Melty Blood/MBTL/Neco-Arc

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Neco-Arc is a returning character to Melty Blood, released as free DLC alongside Mash Kyrielight on August 19, 2022. She is a small gimmicky zoner/rushdown hybrid character with laser beams, summon-based setplay, and unconventional movement. Neco-Arc's gameplan involves controlling the screen with a combination of her aformentioned projectiles and summoning moves, only to then find opportunities to get in or to capitalize off of an advantageous summon. Once within range, it can be hard to shrug her off due to her excellent rebeat blockstrings that uniquely leave her at +0 advantage and plethora of frame traps. These factors combined allow her to run a highly confusing hit-and-run nightmare for those who aren't used to her size, movement style, and speed.

Neco-Arc has three major flaws to work around, though, which can potentially make her a challenging pick against experienced opponents: she has the lowest health in the game, meaning that characters with high damage output or good conversions can and will punish her mistakes very harshly if they can catch her. As a secondary effect of her small size, her normals are also incredibly short-ranged, kneepcapping her neutral and defensive game. Finally, the randomness of her summons, even with some understanding of the underlying mechanics of them, can make it difficult for her to get the tools she needs on demand.

Pick if you like Avoid if you dislike
  • Tricky movement; j214X allows Neco-Arc to move both vertically and horizontally to weave in and out of the opponent's reach, while her teleports allow her to duck out of harm's way, confuses the opponent, and may even allow her to attack them with some RNG. In addition her super jump can be tricky to deal with due to her size and ability to change trajectory with her jumping normals, not to mention her floaty air dash.
  • Scary setups in the form of area denial due to her many summons and multiple projectile specials, but also at close range given her access to +0 rebeats and plus frames on demand in the corner.
  • Crawling along the floor to give her unique access to cross-up protection while crouching.
  • Loads of resources, allows her to utilize her Moon Skills and Ex moves more often than the average character.
  • Weird gimmicks, odd-looking moves and esoteric interactions that work in tandem with most players' limited experience against Neco to grant her unique knowledge checks she can use to her advantage.
  • RNGesus giveth in the form of timely assists, disruption, or arbitrary invulnerability that can make Neco-Arc seem much more formidable than she actually is.
  • Kitten-sized defense with only 10,000 HP (lowest in the game) and tiny, stubby normals that make it hard for Neco-Arc to poke or counterpoke, which is to say that Neco-Arc lacks reliable abare (defensive mashing) on most ranges. Despite having a meterless reversal in 623B, it can be thrown or otherwise high profiled, not to mention how slow it is. Given this, Neco-Arc's best options for defense tend to be the universal mechanics and she can be punished dearly for misusing them.
  • Non-threatening neutral game due to her small normals, painfully slow zoning moves, and slow airdash. Without her summons, Neco-Arc's neutral often boils down to her attempting to whiff punish with an advancing normal or hoping to catch an opponent with j236X and j214X.
  • Ground throw not knocking down, denying Neco-Arc the opportunity to get any significant advantage or even okizeme from it without an active Neco Packet 2022 assist or setup.
  • Struggling against opponent Blood Heat due to her low health; in particular, an opponent in Blood Heat that can successfully shield one of Neco's summons will activate their Last Arc, damage Neco heavily, and clear all her summons from the screen. This means that once Blood Heat is up, Neco-Arc loses all ability to properly enforce her gameplan.
  • RNGesus taketh away due to depending on summons to rack up damage and open opponents up; combined with her low damage BNBs and the randomness of her summons means it is not uncommon for Neco to overperform in some rounds and underperform on the very next one and vice-versa should she not obtain her desired tools. Further, sometimes you'll just get a Tmitter pull and die because of it.

Story & Profile

Lumi-Arc, a cat awakened to the new power of "Re:make" descends on Souya!

A mysterious creature that is a cat, yet also is not.
She looks a bit similar to Arcueid, but no one knows if she has any connection to the real Arcueid.

She sometimes appears in the mortal world as a sort of personal pastime.
She doesn't get along with Miyako's spirit realm, claiming she views it with rivalry, and vanished with the unsettling words "The Cat Strikes Back!"

But none of that has any bearing on the current situation.
Now, she has appeared on the fighting stage again in an invasion of the Melty Blood universe, accompanied by powerful characters from parallel worlds, drawn inevitably by her destiny.

A playful cat that abides by no rules, regardless of what anyone has to say about it. Souya's destiny, and that of the entire Melty Blood universe...

Main Weapon/Skill
Wandering Punch, True Ancestor Beam

Basic Info
Height: 60cm
Weight: 7kg
Blood Type: Calico
Birthday: April 1st
Voiced by...
Neco Arc: Ikumi Hasegawa
Neco Ciel: Kaede Hondo
Neco Akiha: Shino Shimoji
Neco Hisui: Kana Ichinose
Neco Kohaku: Yuuki Kuwahara

Unique Traits


Contrary to popular belief, Neco-Arc's summons and items are not completely random, but instead have different "rarities" (referred to as Ranks E-A) that are dictated by an unseen statistic called Luck. This variable starts at its lowest every round and can be raised or reduced by utilizing summoning moves and incurring certain modifiers. Typically, Neco-Arc will produce lower Rank summons at the start of the round and gradually improve her own Luck gradient as it progresses to dish out higher Rank summons at its end. A more detailed explanation of this mechanic can be found at the bottom of this page.

Unique movement options

Different from other characters in the game, Neco-Arc has two eccentric mobility quirks: Crawling and Float.

Crawling can be performed by holding down 1 or 3, causing Neco-Arc to drag herself along the ground while the corresponding button is held down. Crawling gives Neco-Arc infinite crossup protection, meaning that moves that naturally crossup such as Dead Apostle Noel's 236A~X and Miyako's 236B will be blocked as if it they were same-side. It's also worth noting that Neco-Arc is never truly crouching, as her crouching hurtbox is the same as her standing hurtbox (lmao).

