Phantom Breaker: Omnia/Cocoa: Difference between revisions

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Born into the lap of luxury, Cocoa didn't want for anything. One day, growing bored with life, Cocoa started playing the MMORPG "True Dark Age" (a.k.a T-DA) and became obsessed with her character Uriel. Now, the girl who always got everything she wanted wants nothing more than to turn this boring world called reality into the world of T-DA.
Born into the lap of luxury, Cocoa didn't want for anything. One day, growing bored with life, Cocoa started playing the MMORPG "True Dark Age" (a.k.a T-DA) and became obsessed with her character Uriel. Now, the girl who always got everything she wanted wants nothing more than to turn this boring world called reality into the world of T-DA.
Cocoa is a Close-range Rushdown character whose capable of sticking to her opponent and making their life bar explode once she gets in.

Despite Phantom Breaker having Strong Defensive tools, Cocoa has the ability to counterplay them effectively. For starters, her jab is safe from a majority of guard cancel option, and is plus on block so she can start her offense if they respect it. Cocoa's 66A is safe on block, can bait out evasion, and on hit can lead to a combo. Stumpfer Fluego can be used on an overly passive opponent to wear down their guard gauge and to push them to the corner. Barbarischer Nagel being a hit grab will catch and nullify moves with high clash frames as well as super amour.

Cocoa is an aggressive fighter with some of the fastest attacks accompanied by high Damage output. While lacking in any long-range power, Cocoa's close-range strength is unmatched in frame advantage, damage, combo, and mix-up.
Cocoa's counter burst lets her threaten with 7 frame overhead at any point in her pressure, and if she had meter for (Q) counter burst she can convert it into a full combo. Her dash attack are also potent mix up since she has dashing low or overhead to threaten a mix up at footsie range. She has command normal dive attack that can lock the opponent down during pressure. It doesn't stop there, j.2b is very plus on block to allow pressure resets, and the dive attack has a large enough hitbox to clash with anti air attacks. Cocoa Barbarischer Nagel bears mention again since it's where cocoa gets the bulks of her damage in combos. Light version tends to be the best for combo enders for its hard knockdown, while the medium version has better combo damage scaling and can be OTG, and ex version has the best of both worlds.

Cocoa's great offense comes at the cost of little defensive power of her own. She solely relies on universal system mechanics since her only reversal, EX Kurzes Messer, is vulnerable to low attack. Characters with strong keep-away can force Cocoa into risky scenarios when she tries to close the distance. Cocoa has some difficulty dealing with Hard Style's "Protection".
* '''Blistering Offense''': besides lacking a command grab, Cocoa has a myriad of offensive tools at her disposal, and can perform multiple mixups in a single blockstring once she is in.  
* '''Stun''': long combos and potent mix on Oki mean it takes fewer hits to dizzy an opponent, giving her comeback/snowball potential against characters with low stun resistance.
| intro ='''Cocoa''' is classified as a Close-Range Rushdown. With strong dashing attacks and high damaging specials, She can steal turns and rounds once she gets going.
* '''Barbarischer Nagel''': This is Cocoa's tool for high damage output, it has minimal damage scaling and always leads to a knockdown. Spicey edition update now let this move OTG.
* '''Mobility''': Stumpfer Flugel and air Kurzes Messer let Cocoa close the distance from various angles with minimal Risk, on top of Cocoa dash speed being one of the fastest.
| pros =
* '''Blistering Offense''': despite lacking a command grab, Cocoa has a myriad of offensive tools at her disposal, and can perform multiple mixups in a single blockstring once she is in.  
* '''Lack of Range''': Cocoa has no tool to threaten at full screen and needs to close the distance, while her mobility helps, zoning/keep out specialist still gives her trouble in neutral against characters who can outbox her.
* '''Stun''': long combos and potent mix on Oki mean it takes fewer mistakes for an opponent to dizzy, giving her comeback/snowball potential against characters with low stun resistance.
* '''Low health''': With how volatile PBO can get, cocoa dying from one mistake is a possibility.
* '''Barbarischer Nagel''': This move put in a lot work for Cocoa, its AUB, exceptional combo tool, anti-emergency mode (mid animations), and a great clash deterrent.
* '''Limited Defensive tools''': Cocoa EX Kurzes Messer has some invincibility but it's short and tied behind resources, making it unreliable. however, the meterless version still low profiles so she is not without her options.
* '''High damage''': Cocooa tools such as Barbarischer Nagel, Air Kurzes Messer, and her grabs lead to substantial damage.
* ''' Protection''' : due to Cocoa always needing to be up and personal, and weak defensive tools, she has a hard time RPSing against hard style protection.
| cons=
* '''Lack of Range''': Cocoa has no tool to threaten at full screen and needs to close the distance, while her dash speed helps, projectiles and disjointed hitboxes can still give her trouble in neutral against characters who can outbox her.
* '''Poor antiairs''': Cocoa doesn't have a stable way to keep the opponent grounded since her anti-air and AUB options are weak to safe jumps, mostly relying on air throw which is risky.
* '''Limited Defensive option''': Cocoa has no full invincibility, mostly having attacks with either high or low invincibility. not to mention their only invincible for a short time.  
* '''Character Specific combos''': While not exclusive to Cocoa, her stubby normal makes her optimal combo very finicky on the cast.

