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==Situational: Moon Skill Combos==
==Situational: Moon Skill Combos==
Handle BOTH moonskill starters as well as MD activated combos that are optimized to build lots of meter.  
Handle BOTH moonskill starters as well as MD activated combos that are optimized to build lots of meter.
  | combo        = 4BC jB(2) j2B j2BC dj.jC2C 22A~A
  | damage        = 3047
  | cost          = 0%
  | metergain    = 25% (MD 135%)
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Corner}}
  | notes        = High metergain 4BC no knockdown. Does 3479 if ended with 22C. Only situationally useful; in most cases 4BC jBC AT is a better route

==Situational: Trades==
==Situational: Trades==

Revision as of 15:46, 23 November 2021

Notation Help
Disclaimer: Combos are written by various writers, so notation may differ slightly from this notation.

For more information, see Glossary and Controls

X > Y X input is cancelled into Y.
X, Y X input is linked into Y, meaning Y is done after X's recovery period.
X+Y Buttons "X" and "Y" must be input simultaneously.
X/Y Input "X" or "Y" can be used.
dl There should be delay before inputting "X".
w.X or Xw Attack "X" should whiff and not hit the opponent.
j.X Button "X" is input while jumping or in the air.
dj.X Button "X" is input after a double jump.
jc Jump cancel the previous action. Will occasionally be omitted due to being obvious. Will occasionally be notated with 7/9 to indicate backwards/forwards.
sj Perform a superjump, which is performed by inputting 2~8.
sjc Superjump cancel the previous action.
IAD Instant Air Dash.
AT Air throw, often used as a combo ender that leads to knockdown.
md.X Perform a micro-dash before performing "X". Unused in favor of writing "microdash."
tk.X Indicates the motion "X" is input immediately after leaving the ground. Stands for tiger knee.
(X) Input "X" is optional. Typically the combo will be easier if omitted.
[X] Input "X" is held down. Also can be known as "Increase" or "IC" for short. Depending on the character, this can indicate that this button is held down and not released until indicated by the release notation.
]X[ Input "X" is released. Will only appear if a button is previously held down.
{X} Button "X" should only be held down briefly to partially charge the attack, instead of the full increased version.
X(#) Attack "X" should only hit # of times.
X~Y This notation has two meanings.
  1. Use attack "X" with "Y" follow-up input.
  2. Input "X" then within a few frames, input "Y". Usually used for option selects.
(...) OR (...) Use only one between the two alternative routes.
RB1/2 The first or second hit of Rapid Beat auto combo.
CH The first attack must be Counter Hit.
FC The first attack must be Fatal Counter.
MD Perform a Moon Drive, which is inputted by pressing 5B+C.
Heat Perform Heat, which is performed by inputting A+B+C.
AD Perform an Arc Drive, which is performed by inputting 236B+C. Characters with more than one Arc Drive will have theirs notated by input.
LA Perform a Last Arc, which is performed by inputting A+B+C+D or successfully Shielding in Blood Heat.

BnBs: Midscreen Meterless

Since Arcueid can take an opponent to the corner from midscreen very reliably, this section will deal in combos that work anywhere on the screen, and specifically combos starting anywhere from 100%-to-corner to 60%-to-corner.

A Starter

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Alright damage for how simple it is.

The delay on 2B is important to avoid Arc swinging the wrong way.

If you end with j.B(2) sj j.A AT it does 3513 dmg.

B Starter

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

2B starter allows 2C 236[A]. 5B starter does not.

Optimal midscreen route. 623A combo with 236[A] extension. Its very important to hit the 623A~A very up close to get the jA to connect. If anything looks even slightly off, you have to give up airthrow jumpcancel okizeme and 623A~A jB(2) superjump jCB(2) AT is a better route choice. There are 4 meaningful levels where it is possible to trade damage for consistency in this route:

  • ... 5B 2C 236[A] 5AA 623A~A jB(1)C AT ... 3587 damage: significant damage loss but very consistent.
  • ... 5B 2C 236[A] 2B 623A~A ... is 3596 damage and very consistent, but has slightly less corner carry than the autocombo route.
  • ... 5A 2C 236[A] 5B 623A~A ... is 3619 damage. The combo after landing 5B is consistent, but the 5B itself requires a well timed 5A to have enough altitude.
  • ... 5B 2C 236[A] dl.5A 623A~A ... is 3635 damage and makes the 236[A] 5A link easy but is very prone to arc facing the wrong way at almost every step if anything goes even remotely wrong.

