Melty Blood/MBTL/Red Arcueid

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Due to the effects of coming back from a "certain accident," her vampiric impulses and overwhelming desires have taken over. Driven by instinct, she arrives in a lowly human city. Controlled by pure emotion, her actions and words are quite dangerous, but her underlying personality remains mostly unchanged. The only big difference is her increased selfishness and changed attitude toward humans.


Red Arcueid, sometimes shortened to Warc or Red Arc, is a well rounded character with emphasis on mobility and neutral control. Her ring projectiles and strong air buttons control neutral, while her fast dash and slippery teleports allow her to slip right past the opponent, keeping her safe and them off balance. Once she gets in, her armoured, advancing buttons (including an armoured overhead!) make her a real threat in pressure, and if she pushes you to the corner, her throw can deal massive damage. On the flipside, when she's on the back foot, her Moon Skills become seriously threatening in Moon Drive. If you try to play the long game, her fireballs coupled with EX skills let her deal big damage at any range. When the Princess of the True Ancestors takes her gloves off, nowhere is truly safe.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • The skirt's back!: :)
  • Comboable throw in corner: Can combo off her throw in the corner for 2000+ damage and more meter gain than typical throws. This also allows her to dump meter to make them extra damaging if needed, being able to deal over 4000 damage if she has 4 bars. As a result, her strike/throw game in the corner is especially potent.
  • Big Armored Moves: Having a grounded overhead in 5[B] is already good enough, but the armour on that move as well as 5[C] and (to a lesser extent) j.2C makes Red Arcueid's pressure scary to mash or low shield against.
  • Commanding Presence: With good movement speed, teleports, strong projectiles (both ground and air), and a robust aerial toolkit (jB!) to boot, Red Arcueid is at home frustrating her opponents in the neutral game.
  • Strong metered options: With an EX DP for reversals, whiff-cancels or clashes, a safe-ish teleport hitgrab with some invincibility, strong EX fireball combo enders, and a giant air unblockable Arc Drive, Warc has no shortage of good ways to spend meter in any situation.
  • Simple, stable okizeme: After airthrow or j214C ender, Warc can make the opponent block a deep falling j214A. Depending on the spacing and setup, this can be almost unilaterally reversal safe while remaining very plus on block, letting her run her standard strike/throw game afterwards.
  • Weak midscreen throw: While her throw gives full combos in the corner, it doesn't do much mid-screen; it does less damage than a typical throw, and it doesn't give hard knock-down. Outside the corner, a successful throw often resets the situation to neutral, unless Red Arc has a strong read on their tech timing and direction.
  • Middling Meterless Mid-range: Outside of immediate 2C range, Red Arc has a hard time turning stray hits from Fatal Counters or fireball hits into anything meaningful. Her metered options are solid, though, especially Arc Drive, so it's more of a concern when resources are low.
  • 6F 2A: Her 2A is slightly slower than average, so Red Arc occasionally has to choose between being able to easily Anti-DP OS with 5A or hit low with 2A, or between mashing a 5F normal while standing or a 6F one while crouching. Sometimes that one frame can make all the difference!
  • No more menacing laugh: :(

Character Summary

Move list

Moon Skills
6B+C - Alte Nagel: Anti-air/DP
3B+C - Weiss Katze: Teleport
4B+C - Alte Schule: Projectile (Air OK)
Special Attacks
236A/B/C (EX OK) - Alte Nagel: Anti-air
623A/B/C (EX OK) - Weiss Katze: Teleport
214A/B/C (EX OK) - Alte Schule: Projectile
j.214A - Alte Schule: Air projectile
j.214B/C (EX OK) - Alte Schule: Air projectile
> A/B/C - Additional input
Arc Drive
236B+C - Erde Seele Seufzer
Last Arc
A+B+C+D / D in Blood Heat - Shining Body
Unique Attacks
6C, 3C, 2C>2C, j.2C
Blowback Edge Moves
5[B], 5[C], j[C], 623[A], 623[B]
Stats & vitals