Style Overview
'''Style Overview'''

[[file:PBO_QuickStyle_Icon.png|50px|]]''Quick style''
  The go-to for cocoa, as having access to SS cancel is integral to her ability to do high damage off of mixups, she also can use slipshift dodge to deal with heavy zoning.
  The ability to Slipshift cancel let Cocoa get consistent damage off her Counter burst conversion. Clock-up overdrive not only improves her offense but defensively saves her from whiff punishes.  Cocoa can easily build up to 70% burst gauge off one touch. This is the Go-to style for Cocoa by far.

[[file:PBO_HardStyle_Icon.png|50px|]]''Hard style''
  Protection is the main reason to pick this style, Hover on regular jumps is somewhat useful to cocoa but still falls a bit short in comparison to quick's double jump, and 4b, despite being a very strong overhead, isn't as useful to cocoa as she already has so much mix at her disposal.  
  The slower frame data and lack of double jump severely hinder Cocoa's core game plan, But she does get much better defensive tools with various guard points and amour on several of her specials. Schöne Fledermaus is a potent anti air and Cocoa's only full reversal option. All this on top of protection which is an incredibly versatile tool lets cocoa play the long game in matches.

[[file:PBO_OmniaStyle_Icon.png|50px|]]''Omnia Style''
  Cocoa meter dump becomes absurd in Omnia thanks to a natural ability to link her ex-specials.
  Medium Barbarischer Nagel gets mid guard points when used as guard cancel, and medium Kurzes get slightly low invincibility, letting Cocoa have bonafide meterless reversal. All range while an expensive option, does give cocoa an actual projectile. With that said the loss of over drive and emergency mode make this a not-so-popular pick, but with good fundamentals, it can work.

==Normal Moves==
==Normal Moves==
Line 61: Line 69:
  |description= Generic jab
*can be reverse beat from 2A
* Very plus on block.
* Cocoa go to poke to bait out guard cancel or go for a mix-up.
* Can be reverse beat from 2A in quick style

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  |description= rebeats to 2a for low or 5aaa for overhead. your most common point for mixup branching.
  |description= Cocoa Swipes at her foe with her claw.
* Chain primarily for mix-up due to its follow-up allowing low or overhead attacks.

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  |description= one of cocoa's many overhead options. will whiff on some characters in hitstun(mikoto  & her clones) crouching.
  |description= Cocoa does another claw attack.
* Is an Overhead
* Whiff on opponents who are in crouching hit stun, Solely a mix up tool.
* this normal can't be jump cancel
* For some reason can't Gatling into any B normals.
Line 118: Line 137:
  |description= Cocoa slashes in an upward angle
* Potential anti air button due to extended hitbox from claw animation.
* Provides Similar function to 5AA chain, but this version has better reach in footsie range.
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  |description= Gatlings into 5bbb and 2b for High/low mixup.
  |description= Cocoa kicks at her foes
* Similar to 5AA function, with 5BB defining difference in having more horizontal reach.
* 5BB can high profile some low attacks.
Line 154: Line 182:
  |description= Cocoa's most reliable overhead, easily convertable into a full combo at most ranges. However, can whiff at max 5bb range as its horizontal reach is subpar.
  |description= Cocoa strikes downward with her claw.
*This is Cocoa's 4M in Hard style.
*Cocoa's most reliable overhead, easily convertable into a full combo at most ranges. However, can whiff at max 5bb range as its horizontal reach is subpar.
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|caption=hitconfirming this is tricky
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  |description= important overhead available as a cancel from most normals. can only be canceled into 6c and 5sp, meaning you will need to spend resources for damage from this, and hit confirming it can be tricky to do safely.
  |description= Cocoa hops forward while striking down with her claw.
* Cocoa Universal Overhead
* Can potentially High profile against some low attacks.
* Can only cancel into 6C, Counter Burst, Ex specials, and Overdrives. Can bypass this limitation with 6C kara cancel.
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  |description=  main antiair.
  |description=  Cocoa does an awkward looking uppercut.
* A fast normal for a heavy, even faster than 5B.
* has some plus frame on block.
* Despite its speed and plus frames, the fact it whiff outside point blank range, limit its usage in pressure.
* Contrast to animation, it does not have much vertical reach, so its worst anti air than 5B.  

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  |description= Cocoa turn her torso while slashing at her opponent.
* Has a generous delay cancel into 5CCC for stagger pressure.
* A great chain if not for it also whiffing on crouching foes who are in hitstune.

