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===Starter Combos===
===Starter Combos===
Good Starting Point. Every Combo will contain Stuff that is required for the advanced Combos so you can "piece shit together" when you know the basics.(Combo Theory)<BR >
The combos will get more difficult and will reference stuff frome previous combos.
   | combo        = 2A(A) > 5B(2) > 5C(2) > 2B > 5A > 623B > dl j.C > 2C > 623A > j.B > j.C > AT
   | combo        = (IAD > j.X) > 2A > (2A) > 2B > 5C > 623B > dl.j.B > 5B(1) > dl.2C > 623A > j.B > j.C > AT  
   | damage    = 2923 dmg
   | damage    = 3159 dmg
   | bonusdamage  =  
   | bonusdamage  =  
   | cost          = 0 bar
   | cost          = 0 bar
   | metergain    = 80%  magic circuit
   | metergain    = ?
   | oppmetergain = ?%
   | oppmetergain = ?%
   | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
   | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
   | notes        = Good block string as well. If the opponent blocks, you delay 5B, 5C, and 2B as appropriate. You can confirm the first 2A(s) into 2B 5B 5C for around 80 more dmg than usual. }}
   | notes        = *Basic Combo has Core Aircombo  and link in it without dropping if you fuck up the timing.
* Things to learn:
** Delay the {{clr|17|j.B}} as much as possible!
** This combo will not drop if you don't delay the {{clr|18|2C}} but metered extensions will so get in the habit of delaying it!
** Keep in mind that Confiming into 5C after a launcher is generally not usefull for more damageing combos anymore sicne you need 5C open!
   | combo        = 2A > 2A > 2A
   | combo        = (IAD > j.X) > 2A(2A) > 2B > 2C > 623B > j.B/j.C > 5C(1) > 236BBB > 623C > 214B/214[B] 
   | damage    = 666 dmg
  | damage    = 3445 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 bar
  | metergain    = ?
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = * Basic Combo with metered Ender for 623C >OKIThe other fundamental route with 5C(1) after the aircombo, does less damage by itself but will become a very important part of other combos.
* Things to learn:
** cou can pickup after the aircombo with 5C(1) in most cases
*** this solves the higgt problem that you get when not delaying a 5B(1)>2C correctly and it works on higher proration Routes makeing this link one of Marios most important ones to master!
** here you don't delay the jX after the {{clr|17|623B}}, you still can delay a little but its not realy neccessary or advised
** you can go into {{clr|18|623C}} after {{clr|17|236BBB}} in most Situations
*** {{clr|18|623C}} enables you to do the {{clr|17|214B/[B]}} oki setups also called Axe or Chakram oki
** works from IAD>jX but you have to use a different jX after 623B then!
  | combo        = 2A > 2B > 5C > 623B > dl.j.B > 5B(1) > dl.2C > 214[A] / 214A > 623A > j.A > j.C > AT
   | damage    = 3336 dmg
   | bonusdamage  =  
   | bonusdamage  =  
   | cost          =  
   | cost          = 0 magic circuit
   | metergain    = ?%
   | metergain    = ?%
   | oppmetergain = ?%
   | oppmetergain = ?%
   | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
   | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
   | notes        = put notes here
   | notes        =* Slightly optimized version which only works from non-air dash starters but will work if counter hit
* Things to learn:
** Recognize your starter and if you got a counter hit
** You will have to substitute {{clr|16|214[A]}} with {{clr|16|214A}} in the corner since the nun takes longer to get there
** On higher proration routes (longer combos) {{clr|16|623A}} > {{clr|17|j.B}} will drop, so use {{clr|16|j.A}} instead
  | combo        = 2A > 2B > 5C > 623B > dl.j.B > 5B(1) > dl.2C > 236BBB > 236C > 2A+B > 214[A] > 623A > AT
  | damage    = 3719 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 magic circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes         = *Basic Meterdump with sideswitch
* Basic Combo with metered extension
* Things to learn:
** Here {{clr|17|236B}} will drop if you dont delay {{clr|17|j.B}} and {{clr|18|2C}}
** Use {{clr|16|2A}}+{{clr|17|B}} to charge Meter and Moon during {{clr|18|236C}}
** {{clr|17|236BBB}} > {{clr|18|236C}} will cause the enemy to cross over you during the later active Frames so you have to ajust the {{clr|16|214[A]}} input
  | combo        =  2B > 5C > j.C > j.2[B] > 623B > dl.j.B > 5B(1) > dl.2C > 236BB > 236C > dash > 214[A] > AT
  | damage    = 3842 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 magic circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = *Low Proration Starter Combo with metered extension
* Things to learn:
** You can add additional routes before the air combo on low proration starters
** You can omit the last part of the {{clr|17|236B}} rekka to get corner carry (and cross up oki) for a little bit of less damage
** {{clr|18|236C}} will drop if you don't delay the {{clr|17|j.B}} and {{clr|18|2C}}
** jumpcanceling early in the combos has fallen out of favor since it is much more usefull to have the jumpcanel open later for specific routes
  | combo        = 236A > 236C > dash > 2C > 623B > j.C > 5C(1) > 2[B] > tk.214[B]
  | damage    = 3186 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = * {{clr|16|236A}} Confirm into {{clr|17|2[B]}} HKD with {{clr|17|214[B]}} oki
* Things to learn:
** {{clr|18|5C(1)}} > {{clr|17|2[B]}} is a very stable link even on high proration
** Sometimes going for {{clr|18|2C}} before the air combo can be advised even if it does less damage then {{clr|18|5C}} since it leads to a much more stable later part of the combo
** You can confirm {{clr|16|236A}} > {{clr|18|236C}} anywhere on the screen
** You can cut combos short to end in hard knockdown and set up {{clr|17|214[B]}} oki (see Strategy)
  | combo        =  3B+C > dl.j.C > dl.2C > 623B > j.B > 5C(1) > 2[B] > 214A/214[A] > 623A > j.A > j.B > AT
  | damage    = 3600 dmg (3B+{{clr|18|C}})
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 0 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = *Consistent no meter BNB for hitting {{clr|17|3B}}+{{clr|18|C}}
* Things to learn:
** When hitting 3BC you link it with a delayed jC and then you can do normal BNB routing
** 2C has to be delayed if you dont delay jC enough!
  | combo        =  3B+C > dl.j.C > 2C > 623B > j.B > 5C(1) > 2[B](3) > 236BBB > 623C > 214[B]
  | damage    = 3995 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = * {{clr|17|3B}}+{{clr|18|C}} solid metered Route for Damage
* Things to learn:
** {{clr|17|2[B]}} Stabilizes routes and allows you to go into {{clr|17|236BBB}} for damage with Meter
*** the easiest way to get into {{clr|17|2[B]}} is {{clr|18|5C(1)}}
  | combo        =  2B > 2C > 623B > j.B > 5C(1) > 2[B](2) > 4B+C > 236[B] > dash > 5B > 623A > AT
  | damage    = 3383 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 0 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = * Meterless low Proration route
* Things to learn:
** You can do similar routes from all raw launchers
** {{clr|17|4B}}+{{clr|18|C}} can be used to add a bit of Damag and metergain
** You can combo {{clr|17|4B}}+{{clr|18|C}} into {{clr|17|236[B]}} for a meterless conversion
** this is a high ressource investment for not that much damage
  | combo        =  2A > 2B > 5C > 214A > 623B > dl.j.B > 5B(1) > 2C > 4B+C > 6A+B > (dl.2CC) > 236A > 623C > 214[B]
  | damage    = 3844 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Corner}}
  | notes        = * Cornersteal into {{clr|18|623C}} oki BNB
* Things to learn:
** You can use {{clr|16|214A}} early in the corner to get a wall bounce. This will prorate the combo heavily but adds a good chunk of damage
** You can steal the corner with {{clr|17|4B}}+{{clr|18|C}} > run under
*** Use the Dash Macro (A+{{clr|17|B}})!
*** You have to delay the action while running under a long time! you do it basically when the last hit of {{clr|17|4B}}+{{clr|18|C}} hits
*** To do the run under you have to NOT delay the {{clr|18|2C}} to keep the enemy at a greater height to have space to run under
** You can use {{clr|18|623C}} after the corner steal to get {{clr|17|214[B]}} oki in the corner (see Strategy)
***You can add an X.RB1 to get some distance between you and the enemy after {{clr|18|623C}} this gives you different spaceing for your oki options.
  | combo        =  (IAD > j.C) > 2A > 2B > 5C > 2C > 623B > dl.j.B > dj.2B > j.4B+C > 236BBB > 236C > (2A+B) > 214[A] > 623A > AT
  | damage    = 3893 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Midscreen}}
  | notes        = * Pretty optimal metered BNB incorporating {{clr|17|j2B}} > {{clr|17|j4B}}+{{clr|18|C}} Link
** optimal from 2A Starter but not for IAD>jX Starter
* Things to learn:
** You can combo {{clr|17|j2B}} > {{clr|17|j4B}}+{{clr|18|C}} For high damage metered extensions
** It is a very fickle link and only works on low proration and at specific heights. This is one of the easier versions.
** The link is MUCH more difficult in the corner
** Don't worry every Mario hates this link
** if you dont hit the link you can be punished!
  | combo        =  (IAD > j.C >) 2A > 2B > 2C > 623B > j.B > 5C(1) > 236A > j.2[B] > j.214[A] > 623A > AT