Float is Neco-Arc's exclusive airdash. Albeit dreadfully slow, it can be used to safejump opponents or to air stall, which can be annoying if used in tandem with her j236X or if other cats are on screen. She can block while floating and can stay airborne for up to 180 frames, or 13 seconds, if the button (4 or 6) is held. Pressing any other button will end her floating state. Moon Driving after floating gives Neco-Arc another airjump and another 13 seconds of floating.

Character Summary

Move list

Moon Skills
6B+C - True Ancestor Beam
3B+C - Neco Sidestep
4B+C - Ressurection Cat RR (Double Returns)
1B+C - Neco Packet 2022
2B+C - Abaddon Force
j.6B+C - I Want to Go to Bird Garden
j.4B+C - I Want to Go to Crocodile Garden
Special Attacks
236A/B/C (EX OK) - True Ancestor Beam
623A/B/C (EX OK) - Neco Sidestep
214A/B/C - Ressurection Cat RR (Double Returns)
421A/B/C (EX OK) - Neco Packet 2022
22A - Abaddon Flare
22B/C (EX OK) - Abaddon Force
j.236A/B/C (EX OK) - I Want to Go to Bird Garden
j.214A/B/C (EX OK) - I Want to Go to Crocodile Garden
> 4X/6X/8X/2X - Additional input
Arc Drive
236B+C - Sword of Promised Vacuum
214B+C - Nyampsey Roll~! TL
Last Arc
A+B+C+D / Successful Shield in Blood Heat - Angolmois Hammer
Unique Attacks
6A, 3C, 4C, j.2B, j.2C
6C>C>C - Neco One Two Three
Blowback Edge Moves
5[B], 2[B], 6[A], j.[C], [A+D], 22[A]
Stats & vitals

Health: 10,000 (Glass)


  - 1-10 Full Invul
  - 1-13 Strike Invul
  - 14-18 Projectile/Air Invul
  - N/A Airborne
  - 27 Total

Dash startup: 5

Dash actionable: 5

Jump startup: 4

Jump airtime: 35

MBTL Neco-Arc Art.png

Strategy Page

On the fence about learning a joke character and got 5 minutes to spare? Check out this nifty video!

Move Analysis

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

MBTL Neco 5A.png
MBTL Neco 5A hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
150 LH -SE-, -N-, -RB-, -SP-, -EX-, -MD-, (J) - - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4 2 12 17 -2 -

Neco-Arc points towards the nearest trashcan she can find.

  • Has the honor of being the fastest abare normal in the game.
  • Has the dishonor of being the shortest abare move in the game.
  • Her rebeat normal of choice, it uniquely leaves her -3 from B normals and -1 from C normals/5[B]
  • Funny move to hit them with at roundstart, since it will beat throw and even some DPs
MBTL Neco 5B.png
MBTL Neco 5B hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
480 LH N, RB, SP, EX, MD, (J) - - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
8 4 14 25 -3 -

A kick to the shins.

  • Neco-Arc walks forward before kicking the opponent.
  • Somehow not a low.
  • Pretty mediocre overall besides serving a role in her optimal bnb and some niche pickups. Otherwise, it can be used in blockstrings after 2B to unremarkable effect.
+UNI Input Hold.png[B]
MBTL Neco 5B be.png
MBTL Neco 5B be hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
850 LH N, RB, SP, EX, MD, (J) L, WB - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
18 4 17 38 -4 Clash 13-17

A kick to the gut.

  • Fatal counter versus low shield
  • Travels more distance and has way more range than 5B
  • Sends the opponent flying back on hit, often allowing for a 4BC followup given enough height.
  • Wallbounces if done near the corner. Can then combo into laser or another normal if close enough.
  • Does good blockstun and leaves Neco safe against moves such as Shiki's 7-frame slide and some DPs if rebeated after.
MBTL Neco 5C.png
MBTL Neco 5C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
520 LH N, RB, SP, EX, MD, (J) - - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 5 18 32 -6 -

Neco claw swipe. Moves her forward a lot.

  • Premier normal for extending combos and blockstrings after a rebeat 5A, as well as for hitting falling opponents.

Crouching Normals

MBTL Neco 2A.png
MBTL Neco 2A hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
120 L -SE-, -N-, -RB-, -SP-, -CH-, -EX-, -MD-, (J) - - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
5 2 12 18 -2 -

The lowest of jabs.

  • Slightly longer range than her 5A, making it more reliable as abare in spite of being the generic 5F.
  • Useful as a mixup tool because of the speed.
MBTL Neco 2B.png
MBTL Neco 2B hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
420 L N, RB, SP, EX, MD, (J) - - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10-30 11 12 32 -8 -

Neco slides along the ground with considerable speed. Arguably her most important normal due to its versatility: can pick up, be used in combos, used for pressure, mobility, you name it.

  • Can be partially charged by holding B, but releasing it before triggering 2[B].
  • A longer charge time makes 2B travel faster and further. The frame data remains the same.
  • Startup after releasing the charge is 3 frames.
2+UNI Input Hold.png[B]
MBTL Neco 2B be.png
MBTL Neco 2B be hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1600 U - L, HK - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
42 9 96 146 -2 (on hit) -

Instead of sliding, Neco-Arc rockets herself into the opponent for an Unblockable tackle. Pretty bad damage for the risk and no oki, but easily set up if the opponent is caught blocking the Train, Saber or even 22[A] and rapid beat neco.

  • Knocks her down even on hit, though the opponent is also knocked down. In this case, Neco is at -2 disadvantage. Your best bet at that range, assuming nothing is on screen, is either backdashing or 2147A.
  • Despite Neco-Arc knocking herself down, it does not actually count as a downed state, so the opponent gets a full combo punish should she whiff this move.
MBTL Neco 2C.png
MBTL Neco 2C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
510 L N, RB, SP, EX, MD, (J) L, HK - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
8 3 19 29 -5 -

Claw sweep. 'Choose your own adventure' kind of move.