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  |description= Cocoa stabs at her opponent with her claw.
* Cocoa longest-reaching poke
* If 5CCC connects at max range, only dashing attacks, and EX Stumpfler will link.
* Active frames last long enough to meaty on an opponent's wake up for plus frames.
* Also has a habit of whiffing on crouching opponents.
Line 247: Line 296:
  |cancel = 5SP
  |cancel = 5SP
  |description=  whiffs on some characters crouching and can only be canceled to 5sp
  |description=  Cocoa thrus her claw at the opponent's ribs.
* One of Cocoa's only multi hit normals.
* Decent way to end pressure since its safe on block from reversal but not guard cancels.
* Cocoa most reliable way to convert of her 6B
* Has kara cancel ability where cocoa can cancel the initial start up into Specials and Dashing attacks.
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  |cancel = SS
  |cancel = SS
  |description= Unlike most characters 5sp, cocoa's is 2 hits, the first of which only occurs very close to cocoa and is an overhead. dash canceling this with 66 in quick style is very important to cocoa's damage.
  |description= Cocoa Does double claw slashes.
* Has a unique trait of the first attack being an overhead. One of Cocoa's most important mix-up tool
* The second hit on counter hit is a hard knockdown, something she can achieve easily since the second hit can otg.
* The Set burst version of this move fly will instant corner carry.  
* Cocoa Set burst has one hit of armor all the way to the second hit.  
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  |description= Cocoa does a crouching low kick
* More vertical reach than 5A, but slower
* Does more damage and combo scaling than 5A
* 2A can link into 5C consistently, so this should be used over 5A
* In quick style can be Rebeat into 5A
Line 305: Line 370:
  |description= Cocoa does a similar attack to 5B while crouching.
* Being low attack this can be used as AUB.
* Punishable to reversal on block, should always cancel to avoid this
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  |description= Cocoa slashes her claw at ground level.
* A low attack that leads to a hard knockdown. If the opponent is crouching it causes a re-stand instead.
* Quick/Omnia will not cause a hard knockdown unless 2C is combo into.
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  |description= Cocoa does aerial kick.
* Active until landing.
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  |description= Cocoa does an upward slash
* Great tool for air-to-air tool in air footsie
* Despite the animation, it can cross up opponents.
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">j.B</font> ======
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">j.B</font> ======
Line 376: Line 456:
  |description= Cocoa dive vertically with her claw.
* 3 Multi hit attack, the opponent can not guard cancel till the last hit. Likewise Cocoa can only Counter burst, air EX, and overdrive cancel on third hit. 
* A dive attack that's overhead, one of the best dive attacks in Phantom Breaker.
* Extremely plus on block making it not only safe from reversal and guard cancel, cocoa and often reset her pressure with low to no risk.
* With set up it becomes very ambiguous left to right mix up.
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">j.C</font> ======
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">j.C</font> ======
Line 394: Line 479:
  |description= Cocoa does downward aerial claw slash
* Its lower vertical reach make it excellent for jump ins.
* Has hitbox behind her, making it an even better cross up button.
* Can easily link into Light Kurzes for combo pick ups.
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  |description= air footsies
  |description= Cocoa slashes horizontally with her claw.
* Decent Footsie tool for his Horizontal range, poor jump-in for lack of vertical.
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  |description= Cocoa does a double palms strike.
* Invincibility on start up.
* Can be used as air guard cancel.
* Second hit causes a soft knockdown.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">j.2SP</font> ======
|description= has an ex version as well. just cocoa's 6c but floats her breifly before fastfalling her as the hitbox comes out.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">66A</font> ======
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">66A</font> ======
Line 465: Line 546:
  |description= Cocoa Dashes with her claw in a fist.
* Seem to negative 1 on block to be safe from reversal but punishable to certain guard cancels. A good pressure-ender over all.
* Can be used to stabilize certain high-height juggles.
* With a fast start-up and relatively low risk, it's one of Cocoa best tools for getting in. If Cocoa can space this where the last active frame hits, she plus.
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  |description= Cocoa dashing at her opponent with a kick.
* A multi hitting dash attack that does up to 4 hits.
* The initial attack is a mid, while the rest is overhead. 66B and 66C are the center piece to cocoa's mix up.
* Can be whif cancel to counter burst and ex moves, otherwise can only be cancel on third hit.
* Can link into TK Kurzes off certain hit confirms.
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  |frameAdv= very minus
  |frameAdv= very minus
  |description= Cocoa Slides on the grind, slashing at opponents' feet.
* A dashing attack, where the first attack is a low and the second is a mid.
* While the first hit is a low, its not AUB.
* Both hit will launch the opponent, making it one of cocoa go to juggle starter.
* Had weird quirk, where hitting at the tip of its range make it lose low attack property and doesn't launch.
* Lowers Cocoa hurtbox, potentially low profiling certain attacks. 
* While Punishable on block, 66C has late cancel frames into 5SP or ex to counterplay retaliation.
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  |description= Cocoa grabs the opponent by the neck and throws them to the ground, resulting in a ground splat.
* An throw with above-average damage, being 5 frames make it cocoa's fastest punish option.
* Can use Counter burst to tack on about 200 damage, with resource can add average of 2000+ damage (whiffs on Fin)
* Opponent can not emergency mode when done outside of combos.
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  |description= Cocoa stabs at her opponent as they fall to the ground.
* This grab causes a ground splat mid-screen and wall bounce when cornered.
* The lower Cocoq can do her air throw, the less recovery cocoa has.
* Can cancel into air EX Kurzes, can potentially whiff if done to fast so delay the cancel. Can also use over drive if have it.
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  |description= command dash. if the opponent is in proximity by the end of the dash, cocoa will perform a flurry of advancing attacks, followed up by the claw from 5c, which is prone to whiffing on blocking opponents at some distances.
  |description= A 5-hit rush attack that ends in an uppercut.
* A decent juggle starter since the opponent is close to cocoa after the launcher.
* Can be made safe from reversals if spaced outside of close range, still vulnerable to Evade and guard cancels.
* Can cancel into counter burst and meter option on the 5th hit.
* Quick/omnia have head invincibility while hard has amour.
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  |description= same as light but ends in the kick from 5bb, which is more conistent on blocking/standing opponents but often whiffs on airborne ones. an option if the opponents gaurd is already dark red and forcing a gaurd break is possible, but its high punishability and lack of practical use in combos makes this and the light version the least useful of cocoa's specials.
  |description=A  8-hit rush attack that ends with a kick attack.
* Unlike Light and EX version this attack is proximity base, cocoa will only dash with no attack if the opponent is not near her. Has niche usage as command dash.  
* The last hit is an overhead. The kick force a soft knockdown state.
* Has considerable corner carry. Integral to her corner-to-corner juggles.
* While it has poor scaling in combos, it does give decent meter build and stun value.
* Has a Nich usage as was to wear down gauge gauge. While usually bad on a ground opponent, on-air born opponent this is a fine way to end chicken block pressure.
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  |description= damage/stun squeeze.
  |description= Cocoa does a series of attacks with claw slash as the ender.
* The final attack does a guaranteed wall bounce. The wall bounce can be followed up but have to be quick about it.
* This Ex has good damage scaling if used early but diminishes when used later.
* Has a nasty habit of opponent air teching or failing out when juggled. Best to use on standing/couching or opponent whose in face down juggle (hard knockdown).
* While lacking invincibility, it is still a decent guard cancel option due to its speed.
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  |guard= mid, high
  |guard= mid
Line 605: Line 725:
  |description=Last hit is an overhead
  |description= Cocoa does a crescent slash from the ground up.
* Launches opponent on hit into soft knockdown. If the only the second hit land the opponent can air tech.
* Cocoa has head invincibility
* The second hit of rising slash is AUB but only for a few frames.
* Cocoa has head invincibility, and can potentially clash with mid but is inconsistent.
* Quick/Omnia have only a few frames of low invincibility, unreliable in most cases.
* Cancel into Counter burst, EX, and Overdrive.

