Bloody Roar Extreme/Bakuryu the Mole

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Bakuryu is a fast, tricky, hit-and-run style character designed to frustrate his opponents and then capitalize on their mistakes; he has many teleports, evades and command runs to help him achieve this goal. His unique AoE-based ducking attacks (22P and 22B) let him set up for air combos, with his 236P Izuna Drop working as both a great anti-air and combo ender. His strings are short, meaning they are best used for poking or utilizing his hit-and-run tactics; this also means he can have trouble opening people up if they remain calm and focused. Bakuryu has one of the fastest jabs in the game along with 2 counters, which can let him interrupt an opponent when being pressured, helping offset his low health rating.

File:BREX icon bakuryu.png Bakuryu is a nimble character who uses his myriad movement options and defensive tools to frustrate opponents into making mistakes.
Pros Cons
  • Highly Mobile: With an array of teleports and command movement options at his disposal, Bakuryu is able to run circles around most other characters, setting up whiffs and other errors for him to capitalise on.
  • Strong Defense: Bakuryu has access to several evasive attacks and catch counters, as well as the fastest jab in the game, which makes pressuring him a very difficult prospect for a large portion of the cast.
  • Powerful Space Control: Bakuryu is able to control lateral space surprisingly well with his 2[2]P and 2[2]B, and his 236P gives him a strong anti-air tool. This all means opponents will need to be careful in how they move towards and around him.
  • Poor Offense: Thanks to short strings and a lack of strong mixup tools, Bakuryu can have a hard time breaking down defenses, which can make it difficult to gain an advantage — especially when he's behind in life.
  • Frail: Sporting one of the lower defense modifiers in the game, Bakuryu takes hits a lot harder than he can dish them out, meaning one wrong move can cost him dearly.
  • Low Beast Damage: Bakuryu's Beast Form, the Mole, only grants him a meager 20% bonus damage, which further hurts his ability to deal meaningful damage from his limited mixup options.



Weight Attack Defense Walk (Forward) Walk (Backward) Dash/Run Backdash (Distance) Backdash (Duration) Jump Height
500 100% 0.74 23.17 21.50 - 17.88 36 -


Weight Attack Defense HP Recovery Walk (Forward) Walk (Backward) Dash/Run Backdash (Distance) Backdash (Duration) Jump Height
500 120% 0.91 18 25.06 17.50 - 17.88 36 -


Weight Attack Defense HP Recovery Walk (Forward) Walk (Backward) Dash/Run Backdash (Distance) Backdash (Duration) Jump Height
500 120% 0.91 18 25.06 17.50 - 17.88 36 -

Ability Plus

  • Kezuri A: All attacks deal full damage through Guard as Chip Damage.
  • Any Cancel A: All normals become special-cancelable.

Key Moves

[[File:BREX_{{{char}}}_5P.png | 175x250px | center|class=lazyimg]]
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
- - - - - - - - -
  • special property

move description


Advanced Mechanics
Character Data
Debug Menu
Alice the Rabbit
Bakuryu the Mole
Busuzima the Chameleon
Cronos the Phoenix
Fang the Wolf
Gado the Lion
Ganesha the Elephant
Jenny the Bat
Kohryu the Iron Mole
Long the Tiger
Marvel the Leopard
Shenlong the Tiger
Stun the Insect
Uranus the Chimera
Uriko the Half-Beast
Xion the Unborn
Yugo the Wolf