Bloody Roar Extreme/Gado the Lion/Combos

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Combo Damage Notes
Human Combos
4P,P xx 236K
4P,P xx 236P
Beast Combos
4P,P xx 236B
4P,P xx 214214B
(6B)B xx 236B
66B xx 236B
j.B, j.6B, 236B
(ch) 66K xx 8P, 236B
(ch) 214B (ac) j.6B, 236B
214B, 8P xx 236B Wont work on light characters
6P, K xx 28P xx 2369B Wall only
4K xx 2369B Wall only
22K xx 28P xx 2369B Wall only
(ch) 22K, 84K xx 2369B Wall only
(ch) 66B xx 214K(G) 4K xx 2369B Wall only
236G xx 2369B Wall only
Hyper Combos
4P,P,B xx 236B
4P,P,B xx 214214B
6P, K xx 236B
6P, K xx 28P xx 2369B Wall only
6P, K xx 2142147B
3K xx 236B
3K xx 214B (ac) j.P, j.P, j.B
22B xx 236B


Advanced Mechanics
Character Data
Debug Menu
Alice the Rabbit
Bakuryu the Mole
Busuzima the Chameleon
Cronos the Phoenix
Fang the Wolf
Gado the Lion
Ganesha the Elephant
Jenny the Bat
Kohryu the Iron Mole
Long the Tiger
Marvel the Leopard
Shenlong the Tiger
Stun the Insect
Uranus the Chimera
Uriko the Half-Beast
Xion the Unborn
Yugo the Wolf