Phantom Breaker: Omnia/Cocoa

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  • Name: Cocoa
  • Character Voice: Ai Matayoshi
  • Sex: Female
  • Age: 16 (says she's 18)
  • Height: 157cm
  • Weight: 44kg
  • Blood: O
  • Birthday: 2/21
  • B.W.H.: 86.55.85
  • Occupation: Cosplayer
  • Weapon: Kusenia's Claw (Claw)
  • Style: Short Range - Rush Type

Born into the lap of luxury, Cocoa didn't want for anything. One day, growing bored with life, Cocoa started playing the MMORPG "True Dark Age" (a.k.a T-DA) and became obsessed with her character Uriel. Now, the girl who always got everything she wanted wants nothing more than to turn this boring world called reality into the world of T-DA.


Cocoa is an aggressive fighter with some of the fastest attacks accompanied by high Damage output. While lacking in any long-range power, Cocoa's close-range strength is pretty unmatched in frame advantage, damage, combo, and mix up.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Blistering Offense: besides lacking a command grab, Cocoa has a myriad of offensive tools at her disposal, and can perform multiple mixups in a single blockstring once she is in.
  • Stun: long combos and potent mix on oki means it takes less hits to dizzy an opponent, giving her comeback/snowball potential against characters with low stun resistance.
  • Barbarischer Nagel: This is Cocoa's tool for high damage output, it has minimal damage scaling and always leads to a soft knockdown. this allows cocoa to spend relatively low amounts of resources for high reward off of her mixups.
  • Mobility: Stumpfer Flugel and air Kurzes Messer let Cocoa close the distance from various angles with minimal Risk, on top of Cocoa dash speed being one of the fastest.
  • Lack of Range: Cocoa has no tool to threaten at full screen and needs to close the distance, while her mobility helps, zoning/keep out specialist still gives her trouble in neutral against characters who can outbox her.
  • Momentum driven: Once Cocoa has the momentum, she can decimate the opponent as fast as Gaito, but she lacks the endurance and comeback potential that Gaito has.
  • Limited Defensive tools: Cocoa EX Kurzes Messer has some invincibility but it's short and tied behind resources, making it unreliable. however, the meterless version still low profiles so she is not without her options.
  • Hard Style Counter-pick: Opponent can pick hardstyle to gain advantage against Cocoa, "Protection" hamper her rush down with little else to circumvent this.

Style overview

PBO QuickStyle Icon.png The go-to for cocoa, as having access to SS cancel is integral to her ability to do high damage off of mixups, she also can use slipshift dodge to deal with heavy zoning.

PBO HardStyle Icon.png Protection is the main reason to pick this style, Hover on regular jumps is somewhat useful to cocoa but still falls a bit short in comparison to quick's double jump, and 4b, despite being a very strong overhead, isnt as useful to cocoa as she already has so much mix at her disposal. Schöne Fledermaus can come in handy in some match ups, but overall hard style's lack of reward makes it a niche pick.

PBO OmniaStyle Icon.png Cocoa benefits minimally from omnia style. despite her ability to generate meter relatively quickly and the fact all-range is extremely useful to her, gaining 400% meter in a round is still near impossible. There's really no good reason to use this.

Normal Moves

PBO Cocoa 5A.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -
  • can be reverse beat from 2A
PBO Cocoa 5AA.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

rebeats to 2a for low or 5aaa for overhead. your most common point for mixup branching.

PBO Cocoa 5AAA.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - High -

one of cocoa's many overhead options, but will whiff on some characters (mikoto & her clones) crouching.

PBO Cocoa 5B.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -
PBO Cocoa 5BB.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

Gatlings into 5bbb and 2b for High/low mixup.

PBO Cocoa 5BBB.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - High -

Cocoa's most reliable overhead, easily convertable into a full combo and will not whiff on anyone crouching. However, can whiff at max 5bb range as its horizontal reach is subpar.

PBO Cocoa 6B.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - High -

important overhead available as a cancel from most normals. can only be canceled into 6c and 5sp, meaning you will need to spend resources for damage from this, and hit confirming it can be tricky to do safely.

PBO Cocoa 5C.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

main antiair.

