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Revision as of 08:23, 31 August 2022


A royal member of the vampire race known as the True Ancestors. After suffering through a traumatic event, a naively innocent side of her was somehow released. She now lives as a free-spirited, almost childish, princess. She is incredibly powerful and, despite being a vampire, is able to survive in direct sunlight. She has no desire to threaten human society, instead hunting other vampires known as Dead Apostles. While pursuing her greatest enemy, she arrives in Souya, where Shiki lives. Although a fateful encounter awaits her and Shiki here, a story of an earlier possibility is about to unfold.


Arcueid is a close-range bruiser who has every tool a rushdown character wants: a flexible neutral-game, high-reward blockstring gambles, a combo throw, unreactable mixups and the best corner carry in the game.

She boasts good range and coverage on most of her moves and good movement speed. She lacks any true ranged options against more dedicated zoners, and her unique mixup tools require either good reads on the opponent or precise and manually timed inputs. But once she gets in, she can easily push the opponent to the wall and seal their fate with great corner carry potential, strong hit-boxes, high damage combos and dangerous corner okizeme.

All in all, a straightforward yet effective 'gorilla' character that should appeal to both new and experienced players alike.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Above average movement speed, both in the air and on the ground.
  • Excellent DP with a 22 input and a metered followup for damage, making it strong against ambiguous left/right setups.
  • Multiple ways to force mindgames and attempt pressure resets during blockstrings.
  • Potent aerial attacks in j.B and j.C that reliably convert air exchanges into air unblockables.
  • Powerful mixup options with good anti-reversal coverage against cornered opponents.
  • Has a simple rushdown gameplan that rewards you with very high damage.
  • Virtually no long-range disjointed attacks - needs to get close to enforce her powerful offense and damage
  • No way to spend meter to be plus without leaving gaps; has to play anti-reversal mindgames on offense.
HP Value: 12,000

Backdash: -

Movement Speed: -

Character Summary

Move list

Moon Skills
6B+C - Out Of My Way!
3B+C - What're You Doing?!
4B+C - Ready, Go!
2B+C - Shut Up And Fly! (Air OK)
Special Attacks
236A/B/C (EX OK) - Out Of My Way!
> A/B/C - There!
> A/B/C - You're Finished!
> 4A/B/C - Submerge!
623A/B/C (EX OK) - What're You Doing?!
> A/B/C - Additional input
214A/B/C (EX OK) - Ready, Go!
22A/B/C (EX OK) - Shut Up and Fly! (Air OK)
> A/B/C - Shut Up and Disappear!
> 66C (EX-Only) - Shut Up and Disappear!
Arc Drive
236B+C - Melty Blood
Last Arc
A+B+C+D / Successful Shield in Blood Heat - Marble Phantasm - Seal
Unique Attacks
2 while throwing, 3C, 4C, j.2B, j.2C
Blowback Edge Moves
5[B], 5[C], 236[A]
Stats & vitals

Dash startup: 6

Dash actionable: 9

Jump startup: 4

Jump airtime: 35

Quick combo reference

Coming soon.