  | damage    = 3516 dmg (IAD>j.C)
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 0
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = *new meterless BNB incorporating the 236A jumpcancel
Things to learn:
* you can jumpcancel the SECOND hit of 236A
** jumpcanceling 236A is a very important part of Marios Combos if you want to go for L/R Mixups
** the link with j2[b] can be tight you basically have to tk it
** the link will not work in very specific situations (see advanced combo section)
* its generally beter to use jC after the 623B if not already used its much more stable!
** Can also be made metered by substituting j214[B] with j4B+C>236BBB> (see advanced combo section)
  | combo        =  2B > 2C > 623A > dl.j.B > 5B(1) > 623B > j.C > 5C(1) > 2[B] > 236BBB > 236C > dl.214[B] > 623A > AT
  | damage    = 3927 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Midscreen}}
  | notes        = * Standard low proration BNB Routing with metered Ender
* Things to learn:
** On low proration starters {{clr|16|623A}} > {{clr|18|dl.j.C}}/{{clr|17|dl.j.B}} > {{clr|17|5B(1)}} is a very good route for corner carry and damage
** {{clr|17|2[B]}} can be canceled into most special moves and still combo even on higher proration
** You can go for {{clr|17|dl.214[B]}} after {{clr|17|236BBB}} > {{clr|18|236C}} when you hit {{clr|17|236B}} close to you. This does a bit more damage (most of the time) than {{clr|16|214[A]}} but you can't really Moon Charge during
  | combo        = D~A > j.C > dj.2[B] > dl.j.A > 2C > 623B > dl.j.B > 5C(1) > 2[B] > 214[B]
  | damage    = 2996 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 0 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = * {{clr|16|A}} Shield Counter Combo
* Things to learn:
** Shield Counter limits the damage and it prorates similar to a {{clr|16|2A}} starter
** {{clr|18|j.C}} > {{clr|17| djc.j2[B]}} is an itegral part of damage optimization for Mario most optimals use it somewhere in his combos.
** You can go into {{clr|17|2[B]}} and all the options that arise from that
** You can switch arount jA and jB for more damage but it gets a bit harder.
===Advanced Combos===
==== normal Starters ====
=====2A and IAD Starters=====
  | combo        = 2A(A) > 2B > 5C > 214[A] > delay > sj > dl.j.2[B] > j.C > 5B > 2C > 623A > j.B > j.C > AT
  | damage    = 3262 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 0 bar
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Midscreen}}
  | notes        = Also works from {{clr|16|2A}} > {{clr|17|2B}} > {{clr|18|2C}} just switch {{clr|18|2C}} and {{clr|18|5C}}.
  | combo        = 2A(A) > 2B > 5C > j.C > j.2[B] > 623B > dl.j.B > 5B(1) > dl.2C > 623A > j.A > j.C > AT
  | damage    = 3350 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 0
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = * Meterless {{clr|16|2A}} non AD starter BnB
* Not from prorateing starters like AD jX or {{clr|17|22B}} > {{clr|17|2B}} unless counterhit
  | combo        = 2A > 2B > 5C > 623B > dl.j.B > 5B(1) > 2C > 214[A] > 623A > j.A > j.C > AT
  | damage    = 3336 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 0
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Midscreen}}
  | notes        = * Meterless non AD starter BnB
* Not from prorateing starters like AD jX or {{clr|17|22B}} > {{clr|17|2B}} unless counterhit
*switch 214[A] with 214A in the corner}}
  | combo        = 2A > 2B > 2C > 5B(1) > 623B > j.C > (5C(1)) > 236BBB > 236C > dl.214[A] > 623A > AT
  | damage    = 3692 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Midscreen}}
  | notes        = * non AD Starter 2A BNB with small optimization
* 5B inside of combos sucks! it heavily prorates the damage!
* not worth it since you can do the Route below
   | combo        = 2A > 2A > 2A
   | combo        = 2A > 2B > 5C > 623B > dl.j.B > 5B(1) > 2C > 236BBB > 236C > dl.214[B] > 623A > AT
   | damage    = 666 dmg
   | damage    = 3745 dmg
   | bonusdamage  =  
   | bonusdamage  =  
   | cost          =  
   | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
   | metergain    = ?%
   | metergain    = ?%
   | oppmetergain = ?%
   | oppmetergain = ?%
   | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
   | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
   | notes        = put notes here
   | notes        = *Not from prorateing starters like AD jX or {{clr|17|22B}} > {{clr|17|2B}} unless counterhit else enemy will tech before {{clr|17|236B}} hits
*you have to set {{clr|17|214[B]}} as late as possible before the sideswitch else enemy will tech before the second Axe hits.
*Sideswitch will happen after {{clr|17|214[B]}} is set
*Will push the enemy out of the corner and cross up to early to setup {{clr|17|214[B]}} so use {{clr|16|214[A]}} instead (see below)
   | combo        = 2A > 2A > 2A
   | combo        = 2A(A) > 2B > 5C > j.C > j.2[B] > 5B(1) > 2C > 236BBB > 236C > (44/2A+B) > dl.214[A] > 623A > AT
   | damage    = 666 dmg
  | damage    = 3720 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        =  *Not from prorateing starters like AD jX or {{clr|17|22B}} > {{clr|17|2B}} unless counterhit else enemy will tech before {{clr|17|j2[B]}} hits.
*236C will sideswitch if you dont want that use the Backdash between {{clr|18|236C}} and {{clr|16|214[A]}}
*You can easily Charge with {{clr|16|2A}}+{{clr|17|B}} during the active frames of {{clr|18|236C}}.
*In the Corner {{clr|18|236C}} sideswitches you to early to backdash just use normal dash to get back on the other side to keep the corner.
  | combo        =  2A > 2B > 5C > 623B > j.A > 5B(1) > dl.2C > 623A > j.B > j.2B > j.C > j.A > 5B(1) > 5C(1) > 236A > 623C
  | damage    = 3679 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Midscreen}}
  | notes        = * Sameside Midscreen 623C Ender
* 623A has to hit very low!
  | combo        =  2A > 2B > 5C > 2C > 623B > dl.j.B > dj.C > j.2B > j4B+C > 236BBB > 236C > 214[A] / dl.214B > 623A > AT
  | damage    = 3924/3902 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit 1 Moonskill
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = * High damage {{clr|16|2A}} Starter BNB works from IAD Midscreen
* in the corner you have to switch {{clr|16|214[A]}} with {{clr|17|dl.214B}}
* probably not worth the moon cost
  | combo        =  (IAD > j.C/2A >) 2A > 2B > 5C > 2C > 623A > j.2B > j.4B+C > 236BBB > 236C > (2A+B) > 214[B] > 623A > AT
  | damage    = 3597/3820/3909 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit 1 Moonskill
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = * A Starter Route with with {{clr|17|j2B}} > {{clr|17|j4B}}+{{clr|18|C}} link
*Sideswitch after {{clr|17|j2B}}
* {{clr|17|j4B}}+{{clr|18|C}} link is very finniky in the corner
* probably not worth the moon cost
  | combo        =  (IAD > j.C >) 2A> 2B > 2C > 623B > j.B > dl.5C(1) > 2[B](2) > (4B+C) > 236BBB > 236C > 214[A] > 623A > AT
  | damage    = 3565(3642)/ 3715(3854) dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit 1 Moonskill
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = *BNB not damage optimized but very consistent, works form airdash starters
*no {{clr|17|dl.j.B}} like in other routes!
*Sideswitch late into {{clr|18|236C}}
* probably not worth the moon cost
  | combo        = 2A > 2B > 2C > 214A > 623B > dl.j.B > 5C(1) > 2[B] > 236A > j.2[B] > dj.2[B] > j.B > j.A > j.214C > j.2B
  | damage    = 3835 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Corner}}
  | notes        = * Corner L/R with {{clr|18|j.214C}}>{{clr|17|j2B}}>... Ender
* pretty easy route
  | combo        = 2A > 2B > 2C > 214A > 623A > j.B > j.2B > j.C > j.A > 5B(1) > 236A > 9 > j.2[B] > j.C > j.214C
  | damage    = 3844 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Corner}}
  | notes        = * L/R form 2A Starter with the funny sideswitch "dance" routing
** You have to input 236A as thoug you are faceing away from the corner
* this routing switches side after every button after the aircombo since you are directly below the enemy
* use jB>jA instead of jC before j214C for more consistent timing
  | combo        = 2A > 2B > 2C > 623B > dl.j.B > 5B > 5C > 623A > jC.sjc> j2B > j.4B+C > 236BBB > 623C
  | damage    = 3940  dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit 1 Moonskill
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = * if you dont delay the j4BC you will not sidewap if you delay it you will
  | combo        =  (IAD > j.C >) 2A > 2B > 2C > 623B > j.B > 5C(1) > 236A > j.2[B] > j.4B+C > 236BBB > 623C
  | damage    = 4015 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit 1 Moonskill
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = *BNB incorporating the 236A jumpcancel
* j2[b] can be tight you basically have to tk it
* Does less damage then the old one on non airdash starters but more on Airdash starters.
* its generally beter to use jC after the 623B if not already used
* can be made meterless, just replace  j4{{clr|17|B}}+{{clr|18|C}} with {{clr|16|j214[A]}}
* there are Edgecases where j2[B] will wiff when using jB after 623B. It happens when you have no forward momentum during the 2A hit. This applys mostly to falling jC hits.