2B hitting airborne is extremely rare and happens only as a fatal counter vs certain characters(e.g. Akiha). When this does happen there are not many good routes that share a hitconfirm with ground hitting 2B combos, so this relatively weak combo is the easiest combo available. However, fatal air hit 2B 5C 4C does lead to some very good midscreen to corner routes, as described in the later sections. Metered knockdown options are:

  • 236BBB > 236C (3378)
  • 236BBB > 214C (3364)
  • 236BB > 623C > jAC AT (3308)

The hard combo out of air hitting 2B 5C. As always, the ender can be replaced with 5A3C or made easier with 5AA 623A.

C Starter

One unusual thing about Arcuied's B buttons is that 5B is an inferior starter to 2B and 5C. 5C is thus Arcueid's reversal punish of choice. 2C is a powerful neutral and pressure option and is reasonably its own combo starter, but midscreen either requires sharp hitconfirms or has lower than average return.

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Optimal midscreen punishment combo. Is the same route as the optimal B starter midscreen combo. Just like that combo, this one can be made significantly easier by ending with 236[A] > 5AA > 623A~A instead.

Solid combo that needs a manual delay on 5B to hold the correct altitude for 623A~A jAC AT to work. The hitconfirm does not work from max range.

The same combo idea with more meter gain. Because of SMP/Same Move Proration, the damage increase is negligible. The hitconfirm does not work from max range.

The hitconfirm that does actually work from every range, but it quite difficult. It is possible to OS the airdash with 2C 9AB, but this is not very well field-tested at the moment.

2C OTG string. Not required but is situationally good for finishing off a round, stalling out the timer, or for squeezing out some extra damage and metergain in matchups vs characters who are hard to control on defense. Can tack on 236C at the end for ~59 more damage (2036). Everything has to be done as fast as possible.

BnBs: Midscreen Meterless Near Corner

Arcueid has natural tools that give her routes very high corner carry, so "near corner" for Arcueid can mean anywhere from true midscreen(60%-to-corner) to almost in the corner(16%-to-corner). Each route's notes will include a note like "X%-to-corner" which denotes what percentage of the total stage length away from corner the combo can be started and still work properly. In general, combos that work farther from the corner will still work closer to the corner(and also become easier), though there are some exceptions, like in the case of 214B superjump routes.

A Starter

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

at 49% of the screen can easily do 623A extension without needing double jump.

B Starter

C Starter

BnBs: Corner Meterless

A Starter

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location


25%-to-Corner. A similar combo (2A 2B 5C 214B dash (3C) 623A~dl.A 5B3C jCB(2)A AT) works from of up to 33%-to-corner for slightly less damage(3477).

25%-to-Corner. Fastest timings on everything until 623A. Trivial differences in damage between enders (3616 on jB(2)C AT, 3619 on jCB(2)A AT). Can use 2A 2B 2C 5C 214B 236[A] 5A 5B 623A~A jCB(2)AT as an easier option with slightly less damage(3599).

Only works against fully cornered opponents. Delaying j2B is the best but not only way of stabilizing this combo. Doing everything at fastest timings will cause 236[A] to pull the opponent out of the corner (this can be a good thing, see section on grow/guro combos.)

B Starter

Some notes on what corner routing modules work with a B starter but not an A Starter:

  • 2C 236[A]

Some notes on what corner routing modules are recommended with a B starter but not an A Starter:

  • 623A~A 3C

Some notes on SMP and adapting combos to strings you use to hitconfirm.

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Low starter combo. 4A 4C(1) 623A is optimal for damage but not for your sanity. Skip the 4C for 53 less damage but a lot more comfort.

Low starter combo. This route is a headache from start to finish, but it is a decent ad-lib for when you land a 2B 5C but mess up the route that leads to a grow-combo. Omit the final 5B3C for comfort or if your default 2B hitconfirm string is 2B 5B 5C.

