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She judges. And hopes that the heavy weight placed on her frail shoulders may one day be
lifted. Delicate physique and delicate sword -- its point aimed at the monster responsible
for her parents death. Light fills her body, and the melody she sings resonates throughout
the city. The girl, a beacon of justice... no doubt her shadow will burn in the eyelids of her


She is an execution officer of the Licht Kreis -- an organization with their minds set on annihilating the Voids, and maintaining the peace for mankind. Having lost her parents at a young age, she was raised with an institution of the organization. To repay her debt to society, and to ensure there are no more children who suffer the same fate she has, Orie takes a stand and fights. Tonight, on orders of the Licht Kreis, she travels to the metropolis to investigate the large surge in In-Births, and the movements of the ever-expanding Amnesia. All the while, she also searches for the "Void who speaks" -- the creature responsible for her parents' deaths.

Strange... I will never forget what happened tonight, or about you.
So, I suggest you pass on in peace.


Orie is a very well-rounded character with a strong neutral game. With her signature move, Divine Thrust, she can easily tag opponents from almost any range. For pressure, many of her normals have large cancel windows which she can use to frametrap mashing opponents. With her Force Function, she can opt to apply some pressure from the air as well. Orie holds the title of fastest walk speed in the game, so she can quickly weave in and out of the opponent's range and strike while they're recovering.

Being a well-rounded character, Orie has very few cons. Though her backdash is long in both duration and distance, she can use to reset back to neutral in most situations where she excels. One thing Orie does lack is a meterless reversal.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Has both the fastest forward and backward walk speeds in the game. This allows her to increase her threat potential as she has incredible control wiht microspacing, esaily playing around other character's normals and specials.
  • Has a variety of strong mid and close range buttons that are near top of their class. Many normals have long disjoints and can be hard to counter-poke or whiff punish.
  • Has a number of great pressure tools to supplement her spacing control. Multiple close to neutral rebeat options, A number of normals that can manipulate or maintain her spacing advantage, A fast dash, An overhead that reaches relatively far and a quick assault j.A that can be used for mixup.
  • Divine Thrust is a very threatening tool in neutral. Its fast startup and travel speed allows it to be used for whiff punishing and closing distance with resources, while still remaining relatively safe on block.
  • Thanatos specials supplement her range game with relatively safe long range pokes with no hurtbox. They also double as a way to manipulate air momentum and anti-anti-air as they are not classified as air attacks.
  • Force Function gives her a quick way to get into the air (faster and higher than jumping) or can be used to influence her air movement to remain unpredictable such as double jumping to bait antiairs. This move is particularly strong in vorpal.
  • Her highest damaging midscreen combos will force a side-swap, sometimes forcing her to make a sacrifice to maintain better positioning.
  • Throws send the opponent far away, limiting her ability to perform okizeme actions mid screen.
  • Many of her normals are difficult to confirm off at tip range, requiring a quick cancel into a specials which may be hard without committing.
  • Lacks longer range normals, particularly a long range low normal. Orie has to rely on Thanatos specials to reach the ranges that some other characters have, which while having no hurtbox, are on the slower end and can be interrupted.
  • No meterless dp and her metered reversals aren't particularly notable.

Character Stats

10600 5A 5B 2C 4C 214B~4A 63214C 1400 -1100 4 42 6 2500 200 3200 3 36 -86716 1-8 Full, 9-10 Throw

Health Smart Steer Route
Forward Walk Speed Backward Walk Speed Jump Startup Jump Duration
(Research me)
Dash Startup Initial Dash Speed Dash Acceleration Max Dash Speed
Backdash Startup Backdash Duration Backdash Distance Backdash Invul
Throw Width (pixels) Throw Range (pixels)
Unique Trait
Vorpal Trait

Unique Trait

  • Some special attacks summon Thanatos, which performs attacks in Orie's stead.