  • Also moves Neco forward a lot.
  • Knocks opponents upward, can be followed up by a 623A, rekka, or 5[B] into 4BC.
  • Pretty good for pressure, has decent speed and hits low, not to mention the 5A rebeat.

Jumping Normals

Aerial A
MBTL Neco jA.png
MBTL Neco jA hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
110 HA SE, N, SP, EX, MD, J - - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
5 4 11 19 - -

A really stubby aerial jab.

  • Annoyingly spammable, makes for a fast overhead and jump-in stuffer in a pinch. You can also use it to lock people down in air block together with summons in order to attempt an unblockable 3C.
Aerial B
MBTL Neco jB.png
MBTL Neco jB hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
320 HA N, SP, EX, MD, J - - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
8 5 - - - -

Neco-Arc performs a Jackie Chan flying kick.

  • You will use this for the IAD safejump post 623C knockdown.
  • Outside of that, it's mostly combo filler.
Lowain j.U
Aerial C
MBTL Neco jC.png
MBTL Neco jC hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
235*2 (458) HA N, SP, EX, MD, J - - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
13 6,2 - - - -

Happy feet kicks. Your primary jump-in normal.

  • Can cross-up.
  • Useful in combos due to the long untechable time which allows following up with j.2C.
  • Too slow to come out after an IAD, which you can use to your advantage by following the whiff up with 2A.
Aerial UNI Input Hold.png[C]
MBTL Neco jC be.png
MBTL Neco jC be hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
180*5 (826) HA N, SP, EX, MD, J - - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
22 6,6,6,6,8 6L - - Clash 15-21

Neco-Arc charges briefly and unleashes a longer volley of kicks.

  • Changes Neco-Arc's jump arc, delaying her landing. This makes it useful for a high-low mixup.
  • Can be chained into other air normals to shorten its recovery time.

Command Normals

MBTL Neco 6a.png
MBTL Neco 6a hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
150 LH N, CH, SP, EX, MD, (J) - - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
6 5 11 21 +2 -

Neco-Arc performs her Full Moon 5A from Current Code.

  • Not as good of an abare normal as 5A due to being slower, or 2A due to being shorter.
  • Outside of going into 6[A], this normal sees use as a substitute to 5A in order to avoid SMP in links such as 623A > 5A > 5C.
  • It has a good frame advantage, but its poor range makes it difficult to connect in blockstrings. The only normal move it works after is 2B with a delayed cancel.
6+UNI Input Hold.png[A]
MBTL Neco 6a be.png
MBTL Neco 6a be hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
150*6, 510*2, 520, 780, ???*7 (2825) LH SP, EX, MD - - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
6 5(6)5(9)4(7)4(6)4(6)4(7)4(10)5(19)2(30)5 22 + 20L 189 -47 -

Neco-Arc goes full Tekken and performs an incredibly long extension during the would-be recovery of her 6A.

  • The first 9 hits are a true blockstring.
  • When blocked, the 10th hit misses. Make sure to cancel it into something before that.
  • The 8th hit goes behind the opponent even if the opponent is in the corner. Cancel that hit into a special to stay there.
Neco One Two Three
MBTL Neco 6c.png
MBTL Neco 6c hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
330 LH CH, SP, EX, MD - - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
8 3 17 27 -3 -

The Neco Rekka. As combo filler, a decent chunk of your midscreen damage is found here.

  • Special cancelable, but you probably want to wait until rekka 2 for that. One good use of this is canceling into 421B as it is whiff-cancelable, or 22B if they're sleeping.
6+C > AddC
MBTL Neco 6cc.png
MBTL Neco 6cc hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
330*2 (306) LH CH, SP, EX, MD - - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
11 2,4 17 33 -4 -
  • Middle Neco rekka.
  • Has 2 hits.
6+C > AddC > AddC
MBTL Neco 6ccc.png
MBTL Neco 6ccc hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
660 LH EX, MD, (J) L - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 3 20 32 -6 -
  • Jump-cancellable launch.
  • In spite of the framedata, it actually pushes her back far enough to be safe from jabs.
MBTL Neco 4c.png
The Jersey Jaw Jumbler
MBTL Neco 4c hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
600 H SP, EX, MD L - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
29 4 24 58 -11 -

Neco-Arc jerks backwards before delivering a sucker punch.

  • A very slow overhead, but can get the job done in tandem with the rest of her gimmicks.
  • Special cancellable on hit and block. Go into 623A to get a combo started or 214X to prevent punishment.
Aerial 2+B
MBTL Neco j2b.png
MBTL Neco j2b hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
600, 300 (861) LH SP, EX, MD L - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 X,3 22L - -2 -

Neco-Arc performs a silly belly flop while announcing "E-sports".

  • Both the air hit and the ground hit are special cancellable.
  • Arguably one of Neco's most versatile normals, usable in pressure, as combo filler, and surprise mobility option.
  • Has greater pushback in the corner.
Aerial 2+C
MBTL Neco j2c.png
MBTL Neco j2c hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
700 LH (SP), (EX), (MD) GB - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
18 4 6L - - -

Neco-Arc performs a rocket blast below her skirt.

  • The direction of the recovery can be controlled by holding left/right.
  • Not an overhead (?)
  • Knocks the opponent downwards and can be special canceled into an onion ring for a combo.