MBTL Arcueid Art.png

Move Analysis

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

MBTL Arcueid 5A.png
5 frame jab
MBTL Arcueid 5A hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
180 LH SE, N, SP, CH, EX, MD, (J) - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
5 2 11 17 -1 -
  • Standard standing jab with excellent vertical reach.
  • Best option for cashing out on air unblockable situations from blocked air-to-airs.
  • Whiff cancel shield/jab available from frame 10.
  • Standard rebeat option since 2A is a low.
  • Can cancel into itself for three total 5A's by inputting with 4A.
MBTL Arcueid 5B.png
Advancing blockstring tool
MBTL Arcueid 5B be.png
Conditioning tool, overhead with clash frames
MBTL Arcueid 5B hb.png
MBTL Arcueid 5B be hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
480 LH N, SP, CH, EX, MD, (J) - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
9 4 17 29 -6 -
  • Moves Arc forward slightly.
  • Can be delayed slightly by holding 5[B] to create a small blockstring gap without the startup of the fully charged 5[B].
  • Great blockstring tool, combo filler, and decent poke.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
750 H N, SP, CH, EX, MD, (J) - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
29 4 24 56 -11 Clash 16-28
  • Overhead.
  • Increases range, gains clash frames, and floats the opponent.
  • Depending on timing and spacing, 5[B] clash can situationally beat invincible reversals.
  • Reactable with high shield, but Arc's highest reward to discourage low shield.
MBTL Arcueid 5C.png
Advancing blockstring tool and combo filler
MBTL Arcueid 5C be.png
Slow unblockable with clash frames
MBTL Arcueid 5C hb.png
MBTL Arcueid 5C be hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
610 LH N, SP, CH, EX, MD, (J) - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 4 20 33 -7 -
  • Palm thrust which moves Arc forward slightly.
  • Blockstring tool and combo filler.
  • Can be used as a poke with high reward at the tip.
  • Can be delayed slightly by holding 5[C] to create a small blockstring gap without the startup of the fully charged 5[C]. Arc retains all cancel options that she normally loses from the unblockable version.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
2000 U - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
35 4 29 67 +15~+33
Clash 20-34
  • Cannot lead to a combo (even with Moon Drive). Arc also loses all cancel options.
  • Unblockable. Must be shielded high, which discourages the opponent from holding low shield in blockstrings.
  • Easily reactable with shield. Arc is -13 when shielded, putting her into an especially treacherous shield guessing game. Shield Counter B+C can help escape, but can still be punished.
  • Clash frames activate slower than 5B, but can still beat some reversals.
  • Great occasional knowledge check, but unreliable. If the opponent attacks into the clash frames, they can cancel into an invincible move or jump cancel into shield.
  • In corner after 5[C] hits, 2A(w) > 2B will meaty all tech options.

Crouching Normals

MBTL Arcueid 2A.png
5 frame low
MBTL Arcueid 2A hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
150 L - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
5 2 11 17 -1 -
  • Standard crouching jab.
  • Whiff cancel shield/jab available from frame 10.
  • Much better pressure option than 5A because 2A hits low.
  • Can cancel into itself for three total 2A's. Useful for hit-confirming and pressure.
MBTL Arcueid 2B.png
Fast low poke with good reach
MBTL Arcueid 2B hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
420 L - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
7 4 15 25 -4 -
  • Arc's best grounded poke.
  • Extremely fast poke startup with great reach, recovery, and conversions. Tied with some other character's 2B fastest B normal in the game. Moves Arc forward slightly.
  • Best antiair option when Arc is behind a falling opponent.
  • Low profile hurtbox (from the knees down) lets 2B win against many other 7f buttons like Kouma/Miyako 2B and even 5F 2A's at some ranges. This lets Arc press at slight frame disadvantage vs many characters and makes her pressure stronger.
  • Can still be whiff punished by opponent with excellent spacing
MBTL Arcueid 2C.png
Low sweep with big range
MBTL Arcueid 2C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
620 L - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 3 21 33 -7 -
  • Far-reaching sweep with big hitbox that hits low.
  • Great vertical and horizontal range for its speed. Arc's biggest poke but very whiff punishable.
  • Excellent untech time (more than 5C). Extremely valuable combo tool for both midscreen and corner.

Jumping Normals

Aerial A
MBTL Arcueid jA.png
5 frame aerial jab
MBTL Arcueid jA hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
140 H - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
5 4 11 19 - -
  • Standard, quick aerial jab.
  • jB covers air-to-air situations better than jA and is just 1 frame slower. jA recovers faster, but it still has significant recovery on whiff.
  • Can cancel into itself for three total jA's by inputting j4A. Blocked air-to-airs should usually lead to an air unblockable or ground pressure situation.
Aerial B
MBTL Arcueid jB.png
Far reaching two-hit aerial
MBTL Arcueid jB hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
240*2 (468) H - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
6 2 (6) 4 until landing - - -
  • Arc swings her arms around twice.
  • Excellent air-to-air option with more horizontal range than both j.A and j.C. j.B is extremely fast at 6 frames!
  • Very punishable on whiff due to the length of the two hits, but good reward on hit or block
  • Fatal Counter on either hit leads to big grounded conversions
Aerial C
MBTL Arcueid jC.png
Best all-purpose jump normal
MBTL Arcueid jC hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
560 H - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
7 10 until landing - - -
  • Big disjointed air normal. An exceptional air-to-air and air-to-ground attack.
  • Arc’s signature jump attack comes out almost as fast as j.B and has a disjointed hitbox with good active frames.
  • No clash frames but surprisingly large. Spacing Arc j.C out at the tip is crucial to the move's neutral utility.