Vorpal Trait

  • Force Function startup decreased
  • Force function can be cancelled into aerial version

Frame Data Help
Header Tooltip
Damage Damage done by this attack.
(x) denotes combined damage
[x] denotes minimum damage
Guard The way this move must be blocked.
High = Can block standing
Low = Can block crouching
Mid = Can block standing or crouching
Air = Can block in the air
Air Shield = Can block in the air while shielding
Unblockable = Cannot be blocked
Cancel Actions this move can be canceled into on hit or block, unless specially noted.
N = Normal Cancelable
SE = Self Cancelable
SP = Special Cancelable
EX = EX/IW Cancelable
CS = Chain Shift
UNQ = Unique (See description)
TH = Throw Cancelable
J = Jump Cancelable (Hit cancelable only by default)
(X) = Hit cancelable only
-X- = Can additionally be cancelled during whiff
Property Special properties this move has. Click on the property to navigate to an explanation.
Cost The resources this move costs to use.
GRD = GRD Blocks
EXS = EXS Meter
Vorpal = Vorpal
GRD Break = Causes GRD Break
Attribute Attributes of the attack. Mostly used in situations involving invul.
There are two sets of attributes: Strike/Throw and Head/Foot/Dive/Projectile
Every move has a Strike/Throw attribute, but doesn't always have Head/Foot/Dive/Projectile attribute.
Strike = Strike (Anything that isn't a Throw is a Strike)
Throw = Throw
Head = Head (Most jump normals)
Foot = Foot
Dive = Some air specials
Projectile = Projectile
Startup Frame when the first hitbox is present.
+ denotes the frames before and after super flash.
Active The amount of frames that this move will have a hitbox.
(x) denotes frame gaps where there are no hitboxes is present.
Due to varied blockstuns, (x) frames are difficult to use to determine punish windows. Generally the larger the numbers, the more time you have to punish.
Recovery Frames that this move has after the active frames if not canceled.
Overall Frames that this move takes from start to finish before the character returns to neutral.
Advantage The difference in frames where you can act before your opponent when this move is blocked (assuming the move isn't canceled and the first active frame is blocked).
If the opponent uses a move with startup equal or less than this move's advantage, it will result in opponent hitting that move.
±x~±x denotes a possible range of advantage. The left value is when the active frames hit sooner (generally worse) and the right value is for when the active frames hit later (generally better).
Invul The frames where this move cannot be hit by an attribute.
Full = Fully invincible
Strike = Strike invincible
Throw = Throw invincible
Head = Head invincible
Foot = Foot invincible
Dive = Dive invincible
Projectile = Projectile invincible

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

UNI Orie 5A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
180 (198) Mid N, SP, EX, CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
6 2 13 20 -3 -

Fast angled poke with sword.

  • Decent range and start-up speed make for an excellent poke in neutral, or pressure starter.
  • Good cancel window for frame-trapping.
  • Provides a variety of routing options that give good damage (see Combos).
  • 8AA provides a great addition to pressure and space manipulation.
  • Can still be out-ranged in some instances, especially if your opponent is knowledgeable of how useful this move is.
  • At the tip of this move, it does not compliment well with most other normals, mainly common compliments such as 2C or 5C, therefore your options to combo further out become a bit more limited
  • Does not have much verticality which makes it fairly easy to assault over.
UNI Orie 5B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
480 (528) Mid N, SP, EX, CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
9 2 19 29 -4 -

Forward thrust with sword.

  • A good poke button as a good midrange space control. It is very good at keeping opponents away.
  • A good button for mashing out of blockstrings that reset outside of 5A's range but within 5B's range.
  • High utility in hit-confirming with moves such as 214A~4B in the corner and J. 214A
  • A bit risky if it whiffs, it doesn’t cover vertically all that well, it is more for preemptively catching opponent jump startup so a bit of planning should be considered.
  • Not all that useful for blockstrings as it has a poor stagger window.
  • Limited compatibility with other moves at the range you will likely use this move in neutral, at long range, usually 214A.
UNI Orie 5C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
580 (628) Mid N, SP, EX, CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 4 22 37 -8 -

Orie steps forward and does a high reaching kick.

  • Fairly fast startup and moves Orie forward.
  • Orie's farthest reaching normal.
  • Combos from 5A so you can skip 5B and go straight to this if you need the better spacing.
  • The very lenient cancel window on this normal makes it a perfect tool for frame-trapping.
  • Has a small gap during start-up making it an automatic frametrap from most normals.
  • Forward movement keeps momentum in pressure strings allowing for oppressive sequences
  • Sets up good frame traps off A normals and delayed B/C normals, but can also be made gapless with buttons such as 2C and 4C.
  • Can cover up-backing.
  • Not very compatible with connecting off the tip of common normals such as 5A or 2B.

