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==Normal Moves==
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">5A</font> ======
| icon = Icon warning.png
| border = red
| type = Under Construction
| info=
*The movelist below is pulled from the old LMSS page.
*Please replace with the new [[Arcana Heart 3/AH3X/Character Template|character template]] once there's reliable frame data for Xtend available.
*DO NOT CLICK ON "EDIT" FOR INDIVIDUAL MOVES! Otherwise, the changes would appear on the old LMSS pages. To update, delete the #lst call below and then edit page contents.}}
|description=Chainable 5F normal. Hits mid. Good horizontal and vertical range.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">5B</font> ======
{{#lst:Arcana Heart 3/AH3LMSS/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|Movelist}}
|description=Good mid-range move. Has start-up clash frames and is a good combo starter. Not used as often as 2B. Can chain into 3B.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">5C</font> ======
|description=Has start-up clash and a good hitbox. Not a very good combo move, but can be useful for trying to cause a clash to get out of certain situations.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">5E</font> ======
AT* = Ancient Talisman = (J)632146+X
|description=Pretty decent E move. Hits a large area in front of Yoriko and slightly above her, and once it starts, it's treated as airborne. Will some people off guard but it is unreliable in that regard. It is also hard to combo off.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">2A</font> ======
Pyramid = (8~1~3~8)
|description=Chainable 5F normal. Hits low. Great range. Most common hit confirm normal for Yoriko.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">2B</font> ======
Pentagram = (8~1~9~7~3~8)
|description=Good range, start-up clash frames and projectile reflect on the hitbox. Chains into 3B.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">2C</font> ======
*2A, 2B, 3B, 2C, 3C, 6C, AT*
*2A, 2B, 3B, 2C, 3C, 6C (6HC) 6C, AT*
*2A, 2B, 3B, 2C, 236+A, (delayed) 236+AB, AT*
*2A, 2B, 3B, 2E, (5HC) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE, AT*
|description=Very strong grounded poke and a combo move. Has a huge hit range and is air-unblockable. This move can be used during strings to keep people from jumping out. It can be chained into 6C on hit or block, and if it hits, Yoriko can convert it into huge damage and a Pent setup.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">2E</font> ======
|description=Good E move. Primary usage is as an anti-air or a guard break move. 2E covers a different distance than 3A, so you can use it on some opponents who attack you more directly, but be caution of it's start up (12F for uncharged).

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">C.6A</font> ======
*(Anti-Air) 3A, JA, JB, J236+C, (5HC~8) JB, J214+C, JB, JE, (djc) JE, AT*
*(Anti-Air) 3A, 236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE, AT*
*6A, 3B, 2C, 3C, 6C, AT*
*236+A, (delayed) 236+AB
*5/N Throw, (8~5D) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE, AT*
*236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE, AT*
|description=This normal was added in AH3LM. This will come out when you use 6A and your opponent is close enough to be hit by it. Comes out slightly faster than the far version, making it good to use from a 4D or a 4GC. Also has a better starting prorate than the far version (.93 compared to .70).

