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| title    = I'll send you flying!
| title    = I'll send you flying!
| subtitle = Chicken wing
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| input    = {{#invoke:InputsMBTL|toIcons|623B/C}}
| input    = {{#invoke:InputsMBTL|toIcons|623B/C}}
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Revision as of 01:23, 13 January 2024


Aoko Aozaki is a returning character to Melty Blood, released as free DLC alongside Dead Apostle Noel on January 13, 2022. Aoko is a versatile all-rounder capable of close-range pressure, zoning, and space control via screen hazards and far-reaching normal and special attacks.

Aoko excels at creating difficult situations for the opponent to navigate using moves that cover a broad variety of ranges and angles, such as her charged 5C and j.C, Browning Starmine (236X), Raining Starmine (j.236X) and her trademark Floating Starmine setplay orbs (214X, j.214X, and 421X). However, she also has tools to get in and mix it up directly: her 6C rekka series, plus use of I'll trip you up!/I'll send you flying! (623A/B), allows her to run effective gamuts of pressure and high/low mixups at close-range. Combined with her unique trait of 2 air jumps and 2 air dashes, Aoko can relentlessly pressure the opponent in various ways when she's given momentum.

In exchange for all of this, Aoko has no meterless reversal, making it difficult for her to fight back as freely from a defensive position as most other characters can. Orbs and other ranged moves can also allow the opponent greater opportunities to shield and interrupt her offensive pressure, so they have to be used carefully for maximum effectiveness--this is especially true of her longer-range moves with longer startup and recovery times.

Pick if you like Avoid if you dislike
  • Versatile Toolset: Aoko has plenty of tools that allow her to function well at a variety of ranges, control screen space exceptionally well, and cover various angles of approach.
  • Diverse Air Mobility: Aoko has 2 air jumps and 2 air dashes, enabling chases from jump cancelable normals, specials, and even her air throw.
  • Powerful Setplay: With orb being one of the few setplay tools that the player has complete control over, Aoko can condition the opponent with her own unique mindgames once she has them knocked down.
  • Tricky Mixups: Aoko's list of mizups on knocked down opponents, in conjunction with the fastest overhead in the game, makes her a terrifying character to defend against.
  • Orbs: Aoko's most powerful tool, acting as okizeme threats, neutral control, and pressure/combo extension all at once.
  • Flexible Conversions: With meter, Aoko has plenty of ways to convert stray hits into knockdowns long enough to set up her powerful okizeme.
  • Slightly Underwhelming Defense: Make no mistake, Aoko has the tools to get out of most defensive situations in this game. But with no meterless DP, a low-hitting 5A, and a 5B that is prone to whiffing on IAD, she can only reliably disrespect IADs with options like instant airthrow (f7), 3C (f10), and rising jA (f9).
  • Negative Edge: Getting the most out of Aoko's most powerful tool, her 421X series of Floating Starmine orbs, require the use of Negative Edge— an type of input where managing the pressing, holding and releasing of buttons is key. Though not inherently difficult, even being extremely satisfying if mastered, the upfront unorthodox difficulty of Negative Edge can be an offputting hurdle for some in a game where every other character uses much more traditional inputs.

Story & Profile

Successor to the Fifth Magician, The Magic Gunner

One of only five magicians who exist in the world.
Successor to the Fifth Magician. Overall, she is not considered a skilled magician. However, when it comes to "Destructive" power, she is unrivaled in her talents. The sight of her raining down bullets like hot geysers has also given her the direct, yet rather tasteless nickname, "Magic Gunner".
Who she learned it from is unknown, but she is also familiar with martial arts, and has a battle style that could be considered a hybrid of those martial arts and magic.

She encountered Shiki on her travels. She gives him glasses that suppress his Mystic Eyes, and teaches him the value of living things and how to handle things. For that reason, Shiki respects her and calls her his teacher.
She's a difficult person to pin down. She believes in justice, is unreliable, and a vagabond.

In this story, she has been hired to look into what Roa is researching and experimenting on by a certain person in a position of power, and is trying to seek out and infiltrate the research facilities...

Main Weapon/Skill
High Speed Incantation, Magic Blue, Martial Arts

Basic Info
Height: 160cm
Weight: 50kg
Blood Type: A
Birthday: July 7
Voiced by: Haruka Tomatsu

Unique Traits

Negative Edge Orbs

Aoko's 421X and 1BC spawn orbs that only detonate when Aoko lets go of an attack button (A, B, or C), or gets hit. This semi-permanent screen pollution is key to her offense and zoning, allowing her to create interactions that no other character can, "Breaking the rules." so to speak.

High Freedom of Movement

Aoko has two airdashes and two double jumps. There's some nuance to it however, triple jump consumes one of your airdashes, but double airdash does not consume your triple jump.

