Under Night In-Birth/UNICLR/Merkava/Combos

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Notation Help
Disclaimer: Combos are written by various writers, so notation may differ slightly from this notation.

For more information, see Glossary and Controls

X+Y Buttons "X" and "Y" must be input simultaneously.
X/Y Input "X" or "Y" can be used.
dl.X There should be delay before inputting "X".
w.X Attack "X" should whiff and not hit the opponent.
j.X Button "X" is input while jumping or in the air.
dj.X Button "X" is input after a double jump.
jc Jump cancel the previous action. Usually will be omitted due to being obvious.
md.X Perform a micro-dash before performing "X".
TK.X Indicates the motion "X" is input immediately after leaving the ground. Stands for tiger knee.
(X) Input "X" is optional. Typically the combo will be easier if omitted.
[X] Input "X" is held down. Also can be known as "Increase" or "IC" for short. Depending on the character, this can indicate that this button is held down and not released until indicated by the release notation.
]X[ Input "X" is released. Will only appear if a button is previously held down.
{X} Button "X" should only be held down briefly to partially charge the attack, instead of the full increased version.
X(#) Attack "X" should only hit # of times.
X > Y Cancel "X" into "Y".
X, Y Link "X" into "Y", allowing "X" to fully recover before "Y".
X~Y This notation has two meanings.
  1. Use attack "X" with "Y" follow-up input.
  2. Input "X" then within a few frames, input "Y". Usually used for option selects.
CH The first attack must be Counter Hit.
CS Perform a Chain Shift, which is performed by inputting D twice.
CVO Perform a Cross Cast Veil Off, which is performed by inputting A+B+C.
IW Perform an Infinite Worth, which is performed by inputting 41236D or A+B+C during CVO.
IWEX Perform an Infinite Worth EXS, which is performed by inputting A+B+C+D.

Getting Started

Starter Combos

Combos to start off with

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Good for learning the jump cancel from 2CC.
  • Doesn't lead to great oki but is about as good damage you can reliably get from 5B.
  • Do 214X j.214C if you need more damage or want to be further away. Slight delay gives better frame advantage and allows you to place 22[B] fairly safely when you land.
  • Good stepping stone for learning 2CC j.C jump sequence.
  • Good for learning 6[C] j.6D jump sequence.
  • Easy extra damage from reversal.


Basic combo string is

  • ground normals > 2CC > air normals > j.2C or 66C > filler > ender
  • ground normals > launcher > 6C or 6[C] j.6D > air normals > j.2C or 66C > filler > ender


How do I do x? / Why is x dropping

Combo troubleshooting guide by DHD


Combo Cost Location
  • Ender for good midscreen oki
  • Moves can be added between 2C and 4B to get more damage but may drop from certain combos.
  • For worm setup, use 4B 22A.
  • Both used as filler and ender for corner carry.
  • For worm setup, use 66C 22B.
  • Ender for good corner oki
  • Decent way to set up flight oki near the corner or play keepout midscreen.
  • Can only be done from combos with fewer moves/better proration or it will drop after the first hit of 3C.
  • Good for stealing some last-minute GRD.
  • Vorpal FF sets up flight pretty well.
  • Most combos ending in 2C 4B will work with this ender as well.
  • 22C for worm setup and 623C/236C if you need to kill.
  • Meter ender when you're out of OTGs.
  • Sets up meaty worms.
  • Best used when you haven't spent your jump cancel so that you can jump cancel 4B and get meaty worms together with flight oki.
  • 22C uses an OTG so you need to keep that in mind when routing for this ender.
  • Some combos need you to do 2C 5C 4B, 2C 5B 4B or some other variation of the ender for the worms to hit meaty properly.
  • 22C 2C will drop if the combo is too prorated.
  • CVO ender
  • Relatively easy vorpal strip ender that works from a lot of combos.