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">6A</font> ======
*(Air to Air) J236+A, (5HC~9) JB, J236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE, AT*
*2A, 2B, 3B, 421+A, 6A, 2C, 3C, 6C
*(IAD) (small delay) JE (1), (land) 3A, JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE, AT*
*(IAD) (delayed) JE, (land) 236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE, AT*
*2A, 2B, 3B, 2E, (EFc) (5D~8) JA, JB, JE (1), J2E, JB, (djc) JB, J2E
|description=A standing low that floats the opponent on hit, cannot tech until they hit the ground, lower invincibility and grab-proof from frames 1-5. Use in pressure to bait and punish throws or attempted 2A poke outs, can be confirmed into safe equip EFC combos.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">C.6B</font> ======
|description=This normal was added in AH3LM as well. Hits low. This will come out when you use 6B and your opponent is close enough to be hit by it. The close version of 6B is air-unblockable, unlike the far version. Because of it's small hit area, it's somewhat difficult to setup air guard break scenarios with it, but it can be used to punish poor air techs. Is jump cancelable.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">6B</font> ======
*(Corner) 2A, 2B, 3B, 2C, 6C, (EFc) (5D) (delayed) JB, (delayed) J4BC, (land) 9JA, JB, (djc) JB, J2E*2
*236+A,(5HC~9) JB, J4BC, (land) 236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE, AT*
*(Air to Air) J236+A, (5HC~9) JB, J236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE, AT*
*(Anti-Air) 3A, JA, JE, (djc) (5D~9), JA, JB, JE
*(Anti-Air) 3A, JA, JE, J236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE
*(Anti-Air) 3A, J4BC, (land) 236+C, (5HC~8) JB, J2BC, JB, JE (djc) JE
|description=Long range low air poke. The far version is air-blockable. Is also jump cancelable.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">C.6C</font> ======
|description=This normal was also added in AH3LM with the same conditions as her other close/far moves. Unlike the far version of 6C, it doesn't have the same amount of hit stun on it. This move is also a little harder to convert from because of the lessened hit stun, but it's still possible.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">6C</font> ======
*5/N Throw (EFc) (fast) 236+AB
*5/N throw, (8~5D) JB, J2BC, JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE, AT*
*(Air to Air) JA, J236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JE, (djc) JB, JE, AT*
*236+A, (5HC~DD) JB, JE, (djc) JB, JE
*236+A, (5HC~9) JB, J4BC, (land) (sj) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE
*236+A, (EFc) (5D~9) JB, J4BC, (land) JA, JB, (djc) JB, J2E*2
*236+A, (EFc) (5D~9) JB, J4BC, (land) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JB, JE, AT*
|description=Yoriko's longest range poke and a good combo tool. This can be used as a spacing tool if you notice the opponent likes to stay closer to the ground. It can also catch people either in homing or jump start up.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">3A</font> ======
|description=Fast and reliable anti-air move. Comes out very fast, is air-unblockable, and has a great start-up clash frame on it. This move is also jump/high jump cancelable, making it very easy to convert from.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">c.3B</font> ======
*5C, (EFc) 9JC, (slight delay) JB, (land) 6A, 3B, 2C, 3C, 6C
*2E, (5HC~9) JB, J2BC, JB, J236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, (djc) JB, J2E*2
|description=This move is similar to 6A but it causes a techable knockdown instead of a standing hit. Not very useful on it's own since it's hard to confirm with. Generally used as a combo or pressure move. Chains into 2C.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">3B</font> ======
|description=Same usage as the close version of 3B. Mostly relegated to combos because of difficulty confirming and converting with it. Chains into 2C.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">3C</font> ======
===Post Pentagram Activation Routes===
|description=Longer range 2C. Air-unblockable. Great range but comes out very slow and has a lot of recovery. Very risky to poke with. Commonly used in combos or long pressure strings.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">j.A</font> ======
'''2A Routes'''
*2A, 2B, 3B, 2C, 236+A, 236+C, (delayed) J236+A, J236+C
*2A, 2B, 3B, 2C, 236+A, 236+AB
*2A, 2B, 3B, 2C, 236+A, 236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, (djc) JB, J214+C
|description=Great hitbox (has a hitbox on Mike's head and his extended fist) but a bit slow compared to other character's jump normals, so not that useful in a clash situation. Great for raw air-to-air, however.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">j.B</font> ======
|description=Good horizontal spacing jump move and Yoriko's most comment air-to-ground move. Her hurtbox is extended with this move, so take care in using it for approaches as she tends to get hit out of this move a lot.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">j.C</font> ======
'''3A Routes'''
*(Anti-Air) 3A, JA, J236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE
*(Anti-Air) 3A, 236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE
|description=Decent hit box. Ground slams on hit. Not used that often in combos but is used frequently in whiff air normal mix-ups.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">j.Cbe</font> ======
|description=Has a great vertical hitbox and it often used to hit people as an instant overhead. Not very useful as an approach move because of the start up and the reach. Can be chained into any of Yoriko's spit normals.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">j.E</font> ======
'''236+A Routes'''
*236+A, 236+C, J236+A, J236+C
*236+A, (delayed) 236+AB
*236+A, 236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, (djc) JB, J214+A
*236+A, (EFc 66) 641236+AB
|description=Mostly a combo move but can be used as a mid-screen mix-up tool close to the ground (IAD > j.2E > j.E is a hard to react to double overhead). Not very good in neutral because of it's heavy recovery.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">j.2E</font> ======
|description=Great air combo ender and also a good defensive move. This move has start up clash frames, so in the air, you can use this move either in a clash or to force a clash with the opponent. This move's hitbox will persist past a clash, making it a pretty reliable clash move.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">j.634BC</font> ======
'''236+B Routes'''
*236+B, 5B, 5C, 236+AB
|image=AH3_Yoriko_j6BC.png |caption=j.6BC
*236+B, (66) 3A, JA, JB, (djc) JB, J214+X
|image2=AH3_Yoriko_j3BC.png |caption2=j.3BC
*236+B, 5B, 5C, 236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE
|image3=AH3_Yoriko_j4BC.png |caption3=j.4BC
*236+B, (land) J3BC, J4BC, (land 66) 236+AB
*236+B, (micro-walk) 5C, (MAX) 2E, (5HC~8) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE
|recovery=31F Total
|description=Fireballs that cover various angles. #BC is the one most often used,, and is one of the strongest zoning moves in the game.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">Neutral Throw</font> ======
|description=Leaves opponent airborne.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">Lever Throw</font> ======
'''236+C Routes'''
*236+C, J236+B, (land) 236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE
*236+C, J236+A, J236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE
|name=Lever Throw
|description=Sideswaps and knocks down the opponent

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">Air Throw</font> ======
|name=Air Throw
|description=Knocks opponent down.

'''Aerial Routes'''
*J236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, (djc) JB, J214+X, (land) 236+AB
*J236+A, J236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE

