Under Night In-Birth/UNICLR/Londrekia/Combos: Difference between revisions

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Line 224: Line 224:
   | combo        = j3[B] (dash) 66C 214[B][A] 5B 3C j[C] 66B 236[B] 2C 236A 6B 214[A]B[C]
   | combo        = 66C 214[B][A] 5C 3C j[C] 66B 2C 5BB 236[B] 236A 6B 214[A]B[C]
   | basedamage    = 3522
  | basedamage    = 3661
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          =
  | metergain    =
  | oppmetergain =
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = 66C starter
*One of Londrekia's most damaging starters, only topped by niche 3C optimizations. It has a very high vertical reach and can catch the opponent jumping at round start. Because of just how far this normal can reach, routing may need to be adjusted if the opponent is too high/too far away. An alternate route is listed below for such situations.
**Delay both the 5BB followup and 236[B] slightly for consistency.
  | combo        = 66C w214[A]~A 2B 214B[A] 3C j[C] 66B 236[B] 2C 236A 6B 214[A]B[C]
   | basedamage    = 3239 (distance proration)/3346 (counterhit)
   | bonusdamage  =  
   | bonusdamage  =  
   | cost          =  
   | cost          =  
Line 231: Line 246:
   | oppmetergain =  
   | oppmetergain =  
   | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
   | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
   | notes        = j3[B] starter
   | notes        = 66C starter (opponent airborne at range)
*Can be somewhat tricky to hit confirm without counterhit state. 7j3[B] is a good preemptive option against midscreen assault, and if it counterhits an assault, the combo becomes very stable and easy to pick up.
*This is a very useful confirm to know for round start when you expect the opponent to upback. It is consistent even on small hurtbox characters like Seth. If the opponent walks back and blocks, 214[A] will connect at tip spacing. If the opponent gets hit on the ground, cut the charge on 214[A] short and use w214A~A to pick up. That ground variation is also useful in the Hilda MU when challenging her backspike (623B) pressure resets at range, as 214[B] will whiff.
   | combo        = 66C 214[B][A] 5C 3C j[C] 66B 2C 5BB 236[B] 236A 6B 214[A]B[C]
   | combo        = j3[B] (dash) 66C 214[B][A] 5B 3C j[C] 66B 236[B] 2C 236A 6B 214[A]B[C]
   | basedamage    = 3661
   | basedamage    = 3522
   | bonusdamage  =  
   | bonusdamage  =  
   | cost          =  
   | cost          =  
Line 245: Line 260:
   | oppmetergain =  
   | oppmetergain =  
   | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
   | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
   | notes        = 66C starter
   | notes        = j3[B] starter
*One of Londrekia's most damaging starters, only topped by niche 3C optimizations. It has a very high vertical reach and can catch the opponent jumping at round start. Because of just how far this normal can reach, routing may need to be adjusted if the opponent is too high/too far away. An alternate route is listed below for such situations.
*Can be somewhat tricky to hit confirm without counterhit state. While 9j3B/9j3[B] can be used as an advancing poke to begin or reset pressure, 7j3[B] is a good preemptive option against midscreen assault, and if it counterhits an assault, the combo becomes very stable and easy to pick up.
**Delay both the 5BB followup and 236[B] slightly for consistency.
   | combo        = 66C w214[A]~A 2B 214B[A] 3C j[C] 66B 236[B] 2C 236A 6B 214[A]B[C]
   | combo        = j[C] 3C 214B[A] 5B 9j3[B] 66B 236[B] 66B delay 66C delay 236A 6B 2C 214ABC
   | basedamage    = 3239 (distance proration)/3346 (counterhit)
   | basedamage    = 3671 both hits/3132 j[C](1) hit
   | bonusdamage  =  
   | bonusdamage  =  
   | cost          =  
   | cost          =  
Line 260: Line 274:
   | oppmetergain =  
   | oppmetergain =  
   | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
   | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
   | notes        = 66C starter (opponent airborne at range)
   | notes        = j[C] starter
*This is a very useful confirm to know for round start when you expect the opponent to upback. It is consistent even on small hurtbox characters like Seth. If the opponent walks back and blocks, 214[A] will connect at tip spacing. If the opponent gets hit on the ground, cut the charge on 214[A] short and use w214A~A to pick up. That ground variation is also useful in the Hilda MU when challenging her backspike (623B) pressure resets at range, as 214[B] will whiff.
*Londrekia's j[C] is a normal that reaches directly below him and nets high damage when both hits connect. Two damage values are listed here because it can be in the Lond player's best interest to cut the normal short with wj3[B] in order to bait green shield. The damage is lower when only the first hit connects, but that single hit situation is also safer. Both hits of j[C] should be used when you are sure that it will connect on hit.
**The height for 66C delay 236A is somewhat strict. If it seems too unstable, replace 66C with ...66B 2C 236A 6B 214ABC for 3616.

