Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax/DFCI/Shana

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(Click here for the original Shana page)



Originally from the light novel Shakugan no Shana.


A synopsis of this character's play-style, strengths, weaknesses, etc


  • Excellent normals for pressure and reactive play
  • Has an airdash
  • Moveset allows for clean hit confirms virtually every time
  • Full screen projectile
  • Has very high damage output alongside easy access to gauge
  • Trump Card is excellent for continuing pressure, as well as forcing your opponent to whiff


  • Has "mediocre" Impact Skills
  • Can't use a double jump from an airdash

Recommended Assists

Kino - Arguably the best assist in the game. The safe, fast fireball adds a lot to your ability to play neutral safely and smack other assists doing things you don't want.

Leafa - Generically strong assist. Helps in neutral and pressure.

Enju - Good combo and confirm potential, good abilities.

Kojou - Good combo assist for entering Power Up state or standard finisher. Also a very good oki assist after a climax or EX GnO


Universal Potential: Increases damage dealt by 10% for 20 seconds when health falls under 30%. If behind in rounds won, increases damage dealt by 20% instead.

Character Potential: Hit the opponent with 10 attacks (in the case of multi-hitting moves only the first hit is counted) for Attack Level 1 for 20 seconds. Can be activated once a round.

Move List

L = Low, H = High, A = Air
JC = Jump Cancel, SC = Support Cancel, EX = EX Cancel
ISC = Impact Skill Cancel, TCC = Trump Card Cancel, CAC = Climax Art Cancel

Startup includes the first active frame.

Normal Moves

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
300 6 2 16 -5
+8 (JC)
  • It has a big hitbox, good for converting into random combos
  • Total length is pretty long, so it’s dangerous to wiff
  • Chains into all other normals
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
250 5 2 18 -7 SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC LA -
  • Quick slash forward, hits low
  • Like with 5A, total length is pretty long, so it’s dangerous to whiff
  • Chains into itself 3 times
  • 4th time onward becomes 2B > 5C > Gouka
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
500 9 2 18 -5
+10 (JC)
  • Rising slash forward that is air unblockable and jump cancellable
  • Can be used as a predictive anti-air, but its hitbox isn’t the best for it (loses to Asuna’s j.C)
  • Deadly if she uses it after the opponent blocks a jump attack or assist in the air
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
450 9 3 19 -7 SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC L -
  • Leans forward into a sweeping slash, hits low and is air unblockable
  • Not jump cancelable outside Trump Card
  • Pretty long range, not quite as much as 5C
  • Depending on the opponent, it can punish a whiffed jump in while they are landing
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
700 11 3 22 -8 SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC HLA -
  • Horizontal slash at the knees, not a low
  • Longest range normal, but has no upward hitbox
  • 5C > 5A+B can drop at the absolute maximum range of 5C
  • Great normal for checking an opponent on the ground
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
700 10 4 20 -7 SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC HL -
  • Downward slash in a semi-circle
  • Very good anti-air as it is air unblockable
  • Short range, possible to whiff 2B > 2C
  • Faster recovery than 5C
  • Can be used as a situational anti-air against certain moves (Tomoka’s j.C and a deep Asuna j.C for example)
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
250 7 2 X+2 Varies JC, SC, EX HA -
  • Quick slash forward, jump cancellable
  • Fast start up with a good hitbox, perfect for air-to-air
  • Short duration overall, but if she whiffs it she can’t do anything until she lands

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
450 9 3 X+3 Varies JC, SC, EX HA -
  • Downward slash forward, jump cancellable
  • Well rounded air normal, good for both air-to-air and jumping in
  • Good to use for re-jump pressure

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
650 10 4 X+4 Varies JC, SC, EX HA -
  • Upward slash forward, jump cancellable
  • Long startup but lots of damage and untech time
  • Strongest against opponents in front of her, but it does have a hitbox below it as well

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
800 19 4 X+4 Varies JC, SC, EX HA -
  • Full circular slash around her, jump cancellable
  • Will only hit once, no matter the positioning
  • Will stop her air momentum, allowing for short hop attacks
  • Longest horizontal range among her jump normals
  • Lower hitbox is like Kirino’s j.C. Very difficult to evade
  • Wall bounces and knocks down on hit