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  |description= low profile reversal, Last hit is an overhead
  |description= A multi-hitting crescent slash.
* A proximity attack where cocoa only does the full crescent on hit/block. 
* Exchanges less head invincibility for more low invincibility.
* Quick/Omnia does an additional 5th hit that is a plus on block overhead. The overhead causes a soft knockdown on hit and Hard knockdown on counter hit. 
* Hard style does not have the 5th overhead hit but instead gains Mid guard points.
* Cocoa can cancel into Counter burst, EX, Overdrive on the 4th. This becomes a very strong guard cancel-proof string since the opponent also can't guard cancel till the 4th hit.
* Can otg opponents up to 4 hits. Can still pick up with EX cancels.
* Recovery on whiff is fast enough to punish Slipshift evade, making this an invaluable tool in Cocoa's pressure game.
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  |description= low profile before the flash, invincible several frames after. The first hit is cancelable into other EX moves. Its low hurtbox, excellent horizontal range, relatively brief recovery, and ability to be canceled into from blockstun make EX Kurzes Messer one of the most useful tools at cocoa's disposal in all styles.
  |description= Cocoa does double crescent slashes
* Proximity attack, where cocoa only completes the command on hit or blocked.
* The initial attack has a true low attack, which doesn't enable mix-up: However being low means it will bypass Hard guard points, and rarely if at all clash with attacks.
* Gain mid and high invincibility. The initial guard cancels invincibility frames and fast start-up allows this to work as a pseudo reversal but still weak to meaty low attacks.
* Hard style version gains 3 hits of amour on its start up.
* In Omnia meter dump scenario this ex shines int he combo department.
* has a quirk where Cocoa can cancel the first hit into Counter burst, another ex, or Overdrive. The practical application is limited but worth mentioning.
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  |description= The core of cocoa's quick-style gameplan. can loop into itself using slip shift cancels(4L+S, 5sp, 66, 4L+S....) has high minimum damage, generates >30% BG, and leads to a hard knockdown. these loops do not work on fin, however. Its generous hitbox also allows it to be used as an antiair.
  |description= Cocoa snatches up the opponent and chocks them several times before slamming them to the ground.
* A very damaging hit grab that can grab linger hurt box from ranged pokes. lead to a hard knockdown.
* During the choking animation, the opponent cannot use emergency mode. Due to this being hit grab, it'll end the opponent's overdrive state.
* This attack is AUB.
* Has quirk where this move sometimes ignores clash frames, can punish reflection if the opponent doesn't free cancel into an invul move. also ignores amour.
* Quick/omnia style gain slight invincibility on startup
Line 664: Line 806:
  |description= 4L+S but worse. slower, lower damage, no knockdown, generates less meter, and comboing with 5s requires specific timing/will not work in the corner. the only tradeoff for all of these downsides is a bigger horizontal hitbox and the ability to do routes on characters where 4L+S loops drop.  
  |description= Cocoa stab her opponent and follow up with an explosion
* While initially inferior to light version damage and hard knockdown, it has better combo poration.
* While faster recovery, oki is untenable due to knockback distance.
* Can use this as an OTG move to sacrifice oki to take on more damage.
* Has mid-invincibility, hardstyle gets additional mid-guard point.
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  |description= damage squeeze, can combo after depending on combo scaling. generally not worth it unless securing a kill and the combo is otherwise too scaled for 4L+S looping.
  |description= Cocoa stabs the opponent into consecutive, visually identical to the light version.
* Cocoa most damage ex move that adds on average 1200 damage to a combo.
* Carries traits of light version hard knockdown and medium versions otg and range.
* Has start-up invincibility and short mid-guard point on the initial active frame. not as helpful as it sounds.
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  |description= Hard style phantom break. really good for out of context tension time TODs and very little else
  |description= Cocoa unleashes makes an energy pillar that has a bat-like projectile.
* An area of effect super where Cocoa surround area is hitbox. Usually does 3000 damage in scale combos.
* Cocoa-only projectile move which is great at contesting protection and anti-airing.
* Cocoa only full invincible reversal.
* Can follow up From certain routings.
Universal for any style and work on most characters.
'''Corner carry route''': XX > 66C > (dl)j.B > j.C > j.6C > land > (hi-jump > j.B > j.C > j.6C )x2 > hi-jump > j.A > J.SP
'''Hard knock down''': 2B/6B > 6L+SP > (dl)j.B > j.C > j.6C > land > 2C/4A+SP (require 6C kara cancel for 6B)