Universal Mechanics

Rapid Beat 1
Rapid Beat 1
MBTL Neco rapid1.png
MBTL Neco rapid1 hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
350 LH CH, SP, EX, MD L - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
9 3 14 + 17L 42 -6 -
  • Despite its appearance, it can't be cancelled into an aerial special.
  • Moves Neco-Arc forward a lot.
Rapid Beat 2
Rapid Beat 2
MBTL Neco rapid2.png
MBTL Neco rapid2(2).png
MBTL Neco rapid2 hb.png
MBTL Neco rapid2(2) hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
220*6, 1000 (1665) LH CH, SP, EX, MD LR - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
9 4,4,4,4,4,4(5)4 23 64 -10 Air 9-14, 17-22, 25-30
  • One of the best Rapid Beats in the game.
  • Racks up lots of damage in her combos.
  • Generates a noticeable amount of meter.
  • Any hit can be cancelled into a special move, making it usable in blockstrings.
  • The long animation can be used to stall for time.
MBTL Neco 3c.png
MBTL Neco 3c hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
650 LH SP, EX, MD, (J) LR - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 4 24 37 -11 Air 5-12

Neco-Arc performs an angled donkey kick that hits above her.

  • Universal launcher.
  • Mostly used as an (rather unreliable) anti-air, as Neco's Rapid Beat 2 adds much more damage by itself than 3C. As such, use Rapid Beats instead of this for combos unless scaling dictates otherwise.
  • It can also be used for unblockable setups, for when your opponent is busy blocking a summon in the air.
Ground Throw
MBTL Neco throw.png
DNF Duel (Who's Next?)
MBTL Neco throw hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1200 U CH L - Throw
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4 3 19 25 - -
  • Does not give a hard knockdown in addition to being the weakest throw in the game.
  • However, you can combo off of nearby Necos summoned with Neco Packet 2022.
  • Throw into SOS or Train after 421A are particularly easy ways to get a combo started.
Charged Throw
Charged Throw
4/6+UNI Input Hold.png[A]+D
MBTL Neco throw be.png
MBTL Neco throw be hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
610 LH - L - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
42 72 31 154 -26 Strike 40-113

Neco-Arc becomes frustrated over her throw whiff and turns into an angry whirring wheel of death.

  • Completely invincible while running across the screen.
  • The given startup is the total time from the start of the throw animation.
  • Neco-Arc bounces away if she hits a wall or a blocking opponent.
  • Punishable on hit as well as block.
Air Throw
Air Throw
Aerial 4/6+A+D
MBTL Neco airthrow.png
MBTL Neco airthrow hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1200 U - HK - Throw
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1 3 12L - - -
  • Universal meterless combo ender.
  • Hits on frame 2 and has a shorter range when used outside of a combo. The difference is shown by the purple area of the attached hitbox image.
  • Good range for Neco's size, making it a solid anti-air option.
  • Follow up with a superjump or ring for strong oki.

Special Moves

True Ancestor Beam
True Ancestor Beam
MBTL Neco 236a.png
MBTL Neco 236b.png
MBTL Neco 236c.png
MBTL Neco 236a hb.png
MBTL Neco 236b hb.png
MBTL Neco 236c hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
320*8 (1664) LHA -EX-, -MD- L - Projectile
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
28 2*8 25 70 -6 -

After a brief delay, Neco-Arc fires laser beams from her eyes.

  • A strong zoning tool, but the long recovery makes it vulnerable to super jumps.
  • Can be cancelled on whiff into MD or an EX in an attempt to make it safe.
  • Can be confirmed easily by canceling into 236C.
  • If Shielded into a B counter, Neco-Arc can turn around and Shield back.
  • Can often hit OTG if an opponent gets combo'd by summons, giving Neco-Arc free meter at the expense of oki.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
320*8 (1664) LHA -EX-, -MD- L - Projectile
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
16 2*8 21 54 -2 -
  • Has a much faster startup, but only hits opponents that are in the air or very close to you.
  • A huge anti-air, but the startup is still fairly slow so it must be used pre-emptively.
  • On air hit, cancel into 22C for a combo.
  • Whiff cancelable into MB or Ex.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
280*24 (2210) LHA AD, MD AB, L, HK 1 Magic Circuit Projectile
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4+6 2*24 25 87 -6 -
  • Comes out at the same angle as 236A but is faster, does more damage and grants a hard knockdown.
  • Effective as a zoning and anti-zoning tool in neutral, either on reaction or at random.
  • Valuable for confirming off long range hits.
True Ancestor Beam
"Moon Beam"
6+B C
MBTL Neco 6bc.png
MBTL Neco 6bc hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
420*8 (2046) LHA EX, MD L 3 Moon Icons Projectile
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
23 2*8 21 61 -2 (Clash 1-11)

236A, but in 3D.

  • Similar to 236A, but has faster startup and does more damage.
  • Gives Neco tons of meter on block or hit.
  • Although it seems better than 236A in every way, Neco (for some reason) cannot turn around to Shield a B-Countering opponent like she can with her other projectiles, thus carrying more risk than that version vs Shield-happy opponents.
Neco Sidestep
Neco Sidestep
Neco Arc Inflation
MBTL Neco 623a.png
MBTL Neco 623b.png
MBTL Neco 623c.png
MBTL Neco 623a hb.png
MBTL Neco 623b hb.png
MBTL Neco 623c hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
600*2 (1128) LH -EX-, -MD- L - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
8 6(20)13 15 61 -1 -

Neco-Arc dances vigorously, swaying back and forth and hitting the opponent while traveling.

  • Lacks invul like the other 2 versions.
  • Whiff cancelable into MB or Ex.
  • One of Neco's main combo tools.
  • -1 with pushback makes it reasonably safe, making it possible to frametrap with 6C or 5C or even 623B.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
800 LH EX, MD L - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
23 8 32 64 -13 Strike 1-30
  • Invincible all the way through the sway back until after it hits.
  • Throwable.
  • Cancellable into 22C for a scaled combo.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
400*3, 1700 (2065) LH - AB, HK 1 Magic Circuit Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4+3 2(14)8(8)8 28 74 -9 Throw 1-6, Strike 1-16

Your main source of oki, leaves you incredibly plus and enables several okizeme setups.