==Special Moves==

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">Punishing Assault From Hell</font> ======
===Arcana Combos===
|image=AH3_Yoriko_236A.png |caption=A
|image2=AH3_Yoriko_236B.png |caption2=B
*2A, 2B, 3B, 421+A, 6A, 2C, 3C, 623+E, (EFc 66) 6C, AT*
|image3=AH3_Yoriko_236C.png |caption3=C
*(IAD) JB, J236+A, J641236+E
|input=236X (air OK)
*5/N Throw, (EFc) (fast) 236+ABC, AT*
|name=Punishing Assault From Hell
|damage=Normal: 2800<br>Powered: 300*4, 2800
|active=Normal: 22 <br>Powered: 3*4, 10
|frameAdv=Normal: +4 <br>Powered: -5
|damage=Normal: 2800<br>Powered: 300*4, 2800
|active=Normal: 22 <br>Powered: 3*4, 7
|description=Yoriko's horizontal rush special. Was formerly a low, now hits mid in AH3LM. A good combo move (combos directly into 236AB on the ground for a free triangle Pent setup) and a somewhat usable neutral move. It can be used from a 4GC in pressure, but beware of advancing opponents and using this in the corner since it has very long start up (start up is 22F). The air version of this comes out slightly faster and you have free air movement after using the air version.
|damage=Normal: 2400<br>Powered: 300*4, 2400
|active=Normal: 11 <br>Powered: 3*4, 2
|recovery=Normal: 14 <br>Powered: 26
|frameAdv=Normal: +4 <br>Powered: -4
|damage=Normal: 2400<br>Powered: 300*4, 2400
|active=Normal: Till L <br>Powered: Till L, 3*n
|recovery=Normal: 12 <br>Powered: 0
|frameAdv=Normal: +4 <br>Powered: +22
|description=Yoriko's arcing rush special. Hits overhead. Not much utility for this as a combo move or in neutral since you can't convert any damage from it, but it can be used for a quick in a string on an unsuspecting opponent.
|damage=Normal: 2500<br>Powered: 300*4, 2500
|active=Normal: 21 <br>Powered: 3*4, 9
|recovery=32+7 L
|frameAdv=Normal: -2 <br>Powered: -48
|damage=Normal: 2500<br>Powered: 300*4, 2500
|active=Normal: 21 <br>Powered: 3*4, 6
|description=Yoriko's vertical rush special (her DP). Comes out in 7F on the ground (5F in the air) and has low invincibility on start up. Not a true reversal since it doesn't have full invincibility, but it's fast enough that you can disrespect on anything shy of a meaty. The ground version of 236C travels much higher vertically than the air version, so you can potentially hit opponents high up in the air with it when they thought they were safe. The downside to the ground version is that if it whiffs, you don't have any control of Yoriko until she lands and recovers. The air version, however, doesn't travel nearly as high as the ground version, but you do have air movement after using it if it whiffs. Use with caution.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">Rising Anguish of the Underworld</font> ======
|name=Rising Anguish of the Underworld
|damage=300, 1800
|startup=Normal: 15<br>Powered: 13
|active=Normal: 10, 8<br>Powered: 3, 1
|recovery=Normal: 17<br>Powered: 20
|frameAdv=Normal: -4<br>Powered: ±0
|level=A, C
|version=Partial charge
|damage=300*n, 1800
|startup=Normal: 15<br>Powered: 13
|active=Normal: 3, 10, 8<br>Powered: 2, 2, 4, 1
|recovery=Normal: 23<br>Powered: 22
|frameAdv=Normal: -10<br>Powered: -2
|level=A*n, C
|version=Partial charge
|damage=300*n, 1800
|startup=Normal: 15<br>Powered: 13
|active=Normal: 3, 4, 8, 8<br>Powered: 2, 2, 4, 1, 3, 1
|recovery=Normal: 29<br>Powered: 24
|frameAdv=Normal: -16<br>Powered: -4
|level=A*n, C
|description=Mike's head goes underground and attacks the opponent from the button up, think of it as a special version of 2C or 3C. The different versions of this move change how far from you Mike's head pops out from with A being the closest to you, and C as the farthest. You can also change how high he goes up by holding the button. You can use this move to limit your opponents air movement since this move is air unblockable. But be careful not to whiff this move, the recovery is extremely long. When powered, the your start up and recovery are much better and can be used in combos. For example, 421A will combo into 236C. The number of hits also increases.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">Raining Vengeance of Hades</font> ======
*(Corner) 2A, 2B, 3B, 2C, 6C, (EFc) (5D) (delayed) JB, (delayed) J4BC, (land) 641236+E
|image=AH3_Yoriko_Hades.png |caption=Normal version. Standard dive
*JC, 2A, 2B, 3B, 2C, 3C, 6C (EFc) 6C, 214+BC
|image2=AH3_Yoriko_Hades+.png |caption2=Powered version gets a fire effect.
*5/N Throw, (EFc) (fast) 236+ABC, (Brouduil 1st hit) (5DD) JE, (2nd Hit) (5D) JE, J236+C
|name=Raining Vengeance of Hades
|damage=Normal: 1600<br>Powered: 800*n
|active=Normal: 16<br>Powered: 2*n
|recovery=Normal: 14<br>Powered: 5
|frameAdv=Normal: 14<br>Powered: 5
|level=Normal: C<br>Powered: B*n
|description=Mike turns Yoriko into a human drill with his cape and they both descend downwards. on hit Yoriko bounces up afterward, making it almost impossible to combo with. As an anti-ground move, you'll need specific set ups to make it connect to anything. This is mostly a air combo stopgap move. However, when powered by the Ancient Talisman, this becomes a multi hit move, preventing you from bouncing back up on hit or on block. On hit with a grounded opponent, you can connect a powered Raining Makai into a 2A for combos.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">Ancient Talisman</font> ======
|image=AH3_Yoriko_Talisman.png |caption=
|input=632146X (air OK)
|name=Ancient Talisman
|recovery=86 Total
|recovery=47 Total
|description=Yoriko takes a stance with Mike in the middle. From there, A small mean shoots out from Mike's forehead. This attack itself is weak but the main purpose of the move, and a a large bulk of Yoriko's style is to use the follow up in puts to draw a magic symbol in the shape of a pentagram or a triangle with the beam. Upon successfully creating a magical formation with Ancient Talisman, all of Yoriko's special moves and specific command normals will power up for a limiter period of time. The triangle is easier to do, but your power up only lasts about half as long (600F -vs- 300F).

