this move risky to use outside of Full screen/knockdown scenarios.
* Due to the projectile coming out of Fin's back , it can potentially anti cross up some attacks.
* Quick style these projectile travel faster but less homing, while Hard is much slower but stronger homing.

Line 559: Line 743:
  |description= Fin deploys 4 Missiles that loosely track the opponents location, This has more wide spread coverage.
* A longer start up for More projectiles on screen.
* The wider coverage has better zoning potential in fire ball wars when used at full screen.
* On contact the missile cause regular hit stun, but some time launches the opponent.
* Fin Pulls her hurtbox a bit on start up.

Line 572: Line 760:
  |description= Fin Deploys 6 missle that more aggressively track the opponent location.
* The missle start traveling befor Fin can move.
* The super clover the initial start up and a missile deploy as soon it ends. Resulting in trade even if Fin is hit during the start up.
* Missle being AUB can force opponent to stay ground and whether Fins offense.
* These missiles put the opponent in Soft knockdown, allowing easier conversion.
* Has throw invincibility.
Line 580: Line 773:
|name=Mau-chu Bomber
Line 592: Line 785:
  |description= Fin Direct Machu to throw out a clone of it self, that'll detonate after certain period of time. This version leave the bomb close to Fin.
* This is an OVERHEAD projectile. Meaning opponent have to block it high.
* IF Fin times the low right as the bomb, it is unblockable. Opponent can Evade the unblockable. 
* Unlike other Projectiles, Machu bomb can't be nullify by othr projectiles, or clashed against.
* Fin can have more than one bomb out.
* The Bomb is deployed at frame 3 and will linger no mater what fin state is in.
* This move has quirk were if Fin is in hitstun as it land, it immediately explode upon landing.
* Light Machu Bomb has really short throw invincibility, application is limited outside.
Line 605: Line 804:
  |description= Identical to light version but Machu Throws the clone about mid screen distance.
* If Machu Bomb land behind the opponent, it will auto correct and follow behind them. If the explosion hit behind the opponent, its a counter hit.
* every other properties is Identical to Light version.
Line 617: Line 818:
  |description= Fins Directs Machu to send out several clone bombs, Up to 6.
* These version are not Overheads.
* Has strike invincibility on start up.
* Primary pressure tool for fin since opponent can not guard cancel in between hits, and evasion carry the risk of being thrown.
* Some Reason if the explosion happen  in consecutive order, the opponent can not Emergency mode unless their is a gap.
* Opponent is in soft knockdown state.
* Fins primary source of Damage.
Line 626: Line 833:
|name=Dimension Kick
|input=5H+SP (200%BG)
|input=5H+SP (200%BG)
Line 637: Line 844:
  |description= currently unblockable due to a bug
  |description= Fin flips backward into the air and then does a Fast Dive kick.
* This attack is UNBLOCKABLE.
* Can be used in the Air.
* Has Invincibility all the way until Fin start's her Dive kick.
* In-game time slow down as Fin does her backflip.
* The Yellow rings appears to show Fin's projected route.
* The Hitbox is wider than it appears, where Fin can still tag the opponent below or behind her.
* Opponent is in a soft knockdown state where she can follow up into juggles or set ups.
Line 645: Line 859:
|name=Chunky Alligator Beam
|input=5H+SP (200%BG)
|input=5H+SP (200%BG)
Line 656: Line 870:
  |description= Fin summons a Chunky Alligator, and proceeds to shoot a massive Horizontal beam.
* Can Be used in the air.
* This move has invincibility on start-up ( alligator appearing), and some amour before the first active frames ( beam shooting).
* There is a dead zone in between Fin and the Beam.


Latest revision as of 01:25, 25 June 2023



  • Name: Fin
  • Character Voice: Tomoko Kaneda
  • Sex: Female
  • Age: 9
  • Height: 140cm
  • Weight: 23kg
  • Blood: ?
  • Birthday: 10/15
  • B.W.H.: Secret 🚨
  • Occupation: Schrodinger Time-Space Patrol Officer
  • Weapon: JJ Apple (Ultimate Lazer Gun)
  • Style: Long Range - Tricky Type

Fin is a mysterious girl from the future who is always accompanied by her trusted Droid partner, Manchu. She works for an organization called Schrodinger that manages parallel worlds. Fin's duty is to stop Phantom, and she therefore sees the dualists who refuse to become Phantom Breakers as criminals to be judged.