** To mittigate you can delay the 2C slightly.
* probably not worth the moon cost
  | combo        = IAD > j.C > 2A > 2B > 5C > 623B > dl.j.B > 2C > 236A > 9 > j.2[B] > j.4B+C > 236BBB > 236C > 214[A] > 623A > AT
  | damage    = 4043  dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit 1 Moonskill
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = * NOT CONSISTENT! j2[B] seems to not connect if the nun starts at the wrong place
* Might be consistent in the Corner (testing needed)
*new optimal? 2A/IAD starter incorporating the 236A jumpcancel
* jB has to hit a the very last possible moment!
* j2[b] is way harder then on the other route!
* can be made meterless, just replace  j4{{clr|17|B}}+{{clr|18|C}} with {{clr|16|j214[A]}}
* probably not worth the moon cost
=====2B Starters=====
  | combo        =  2B > 5C > j.C > j.2[B] > 623B > dl.j.B > 5B(1) > 2C > 236BBB > 236C > 214[A] > 623A > AT
  | damage    = 3913 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = * {{clr|17|2B}} Starter Metered beginenr Route
* Other notes form above apply
  | combo        =  2B > 2C > 623A > dl.j.C > 5B(1) > 623B > dl.j.B > 5C(1) > 236BBB > 236C > dl.214[B] > 623A > AT
  | damage    = 3927 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = *  {{clr|17|2B}} BNB Metered
* Other notes form above apply
  | combo        =  2B > 2C > 623A > dl.j.B > 5B(1) > 623B > j.C > dj.2[B]> 5C(1) > 214A > 236BBB > 214[A] > 623A > AT
  | damage    = 4061 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Corner}}
  | notes        = * Optimized 2B corner BNB
  | combo        =  2B > 2C > 623A > dl.j.C > dj.2[B]> 5B(1) > 623B > dl.j.B > 5C(1) > 236BBB > 214[A] > 623A > AT
  | damage    = 4007 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = * Sideswitch 2B BNB
* delay the jC nearly as much as if you would do the jC only routing.
  | combo        = 2B > 2C > 623A > dl.j.B > 5B(1) > 623B > j.C > dj.2[B] > dl.5C > delay > RB1 > dl.236A > IAD > j.2B > j.B > 214C
  | damage    = 3934 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = * New Route with midscreen L/R
** (microwalk back)>{{clr|17|2B}}>sj>{{clr|16|2A}}>{{clr|19|D}}~X
*** microwalk = Sameside
* the 236A has to hit vewy low so all moves after the 623B have to be delayed to get the enemy as low as possible.
** {{clr|18|5C(1)}}>{{clr|17|2[B](3)}}>dlAutocombo>{{clr|16|dl236A}}> is more consistent but causes SMP on routes that lauch with 2B
  | combo        =  2B > 2C > 623B > j.C > dj.2[B] > dl.5C > 623A > j.B > j.2B > j.C > j.A > 5B(1) > 5C(1) > 236A > 623C
  | damage    = 3907 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Midscreen}}
  | notes        = * Sameside Midscreen 623C Ender
  | combo        =  2B > 2C > 623B > dl.j.B > 623A > j.C > dj.2[B] > 5A > 5C(1) > 236BBB > Ender
  | damage    =  214[A]>623A>AT 4048 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Midscreen}}
  | notes        = * Optimized 2 B Route.
  | combo        =  2B > 5C > 623A > j.B > dj.C > j.2[B] > 623B > dl.j.A > 2C > 5B > RB1 > 236A > IAD > j.2B > j.B > j.A > 5C(1) > RB1 > 623C
  | damage    = 3934 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = 89%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Midscreen}}
  | notes        = * Sameside Midscreen 623C Ender optimized
  | combo        =  2B > 5C > j.C > j.2[B] > 623B > dl.j.B > 5B(1) > 2C > 623A > (j.A) > j.2B > j.4B+C > 236BBB > 236C > 214[A] > 623A > AT
  | damage    = 3995 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit 1 Moonskill
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = * 2B Combo with {{clr|17|j2B}}>{{clr|17|j4B}}+{{clr|18|C}} link
* {{clr|17|j4B}}+{{clr|18|C}} link is very finniky in the corner
*  jA before the j2B can help the timing but might cost a bit of damage.
* somewhat outclassed by the 236A>j2[B]>j4BC ender
* not realy worth the Moonmeter
  | combo        =  2B > 2C > 623A > dl.j.B > 5B(1) > 623B > j.C > 5C(1) > 236A > j.2[B] > j.4B+C > 236BBB > 214[A] > 623A > AT
  | damage    = 4096 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit 1 Moonskill
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = * 2B with {{clr|16|236A}} > {{clr|17|j2[B]}} > {{clr|17|j4B}}+{{clr|18|C}} link
* not realy worth the Moonmeter
  | combo        =  2B > 2C > 623A > j.C > dj.2[B] > 5B(1) > 623B > dl.j.B > 5C(1) > 2[B](1) > 214A > 236BBB > 214[A] > 623A > AT
  | damage    = 4067 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Corner}}
  | notes        = * Corner 2B BNB
  | combo        =  2B > 2C > 623A > dl.j.B > 5B(1) > 623B > j.C > dj.2[B] > 5C(1) > dl.236A > jc > j.2[B] > 9 > j.2[B] > j.B > j.A > j.214C > j.2B
  | damage    = 3978 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Corner}}
  | notes        = * Corner L/R with {{clr|18|j.214C}}>{{clr|17|j2B}}>... Ender
* Probably also works with the {{clr|17|j2[B]}} > djc > {{clr|17|j2[B]}} > {{clr|18|dl.jX}} > {{clr|18|j214C}}> ... Ender
  | combo        =  2B > 2C > 623A > dl.j.B > 5B(1) > 623B > j.C > (dj.2[B]) > 5C(1) > 2[B](1) > 214A> dl.236A > jc > j.2[B] > 9 > j.2[B] > j.B > j.A > j.214C > j.2B
  | damage    = (3984)4050 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Corner}}
  | notes        = * optimized Corner L/R with {{clr|18|j.214C}}>{{clr|17|j2B}}>... Ender
* 236A>j2[B] is '''very''' tight here, you might want to omit j2[B] after 623B>jC on non CH starter
  | combo        =  2B > 2C > 214A > j.C > j.2[B] > 623B > dl.j.B > 5B(1) > 5C(1) > 2[B] > 236A > j.2[B] > dj.2[B] > j.B > j.A > j.214C > j.2B
  | damage    = 4052 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Corner}}
  | notes        = * optimized Corner L/R with {{clr|18|j.214C}}>{{clr|17|j2B}}>... Ender
* pretty easy route
=====non 2B normal starters=====
when you already used 2B in the blocksting.
  | combo        = 2C > 236A > IAD > j.C > dj.2[B] > 5B(1) > 623B > dl.j.B > 5C(1) > 2[B] > 236BBB > 623C
  | damage    =  3927 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = * Confirm for when you already used 2B in the blocksting
* dont sjc! you will cross them up after the j2[B]
  | combo        = 5B > 236A > IAD > j.C > dj.2[B] > 2C > 623B > dl.j.B > 5C(1) > 2[B] > 236BBB > 623C
  | damage    =  3876 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = * Confirm for when you already used 2B in the blocksting
* dont sjc! you will cross them up after the j2[B]
  | combo        = 5B > 2C > 236A > IAD > j.C > dj.2[B] > dl.j214A > 623B > dl.j.B > 5C(1) > 2[B] > 236BBB > 236C > 214[A]> 623A >AT
  | damage    =  4002 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|midscreen}}
  | notes        = * optimized 5b starter midscreen route
  | combo        = 5C > 236A > j.C > dj.2[B] > 2C > 623B > dl.j.B > 5C(1) > 2[B] > 236BBB > 236C > 214[A] > 623A > AT
  | damage    =  4111 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|midscreen}}
  | notes        = * optimized 5C starter midscreen route
  | combo        = D~A > j.C > dj.2[B] > dl.j.B > 2C > 623B > dl.j.A > 5B(1) > 5C(1) > 2[B] > 236BBB > 623C
  | damage    = 3881 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = * {{clr|16|A}} Shield Counter Combo
  | combo        = D~A > j.C > dj.2[B] > dl.j.B > 5B(1) > 2[B](3) > dl.2C > dl.5C > 236BBB > 623C
   | damage    = 3752 dmg
   | bonusdamage  =  
   | bonusdamage  =  
   | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
   | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
Line 43: Line 644:
   | oppmetergain = ?%
   | oppmetergain = ?%
   | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
   | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
   | notes        = put notes here.  
   | notes        = * {{clr|16|A}} Shield Counter Combo
* dl.j.B has to be a short dely if you delay to long 2[B] wont hit
* less damage and more difficult then above route so probably not worth it
  | combo        = D~A > j.C > dj.2[B] > dl.j.B > 5B(1) > dl.2C > 5C(1) > 236B > 623C
  | damage    = 3248 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = * {{clr|16|A}} Shield Counter Combo
* route to setup crossupbreak
  | combo        = D~A > j.C > dj.2[B] > j.214A > 2C > 623A > j.A > j.2B > j.C > j.B > 5C(1) > (RB1) > 236A > 623C
  | damage    = 3866 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Corner}}
  | notes        = * {{clr|16|A}} Shieldcounter Corner Combo 1 Meter Cornersteal
  | combo        = 3C > j.C > sjc > dj.2[B] > j.214[A] > 623B > j.B > 5C(1) > 2[B] > 236BBB > 623C
  | damage    = 3452 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = * 3C Route with sideswitch after j214[A]
* if you 9jc instead you can stay sameside
  | combo        = 3C > j.B > dj.2[B] > 5A > 623A > dl.j.C > 5B(1) > 623B > dl.j.A > 2C > dl.5C(1) > 2[B] > 236BBB > 236C > 214[A] > 623A > AT
  | damage    = 3493 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes         = * 3C Route
* Meter gain optimized
  | combo        = 3C > j.B > dj.2[B] > dl.j.C > j.214A > 623B > dl.j.A > 2C > dl.5C(1) > 2[B] > 236BBB > 236C > 214[A] > 623A > AT
  | damage    = 3504 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = * 3C Route
* Damage optimized