  • No matter which hit connects, it locks the opponent in place and plays out the full 4 hit combo.
  • Really long animation and wakeup time can stall the clock and opponent heat duration.
  • Throwable.
Neco Sidestep
"Moon Shuffle"
3+B C
MBTL Neco 3bc.png
MBTL Neco 3bc hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
600*3 (1590) LH EX, MD - 3 Moon Icons Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
7 2(14)8(8)5 15 59 +7 (Clash 1-6)

A frenetic version of 623A.

  • The frame advantage makes this a good pressure reset tool.
  • Neco cannot turn around to Shield a B-Countering opponent if this is Shielded.
  • It's so fast and makes her so small that it may low profile certain moves.
Resurrection Cat RR (Double Returns)
Resurrection Cat RR (Double Returns)
"Teleport;" "Vent"
MBTL Neco 214x.png
MBTL Neco 214x hb.png
MBTL Neco 214x hb(1).png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
800 LHA - L - Projectile
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
51 X - 57 +20 Strike 16-26

Neco-Arc digs under the ground and reappears at a different location depending on the button used.

  • 214B: The exact half way point between the Neco-Arc and the opponent.
  • 214A: A fixed distance from 214B slightly further away from the opponent.
  • 214C: A fixed distance from 214B towards the opponent. Usually behind them.
  • Two Necos appear at a slightly random distance away from each of the other two locations. The opponent can identify the real Neco-Arc by paying attention to which one the camera follows.
  • Each Neco may appear with their eyes wide open and rocket into the sky, hitting the opponent.
    The chance of this depends on Neco-Arc's current luck rank. E: 25%, D: 30%, C: 35%, B: 40%, A: 50%
Since Neco is intangible and invulnerable while teleporting, it can be used as a means to bait and punish Heat during a blockstring or on opponent wakeup, although for the A version only nets you Beam punishes. The C version places you within 2B change, leading to a full combo punish.
Resurrection Cat RR (Double Returns)
"Moon Vent", "Neco-Arc jumpscare"
4+B C
MBTL Neco 4bc.png
MBTL Neco 4bc hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1200 LHA EX, MD, -J- L 3 Moon Icons Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
23 8 38 + 12L 81 +8 (Clash 1-11), Strike 21-23

Neco-Arc disappears for a bit before emerging from the foul depths of Tartarus directly in front of the opponent. One of the coolest moves in her kit.

  • Is active on the first frame Neco-Arc comes out of the ground, making it difficult to counter hit.
  • Can jump cancel on block, hit or whiff, making this an obnoxious move when not shielded.
  • Jump cancelling from a hit leads to a full combo punish into knockdown.
  • Useable as a starter and followup attack.
  • Can punish a Heat activation from fullscreen.
Neco Packet 2022

"The Call." Neco Packet is arguably what defines Neco-Arc as a character. It pulls from a hidden luck statistic (That's still being researched) to determine what "Tier" of apps/necos are summoned.

Neco Packet 2022
"Gacha" or "Call"
MBTL Neco 421a.png
MBTL Neco 421b.png
MBTL Neco 421C.png
MBTL Neco 421a hb.png
MBTL Neco 421b hb.png
MBTL Neco 421C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - (38f) -EX-, -MD- - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
34 - - 52 (44) - (Full 14-44)

Neco-Arc browses the apps of her phone absent-mindedly.

  • 421A selects one of 7 apps that technically have no useless effects. In order from lowest to highest luck rank, these are:
    • E: Train - Summons 3 Necos in a line skipping across the screen. Deals 130 damage per hit. Useful for throw combos.
    • E: Light - Summons a Neco watchdog on a flying Neco ship. When hit by Neco-Arc, she falls to the floor and performs Neco-Arc's [A+D] without invul. The fall deals 510 damage while the wheel attack deals 800 and launches the opponent for a free combo.
    • D: SOS - Summons 3 Neco rockets from above. Deals 760 damage per neco. Useful for throw combos.
    • C: Neco-can - Summons a can of cat food from the sky. If it lands on the opponent or is hit at them by Neco-Arc it deals 100 damage. Collecting it gives 1 bar of Magic Circuit, or 0.5 bars to the opponent if they collect it.
    • B: TMitter - Neco-Arc's phone catches ablaze due to twitter toxicity, giving her 5 seconds of super armor similar to Kouma's 22C. Can hit the opponent for 440 damage, or can be EX or MD cancelled even on whiff.
    • B: FGO Summon Craft Essence - Neco-Arc fires up Fate/Grand Order does a gacha roll on the spot. Has one of 3 effects.
      • E: First Curry - Heals 500 HP to whoever picks it up (Ciel and Powered Ciel both heal 1000 HP from this item.)
      • E: Extremely Spicy Mapo Tofu - Gives 0.5 bar to whoever picks it up.
      • D: The Azure Black Keys - Summons 3 black keys that fly horizontally across the screen for 1000 damage. Not again!!!
    • A: FGO Summon Servant (Saber) - As above but instead summons Saber, who performs Excalibur, dealing 2984 base damage.
    • A: Vtuber - Only possible once per round. Neco-Arc fires up the Great Cats Village Channel Livestream. This obscures both players' health bars and meter and randomly performs.
      • 25%: Saint Quartz - The Neco Vtuber tosses out some Saint Quartz. This immediately maxes out magic circuit for whoever picks it up first.
      • 25%: Pear - The Neco Vtuber tosses out a pear. Whoever picks it up immediately restores 1500 HP.
      • 50%: Super-Chat. One of the livestream viewers does a YouTube style super chat. The type is chosen based on Neco-Arc's luck stat.
        • B: Red Super-Cat (MC Up) - Immediately gives Neco-Arc 3 bars of magic circuit.
        • E: Green Super-Cat (HP Up) - Immediately gives Neco-Arc 1,000 HP.
  • Note: Vtuber and Saber are replaced with Summon Craft if a previously summoned 22[A], Saber, Eco-Arc, or Vtuber is still active.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - -EX-, -MD- - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
21 - - 56 (27) - -

This time, Neco-Arc summons the oomfies to help her out.