==Super Moves==
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">The Power of the World Conquering Demon King</font> ======
*2A, 2B, 2E, (EFc) (5DD) JB, J2E*4, JB, (djc) JA, JB, J236+C, J236236+E, (8D) J2E, (land) 236+E
*5C, (EFc) 9JC, JB, (land) 6A, 5C, 236+A, (slight delay) 236236+E, 5C*3
*5C, (EFc) 9JC, JB, (land) 6A, 5C, 236+A, (slight delay) 236236+E, (MAX hold) 2E, 236+B, (land) (2E) 236+AB
|name=The Power of the World Conquering Demon King
|damage=Normal: 1600, 1000, 400x10, 1000<br>Powered: 1600, 1000, 300x21, 1500
|guard=Normal: All<br>Powered: Mid
|recovery=Normal: 35<br>Powered: 31
|frameAdv=Normal: -14<br>Powered: -10
|description=The "Mike Punch," no not Tyson. Mike does an uppercut with the mantle like with 2E, then transforms and fires a laser at thee opponent. The first hit, the uppercut, ignores clash and locks the opponent up for the rest of this super. While powered, the first hit also becomes air unblockable, the the following hits get a damage boost.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">The Forbidden Sorcery that Controls Life and Death</font> ======
|name=The Forbidden Sorcery that Controls Life and Death
|damage=Normal: 400*n, 400<br>Powered: 500*n, 500 
|startup=Normal: 0+3<br>Powered: 5+0
|active=Normal: 2<br>Powered: 1
|recovery=Normal: 21<br>Powered: 22
This is a command grab that steals health from the opponent. After it hits, you can increase the health absorption by pressing buttons and shaking the control stick. However, your opponent can also decrease the health absorption by doing the same. The normal version can be escaped after the superflash as long as your opponent is paying attention. However the powered version gains 720 status and cannot be escaped after the superflash.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">Impervious Shelter for Summoning an Ancient Talisman</font> ======
*236+E, 5A, 5C, (EFc 66) JB, JC, JB, (land) 5B, JA, JB, J2E, J214214+E
*6A, 5C, 236+E, 6A, 2C, 236+E, (EFc) 5E, 236+E, 3A, 236+C, 214214+E
*6A, 5C, 236+E, 6A, 2C, 236+E, (EFc) 5E, 236+E, 3A, 236+AB
*AT*~6A, 5C, 236+E, 6A, 2C, 236+E, (EFc) 5E, 641236+AB
|name=Impervious Shelter for Summoning an Ancient Talisman
^Post Pentagram Mag dump, you can trim it down to one vine whip and still get 13K at least
|recovery=70 F Total
|description=Freezes time for a VERY brief moment to allow you to set up a magic formation safely. If you still have not finished in this time, this move provide a barrier to help you. The barrier will resist one attack and protect you from throws.

==Critical Heart==
|image=AH3_Yoriko_Scorch.png |caption=
|input=641236A+B while powered up from a Talisman
|name=The Inferno from the Demon World that Scorches Both Heaven and Earth
|damage=2000*n, 1600
|active=Till edge of screen
|recovery=After hitting edge of screen
|version=Extend Force
|damage=4000*2, 600*17, 5000, 1600
|active=Till edge of screen
|recovery=After hitting edge of screen
|description=This critical heart requires you to be powered up first. When used, Yoriko leaves the screen for a moment, then flies through the screen once while completely engulfed in flames. Can connect off of a power 236A and can stack a good bit of damage on to the opponent. The EF version of this move makes The two fly around a couple of times before driving straight into the opponent. By the way, The bound up, bouncing around Yoriko can also hit the opponent after the XH... for some reason this is unblockable.

===Solo Combos===
*(MAX) 2E, (EFc) (5D~8) JC, J2E*2, JE, (djc) JA, JB, J236+C, J214214+E
<!--List combos that don't make use of Arcana here. Pay attention to the formatting.-->
*(close) 6C (EFc) (MAX) 5E (2), J236+C, (5HC~8) JC, J2E, JE, J236+C, J214214+E
<!--*2A > 2B > 2C > 236B > 236A+B '''(total damage)'''-->
*5C, (EFc) 9JC, (slight delay) JB, (land) 5C, 2E, 214+BC
<!--:Notes for the combo above.-->

===Arcana Combos===
<!--List combos that make use of Arcana here (list as subheading). Pay attention to the formatting.-->
*5B>2B>421A>5B>2C>236E>5D>delay jB>3A>2E

*(IAD) (small delay) JE (1), (land) 3A, JA, JB, (djc) JA, JB, (tjc) JA, JB, J236+C, J236236+E
*5C, (EFc) 9JC, (slight delay) JB, (land) 5C, 6C, 214+BC (6D) 236+AB
*AT*~236+B, J3BC, J4BC, (land 66) 9JA, JB, (djc) JA, JB, (tjc) JA, JB, J214+X, (land) 236+AB

* [ Naka's Tyr Yoriko vs Kamui, Weiss, Scharl, Akane, Angelia, Clarice] - Naka is the 3rd-highest-ranked Yoriko in arcades.
* - Combos above demonstrated in the video

[[Category:Arcana Heart 3 LOVEMAX SIXSTARS XTEND]]
[[Category:Arcana Heart 3 LOVEMAX SIXSTARS XTEND]]
[[Category:Yoriko Yasuzumi]]
[[Category:Yoriko Yasuzumi]]

Latest revision as of 06:22, 17 May 2024

Yoriko Yasuzumi


A dedicated bookworm and cat lover, Yoriko is incredibly timid and shy. She is also obsessed with the occult, and has taken over the school's former library room for her occult research club (which has no members other than herself…). Pressured by Lilica into summoning a demon, Yoriko only partly succeeded, conjuring up the self-proclaimed demon lord Michelangelo, although she stripped him of his more significant powers in the process. And thanks to Yoriko's failure, they were bound by a contract that forbids them to ever be apart from one another.