===Advanced Combos===
====Raw Launchers====
=====Raw launcer BNBs=====
From any Raw launcher you can mostly do the same combos. 6BC, 4BC, j2[B], 22A, 22B, 2BC, 214A wallbounce, 214[A], 214B
  | combo        =  Starter > 2C > 623A > dl.j.C > 5B(1) > 623B > j.B > 5C(1) > 2[B] > Ender
  | damage    = 3376 dmg (3B+{{clr|18|C}})
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 0 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = *easy raw Launcher BNB 
* can use normal {{clr|17|2[B]}} followups (exept {{clr|16|6232A}} > {{clr|17|j2B}} > {{clr|17|j4B}}+{{clr|18|C}}) but often does less Damage when extended then other routes.
* you can switch {{clr|18|j.C}} and {{clr|17|j.B}} using jC later does less damage in general but it can make the 236A > tkj2[B] link easier
  | combo        =  Starter > 2C > 623A > dl.j.B > 5B(1) > 623B > j.C > j.2[B] > 5C(1) > 2[B] > Ender
  | damage    = variable
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 0 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = *raw Launcher BNB close to optimal in most Situations
  | combo        =  Starter > 2C > 623A > dl.j.B > 5B(1) > 623B > j.C > 5C(1) > 2[B] > 236BBB > 236C > tk.214[B] > dl.2C > (236A) > 623C
  | damage    = 4444 dmg (j2[B])
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 2 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Midscreen}}
  | notes        = * 2 Meter Version with TK214[B] link in the Ender
*use {{clr|18|j.C}} if you haven't used it else stick to j.B!
* {{clr|16|236A}} is pretty hard to hit
* also Works with {{clr|17|4B}}+{{clr|18|C}} after {{clr|17|2[B]}} for around 50 more damage.
=====Websling Cofirms=====
3BC is a very storng neutral tool against people who like do airdash around and try to get over your nuns it can lead to very high damage on counterhit!
{{clr|17|623B}} is a integral part of most combos so when you start with it you will have to change the routing to avoid SMP
  | combo        = 3B+C > j.C > dj.2[B] > 623B > j.B > 5C(1) > 2B > 2C > 214[A] > 623A > j.A > j.B > AT
  | damage    = 3654dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 0 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = * Optimized no meter combo from {{clr|17|3B}}+{{clr|18|C}}
* Substitute {{clr|16|214[A]}} with {{clr|16|214A}} in the corner
  | combo        =  3B+C > dl.j.C > 2C > > 623A > dl.j.B > 5B(1) > 623B > dl.j.A > 5C(1) > 2[B] > 236BBB > 623C
  | damage    = 4172  dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = * 3BC BNB
* you can use a dl.jB after the 623B to make the route easier by sacrificing a bit of Damage (50)
* you can substitute 2C with dj.j2[B] to get slightly more damage (10)
  | combo        =  623B > j.C > j.2[B] > 2C > 623A > dl.j.B > 5B(1) > 5C(1) > 2[B] > Ender
  | damage    = 3241 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 0 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Midscreen}}
  | notes        = * {{clr|17|623B}} Confirm
  | combo        =  623B > dl.j.B > sjc > j.C > j.2[B] > 2C > dl.5C(1) > 2[B] > 623A > j.B > j.2B > j.C > j.A > 5C(1) > 236A > 623C
  | damage    = 3971 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Midscreen}}
  | notes        = * {{clr|17|623B}} Confirm with sameside {{clr|18|623C}} oki
  | combo        =  623B > j.C > j.2[B] > 623A > j.B > 5B > 2C > 5C(1) > 2[B] > 236A > IAD > j.2B > j.B > j.A > 5B(1) > 5C(1) > 236A > 623C
  | damage    = 4088 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = 91%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Midscreen}}
  | notes        = * {{clr|17|623B}} Confirm with sameside {{clr|18|623C}} oki
  | combo        =  623B > j.B > 2C > 623A > j.C > dj.2[B] > 5B(1) > 5C(1) > 2[B] > 236BBB > 214[A] > 623A > AT
  | damage    = 4148 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = 91%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Midscreen}}
  | notes        = * {{clr|17|623B}} Confirm
  | combo        =  623A > dl.j.B > 5B(1) > 2C > 623B > j.C > j.2[B] > 5C(1) > 2[B] > Ender
  | damage    = 3205 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 0 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Midscreen}}
  | notes        = * {{clr|16|623A}} Confirm
  | combo        = ch 623B > dl.j.B > land > (sj) > j.C > j.2[B] > 623A > dl.j.B > 5B(1) > 5C(1) > 2[B] > Ender
  | damage    = 3452 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 0 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Midscreen}}
  | notes        = * {{clr|17|623B}} Counterhit Confirm
=====236A Nun confirms=====
  | combo        =  236A > dl.236C > dash > jump > dl.j.2[B] > 623B > dl.j.B > 5B(1) > dl.2C > 5C(1) > 2[B] > 214[A] > 623A > AT
  | damage    = 3553 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = *236A Confirm for Fullscreen hits or if you dont want to deal with buffer TK214[A] at midscreen
* you have to slightly delay 236C if you hit the oponent airborne
*as always use {{clr|16|214A}} in the corner
  | combo        =  236A > IAD > j.B > sjc > j.C > j.2[B] > 5B(1) > 623B > dl.j.A > 2C > 5C(1) > 2[B] > 236BBB > 236C > 214[A] > AT
  | damage    = 4020 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = * 236A Confirm for close hits around 2B range
* same routing as for 5B/5C/2C>236A confirms 
  | combo        =  236A > IAD > j.C > jc > j.2[B] > 5B(1) > 623B > dl.j.B > 2C > 5C(1) > 2[B] > 236BBB > 623C
  | damage    = 4025(623C)/4042(236C>214[A]>AT) dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = * 236A Confirm for close hits around 2B range
* harder link (jC>jc>j2[B]) for slightly more damage
* same routing as for 5B/5C/2C>236A confirms 
* dont sjc! you will cross them up after the j2[B]
  | combo        =  236A > tk.j.214[A] > 623A > dl.j.C > 5B(1) > 623B > dl.j.B > 5C(1) > 2[B] > 236BBB > 236C > 214[A]> 623A > AT
  | damage    = 4039 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = * 236A>TK214[A] Confirm for close hits
* TK 214[A] can be buffered after 236A sine it wont come out on block
** TK has to be done with 2149A or 9214A else you will land to far away for 623A
* [ Example my Magicrider]
  | combo        =  236A > tk.j.214[A] > 623B > dl.j.B > 2C > 5C(1) > 2[B](3) > 623A> j.2B > j.4B+C > 236BBB > 236C >[B]> 623A > AT
  | damage    = 4010 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Midscreen}}
  | notes        = * 236A>TK214[A] Confirm for midscreen hits
* TK 214[A] can be buffered after 236A sine it wont come out on block
** TK has to be done with 2149A or 9214A else you will land to far away for 623B
* [ Example my Magicrider]
==== situation specific Routing ====
===== Corner Steal=====
Mario can Steal the corner. Thats usefull, since {{clr|18|623C}} always sideswitches so you can do {{clr|18|623C}} to get Axe oki and still keep the oponent in the corner
   | combo        = 2A > 2B > 2C > 2C > 5C(2) > 236[A] > 5BBB > j.B > AT > j.236A/B > j.236C
  | combo        =  2A(A) > 2B > 2C > 623B > j.B > 623A > j.A > j.2B > j.C > j.B > 5C(1) > RB1 > 236A > 623C
   | damage    = 3689 dmg
  | damage    = 3489 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Corner}}
  | notes        = *Corner steal without Moonmeter
*does not work form IAD Unless CH From IAD go directly into {{clr|16|623A}}
   | combo        = IAD > j.X > 2A > 2B > 2C > 214A > 623A > j.A > j.2B > j.C > j.B > 5C(1) > RB1 > 236A > 623C
  | damage    = 3668 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Corner}}
  | notes        = * Corner steal without Moonmeter
* Works form IAD
* Does more damage then the 623B route so you should prefer it
  | combo        =  2A > 2B > 5C > j.C > j.2[B] > 623B > dl.j.B > 5B(1) > 2C > 4B+C > 6A+B > 2C.C > 236A > 623C
  | damage    = 3815
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Corner}}
  | notes        = * the classic Corner Steal with Moonskill
  | combo        =  2A > 2B > 2C > j.C > j.2[B] > j.214A > 623B > dl.j.B > 5C > 4B+C > 6A+B > (2C.C) > 236A > 623C
   | damage    = 4027
   | bonusdamage  =  
   | bonusdamage  =  
   | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
   | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
   | metergain    = ?%
   | metergain    = ?%
   | oppmetergain = ?%
   | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Corner}}
  | notes        = * Optimized version of the Moonskill Corner switch if you already start near the corner
* not from AD Starter
  | combo        =  2B > 2C > j.C > j.2[B] > j.214A > 623B > j.B > 623A > j.A > j.2B > j.C > j.B > 5C(1) > RB1 > 236A > 623C
  | damage    = 4038
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Corner}}
  | notes        = * 2B starter Corner steal without Moonmeter
  | combo        =  2B > 2C > 214A > 623A > dl.j.C > 5B(1) > 623B > dl.j.B > 5C > 4B+C > 6A+B > 2C.C > 236A > 623C
  | damage    = 4187
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit + 1MS
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Corner}}
  | notes        = * 2B starter Corner steal with Moonmeter
  | combo        =  2B > 2C > 214A > 623A > j.B > j.2B > j.C > 5B(1) > 5A > 5C(1) > 4B+C > 236BBB > 623C
  | damage    = 4129
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit + 1 Moonskill
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Corner}}
  | notes        = * Cornersteal from 2B starter with "dance" routing
* this routing switches sides after every button after the aircombo since you are directly below the enemy
** you have to input 4B+C as though you are faceing away from the corner
* [ Video Example]
=====2B HKD=====
You can Shorten your combos to get HKD with {{clr|17|2B}}/{{clr|17|2[B]}} and then Cancel to setup Axe oki. See Strategy for Examples
  | combo        = 2A > 2B > 2C > j.C > j.2[B] > 623B > dl.j.B / j.C > 5B(1) / 5C(1) > 2[B] > dl.214[B] / tk.214[B]
  | damage    = 2782 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 0 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = * Combo for {{clr|17|2B}} HKD
  | combo        = IAD > j.C > 5B > 2B > 2C > 623B > dl.j.B > dl.5C(1) > 2[B] > dl.214[B] / tk.214[B] 
  | damage    = 2713 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 0 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = * Combo for {{clr|17|2B}} HKD
  | combo        = 2B > 2C > 623A > dl.j.B > 5B(1) > 623B > dl.j.C > 5C(1) > 2[B] > dl.214[B] / tk.214[B] 
  | damage    = 2996 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 0 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
  | notes        = * Combo from {{clr|17|2B}}/Raw launcher Starter for {{clr|17|2B}} HKD
  | combo        =  236A > dl.236C > dash > 9 > j.2[B] > dl.2C > dl.623B > 5C(1) > 2[B] > IAD > dl.214[B]
  | damage    = 3283 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
   | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
   | location      = {{Property-UNI|Anywhere}}
   | notes        = placeholder
   | notes        = * 236A>236C Confirm
=====Safe Heat=====
  | combo        =  Starter > 2[B] > 214[A] > A+B+C
  | damage    = variable
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = at least 1 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Midscreen}}
  | notes        = * Safeheat routing
* You can delay the heat to make it wiff so they are able to aritech and you can react acrodingly.
=====236C can (not) EX prorate!=====
Got fixed in 05.2024 Patch Proration now applies combos still work but do WAY less damage!<BR>
236C seems to not EX prorate (always does the same damage and does NOT Reduce meter gain), which leads too situations where it is more advantagous to loop it instead of using Arc-Drive
  | combo        =  2B > 2C > 623A > dl.j.C > jc > j.2[B] > 5B(1) > 623B > dl.j.B >> 5C(1) > 2[B](1) > 236BBB > 236C > w2A > 214[B] > 2[B](2) > 5A > 236BBB > 236C > w2A > 214[B] > 2[B](2) > 5A > 236BBB > 236C > 214[B] > j.C > j.2[B] > j.B > 3C > j.A > j.B > j.C > jc > j.A > j.B > j.C > AT
  | damage    = 5507 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 4 Magic Circuit
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Midscreen}}
  | notes        = * Midscreen {{clr|18|236C}} Loops
* 236C seems to not EX Prorate
* only requires 3 bars to start if you have the 4th one available to fill up.
* [ Example] by [ Magicrider]
  | combo        = j.C > 2A > 2B > 2C > 214A > MD > 3B+C > j.B > 5C(1) > 623A > j.2B > 4B+C > 236BBB > 236C > w.2A > 214[B] > 2[B] > 236BBB > 236C > w.2A > 214[B] > 2[B] > 236BBB > 236C > w.2A > 214[B] > 2[B] > 236BBB > 236C > 214[B] > 9 > j.C > jc > j.B > j.2[B] > j.C > 3C > j.A > j.B > j.C > jc > j.A > j.B > j.C > AT
  | damage    = 6060 dmg
  | bonusdamage  =
  | cost          = 4 Magic Circuit (possible starting with 2 MC and 5 Moon)
  | metergain    = ?%
  | oppmetergain = ?%
  | location      = {{Property-UNI|Corner}}
  | notes        = * Corner {{clr|18|236C}} Loops
** only works as P2!
* 236C seems to not EX Prorate
* [ Example] by [ Magicrider]