Dash startup: 6

Dash actionable: 9

Jump startup: 4

Jump airtime: 40

Quick combo reference

  • [xx] 2C 5C 6C 236A 2C 236B jc j[C] AT
  • [xx] 2C 5[C] IAD-jC j214A 66 2B 5BBB jB jC AT
  • 214X/4BC 623C/236BC
  • 3C/6BC/5D~A j2C 5A 2C 5[C] IAD jB j214A rejump(9) jB jC AT

Move Analysis

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

MBTL Warc 5A.png
MBTL Warc 5A hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
180 LH -N-, -SE-, -SP-, -RB-, -EX-, -MD-, (J) - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
5 2 11 17 -1 -
  • Fairly standard 5A, and Warc's fastest normal. Fairly good range for a 5f normal.
  • Best option for rebeats, as it has the lowest total duration of all her moves.
  • Can be used as an anti-air of last resort against IADs or bad jump-ins, to mash out of pressure if you're unafraid of lows, or as a low-commitment check in neutral.
  • Can be repeated 3 times by holding 4 while pressing A, the 5A standard. If you don't hold 4, repeated inputs will give Rapid Beat.
  • Whiff-cancellable into many other buttons, specials, EX moves or Shield. A good, safe hedge against Moon Drive or clashes, especially at a distance. Whiff cancels available from frame 10 onwards (frame 10 is the first frame of the whiff cancelled move).
MBTL Warc 5B.png
Lua error in Module:MoveDataParser at line 99: attempt to concatenate local 'targetImage' (a nil value).
MBTL Warc 5B be hb.png
Lua error in Module:MoveDataParser at line 99: attempt to concatenate local 'targetImage' (a nil value).
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
480 LH N, SP, RB, EX, MD, (J) - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
9 ~ 13 4 17 29 ~ 33 -6 -
  • Very limited range; mostly combo and blockstring filler, not great as a poke.
  • Advances Warc forward a bit, but it's very stubby and has a fair bit of recovery. Be careful about whiffing it.
  • It shares the same startup animation as the charged overhead version, so you can part-charge to try and make your opponent flinch, then catch them off-guard with 2A or 2B.
  • Can only be charged a little bit (a few frames at most) without getting 5[B], though. Still, even that can be enough to trick all but the sharpest opponents. Keep your can-opener close to hand, use it when you need it most.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
400*2 (768) H N, SP, RB, EX, MD, (J) Armor - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
29 4 22 54 -10 Armor 13-30
  • Very powerful button; an advancing, armoured overhead which is fully rebeatable on block and leads to good damage on hit.
  • Has two hits, but only one of them will hit overhead. If the first hit connects, the second will hit mid; but if only the second hit connects, it *will* hit overhead.
  • Either way, both hits are cancellable on hit or block. If they're guarding sloppily, you can hit them low after the first hit, but before the second. Break their ankles!
  • Can be used as a sort of janky poke or anti-air in neutral by armouring through a button or jump-in and punishing the recovery.
  • The armour will lose to EX moves and throws, but it will armour through non-EX invincible skills just as well as it blows through normals.
  • You will press this a lot, and your opponents will hate it. Even if they can consistently react to the overhead, the advancing property makes it useful in pressure anyway, and it makes mashing low shield very risky to boot.
  • That being said, it's dishonourable to press this often on a bad connection, unless they really deserve it. Use your judgement.
MBTL Warc 5C.png
MBTL Warc 5C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
610 LH N, SP, RB, EX, MD, (J) - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 ~ 17 4 23 36 ~ 43 -10 -
  • A solid disjointed 5C poke.
  • Hits pretty far horizontally; a useful check in neutral, option to mash out of pressure, or combo pickup after far fireballs or near-corner throws.
  • Especially good at catching IADs, but has a fair bit of recovery, so can die to jumps or high air-dashes.
  • Hard to get a full confirm at max range, since it has the most range of all Warc's normals. Usually, you'll have to resort to Rapid Beats into j2C, but even that is unreliable at the absolute edge.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
550*2 (1045) LH N, SP, RB, EX, MD, (J) Armor - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
21 4 22 46 -8 Armor 16-21
  • Gains some range over the uncharged version, as well as advancing Warc forward a bit.
  • It's also armoured, like 5[B]! It will plow through Moon Skills and DPs or other invincible moves just the same. The armour doesn't last too long, though, and throws or EX moves will hurt you.
  • Very good combo tool, most high-damage routes will use it in some way; it does a lot of damage and opens up IAD routes.
  • A strong frame-trap option in pressure; it's an armoured move with advancing properties! However, some moves can low profile it, and can even defeat the armour with the right timing.
  • Armour does start up fairly late, and it can be easily jumped over if thrown out in neutral. So it's not your strongest poke in neutral, but it's still pretty good.