Crouching Normals

UNI Orie 2A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
140 (154) Low N, SP, EX, CS - - Strike, Foot
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
5 2 12 18 -2 -

Short kick that hits low.

  • This is her fastest ground normal.
  • It has very short range so requires good spacing knowledge.
  • Good cancel window that makes it easy to swap between gapless and frame-trap 2A’s.
  • Very useful for blockstrings on both block and whiff.
UNI Orie 2B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
420 (462) Mid N, SP, EX, CS - - Strike, Foot
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
8 3 17 27 -5 -

Crouching stab similar to 5B, but despite appearances it does not hit low.

  • Slightly smaller horizontal range than 5B.
  • The hitbox is slightly disjointed from the hurtbox.
  • Short total move duration makes this move hard to whiff punish.
  • At further ranges, it does not compliment with other normals that well, limiting to moves such as 214A for confirming.
UNI Orie 2C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
580 (638) Low N, SP, EX, CS Knockdown - Strike, Foot
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
9 5 20 34 -7 -

Low-hitting sweep kick.

  • Very fast with decent range.
  • The long untechable time on counterhit makes it a perfect tool for catching those who don't respect your blockstrings.
  • Quick and active.
  • Benefits off trades usually.
  • Easily make gapless or slight frame traps during pressure.
  • Whiffing can be dangerous.

Air Normals

UNI Orie j.A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
140 (154) High, Air Shield N, SP, EX, CS - - Strike, Head
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
8 2 17~2
[2 on landing]
26~11 -7~+9 -

Downward-angled stab.

  • Very good downward hitbox that can hit opponents on the way up.
  • It won't hit overhead if done whilst rising.
  • Fast start-up for interrupts and doing j.A CS.
  • Very commonly used in air strings.
  • Punishable off an assault attempt that is blocked.
  • Short range and angle makes it difficult to reliably use as a response.
  • The sword hitbox is very narrow and can whiff at point-blank so make sure you space it well.
  • When used closer to the ground the better the frame advantage/recovery.
UNI Orie j.B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
370 (407) High, Air Shield N, SP, EX, CS - - Strike, Head
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
9 3 18~3
[3 on landing]
29~14 -5~+13 -

Upward kick that hits in front of and above Orie.

  • Good for air-to-air.
  • Limited range and angle
  • Mostly used for combo fluff in aerial combo routes.
  • When used closer to the ground the better the frame advantage/recovery.
UNI Orie j.C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
520 (572) High, Air Shield N, SP, EX, CS - - Strike, Head
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 6 16~4
[4 on landing]
33~21 -4~+15 -

Downwards stab with a more horizontal angle than j.A.

  • Has good forward range but a fairly narrow downwards hitbox so not so great for jump-in.
  • Assault j.C is a very good approach tool and poke.
  • Big area coverage.
  • Reducing your lower hurtbox combined with neutral and back jumps to take advantage of its range makes it an effective option in neutral.
  • Good reward and easy conversions on both air and grounded hits.
  • Slower than most of the other air normal options.
  • When used closer to the ground the better the frame advantage/recovery.

Command Normals

UNI Orie 6B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
480 (528) High SP, EX, CS Knockdown (If it hits an airborne opponent) - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
26 4 20 49 -7 -

Overhead kick.

  • Has a very slow startup but advances a long distance and can be special canceled on hit or block.
  • Orie's only standing overhead.
  • It can also be linked into 2A on hit, leading to pretty good damage regardless of screen position.
  • Can be cancelled into 214A on hit and block, leading to a high-low block situation the opponent must perform.
  • On the very rare occasion 6B hits an airborne opponent, it will cause a hard knockdown.
UNI Orie 3B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
380 (418) Mid N, SP, EX, CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
7 3 22 31 -7 7~9 Head

Diagonally-upward stab with sword.

  • Orie's go-to anti-air poke.
  • Hitbox is very disjoined from the hurtbox.
  • Good head invul (from frame 7 to frame 9) makes it easy to use as an anti-air.
  • Good cancel window allows delayed follow ups for confirming and when it is used on block for strings.
  • On counterhit, it is completely untechable until the opponent hits the floor, allowing for CH 3B > 2A whiff > 2C to work (see possible combos in Combos).
  • Possible to jump cancel on hit or block.
  • Doesn’t have the best reach or angle sometimes, it can whiff in places you may be inclined to use it (i.e. directly overhead).
UNI Orie 3C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
720 (792) Mid - Tumble (on counter-hit) - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
16 4 11 30 -3~0 8~19 Foot

Floating spin kick that hits mid.