  • 421B Summons various set combinations of Necos which can range from godlike to worthless. Most necos summoned this way will either descend from the ceiling and deal 510 damage to the opponent and perform a subsequent random action, or burrow in and perform a subsequent random action. Using this move yields 2-3 necos at a time, unless you pull Eco Arc (in which case, she'll be the only summon you get). The available patterns are:
    • E: (Burrow + Fall) / (Fall + Burrow)
    • D: (Tire Pull + Burrow) / (Burrow + Fall) / (Fall x2)
    • C: (Fall + Burrow) / (Fall x2)
    • B: (Fall + Burrow)
    • A: (Fall x3) / Dash / Eco Arc
  • Falling Neco can hit the opponnet on the way down. After landing perform one of the actions as described under 22B.
  • Burrowing Neco does not hit the opponent, but still performs a 22B action.
  • The notorious Tire Neco appears behind Neco-Arc and tugs their predilected tire across the stage at a snail's pace. While in motion the tire can hit the opponent for 50 damage. It cannot be hit away by the opponent, and it does not disappear until it goes off the screen in the direction it is moving. Dangerous to have out against an opponent with 4 bars, as you must protect the tire to prevent the opponent from using it for blood heat into last arc.
  • Dash Necos run in from both sides of the screen towards the middle. Each does around 70 damage on hit and hard knocks down the opponent along with themselves. They can collide with Neco-Arc herself, but she is unaffected.
  • Eco-Arc - Summons Eco-Arc who fires a blast similar to Warc's Arc Drive, has 2294 base damage. Can't be active at the same time as Saber or Livestream.
  • Note: Eco-Arc is replaced with a falling Neco if a previously summoned 22[A], Saber, Eco-Arc, or Vtuber is still active.

Whiff cancelable into MB or Ex.

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - - 1 Magic Circuit -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4+18 - - 47 (29) - Full 1-7, (23-29)

Neco-Arc opens a bunch of apps in order to stand a chance against the opponent.

  • 421C Summons various set combinations of 3 apps from 421A. These combinations are:
    • E: (Train, SOS, Light) / (Light, Can, SOS)
    • C: (Light, Tmitter, Train)
    • B: (Light, FGO, SOS) / (SOS, FGO, Light) / (Can, FGO, Train)
    • A: (Light, Saber, SOS) / (SOS, Saber, Light) / (Light, Saber, Train) / (SOS, Vtuber, Light)
  • Note: Vtuber and Saber are replaced with Summon Craft if a previously summoned 22[A], Saber, Eco-Arc, or Vtuber is still active.
Neco Packet
"Moon Call" or "Moon Gacha"
1+B C
MBTL Neco 1bc.png
MBTL Neco 1bc hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - - 3 Moon Icons -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
18 - - 53 (24) - (Clash 1-8)

Oomfie call, in 3D.

  • A version of 421B that summons an extra Neco. The available patterns are:
    • E: (Burrow + Fall + Tire) / (Burrow + Fall + Dash)
    • D: (Burrow + Fall + Dash) / (Fall + Burrow + Fall)
    • C: (Dash + Fall + Burrow) / (Burrow + Fall + Fall) / (Dash + Fall + Burrow)
    • B: (Fall + Burrow + Fall) / (Fall + Fall + Burrow)
    • A: (Eco-Arc + Burrow) / (Eco-Arc + Fall) / (Eco-Arc + Dash)
  • See the description of 421B for details on what each Neco does.
Abaddon Flare
Abaddon Flare
"Fire Breath"
MBTL Neco 22a.png
MBTL Neco 22a be.png
MBTL Neco 22a hb.png
MBTL Neco 22a be hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
100*12 (918) LHA -EX-, -MD- L - Projectile
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
21 36 7 63 +2 / +7 / +12 -

Neco-Arc spits straight flames from her mouth.

  • Hitboxes are split into 3 distances that appear and disappear in 5 frame intervals.
  • Mid-range effectively adds 5 frames to the startup and 5 frames to block advantage. Long range adds 10 frames to each.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
100*12, 600, 100*9, 200*8 (918, 2228) LHA -EX-, -MD- L - Projectile
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
21 34(50)5(45)3*9,3*8 19 224 +4 -

After a brief charge, Neco-Arc assaults the screen with some familiar looking lasers.

  • The second half does not combo.
Abaddon Force
Abaddon Force
"Neco Spit"
MBTL Neco 22b.png
MBTL Neco 22c.png
MBTL Neco 22b hb.png
MBTL Neco 22c hb.png
MBTL Neco 22c rocket hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
510 LHA -EX-, -MD- L - Projectile
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
20 - 24 43 +3 (min) -

Neco-Arc spontaneously produces an oomfie and spits them in one of 5 arcs at random.

  • The Neco directly hits the opponent, and after landing performs a random luck-based action:
    • E: Walk / Pose / Crouch / Crawl / Turn - All useless
    • D: 6A x3 / 5B / 5C / [A+D] without invul. / Mini 3C / Dash (random direction)
    • C: 623A / Horizontal rocket (760 damage)
    • B: 5[B] / 236B / Iron Fist. The latter is a unique charged punch that deals 2000 damage and considerable chip if blocked.
    • A: Diagonal Beam / Rapid Beat 2 / 22[A]
  • Note: 22[A] is replaced with Rapid Beat 2 if a previously summoned 22[A], Saber, Eco-Arc, or Vtuber is still active.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
200*N LHA AD, MD AB, L, HK 1 Magic Circuit Projectile
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4+7 - 31 41 - -

Spits 3 Neco rockets horizontally.