Fin is a Technical character who can set up some unorthodox pressure, normally center around unblockable.

Machu bomb is low to the ground fireball, and Multi-missile can cover the air space. These projectiles have lengthy start up but in return they have homing properties to track the opponent's location. This allows Fins to approach option being hard to contest with if she ever has one of these projectiles out on the field. Fin can formulate a game plan of securing knockdown, where she can set up one of her projectile risk-free.

Besides her projectile, Fin has great set of normals in a standing Low (5A), command normal (6A) with kara throw, solid counter burst and bunch of cross normals. Most notably Fins Heavy normal shoot mini projectiles that are great at pressuring up close, where the full chain is gapless and plus on block. Fin can also force guard to crush with her Dashing heavy that also help her meter gain, how ever it is risky option without projectiles to cover it.

On paper Fin seem strong but its all the little thing that make her cumbersome to play well. Fin is as floaty as Artifactor allowing unique juggle that would otherwise be impossible, on top of having one of the weaker health make and pretty bad defensive options. Fins offense is impressive when she can get her set up going but the damage she does is minuscule in most cases.

Fin's risk and reward are roughly stacked against her, however, she's able to even out those odds with a meter usage. Fins unblockable game is one of the better ones with low risk, albeit not the highest reward.

Fin is classified as a Long-Range Tricky. She can pollute the screen with projectiles, allowing her to pressure risk free.
Strengths Weaknesses
  • Disjointed Normals: All of Fins Heavy Normals are short-range projectiles that can clash with other hitboxes while not expanding any hurt box of her own.
  • 2 Tracking Projectiles: Multi Missle and Machu Bomb are tracking projectiles that are great at pining down the opponent enabling Fins gameplan.
  • Machu Bomb: These bombs are the few projectiles that can't be clashed or go away if Fin is hit. Not only that they are overhead which leads to an unblockable, bait guard cancels, or further pressure.
  • Easy Meter build': fins heavy chain build considerable amounts of meter, allow her to use resource option regularly.
  • Poor defense: From one of the lowest health pools and lack of a reversal, opponents can bully Fin easily.
  • Weak Anti-air: All Fins Anti-air require resources and have glaring blind spots making them unreliable in most circumstances.
  • Low damage: Without a meter, Fin tends to do little damage, and while it's possible to offset this with resource, that resource tends to be used defensively than offensively.
  • Polarszing match up: rushdown characters bully Fins lack of defensive option, and zoners tend to stop her from setting her own projectiles.
  • Extended Hurt box: Any of Fin's normal that are not her Heavy normal extend her hurt box, with their speed and range rarely compensating.

Style Overview

PBO QuickStyle Icon.png

Dimension Kick is the saving grace for this style since it is an unblockable attack that is hard to punish, and FIN can build this multi times per round. Otherwise Fin bleeds in this style and will use Emergency than any other mechanic. A Fin for the Unblockable specialist. 

PBO HardStyle Icon.png

Be-bebeam guard point may be weak, but protection more than make-ups for its shortcoming, solid amour improve states also helps here. Fin exchanges Dimension kick for Chunky Alligator Beam, a more traditional zoning tool.This style shines as a counter-pick against rush-down characters. 

PBO OmniaStyle Icon.png

Potentially The best Fin as ever been. Omnia good damage scaling lets her match some character's damage output, Stockpiling meter comes easy for her, and Machu bomb is really obnoxious as a guard cancels. While Fin won't be missing the other style mechanics, she will be yearning for Emergency mode to prevent herself from becoming the opponent's training dummy.

Normal Moves

PBO Fin 5A.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Fins kicks at the opponent's shin

  • Can be reverse beat from 2A
  • A standing Low
  • One of Fin's only AUB normal
  • Has less reach than 2A, but has more hit advantage
  • unsafe on block.
PBO Fin 5AA.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Fin does a high kick

  • Mostly Pressure filler
  • Unsafe on block.
PBO Fin 5AAA.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Fin does a stepping punch.

  • Moslty a pressure/combo filler
  • Unsafe on block
PBO Fin 5AAA.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Fin does a stepping punch. Identical to 5AAA

  • Has the ability to kara throw after the active frame, making it ideal to use versus evasion.
PBO Fin 5B.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Fin does a weird looking rising attack.