Special Moves


Air O.K.
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
A Close: 880
Mid: 600
Far: 400
Ground: 15
Air: 17
31* (max) X+14 +8 to -16 SC, EX HLA -

Jumps back and launches a wave of fire, floats on hit. Full screen projectile. Has the slowest startup but recovers the fastest

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
B Close: 880
Mid: 600
Far: 400
Ground: 14
Air: 16
25* (max) X+17 -2 to -21 SC, EX HLA -

A mix of both moderate start up and recovery

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
C Close: 800
Mid: 600
Far: 400
Ground: 12
Air: 14
24* (max) X+20 -9 to -25 SC, EX HLA -

Fast start up but long recovery

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
EX Ground: 1088
Air: 1300
Ground: 13
Air: 14
Hit: 69
Whiff: 16* (max)
Ground: 22 (whiff)
Air: X+16
+15 to -4 SC HLA -

Startup is faster (combos from A normals) and she doesn’t jump back, so it’s a grounded move with less recovery

  • Does 5 hits, so it will destroy single hitting projectiles
  • Restore 10% of the Blast Gauge
  • Wall bounds on hit
Guren no Oodachi

Air O.K.
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
A 1148 Ground: 8
Air: 9
17 Ground: 34
Air: X+16
Ground: -12
Air: -7 to -15
TCC, CAC (ground version only)

Full spinning slash that hits all around Shana and floats on hit.

  • Last hit launches the opponent off the ground if they are hit while standing (short untechable time)
  • Gigantic hitbox for controlling the air. It can also be used to beat early anti-airs and to go over lows
  • Recovers surprisingly quickly, but she lands close to the opponent and can always be punished with 5A into a full combo
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
B 1228 Ground: 8
Air: 9
17 Ground: 37
Air: X+16
Ground: -13
Air: -9 to -15
TCC, CAC (ground version only)

Shana hops forward a little more than the A version before beginning her fire arc.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
C 1307 Ground: 8
Air: 9
17 Ground: 40
Air: X+16
Ground: -14
Air: -6 to -15
TCC, CAC (ground version only)

Shana hops further up before beginning her fire arc.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
EX 1465 Ground: 8
Air: 9
17 Ground: 39
Air: X+16
Ground: -13
Air: -4 to -15
TCC, CAC (ground version only)

Last hit causes more untechable time and restore 10% of the blast gauge

Universal Mechanics

6C or 4C
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
1100 4 1 59 +53 (hit) SC, EX, TCC, CAC N/A -


Impact Skill

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
1096 12 6 40 -20 SC, EX, CAC (hit only)

2-hit charging slash, floats on hit

  • Cancellable into EX specials, Climax Arts, Trump Card and Combo Blast
  • Only cancellable into Trump Card and Combo Blast on block
  • The fast startup and charge makes it unsuitable as an anti-air against deep jump ins
Impact Skill

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
1457 First Hit: 20
Second hit: 13
First Hit: 2
Second Hit: 2
First Hit: 28
Second Hit: 34
First Hit: -15
Second Hit: -21
SC, EX, CAC (hit only)

Sweeps at the opponent’s feet with fire

  • Follow up is a attack-grab with a flaming hand
  • You can stagger the follow-up as late as the fire effect completely disappearing
  • Same cancel conditions as Gouka, plus the follow-up
  • First hit will vacuum opponent towards Shana
  • Long range but weak up close as a reversal and weak as an anti-air.
Impact Break
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
First Hit: 900
Launcher: 800
First Hit: 22
Launcher: 9
First Hit: 8
First Hit: 14 First Hit: -2
Launcher: -37
First Hit: N/A
Launcher: SC, EX, TCC, CAC
(on hit)
First Hit: HA
Launcher: HLA

Short hop into a downward slash

  • Follow-up attack is a low-air charge, so she bounces back and is airborne on block (in recovery until landing)
  • Can cancel the follow up into her trump card on block
  • Has very short range (attack > 4A+B will whiff if the opponent push blocks)
Trump Card