===Corner, no debuff===
===Corner, no debuff===

Revision as of 10:35, 14 February 2023

Notation Help
Disclaimer: Combos are written by various writers, so notation may differ slightly from this notation.

For more information, see Glossary and Controls

X+Y Buttons "X" and "Y" must be input simultaneously.
X/Y Input "X" or "Y" can be used.
dl.X There should be delay before inputting "X".
w.X Attack "X" should whiff and not hit the opponent.
j.X Button "X" is input while jumping or in the air.
dj.X Button "X" is input after a double jump.
jc Jump cancel the previous action. Usually will be omitted due to being obvious.
md.X Perform a micro-dash before performing "X".
TK.X Indicates the motion "X" is input immediately after leaving the ground. Stands for tiger knee.
(X) Input "X" is optional. Typically the combo will be easier if omitted.
[X] Input "X" is held down. Also can be known as "Increase" or "IC" for short. Depending on the character, this can indicate that this button is held down and not released until indicated by the release notation.
]X[ Input "X" is released. Will only appear if a button is previously held down.
{X} Button "X" should only be held down briefly to partially charge the attack, instead of the full increased version.
X(#) Attack "X" should only hit # of times.
X > Y Cancel "X" into "Y".
X, Y Link "X" into "Y", allowing "X" to fully recover before "Y".
X~Y This notation has two meanings.
  1. Use attack "X" with "Y" follow-up input.
  2. Input "X" then within a few frames, input "Y". Usually used for option selects.
CH The first attack must be Counter Hit.
CS Perform a Chain Shift, which is performed by inputting D twice.
CVO Perform a Cross Cast Veil Off, which is performed by inputting A+B+C.
IW Perform an Infinite Worth, which is performed by inputting 41236D or A+B+C during CVO.
IWEX Perform an Infinite Worth EXS, which is performed by inputting A+B+C+D.

Getting Started

Londrekia's combo routing is very stable, but can be optimized in a wide variety of ways. Starting with the combos listed below is recommended.

  • When learning Londrekia, mission mode unfortunately cannot be recommended. The only combo in mission mode worth retaining is mission 4-3 (214[C] overhead break).
  • The combos listed on this wiki are from the most common and practical starters. However, a much more thorough combo resource can be found at the bottom of this page in the "External Links" section. Created by Tukibito, the 30-minute video is timestamped with virtually every starter with and without debuff. It is invaluable as a reference, so if there is a combo you need to learn or optimize that isn't shown here, please refer to that video. Thank you.

Midscreen Theory

Londrekia's combo theory is all relative to his positioning to the corner. When Londrekia carries the opponent to the corner, he can incorporate freeze (236x) specials to do more damage and steal GRD. (This info can be found in the "Corner/Freeze Theory" section.) However, when midscreen, his combo routing can be summarized as:

  • Button -> launcher -> rekka extension (214x[A]) -> button -> rekka ender (214xBC)

Londrekia has three launchers depending on his distance to the opponent: -3C (optimal) -5BB (consistent, less damage) -4C (not ideal, least damage)

Although 4C can stabilize pretty much any hit that Londrekia connects, it is the least ideal launcher and should be avoided if at all possible. With this in mind, structuring Londrekia's pressure around ways to confirm into 3C and 5BB is ideal.