  • This Move Pushes Fin Considerably forward, giving it more horizontal; range than it appears.
  • Start up make this move better at checking jump out as oppose to anti airing.
  • Unsafe on block.
PBO Fin 5BB.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Fin does a twirl kick. * Has a lot of clash frames

  • One of Fin's further pokes outside of her H Chains.
  • Leads to 50/50 5bbb for overhead, and 2B for lows
  • Is Safe on block.
PBO Fin 5BBB.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Fin Raising her legs to emit fire from her rocket boots.

  • This is Fin's Unique chain Overhead that hits 4 times.
  • Has deceptively long range than animation suggest, even more range than Heavy attack.
  • Can cancel the chain into at anytime, forcing another 50/50 with 2C.
  • In hard style this is Fin's 4B.
  • Is unsafe on block.
  • Fins Hurtbox is extended far out, need to cancel it to shrink it or risk whiff punishing.
PBO Fin 6B.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Fins twirls around with her tail striking at the opponent.

  • Fin's Universal over head, that hits twice.
  • This is short range overhead, but is safe on block.
  • Can Be kara cancel into specials and dash attacks.
PBO Fin 5C.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Fin shoots out two mini projectiles.

  • The first projectile goes straight, while the other is at 45% downward angle.
  • Plus enough to make 5CC into true block string, as long the opponent isn't crouching.
  • only punishable to certain guard cancel at point blank range. Frame traps that is not 5L or spaced is punishable to throws.
  • Fin's only safe way to deploy machu bomb during pressure. Character with large grab range can challenge (Ende, Artifact)
PBO Fin 5CC.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Fin fires a single projectile at lower angle.

  • Almost the same angle as the 5C, but it's slightly elevated which allows it to have more range in footsie.
  • Can be grab punish if try to frame trap outside of light normal. Slightly delaying 5CC from 5C creates enough pushback to force grab whiff.
  • 5CC into 5CC is true block string when cancel early.
  • Fin can force 50/50 with 2C for low, or 6C for overhead.
PBO Fin 5CCC.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Fin fires a flurry of projectiles, up to 6 projectiles.

  • Insanely plus to were 5B >5C can be looped int true block string up three times.
  • A versatile tool since it can wall out opponent in mid range, lock down opponent on pressure, or combo filler for meter build.
  • Fin can cancel any of the 6 projectiles into special, machu bomb or Bebebam RPS shines.
PBO Fin 6C.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Fins Gun turns into a giant mallet and she swings it down, doing two hits.

  • an Overhead that causes a soft knockdown on hit.
  • This move does extend Fin hurtbox, so its prone to whiff punishing.
PBO Fin 5SP.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Fins Swing her Mallet but upward.

  • Charge as set burst does a wall carry, with wall bounce on counter hit.
  • The low swing can OTG grounded opponents. allowing conversion with Quick's counter burst cancel.
PBO Fin 2A.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Fin Duck low and does the infamous shoto cr.MK.

  • Excellent ground poke that chain into itself, good for checking approaches and confirming.
  • Fin's only safe Light attack. outside of Character with large grab range ( Ende, Artifactor)
PBO Fin 2B.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Fin twirls her tail while crouching.

  • Fins fastest B normal, that even be linked from 5CCC chain if close enough. ( leading to Fin loops)
  • looks Similar to 6M which is an overhead, can disorient opponents who are sleeping.
  • Safe on block.
PBO Fin 2C.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Fin fires her gun at lower angle.

  • This move is a true low, despite being a projectile.
  • Fins reliable way to score AUB.
  • one rare sweep that is safe on block, great for fishing for counter burst.
PBO Fin jA.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Fin does mortal kombat jumping kick

  • Active until landing, good for jump or clashing.
  • It's slower start-up than most j.a making poor air to air if didn't use early.
PBO Fin jB.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Fin swings her hammer down, similar to her 6C.

  • Decent normal for air footsie due to is deceptive active frames.
  • Does extend Fin hurt box
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Fin twirls her tail, similar to her 6B.

  • Fin dedicated cross normal.
  • Does extend Fin hurt box a bit.
PBO Fin jC.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Fin fires her gun at downard angle.