  • Can low crush, sometimes anti-air.
  • Goes over lows and high reward on hit.
  • Minus on block and not cancellable at all, so your turn is potentiallyover after it's blocked. Any techniques such as whiffing, frame trapping or using it as an anti-air are hard callouts that you have to commit to.
  • Situationally good in pressure, used at maximum ranges the frame advantage can be reduced from -3 to -2 or -1, and to 0 if the absolute tip of the 3C is blocked.
  • Does still combo into various moves if used to juggle an airborne opponent, normally into 623A.
UNI Orie 4C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
590 (649) Mid N, SP, EX, CS Launch - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
16 5 15 35 -4 -

Upward launcher kick.

  • Used in a lot of her combos and blockstrings because it launches the opponent. This allows for an easy (but high) reward on frame-traps.
  • -4F on block is safe and has a good stagger window, so it's a good attack to reset pressure on.
  • As a standalone button, it is difficult to use effectively, it needs to be supplemented by other buttons for use as its a bad button to whiff (slow recovery).
UNI Orie j.2C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
620 (682) Mid, Air Shield SP, EX, CS Knockdown (if it hits an airborne opponent) - Head
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
14 7 16~7
[5 on landing]
36~27 -9~+2 -

Downwards axe kick.

  • Halts Orie's momentum in midair, allowing it to hit grounded opponents quickly and safely.
  • Note that this move does NOT hit overhead
  • Has use as both an air combo ender and mid-combo extension due to its long ground untechable time.
  • Can be TK'd: 9j.2C, 8j.2C, 7j.2C
  • Frame advantage differs depending on use. TKj.2C achieves a frame advantage of Zero. However, a run-up, cross-up TKj.2C can achieve up to +2 against some characters.

Dash Moves

UNI Orie 66B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
660 (726) Mid SP, EX, CS Tumble (on counter-hit) - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 2 12 23 -2 -

Spinning side kick.

  • Can link into 2A on normal hit.
  • Special cancellable.
  • Not very minus.
  • Good reward on counter hit.
  • Not the best starter in terms of scaling.
  • Limited range.
UNI Orie 66C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
978 (1075) (5 hits)
[Min: 250 (275)]
Mid SP, EX, CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
11 24 23 57 -6~-3 -

Rushes forward and stabs multiple times.

  • Covers a good range forward and can chase down backdashes
  • Has several cancel options available
  • Usually forced to cancel into something to remain safe if blocked, with each option being punishable in some way.
  • Frame advantage differs depending on proximity i.e. if only the last hit are blocked the framea advantage becomes -3.

Universal Mechanics

Force Function

Aerial Leap
UNI Orie BC.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - N, SP, EX, CS - 1 GRD -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
- - [5 on landing] 48 - 1~6 Throw

Orie flips forward while sparkling fabulously.

  • Can do air actions after frame 27 on the way down.
  • If she goes over the opponent, she will automatically turn around making this usable as a crossup (albeit a very obvious one).
  • Can be used to "jump cancel" blockstrings or to escape pressure, but be careful since it doesn't actually have invul.
  • Distance can be altered by forward (travels further) or backward (travels less) input.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - N, SP, EX, CS - 0.5 GRD -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
- - [5 on landing] 47 - 1~3 Throw

Same as normal version.

  • You can perform air actions earlier after frame 21.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - N, SP, EX, CS - 1 GRD -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
- - [5 on landing] 46 - -

Similar to the grounded version, but cannot alter distance with forward or backwards input.

  • Can perform air actions after frame 25.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - N, SP, EX, CS - 0.5 GRD -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
- - [5 on landing] 42 - -

Similar to the grounded version, but cannot alter distance with forward or backwards input. You can perform air actions earlier after frame 19 and you can perform this version after the grounded version.


UNI Orie AD.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1570 (1727) Unblockable - Knockdown - Throw
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4 1 22 26 +37(hit) -

Kicks the opponent away.