Crouching Normals

MBTL Warc 2A.png
MBTL Warc 2A hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
150 L -N-, -SE-, -SP-, -RB-, -EX-, -MD-, (J) - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
6 2 11 18 -1 -
  • Fairly standard 2A low, though it is a little slower than average.
  • Range is about the same as 5A, but obviously 2A hits lower to the ground.
  • Generally your best option for starting off pressure strings after dashing in, for tick throws, or as a meaty.
  • You can cancel 2A into itself three times at most before you get Rapid Beat, and it's still whiff-cancellable into basically any other move.
  • Whiff cancels available from frame 11 onwards (frame 11 is the first frame of the whiff cancelled move).
MBTL Warc 2B.png
MBTL Warc 2B hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
420 L N, SP, RB, EX, MD, (J) - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
7 4 15 25 -4 -
  • Low kicking 2B, good range and low recovery.
  • Advances Warc forward slightly, so the effective range is slightly more than it appears.
  • Good for catching people after dashing under their jump, or mashing out of pressure at certain ranges.
  • Can low-profile some things too.
  • The stagger window on block is quite poor though.
MBTL Warc 2C.png
MBTL Warc 2C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
620 L N, SP, RB, EX, MD, (J) - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
8 5 23 35 -11 -
  • Big sweep.
  • Not quite as big as the particle effect indicates, the hitbox only reaches as far as the inner edge. Even so, it's still pretty big!
  • Slightly bigger than 2B, but has quite a bit more recovery.
  • Solid abare option at some ranges, but very weak to IADs.
  • Strong combo filler, especially with the 2CC followup in the corner.

Jumping Normals

Aerial A
MBTL Warc jA.png
MBTL Warc jA hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
140 HA -N-, -SP-, -RB-, -EX-, -MD-, -J- - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
5 4 11 19 - -
  • Standard jA poke.
  • Can be repeated 3 times on hit/block if you hold 4, like 2A and 5A.
  • A solid low-committal way to cover air-space. You can whiff cancel into j214A, airdash into jB, or jump cancel and retreat, depending on the situation.
  • Hits overhead quickly out of IAD, but not much faster than jC.
  • Rising jA is one of your more solid "anti-air" options as well, or at least one of your less committal ones. Welcome to Melty Blood!
Aerial B
MBTL Warc jB.png
MBTL Warc jB2.png
MBTL Warc jB hb.png
Lua error in Module:MoveDataParser at line 99: attempt to concatenate local 'targetImage' (a nil value).
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
240*2 (470) HA N, SP, RB, EX, MD, J - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
5 3 (4) 3 - - - -
  • Two hits, one above Warc and one below. As fast as jA, but much bigger!
  • Very strong air space control option, but you can't act again until you land if it whiffs, so be careful about over-committing to it.
  • IAD jB will usually whiff on crouchers, but it still reaches high diagonally in the air, so it's a good way to swat people out of the sky. IABD jB is a fairly safe way to protect the skies.
  • Can be used as a double overhead option out of j[C] jump-ins or high IADs.
Aerial C
MBTL Warc jC.png
MBTL Warc jC hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
560 HA N, SP, RB, EX, MD, J - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 ~ 17 5 - - - -
  • It doesn't reach that far below you, but still farther than the other air normals, so it's your strongest "standard" jump-in and best way to catch people running under you.
  • Hits really high above Warc, so it's a great option for harassing people from below if they're jumping around a lot.
  • Generally your best button to press out of IAD in pressure; it has the highest reward, and will occasionally catch jump-outs, letting you air-unblockable them with 5A.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
900 HA N, SP, RB, EX, MD, J - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
20 5 - - - Clash 16-19
  • Gains a bunch of clash frames before active, like other charged j[C]s, so it can power through air normals and win air exchanges as long as you have time to charge it. How well it interacts with other character's charged j[C]s depends on the timing and matchup, though.
  • Can do lots of damage in combos, but usually requires specific routing, since it usually won't connect after jB.
  • You don't have time to do this out of IAD, and the flash comes out too late to jumpscare people with. You do have time to charge it after 623[A]/[B], but it still won't actually hit, it'll just flash.