  • a jumping projectile that saldy not an overhead, but still plus on block.
  • When Fins fires the gun, it slight pushes her back, making it excellent retreating normal.
  • Its start up make it difficult to combo in air string, but the trade off it allow fin to combo into her air throw.
  • Uniquely Fin can't cancel the start up into a double jump, Only after the projectile is shoot. Making a more commit able than most jumping normals.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Fin drops down below her.

  • A dive kick that drastically reduce Fins momentum. Carry some of Fin jumping inertia as she dives.
  • Has very little start-up and is active till landing. With little recovery to boot.
  • The moves enable ambiguous cross up, that's pretty much an unblockable when time on top of the opponent.
PBO Fin jSP.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Fins swings her Hammer upwards, similar to 5SP.

  • High risk/High reward air option due to its invincibility on start-up, and being an untechable launcher. But it's very commitable .
  • Due to hit swing starting behind fin, it can also cross up, and lead to further ambiguous cross up.
  • Can hit OTG when do low to the ground.
PBO Fin 66A.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Fin rushes at the opponent with super man punch. blue aura.

  • a good tool to establish offense since it only loses to early evasion or guard cancels super.
  • great combo tool due to its launching properties.
PBO Fin 66B.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Fins does another superman punch with the other hand, red aura.

  • On hit send the opponent flying to the wall, on counter hit its a wall bounce.
  • This moves compliment Fins' frame trap game, by it having huge reward on counter hit.
PBO Fin 66C.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Fins does yet another super man punch, but instead its a DRILL. up to 7 hits.

  • This dash attack is one of Fin's other Meter building tool, it alone builds 19% on block and 23% on hit.
  • While unsafe on block, spacing limits the opponent's punishment option. Having machu bomb lowers that risk further
  • Unique this Move depletes the opponent's guard gauge, giving fin some guard breaking potential.


PBO Fin T.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - Throw Throw

Fins grabs and hold the opponent, as a Spring paw? launches the opponent in the air.

  • A throw that leads into a soft knockdown, can follow up into a juggle.
  • Can be Kara canceled into from 6A.
  • One fF Fins better starter dues to its low poration on combo scaling.
Air Throw
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - Throw Throw

Fins grabs and hold the opponent, as a Spring paw? launches the opponent in the air.

  • Air throw that launches the opponent much shorter height.
  • Fin can naturally combo into this from her j.C.
  • Has weird Quirk, well fin loses the ability to double jump unless she whiffs a normal.

Special Moves

PBO Fin 6SP.jpg
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
Light - - - - - - - -

Fin targets her gun at 85 degree angle and shoots a stationary beam. On contact the beam will capture the opponent and damaged them, with Fin tossing the opponent for the finishing touch.

  • A hit grab move that'll result in a side switch.
  • Lock outs opponent emergency mode when the hit grab portion is in motion, 2nd hit
  • Opponent is in a soft knockdown state after the move, they can air recovery if their being thrown into the corner.
  • Primarily combo tool for high height juggle, or niche anti air.
  • Fin can cancel into Super, overdrive and counter burst the initial hit and last hist. To ether follow up on combo or or more down time for set ups.
  • Is Grab and command grab invul, although this invincibility is very short.
  • Very Punishable on block or whiff.
  • In Quick, an Omnia, it has mid invincibility, while in Hard it gets Guard points. Theirs very little practical use
Medium - - - - - - - -

Fin targets her gun at 45 degree angle and shoots a stationary beam. Looking Identical to its light version but with extra properties.

  • Does a bit more damage, adding an additional 250.
  • The version Fin can combo reliably on most confirms.
  • Has OTG properties when Link into Heavy normal's.
  • Punishable on block.
  • Is Grab and command grab invul, although this invincibility is very short.
  • Very Punishable on block or whiff.
  • In Quick, an Omnia, it has mid invincibility, while in Hard it gets Guard points. Theirs very little practical use
Heavy (100%BG) - - - - - - - AUB

Fin Targets her Gun straight and shoot stationary beam. She performs her usual Bebebeam special, but she smacks the opponent on the ground a few times and then tosses them upwards.