Note: advanced midscreen routing usually involves linking 214C with 2B 214B[A]. In this case, the combo structure is:

  • Button -> launcher -> 214C/214[C] -> 2B OTG into rekka extension -> button -> rekka ender

Starter Combos

Combos essential to Londrekia's combo theory.

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Close range BNB.
  • This is the formula for combos that begin close to Londrekia, and will work even at high prorations like 2AAA.
    • See the FAQ section for tips on common drop points.
      • Off of a single 5A, end with ...5B 2C 5C 214CBC for more damage. Also see the "midscreen to corner" section for how to optimize when close to the wall.
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Combo for when 5A connects at tip range.

  • This route should be used from pokes when the opponent is too far away for 3C to connect.
    • Let's explain the notation "w214B~[A]." The "w" notes that the first stage of the rekka "whiffs" (misses), and the "~[A]" notes that the second stage of the rekka connects. The [] brackets show that it is the "increase" version of the rekka, so make sure to hold the button down!
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Combo for mashing out of the opponent's pressure

  • This route connects everywhere on screen and regardless of the opponent's height. It is used when Londrekia is cornered and wants to mash out of the opponent's pressure using 5BB. This combo carries the opponent from one corner to the other.
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Assault starter

  • Note that this combo is the same close-range 5A combo, but will feel a little tighter to execute because of the higher proration.
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Unfortunately, if Londrekia wants to use 2B, it must be connected immediately to 4C in order to retain a good combo route incorporating j[C] 66B. 2B 2C is a common beginner habit that should be broken if possible.
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

4C starter

  • The ideal combo from a 4C starter. There are many ways to convert 4C. However, if 4C is being used as a poke in neutral, 214C is the best way to pick up.

Corner/Freeze Theory

Londrekia benefits greatly from the corner. The corner allows him to use 236[B] in his routing, which applies freeze debuff to the opponent. After debuff has been applied, 236A (or another 236[B]) will freeze the opponent. This freeze state can be used both as a combo extension or as a way to set up for blossom (22x) oki. When used as a combo extension, Londrekia uses 6B to steal GRD from the opponent. The opponent loses half a block and Londrekia gains half a block for a total swing of one GRD block in Londrekia's favor.

The most common way to connect 236[B] is after 66B. 66B can be used after j[C] or j3[B]. 236[B] can also be connected after 5BB. Which launcher to use - j[C], j3[B], or 5BB - depends on the combo starter and proration. However, an early confirm to 3C 7j3[B] is often optimal, so there is value in learning the 7j3[B] input.

Because of Londrekia's generous corner carry, many launchers can move the opponent from midscreen into the corner. It is valuable to keep in mind the distance from the corner so that freeze routing can be incorporated even in midscreen confirms. Here are two examples:

3C j[C] 66B 214[B][A] 5BB 236[B] (ender)

4C 214C 2B 214B[A] 3C j[C] 66B 236[B] (ender)

In the first example, 5BB can be used after the rekka extension for the freeze. In the second example, 66B connects close enough to the corner to connect 236[B] instead of a rekka ender. The hitbox on 236[B] is particularly generous, so take note of when these opportunities arise.

Midscreen to corner

Combos that can carry the opponent to the corner from round start positioning.