Command Normals

MBTL Warc 3C.png
MBTL Warc 3C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
700 LH SP, EX, MD LR - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 3 25 37 -11 Air 5-12
  • Third hit of the autocombo string as a standalone button.
  • Shifts your hurtbox to avoid air buttons, but it often clashes or loses outright, so don't rely on it too much.
  • Decent option to beat Shield Counter B on reaction with, can work against IADs in pressure as well.
  • Warc does, at least, get decent damage off raw 3C thanks to j2C routing.
MBTL Warc 6C.png
MBTL Warc 6C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
700 L SP, EX, MD - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
23 4 20 46 -7 -
  • Briefly vanishes before lunging forward almost fullscreen. Warc will pass through the opponent, switching sides as long as she's close enough (on hit or block). At max range, though, she'll stay in front.
  • Does not hit as a cross-up, can be blocked in either direction. At max range, it has to be blocked in the correct direction, but it won't pass through at that distance.
  • Useful combo tool, especially if you want to side-swap. You can also use it in neutral to force your way in, or as a burst option to catch landing recovery from air normals or specials.
  • On block, cancelling into 236A immediately is gapless and only -2 at a fairly safe spacing; immediate 236B has a gap but will trade favourably with 5F normals and give you a combo, while still only being -3. If the 6C hits, though, 236A will let you convert, but 236B usually will not.
2+C > Add2+C
MBTL Warc 2C 2C.png
MBTL Warc 2C 2C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
780 LH SP, EX, MD, (J) - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 3 22 36 -8 -
  • Followup to 2C, can only be done on block or hit, not whiff.
  • Hits mid and advances Warc forward a bit.
  • Mostly a filler for corner combos, as it wallbounces and lets you do a ton of damage. Or you can use it midscreen ​to gain a lot of corner carry.
  • It's decent in pressure, as it's an extra frametrap option and it's only -1 on 5A rebeat, but it's nothing special. It does advance Warc forward a bit, but it also has a ton of pushback, so it doesn't make much difference.
  • Can whiff after 2C if it connects at maximum range. You might die.
Aerial 2+C
MBTL Warc j2C.png
MBTL Warc j2C2.png
MBTL Warc j2C3.png
MBTL Warc j2C4.png
MBTL Warc j2C5.png
MBTL Warc j2C6.png
MBTL Warc j2C hb.png
MBTL Warc j2C2 hb.png
MBTL Warc j2C3 hb.png
MBTL Warc j2C4 hb.png
MBTL Warc j2C5 hb.png
MBTL Warc j2C6 hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
260*6 (1332) HA - Armor - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
5 8 (1) 2 (2) 2 (5) 2 10 - - 13-25 Armor
  • Armoured air normal, best used as a combo extender. Does strange things to your air momentum.
  • You can get a fairly low j2C with a 171C input, which can be used to punish throw attempts or as a reactionary anti-air/air counterpoke.
  • The first hitbox is quite fast, but the armour doesn't kick in until later, so it can still lose in clashes and similar situations.
  • Will almost always whiff on crouchers and is usually fairly unsafe if they block it on or near the ground. You have absolutely no cancel options until you hit the ground, too.
  • Does not hard knockdown, and generally not a good combo ender. However, when it hits low to the ground, you can link 5A afterwards and continue your combo that way. This allows for much better routes off Shield Counter A, 3C, and 6BC among other things.