Command Normals

MBTL Arcueid 3C.png
Universal launcher with auto jump cancel
MBTL Arcueid 3C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
700 LH - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 3 25 37 -11 Air 5-12
  • Standard universal launching attack with a short zoom-in/cinematic, followed by an automatic jump.
  • Can be used as a high-commit preemptive grounded anti-air, but highly unsafe on whiff and creates a losing situation for Arc if it clashes.
  • Unsafe on block and cannot be reverse beaten; however, 3C can still be special-cancelled.
MBTL Arcueid 4C.png
Launcher for combo extension
MBTL Arcueid 4C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
500*2 (950) LH - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
9 2 (3) 9 24 46 -16 -
  • Arc jumps forward with a flying knee. Puts Arc airborne while also floating the opponent on hit.
  • First hit can be special canceled on hit or block.
  • On hit only, 4C second hit cancels to air normals, air specials, or air dash. 4C air dash jC is an extremely useful combo route.
  • Second hit is extremely punishable on block. New players may have problems unlearning the 'back' input while hit-confirming with Arc. If 4C is blocked, it must be cancelled to 2BC or Moon Drive to avoid massive punishment. Neither of these are ideal, so 4C should generally be avoided on block.
MBTL Arcueid j2B.png
Dive... claw?
MBTL Arcueid j2B hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
600 LHA - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
11 10 until landing + 14 - -1 (TK) -
  • A diveclaw that Arc downwards at a 45 degree angle.
  • Not an overhead.
  • Not active for very long.
  • Reactively confirmable into 2BC, 236B, or 623A.
  • Useful mobility option for landing in an unexpected location. Combined with universal Melty Blood air options and j2C, Arc has high control over when and where she chooses to land.
  • Strong combo tool against airborne opponents. Typically cancelled into 214A or 214B and extended from there.
  • Has landing recovery, but the landing recovery can be cancelled into special moves on hit or on block.
Aerial2UNI Input Hold.png[B]
MBTL Arcueid j2B be.png
MBTL Arcueid j2B be hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
820 H SP, EX, MD - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
24 10 until landing + 14 - +1 (TK) -
  • Charged version of Arcueid's diveclaw.
  • Becomes a overhead and is 0 on block most of the time.
  • A great combo tool, mostly seen in 4BC and corner combos.
MBTL Arcueid j2C1.png
Combo filler
MBTL Arcueid j2C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
400*2 (764) LHA - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
7 3 (15) 3 until landing + 6 - +1 (TK) -
  • Arc spins around before slamming the opponent to the ground.
  • Arc-copter is both a combo tool to drag opponents down from high altitudes and a runaway mobility tool.
  • Ground-bounces if done close to the ground. Generally only used in corner combos because the pushback midscreen is very limiting to combo routes.
  • Maintains the air momentum that Arc had before j2C. Because of this, j2C can be used as a movement tool after a forward or backwards airdash to gain more distance. This can be very useful eg. in the Kouma matchup where its important to refuse to engage in certain gamestates. However, Arc is punishable until landing, so it can be very punishable on whiff.