===Combo Theory===
===Combo Theory===
'''Warning Combo theory is a bit outdated!'''
Mario has some very specific stuff that does not neatly fit into a unified theory, you either have to get a feeling for what works on what proration or just memorize specific combos for specific Starters.
'''Combo Structure:'''<BR >
(Starter) > Launcher > (low Proration air Route) > Airbcombo > Link > ((Extension with Moonskill) > (Extension with Meter > (2nd Extension with Meter)))/(236A>jc Route) > Ender
'''Launcher:''' {{clr|17|2B}} > (5C/{{clr|18|2C}}/{{clr|17|5B}}), {{clr|17|214B}}/{{clr|17|[B]}}, {{clr|16|214[A]}}, {{clr|16|236A}} > {{clr|18|236C}}, {{clr|17|4B}}+{{clr|18|C}}, {{clr|17|6B}}+{{clr|18|C}} {{clr|16|22A}} > (X), {{clr|17|22B}} > X, {{clr|17|3B}}+{{clr|18|C}} > {{clr|18|dl.j.C}},{{clr|17|j2[B]}} on Grounded oponent, Shield~{{clr|17|B}}+{{clr|18|C}}, Shield~{{clr|17|B}} CH, Shield~{{clr|16|A}} FC <BR >
*'''Low Proration Starters:''' {{clr|17|5B}} > {{clr|17|2B}}, {{clr|17|2B}}, {{clr|17|3B}}+{{clr|18|C}} > (dl.j.C), CH {{clr|17|2B}}+{{clr|18|C}}, {{clr|16|22A}}, {{clr|17|22B}} > ch > {{clr|17|j.B}}/{{clr|18|C}}, 2nd hit Autocombo, {{clr|17|6B}}+{{clr|18|C}}, {{clr|17|j2[B]}}
*'''Medium Proration Starters:'''5A > {{clr|17|2B}},{{clr|16|2A}} > {{clr|17|2B}},{{clr|17|4B}}+{{clr|18|C}},{{clr|16|236A}} > {{clr|18|236C}}, CH jX
*'''High Proration Starters:''' IAD > jX, {{clr|16|2A}} > {{clr|16|2A}} > {{clr|17|2B}}
*'''Very High Proratiopn Starters:''' {{clr|17|236BBB}} > {{clr|18|236C}}
'''Low Proration Air Routes:'''
* > {{clr|18|j.C}} > {{clr|17|j2[B]}} > {{clr|17|623B}} >
** solid even from {{clr|16|2A}} Starters only doesn't work from high Proration Starters like AD > jX
** Might cut you out from certain Enders and Links!
** the important part is the {{clr|17|2[B]}} so leave out the {{clr|18|j.C}} if you dont need it for the {{clr|17|2[B]}} to hit.
** The route can be slotted in into other launchers like {{clr|17|3B}}+{{clr|18|C}} with {{clr|17|3B}}+{{clr|18|C}} > {{clr|18|j.C}} > jc > {{clr|17|j2[B]}} >
* > {{clr|16|623A}} > {{clr|17|dl.JB}}/{{clr|17|dl.JC}} > {{clr|17|5B(1)}} > {{clr|17|623B}} >
** you can use {{clr|18|dl.j.C}} instead of {{clr|17|dl.j.B}} after the {{clr|16|623A}} when you have not used it already to get more damage
** More damage meterless (most of the time) but only from low proration Starters like {{clr|17|2B}}/{{clr|17|3B}}+{{clr|18|C}}/{{clr|17|2B}}+{{clr|18|C}}
** Might cut you out from Certain Enders and Links!
*** Cuts you out of {{clr|16|623A}} > {{clr|17|j2B}} > {{clr|17|4B}}+{{clr|18|C}} or makes it less viable because of SMP {{clr|16|623A}}
* > {{clr|16|623A}} > {{clr|18|j.C}} > jc > {{clr|17|j2[B]}} > ({{clr|17|dl.j.B}}) > {{clr|17|5B(1)}} > {{clr|17|623B}} >
** most Optimal nonmetered Route for HKD
** can be trick to get the {{clr|17|2[B]}} to hit low so they can't tech.
** Might cut you out from Certain Enders and Links!
*** Cuts you out of {{clr|16|623A}} > {{clr|17|j2B}} > {{clr|17|4B}}+{{clr|18|C}} or makes it less viable because of SMP {{clr|16|623A}}
'''Aircombo:''' > {{clr|17|623B}} > {{clr|17|dl.j.B}} > Link <BR >
* most important combo piece its in nearly every BnB
'''Lancher: {{clr|16|236A}}>jc...'''
* can be used to launch when {{clr|17|2B}} has already been used during the Blocksting and you get a hit with {{clr|17|5B}},{{clr|18|5C}},{{clr|17|2C}}
* when hitting 236A raw it has low proration
* when hitting it after 5B/5C/2C its like a medium proration launcher
* {{clr|16|j236A}}>IAD>{{clr|18|jC}}>jc>{{clr|17|j2[B]}}>
** basically replaces Launcher>{{clr|17|623B}}>
* {{clr|16|236A}}>{{clr|16|TK9214[A]}}>{{clr|16|623A}}/{{clr|17|623B}}
** {{clr|16|623A}} for close hits {{clr|17|623B}} for midscreen hits
''' Corner Sideswitch Dance'''
* ...{{clr|16|214A}}>{{clr|16|623A}}>{{clr|17|jB}}>{{clr|17|j2B}}>{{clr|18|jC}}>dance!
* Corner only route where every button casuses you to switch sides after the aircombo since you are below the enemy and most moves move you forward
* Examples:
** [ 2B into cornersteal 623C]
*** {{clr|16|214A}}>{{clr|16|623A}}>{{clr|17|jB}}>{{clr|17|j2B}}>{{clr|18|jC}}> {{clr|17|5B(1)}} > {{clr|16|5A}} > {{clr|18|5C(1)}} > 4{{clr|17|B}}+{{clr|18|C}}
**** you will have to input 4BC as though you are with the abck to the corner
** [ 2A into L/R oki]
*** {{clr|16|214A}}>{{clr|16|623A}}>{{clr|17|jB}}>{{clr|17|j2B}}>{{clr|18|jC}}> {{clr|16|jA}}  > {{clr|17|5B(1)}} > {{clr|16|236A}}  > jc > {{clr|17|j2[B]}} > djc.{{clr|17|j2[B]}}> {{clr|18|jC}}> {{clr|18|j214C}}
**** you will have to input 236A as though you are with the back to the corner
'''Links after aircombo:''' As usual a grounded normal you have not used already, to keep proration low<BR >
* 2C: not on high poration! Omits {{clr|17|5B}} which is good in most metered combos.
* {{clr|17|5B(1)}} > dl.2C: standard link for dmg Extensions when you have alread uses {{clr|18|5C}}
** {{clr|17|5B(1)}} > 2C: Link in the corner to keep the oponent high for the {{clr|17|4B}}+{{clr|18|C}} Cornersteal
* 5C(1): Standard link when you have already used {{clr|18|2C}}. This can be important if you do a route that is sensitive to proration early in the combo since {{clr|18|5C}} porates more than {{clr|18|2C}}
** 5C: Link in the croner to keep the oponent high for the {{clr|17|4B}}+{{clr|18|C}} Cornersteal
* {{clr|18|5C(1)}} > 2[B]: Standard Link when you have not used {{clr|17|2B}} Still consistent if you have already used it but less damage!
** can also be used for HKD > {{clr|17|214[B]}} oki
* {{clr|17|5B(1)}} > {{clr|17|2[B]}} rarely used since you most times use {{clr|18|2C}} instead of {{clr|18|5C}} when you want to go into {{clr|17|2[B]}}. {{clr|17|5B}} always highly prorates damage!
** can also be used for HKD > {{clr|17|214[B]}} oki
** going {{clr|17|5B(1)}} > {{clr|18|5C(1)}} > {{clr|17|2[B]}} is most of the time preferable
* {{clr|17|5B(1)}} > {{clr|18|dl.2C}} > {{clr|18|5C(1)}} > {{clr|17|2[B]}} link for combos from raw Launcher Starter when you omit the {{clr|18|2C}} before the first air rote to keep proration low
** can be used for HKD > {{clr|17|214[B]}} oki but is very timing and hight dependant
** will do less damage then {{clr|18|2C}} > .. > {{clr|18|5C(1)}} but works on higher proation like {{clr|16|236A}} > {{clr|18|236C}}
'''Links for {{clr|17|2[B]}} > {{clr|17|214[B]}} oki:'''
* you can cut most combos short to get {{clr|17|2[B]}} HKD and then axe oki. see Strategy
* {{clr|18|5C(1)}} > 2[B]:see above
* {{clr|17|5B(1)}} > 2[B]: see above
'''2ND hit Autocombo after link:''' will drag the enemy back to the ground and makes Extensions a lot more consistent<BR >
* always allows you to go into normal {{clr|16|623A}} ender
* always allows you to go into {{clr|16|236A}} > {{clr|18|236C}}
* 2ND hit Autocombo can converte to {{clr|17|236BBB}} > {{clr|18|236C}} on low proration. On AD > jX Starter, if you have used 3 or more Grounded {{clr|16|A}} or {{clr|17|B}} Normals in the combo or if you have a {{clr|17|j2[B]}} route in the combo the enemy will tech {{clr|17|236B}}
'''Extension with Moonskill'''
* Mostly {{clr|17|4B}}+{{clr|18|C}} after {{clr|17|2[B]}}
* {{clr|17|4B}}+{{clr|18|C}} Corner steal see below
* > {{clr|17|j2[B]}} > {{clr|17|4B}}+{{clr|18|C}} > {{clr|17|236BB(B)}} > {{clr|18|236C}} > Ender
** Always also requires Meter
** heavily succeptible to proration and hight
** quite finniky in the corner sicne the timing of the nun is slightly different
'''Extensions with Meter:''' {{clr|16|236A}} > {{clr|18|236C}}, {{clr|17|236BBB}} > 236C<BR >
* Extensions are very dependend on enemy hight!<BR >
* If enemy is to high you can go do {{clr|16|236A(1)}} > {{clr|18|236C}} to salvage it.
* Always try to Moon Charge during the active frames of {{clr|18|236C}} if you dont need to reposition.
'''dl.214[B] link after {{clr|17|236BBB}} > {{clr|18|236C}} Extension for Damage optimization:'''
* > {{clr|17|236BBB}} > {{clr|18|236C}} > {{clr|17|dl.214[B]}} > Ender
* When you start {{clr|17|236BBB}} close to you
* do {{clr|17|214[B]}} the last second before the oponent crosses up.
'''2nd Extensions with Meter after {{clr|17|236BBB}} > 236C:''' > {{clr|17|236BBB}} > {{clr|18|236C}} > TK214[B] > {{clr|18|dl.2C}} > {{clr|16|236A}} > {{clr|18|236C}} > {{clr|16|214[A]}} > <BR >
* TK {{clr|17|214[B]}} route only works midscreen or when {{clr|18|236C}} is timed so your collision box stops them from being draged out from the corner to much
* because of SMP > TK214[B] > {{clr|18|2C}} > {{clr|16|236A}} > is only usefull if you use another metered move since those have minimum damage.
* also works with {{clr|18|623C}} instead of {{clr|18|236C}}. might be even more usefull
'''Ender:''' > (214[A]) > {{clr|16|623A}} > (j.AB/j.BC/j.C(B)) > AT,623C<BR >
*AT leads to an autotimed safejump so ending in AT is a good option
*623A > .. can most times be substituted for {{clr|18|623C}} or {{clr|17|236B}}+{{clr|18|C}} for DMG and HKD
*In the corner you can use {{clr|18|214C}} to get HKD with a lot of Setup potential (see Strategy)
*214[A] after the aircombo only works on very low proration or when used after {{clr|18|236C}}
* {{clr|18|623C}} gives you enough time to Setup {{clr|17|214[B]}} just like after Throw but sideswitches!
** see above {{clr|17|4B}}+{{clr|18|C}} Corner Steal
'''236A(2)>jc Routes:''' {{clr|16|236A(2)}}>jc>{{clr|17|j2[B]}}> / {{clr|16|236A(2)}}>jc>IAD>{{clr|17|j2B}}>
* New routing with jumpaceling 236A(2)
* hitting {{clr|16|236A}} high {{clr|16|236A(2)}}>9jc>{{clr|17|j2[B]}}>
** most consistent with jX>{{clr|18|5C(1)}}>{{clr|16|236A}}>
** possible form 5C(2) in the corner
** possible form 214A>wallbounce
** basically 9TK{{clr|17|j2[B]}}
** possible with >{{clr|17|dljB}}>{{clr|18|2C}}>{{clr|16|236A}}> but dependant on where the nun starts
*** jB has to hit the last moment possible and {{clr|16|236A}} has to be delayed slightly
* hitting {{clr|16|236A}} low {{clr|16|236A(2)}}>jc>IAD>{{clr|17|j2B}}>{{clr|17|jB}}>{{clr|18|j214C}}
** possible from Autocombo or {{clr|17|2[B](3)}}
*** {{clr|16|236A}} should be delayed a bit
** Most usefull with {{clr|18|j214C}}
'''Sameside 623C:'''
* > {{clr|16|623A}} > {{clr|17|jB}} > {{clr|17|j2B}} > {{clr|18|jC}} > {{clr|16|jA}} > {{clr|17|5B(1)}} > {{clr|17|5C(1)}} > {{clr|16|236A}} > {{clr|18|623C}}
** 623A has to hit very low else j2B will wiff!
** does not work on high proration
*** on high proration starters you have to ommit any links between 623>dl.jB > 623A for example
'''4B+{{clr|18|C}} Corner Steal:'''
* {{clr|17|4B}}+{{clr|18|C}} > {{clr|16|6A}}+{{clr|17|B}} > dl.X > {{clr|18|623C}}
* works best if the Oponent is high in the air when getting hit by {{clr|17|4B}}+{{clr|18|C}}
* best ways to get into it are {{clr|17|5B(1)}} > {{clr|18|2C}} or {{clr|18|5C}} after the Aircombo
** you have to press the X very late around the last hit of the nun
** Use Dash Macro it helps a lot!
** you can somewhat vary what you do after the rununder
** {{clr|17|2B}} > {{clr|17|5B}} > {{clr|16|236A}} > {{clr|18|623C}} would be the most optimal (Validation needed)
** {{clr|16|236A}} > {{clr|18|623C}} seems to be most consistent
''' Moonless Corner Steal:'''
*...> {{clr|16|623A}} > {{clr|16|j.A}} > {{clr|17|j2B}} > {{clr|18|j.C}} > {{clr|17|j.B}} > {{clr|18|5C(1).(C)}} > {{clr|16|236A}} > {{clr|18|623C}}
** used to get 623C without switching sides
** you can switch around jB and jC but its more difficult
'''low {{clr|18|214[C]}} left/right'''
* funky Left/Right mixup, multiple Variations in the corner
* > {{clr|17|j2[B]}} > {{clr|17|j2[B]}} > {{clr|17|j.B}}/{{clr|18|j.C}} > {{clr|18|j214[C]}} > stuff
* Midscreen: > {{clr|17|2[B]}} > {{clr|17|4B}}+{{clr|18|C}} > {{clr|17|236[B]}} > {{clr|17|j2[B]}} > {{clr|17|j2[B]}} > {{clr|17|j.B}}/{{clr|18|j.C}} > {{clr|18|j214[C]}} > sj > crossup > 8 > [6]([4]) > {{clr|16|2A}}~{{clr|19|D}} > X
'''Combo Snippets:''' <BR >
* > (2C) > {{clr|17|623B}} > {{clr|17|j.B}} > {{clr|18|5C(1)}} > {{clr|17|2[B]}} > (4B+{{clr|18|C}}) > : for Damage optimization if you have not launched with {{clr|17|2B}} like fc {{clr|17|j.B}}/{{clr|18|j.C}}, {{clr|17|6B}}+{{clr|18|C}}, {{clr|17|3B}}+{{clr|18|C}}, {{clr|18|236C}}, avoid 5b since it seems to prorate the damage in this Combo worse than even 2A<BR >
* > {{clr|16|623A}} > {{clr|17|dl.j2B}} > sideswitch > {{clr|17|j4B}}+{{clr|18|C}} > {{clr|17|236BBB}} > 236C: for Damage otimization if you have launched with {{clr|17|2B}}. Can also be used as an ender for many low proration combos. {{clr|17|j4B}}+{{clr|18|C}} link seems to be tighter in the corner. <BR >
=== Chacram Safe combos and RB ===
Chakram Safe combos are combos that should work regardless when or how many chakrams hit the opponent.
It’s worth noting that, on fatal, one chakram hitting will scale similarly to a Rapid Beat— meaning it can replace the filler buttons between the starter and the first 623X.
* No Rapid Beat: 2B 2C 623B j.B 623A j.C jc j.2[B] 5A 5C(1)
* Rapid Beat: FATAL 2B Chakram Hit 623B j.B 623A j.C jc j.2[B] 5A 5C(1)
Rapid Beat directly after a starter. In this case, go into 623X right after the Rapid Beat, then continue the combo from there as normal. The Rapid Beat replaces the filler buttons after the starter but before the first 623X.