  • Damage depends on how many times it hits, which varies wildly depending on distance and hurtboxes.
  • Can be used in tandem with 214BC (Nyampsey Roll) during Heat for an Unblockable setup.
Abaddon Force
Abaddon Force
"Moon Spit"
2+B C
MBTL Neco 2bc.png
MBTL Neco 2bc hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
510*2 (887) LHA EX, MD L 3 Moon Icons Projectile
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
15 - 24 38 +3 (Clash 1-9)

Like 22B but it throws out two Necos instead of one.

  • Each Neco has 5 possible trajectories. One always lands closer than 22B, the other lands within the range of 22B towards the far end.
  • The trajectory makes it a useful okizeme tool.
I Want to Go to Bird Garden
I Want to Go to Bird Garden
"Onion Rings"
Aerial 236+X
MBTL Neco j236x.png
MBTL Neco j236c.png
MBTL Neco j236x hb.png
MBTL Neco j236c hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
950 LHA -EX-, -MD- L - Projectile
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
16 - 12L - - -

Neco-Arc fires off an onion ring very similar to Warc's Alte Schule (air), however, it lacks the follow-ups.

  • A version has Neco-Arc fire a ring from her current position without stalling her air movement.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
950 LHA -EX-, -MD- L - Projectile
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
18 - 12L - - -
  • Has more startup, but stalls Neco's air movement.
  • Neco is pushed back after firing the ring.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
490*5 (2071) LHA AD, MD AB, L, HK 1 Magic Circuit Projectile
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4+5 - 12L - - -
  • One of Neco's main combo enders.
I Want to Go to Bird Garden
"Moon Rings"
Aerial 6+B C
MBTL Neco j6bc.png
MBTL Neco j6bc hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
750*2 (1365) LHA EX, MD, J L 3 Moon Icons Projectile
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
17 - 12L - +14 -

Fires the ring at the same angle as the B version, but has the A version's momentum.

  • Moves way faster than the A and B versions of ring.
I Want to Go to Crocodile Garden

The Neco Rocket, now with motion controls. Crucial movement, combo, and neutral tool for Neco-Arc.

I Want to Go to Crocodile Garden
"Dori" or "DoriDoriDori" or "Neco Rocket"
Aerial 214+X
MBTL Neco j214x.png
MBTL Neco j214x8x.png
MBTL Neco j214x2x.png
MBTL Neco j214c.png
MBTL Neco j214x hb.png
MBTL Neco j214x8x hb.png
MBTL Neco j214x2x hb.png
MBTL Neco j214c(1) hb.png
MBTL Neco j214c(2) hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
150*8 (1072) LHA -CH-, -EX-, -MD- L - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
6 5*8 12L - -3 -
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
150*8 (1072) LHA -CH-, -EX-, -MD- L - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
8 5*8 12L - -3 -
  • Travels faster and further than the A version.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
150*5 (704) LHA -EX-, -MD- L - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
11 5*5 12L - - -
  • Left/Right followup.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
150*5 (704) LHA -EX-, -MD-, -J- L - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
11 5*5 12L - - -
  • Up followup. Unlike the other versions this is jump cancellable.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
150*5 (704) LHA -EX-, -MD- L - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
11 5*5 12L / 29L - - -
  • Down followup.
  • On block or whiff, there is a random chance of getting a bad landing with a longer recovery time.
  • The probability of a bad landing depends on Neco-Arc's current luck rank. E: 50%, D: 40%, C: 30%, B: 20%, A: 10%
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
300*14 (2487) LHA (MD) AB, L, HK 1 Magic Circuit Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4+7 3(2)5*12,4 12L - -2 Throw 1-6, Strike 1-15
  • Neco-Arc's most damaging EX move.
  • Doesn't provide a hard knockdown after a typical combo due to the opponent recovering before reaching the ground.
  • Blows up air resets
  • For reasons one can only describe as 'uncanny', the first hit can be canceled on block into Moon Drive.
I Want to Go to Crocodile Garden
"Moon Dori/Rocket"
Aerial 4+B C
MBTL Neco j4bc.png
MBTL Neco j4bc hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
300*5 (1323) LHA EX, MD, -J- - 3 Moon Icons Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
6 5*5 12L - -3 / +4 -

No motion controls, just like Current Code.

  • Does not launch a grounded opponent. Combos into 5A at low height, otherwise jump cancel j.2B works.
  • Travels a distance in between A and B dori.
  • Faster than both A and B dori.
  • Has A bigger hitbox than A and B dori.

Super Moves

Neco-Arc's summons and active items do not disappear during her Arc Drives, resulting in occasional situations in which they cannot be properly punished on whiff.

Sword of Promised Vacuum
Sword of Promised Vacuum
236+B C
MBTL Neco 236BC.png
World's most expensive anti-air.
MBTL Neco 236BC hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
100*9, 300*7 (3000) LH - AB, HK 3 Magic Circuit Projectile
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1+12 6*8,3(37)4,4,4,3,5,5,15 49 189 -37 Throw 1-31, Strike 1-140

Neco-Arc pulls out Exnyalibur and Neco's start forming around it, afterwards all the cats jump out and attack the opponent.

  • The cats jumping out of the sword go full screen, but do very little damage on their own.
  • This Arc Drive does 500 less damage than usual, making Neco's arc drive combos do less damage than the rest of the cast.
  • Neco's big damage combo ender for 3 bars.
  • Tall hitbox and AUB enables this to be used as an anti-air or as a funny "Gotcha" option if the opponent is air blocking a summon.
Nyampsey Roll~! TL
Nyampsey Roll~! TL
214+B C
MBTL Neco 214BC.png
MBTL Neco 214BC hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
430*8 (2247) U - AB, HK 3 Magic Circuit Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1+31 45 81 157 - Throw 1-31, Strike 1-46

Neco-Arc poses before turning into a tornado and attacking the opponent, this move's main gimmick is that it is unblockable.