2A/2B Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Classic Merkava BNB that works the same on all characters and ranges.
  • In corner, replace 66B with j.214[A].
  • 2C 236B 22C works.
  • Works from longer starter strings as well, like 5A 2A 2B 2C.
  • 5C is optional but adds a lot of free damage if you take the time to hit confirm the combo. Longer starter strings will not allow 5C.
  • Alternative BNB with similar corner carry but worse damage than the classic BNB.
  • 5C is optional.
  • High-damage route with good corner carry.
  • In corner, replace 66B with j.214[A].
  • Harder to hit confirm since the launcher is earlier in the combo.
  • Stricter timings than the classic BNB.
  • Alternative high-damage route that ends slightly further away from the opponent.
  • Similar hit confirm to the first high-damage route.
  • Stricter timings than the classic BNB and varies slightly depending on character.
  • Alternative high-damage route that ends slightly further away from the opponent.
  • Need to delay j.214[A] for it to work on big bodies.

5B Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • CS extension from 5B.
  • If they get put in the corner by 623A, instead do 66C j.214[A] 66C 2C ender. Alternatively 2C dl3C (1) j.214[A]~6 j.2C 2C ender.
  • Counterhit confirm from 5B.
  • Partially charging 5C and letting go early on normal hit makes it much easier to confirm.
  • Corner combo that does a lot of damage.
  • Jump sequence can be replaced with 6C j.6D j.A j.B 623A.

2C Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • High-damage confirm from safe 2C poke.
  • Damage calculated with 66B 66C ender.
  • Corner-carry confirm.
  • Alternative route for higher damage.
  • High-damage confirm from 2C 623A.
  • Backup combo for when it's too far away for 66C.
  • Can be extended with CS or 22C.
  • 2C punish route.
  • Can be done from 5C starter for DP punishes.
  • Alternate punish route.
  • Can be done from 5C starter for DP punishes.

66B Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Standard 66B confirm.
  • Can drop at 623A 66C on Orie, Hilda and Chaos if not point blank.
  • Alternate route for 66B 623A.
  • Useful for throw mixups from 66B since you can do 66B without needing to cancel.

623A Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • DP Punish.
  • DP Punish.

214A Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Standard 214A route.
  • High-damage route.
  • Starting to get difficult.
  • Very difficult confirm.
  • the first 6 in Swoop must be input after flight has started. Can be seen by Merkava flapping his wings.

236C Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • High-damage combo from reversal.
  • Damage calculated with 66 2C 5C 4B ender.
  • Corner-carry combo from reversal.
  • Damage calculated with 66B 66C ender.

Assault Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Standard assault confirm.
  • High-damage assault confirm.
  • One of Merkava's fastest overhead options.
  • High-damage confirm.

Vorpal Strip

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Corner-carry route for VO ender.
  • Super easy.
  • Can be used to side switch if you divekick over them.
  • High damage vorpal strip.
  • Difficult.

Other Confirms

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Ending blockstrings on 4B is safe and on hit you can confirm into 66B.
  • Conversion from true reversal.
  • Extra damage from unexpected overhead hit.
  • Usually not worth spending CS on for better ender.
  • Works for 2C 623A 623B routes.
  • 623B conversion using meter.
  • Works for 2C 623A 623B routes.
  • Super simple confirm that almost always works regardless of height or range.
  • Tight on block and ends up plus. Sometimes even on shield.
  • Higher damage with the downside of not being tight on block.


Combo Examples by [1]

External Links

Merkava Wiki Roadmap

Click here for the UNICLR roadmap.

Page last edited on: 2023-01-12 by DHD.

41% complete
Page Completed To-do Score


  • Created base page with basic formatting
  • Add gameplay summary, frame data and new moves.
  • Pending further frame data
  • Created base pages
  • Filled in Neutral, offense and defense.
  • Fill in gimmicks and matchups.
  • Created base pages
  • Added common combos
  • Add links to external resources
Patch Notes
Frame Data