  • This version of Bebebeam doesn't side switch.
  • This is Fins most reliable way to add damage with Ex moves, as her other ex are more utility base.
  • Its extremely fast start up, makes it good whiff punish or guard cancel reversal.
  • Has throw invincibility.
  • Can follow up into over drive or another Ex Bebebeam. Often being more damage than her phantom breaker.
PBO Fin 2SP.jpg
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
Light - - - - - - - -

Fins Deploys 3 missile that'll loosely track the opponents location. Mostly covering the air space.

  • A move that great at controlling air space and is fin only full screen projectile.
  • Uniquely Fin can have more than one multi missle out at a time.
  • Its lengthy start up make this move risky to use outside of Full screen/knockdown scenarios.
  • Due to the projectile coming out of Fin's back , it can potentially anti cross up some attacks.
  • Quick style these projectile travel faster but less homing, while Hard is much slower but stronger homing.
Medium - - - - - - - -

Fin deploys 4 Missiles that loosely track the opponents location, This has more wide spread coverage.

  • A longer start up for More projectiles on screen.
  • The wider coverage has better zoning potential in fire ball wars when used at full screen.
  • On contact the missile cause regular hit stun, but some time launches the opponent.
  • Fin Pulls her hurtbox a bit on start up.
Heavy (100%BG) - - - - - - - AUB

Fin Deploys 6 missle that more aggressively track the opponent location.

  • The missle start traveling befor Fin can move.
  • The super clover the initial start up and a missile deploy as soon it ends. Resulting in trade even if Fin is hit during the start up.
  • Missle being AUB can force opponent to stay ground and whether Fins offense.
  • These missiles put the opponent in Soft knockdown, allowing easier conversion.
  • Has throw invincibility.
Mau-chu Bomber
PBO Fin 4SP.jpg
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
Light - - - - - - - -

Fin Direct Machu to throw out a clone of it self, that'll detonate after certain period of time. This version leave the bomb close to Fin.

  • This is an OVERHEAD projectile. Meaning opponent have to block it high.
  • IF Fin times the low right as the bomb, it is unblockable. Opponent can Evade the unblockable.
  • Unlike other Projectiles, Machu bomb can't be nullify by othr projectiles, or clashed against.
  • Fin can have more than one bomb out.
  • The Bomb is deployed at frame 3 and will linger no mater what fin state is in.
  • This move has quirk were if Fin is in hitstun as it land, it immediately explode upon landing.
  • Light Machu Bomb has really short throw invincibility, application is limited outside.
Medium - - - - - - - -

Identical to light version but Machu Throws the clone about mid screen distance.

  • If Machu Bomb land behind the opponent, it will auto correct and follow behind them. If the explosion hit behind the opponent, its a counter hit.
  • every other properties is Identical to Light version.
Heavy (100%BG) - - - - - - - AUB

Fins Directs Machu to send out several clone bombs, Up to 6.

  • These version are not Overheads.
  • Has strike invincibility on start up.
  • Primary pressure tool for fin since opponent can not guard cancel in between hits, and evasion carry the risk of being thrown.
  • Some Reason if the explosion happen in consecutive order, the opponent can not Emergency mode unless their is a gap.
  • Opponent is in soft knockdown state.
  • Fins primary source of Damage.

Phantom Breakers

Quick Super Attack
Dimension Kick
5H+SP (200%BG)
PBO Fin QPB.jpg
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - AUB

Fin flips backward into the air and then does a Fast Dive kick.

* This attack is UNBLOCKABLE. 
  • Can be used in the Air.
  • Has Invincibility all the way until Fin start's her Dive kick.
  • In-game time slow down as Fin does her backflip.
  • The Yellow rings appears to show Fin's projected route.
  • The Hitbox is wider than it appears, where Fin can still tag the opponent below or behind her.
  • Opponent is in a soft knockdown state where she can follow up into juggles or set ups.
Hard Super Attack
Chunky Alligator Beam
5H+SP (200%BG)
PBO Fin HPB.jpg
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Fin summons a Chunky Alligator, and proceeds to shoot a massive Horizontal beam.

  • Can Be used in the air.
  • This move has invincibility on start-up ( alligator appearing), and some amour before the first active frames ( beam shooting).
  • There is a dead zone in between Fin and the Beam.

Phantom Breaker: Omnia

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ArtifactorCocoaEndeFinGaitoInfinityItsukiKurisuLMMaestraMeiMikoto NishinaMikoto WRenRiaRimiShizukaShin-WakaSophiaTokiyaWakaYuzuha