  • One of the worst throws in the game at midscreen, as it sends the opponent back to neutral.
  • Midscreen throw knockdown can only be meatied using 22C.
  • When throw is done with the opponent in the corner it becomes better, as the corner reduces the distance the opponent is thrown.
  • Corner throw allows Orie to perform oki by running up or using 22A/B.
Guard Thrust
Guard Thrust
UNI Orie 5C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
0 Mid - Launch 100 EXS, GRD Break Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
15 5 26 45 -12 1~15 Full,
16~45 Full on hit
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
0 Mid - Launch Vorpal Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 5 26 42 -12 1~15 Full,
16~45 Full on hit

Blows the opponent away on hit.

  • Usable only during blockstun.
  • Generally better to use while in Vorpal as it's faster and costs less resources.
Veil Off
Veil Off
UNI Orie ABC.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
0 Mid, Air - Launch, Wall Bounce, GRD Break 100+ EXS Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
20 2 [7 (3 on hit) on landing] 58 (54 on hit) -13 1~30 Full
Full Charge
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
0 Mid, Air - Launch, Wall Bounce, GRD Break 100+ EXS Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
68 2 [7 (2 on hit) on landing] 108 (103 on hit) -14 1~91 Full

Universal reversal that blows the opponent back on hit.

  • Airborne: 1~52, Standing: 53~59.
    • For Full Charge version: Airborne: 1~101, Standing: 102~108.
  • Requires at least 100 meter and puts you in Veil Off state which grants 20% more damage, but drains your meter at a slow rate.
  • Meter drains much slower when health is below 30% (orange health).
  • You can hold down A+B+C to delay activation and gain a few extra benefits, but doing so is highly unrecommended unless trying to run the clock as this move already has a long start up as is.
Cross Cast
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
0 Mid, Air - Launch 100+ EXS, Vorpal Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
2 4 20 25 +3 1~19 Full

Cancels an action and launches the opponent high into the air on hit.

  • Airborne: 1~25.
  • CVO cancel is treated the same as EX cancel, you can only CVO when you can EX and the opponent is in hit/blockstun.
    • Including in the air.
  • Requires at least 100 meter and consumes vorpal state and drains meter at a fast rate.
  • Has a lot of hitstun, making it easy to combo from.
  • Grants an additional bounce if both have been used in the combo so far.
    • If the opponent does end up hitting the ground during the combo, damage is prorated.
  • Pressing A+B+C can be used for a shortcut for Infinite Worth.
  • Used mostly as a way to tack on extra damage, or to reliably close out the round.

Special Moves

Divine Thrust
UNI Orie 236X.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
860 (946) Mid -EX-, -CS- - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
9 4 22 34 -4~-1 -

Orie does a thrust while advancing forward.

  • Provides a way to interrupt the opponent at a short range where the opponent may use their slightly longer range normals or dash in.
  • Has a meterless, fairly high damage combo opportunity off an air counter hit.
  • EX whiff cancellable, however it requires the player top learn when to buffer the EX move so the EX move doesn't come out on block.
  • Usually requires meter to convert into a combo, usually: 236A > 236C.
  • Needs proper spacing knowledge to utilize effectively in neutral.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1250 (1375) Mid -EX-, -CS- Knockdown, Wall Bounce near corner - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
13~21 7 23 42~50 -6~0 -

B version goes further and knocks down on hit.

  • Covers a good distance to allow greater interrupt range and whiff punishing opportunities.
  • Very oppressive to deal with when backed by Chain Shift.
  • EX cancellable even on whiff.
  • Will wall bounce the opponent if they touch the wall before being knocked down, which gives good combo opportunities/extensions.
  • Requires careful spacing, hitting the tip is the goal as it is much more safe but you also have to be more careful about getting it shielded as well (as shielding makes it more minus i.e. less safe and possibly punishable).
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1620 (1782) Mid EX, CS No Collision, Launch - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
22 9 29 59 -6~+2 -

Increased distance and safer if it hits at range.

  • Goes through the opponent and floats, allowing follow-ups similar to the EX version.
  • Very high damage and makes for a great combo starter.
  • Covers a lot of space.
  • Can be made plus at the tip
  • EX cancellable even on whiff
  • Completely shut down by characters with projectiles and other characters with zoning capabilities.
  • The distance it will go to can be difficult to measure, and can whiff at very large distances.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1395 (1530) Mid -CS- No Collision, Launch 100 EXS Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1+6 5 45 45 -10~-6 1~3 Throw

Same distance as normal B-version.