PBO Cocoa 5CC.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -
PBO Cocoa 5CCC.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -
PBO Cocoa 6C.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - 5SP - -

whiffs on some characters crouching and can only be canceled to 5sp

PBO Cocoa 5SP.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - SS High, Mid. -

Unlike most characters 5sp, cocoa's is 2 hits, the first of which only occurs very close to cocoa and is an overhead. dash canceling this with 66 in quick style is very important to cocoa's damage.

PBO Cocoa 2A.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -
PBO Cocoa 2B.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -
PBO Cocoa 2C.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -
PBO Cocoa jA.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -
PBO Cocoa jB.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -
PBO Cocoa j2B.png
this will always hit on the opposite side you expect it to.
this will always hit on the opposite side you expect it to.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - landing (+2?) - - High -
PBO Cocoa jC.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -
PBO Cocoa j6C.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

air footsies

PBO Cocoa jSP.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -
PBO Cocoa j6C.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -

has an ex version as well. just cocoa's 6c but floats her breifly before fastfalling her as the hitbox comes out.

PBO Cocoa 66A.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -
PBO Cocoa 66B.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - - -
PBO Cocoa 66C.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - very minus - low -


PBO Cocoa T.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - Throw Throw

Air Throw
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - Throw Throw

Special Moves

Stumpfer Flugel
PBO Cocoa 6SP.jpg
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
Light - - - - - - - -

command dash. if the opponent is in proximity by the end of the dash, cocoa will perform a flurry of advancing attacks, followed up by the claw from 5c, which is prone to whiffing on blocking opponents at some distances.

Medium - - - - - - - -

same as light but ends in the kick from 5bb, which is more conistent on blocking/standing opponents but often whiffs on airborne ones. an option if the opponents gaurd is already dark red and forcing a gaurd break is possible, but its high punishability and lack of practical use in combos makes this the least useful of cocoa's specials.

Heavy (100%BG) - - - - - - - AUB

damage squeeze. can combo after

Kurzes Messer
PBO Cocoa 2SP.jpg
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
Light - - - - - - mid, high -

Last hit is an overhead

Medium - - - - - - mid, high -

low profile reversal, Last hit is an overhead

Heavy (100%BG) - - - - - - Low, mid AUB

low profile before the flash, invincible several frames after. The first hit is cancelable into other EX moves

Barbarischer Nagel
PBO Cocoa 4SP.jpg
Itai deshou?
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
Light - - - - - - - -

The core of cocoa's quick-style gameplan. can loop into itself using slip shift cancels(4L+S, 5sp, 66, 4L+S....) has high minimum damage, generates >30% BG, and leads to a hard knockdown. these loops do not work on fin, however. Its generous hitbox also allows it to be used as an antiair.

Medium - - - - - - - -

4L+S but worse. slower, lower damage, no knockdown, generates less meter, and comboing with 5s requires specific timing/will not work in the corner. the only tradeoff for all of these downsides is a bigger horizontal hitbox and the ability to do routes on characters where 4L+S loops drop.

Heavy (100%BG) - - - - - - - AUB

damage squeeze, can combo after depending on combo scaling. generally not worth it unless securing a kill and the combo is otherwise too scaled for 4L+S looping.

Phantom Breakers

Quick Super Attack
Unendliche Angst
5H+SP (200%BG)
PBO Cocoa QPB.jpg
Gamer rage
Gamer rage
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - ALL AUB

quick style phantom break. good damage but the duration means that to get the max out of it you'll need to land it very early in tension time. Use outside tension time or securing a kill is not advised, as it will reset cocoa's meter to 0, limiting the damage off the next immediate mixup significantly. NOT A REVERSAL. HAS NO INVINCIBILITY

Hard Super Attack
5H+SP (200%BG)
PBO Cocoa HPB.jpg
Schöne Fledermaus
Schöne Fledermaus
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancel Guard Attribute
- - - - - - all -

Hard style phantom break. really good for out of context tension time TODs and very little else

Phantom Breaker: Omnia

ControlsFAQHUDStrategySystemPatch Notes


ArtifactorCocoaEndeFinGaitoInfinityItsukiKurisuLMMaestraMeiMikoto NishinaMikoto WRenRiaRimiShizukaShin-WakaSophiaTokiyaWakaYuzuha