'''Corner combo''': 2B > 2C > 66B > j.B > j.2SP > 4SP (for shizuka use j.2A+SP instead)
RPG Cocoa Highlight Trailer:
RPG Cocoa Strategy: coming soon
Cocoa overview in extra:
===Match videos===
Pre-spicey edition matches
Commiku's Cocoa Online sets:
Commiku's Cocoa at CEOTAKU 2022:
FT10 Jota's Cocoa vs  Razor's Mikoto:
[[Category:Phantom Breaker: Omnia]]
[[Category:Phantom Breaker: Omnia]]

Latest revision as of 01:46, 25 June 2023



  • Name: Cocoa
  • Character Voice: Ai Matayoshi
  • Sex: Female
  • Age: 16 (says she's 18)
  • Height: 157cm
  • Weight: 44kg
  • Blood: O
  • Birthday: 2/21
  • B.W.H.: 86.55.85
  • Occupation: Cosplayer
  • Weapon: Kusenia's Claw (Claw)
  • Style: Short Range - Rush Type

Born into the lap of luxury, Cocoa didn't want for anything. One day, growing bored with life, Cocoa started playing the MMORPG "True Dark Age" (a.k.a T-DA) and became obsessed with her character Uriel. Now, the girl who always got everything she wanted wants nothing more than to turn this boring world called reality into the world of T-DA.


Cocoa is a Close-range Rushdown character whose capable of sticking to her opponent and making their life bar explode once she gets in.

Despite Phantom Breaker having Strong Defensive tools, Cocoa has the ability to counterplay them effectively. For starters, her jab is safe from a majority of guard cancel option, and is plus on block so she can start her offense if they respect it. Cocoa's 66A is safe on block, can bait out evasion, and on hit can lead to a combo. Stumpfer Fluego can be used on an overly passive opponent to wear down their guard gauge and to push them to the corner. Barbarischer Nagel being a hit grab will catch and nullify moves with high clash frames as well as super amour.

Cocoa's counter burst lets her threaten with 7 frame overhead at any point in her pressure, and if she had meter for (Q) counter burst she can convert it into a full combo. Her dash attack are also potent mix up since she has dashing low or overhead to threaten a mix up at footsie range. She has command normal dive attack that can lock the opponent down during pressure. It doesn't stop there, j.2b is very plus on block to allow pressure resets, and the dive attack has a large enough hitbox to clash with anti air attacks. Cocoa Barbarischer Nagel bears mention again since it's where cocoa gets the bulks of her damage in combos. Light version tends to be the best for combo enders for its hard knockdown, while the medium version has better combo damage scaling and can be OTG, and ex version has the best of both worlds.

Cocoa's great offense comes at the cost of little defensive power of her own. She solely relies on universal system mechanics since her only reversal, EX Kurzes Messer, is vulnerable to low attack. Characters with strong keep-away can force Cocoa into risky scenarios when she tries to close the distance. Cocoa has some difficulty dealing with Hard Style's "Protection".

Cocoa is classified as a Close-Range Rushdown. With strong dashing attacks and high damaging specials, She can steal turns and rounds once she gets going.
Pros Cons
  • Blistering Offense: despite lacking a command grab, Cocoa has a myriad of offensive tools at her disposal, and can perform multiple mixups in a single blockstring once she is in.
  • Stun: long combos and potent mix on Oki mean it takes fewer mistakes for an opponent to dizzy, giving her comeback/snowball potential against characters with low stun resistance.
  • Barbarischer Nagel: This move put in a lot work for Cocoa, its AUB, exceptional combo tool, anti-emergency mode (mid animations), and a great clash deterrent.
  • High damage: Cocooa tools such as Barbarischer Nagel, Air Kurzes Messer, and her grabs lead to substantial damage.
  • Lack of Range: Cocoa has no tool to threaten at full screen and needs to close the distance, while her dash speed helps, projectiles and disjointed hitboxes can still give her trouble in neutral against characters who can outbox her.
  • Poor antiairs: Cocoa doesn't have a stable way to keep the opponent grounded since her anti-air and AUB options are weak to safe jumps, mostly relying on air throw which is risky.
  • Limited Defensive option: Cocoa has no full invincibility, mostly having attacks with either high or low invincibility. not to mention their only invincible for a short time.
  • Character Specific combos: While not exclusive to Cocoa, her stubby normal makes her optimal combo very finicky on the cast.