* No Rapid Beat: 5/2A(A) 2B 2C 623B j.B 5C(1) 2[B]
* Rapid Beat: 5/2A(A) Rapid Beat 623B j.B 5C(1) 2[B]

* No Rapid Beat: 2B 2C 623B j.B 623A j.C jc j.2[B] 5A 5C(1)
* Rapid Beat: 2B Rapid Beat 623B j.B 623A j.C jc j.2[B] 5A 5C(1)

Rapid Beat after a filler button, before the first 623X.
In this case, the proration has been changed enough to not allow the same strategy as before.
With A Starters, you can do the same thing as before.

*No Rapid Beat: 5/2A(A) 2B 2C 623B j.B 5C(1) 2[B]
*Rapid Beat: 5/2A(A) 2B Rapid Beat 623B j.B 5C(1) 2[B]
With other starters, however, you’ll want to play safe and improvise. Generally, 623B jC jc j2[B] into whatever grounded buttons gives you good damage while almost always staying stable.
* No Rapid Beat: 2B 2C 623B j.B 623A j.C jc j.2[B] 5A 5C(1)
R* apid Beat: 2B 2C Rapid Beat 623B jC jc j2[B] 5B(1) 5C(1)
Rapid Beat after the first 623X.
If not part of the combo, this is almost certainly a misinput. At this point, proration has probably shot up, so there’s not much that can be done except improvise and try to end the combo as best you can. If you want to, you can go into the launcher to get a safejump.

===Video Examples===
===Video Examples===
[ Basic Mario Combos] by [ メノ(Meno)]
[ Basic Mario Combos] by [ メノ(Meno)]
== MBTL Navigation ==
[[Category:Melty Blood: Type Lumina]]
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Latest revision as of 13:54, 12 May 2024

Notation Help
Disclaimer: Combos are written by various writers, so notation may differ slightly from this notation.

For more information, see Glossary and Controls

X > Y X input is cancelled into Y.
X, Y X input is linked into Y, meaning Y is done after X's recovery period.
X+Y Buttons "X" and "Y" must be input simultaneously.
X/Y Input "X" or "Y" can be used.
dl There should be delay before inputting "X".
w.X or Xw Attack "X" should whiff and not hit the opponent.
j.X Button "X" is input while jumping or in the air.
dj.X Button "X" is input after a double jump.
jc Jump cancel the previous action. Will occasionally be omitted due to being obvious. Will occasionally be notated with 7/9 to indicate backwards/forwards.
sj Perform a superjump, which is performed by inputting 2~8.
sjc Superjump cancel the previous action.
IAD Instant Air Dash.
AT Air throw, often used as a combo ender that leads to knockdown.
md.X Perform a micro-dash before performing "X". Unused in favor of writing "microdash."
tk.X Indicates the motion "X" is input immediately after leaving the ground. Stands for tiger knee.
(X) Input "X" is optional. Typically the combo will be easier if omitted.
[X] Input "X" is held down. Also can be known as "Increase" or "IC" for short. Depending on the character, this can indicate that this button is held down and not released until indicated by the release notation.
]X[ Input "X" is released. Will only appear if a button is previously held down.
{X} Button "X" should only be held down briefly to partially charge the attack, instead of the full increased version.
X(#) Attack "X" should only hit # of times.
X~Y This notation has two meanings.
  1. Use attack "X" with "Y" follow-up input.
  2. Input "X" then within a few frames, input "Y". Usually used for option selects.
(...) OR (...) Use only one between the two alternative routes.
RB1/2 The first or second hit of Rapid Beat auto combo.
CH The first attack must be Counter Hit.
FC The first attack must be Fatal Counter.
MD Perform a Moon Drive, which is inputted by pressing 5B+C.
Heat Perform Heat, which is performed by inputting A+B+C.
AD Perform an Arc Drive, which is performed by inputting 236B+C. Characters with more than one Arc Drive will have theirs notated by input.
LA Perform a Last Arc, which is performed by inputting A+B+C+D or successfully Shielding in Blood Heat.

These are not all guaranteed to be optimal and are subject to change as more labbing gets done.

Starter Combos

Good Starting Point. Every Combo will contain Stuff that is required for the advanced Combos so you can "piece shit together" when you know the basics.(Combo Theory)
The combos will get more difficult and will reference stuff frome previous combos.

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Basic Combo has Core Aircombo and link in it without dropping if you fuck up the timing.
  • Things to learn:
    • Delay the j.B as much as possible!
    • This combo will not drop if you don't delay the 2C but metered extensions will so get in the habit of delaying it!
    • Keep in mind that Confiming into 5C after a launcher is generally not usefull for more damageing combos anymore sicne you need 5C open!
  • Basic Combo with metered Ender for 623C >OKIThe other fundamental route with 5C(1) after the aircombo, does less damage by itself but will become a very important part of other combos.
  • Things to learn:
    • cou can pickup after the aircombo with 5C(1) in most cases
      • this solves the higgt problem that you get when not delaying a 5B(1)>2C correctly and it works on higher proration Routes makeing this link one of Marios most important ones to master!
    • here you don't delay the jX after the 623B, you still can delay a little but its not realy neccessary or advised
    • you can go into 623C after 236BBB in most Situations
      • 623C enables you to do the 214B/[B] oki setups also called Axe or Chakram oki
    • works from IAD>jX but you have to use a different jX after 623B then!
  • Slightly optimized version which only works from non-air dash starters but will work if counter hit
  • Things to learn:
    • Recognize your starter and if you got a counter hit
    • You will have to substitute 214[A] with 214A in the corner since the nun takes longer to get there
    • On higher proration routes (longer combos) 623A > j.B will drop, so use j.A instead
  • Basic Meterdump with sideswitch
  • Basic Combo with metered extension
  • Things to learn:
    • Here 236B will drop if you dont delay j.B and 2C
    • Use 2A+B to charge Meter and Moon during 236C
    • 236BBB > 236C will cause the enemy to cross over you during the later active Frames so you have to ajust the 214[A] input
  • Low Proration Starter Combo with metered extension
  • Things to learn:
    • You can add additional routes before the air combo on low proration starters
    • You can omit the last part of the 236B rekka to get corner carry (and cross up oki) for a little bit of less damage
    • 236C will drop if you don't delay the j.B and 2C
    • jumpcanceling early in the combos has fallen out of favor since it is much more usefull to have the jumpcanel open later for specific routes
  • 236A Confirm into 2[B] HKD with 214[B] oki
  • Things to learn:
    • 5C(1) > 2[B] is a very stable link even on high proration
    • Sometimes going for 2C before the air combo can be advised even if it does less damage then 5C since it leads to a much more stable later part of the combo
    • You can confirm 236A > 236C anywhere on the screen
    • You can cut combos short to end in hard knockdown and set up 214[B] oki (see Strategy)
  • Consistent no meter BNB for hitting 3B+C
  • Things to learn:
    • When hitting 3BC you link it with a delayed jC and then you can do normal BNB routing
    • 2C has to be delayed if you dont delay jC enough!
  • 3B+C solid metered Route for Damage
  • Things to learn:
    • 2[B] Stabilizes routes and allows you to go into 236BBB for damage with Meter
      • the easiest way to get into 2[B] is 5C(1)
  • Meterless low Proration route
  • Things to learn:
    • You can do similar routes from all raw launchers
    • 4B+C can be used to add a bit of Damag and metergain
    • You can combo 4B+C into 236[B] for a meterless conversion
    • this is a high ressource investment for not that much damage
  • Cornersteal into 623C oki BNB
  • Things to learn:
    • You can use 214A early in the corner to get a wall bounce. This will prorate the combo heavily but adds a good chunk of damage
    • You can steal the corner with 4B+C > run under
      • Use the Dash Macro (A+B)!
      • You have to delay the action while running under a long time! you do it basically when the last hit of 4B+C hits
      • To do the run under you have to NOT delay the 2C to keep the enemy at a greater height to have space to run under
    • You can use 623C after the corner steal to get 214[B] oki in the corner (see Strategy)
      • You can add an X.RB1 to get some distance between you and the enemy after 623C this gives you different spaceing for your oki options.
  • Pretty optimal metered BNB incorporating j2B > j4B+C Link
    • optimal from 2A Starter but not for IAD>jX Starter
  • Things to learn:
    • You can combo j2B > j4B+C For high damage metered extensions
    • It is a very fickle link and only works on low proration and at specific heights. This is one of the easier versions.
    • The link is MUCH more difficult in the corner
    • Don't worry every Mario hates this link
    • if you dont hit the link you can be punished!
  • new meterless BNB incorporating the 236A jumpcancel

Things to learn:

  • you can jumpcancel the SECOND hit of 236A
    • jumpcanceling 236A is a very important part of Marios Combos if you want to go for L/R Mixups
    • the link with j2[b] can be tight you basically have to tk it
    • the link will not work in very specific situations (see advanced combo section)
  • its generally beter to use jC after the 623B if not already used its much more stable!
    • Can also be made metered by substituting j214[B] with j4B+C>236BBB> (see advanced combo section)
  • Standard low proration BNB Routing with metered Ender
  • Things to learn:
    • On low proration starters 623A > dl.j.C/dl.j.B > 5B(1) is a very good route for corner carry and damage
    • 2[B] can be canceled into most special moves and still combo even on higher proration
    • You can go for dl.214[B] after 236BBB > 236C when you hit 236B close to you. This does a bit more damage (most of the time) than 214[A] but you can't really Moon Charge during
  • A Shield Counter Combo
  • Things to learn:
    • Shield Counter limits the damage and it prorates similar to a 2A starter
    • j.C > djc.j2[B] is an itegral part of damage optimization for Mario most optimals use it somewhere in his combos.
    • You can go into 2[B] and all the options that arise from that
    • You can switch arount jA and jB for more damage but it gets a bit harder.