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
N/A 0 N/A ~50 -1 N/A N/A -

A large flaming eye appears behind Shana, cancelling any action and returning her to neutral

  • No hitbox, but it is strike invincible throughout the move (not throw invincible)
  • Will fill half of a Climax Gauge stock on activation
  • In addition to all the universal effects of Trump Cards, Shana’s will also make her Climax gauge increase gradually. Cancels out normal gradual increase and the effect of Power Up Blasts

Climax Arts

Guren no Souyoku

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
3514 9 15 32 -20 N/A HLA -

Wraps herself in fire, rises straight up then charges down forward

  • No invincibility and is air blockable, so it’s not a good anti-air
  • Frame data note: Advantage only considers if the descending part is blocked. In-between the two parts, the opponent can run behind you.
Kessen Ougi

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
400, 540, 1962* (max) First hit: 12 First hit: 5 34, 40, 54* -24, -28, -33 N/A HLA -

Invincible super. Can press the buttons again for two follow up attacks, even on whiff.

  • If the second attack is blocked or whiffs, the opponent can freely move during the Shinpan of the third attack. If the second attack hits, the Shinpan will freeze time like normal
  • Restores 20% of the Blast Gauge
  • Damage data note: If you correctly delay the second follow-up into the third one, you can get the maximum damage output.
  • Frame data note: Recovery is variable as you can delay the follow-ups as much as you like. These are approximations based on inputting the follow-ups as quickly as possible.



5A Starter

stuff > 5A+B > 214A+B > (41236B+C)
stuff > 5A+B (1 hit) > Shinpan > 5C > 2C > j.BC > dj.BC > j.214C > (j.214A+B)
  • 5C > 2C is a midair catch after Shinpan.

4A+B Starter

4A+B > B > j.A > etc
  • Notes about this particular combo


5A Starter

3 meters 3026 damage

5A > 5B > 5C > 5AB (1hit) > 236AB > 5AB (2hits) > 236AB > j.B > j.C > jc.B > j.C > 214C > 214AB

4A+B Starter

4A+B > B > j.A > etc
  • Notes about this particular combo



5A > 5B > 5C > 6S > 5A+B > (6S hits) > j.BC > dj.BC > j.214C > (j.214A+B)
5A > 5B > 5C > 5A+B (1 hit) > Shinpan > 5A > 5B > j.B > j.BC > [j.214C > 6S] OR [j.214C > j.214A+B > 6S] > (6S hits) xx 5A+B 41236B+C
  • 5A > 5B is a midair catch after Shinpan.
  • Hit 6S 2 to 3 hits into j.214C (or j.214A+B, if you opt to spend three meter instead of two).
  • After 6S hits, link 5A+B to hit them as they're falling.


stuff > 5A+B > 5S > j.BC > dj.BC > j.214c > j.214A+B
  • Hit 5S immediately after inputting 5A+B; don't wait for 5A+B to hit.


5A > 5B > 5C > 5A+B > 6S > Power Blast
5A > 5B > 5C > 5A+B > 6S > slight delay > 2A+B + followup > 2C > 214B > 41236B+C
  • The Shatsuya special. Does more than half of a life bar worth of damage.
5A > 5B > 5C > 5A+B > Trump > 214B > 6S > slight delay > 2A+B + followup > 2B > 214B > 41236B+C
  • May drop with too many 5As
  • 2B after 2A+B's followup instead of 2C is required due to hitstun scaling.
  • The other Shatsuya special. Does more than half of a life bar worth of damage.
Air confirm > j.214X > 6S > Power Blast
Air confirm > j.214X > 6S > 2A+B + followup > slight delay > 2C > 214B > 41236B+C


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Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax





AcceleratorAliciaBoogiepopCeltyDokuroEnjuErioHaruyukiHoloInnocent CharmIzayaKinoKojouKoukoKuronekoLeafaMashiroPaiRyuujiSadaoTatsuyaToumaWilhelmina