Style Overview

PBO QuickStyle Icon.pngQuick style

The ability to Slipshift cancel let Cocoa get consistent damage off her Counter burst conversion. Clock-up overdrive not only improves her offense but defensively saves her from whiff punishes.  Cocoa can easily build up to 70% burst gauge off one touch. This is the Go-to style for Cocoa by far.

PBO HardStyle Icon.pngHard style

The slower frame data and lack of double jump severely hinder Cocoa's core game plan, But she does get much better defensive tools with various guard points and amour on several of her specials. Schöne Fledermaus is a potent anti air and Cocoa's only full reversal option. All this on top of protection which is an incredibly versatile tool lets cocoa play the long game in matches.

PBO OmniaStyle Icon.pngOmnia Style

Medium Barbarischer Nagel gets mid guard points when used as guard cancel, and medium Kurzes get slightly low invincibility, letting Cocoa have bonafide meterless reversal. All range while an expensive option, does give cocoa an actual projectile. With that said the loss of over drive and emergency mode make this a not-so-popular pick, but with good fundamentals, it can work.

Normal Moves

PBO Cocoa 5A.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Generic jab

  • Very plus on block.
  • Cocoa go to poke to bait out guard cancel or go for a mix-up.
  • Can be reverse beat from 2A in quick style
PBO Cocoa 5AA.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Cocoa Swipes at her foe with her claw.

  • Chain primarily for mix-up due to its follow-up allowing low or overhead attacks.
PBO Cocoa 5AAA.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - High -

Cocoa does another claw attack.

  • Is an Overhead
  • Whiff on opponents who are in crouching hit stun, Solely a mix up tool.
  • this normal can't be jump cancel
  • For some reason can't Gatling into any B normals.
PBO Cocoa 5B.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Cocoa slashes in an upward angle

  • Potential anti air button due to extended hitbox from claw animation.
  • Provides Similar function to 5AA chain, but this version has better reach in footsie range.
PBO Cocoa 5BB.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Cocoa kicks at her foes

  • Similar to 5AA function, with 5BB defining difference in having more horizontal reach.
  • 5BB can high profile some low attacks.
PBO Cocoa 5BBB.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - High -

Cocoa strikes downward with her claw.

  • This is Cocoa's 4M in Hard style.
  • Cocoa's most reliable overhead, easily convertable into a full combo at most ranges. However, can whiff at max 5bb range as its horizontal reach is subpar.
PBO Cocoa 6B.png
hitconfirming this is tricky
hitconfirming this is tricky
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - High -

Cocoa hops forward while striking down with her claw.

  • Cocoa Universal Overhead
  • Can potentially High profile against some low attacks.
  • Can only cancel into 6C, Counter Burst, Ex specials, and Overdrives. Can bypass this limitation with 6C kara cancel.
PBO Cocoa 5C.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Cocoa does an awkward looking uppercut.

  • A fast normal for a heavy, even faster than 5B.
  • has some plus frame on block.
  • Despite its speed and plus frames, the fact it whiff outside point blank range, limit its usage in pressure.
  • Contrast to animation, it does not have much vertical reach, so its worst anti air than 5B.
PBO Cocoa 5CC.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Cocoa turn her torso while slashing at her opponent.

  • Has a generous delay cancel into 5CCC for stagger pressure.
  • A great chain if not for it also whiffing on crouching foes who are in hitstune.
PBO Cocoa 5CCC.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Cocoa stabs at her opponent with her claw.

  • Cocoa longest-reaching poke
  • If 5CCC connects at max range, only dashing attacks, and EX Stumpfler will link.
  • Active frames last long enough to meaty on an opponent's wake up for plus frames.
  • Also has a habit of whiffing on crouching opponents.
PBO Cocoa 6C.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - 5SP - -

Cocoa thrus her claw at the opponent's ribs.

  • One of Cocoa's only multi hit normals.
  • Decent way to end pressure since its safe on block from reversal but not guard cancels.
  • Cocoa most reliable way to convert of her 6B
  • Has kara cancel ability where cocoa can cancel the initial start up into Specials and Dashing attacks.
PBO Cocoa 5SP.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - SS High, Mid. -

Cocoa Does double claw slashes.

  • Has a unique trait of the first attack being an overhead. One of Cocoa's most important mix-up tool
  • The second hit on counter hit is a hard knockdown, something she can achieve easily since the second hit can otg.
  • The Set burst version of this move fly will instant corner carry.
  • Cocoa Set burst has one hit of armor all the way to the second hit.
PBO Cocoa 2A.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Cocoa does a crouching low kick

  • More vertical reach than 5A, but slower
  • Does more damage and combo scaling than 5A
  • 2A can link into 5C consistently, so this should be used over 5A
  • In quick style can be Rebeat into 5A
PBO Cocoa 2B.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Cocoa does a similar attack to 5B while crouching.

  • Being low attack this can be used as AUB.
  • Punishable to reversal on block, should always cancel to avoid this
PBO Cocoa 2C.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Cocoa slashes her claw at ground level.

  • A low attack that leads to a hard knockdown. If the opponent is crouching it causes a re-stand instead.
  • Quick/Omnia will not cause a hard knockdown unless 2C is combo into.
PBO Cocoa jA.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - until L - - - - -

Cocoa does aerial kick.