  • Does incredibly low damage, about the same as an auto-combo in the best case scenario where you hit all 8 hits.
  • Decently slow, it is easy to shield the move on reaction due to the superflash.
  • Doesn't travel very far, you will only get all 8 hits if you are point blank in front of your opponent.
  • Has the same knockdown effect as whiffing 2[B] even if the move does hit.
  • Can be set up during Heat after a 22C for a true unblockable setup, though your opponent can Heat through it if they have meter.
Angolmois Hammer
Angolmois Hammer
MBTL Neco ABCD.png
MBTL Neco ABCD hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
160*30 (4800) LH - AB, HK 4 Magic Circuit Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1+21 4 27 52 -14 Full 1-25

Neco-Arc kicks the opponent in the gut before becoming a Carnival Phantasm reference and rocketing into space. After grimacing to the player from her ship, a strangely large can of cat food obliterates the planet, Supernova style.

  • Usable with 4 full Magic Circuit gauges, at any time in Blood Heat, or with a successful Shield while in Blood Heat.
  • Damage in Blood Heat scales with amount of Heat Gauge remaining on activate.
  • Uses the animation of her 5[B] if done manually with 4 magic circuits.
  • Can be combo'd into from a summon, though it receives tremendous proration if done that way (dealing upwards to 2000 less damage). Could be an option for closing out a round since Neco's meter building capabilities are quite good and the prorated damage is still higher than most of her combos anyways.
  • If this connects, all summons and items except for the stream despawn. If a supercat takes place during the move's animation, their effect will still count (aka, you will still be healed/ receive meter).

Reverse Beats

Rebeat Table
Attack Chain Advantage
5B / 2B 5A -3
5B / 2B 2A -4
5C / 2C / 5[B] 5A -1
5C / 2C / 5[B] 2A -2
Gap Table
Attack Chain Frame Gap


Neco-Arc has a hidden luck stat that changes throughout the round and affects the possible results when using gacha moves. The basic way it works is that getting a bad draw increases the probability of getting a good draw next time, and vice versa.

Moves that use the gacha system are:

  • 421A / 421C - One draw. Vtuber may make one extra draw to determine the type of Super-Cat.
  • 421B / 1BC - One draw to determine Neco spawn types. One draw per Neco to determine their action.
  • 22B / 2BC - One draw per Neco to determine their action.

Rank Calculation

There are 6 ranks or luck from 0-5, named from best to worst as EX = 5, A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1, and E = 0. In training mode any specific rank can be forced in the menu.

Neco-Arc's rank is calculated by taking a hidden base luck variable and adding modifiers to it. Her base luck starts at 0 in every round and can increase up to a maximum of 6. This value is halved and rounded down to give Neco-Arc a base rank from 0-3, or Rank E to Rank B.

Modifiers are added to the base rank depending on Neco-Arc's current status.

  • 4500 HP or lower: +1 Rank
  • 3000 HP or lower: +2 Ranks
  • Heat active: +2 Ranks
  • Moon Drive active: +1 Rank

e.g. Neco-Arc with 30% HP and Heat and Moon Drive active gets a +5 modifier, which guarantees EX Luck even with the lowest possible base luck.

Result Selection

When using a gacha based move, every possible result has a rank assigned to it that affects its weight, or in other words how many of it are placed in the lottery bag from which a result is randomly picked.

  • Equal to Neco-Arc's rank: 100.
  • One rank higher or lower: 50.
  • Two ranks higher or lower: 20.
  • Three ranks higher or lower: 0.

Restrictions apply to certain A-Rank draws. In a mirror match, these restrictions apply globally to both players.

  • Only one of Saber, Eco-Arc, and Great Abaddon Flare can be active at a time. They also cannot be used during Vtuber. If drawn while restricted, they are replaced with a predefined alternative.
  • Vtuber can only be used once per round.

When Neco-Arc's luck is rank EX, the lottery is bypassed and a predefined jackpot is selected. These are still restricted as above and may be replaced with the given alternative.

  • 421A: Vtuber once, subsequently Saber (Alternative: Black Keys)
  • 421B: Eco-Arc (Alternative: Falling Neco)
  • 22B: Great Abaddon Flare (Alternative: Rapid Beat 2)

Neco-Arc's base luck value is then changed depending on the rank of the resulting draw.

  • Base luck -4 (2 ranks) if the result is A-Rank. This still applies even if the A-Rank draw was replaced with a lower ranked alternative.
  • Base luck -1 (0.5 ranks) if the result is ranked higher than Neco-Arc's base rank (i.e. ignoring modifiers).
  • Base luck +1 (0.5 ranks) if the result is ranked equal to or less than Neco-Arc's base rank.

Base luck also increases by +1 (0.5 ranks) when an Arc Drive hits the opponent.

With no modifiers, Neco-Arc will on average make draws equal to her base rank, causing her luck to slowly increase until an A-Rank jackpot reduces it.

With at least one modifier active, Neco-Arc will frequently make draws higher than her base rank, reducing her base luck to zero. This means her overall luck will usually be equal to the modifier with rare fluctuations upwards. This can be a problem with a modifier of only +1 as it leaves you stuck mostly at Rank D where it is not possible to make A-Rank draws.


Palette options

Color 1
Color 2
Color 3
Color 4
Color 5
Color 6
Color 7
Color 8
Color 9
Color 10
Color 11
Color 12
Color 13
Color 14
Color 15
Color 16
Color 17
Color 18
Color 19
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Color 21
Color 22
Color 23
Color 24
Color 25

Neco-Arc Roadmap

0% complete
Page Completed To-do Score










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Game Data
Shiki Tohno
Arcueid Brunestud
Akiha Tohno
Hisui & Kohaku
Miyako Arima
Kouma Kishima
Michael Roa Valdamjong
Vlov Arkhangel
Red Arcueid
Aoko Aozaki
Dead Apostle Noel
Mario Gallo Bestino
Powered Ciel
Mash Kyrielight
Monte Cristo