Running with the theme of "Breaking the rules.", in addition to the universal extra jump, Aoko gains a 3rd airdash that can be used in the same direction as the first two when she is in MD, unlike the rest of the cast.

Character Summary

Move list

Moon Skills
6B+C - Browning Starmine
3B+C - I'll send you flying!
4B+C or 1B+C - Floating Starmine
2B+C - Blazing Starmine
Air 6B+C - Raining Starmine
Special Attacks
236A/B/C - Browning Starmine
>A/B/C - Addiitional Input 1 (236A only)
>A/B/C - Additional Input 2 (236A~X only)
623A - I'll trip you up!
623B/C - I'll send you flying!
>A/B/C - Additional Input (623B only)
214A/B/C or 421X - Floating Starmine
22A/B/C - Blazing Starmine
j.236A/B/C - Raining Starmine
j.214A/B/C - Floating Starmine (air)
Arc Drives
236B+C - Severe Break Slider
Last Arc
A+B+C+D - Retrograde - Genesis Light Year
Unique Attacks
6C > C > C - Good morning cardio routine
>C - Additional input 1
>4C - Additional input 2
2C > 2C
Blowback Edge Moves
5C, 6C, j.C, 236A~X~X, j.214A/B
Stats & vitals

HP Value: 11,700 (Average)


  - 1-10 Full Invul
  - 1-13 Strike Invul
  - 14-18 Projectile/Air Invul
  - 6-19 Airborne
  - 28 Total

Dash startup: 4

Dash actionable: 5

Jump startup: 4

Jump airtime: 37

MBTL Aoko Art.png


Move Analysis

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

MBTL Aoko 5A.png
MBTL Aoko 5A hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
180 L -SE-, -N-, -SP-, -CH-, -EX-, -MD-, (J) - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
5 2 11 17 -1 -
  • A quick kick to the ankles.

While 2A is generally better to use for pressure, 5A's low-hitting properties in spite of its short reach makes it an excellent reverse beat option, both to catch opponents shielding mid or to whiff it and lessen recovery as a rebeat from C normals. Not ideal for anti air but still a serviceable move to fuzzy mash with.

MBTL Aoko 5b.png
MBTL Aoko 5B hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
480 LH N, SP, CH, EX, MD, (J) - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
8 4 16 27 -5 -
  • A straight kick forward.

Good reach and surprisingly safe without reverse beat. Solid normal overall.

MBTL Aoko 5c.png
Moves you forward slightly
MBTL Aoko 5c hb.png
Moves you forward slightly
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
610 LH N, SP, CH, EX, MD, (J) - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 4 23 36 -10 -
  • A rear-leg roundhouse.

Aoko moves forward slightly as she swings her leg.

+UNI Input Hold.png[C]
MBTL Aoko 5c be.png
MBTL Aoko 5c be hb.png
MBTL Aoko 5c be(2) hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
680, 560 (1167) LH N, SP, CH, EX, MD, (J) L (Laser Hit) - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
19 6 24 48 -12 [-13] 14-18 Clash
  • Cancel properties are for leg connect only.
  • Crushes low shield for a fatal counter.
  • Laser launches on hit.
  • Laser whiffs on crouchers, drastically changing confirms based on the situation.

Charged version of 5C where Aoko shoots a laser from her foot. Excellent damage as combo filler that can also provide the height necessary to enable 5[C] > 623B sideswaps in addition to crushing low shield for a fatal counter.

The main issue is the laser hitbox whiffs on crouchers but launches on hit, so the optimal hitconfirm could vary wildly depending on whether or not they got fatal'd for low shielding or had their 5A/Jump caught from the natural 3F gap between 2C > 5[C]. Should you confirm perfectly however, you can easily reach 4.3 - 4.4k without the help of the corner.

Crouching Normals

MBTL Aoko 2A.png
MBTL Aoko 2A hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
150 L -SE-, -N-, -SP-, CH, -EX-, -MD-, (J) - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
5 2 11 17 -1 -
  • Fast low with good reach.

A quick low kick with the front leg. Excellent close-range pressure normal.

MBTL Aoko 2B.png
MBTL Aoko 2B hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
420 L N, SP, CH, EX, MD, (J) - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
7 4 18 28 -7 -
  • Faster than average startup.
  • Startup increases to 10f at max distance.

A slightly slower kick from the back leg that slides forward a little bit. Very good abare normal when they're out of 2A range.

MBTL Aoko 2C.png
MBTL Aoko 2C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
620 L N, SP, CH, EX, MD, (J) L, HK - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
11 5 20 35 -8 -
  • Launches into a hard knockdown on hit.

A back leg sweep. Also slides forward, giving a bit more reach and distance than 2B.