  • Goes through the opponent
  • Hits multiple times and causes a long float allowing an easy follow-up.
  • Lots of frequent combo utility allowing sideswaps and VO strips.
  • Quickly covers thrust distance more than 236B.
  • Doesn’t allow that much combo extension, even as a starter.
Sacred Arrow
UNI Orie 623X.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1202 (1321) Mid -EX-, -CS- Launch - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
6 3 37
[8 on landing]
45 -20 1~4 Throw,
3~8 Head,
2~8 Dive

Sword uppercut.

  • Can be followed up with 5A if it hits the opponent high enough.
  • Used a lot in Orie's combos follow up with a 5A or 2A: continuing the combo.
  • EX cancellable on hit, block and whiff
  • Head invulnerability makes it a decent anti-air
  • Commonly used in combo-strings and picked up with 2a or 5a (depending on the height of the 623A).
  • The angle is quite vertical so it might not be the best for anti-airing sometimes.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1330 (1459) Mid CS Launch - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
5 6 49
[14 on landing]
59 -32 1~4 Throw,
1~ Head,
1~ Dive

Stronger sword uppercut.

  • Longer reach and faster version of 623A.
  • Deals more damage than 623A.
  • Unlike A version, it cannot be followed up with 5A.
  • Not able to be EX cancelled on block or landing unlike 623A.
  • Needs CS or VO to convert to a combo.
  • The angle is quite vertical so it might not be the best for anti-airing sometimes.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1872 Mid CS - 100 EXS Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1+5 7 49 61 -32 1~4 Full,
5~12 Strike

EX version sword uppercut.

  • Unlike the meterless versions, this one actually has full invulnerability during startup.
  • The angle is quite vertical so it might not be the best for anti-airing sometimes.
Command Order
UNI Orie 214A.png
UNI Orie 214B.png
UNI Orie 214C.png
214A Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
777 (854) Low -EX-, -CS- Knockdown - Foot
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
15 5 23 42 -7 -

Orie summons Thanatos to attack with a low sword sweep.

  • Long-reaching low that combos off most moves.
  • Can be followed up with ~4A, ~4B, or ~4C.
  • Far reaching, disjoint low move.
  • Can do follow-ups on whiff.
  • EX whiff cancellable.
  • Need to accommodate for the start-up and be wary of jump ins so you don’t get interrupted.
214B Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
777 (854) Mid, Air -EX-, -CS- Knockdown (Counter-hit or anti-air only) - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
19 3 13 34 -5 -

Orie summons Thanatos to attack with a slower downward sword swing.

  • On air hit or grounded counter hit, the opponent will be knocked down.
  • Can combo afterward with 2C.
  • A decent anti-air against some characters, however it is very slow.
  • Very good tool to remove Byakuya web set-ups in neutral.
  • Can be followed up with ~4A, ~4B, or ~4C.
  • Can do follow-ups on whiff.
  • Not the most reliable way to anti-air due to start-up.
214C Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1625 (1786) Mid, Air CS Launch, Wall Bounce 100 EXS Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1+11 20 9 40 +7 1~3 Throw

Orie summons Thanatos to attack with a large upwards-arching sword swing.

  • Will wallbounce the opponent which allows for extensions.
  • Unlike the A and B versions, 214C cannot be followed up with ~4A, ~4B, or or ~4C.
  • Can work as a blockstring extender as it is +7 on block.
  • What you can do with the plus frames depends on how your opponent responds and respects it. You may have to dash in to be in range to pressure and lose out on some of the plus frames, for example.
  • Following up with a combo off either is hit or miss depending on how the opponent got hit, there isn’t really a 100% consistent way to land a combo off them.
Thick and Quick
UNI Orie 214X 4A.png
(214X)~4A Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1066 Mid, Air -EX-, -CS- Wall Bounce - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
16 3(7)2 13 41 -11 (-2 on the last hit only) -

Thanatos swings her sword horizontally.

