Duelists of Eden/Reva

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Safe haven for everyone around her, Reva will leap in front of anything that tries to harm the innocent.


Explanation about Reva playstyle

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  • Restoring Shield: Built-in Shield recovery allows for Shielding more often or better usage of spells that use up Shield.
  • Large Poking Coverage: Ricoshield covers Reva's row, the opponent's back column, and the top row.
  • Countering the Front: Shield Bash allows Reva to punish foes in the front column who carelessly use their spells.
  • Negating Active Hitboxes: The Invincible status on Shield Bash allows for safely disarming active hitboxes from spells like Mine or Slowball.
  • Predictable Weapons: Ricoshield makes Reva want to approach the top row or back column to restore Shield. Shield Bash sends Reva straight to the front with only a 1x1 hitbox ahead of her and a long recovery period.
  • Lacking Weapon Combos: Reva's weapons are utility-based with longer cooldowns and less combo potential than other characters.
  • Unsafe Charging: Invincibility for Shield Bash is not immediate, making it a poor option to mash out of hitstun. It can be stopped by teleports and does not provide invincibility once the dash is over.


Weapon 1

DoE rev W1.png
Ricoshield Weapon 1
Damage Startup Active Recovery Velocity
2 9 Up to 90 19 -
On Hit On Shield Cost Cooldown Air Time
14 2 1 100 -
  • Reva throws a boomerang shield. The shield will travel forward, upon reaching the back column it will turn upwards, and upon reaching the top of the back column it will travel towards the opposite back column. If it reaches the opposite back column, it will turn downwards. If it reaches the bottom of this opposite back column, it will once again travel towards the original back column.
  • This weapon is not stopped by enemies.
  • Despite throwing a shield, Reva does not actually expend any shield to use this weapon.
  • Reva can catch her shield, restoring 6 shield. Catching the shield will delete the projectile.
  • Only weapon in the game that interact with shields.

Weapon 2

DoE rev W2.png
Shield Bash
Shield Bash Weapon 2
Damage Startup Active Recovery Velocity
1x3 16 5 8 -
On Hit On Shield Cost Cooldown Air Time
19 7 1 48 -
  • Relative to the frame that it is cast Reva will: begin her dash after 1 frame, gain Invincible Invincible after 7 frames and lose Invincible after 21 frames. She will strike one tile in front of herself after 16 frames, again after 24 frames, and once more after 32 frames. Each strike remains active for 5 frames. She will be free to move again after 38 frames under normal circumstances.
  • If Reva is returning from a step spell, she will strike in front of her return position, rather than where she currently is. Depending on the timing, this means Reva will hit 0-1 strikes before she returns and 2-3 in front of her return location.
  • Reva will dash until she hits the limit tile or an object. Under normal circumstances, this is her front column. If using a spell that allows access to the enemy field, you will dash towards the enemy back column. If under the effect of Step Reverse, Reva will instead dash towards her own back column.
  • Reva still can be dislocated with push, pull or teleport spells before and after the Invincible frames she gains.

Strategy and Synergy

  • Ricoshield Ricoshield — Reva utilizes Ricoshield to threaten a large area of the opponent's field and to regenerate her shield:
    • Neutral: Reva's main method of poking the opponent. Its low recovery combined with its large area coverage make it a strong and safe neutral tool. Ricoshield also pierces, making it a good way to attack opponents behind structures.
    • Interruptions: Ricoshield does not disappear if Reva is hit after it is done casting. This makes it a fairly reliable tool for interruption.
    • Combos: Ricoshield is best followed up with homing spells since they are less vulnerable to hitstep combo breaks.
    • Defense: Reva can regenerate shield by catching Ricoshield.

  • Shield Bash Shield Bash — The invincibility provided by Shield Bash makes it a reliable tool for countering enemy spells:
    • Movement: Shield Bash is a dash, giving Reva a quick way to move to the front when needed.
    • Interruptions: The invincibility provided by this weapon makes it a powerful interruption tool. Reva is immune to pushing effects, frost explosions, and damage while dashing. She can use this to her advantage by anticipating attacks and Shield Bashing in response.
    • Defense: Reva can also use Shield Bash purely for defense instead of counterattacking. The invincibility it has makes it useful for evading damage in situations where she is likely to be hit. Reva can also dodge during the dash to get around anything that might stop it.


Players to Watch

Disclaimer: This list is derived from community input and is in no way comprehensive or a form of ranking of any kind. Our community criteria can be found here.

Usual Color Handles/Links Region Status Notes
Player United States
United States
Active Example Play


Laser Spells
Melee Spells
Missile Spells
Shot Spells
Step Spells
Strike Spells
Wave Spells
Utility Spells