  • Active until landing.
PBO Cocoa jB.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Cocoa does an upward slash

  • Great tool for air-to-air tool in air footsie
  • Despite the animation, it can cross up opponents.
PBO Cocoa j2B.png
this will always hit on the opposite side you expect it to.
this will always hit on the opposite side you expect it to.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - landing (+2?) - - High -

Cocoa dive vertically with her claw.

  • 3 Multi hit attack, the opponent can not guard cancel till the last hit. Likewise Cocoa can only Counter burst, air EX, and overdrive cancel on third hit.
  • A dive attack that's overhead, one of the best dive attacks in Phantom Breaker.
  • Extremely plus on block making it not only safe from reversal and guard cancel, cocoa and often reset her pressure with low to no risk.
  • With set up it becomes very ambiguous left to right mix up.
PBO Cocoa jC.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Cocoa does downward aerial claw slash

  • Its lower vertical reach make it excellent for jump ins.
  • Has hitbox behind her, making it an even better cross up button.
  • Can easily link into Light Kurzes for combo pick ups.
PBO Cocoa j6C.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Cocoa slashes horizontally with her claw.

  • Decent Footsie tool for his Horizontal range, poor jump-in for lack of vertical.
PBO Cocoa jSP.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Cocoa does a double palms strike.

  • Invincibility on start up.
  • Can be used as air guard cancel.
  • Second hit causes a soft knockdown.

PBO Cocoa 66A.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Cocoa Dashes with her claw in a fist.

  • Seem to negative 1 on block to be safe from reversal but punishable to certain guard cancels. A good pressure-ender over all.
  • Can be used to stabilize certain high-height juggles.
  • With a fast start-up and relatively low risk, it's one of Cocoa best tools for getting in. If Cocoa can space this where the last active frame hits, she plus.
PBO Cocoa 66B.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Cocoa dashing at her opponent with a kick.

  • A multi hitting dash attack that does up to 4 hits.
  • The initial attack is a mid, while the rest is overhead. 66B and 66C are the center piece to cocoa's mix up.
  • Can be whif cancel to counter burst and ex moves, otherwise can only be cancel on third hit.
  • Can link into TK Kurzes off certain hit confirms.
PBO Cocoa 66C.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - very minus - low -

Cocoa Slides on the grind, slashing at opponents' feet.

  • A dashing attack, where the first attack is a low and the second is a mid.
  • While the first hit is a low, its not AUB.
  • Both hit will launch the opponent, making it one of cocoa go to juggle starter.
  • Had weird quirk, where hitting at the tip of its range make it lose low attack property and doesn't launch.
  • Lowers Cocoa hurtbox, potentially low profiling certain attacks.
  • While Punishable on block, 66C has late cancel frames into 5SP or ex to counterplay retaliation.


PBO Cocoa T.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - Throw Throw

Cocoa grabs the opponent by the neck and throws them to the ground, resulting in a ground splat.

  • An throw with above-average damage, being 5 frames make it cocoa's fastest punish option.
  • Can use Counter burst to tack on about 200 damage, with resource can add average of 2000+ damage (whiffs on Fin)
  • Opponent can not emergency mode when done outside of combos.
Air Throw
can loop into itself in corner
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - Throw Throw

Cocoa stabs at her opponent as they fall to the ground.

  • This grab causes a ground splat mid-screen and wall bounce when cornered.
  • The lower Cocoq can do her air throw, the less recovery cocoa has.
  • Can cancel into air EX Kurzes, can potentially whiff if done to fast so delay the cancel. Can also use over drive if have it.

Special Moves

Stumpfer Flugel
PBO Cocoa 6SP.jpg
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
Light - - - - - - - -

A 5-hit rush attack that ends in an uppercut.

  • A decent juggle starter since the opponent is close to cocoa after the launcher.
  • Can be made safe from reversals if spaced outside of close range, still vulnerable to Evade and guard cancels.
  • Can cancel into counter burst and meter option on the 5th hit.
  • Quick/omnia have head invincibility while hard has amour.
Medium - - - - - - - -

A 8-hit rush attack that ends with a kick attack.

  • Unlike Light and EX version this attack is proximity base, cocoa will only dash with no attack if the opponent is not near her. Has niche usage as command dash.
  • The last hit is an overhead. The kick force a soft knockdown state.
  • Has considerable corner carry. Integral to her corner-to-corner juggles.
  • While it has poor scaling in combos, it does give decent meter build and stun value.
  • Has a Nich usage as was to wear down gauge gauge. While usually bad on a ground opponent, on-air born opponent this is a fine way to end chicken block pressure.
Heavy (100%BG) - - - - - - - AUB

Cocoa does a series of attacks with claw slash as the ender.

  • The final attack does a guaranteed wall bounce. The wall bounce can be followed up but have to be quick about it.
  • This Ex has good damage scaling if used early but diminishes when used later.
  • Has a nasty habit of opponent air teching or failing out when juggled. Best to use on standing/couching or opponent whose in face down juggle (hard knockdown).
  • While lacking invincibility, it is still a decent guard cancel option due to its speed.
Kurzes Messer
PBO Cocoa 2SP.jpg
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
Light - - - - - - mid -

Cocoa does a crescent slash from the ground up.