Since then, Yoriko has tried to return to a semblance of a normal life, although Mikey's selfish desire to explore the human world frequently throws a monkey wrench into her plans. For example, she always blows through her allowance money buying French crullers for her unwanted demon familiar.

They hear rumors that with the planar rifts opening in the world, celestial stones are appearing that can grant their finders a wish. But ignoring the rumor about the wishes, Yoriko sets off to find them for their value as strange magical items, with Mikey willfully helping her fight.


Starts as a mid-range zoner with stretchy, Dhalsim-style attacks. Wants to input a triangle or pentagram (after 632146A/A+B) to power-up her specials and then rush the opponent down, e.g. all 236x specials become invul and multi-hit.

Recommended Arcana

Normal Moves

AH3LM Yoriko 5A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
500 All - 5 1 10 +1 A

Chainable 5F normal. Hits mid. Good horizontal and vertical range.

AH3LM Yoriko 5B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
1100 All - 10 4 10 +1 B

Good mid-range move. Has start-up clash frames and is a good combo starter. Not used as often as 2B. Can chain into 3B.

AH3 Yoriko 5C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
2200 All - 15 3 20 0 C

Has start-up clash and a good hitbox. Not a very good combo move, but can be useful for trying to cause a clash to get out of certain situations.

AH3LM Yoriko 5E.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
Normal 2200 Mid - 16 9 24 -10 D
Charged 2200*2 Unb - 33 2(16)7 25 - E

Pretty decent E move. Hits a large area in front of Yoriko and slightly above her, and once it starts, it's treated as airborne. Will some people off guard but it is unreliable in that regard. It is also hard to combo off.

AH3LM Yoriko 2A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
500 All - 5 3 8 +1 A

Chainable 5F normal. Hits low. Great range. Most common hit confirm normal for Yoriko.

AH3LM Yoriko 2B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
1000 All - 10 2 15 -1 B

Good range, start-up clash frames and projectile reflect on the hitbox. Chains into 3B.

AH3LM Yoriko 2C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
2200 Low/Air - 16 4 19 ±0 C

Very strong grounded poke and a combo move. Has a huge hit range and is air-unblockable. This move can be used during strings to keep people from jumping out. It can be chained into 6C on hit or block, and if it hits, Yoriko can convert it into huge damage and a Pent setup.

AH3 Yoriko 2E.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
Normal 2400 Mid - 12 6 16 +1 D
Charged 2800 Unb - 27 4 30 - E

Good E move. Primary usage is as an anti-air or a guard break move. 2E covers a different distance than 3A, so you can use it on some opponents who attack you more directly, but be caution of it's start up (12F for uncharged).

AH3 Yoriko Close6A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
700 All - 7 5(?) 9(?) +5 B

This normal was added in AH3LM. This will come out when you use 6A and your opponent is close enough to be hit by it. Comes out slightly faster than the far version, making it good to use from a 4D or a 4GC. Also has a better starting prorate than the far version (.93 compared to .70).

AH3 Yoriko Far6A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
1000 Mid - 9 3 15 -2 B

A standing low that floats the opponent on hit, cannot tech until they hit the ground, lower invincibility and grab-proof from frames 1-5. Use in pressure to bait and punish throws or attempted 2A poke outs, can be confirmed into safe equip EFC combos.

AH3 Yoriko Close6B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
1100 Mid - 8 5(?) 15(?) -1 B

This normal was added in AH3LM as well. Hits low. This will come out when you use 6B and your opponent is close enough to be hit by it. The close version of 6B is air-unblockable, unlike the far version. Because of it's small hit area, it's somewhat difficult to setup air guard break scenarios with it, but it can be used to punish poor air techs. Is jump cancelable.

AH3 Yoriko Far6B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
1500 All - 11 3 17 -4 B

Long range low air poke. The far version is air-blockable. Is also jump cancelable.

AH3 Yoriko Close6C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
2200 All - 17 10(?) 28(?) -6 C

This normal was also added in AH3LM with the same conditions as her other close/far moves. Unlike the far version of 6C, it doesn't have the same amount of hit stun on it. This move is also a little harder to convert from because of the lessened hit stun, but it's still possible.

AH3 Yoriko Far6C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
3200 All - 20 3 28 -6 C

Yoriko's longest range poke and a good combo tool. This can be used as a spacing tool if you notice the opponent likes to stay closer to the ground. It can also catch people either in homing or jump start up.

AH3 Yoriko 3A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
900 Mid - 5 6 11 -1 B

Fast and reliable anti-air move. Comes out very fast, is air-unblockable, and has a great start-up clash frame on it. This move is also jump/high jump cancelable, making it very easy to convert from.

AH3 Yoriko Close3B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
1200 Low/Air - 9 6 17 -3 B

This move is similar to 6A but it causes a techable knockdown instead of a standing hit. Not very useful on it's own since it's hard to confirm with. Generally used as a combo or pressure move. Chains into 2C.

AH3 Yoriko Far3B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
1200 Low/Air - 13 2 22 -8 B

Same usage as the close version of 3B. Mostly relegated to combos because of difficulty confirming and converting with it. Chains into 2C.

AH3LM Yoriko 3C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
2200 Low - 24 4 29 -10 C

Longer range 2C. Air-unblockable. Great range but comes out very slow and has a lot of recovery. Very risky to poke with. Commonly used in combos or long pressure strings.

AH3LM Yoriko jA.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
900 High/Air - 8 6 12 - A

Great hitbox (has a hitbox on Mike's head and his extended fist) but a bit slow compared to other character's jump normals, so not that useful in a clash situation. Great for raw air-to-air, however.