Mid starter combo. Optimal and shockingly doable max damage combo for 5B punishes. Its not so often that you land a raw 5B on people, but this is a good combo to use for when you do get that hit.

Overhead starter combo. Can do 5[B] 5C > 214A > 2B 2C 214B > 623A~A > j.CB(2) > AT (3710) for an easier combo.

Overhead starter combo. Difficult but optimal. tk 22A should be done with 228A.

C Starter

C button starters are either high-damaging, extremely-low hitstun-decay starters or in the case of airdash jC are medium damage, high hitstun decay starters. It's very important to be aware of whether a combo has airdash hitstun decay applied to it, since trying a long combo on airdash jC starters will lead to drops.

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location





BnBs: Throw Starter

Throw combos start with both a high hitstun decay value and also poor starting damage prorate. Doing a harder combo is at most 75 more damage, so its better to either pick a combo with a superior okizeme situation or just one you personally find more reliable.

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Fairly easy combo that is very comparable in damage to the harder routes.

Poor damage, but works at up to 33%-from-corner. The route of choice for converting from a throw just outside the corner.

Intermediate combo. Throw 214A is an important link to learn for other combos.

Doing a significantly harder combo nets 2 more damage but a lot more style points. For only the price of a drastic increase in difficulty, you too can pretend to be have played F Arcueid since Third Strike.

Sets up a unique corner okizeme situation with the opponent displaced a few pixels from the corner if any part of the combo after 236A is delayed. Do 236A 2B for an easier combo at the expense of 9 damage. See section on corner steal combos.

BnBs: Corner steal combos

Corner steal combos are a class of combos first discovered by Japanese players @ymd_alternative and @grovegrow31 that set up a unique okizeme situation where, depending on minor delays made in combos, Arcueid can leave a cornered opponent displaced from the corner by extremely small amounts(the best known displacement so far is 2 pixels). This can enable safe OSable, unseeable and unfuzzyable meaty left-right mixups that force the opponent to make a guess or commit important resources like moon drive.

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Needs completely cornered opponent. Delaying 5B>5C, 5C>C, 5CCC>jC, jC>jB and jB>AT can all contribute to leaving a corner gap.

Only two hits are allowed between the jC and the 4C to control hitstun decay. 2AA2B will cause the combo to fail at 236[A]5B.

Variant that works from just outside the corner (16% to 20%-to-corner). The hold time on partial charge 5C is the most important delay. When doing this combo from 2A, jB(2)C is the recommended ender since hitstun decay will be very high.

Combo that loops the okizeme situation if you choose to crossup after ending a corner steal combo, putting the opponent back into the same mixup. No delays before 22A allowed. Quite important to have a small corner displacement to do this, since poorly executed crossups will cause drops after 5C.

Easy combo that loops the okizeme situation if you choose to crossup after ending a corner steal combo, putting the opponent back into the same mixup. Works even if you have 0 moon gauge, but is a net loss for the moon gauge. Makes barely any meter outside of moondrive.

Sets up the okizeme situation from a corner throw. Doing 236[A] 2B instead is an easier combo for 9 less damage.

Sets up the okizeme situation from a near corner 5[B].

Very tricky combo with even more tricky crossup arithmetic. Needs additional research.

Situational: Frametrap Combos

Handle special move starters like 214B/236[A]

Situational: Moon Skill Combos

Handle BOTH moonskill starters as well as MD activated combos that are optimized to build lots of meter.

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

High metergain 4BC no knockdown. Does 3479 if ended with 22C. Only situationally useful; in most cases 4BC jBC AT is a better route

Situational: Trades

Handle 2C trades, 236[A] trades, DP trades, air counterhit elbow trades, list frame advantage for significant trades that allow reliable conversions or for canned situations like akiha oki, etc.

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Shiki Tohno
Arcueid Brunestud
Akiha Tohno
Hisui & Kohaku
Miyako Arima
Kouma Kishima
Michael Roa Valdamjong
Vlov Arkhangel
Red Arcueid
Aoko Aozaki
Dead Apostle Noel
Mario Gallo Bestino
Powered Ciel
Mash Kyrielight
Monte Cristo