Duelists of Eden/Shiso

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Survival of the fittest is why Shiso is still around. Wandering around the borderlands, he does whatever he needs to survive and thrive.


Shiso is a setplay character who happens to have a resource mechanic on the side to enhance his flexibility. With Aftershock Aftershock he can shut off lanes safely while also using it as a precursor to his spells for devastating pressure and damage, while with SlipGun SlipGun he uses it where need be to push and link spells that would not connect otherwise.

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  • Combos: SlipGun SlipGun and Aftershock Aftershock are mana efficient combo starters/extenders.
  • Above Average Damage: SlipGun SlipGun and Aftershock Aftershock are comparable to 1 mana spells in damage while being fullscreen tools.
  • Above Average Defense: Aftershock Aftershock is very useful for defense as you can perform any defensive action afterward. This allows Shiso to defend well against any opponent in front of him.
  • Weak Melee Pressure: SlipGun SlipGun and Aftershock Aftershock are both slow for melee usage.
  • Resource Management: Improper management of Ammo Ammo can inhibit your damage significantly.
  • Non Oppressive Neutral: Shiso spends some time setting up his spells rather than scrapping on the field like other characters.


Primary Weapon

DoE shi W1.png
Slip Gun
Toggle Field Preview
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Slip Gun Weapon 1
Damage Startup Active Recovery Velocity
3 12 1 12 -
On Hit On Shield Cost Cooldown Air Time
12 0 1 30 -
  • Shiso shoots a beam in front, using 1 Ammo Ammo, pushing on-contact.
  • If Shiso has no Ammo Ammo, he'll cast Blank Blank instead.
  • Slip Gun is only used for combos due to its startup and push property. Shiso can use it one after the other to hit an enemy who hitsteps rather than shielding or dodging.
DoE shi W1 2.png
Toggle Field Preview
Toggle Field Preview
Blank No Ammo Weapon 1
Damage Startup Active Recovery Velocity
2 12 4 12 -
On Hit On Shield Cost Cooldown Air Time
36 24 0 30 -
  • Shiso hits two tiles in front, doing damage.
  • The same framedata as it's ammo enhanced counterpart, but with significantly less range, it may be used to link into his other quick spells but otherwise has no use.

Sub Weapon

DoE shi W2.png
Toggle Field Preview
Toggle Field Preview
Aftershock Weapon 2
Damage Startup Active Recovery Velocity
4 36 100 11 10
On Hit On Shield Cost Cooldown Air Time
63 51 1 50 -
  • Fire a delayed shot in front, dealing damage and gaining 1 Ammo Ammo on-hit.
  • Aftershock can be followed up by any defensive or offensive action after it's 6 frame total anchor duration.
  • Aftershock can be used on structures to guarantee Ammo Ammo easily.

Strategy and Synergy

   He's a setup character, and the best way to set up damage is to trap the opponent first.Root Root does this quite well. Use Entangle Entangle, follow it up with Aftershock Aftershock, then a fast spell.Land starters, set up damage from starters with Aftershock Aftershock. If you have Ammo Ammo then you have to make on the fly decisions to use SlipGun SlipGun to enable combo enders/extenders.
When you don't have starters, then either go for hard reads or shuffle.In neutral without spells you have to have good defense and use W2 to make the enemy stay on their toes, Aftershock Aftershock then shield when you know that they're tracking you head on.

  • Backstab Backstab: Shiso can combo SlipGun SlipGun into backstab as long as the opponent is in proper position. This is his bread and butter, and can extend into more combos with spells or gap 1 into SlipGun SlipGun again.
  • Thunder Thunder: This quick spell combos into SlipGun SlipGun and out of it for high damage while also setting up shieldbreaks with Aftershock Aftershock > Thunder Thunder.
  • StepSlash StepSlash and AutoSlash AutoSlash : These spells are very present in the meta, and are especially strong on Shiso as he can use both Aftershock Aftershock and SlipGun SlipGun during the step whether he has bullets or not.
  • Entangle Entangle: Entangle is a meta precursor for his Aftershock Aftershock setups, one of which includes Aftershock Aftershock > Minigun Minigun which either sets up up a 12 damage combo starter, catches a dodge, or shieldbreaks the opponent.
  • Minigun Minigun: Good spell for neutral and can be confirmed into with SlipGun SlipGun at 1 Ammo Ammo and into SlipGun SlipGun from 3-4 tiles away.Aftershock Aftershock > Backstab Backstab may also be used immediately after to extend the combo further.


Players to Watch

Disclaimer: This list is derived from community input and is in no way comprehensive or a form of ranking of any kind. Our community criteria can be found here.

Usual Color Handles/Links Region Status Notes
Left it all behind. The strongest Shiso.
Example Play
Mickle unknown
Active Has Shiso as a secondary, mains Saffron and Violette.
Example Play


Laser Spells
Melee Spells
Missile Spells
Shot Spells
Step Spells
Strike Spells
Wave Spells
Utility Spells