Advanced Combos

normal Starters

2A and IAD Starters
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Also works from 2A > 2B > 2C just switch 2C and 5C.

  • Meterless 2A non AD starter BnB
  • Not from prorateing starters like AD jX or 22B > 2B unless counterhit
  • Meterless non AD starter BnB
  • Not from prorateing starters like AD jX or 22B > 2B unless counterhit
  • switch 214[A] with 214A in the corner
  • non AD Starter 2A BNB with small optimization
  • 5B inside of combos sucks! it heavily prorates the damage!
  • not worth it since you can do the Route below
  • Not from prorateing starters like AD jX or 22B > 2B unless counterhit else enemy will tech before 236B hits
  • you have to set 214[B] as late as possible before the sideswitch else enemy will tech before the second Axe hits.
  • Sideswitch will happen after 214[B] is set
  • Will push the enemy out of the corner and cross up to early to setup 214[B] so use 214[A] instead (see below)
  • Not from prorateing starters like AD jX or 22B > 2B unless counterhit else enemy will tech before j2[B] hits.
  • 236C will sideswitch if you dont want that use the Backdash between 236C and 214[A]
  • You can easily Charge with 2A+B during the active frames of 236C.
  • In the Corner 236C sideswitches you to early to backdash just use normal dash to get back on the other side to keep the corner.
  • Sameside Midscreen 623C Ender
  • 623A has to hit very low!
  • High damage 2A Starter BNB works from IAD Midscreen
  • in the corner you have to switch 214[A] with dl.214B
  • probably not worth the moon cost
  • A Starter Route with with j2B > j4B+C link
  • Sideswitch after j2B
  • j4B+C link is very finniky in the corner
  • probably not worth the moon cost
  • BNB not damage optimized but very consistent, works form airdash starters
  • no dl.j.B like in other routes!
  • Sideswitch late into 236C
  • probably not worth the moon cost
  • Corner L/R with j.214C>j2B>... Ender
  • pretty easy route
  • L/R form 2A Starter with the funny sideswitch "dance" routing
    • You have to input 236A as thoug you are faceing away from the corner
  • this routing switches side after every button after the aircombo since you are directly below the enemy
  • use jB>jA instead of jC before j214C for more consistent timing
  • if you dont delay the j4BC you will not sidewap if you delay it you will
  • BNB incorporating the 236A jumpcancel
  • j2[b] can be tight you basically have to tk it
  • Does less damage then the old one on non airdash starters but more on Airdash starters.
  • its generally beter to use jC after the 623B if not already used
  • can be made meterless, just replace j4B+C with j214[A]
  • there are Edgecases where j2[B] will wiff when using jB after 623B. It happens when you have no forward momentum during the 2A hit. This applys mostly to falling jC hits.
    • To mittigate you can delay the 2C slightly.
  • probably not worth the moon cost
  • NOT CONSISTENT! j2[B] seems to not connect if the nun starts at the wrong place
  • Might be consistent in the Corner (testing needed)
  • new optimal? 2A/IAD starter incorporating the 236A jumpcancel
  • jB has to hit a the very last possible moment!
  • j2[b] is way harder then on the other route!
  • can be made meterless, just replace j4B+C with j214[A]
  • probably not worth the moon cost
2B Starters
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • 2B Starter Metered beginenr Route
  • Other notes form above apply
  • 2B BNB Metered
  • Other notes form above apply
  • Optimized 2B corner BNB
  • Sideswitch 2B BNB
  • delay the jC nearly as much as if you would do the jC only routing.
  • New Route with midscreen L/R
    • (microwalk back)>2B>sj>2A>D~X
      • microwalk = Sameside
  • the 236A has to hit vewy low so all moves after the 623B have to be delayed to get the enemy as low as possible.
    • 5C(1)>2[B](3)>dlAutocombo>dl236A> is more consistent but causes SMP on routes that lauch with 2B
  • Sameside Midscreen 623C Ender
  • Optimized 2 B Route.
  • Sameside Midscreen 623C Ender optimized
  • 2B Combo with j2B>j4B+C link
  • j4B+C link is very finniky in the corner
  • jA before the j2B can help the timing but might cost a bit of damage.
  • somewhat outclassed by the 236A>j2[B]>j4BC ender
  • not realy worth the Moonmeter
  • 2B with 236A > j2[B] > j4B+C link
  • not realy worth the Moonmeter
  • Corner 2B BNB
  • Corner L/R with j.214C>j2B>... Ender
  • Probably also works with the j2[B] > djc > j2[B] > dl.jX > j214C> ... Ender
  • optimized Corner L/R with j.214C>j2B>... Ender
  • 236A>j2[B] is very tight here, you might want to omit j2[B] after 623B>jC on non CH starter
  • optimized Corner L/R with j.214C>j2B>... Ender
  • pretty easy route
non 2B normal starters

when you already used 2B in the blocksting.

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Confirm for when you already used 2B in the blocksting
  • dont sjc! you will cross them up after the j2[B]
  • Confirm for when you already used 2B in the blocksting
  • dont sjc! you will cross them up after the j2[B]
  • optimized 5b starter midscreen route
  • optimized 5C starter midscreen route
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • A Shield Counter Combo
  • A Shield Counter Combo
  • dl.j.B has to be a short dely if you delay to long 2[B] wont hit
  • less damage and more difficult then above route so probably not worth it
  • A Shield Counter Combo
  • route to setup crossupbreak
  • A Shieldcounter Corner Combo 1 Meter Cornersteal
  • 3C Route with sideswitch after j214[A]
  • if you 9jc instead you can stay sameside
  • 3C Route
  • Meter gain optimized
  • 3C Route
  • Damage optimized

Raw Launchers

Raw launcer BNBs

From any Raw launcher you can mostly do the same combos. 6BC, 4BC, j2[B], 22A, 22B, 2BC, 214A wallbounce, 214[A], 214B

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • easy raw Launcher BNB
  • can use normal 2[B] followups (exept 6232A > j2B > j4B+C) but often does less Damage when extended then other routes.
  • you can switch j.C and j.B using jC later does less damage in general but it can make the 236A > tkj2[B] link easier
  • raw Launcher BNB close to optimal in most Situations
  • 2 Meter Version with TK214[B] link in the Ender
  • use j.C if you haven't used it else stick to j.B!
  • 236A is pretty hard to hit
  • also Works with 4B+C after 2[B] for around 50 more damage.
Websling Cofirms

3BC is a very storng neutral tool against people who like do airdash around and try to get over your nuns it can lead to very high damage on counterhit! 623B is a integral part of most combos so when you start with it you will have to change the routing to avoid SMP

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Optimized no meter combo from 3B+C
  • Substitute 214[A] with 214A in the corner
  • 3BC BNB
  • you can use a dl.jB after the 623B to make the route easier by sacrificing a bit of Damage (50)
  • you can substitute 2C with dj.j2[B] to get slightly more damage (10)
  • 623B Confirm
  • 623B Confirm with sameside 623C oki
  • 623B Confirm with sameside 623C oki
  • 623B Confirm
  • 623A Confirm
  • 623B Counterhit Confirm
236A Nun confirms
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • 236A Confirm for Fullscreen hits or if you dont want to deal with buffer TK214[A] at midscreen
  • you have to slightly delay 236C if you hit the oponent airborne
  • as always use 214A in the corner
  • 236A Confirm for close hits around 2B range
  • same routing as for 5B/5C/2C>236A confirms
  • 236A Confirm for close hits around 2B range
  • harder link (jC>jc>j2[B]) for slightly more damage
  • same routing as for 5B/5C/2C>236A confirms
  • dont sjc! you will cross them up after the j2[B]
  • 236A>TK214[A] Confirm for close hits
  • TK 214[A] can be buffered after 236A sine it wont come out on block
    • TK has to be done with 2149A or 9214A else you will land to far away for 623A
  • Example my Magicrider
  • 236A>TK214[A] Confirm for midscreen hits
  • TK 214[A] can be buffered after 236A sine it wont come out on block
    • TK has to be done with 2149A or 9214A else you will land to far away for 623B
  • Example my Magicrider

situation specific Routing

Corner Steal

Mario can Steal the corner. Thats usefull, since 623C always sideswitches so you can do 623C to get Axe oki and still keep the oponent in the corner

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Corner steal without Moonmeter
  • does not work form IAD Unless CH From IAD go directly into 623A
  • Corner steal without Moonmeter
  • Works form IAD
  • Does more damage then the 623B route so you should prefer it
  • the classic Corner Steal with Moonskill
  • Optimized version of the Moonskill Corner switch if you already start near the corner
  • not from AD Starter
  • 2B starter Corner steal without Moonmeter
  • 2B starter Corner steal with Moonmeter
  • Cornersteal from 2B starter with "dance" routing
  • this routing switches sides after every button after the aircombo since you are directly below the enemy
    • you have to input 4B+C as though you are faceing away from the corner
  • Video Example

You can Shorten your combos to get HKD with 2B/2[B] and then Cancel to setup Axe oki. See Strategy for Examples

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Combo for 2B HKD
  • Combo for 2B HKD
  • Combo from 2B/Raw launcher Starter for 2B HKD
  • 236A>236C Confirm
Safe Heat
Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Safeheat routing
  • You can delay the heat to make it wiff so they are able to aritech and you can react acrodingly.
236C can (not) EX prorate!

Got fixed in 05.2024 Patch Proration now applies combos still work but do WAY less damage!
236C seems to not EX prorate (always does the same damage and does NOT Reduce meter gain), which leads too situations where it is more advantagous to loop it instead of using Arc-Drive

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Midscreen 236C Loops
  • 236C seems to not EX Prorate
  • only requires 3 bars to start if you have the 4th one available to fill up.
  • Example by Magicrider
  • Corner 236C Loops
    • only works as P2!
  • 236C seems to not EX Prorate
  • Example by Magicrider

Combo Theory

Warning Combo theory is a bit outdated! Mario has some very specific stuff that does not neatly fit into a unified theory, you either have to get a feeling for what works on what proration or just memorize specific combos for specific Starters.