  • Follow-up to 214A/214B.
  • Spinning slash that wallbounces the opponent.
  • Good as a combo ender for extra damage.
  • Bad as a combo ender as it has bad oki positioning.
  • 4A follow-up is minus on block and very punishable
UNI Orie 214X 4B.png
(214X)~4B Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
777 Mid -EX-, -CS- Launch - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
22 4 10 35 +4 -

Thanatos swings her sword in overhead arc.

  • Blows pretty far back so can be difficult to combo midscreen.
  • Leads to extension combos in corner.
  • Orie can combo into 236B from this move depending on the range.
  • 4B is plus and provides a mixup/reset opportunity with 236X and the opponent’s responses.
  • 214X~4B has a mash-able gap. 214A~4B has a 7 frame gap (with 214A on block).
Oblique's Edge
UNI Orie 214C.png
(214X)~4C Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1076 Mid, Air -EX-, -CS- Launch - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
15 14 14 42 -14 (-10 on the second hit only) -
  • Frame advantage varies based on distance.
  • 4C provides meterless combos off 214X starters and can frame trap those trying to punish the gap after 214X.
  • 4C follow-up is -14 on block and very punishable.
Command Order (Air)
Command Order (Air)
UNI Orie j.214A.png
A version
A version
UNI Orie j.214B.png
B version
B version
C version
C version
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
777 (854) Mid, Air UNQ, CS Launch - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
17 4 36~7
[13 on landing]
56~27 -18~+11 -

Orie summons her Stand to attack in the air.

  • Unlike the grounded version, j.214A hits mid.
  • Can be cancelled into j.B+C on hit or block.
  • Can only perform j.214x once per jump.
  • great aerial option in neutral due to its large horizontal hitbox.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
999 (1098) Mid, Air UNQ, CS Launch - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
22 5 31~2
[10 on landing]
57~28 -14~+15 -

Another airborne Stand swipe.

  • Can be cancelled into j.B+C on hit or block.
  • Can only perform j.214x once per jump.
  • Really high damage combo starter.
  • Has a really ambiguous animation that looks like it might
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1785 (1962) Mid, Air UNQ, CS Launch - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1+15 20 17~5
[13 on landing]
52~40 +22~+4 -
  • EX version will wallbounce opponent allowing for extended followups and will always start from the ground, so can be used to combo grounded opponents from heights that normally wouldn't work.
  • Can be cancelled into air actions (e.g normals and assault) while falling.
  • Can be cancelled into j.B+C on hit or block.
  • Can only perform j.214x once per jump.
  • What you can do with the plus frames depends on how your opponent responds and respects it.
  • Orie may have to dash in after the j.214C to be in range to pressure and lose out on some of the plus frames.
  • j.214C pushes Orie backwards before appearing makes it viable to bait anti-airs.
  • j.214C’s appearance has to be accounted for, it may end up spawning not exactly where you wanted and end up missing, so it require careful use.
  • Following up with a combo off either is hit or miss depending on how the opponent got hit, there isn’t really a 100% consistent way to land a combo off j.214C.
Sealing Hoplon
UNI Orie 22X.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
740 (814) Mid, Air CS Null Projectile, Launch - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
51 10 - 38 +41 30~67 Projectile

Orie summons Thanatos. Thanatos floats slightly in front of Orie and makes a big energy sphere after a short delay.

  • Launches on hit and is extremely advantageous on block provided it doesn't get interrupted.
  • Provides a way to “safe-jump” wakeups by meaty-ing the opponent and allowing you to block possible wake-up actions.
  • Gives a good amount of plus frames for you to use for pressure.
  • Can absorb projectiles.
  • The startup for all variants are big and must be accounted for, making them require careful use for moves, movement or projectiles from the opponent that come out faster than anticipated.
  • On the opponents wakeup, you have to account for their wakeup timing, as delayed wakeups can ruin typical 22X timings, it can be accounted for, but you have to make the guess.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
740 (814) Mid, Air CS Null Projectile, Launch - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
52 10 - 40 +40 31~68 Projectile

Orie summons Thanatos. Thanatos further in front of Orie compared to A version and makes a big energy sphere after a short delay.