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

tip 5A starter

  • Reminder: "w214B~[A]" means whiffing the first stage rekka and connecting the second stage rekka.
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

close 5A starter

  • Tip: the goal is to keep the opponent as low to the ground as possible after the rekka extension. Timing on the rekka extension, 5BB followup, and delaying 236[B] slightly all help to keep the opponent low. Dashing after 236[B] also helps in connecting the 2C.
    • Optimization: after 236[B], use delayed 66C > delayed 236A for ~50 more damage.
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

3C starter

  • Same combo with more damage from a raw 3C starter. When used as an antiair, it is recommended that j[C] be inputted as a neutral jump (8 j[C]).
    • Optimization: after 236[B], use delayed 66C > delayed 236A for ~30 more damage.
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

5BB starter

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

2C starter (mid-range)

  • A 2C starter that is easily hit-confirmable at most ranges and leads to good damage without the use of 4C. Consider delaying the 214x[A] after the opponent has been pushed back by 214C for additional corner carry. Consider using in place of 2B when possible.
    • Optimization: after 236[B], use delayed 66C > delayed 236A for ~70 more damage.
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

4C starter

  • Ideal 4C confirm into freeze routing from round start distance.
    • Optimization: after 236[B], use delay 66C > delay 236A for ~25 more damage.
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

66C starter

  • One of Londrekia's most damaging starters, only topped by niche 3C optimizations. It has a very high vertical reach and can catch the opponent jumping at round start. Because of just how far this normal can reach, routing may need to be adjusted if the opponent is too high/too far away. An alternate route is listed below for such situations.
    • Delay both the 5BB followup and 236[B] slightly for consistency.
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

66C starter (opponent airborne at range)

  • This is a very useful confirm to know for round start when you expect the opponent to upback. It is consistent even on small hurtbox characters like Seth. If the opponent walks back and blocks, 214[A] will connect at tip spacing. If the opponent gets hit on the ground, cut the charge on 214[A] short and use w214A~A to pick up. That ground variation is also useful in the Hilda MU when challenging her backspike (623B) pressure resets at range, as 214[B] will whiff.
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

j3[B] starter

  • Can be somewhat tricky to hit confirm without counterhit state. While 9j3B/9j3[B] can be used as an advancing poke to begin or reset pressure, 7j3[B] is a good preemptive option against midscreen assault, and if it counterhits an assault, the combo becomes very stable and easy to pick up.
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

j[C] starter

  • Londrekia's j[C] is a normal that reaches directly below him and nets high damage when both hits connect. Two damage values are listed here because it can be in the Lond player's best interest to cut the normal short with wj3[B] in order to bait green shield. The damage is lower when only the first hit connects, but that single hit situation is also safer. Both hits of j[C] should be used when you are sure that it will connect on hit.
    • The height for 66C delay 236A is somewhat strict. If it seems too unstable, replace 66C with ...66B 2C 236A 6B 214ABC for 3616.

Corner, no debuff

Combos that apply debuff for freeze routing. Please note that routing can be flexible at the freeze point to allow for oki setups, but these combos will focus on 6B > rekka enders for the most meterless damage. 236C can optionally be added to rekka enders for more damage.

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

tip 5A starter

  • Used at tip 5A range where 5A 3C may not connect.
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

high proration starter from A normals

  • In the case of multiple A normals as a corner starter, it is actually slightly optimal to opt directly into rekkas. Simple but practical.
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

close 5A starter

  • The reason that we jump away when using j3[B] in these corner routes is because while the 66B may still connect after a close j3[B] hit, the opponent will still be behind Londrekia briefly and will give 214[B] instead of 236[B] unless manually timed. The space gained when jumping back will avoid this drop and add a lot of consistency.
    • Hit confirming into 7j3[B] may seem daunting, but both 7j3[B] and 9j[C] can be option selected in a blockstring, e.g. 5A 3C (7) 3B 5C w2A.
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

3C starter

  • Same combo with more damage from a raw 3C starter. You may notice that the 214[C] 2B 214B[A] extension is used just like a lot of optimal midscreen routing.
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

5BB starter

  • Note that in this route, Londrekia side swaps to steal the corner before the freeze is applied, then swaps back with the rekka ender. Corner steal routing is relatively easy to access and ends at a spacing ideal for certain setups like 623C freeze ender. However, it should be noted that the passive GRD gain that is earned when facing towards the corner will stop once the side swap takes place. If GRD is a concern late in the vorpal cycle, it can be beneficial to stay on the same side with 66C (delay) 214B[A] to maximize GRD gain and secure the cycle.
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