Combo Structure:
(Starter) > Launcher > (low Proration air Route) > Airbcombo > Link > ((Extension with Moonskill) > (Extension with Meter > (2nd Extension with Meter)))/(236A>jc Route) > Ender

Launcher: 2B > (5C/2C/5B), 214B/[B], 214[A], 236A > 236C, 4B+C, 6B+C 22A > (X), 22B > X, 3B+C > dl.j.C,j2[B] on Grounded oponent, Shield~B+C, Shield~B CH, Shield~A FC


  • Low Proration Starters: 5B > 2B, 2B, 3B+C > (dl.j.C), CH 2B+C, 22A, 22B > ch > j.B/C, 2nd hit Autocombo, 6B+C, j2[B]
  • Medium Proration Starters:5A > 2B,2A > 2B,4B+C,236A > 236C, CH jX
  • High Proration Starters: IAD > jX, 2A > 2A > 2B
  • Very High Proratiopn Starters: 236BBB > 236C

Low Proration Air Routes:

  • > j.C > j2[B] > 623B >
    • solid even from 2A Starters only doesn't work from high Proration Starters like AD > jX
    • Might cut you out from certain Enders and Links!
    • the important part is the 2[B] so leave out the j.C if you dont need it for the 2[B] to hit.
    • The route can be slotted in into other launchers like 3B+C with 3B+C > j.C > jc > j2[B] >
  • > 623A > dl.JB/dl.JC > 5B(1) > 623B >
    • you can use dl.j.C instead of dl.j.B after the 623A when you have not used it already to get more damage
    • More damage meterless (most of the time) but only from low proration Starters like 2B/3B+C/2B+C
    • Might cut you out from Certain Enders and Links!
      • Cuts you out of 623A > j2B > 4B+C or makes it less viable because of SMP 623A
  • > 623A > j.C > jc > j2[B] > (dl.j.B) > 5B(1) > 623B >
    • most Optimal nonmetered Route for HKD
    • can be trick to get the 2[B] to hit low so they can't tech.
    • Might cut you out from Certain Enders and Links!
      • Cuts you out of 623A > j2B > 4B+C or makes it less viable because of SMP 623A

Aircombo: > 623B > dl.j.B > Link

  • most important combo piece its in nearly every BnB

Lancher: 236A>jc...

  • can be used to launch when 2B has already been used during the Blocksting and you get a hit with 5B,5C,2C
  • when hitting 236A raw it has low proration
  • when hitting it after 5B/5C/2C its like a medium proration launcher
  • j236A>IAD>jC>jc>j2[B]>
    • basically replaces Launcher>623B>
  • 236A>TK9214[A]>623A/623B
    • 623A for close hits 623B for midscreen hits

Corner Sideswitch Dance

  • ...214A>623A>jB>j2B>jC>dance!
  • Corner only route where every button casuses you to switch sides after the aircombo since you are below the enemy and most moves move you forward
  • Examples:
    • 2B into cornersteal 623C
      • 214A>623A>jB>j2B>jC> 5B(1) > 5A > 5C(1) > 4B+C
        • you will have to input 4BC as though you are with the abck to the corner
    • 2A into L/R oki
      • 214A>623A>jB>j2B>jC> jA > 5B(1) > 236A > jc > j2[B] > djc.j2[B]> jC> j214C
        • you will have to input 236A as though you are with the back to the corner

Links after aircombo: As usual a grounded normal you have not used already, to keep proration low

  • 2C: not on high poration! Omits 5B which is good in most metered combos.
  • 5B(1) > dl.2C: standard link for dmg Extensions when you have alread uses 5C
    • 5B(1) > 2C: Link in the corner to keep the oponent high for the 4B+C Cornersteal
  • 5C(1): Standard link when you have already used 2C. This can be important if you do a route that is sensitive to proration early in the combo since 5C porates more than 2C
    • 5C: Link in the croner to keep the oponent high for the 4B+C Cornersteal
  • 5C(1) > 2[B]: Standard Link when you have not used 2B Still consistent if you have already used it but less damage!
    • can also be used for HKD > 214[B] oki
  • 5B(1) > 2[B] rarely used since you most times use 2C instead of 5C when you want to go into 2[B]. 5B always highly prorates damage!
    • can also be used for HKD > 214[B] oki
    • going 5B(1) > 5C(1) > 2[B] is most of the time preferable
  • 5B(1) > dl.2C > 5C(1) > 2[B] link for combos from raw Launcher Starter when you omit the 2C before the first air rote to keep proration low
    • can be used for HKD > 214[B] oki but is very timing and hight dependant
    • will do less damage then 2C > .. > 5C(1) but works on higher proation like 236A > 236C

Links for 2[B] > 214[B] oki:

  • you can cut most combos short to get 2[B] HKD and then axe oki. see Strategy
  • 5C(1) > 2[B]:see above
  • 5B(1) > 2[B]: see above

2ND hit Autocombo after link: will drag the enemy back to the ground and makes Extensions a lot more consistent

  • always allows you to go into normal 623A ender
  • always allows you to go into 236A > 236C
  • 2ND hit Autocombo can converte to 236BBB > 236C on low proration. On AD > jX Starter, if you have used 3 or more Grounded A or B Normals in the combo or if you have a j2[B] route in the combo the enemy will tech 236B

Extension with Moonskill

  • Mostly 4B+C after 2[B]
  • 4B+C Corner steal see below
  • > j2[B] > 4B+C > 236BB(B) > 236C > Ender
    • Always also requires Meter
    • heavily succeptible to proration and hight
    • quite finniky in the corner sicne the timing of the nun is slightly different

Extensions with Meter: 236A > 236C, 236BBB > 236C

  • Extensions are very dependend on enemy hight!
  • If enemy is to high you can go do 236A(1) > 236C to salvage it.
  • Always try to Moon Charge during the active frames of 236C if you dont need to reposition.

dl.214[B] link after 236BBB > 236C Extension for Damage optimization:

  • > 236BBB > 236C > dl.214[B] > Ender
  • When you start 236BBB close to you
  • do 214[B] the last second before the oponent crosses up.

2nd Extensions with Meter after 236BBB > 236C: > 236BBB > 236C > TK214[B] > dl.2C > 236A > 236C > 214[A] >

  • TK 214[B] route only works midscreen or when 236C is timed so your collision box stops them from being draged out from the corner to much
  • because of SMP > TK214[B] > 2C > 236A > is only usefull if you use another metered move since those have minimum damage.
  • also works with 623C instead of 236C. might be even more usefull

Ender: > (214[A]) > 623A > (j.AB/j.BC/j.C(B)) > AT,623C

  • AT leads to an autotimed safejump so ending in AT is a good option
  • 623A > .. can most times be substituted for 623C or 236B+C for DMG and HKD
  • In the corner you can use 214C to get HKD with a lot of Setup potential (see Strategy)
  • 214[A] after the aircombo only works on very low proration or when used after 236C
  • 623C gives you enough time to Setup 214[B] just like after Throw but sideswitches!
    • see above 4B+C Corner Steal

236A(2)>jc Routes: 236A(2)>jc>j2[B]> / 236A(2)>jc>IAD>j2B>

  • New routing with jumpaceling 236A(2)
  • hitting 236A high 236A(2)>9jc>j2[B]>
    • most consistent with jX>5C(1)>236A>
    • possible form 5C(2) in the corner
    • possible form 214A>wallbounce
    • basically 9TKj2[B]
    • possible with >dljB>2C>236A> but dependant on where the nun starts
      • jB has to hit the last moment possible and 236A has to be delayed slightly
  • hitting 236A low 236A(2)>jc>IAD>j2B>jB>j214C
    • possible from Autocombo or 2[B](3)
      • 236A should be delayed a bit
    • Most usefull with j214C

Sameside 623C:

  • > 623A > jB > j2B > jC > jA > 5B(1) > 5C(1) > 236A > 623C
    • 623A has to hit very low else j2B will wiff!
    • does not work on high proration
      • on high proration starters you have to ommit any links between 623>dl.jB > 623A for example

4B+C Corner Steal:

  • 4B+C > 6A+B > dl.X > 623C
  • works best if the Oponent is high in the air when getting hit by 4B+C
  • best ways to get into it are 5B(1) > 2C or 5C after the Aircombo
    • you have to press the X very late around the last hit of the nun
    • Use Dash Macro it helps a lot!
    • you can somewhat vary what you do after the rununder
    • 2B > 5B > 236A > 623C would be the most optimal (Validation needed)
    • 236A > 623C seems to be most consistent

Moonless Corner Steal:

  • ...> 623A > j.A > j2B > j.C > j.B > 5C(1).(C) > 236A > 623C
    • used to get 623C without switching sides
    • you can switch around jB and jC but its more difficult

low 214[C] left/right

  • funky Left/Right mixup, multiple Variations in the corner
  • > j2[B] > j2[B] > j.B/j.C > j214[C] > stuff
  • Midscreen: > 2[B] > 4B+C > 236[B] > j2[B] > j2[B] > j.B/j.C > j214[C] > sj > crossup > 8 > [6]([4]) > 2A~D > X

Combo Snippets:

  • > (2C) > 623B > j.B > 5C(1) > 2[B] > (4B+C) > : for Damage optimization if you have not launched with 2B like fc j.B/j.C, 6B+C, 3B+C, 236C, avoid 5b since it seems to prorate the damage in this Combo worse than even 2A
  • > 623A > dl.j2B > sideswitch > j4B+C > 236BBB > 236C: for Damage otimization if you have launched with 2B. Can also be used as an ender for many low proration combos. j4B+C link seems to be tighter in the corner.

Chacram Safe combos and RB

Chakram Safe combos are combos that should work regardless when or how many chakrams hit the opponent.

It’s worth noting that, on fatal, one chakram hitting will scale similarly to a Rapid Beat— meaning it can replace the filler buttons between the starter and the first 623X.

  • No Rapid Beat: 2B 2C 623B j.B 623A j.C jc j.2[B] 5A 5C(1)
  • Rapid Beat: FATAL 2B Chakram Hit 623B j.B 623A j.C jc j.2[B] 5A 5C(1)

Rapid Beat directly after a starter. In this case, go into 623X right after the Rapid Beat, then continue the combo from there as normal. The Rapid Beat replaces the filler buttons after the starter but before the first 623X.

  • No Rapid Beat: 5/2A(A) 2B 2C 623B j.B 5C(1) 2[B]
  • Rapid Beat: 5/2A(A) Rapid Beat 623B j.B 5C(1) 2[B]
  • No Rapid Beat: 2B 2C 623B j.B 623A j.C jc j.2[B] 5A 5C(1)
  • Rapid Beat: 2B Rapid Beat 623B j.B 623A j.C jc j.2[B] 5A 5C(1)

Rapid Beat after a filler button, before the first 623X. In this case, the proration has been changed enough to not allow the same strategy as before. With A Starters, you can do the same thing as before.

  • No Rapid Beat: 5/2A(A) 2B 2C 623B j.B 5C(1) 2[B]
  • Rapid Beat: 5/2A(A) 2B Rapid Beat 623B j.B 5C(1) 2[B]

With other starters, however, you’ll want to play safe and improvise. Generally, 623B jC jc j2[B] into whatever grounded buttons gives you good damage while almost always staying stable.

  • No Rapid Beat: 2B 2C 623B j.B 623A j.C jc j.2[B] 5A 5C(1)

R* apid Beat: 2B 2C Rapid Beat 623B jC jc j2[B] 5B(1) 5C(1)

Rapid Beat after the first 623X. If not part of the combo, this is almost certainly a misinput. At this point, proration has probably shot up, so there’s not much that can be done except improvise and try to end the combo as best you can. If you want to, you can go into the launcher to get a safejump.

Video Examples

Basic Mario Combos by メノ(Meno)

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