  • Launches opponent on hit into soft knockdown. If the only the second hit land the opponent can air tech.
  • Cocoa has head invincibility
  • The second hit of rising slash is AUB but only for a few frames.
  • Cocoa has head invincibility, and can potentially clash with mid but is inconsistent.
  • Quick/Omnia have only a few frames of low invincibility, unreliable in most cases.
  • Cancel into Counter burst, EX, and Overdrive.
Medium - - - - - - mid, high -

A multi-hitting crescent slash.

  • A proximity attack where cocoa only does the full crescent on hit/block.
  • Exchanges less head invincibility for more low invincibility.
  • Quick/Omnia does an additional 5th hit that is a plus on block overhead. The overhead causes a soft knockdown on hit and Hard knockdown on counter hit.
  • Hard style does not have the 5th overhead hit but instead gains Mid guard points.
  • Cocoa can cancel into Counter burst, EX, Overdrive on the 4th. This becomes a very strong guard cancel-proof string since the opponent also can't guard cancel till the 4th hit.
  • Can otg opponents up to 4 hits. Can still pick up with EX cancels.
  • Recovery on whiff is fast enough to punish Slipshift evade, making this an invaluable tool in Cocoa's pressure game.
Heavy (100%BG) - - - - - - Low, mid AUB

Cocoa does double crescent slashes

  • Proximity attack, where cocoa only completes the command on hit or blocked.
  • The initial attack has a true low attack, which doesn't enable mix-up: However being low means it will bypass Hard guard points, and rarely if at all clash with attacks.
  • Gain mid and high invincibility. The initial guard cancels invincibility frames and fast start-up allows this to work as a pseudo reversal but still weak to meaty low attacks.
  • Hard style version gains 3 hits of amour on its start up.
  • In Omnia meter dump scenario this ex shines int he combo department.
  • has a quirk where Cocoa can cancel the first hit into Counter burst, another ex, or Overdrive. The practical application is limited but worth mentioning.
Barbarischer Nagel
PBO Cocoa 4SP.jpg
Itai deshou?
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
Light - - - - - - - -

Cocoa snatches up the opponent and chocks them several times before slamming them to the ground.

  • A very damaging hit grab that can grab linger hurt box from ranged pokes. lead to a hard knockdown.
  • During the choking animation, the opponent cannot use emergency mode. Due to this being hit grab, it'll end the opponent's overdrive state.
  • This attack is AUB.
  • Has quirk where this move sometimes ignores clash frames, can punish reflection if the opponent doesn't free cancel into an invul move. also ignores amour.
  • Quick/omnia style gain slight invincibility on startup
Medium - - - - - - - -

Cocoa stab her opponent and follow up with an explosion

  • While initially inferior to light version damage and hard knockdown, it has better combo poration.
  • While faster recovery, oki is untenable due to knockback distance.
  • Can use this as an OTG move to sacrifice oki to take on more damage.
  • Has mid-invincibility, hardstyle gets additional mid-guard point.
Heavy (100%BG) - - - - - - - AUB

Cocoa stabs the opponent into consecutive, visually identical to the light version.

  • Cocoa most damage ex move that adds on average 1200 damage to a combo.
  • Carries traits of light version hard knockdown and medium versions otg and range.
  • Has start-up invincibility and short mid-guard point on the initial active frame. not as helpful as it sounds.

Phantom Breakers

Quick Super Attack
Unendliche Angst
5H+SP (200%BG)
PBO Cocoa QPB.jpg
Gamer rage
Gamer rage
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - ALL AUB

quick style phantom break. good damage but the duration means that to get the max out of it you'll need to land it very early in tension time. Use outside tension time or securing a kill is not advised, as it will reset cocoa's meter to 0, limiting the damage off the next immediate mixup significantly. NOT A REVERSAL. HAS NO INVINCIBILITY

Hard Super Attack
Schöne Fledermaus
5H+SP (200%BG)
PBO Cocoa HPB.jpg
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - all -

Cocoa unleashes makes an energy pillar that has a bat-like projectile.

  • An area of effect super where Cocoa surround area is hitbox. Usually does 3000 damage in scale combos.
  • Cocoa-only projectile move which is great at contesting protection and anti-airing.
  • Cocoa only full invincible reversal.
  • Can follow up From certain routings.


Universal for any style and work on most characters.

Corner carry route: XX > 66C > (dl)j.B > j.C > j.6C > land > (hi-jump > j.B > j.C > j.6C )x2 > hi-jump > j.A > J.SP

Hard knock down: 2B/6B > 6L+SP > (dl)j.B > j.C > j.6C > land > 2C/4A+SP (require 6C kara cancel for 6B)

Corner combo: 2B > 2C > 66B > j.B > j.2SP > 4SP (for shizuka use j.2A+SP instead)


RPG Cocoa Highlight Trailer:

RPG Cocoa Strategy: coming soon

Cocoa overview in extra:

Match videos

Pre-spicey edition matches

Commiku's Cocoa Online sets:

Commiku's Cocoa at CEOTAKU 2022:

FT10 Jota's Cocoa vs Razor's Mikoto:

Phantom Breaker: Omnia

ControlsFAQHUDStrategySystemPatch Notes


ArtifactorCocoaEndeFinGaitoInfinityItsukiKurisuLMMaestraMeiMikoto NishinaMikoto WRenRiaRimiShizukaShin-WakaSophiaTokiyaWakaYuzuha