  • Launches on hit and is extremely advantageous on block provided it doesn't get interrupted.
  • Provides a way to “safe-jump” wakeups by meaty-ing the opponent and allowing you to block possible wake-up actions.
  • Gives a good amount of plus frames for you to use for pressure.
  • Can absorb projectiles.
  • The startup for all variants are big and must be accounted for, making them require careful use for moves, movement or projectiles from the opponent that come out faster than anticipated.
  • On the opponents wakeup, you have to account for their wakeup timing, as delayed wakeups can ruin typical 22X timings, it can be accounted for, but you have to make the guess.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1935 (2122) Mid, Air CS Null Projectile, Launch - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
53 58 - 34 +102 1~3 Throw,
32~110 Projectile

Orie summons Thanatos. Thanatos homes to the opponents location and makes a big energy sphere after a short delay.

  • Hits multiple times.
  • Using this for fullscreen oki will give you enough time to dash in and run a short mixup.
  • Launches on hit and is extremely advantageous on block provided it doesn't get interrupted.
  • Provides a way to “safe-jump” wakeups by meaty-ing the opponent and allowing you to block possible wake-up actions.
  • Gives a good amount of plus frames for you to use for pressure.
  • Can absorb projectiles.
  • The startup for all variants are big and must be accounted for, making them require careful use for moves, movement or projectiles from the opponent that come out faster than anticipated.
  • On the opponents wakeup, you have to account for their wakeup timing, as delayed wakeups can ruin typical 22X timings, it can be accounted for, but you have to make the guess.
Sacred Spire
UNI Orie 41236C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
2070 (2277) Mid, Air CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1+7 24(5)4 40 80 -17 1~19 Full,
20~23 Throw

Orie charges forward and does a stab combo ending in an upward thrust.

  • Reversal.
  • Isn't particularly fast and is super punishable on block.

Super Moves

Infinite Worth

Luminous Embrace
UNI Orie 41236D.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
3150 (3458)
[Min: 910]
Mid, Air - - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1+11 2*12 61 78 -29~-14 1~26 Full,
27~31 Throw

Orie's Stand sends a giant multi-hitting wave across the entire stage.

  • Does excellent damage as a combo ender.
  • If this is hits while the opponent is cornered, both players will return to midscreen after the move ends.

Infinite Worth EXS

Rest In Peace
UNI Orie ABCD.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
[Min: 1312]
Mid, Air - Knockdown 200 EXS, Vorpal or GRD Break Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1+15 6 46 67 -25 1~26 Full

Orie becomes surrounded by a pillar of light which goes into a cinematic on hit.

  • Must have less than 30% health (orange health) to use.
  • After the cinematic, characters will be moved to the middle of the stage, regardless of where they were positioned before.
  • Due to the cost, it is usually not recommended to use this move unless it will kill the opponent.

Notable Rebeats and Gaps

Rebeat Table
Attack Chain Advantage
5C 5A -x
Gap Table
Attack Chain Frame Gap
5A 5C x


Orie Tutorial/Primer by Library

External Links


Default Unlocks

001 Justice Sprite
002 Night Shade
003 Tears of Salamander
004 Saint's Mother
005 Storm Sylphid
006 Undine Rain
007 Athena Light
008 Evil Knight
009 Scamper Emerald
010 Efreet Flare

Customization Unlocks (2000 IP Each)

011 Rizo de Agua
012 Fallen Angels
013 Dios de la Muerte
014 Calm Pink
015 Orange Yogurt
016 Crimson Rouge
017 Mistiltein
018 Green Magnolia
019 Lluvia Medium
020 Moon Water
021 Alice Blue
022 Spectrum Rose
023 Campanula Purple
024 Cavalier Du Lac
025 Dry Blood
026 Walder Abendrot
027 Shade Gardian
028 Honorable Scar
029 Lumiere Solaire
030 Memorial Black
031 Equatorial Wave
032 Inferno Blaze
033 Annular Eclipse
034 Seeds of Heaven
035 Clamorous Colors
036 Royal Calibur
037 Stella Nest
038 Little Briar Rose
039 Betrayal of Savior
040 Switching Contrast

Orie Wiki Roadmap

Click here for the UNICLR roadmap.

Page last edited on: 2020-06-10 by Wishy.

36% complete
Page Completed To-do Score


  • Created base page with basic formatting
  • Add gameplay summary, frame data and new moves.
  • Remove ST, Verify existing frame data
  • Created base pages
  • Fill in Strategies
  • Created base pages
  • Start adding combos

Patch Notes
Frame Data