Universal Mechanics

Rapid Beat 2
Rapid Beat 2
Lua error in Module:MoveDataParser at line 88: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value).
Advances forward, but has terrible frame advantage
Lua error in Module:MoveDataParser at line 86: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value).
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
No results
  • Good forward movement.
  • Bad on both block and hit compared to other normals. Disadvantageous and only cancels into specials or Rapid Combo 3, which is still unsafe.
  • Low damage makes it unappealing early in combos.
  • Only useful at the end of long combos to avoid Same Move Proration. Good forward movement and high untech time makes Rapid Beat 2 a strong way to end combos with 5AA > 236BBB.
Rapid Beat 3
Rapid Beat 3
Lua error in Module:MoveDataParser at line 88: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value).
Same move as 3C
Lua error in Module:MoveDataParser at line 86: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value).
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
No results
  • Best midscreen conversion from Rapid Beat 2. Very underwhelming damage.
  • Unsafe on block but can be special canceled. No other cancel options.
  • Similar animation and launch to 3C.
Ground Throw
MBTL Arcueid throw.png
Tosses the opponent away
MBTL Arcueid altthrow.png
Knocks the opponent down
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1200 - - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4 (point blank) 3 19 (whiff) - - -
  • Arc tosses the opponent away.
  • Can be air teched midscreen, ending pressure and returning to neutral.
  • Wall bounces in the corner.
  • Converting from wall bounce depends on corner distance.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1500 - - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
- - - - +44 -
  • Alternate knockdown throw with higher damage.
  • Press [2] during throw animation to activate.
  • Knockdown is better midscreen than the regular throw, but does *not* give safe left/right offense.
  • Immediate empty forward jump is +5 on landing, which enables 2A Shield OS
  • Delayed forward jump jC can safe jump reversals.
Air Throw
MBTL Arcueid airthrow.png
Universal air combo ender
MBTL Arcueid airthrow hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1200 - - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1 3 until landing + 12 - +37 (jump), +19 (land) -
  • Dunks the opponent right in front of you. Arc gets decent pressure off her air throw regardless of air actions remaining.
  • Jump cancelable from frame 43 after touching the ground.
  • No cancel: ~+19
  • Airthrow doublejump > land: +3 on landing
  • Airthrow > perfect IAD jC(whiff): ~+8 on landing
  • Airthrow > perfect IAD land: ~+4 on landing
  • If Arc keeps her double jump for oki, she can set up corner high/lows with safe jump options.
  • Midscreen Arc gets ambiguous left-right oki. Airthrow > neutral double-jump forward drift cannot cross up without delays. If you delay the jump cancel, forward drift can cross up and still be plus.
  • All of Arcueid's safe jumps are corner-only and manually timed. It is a 1f window to time a airthrow jumpcancel IAD safejump against meterless DPs and a 3f window to time one from 236C > superjump.
  • High airdash falling jC in the corner will automatically bait all meterless reversals in the game and many metered reversals. Exceptions include Ciel 22C and 236C.
  • Air throw > super jump jC is an excellent safe jump that saves air options for air dash cancels or empty jump low. Shielding this mixup is risky because Arc threatens combos off safe highs, lows, and throws.