AH3 Yoriko jB.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
1400 High/Air - 9 2 22 - B

Good horizontal spacing jump move and Yoriko's most comment air-to-ground move. Her hurtbox is extended with this move, so take care in using it for approaches as she tends to get hit out of this move a lot.

AH3LM Yoriko jC.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
2200 High/Air - 14 4 19 - D

Decent hit box. Ground slams on hit. Not used that often in combos but is used frequently in whiff air normal mix-ups.

AH3LM Yoriko jHC.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
2600 High/Air - 16 2 31 - D

Has a great vertical hitbox and it often used to hit people as an instant overhead. Not very useful as an approach move because of the start up and the reach. Can be chained into any of Yoriko's spit normals.

AH3 Yoriko jE.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
1800*2 High/Air - 17 2*2 33 - D

Mostly a combo move but can be used as a mid-screen mix-up tool close to the ground (IAD > j.2E > j.E is a hard to react to double overhead). Not very good in neutral because of it's heavy recovery.

AH3 Yoriko j2E.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
2500 High/Air - 9 2 16 - D

Great air combo ender and also a good defensive move. This move has start up clash frames, so in the air, you can use this move either in a clash or to force a clash with the opponent. This move's hitbox will persist past a clash, making it a pretty reliable clash move.

AH3 Yoriko j6BC.png
AH3 Yoriko j3BC.png
AH3 Yoriko j4BC.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
1500 All - 12 13 31F Total - B

Fireballs that cover various angles. #BC is the one most often used,, and is one of the strongest zoning moves in the game.


Neutral Throw
AH3 Yoriko 236AB.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
2500 Throw - 5 1 23 - -

Leaves opponent airborne.

Lever Throw
Lever Throw
AH3LM Yoriko Throw.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
2500 Throw - 3 1 23 - -

Sideswaps and knocks down the opponent

Air Throw
Air Throw
AH3 Yoriko jE.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
2000 Throw - 3 1 23 - -

Knocks opponent down.

Special Moves

Punishing Assault From Hell
Punishing Assault From Hell
236X (air OK)
AH3 Yoriko 236A.png
AH3 Yoriko 236B.png
AH3 Yoriko 236C.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
A Normal: 2800
Powered: 300*4, 2800
All - 22 Normal: 22
Powered: 3*4, 10
18 Normal: +4
Powered: -5
j.A Normal: 2800
Powered: 300*4, 2800
All - 15 Normal: 22
Powered: 3*4, 7
15 ±4 D

Yoriko's horizontal rush special. Was formerly a low, now hits mid in AH3LM. A good combo move (combos directly into 236AB on the ground for a free triangle Pent setup) and a somewhat usable neutral move. It can be used from a 4GC in pressure, but beware of advancing opponents and using this in the corner since it has very long start up (start up is 22F). The air version of this comes out slightly faster and you have free air movement after using the air version.

Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
B Normal: 2400
Powered: 300*4, 2400
High/Air - 27 Normal: 11
Powered: 3*4, 2
Normal: 14
Powered: 26
Normal: +4
Powered: -4
j.B Normal: 2400
Powered: 300*4, 2400
High/Air - 18 Normal: Till L
Powered: Till L, 3*n
Normal: 12
Powered: 0
Normal: +4
Powered: +22

Yoriko's arcing rush special. Hits overhead. Not much utility for this as a combo move or in neutral since you can't convert any damage from it, but it can be used for a quick in a string on an unsuspecting opponent.

Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
C Normal: 2500
Powered: 300*4, 2500
All - 7 Normal: 21
Powered: 3*4, 9
32+7 L Normal: -2
Powered: -48
j.C Normal: 2500
Powered: 300*4, 2500
All - 5 Normal: 21
Powered: 3*4, 6
23 -2 D

Yoriko's vertical rush special (her DP). Comes out in 7F on the ground (5F in the air) and has low invincibility on start up. Not a true reversal since it doesn't have full invincibility, but it's fast enough that you can disrespect on anything shy of a meaty. The ground version of 236C travels much higher vertically than the air version, so you can potentially hit opponents high up in the air with it when they thought they were safe. The downside to the ground version is that if it whiffs, you don't have any control of Yoriko until she lands and recovers. The air version, however, doesn't travel nearly as high as the ground version, but you do have air movement after using it if it whiffs. Use with caution.

Rising Anguish of the Underworld
Rising Anguish of the Underworld
AH3 Yoriko Anguish.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
Uncharged 300, 1800 Mid - Normal: 15
Powered: 13
Normal: 10, 8
Powered: 3, 1
Normal: 17
Powered: 20
Normal: -4
Powered: ±0
A, C
Partial charge 300*n, 1800 Mid - Normal: 15
Powered: 13
Normal: 3, 10, 8
Powered: 2, 2, 4, 1
Normal: 23
Powered: 22
Normal: -10
Powered: -2
A*n, C
Partial charge 300*n, 1800 Mid - Normal: 15
Powered: 13
Normal: 3, 4, 8, 8
Powered: 2, 2, 4, 1, 3, 1
Normal: 29
Powered: 24
Normal: -16
Powered: -4
A*n, C

Mike's head goes underground and attacks the opponent from the button up, think of it as a special version of 2C or 3C. The different versions of this move change how far from you Mike's head pops out from with A being the closest to you, and C as the farthest. You can also change how high he goes up by holding the button. You can use this move to limit your opponents air movement since this move is air unblockable. But be careful not to whiff this move, the recovery is extremely long. When powered, the your start up and recovery are much better and can be used in combos. For example, 421A will combo into 236C. The number of hits also increases.