4C starter

  • Ideal corner 4C confirm. If the j3[B] routing makes this feel unstable, 3C j[C] 66B 236[B] can be substituted for ~30 less damage. The midscreen-to-corner confirm using 214C 2B 214B[A] can also be used, but is a significant damage loss (3325).
    • 4C 214[A] can essentially be treated like 3C j[C] starter, picking up after the 214[A] with 2A 3C. However, this damage caps out at 3068, so it's ideal to save 214[A] as a mixup point and use 4C 214C as the optimal confirm.

Corner, debuff applied

Combos that capitalize on the opponent's debuff state to net more damage.

  • Generally, the earlier the freeze state can be applied to the opponent, the better. For this reason, we prepare to hit confirm with 236A.
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

tip 5A starter

  • Used at tip 5A range where 5A 3C may not connect. 66B delay 214B[A] 5BB is used often in these corner debuff routes. Pay attention to the height of the opponent as they are falling, lower = better. After 5B, delay 5BB as much as possible to keep low height. 236[B] can also be delayed. All of these things prevent the opponent from going over Londrekia's head and leaving the corner.
    • Avoid the temptation to hit confirm with 5A 5BB! If 5BB connects, continue with the combo and end with ...214B[A] 5B 2C 214ABC for 3032.
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

high proration starter from A normals

  • When proration is very high, it can be daunting to both apply damage and get a proper rekka knockdown. In such cases, 66B w214A~BC is used. Note that a simple 214BC does not allow for 236C to connect, whereas 214xBC does.
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

close 5A starter

  • A truly optimal corner 5A.
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

alternate close 5A starter

  • A 5A confirm for when 236A is used first instead of 7j3[B]. Slightly less optimal (20 dmg), but perhaps easier to hit confirm without option selecting 7j3[B].
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

3C starter

  • An ideal DP or VO punish when in vorpal. (In vorpal, the opponent's debuff will not expire when Londrekia blocks.)
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

5BB starter

  • Easily hit confirmed.
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

4C starter

  • Just like without debuff applied, the most damaging followup to 4C is still 214C. However, 4CC 236A will net a very similar number at 3522, so that is also very viable and will be shown below.
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

4CC starter


How do I do x?

Delay x buttton


Combo Cost Location
  • Steals GRD (+.5 block for Londrekia, -.5 block for opponent), optimal meterless damage ender. Swaps sides when not in corner.
  • Best meterless freeze ender for blossom (22x) oki.
  • Steals GRD (+.5 block for Londrekia, -.5 block for opponent), highest damage EX special.
  • Fastest EX special, can link after rekka enders without consuming a ground bounce. Combos can be ended in rekka > 236C > 214BC for a knockdown. (Requires 214xxA or 214xxx rekka to link midscreen.)
  • Fullscreen attack, air blockable. Does 3024 base damage as a reversal.


External Links

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jdiycnOt_A - Recommended resource for optimal combos. Debuff optimizations are included. Use the timestamps in the description to navigate to the starter you want to learn about.

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ENle_98jPqElptabFMtN8S5EiCSLTr6gZ-QAi3ktyCI/edit - Combo doc with some basic concepts for most starters. Recommended for any new players that want to avoid being overwhelmed.

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZlWXU3n4hGx4SMthIgSTAtoMK5WW_zGj84gsy5SdDNQ/edit - A doc that covers many starters, but is not always optimal.

https://youtu.be/Y1HDBbzH8iQ - A video covering many rekka (214x) starters. Covers many niche rekka starters, but is not always optimal.

Londrekia Wiki Roadmap

Click here for the UNICLR roadmap.

Page last edited on: 2023-02-14 by Foxof42.

88% complete
Page Completed To-do Score


  • Hitboxes added, frame data updated.
  • Review data, make corrections if needed.
  • Created base pages
  • Fill in Strategies
  • Created base pages
  • Start adding combos
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