Special Moves

Out Of My Way!
Out Of My Way!
MBTL Arcueid 236A.png
236A-Better frame advantage
MBTL Arcueid 236A be.png
MBTL Arcueid 236B.png
MBTL Arcueid 236XX.png
MBTL Arcueid 236X4X.png
236X~4X Launches
MBTL Arcueid 236XXX.png
MBTL Arcueid 236XX4X.png
MBTL Arcueid 236C.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
500*2 (945) LH - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
13 5 21 38 -4 -
  • Rekka series starter.
  • Disadvantageous on block, but big pushback and 236AA follow-up help negate this problem.
  • Relatively slow for a poke and very bad on whiff, so not an overall strong option for neutral.
  • However, any of the rekka series can be Moon Drive canceled on whiff, making it a useful way to poke before activating Moon Drive.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1200 LH - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
23 4 13 39 +6 -
  • Charging the first rekka turns it into a short-ranged projectile which is advantageous and vacuums, making 236[A] a potent tool for pressure resets.
  • +4 on block means 236[A] 2A 2A+D will automatically shield OS opponents mashing 6-frame reversals after blocking 236[A]. This includes: all meterless uppercuts, Noel 22C, Kouma 22C and Red Arc 236C.
  • At best, cancels into 236[A] leave a 7f gap, but can be hard to challenge without shield because of spacing.
  • Leads to combo on hit or trade.
  • Excellent combo tool due to the vacuum and high damage.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
500*2 (945) LH - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 5 24 38 -7 -
  • Rekka series starter.
  • Faster on startup than 236A, but worse frame advantage on block.
  • Fast startup and forward movement make 236B a useful callout against opponents jailing Arc in the corner or leveraging a range advantage.
  • Extremely long recovery on whiff.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
450*2 (855) LH MD, EX - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 5 26 42 -9 -
  • Second rekka, only available as a follow-up to 236A/236B
  • Worse on block than the first hit.
  • Immediate timing is gapless from 236X, but can be delayed to leave very small gaps for anti-mash and anti-jump.
  • Does nothing remarkable except enable more easy hitconfirms.
  • Can complicate the punishment process if opponents jump your whiffed 236B; Arc can 236B~B to get behind the opponent and sometimes avoid a punish.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
450*2 (855) LH CH, EX+ - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 4 26 41 -8 -
  • This version of the second rekka is a bit slower(?), however launches the opponent on hit.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1300 L MD, EX - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 3 25 39 -11 -
  • Rekka series ender. Hits low.
  • Immediate timing is gapless from 236XX, but can be delayed to leave very small gaps for anti-mash and anti-jump. However, this can be more risky than before, since 236XX is punishable.
  • Most reversals are fast enough to punish 236XX whether you canceled to the final rekka or not. The only way to discourage this is the gapless low ender.
  • Faster than the overhead ender 236XX4X, which means that opponents can fuzzy block low > high. In order to punish this, Arc can delay 236XXX, but that creates the problem listed above.
  • Unsafe on block, but can be made safe on block or converted on hit with Moon Drive cancel or 214C. 236XXX should always be canceled whether on hit or block.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1200 H - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
25 3 23 50 -9 -
  • Rekka series ender #2. Hits overhead.
  • Slower than the low ender 236XXX, which means that opponents can fuzzy block low > high.
  • Will always have a gap before it hits, so be wary of shield and invincible attacks.
  • Unsafe on block, but can be made safe on block or converted on hit with Moon Drive cancel or 214C. 236XX4X should always be canceled whether on hit or block.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
320*11 (2568) LH MD - 100% -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4+7 60 (total) 36 106 -12 1-4 Throw
  • Arc does all three rekkas for a good chunk of damage.
  • Punishable on block.
  • Nets a hard knockdown and gives a lot of corner carry. Does not knock down after long combos.
  • Arc's only super that can cancel into Arc Drive 236BC. Commonly used in Heat for this reason.
  • Sets up safejumps with 236C(down) (wait 2f) > whiff 5A > superjump jC.
What're You Doing?!
What're You Doing?!
MBTL Arcueid 623A.png
MBTL Arcueid 623B.png
MBTL Arcueid 623XX.png
B version Follow-up
MBTL Arcueid 623C.png
Ex version does follow-up automatically and does the launcher cinematic on hit