Raining Vengeance of Hades
Raining Vengeance of Hades
AH3 Yoriko Hades.png
Normal version. Standard dive
Normal version. Standard dive
AH3 Yoriko Hades+.png
Powered version gets a fire effect.
Powered version gets a fire effect.
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
Normal: 1600
Powered: 800*n
All - 16 Normal: 16
Powered: 2*n
Normal: 14
Powered: 5
Normal: 14
Powered: 5
Normal: C
Powered: B*n

Mike turns Yoriko into a human drill with his cape and they both descend downwards. on hit Yoriko bounces up afterward, making it almost impossible to combo with. As an anti-ground move, you'll need specific set ups to make it connect to anything. This is mostly a air combo stopgap move. However, when powered by the Ancient Talisman, this becomes a multi hit move, preventing you from bouncing back up on hit or on block. On hit with a grounded opponent, you can connect a powered Raining Makai into a 2A for combos.

Ancient Talisman
Ancient Talisman
632146X (air OK)
AH3 Yoriko Talisman.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
Stance - - - - - 86 Total - -
Bullet 100 All - 15 5 47 Total -17 A
Complete 0 All - 9 10 12 +3 E

Yoriko takes a stance with Mike in the middle. From there, A small mean shoots out from Mike's forehead. This attack itself is weak but the main purpose of the move, and a a large bulk of Yoriko's style is to use the follow up in puts to draw a magic symbol in the shape of a pentagram or a triangle with the beam. Upon successfully creating a magical formation with Ancient Talisman, all of Yoriko's special moves and specific command normals will power up for a limiter period of time. The triangle is easier to do, but your power up only lasts about half as long (600F -vs- 300F).

Super Moves

The Power of the World Conquering Demon King
The Power of the World Conquering Demon King
AH3 Yoriko 236AB.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
Normal: 1600, 1000, 400x11, 1000
Powered: 1600, 1000, 300x21, 1500
Normal: All
Powered: Mid
- 5 4 Normal: 35
Powered: 31
Normal: -14
Powered: -10

The "Mike Punch," no not Tyson. Mike does an uppercut with the mantle like with 2E, then transforms and fires a laser at thee opponent. The first hit, the uppercut, ignores clash and locks the opponent up for the rest of this super. While powered, the first hit also becomes air unblockable, the the following hits get a damage boost.

The Forbidden Sorcery that Controls Life and Death
The Forbidden Sorcery that Controls Life and Death
AH3 Yoriko Sorcery.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
Normal: 400*n, 400
Powered: 500*n, 500 
Unb - Normal: 0+3
Powered: 5+0
Normal: 2
Powered: 1
Normal: 21
Powered: 22
- -

This is a command grab that steals health from the opponent. After it hits, you can increase the health absorption by pressing buttons and shaking the control stick. However, your opponent can also decrease the health absorption by doing the same. The normal version can be escaped after the superflash as long as your opponent is paying attention. However the powered version gains 720 status and cannot be escaped after the superflash.

Impervious Shelter for Summoning an Ancient Talisman
Impervious Shelter for Summoning an Ancient Talisman
AH3 Yoriko Shelter.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
- - - 5 1 70 F Total - -

Freezes time for a VERY brief moment to allow you to set up a magic formation safely. If you still have not finished in this time, this move provide a barrier to help you. The barrier will resist one attack and protect you from throws.

Critical Heart

The Inferno from the Demon World that Scorches Both Heaven and Earth
641236A+B while powered up from a Talisman
AH3 Yoriko Scorch.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
Normal 2000*n, 1600 All - 3 Till edge of screen After hitting edge of screen - -
Extend Force 4000*2, 600*17, 5000, 1600 All - 3 Till edge of screen After hitting edge of screen - -

This critical heart requires you to be powered up first. When used, Yoriko leaves the screen for a moment, then flies through the screen once while completely engulfed in flames. Can connect off of a power 236A and can stack a good bit of damage on to the opponent. The EF version of this move makes The two fly around a couple of times before driving straight into the opponent. By the way, The bound up, bouncing around Yoriko can also hit the opponent after the XH... for some reason this is unblockable.


AT* = Ancient Talisman = (J)632146+X

Pyramid = (8~1~3~8)

Pentagram = (8~1~9~7~3~8)

  • 2A, 2B, 3B, 2C, 3C, 6C, AT*
  • 2A, 2B, 3B, 2C, 3C, 6C (6HC) 6C, AT*
  • 2A, 2B, 3B, 2C, 236+A, (delayed) 236+AB, AT*
  • 2A, 2B, 3B, 2E, (5HC) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE, AT*

  • (Anti-Air) 3A, JA, JB, J236+C, (5HC~8) JB, J214+C, JB, JE, (djc) JE, AT*
  • (Anti-Air) 3A, 236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE, AT*
  • 6A, 3B, 2C, 3C, 6C, AT*
  • 236+A, (delayed) 236+AB
  • 5/N Throw, (8~5D) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE, AT*
  • 236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE, AT*

  • (Air to Air) J236+A, (5HC~9) JB, J236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE, AT*
  • 2A, 2B, 3B, 421+A, 6A, 2C, 3C, 6C
  • (IAD) (small delay) JE (1), (land) 3A, JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE, AT*
  • (IAD) (delayed) JE, (land) 236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE, AT*
  • 2A, 2B, 3B, 2E, (EFc) (5D~8) JA, JB, JE (1), J2E, JB, (djc) JB, J2E

