Asuka 120 LimitOver/Netplay

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For Netplay, we use Mednafen 1.26.1 and NullDC BEAR. As BEAR functions as a frontend for Mednafen, it's cross-compatible with other frontends, such as Mednaffe.

Mednafen setup

This section will cover using Mednafen with the Mednaffe frontend. If you use a different frontend, or command line, your mileage may vary.

Basic Setup

A120LO How to add the Rom folder

If not done already here a quick recap on how to setup your mednafen:

  1. Open mednaffe.exe' (NOT mednafen.exe).
  2. Add your rom folder as shown in the image above.
    ⤷ if you have a problem with this part:
    • Check if you have an accent or special character in your path. Any accent like "éèàä" etc will no be read correctly by Mednaffe.
    • If you don't want or can't change that fact you still have the option to put the folder directly at C:\
  3. Once complete, you'll see a list of the games in your ROM directory.

Input Mapping

Check the controls page for a quick tutorial.
Scroll up to see the recommended button layout. If you have any issues with control mapping or buttons not working, open the game and hit Alt+Shift+1; this will use Mednafen's built-in control mapper, which should bypass any issues caused by mapping in the GUI.


I. Enter the server address & port

  1. Click on the Global Settings tab in Mednaffe.
  2. Go to the Netplay menu.
  3. Write the server address into the "Server hostname" field.
  4. The port should be on 4046 & the password should be empty unless otherwise stated.
  5. Make sure to set your nickname; this helps with organization.

II. Understanding gamekeys

Gamekey are like private rooms/lobbies. It allows to play in parallel and ensures you match up with the right person.
It is determined by the first 2 letters of each player's name, in alphabetical order & in lowercase.

eg. If Jim & Bob have to play together, the gamekey will be "boji"

III. Connect to the server

  1. Open the game you want to play from the game list.
  2. Once you're in the game, hit T to open the console.
  3. Type /gamekey [your gamekey here] to set the gamekey.
  4. Open the console again, and type /server to connect to the server you set earlier.


Quick Start Guide

  1. Follow these steps for setting up NullDC BEAR. You can skip the VPN steps, as they are not necessary for this game/any games that use Mednafen. In the Free DLC tab, you'll want to grab Asuka 120% LimitOver English Patched.
  2. Once you have your ROM, in the main NullDC BEAR window, hit the Play button in the corner. Click the Saturn tab, and select Asuka 120% LimitOver. You'll see some new fields at the bottom left corner of the window.
  3. Select a server that's a good middlepoint between you and your opponent. For events, we usually use Vick's server.
  4. Leave multitap off.
  5. Enter a gamekey; this is basically a password for your session. If you don't know what to put in, combine the first 2 letters of each player's name in alphabetical order (ex. Bob and Jim would use "boji".)
  6. Hit the "LET'S GO!" button and you're done! Make sure you give the gamekey to your opponent, and remember, they're case-sensitive!

Useful Console Commands

Switching controllers

  • /swap [X] [Y]
    Swaps what players are on what controller ports. Example: "/swap 1 2" to swap the players on ports 1 and 2.
  • /drop [X]
    Removes a player from a controller port. Example: "/drop 1" to remove the player on port 1.
  • /take 1
    Adds a player to a controller port. Example: "/take 1" to start playing on port 1.


  • /ping
    Gets your ping to the server.

The Escape key will exit the console.

Hosting your own Mednafen server


To host a server, you'll have to forward a port on your router. Mednafen port is 4046 by default, I would recommend to keep it.

Note: How to forward your port differs depending routers, please google it or refer to your router manual.

Hosting the server

  1. Download the server software here.
  2. Once unzip, to start hosting, double click on "start.x64.bat".
  3. To stop hosting, close the console window. And that's it!

Note: If you use another port, you need to edit "standard.conf" (line 6, "port").


1. Using another port
If you want to use another port than 4046, you’ll need to edit "standard.conf". Open it in a text editor & change accordingly to what port you’re using.

2. Password
It's not needed if you're just opening & closing the server for when you're playing. The only use case I can see is if you want to open a private 24/7 server just for you & your friends.

To add a password, remove the "; " in front of "password" and edit “Asuka120” into the password you want.

Mednafen documentation

If you're looking for more commands go check the Mednafen documentation:

Asuka Honda
Ryuko Yamazaki
Torami Houjyou
Megumi Suzuki
Kumi Ookubo
Tamaki Shindou
Karina Toyota
Nana Owada
Kiyoko Mitarai
Cathy Wild
Shinobu Kawasaki
Tetsuko Ougigaya
Genichirou Shindou