MBTL Arcueid 623A hb.png
MBTL Arcueid 623B hb.png
MBTL Arcueid 623XX hb.png
MBTL Arcueid 623C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1100 L EX, MD - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
11 5 16 31 -4 -
  • Hits once. A downwards swiping claw attack which is mainly used as combo filler.
  • Looks like a low, is a low.
  • 623AA is one of Arcueids highest damage combo modules.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
480*3 (1309) LH EX, MD - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
20 12 23 54 +2 -
  • Hits thrice.
  • Looks like a low, is not a low.
  • Worse in long combos than 623AA.
  • With the recent buffs to this move, it is now a staple in Arcs pressure game. Keep in mind while it is +2, you are not in throw/A normal range. 5B will catch jump outs, and 2B will beat or clash with mashing(and vlov jumping), 5A will beat mashing clean.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1200 LH - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
11 3 20 37 -4 -
  • Combo extender. A follow-up attack that wall bounces in the corner.
  • Can be jump canceled on hit unless you jump canceled earlier in combo.
  • Moves forward a lot when delayed from 623A/623B, which is useful in some midscreen-to-corner combos.
  • Should be canceled to 214C for safety on block.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
270*8 (1855) LH MD - 100% -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4+8 14 (15) 2 22 64 -7 1-4 Throw
  • Downwards swiping claw attack followed by a launcher with automatic jump cancel.
  • Used to extend certain hits into longer combos with air throw ender. Great use of meter from special moves like 214A, 236BB, and 236BBB.
  • If launch was already used in combo, 623C will knock down instead of launching.
Ready, Go!
Ready, Go!
MBTL Arcueid 214A.png
MBTL Arcueid 214B.png
B version follow-up, is automatic
MBTL Arcueid 214C.png
EX version perform cinematic on hit and grants HKD
MBTL Arcueid 214A hb.png
MBTL Arcueid 214B hb.png
MBTL Arcueid 214C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1200 LH EX, MD - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
16 5 14 34 -2 ~ +2 -
  • Dashing elbow thrust that is safe on block.
  • Frame advantage is better when Arc is farther out. 214A is +1 on block when spaced correctly.
  • Good combo filler tool. Has tons of untech time, letting Arc link after it on high juggled opponents.
  • Looks extremely similar to 214B. Opponents that anticipate 214B and shield or reversal between hits can be baited with 214A instead.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
700, 850 (1422) LH MD, EX - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
16 8 24 (whiff) 47 (whiff) +3 (air), +7 (ground) -
  • Dashing elbow thrust followed by a palm strike.
  • The second hit wall-bounces, has excellent corner carry, and has high untechable time, making 214B an excellent combo filler tool.
  • 214B is plus on block and has a tiny gap between the two hits which also makes it a great knowledge check. Opponents that anticipate 214A can get hit trying to act between hits.
  • However, be careful of shield and invincible attacks against aware opponents.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1200, 320*2, 576 (2384) LH MD, EX - 100% -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4+4 8 22 37 -6(air), -1(ground) 1-4 Throw
  • Dashing elbow thrust which converts into an automatic combo sequence on hit.
  • An excellent utility super. -1 on block up close, but puts Arc at an excellent range to 2B.
  • No invincibility, but crosses the screen incredibly fast.
  • Strong reactive cancel option vs people backdashing 214B and 236 series.
  • All of Arc's specials besides 22B cancel without gaps into 214C, making them just -1 on block at the cost of 1 Magic Cicuit.
  • 214C will always knock down at the end of long combos and leads to strong oki, giving Arc an easy outlet for meter use where 236C would not knock down.
  • Leads to powerful but executionally difficult left-right drift mixups.
  • 214C > perfect IAD > fastest timing neutral jump > land leaves Arcueid at +4 and crosses up. Arc can drift back towards her original direction to fake the crossup.
  • Whiffing a button on the way down will leave Arcueid at +2, which removes the ability to 2A~2D Shield OS 6f reversals requires. Because of this requirement, Arc must execute a frame perfect land > 2A input to do the reversal-safe setup. However, even if the setup is slightly mistimed, the mixup is still threatening.
Shut Up and Fly!
Shut Up and Fly!
MBTL Arcueid 22A.png
A version has no invul
MBTL Arcueid 22B.png
B version has invul
MBTL Arcueid 22XX.png
Follow-up, only useable if the dp connects
MBTL Arcueid 22X66C.png
EX follow-up, can only be done from A and B