Universal Mechanics

Rapid Beat 2
Rapid Beat 2
Lua error in Module:MoveDataParser at line 88: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value).
Lua error in Module:MoveDataParser at line 86: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value).
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
No results
  • Auto-combo linker.
  • Advancing normal with a decent hitbox, hits diagonally and can AA people occasionally, but it's nothing spectacular.
  • Can't rebeat into other normals besides Rapid Beat 3, so it's not a great option in pressure. You can special cancel into 236A or 214X to become safe instead of punishably minus.
  • Does at least have a fairly good stagger window into Rapid Beat 3, if you choose to go for it.
Rapid Beat 3
Rapid Beat 3
Lua error in Module:MoveDataParser at line 88: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value).
Lua error in Module:MoveDataParser at line 86: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value).
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
No results
  • Basically just 3C.
  • You only really want to do this as a hit-confirm, not in a block-string, but 236A or 214X can bail you out if you get it by accident.
Ground Throw
MBTL Warc throw.png
MBTL Warc throw hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
300, 1000 (1300) N/A - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4 3 - - - -
  • Mid-screen, flings them away with no hard-knockdown. You can try to chase their air tech, but you essentially things return to neutral most of the time.
  • In the corner, however, you have time to 2B or 2C before they hit the ground, netting you a full combo.
  • If you're a little bit outside of the corner when you get the throw, you can occasionally pickup with 5CCC instead.
  • Throw combos are super scaled, but EX moves have minimum damage. Meter dumping after a corner throw is a great way to close out rounds
  • With full (i.e. 4 bars) you can do over 4K even with just a simple confirm into 214C > 236BC. A good way to close out rounds and make them die.
Air Throw
Aerial 4/6+A+D
MBTL Warc airthrow.png
MBTL Warc airthrow hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1200 - - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
- 3 - - - -
  • Universal air combo ender.
  • Dunk-type airthrow, Warc brings them to the ground, landing next to them afterwards.
  • Generally, you'll want to save your double jump in combos to jump cancel your airthrow ender after you hit the ground - due to the system mechanics, the second jump doesn't add much damage, and the knockdown is fairly weak without the jump cancel.
  • You can set up a meaty j214A ring with a neutral jump or IAD back, depending on positioning, but it's vulnerable to Shield Counter B+C and some reversals.