  • (Corner) 2A, 2B, 3B, 2C, 6C, (EFc) (5D) (delayed) JB, (delayed) J4BC, (land) 9JA, JB, (djc) JB, J2E*2
  • 236+A,(5HC~9) JB, J4BC, (land) 236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE, AT*
  • (Air to Air) J236+A, (5HC~9) JB, J236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE, AT*
  • (Anti-Air) 3A, JA, JE, (djc) (5D~9), JA, JB, JE
  • (Anti-Air) 3A, JA, JE, J236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE
  • (Anti-Air) 3A, J4BC, (land) 236+C, (5HC~8) JB, J2BC, JB, JE (djc) JE

  • 5/N Throw (EFc) (fast) 236+AB
  • 5/N throw, (8~5D) JB, J2BC, JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE, AT*
  • (Air to Air) JA, J236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JE, (djc) JB, JE, AT*
  • 236+A, (5HC~DD) JB, JE, (djc) JB, JE
  • 236+A, (5HC~9) JB, J4BC, (land) (sj) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE
  • 236+A, (EFc) (5D~9) JB, J4BC, (land) JA, JB, (djc) JB, J2E*2
  • 236+A, (EFc) (5D~9) JB, J4BC, (land) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JB, JE, AT*

  • 5C, (EFc) 9JC, (slight delay) JB, (land) 6A, 3B, 2C, 3C, 6C
  • 2E, (5HC~9) JB, J2BC, JB, J236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, (djc) JB, J2E*2

Post Pentagram Activation Routes

2A Routes

  • 2A, 2B, 3B, 2C, 236+A, 236+C, (delayed) J236+A, J236+C
  • 2A, 2B, 3B, 2C, 236+A, 236+AB
  • 2A, 2B, 3B, 2C, 236+A, 236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, (djc) JB, J214+C

3A Routes

  • (Anti-Air) 3A, JA, J236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE
  • (Anti-Air) 3A, 236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE

236+A Routes

  • 236+A, 236+C, J236+A, J236+C
  • 236+A, (delayed) 236+AB
  • 236+A, 236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, (djc) JB, J214+A
  • 236+A, (EFc 66) 641236+AB

236+B Routes

  • 236+B, 5B, 5C, 236+AB
  • 236+B, (66) 3A, JA, JB, (djc) JB, J214+X
  • 236+B, 5B, 5C, 236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE
  • 236+B, (land) J3BC, J4BC, (land 66) 236+AB
  • 236+B, (micro-walk) 5C, (MAX) 2E, (5HC~8) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE

236+C Routes

  • 236+C, J236+B, (land) 236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE
  • 236+C, J236+A, J236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE

Aerial Routes

  • J236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, (djc) JB, J214+X, (land) 236+AB
  • J236+A, J236+C, (5HC~8) JA, JB, JE, (djc) JE

Arcana Combos


  • 2A, 2B, 3B, 421+A, 6A, 2C, 3C, 623+E, (EFc 66) 6C, AT*
  • (IAD) JB, J236+A, J641236+E
  • 5/N Throw, (EFc) (fast) 236+ABC, AT*


  • (Corner) 2A, 2B, 3B, 2C, 6C, (EFc) (5D) (delayed) JB, (delayed) J4BC, (land) 641236+E
  • JC, 2A, 2B, 3B, 2C, 3C, 6C (EFc) 6C, 214+BC
  • 5/N Throw, (EFc) (fast) 236+ABC, (Brouduil 1st hit) (5DD) JE, (2nd Hit) (5D) JE, J236+C


  • 2A, 2B, 2E, (EFc) (5DD) JB, J2E*4, JB, (djc) JA, JB, J236+C, J236236+E, (8D) J2E, (land) 236+E
  • 5C, (EFc) 9JC, JB, (land) 6A, 5C, 236+A, (slight delay) 236236+E, 5C*3
  • 5C, (EFc) 9JC, JB, (land) 6A, 5C, 236+A, (slight delay) 236236+E, (MAX hold) 2E, 236+B, (land) (2E) 236+AB


  • 236+E, 5A, 5C, (EFc 66) JB, JC, JB, (land) 5B, JA, JB, J2E, J214214+E
  • 6A, 5C, 236+E, 6A, 2C, 236+E, (EFc) 5E, 236+E, 3A, 236+C, 214214+E
  • 6A, 5C, 236+E, 6A, 2C, 236+E, (EFc) 5E, 236+E, 3A, 236+AB
  • AT*~6A, 5C, 236+E, 6A, 2C, 236+E, (EFc) 5E, 641236+AB

^Post Pentagram Mag dump, you can trim it down to one vine whip and still get 13K at least


  • (MAX) 2E, (EFc) (5D~8) JC, J2E*2, JE, (djc) JA, JB, J236+C, J214214+E
  • (close) 6C (EFc) (MAX) 5E (2), J236+C, (5HC~8) JC, J2E, JE, J236+C, J214214+E
  • 5C, (EFc) 9JC, (slight delay) JB, (land) 5C, 2E, 214+BC


  • (IAD) (small delay) JE (1), (land) 3A, JA, JB, (djc) JA, JB, (tjc) JA, JB, J236+C, J236236+E
  • 5C, (EFc) 9JC, (slight delay) JB, (land) 5C, 6C, 214+BC (6D) 236+AB
  • AT*~236+B, J3BC, J4BC, (land 66) 9JA, JB, (djc) JA, JB, (tjc) JA, JB, J214+X, (land) 236+AB


Change List
Meter Gain
Health Modifiers
Dark Heart
Blossoms (Flower)
Holy (Sacred)
Light (Halo)
Lightning (Thunder)
Nature (Plant)
Sound (Tone)