MBTL Arcueid 22C.png
EX dp, does the swiping motion twice
MBTL Arcueid 22A hb.png
MBTL Arcueid 22B hb.png
MBTL Arcueid 22XX hb.png
MBTL Arcueid 22X66C hb.png
MBTL Arcueid 22C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
550*2 (1039) LH (MD) - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
6 2(1)7 27 42 -15 -
  • Upwards angled attack with no invincibility but high outward lingering hitbox.
  • First hit can be canceled into 236C or 236AB.
  • Combo filler used when Arc is significantly below an opponent early in midscreen combos. 22A~X can extend certain corner juggles due to the wallbounce.
  • Can be used in neutral as a more reliable anti-air than 3C, but the input and slow startup on the later hits makes this awkward.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
350*4 (1235) LH (MD) - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
6 3(1)7 42 58 -26 All 1-13
  • Fully invincible reversal. Has an unfortunate dead spot directly above Arc, making this a weak anti-air against opponents with strong forward momentum.
  • Can be moon drive canceled on hit only into a combo that leads to a knockdown.
  • Can lead to a full combo in the corner with 22B~X wallbounce, but opponents will rarely pressure from the corner, so this situation is rather rare.
  • Due to the 22 special move command, the opponent cannot cross up Arc to reverse her inputs, which makes 22B particularly strong against ambiguous left/right setups.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1000 LHA - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 5 until landing + 12 - -4 (best) -
  • Wallbounces in the corner to extend combo.
  • Opponent can air tech midscreen.
  • Can be used to set up safe heat activation midscreen.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1800 LHA - - 100% -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4+8 2 until landing + 12 - -9 (best) -
  • EX followup.
  • Knocks down if done in very short combos. 22B~66C only knocks down if at least one hit of 22B whiffs.
  • Deals more damage than the meterless follow-up, but almost never sees use. Meter is more efficiently spent ending combos 236C, 214C, or 236BC than extending with 22X~66C
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
300*8 (1998) LH (MD) - 100% -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4+1 37 (total) 40 81 -44 All 1-15
  • Fully invincible and exceptionally fast reversal
  • One frame faster than 22B, which lets 22C beat certain safe jump setups that win against 22B.
  • Loses to bait setups that involve hovering above Arc, just like 22B.
  • Leads to a full combo on Fatal Counter against airborne opponents.
  • On hit, leads into an air tech situation.
  • Poor range and is several times more unsafe than 22B. If 22C hits at an awkward angle, the second swipe will whiff, leaving Arc at the mercy of the enemy. The opponent can tech and get a character specific punish on hit.
Shut Up and Fly! (air)
Shut Up and Fly! (air)
(air DP)
Aerial 22+X
MBTL Arcueid 22A.png
MBTL Arcueid j22B.png
MBTL Arcueid j22XX.png
MBTL Arcueid j22X66C.png
MBTL Arcueid j22C.png
MBTL Arcueid j22A hb.png
MBTL Arcueid j22B hb.png
MBTL Arcueid j22XX hb.png
MBTL Arcueid j22X66C hb.png
MBTL Arcueid j22C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
400*3 (1104) LHA MD, EX - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
6 12 - - - -
  • Not a reversal.
  • Combo filler. Leads into j22A~X or j22C
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
360*4 (1270) LHA MD, EX - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
7 12 - - - -
  • Not a reversal. Possesses no invincibility, unlike the grounded version.
  • Combo filler. j22B is rarely used over the faster j22A due to lower damage per hit and the inability to cancel j22B to j22B~X until the second hit of j22B.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1000 LHA - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 5 until landing + 12 - - -
  • Wallbounces in the corner.
  • Opponent can air tech midscreen. Can combo to j22C midscreen.
  • Mainly used as combo filler in the corner, where aerial j.22A~X is a versatile combo tool.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1800 LHA - - 100% -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4+8 2 until landing + 12 - - 1-4 Throw
  • EX followup. Combo filler, but rarely used. 623C, 236C, and 214C are all better uses of meter.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
270*9 (1968) LHA MD - 100% -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4+3 - - - - 1-4 Throw
  • Not a reversal.
  • Can be used to end air combos with additional damage in exchange for the air throw knockdown.
  • Typically only used to close out rounds or to end some midscreen combos.