Special Moves

Alte Nagel
Alte Nagel
MBTL Warc 236A.png
A version summons a pillar that doesn't travel very far but has a fast startup
MBTL Warc 236B.png
B version has a longer startup but summons a pillar that travels farther and is bigger
MBTL Warc 236C.png
EX version is a dp
MBTL Warc 236C hb.png
MBTL Warc 236C2 hb.png
MBTL Warc 236C3 hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
640*2 (1196) LH -EX-, -MD- - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
9 3 (2) 9 20 42 -2 -
  • Air unblockable pillar.
  • Mostly combo filler, but it's only -2 so you can use it in pressure after command normals that are normally unsafe.
  • Decent anti-air, too, fairly fast and disjointed.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
420*4 (1456) LH -EX-, -MD-, (J) - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
21 13 21 54 -1 ~ +4 -
  • Bigger than 236A, more active and travels farther, but it's much slower.
  • Jump-cancellable on hit, usually enables big damage follow-ups in combos.
  • Like 236A, has some use in block-strings or as an anti-air, but it's not exceptional at either purpose.
  • Can be a little more advantageous than -3 if spaced out so that only the later active frames hit.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
400*6 (1992) LH (MD) Invincible, EX - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4+5 13 47 68 -34 1-14 All
  • Air unblockable DP, pretty big and has invincibility from frame 1
  • Only gives KD on Fatal Counter and can be shielded on reaction to super-flash in some situations, though.
  • Good option to force an end clash wars (e.g. after hitting the opponent's Moon-Skills when they're in Moon Drive.
  • Can also beat other supers if input after reacting to super-flash, it has a fair bit of invulnerability.
  • While it is air unblockable, if they're not doing anything, they can shield after flash and punish you for trying.
  • You can also use this after 214A/B whiffs, for an attempted jump-in punish, but see above re: shielding.
Weiss Katze
Weiss Katze
MBTL Warc 623A.png
A version leaves you in place, [A] Version places you above the opponent in the air
MBTL Warc 623B.png
B version teleports you forward, can side switch, [B] version teleports you above the opponent and side switches
MBTL Warc 623C.png
EX version is a hitgrab that side switches
MBTL Warc 623C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - -EX-, -MD- - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
- - - 32 - -
  • Teleport fakeout, leaves you in roughly the same spot as you started.
  • If used while the opponent is ground-teching, can occasionally create confusing situations where it's unclear which side you're on.
  • Mostly a gimmick option, but you can try to provoke actions from the opponent with it (as long as they aren't pressing too much).
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - -EX-, -MD- - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
- - 11 37 - -
  • Disappears and reappears above opponent, as long as they're close enough. Will always try to make Warc appear in front of the opponent.
  • If they're too far, Warc will just teleport into the air some distance away
  • You can do an air normal on the way down, and you retain all your air options.
  • However, if you don't do anything, you get bonus landing recovery.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - -EX-, -MD- - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
- - - 32 - -
  • Disappears and then teleports about 3/4 screen. Can crossup, depending on spacing.
  • Quite a bit of startup and no real invulnerability at any point, you can be hit while travelling or on startup if you're not careful.
  • Can be used to close the distance after throw or EX fireball knockdown... but you can also just run at them.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - -EX-, -MD- - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
- - 11 37 - -
  • Disappears and then teleports above opponent.
  • Will attempt to teleport Warc into the air behind the opponent, as long as they're close enough and they're not in the corner.
  • As with 623[A], you retain all your air options but if you don't do anything you get bonus landing recovery, and if they're too far away Warc will just teleport into the air some distance away.
  • Warc will usually turn around to face the opponent after re-appearing, so you can hit them crossup, but it can be a little unreliable near the max tracking range.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1000, 1040 (2040) LH No Invincible, EX - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4+4 2 18 27 -3 4-9 All
  • Nearly full-screen teleport hit-grab that switches sides on hit.
  • Not a true reversal, but invincible after the flash. You will probably die if you try this on wakeup.
  • Takes the meter immediately, before the super-flash, so you can just lose a bar for no reason if you're careless.
  • Great for punishing projectiles, whiffs, Heats, etc, or for challenging pressure resets (rebeats, IADs, redashes).
  • Wall-bounces for combo extensions if they reach the corner.
  • Air unblockable, can be used to guarantee a guard-break if they land onto the top of a 214X fireball without shielding.