Moon Skills

Out Of My Way!
Out Of My Way!
MBTL Arcueid 6BC.png
MBTL Arcueid 6BC hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
650*3 (1702) LH, LH, L EX, MD - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 5(4)6(3)3 22 54 -2 Clash 1-10 (MD)
  • Similar to 236BBB, but does not knock down.
  • Instead, 6BC gives a ground bounce that can lead into a combo.
  • Gains significant clash frames during Moon Drive and leads to a large combo on hit while being safe on block. Only has clash frames during Moon Drive.
  • The third hit is actually a low, which can catch sleeping opponents unaware.
What're You Doing?!
What're You Doing?!
MBTL Arcueid 3BC.png
MBTL Arcueid 3BC hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1200 HA EX, MD - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
27 4 16 46 -3 Clash 1-10 (MD)
  • Arc hops forward and dives down at the opponent with an attack resembling j.2B.
  • A fairly slow and reactable overhead. On block, it is safe, but can be high shielded on reaction to punish consistently.
  • Moon Drive cancel can set up some interesting high/low mixups.
  • Avoids low hitting moves from early in the animation.
  • Strong option to call out low shield.
  • Gains some utility as a reversal and neutral tool with clash frames in Moon Drive, but clash frames end before 214C hits, which can lead to Arc just getting hit out before the attack. 3BC also performs exceptionally poorly against moving opponents. 2BC and 6BC are much more reliable Moon Drive specials with clash frames.
Ready, Go!
Ready, Go!
MBTL Arcueid 4BC.png
Does 4C on hit which then does launcher cinematic
MBTL Arcueid 4BC hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1352 LH EX, MD - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
15 8 13 35 -4 ~ +3 Clash 1-11 (MD)
  • Safe on block at melee range. Plus on block at very long ranges. Can be +3 near tip range, possibly more.
  • An elbow thrust with a launcher followed by an automatic launch into a short combo extension.
  • 4BC Gains clash frames during moon drive, but they end before the attack hits. Reckless use is not likely to be rewarded.
  • Combined with its fast move speed and long distance traveled, 4BC is a great attack to quickly close in on the opponent.
Shut Up And Fly!
Shut Up And Fly!
MBTL Arcueid 2BC.png
No invul, but has clash frames and can be jump cancelled
MBTL Arcueid 2BC hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
470*3 (1282) LHA J, EX, MD - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
7 2(1)8 - - - Clash 1-5 (MD)
  • High damage attack that resembles 22B, but lacks 22B's invincibility.
  • Can be jump-cancelled while Arc is still in the air on hit or block.
  • High untech time allows 2BC to lead into ground combos with jump cancel > instant air dash.
  • On block or whiff, Arc can only jump cancel after the last hit. This can lead to awkward situations where Arc is at frame disadvantage above the blocking opponent with only an air dash available.
  • However, this can lead to OS conversions with 2BC > 956 > 9; on hit you instant air dash and on block you jump cancel the last hit.
  • During moon drive, 2B+C gains excellent clash frames and retains all other properties. The additional jump from Moon Drive also mitigates the danger in blocked 2BC, making it a fairly safe attack to simply throw out on the defense. It also will give excellent return on hit, making Moon Drive 2BC an intimidating defensive option.
  • If the opponent Shields 2BC, Arc loses all cancel options. The opponent can then let go of shield and do a full punish combo on landing. However, the threat of 2BC still provides value to Arc's defense and neutral.
Shut Up And Fly! (Air)
Shut Up And Fly! (Air)
Aerial 2+B+C
MBTL Arcueid j2BC.png
MBTL Arcueid j2BC hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
350*4 (1252) LHA J, EX, MD - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
7 12 - - - -
  • Basically identical to the grounded version.
  • Cancels from jB and jC to j2BC can be delayed quite long to hit-confirm because j2BC is so fast.
  • Extremely useful to convert air hits to grounded combos with jump cancel > air dash jC. However, this conversion requires specific spacing and the timing on jC can be very tricky.
  • If too high to land or an easier combo is preferred, delaying the jump cancel on 2BC allows jB jC Air Throw to land consistently. Immediate jump cancel will put Arc too high for a full conversion.

Super Moves

Melty Blood
Melty Blood
MBTL Arcueid 236BC.png
MBTL Arcueid 236BC hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
3500 LH - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1+11 5 47 63 -35 All 1-16
  • Arc's super is a full-screen fast homing projectile, which makes it her only unique option to directly contest zoners.
  • Excellent flexible combo tool with good frame advantage on hit to set up oki. All Heat combos can end in 236BC unless the opponent starts high in the air.
  • Air unblockable, but not air un-Shieldable.
  • Long invulnerability frames that start from frame 1, so can be used reactively vs many fullscreen projectiles. Especially useful in the Vlov/Red Arc/Ciel matchups; the opponent risks eating a lethal super anywhere on the screen when Arc has 3 Magic Circuit available. A terrifying option at low health, but be warned: the opponent can Moon Drive cancel their special attacks on reaction and Shield 236BC.
Marble Phantasm - Seal
Marble Phantasm - Seal
MBTL Arcueid ABCD.png
MBTL Arcueid ABCD hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
4800 [4800 ~ 6960 in BH] LH - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1+21 4 27 52 -14 All 1-25
  • Similar startup animation to 5C.
  • Almost no practical utility. Can combo from 214B in the corner if 214B hits high enough early in the combo.

Reverse Beats

Rebeat Table
Attack Chain Advantage
5B/2B 5A/2A -3
5C/2C 5A/2A -1
Gap Table
Attack Chain Frame Gap


Palette options

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Arcueid Brunestud Wiki Roadmap

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MBTL Navigation

The Game
Getting Started
News & updates
The Battle System
Game Data
Shiki Tohno
Arcueid Brunestud
Akiha Tohno
Hisui & Kohaku
Miyako Arima
Kouma Kishima
Michael Roa Valdamjong
Vlov Arkhangel
Red Arcueid
Aoko Aozaki
Dead Apostle Noel
Mario Gallo Bestino
Powered Ciel
Mash Kyrielight
Monte Cristo