  • Can try to use this post-clash, but usually loses or clashes again rather than winning outright like 236C (generally) will.
  • Mid-screen, you need to use Moon Drive for an extension; but if your initial 623C started near the corner, you can get a full combo from 623C's wall-bounce.
  • Almost always gives hard-knockdown (except on super long combos), so you can use this to throw them into the corner for the low low cost of 1 bar and still continue pressure afterwards.
Alte Schule
Alte Schule
MBTL Warc 214A.png
1 Onion ring
MBTL Warc 214B.png
2 Onion rings
MBTL Warc 214C.png
3 Onion rings for the low cost of 1 bar
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1000 LHA -EX-, -MD- - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
13 24 7 43 -4 ~ +19 -
  • Single fireball. Travels pretty fast, not much recovery. It's pretty decent to throw out occasionally to keep your opponent on their toes.
  • Usually you're safe even if they jump over (as long as they're not too close), due to the reasonably low recovery. You can usually respond to Shield Counter B near max range as well.
  • Hits high enough to clip IADs sometimes, but if they clear the fireball you might die without Moon Drive to keep you safe.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
700, 650 (1174) LHA -EX-, -MD- - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
11 24 (20) 24 7 61 -4 ~ +19 -
  • Double fireball.
  • Second fireball is gapless on block after the first at all ranges. The second fireball goes a little bit farther than the first.
  • More committal than 214A, but can catch opponents off guard if they were expecting only one fireball. Can Ex cancel or Moon Drive cancel to cover whiffs.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
950*3 (2089) LHA MD, AD - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4+9 X 25 73 +2 ~ +20 -
  • Triple fireball!
  • Lets you convert stray fireball hits from nearly fullscreen into decent damage and a hard knockdown.
  • Good combo meter-spend option generally. In the corner, you can still continue the combo afterwards. Midscreen, it ends the combo, but gets you lots of corner carry and a good hard knockdown.
  • Technically the only source of guaranteed plus-frames in your grounded kit. It's not hugely advantageous, though, so be wary of overcommitting afterwards, or spending too much meter for little reward.
Alte Schule (air)
Alte Schule (air)
Aerial 214+X
MBTL Warc j214A.png
MBTL Warc j214B.png
Stalls your air momentum
MBTL Warc j214BCX.png
Not automatic
MBTL Warc j214C.png
Giant onion ring 🤤
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1000 LHA -EX-, -MD- - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
8 - 18 - - -
  • Air onion ring fireball.
  • A very solid neutral tool that covers a lot of space. Useful for running reversal safe pressure after knockdowns too.
  • You roughly retain your air momentum from before throwing it, so you usually want to do this with airdash momentum or while falling to make sure the fireball is plus on block (or at least safe). Doing this fireball while rising generally leaves you quite vulnerable.
  • You can't act again until you reach the ground, and there's a bit of landing recovery, so be wary of people dashing under you. It *is* EX cancellable on whiff, but your only air EX is j214C, which hits roughly the same angle...
  • Good combo tool on top of everything else, opens up extensions after mid-combo IADs and deals good damage.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1000 LHA -EX-, -MD- - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
18 - 18 - - -
  • Air fireball with an optional followup fireball.
  • Covers a different, steeper angle than 214A, so may catch people unawares if they think they can move in.
  • Stops Warc in place on startup, you still can't jump or move afterwards.
  • Does tons of damage in combos, usually after super-jump j[C], or in the corner with an IAD.
  • Very vulnerable to dash unders in neutral given the angle, so be wary.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1000 LHA -EX-, -MD- - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
16 - 18 - - -
  • Follow-up fireball, same trajectory as the first fireball.
  • You can delay this second fireball a bit, but there is a lockout if you're too late. So it's hard to challenge dash-unders with this - delay it for too long, and you may not get a fireball at all/
  • It's pretty rare to do 214B without also doing this follow-up.
  • Can be whiff-cancelled into j214C but timing is tight
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
500*5 (2115) LHA MD EX - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4+5 - 12 - - -
  • EX fireball, very big and wide.
  • Often your go-to combo ender as it does lots of damage, is easy to route into, and gives a really good knockdown with a lot of corner carry.
  • Has 5 hits total, but occasionally some will miss and you'll lose damage when used as an ender. This is very sad, but it'll still give you the good knockdown.
  • It also lets you add some damage to stray j214A/j214BB hits which otherwise wouldn't have lead to anything.
  • As an air combo ender, gives you enough frame advantage to run up and toss a meaty ring, or do funny 623[X] safejump pranks.

Moon Skills

Alte Nagel
Alte Nagel
MBTL Warc 6BC.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
520*3 (1409) LHA EX, MD, -J- - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
7 13 35 54 ~ 28 -25 ~ 0 1-5 Clash (MD)
  • Moon Skill DP.
  • Outside of Moon Drive, it's just an okay anti-air. It's pretty big, fast and tall for a 7f move, but it's air-blockable and doesn't have any invulnerability or clash frames.
  • In Moon Drive, however, it becomes much more powerful - it gains clash frames through most of the move, starting from the very first frame. It's a strong reversal option, demanding a lot of respect; if used at the right time, you can clash right through their offence and kill them. Very scary option in Moon Drive overall.
  • Leads to a full confirm using j2C, dealing quite a bit of damage, regardless of Drive status.
  • Jump-cancellable on hit, block or whiff whether you're in Moon Drive or not. However, if shielded (Drive or no), you lose the ability to jump-cancel so you will assuredly die.
Weiss Katze
Weiss Katze
MBTL Warc 3BC.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
- - - 27/26 - -
  • Similar to 623B, a teleport which travels about 3/4 of the screen and can side-switch.
  • It's much faster and has less recovery than 623B; but unlike other grounded Moon Skills, it doesn't gain clash frames in Moon Drive.
  • It doesn't have any actual invulnerability, you may get clipped while travelling.
  • Decent option to cross under your opponent while they're in the air, or ambush them with an unexpected approach or side-switch, though.
Alte Schule
Alte Schule
MBTL Warc 4BC.png
MBTL Warc j4BC.png
Follow-up is automatic this time
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
750*2 (1357) LHA EX, AD - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
9 X 31 39 -2 ~ +21 1-7 Clash (MD)
  • Fireball that hits twice. Very very quick, can net a full confirm if you're in 2C range. If not, can easily be confirmed into damage with 214C, 623C or Arc Drive, so long as you have the meter.
  • Actually goes full-screen, unlike 214A/B. Good way to whiff-punish, counter-zone or check fullscreen heats, and often catches people off guard in their dash or jump start-up when they think they're safe to move.
  • Also gains some clash frames in Moon Drive. Lets you clash through pressure from ranges where 6BC won't reach.
  • It's slower than 6BC, though, and the clash frames don't last as long, so it tends to lose clash wars or to swift jump-cancel shields. It's a bit harder to punish on shield than 6BC, though.
  • Especially scary if your opponent is at around 3000 life and you have 3 bars; you can easily close out rounds with a quick Arc Drive confirm from the other side of the screen if it connects. If it doesn't, Moon Charge and throw it again!
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1100+700 (1576) LHA EX, J - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
9 - 18 - - -
  • Double air fireball, both projectiles cover different angles. Effectively multiplies your current air momentum when input; think of j214A but more.
  • Doesn't gain any clash frames in Moon Drive, but the angle on the fireballs changes a bit.
  • If either fireball connects with the opponent, you gain the ability to jump-cancel the move. If the first fireball connects, you can even cancel the move before the second one comes out. If both fireballs whiff, though, you can't do anything until you hit the ground.
  • Strong pressure reset and neutral control option, especially if you can make sure they block the first fireball. The fireballs have a lot of blockstun, so you can jump-cancel the recovery if it touches them, then airdash and continue pressure.
  • Also part of Warc's strongest air ender, j4BC superjump j[C] j214BB j214C.
  • Probably the strongest Moon Skill outside of Moon Drive, and pretty good move overall. If you have Moon Gauge to spare, or you're not sure what to do, this is rarely a bad choice.

Super Moves

Erde Seele Seufzer
Erde Seele Seufzer
MBTL Warc 236BC.png
Her old arc drive was cooler...
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
3500 LH - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 12 - 50 -9 1~20 All
  • Giant full-screen wave.
  • Air unblockable, but can be shielded on reaction to the flash, so don't get too wild with it. If the opponent air-blocks grounded 214A/B, you can break their guard with this, but it's hard to confirm on reaction.
  • Strong full-screen whiff-punish option, or to convert off of far fireball hits, or as your big-money combo ender.
  • Has invulnerability so you can use it as a reversal if you feel like dice-rolling really hard (or after Moon Drive if you see them swinging)
  • Surprisingly hard to punish from any distance outside point-blank as well.
Shining Body
Shining Body
MBTL Warc ABCD.png
MBTL Warc ABCD hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
4800 [4800 ~ 6960 in BH] - - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1+21 4 27 52 -14 1-14 Strike,15-26 Throw
  • Usable with 4 full Magic Circuit gauges, at any time while in Blood Heat, or with a successful Shield while in Blood Heat.
  • Damage in Blood Heat scales with amount of Heat Gauge remaining on activate.
  • Removes the 4th bar on execution.
  • Can be comboed into if you're feeling flashy, but generally requires Moon Drive and doesn't gain much damage over Arc Drive.
  • It all returns to nothing~ ♩
  • It just keeps tumbling down~ ♩
  • Tumbling down, tumbling down~ ♫

Reverse Beats

Rebeat Table
Attack Chain Advantage
5B/5[B]/2B 5A -3
5B/5[B]/2B 2A -4
5C/5[C]/2C/2CC 5A -1
5C/5[C]/2C/2CC 2A -2
Gap Table
Attack Chain Frame Gap


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