2+C > Add2+C
MBTL Aoko 2C2C.png
MBTL Aoko 2C2C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
740 LH N, SP, EX, MD, J L, WB - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 3 25 39 -11 -
  • Aoko blasts the opponent away with a small burst.
  • Wallbounces in the corner.
  • Use this as early as possible in pretty much every corner confirm because wallbouncing increases the damage you do for the rest of the combo.

Aoko advances very far when doing this move. While the pushback necessitates reverse beating to 2B midscreen, in the corner this becomes a fairly important stagger tool in strings such as 2A > 2CC > 5A, especially with the looming threat of an orb making the opponent think twice about disrespecting her strings.

Jumping Normals

Aerial A
MBTL Aoko jA.png
MBTL Aoko jA hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
140 HA N, SP, CH, EX, MD, J - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
5 4 11 19 - -
  • Hits standing opponents while rising.
  • Whiff-cancelable into other air buttons, moves, or double-jump/forward airdash after frame 19.

A quick knee attack. Aoko's most horizontal air normal. Also useful as a frame kill for certain AT setups.

Aerial B
MBTL Aoko jB.png
MBTL Aoko jB hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
380 HA N, SP, CH, EX, MD, J - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
7 4 - - - -
  • An upward roundhouse kick.
  • Incredible air-to-air.

Hits the farthest above Aoko out of any of her air normals, making it a good long distance rising anti-air. Also possesses a crossup hitbox that makes it a powerful option for landing on the opponent in scrambles.

Aerial C
MBTL Aoko jC.png
MBTL Aoko jC be.png
Stalls your air momentum slightly
MBTL Aoko jC hb.png
MBTL Aoko jC be hb.png
MBTL Aoko jC be(2) hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
560 HA N, SP, CH, EX, MD, J - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 4 - - - -
  • Hits standing opponents while rising.

A downward kick from the front leg.

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
560*2 (1058) HA N, SP, CH, EX, MD, J L, GB - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
20 6 - - - 16-19 Clash
  • Has infinite range, laser travels until it hits the ground.
  • Kick is still an overhead, laser is not.
  • Cancel properties are for leg connect only, on laser connect it's just Special/EX Cancellable.

Aoko shoots a laser from her foot that does the same damage as the leg hit & has its own independent hitbox, in combos you typically only want to hit with the laser since hitting with both prorates pretty hard. Compared to other charged air normals in this game, Aoko j.[C] sees much more specialized use due to the change in air momentum on use combined with a surprisingly low untech time on the groundbounce.

It's typically seen as combo filler in sequences like 22A > SJ > j.[C](1) > j.236A > Land > Followup, but can also be used as a unique pressure tool in the corner to stall out your momentum and fit more overheads into a string. It's also got very niche use in neutral as a hail mary if you've burned all your air options and want one last chance to mixup your landing, but even this might be less preferable to using j.236B or j.214X, because you can MD cancel those on whiff at least. Whatever you do, don't whiff it - you'll die.

Command Normals

Good morning cardio routine
MBTL Aoko 6C.png
Often "Cardio" or "Rekka"
MBTL Aoko 6C hb.png
MBTL Aoko 6C be hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
440 LH SP, CH, EX, MD - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 4 18 31 -5 -
  • The starting input for Aoko's classic rekka series.
  • You can only continue the rekka on contact, not whiff.
  • In spite of being -5, it's safe due to pushback leaving you outside of jab range.

Aoko's Rekka series is incredibly versatile. Its main purposes are to stabilize your combos and give corner carry while adding damage. Often done after air hit 5B in combos, but the hitbox is slightly lower & than 5B, so it's necessary to delay it slightly. On aerial hit it drops the opponent fairly quickly after hitstop which allows you to aim for the sweet-spot height where 6CCC~C hits slightly meaty to enable a 5A link.

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
680 H SP, CH, EX, MD - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
30 4 18 51 -5 -
  • Charging 6C makes it an overhead.

Much slower overhead than 4C but can be cancelled and thus gives a full combo even without orb in addition to having better damage proration. While its slow speed makes it fairly reactable, having an orb set can often create enough visual fuzz to hide the startup, so it still has some merit as a mixup tool. It's also sometimes seen as combo filler after a 2CC in the corner, particularly to squeeze damage out of her corner throw route.

Good morning cardio routine
6+C > AddC
MBTL Aoko 6CC.png
Sometimes referred to as "Half Cardio"
MBTL Aoko 6CC hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
440 (774) LH SP, CH, EX, MD - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 5 18 32 -6 -
  • The second hit of Aoko's rekka series.
  • Also safe in spite of the framedata, due to pushback.
  • After this step, the rekka loses special cancel properties.

If you are ever uncertain about your opponent's height or you have an exceedingly bad starter like IAD j.B > j.A, just special cancel this into 623BB > j.236C or j.214C.

Good morning cardio routine
6+C > AddC > AddC
MBTL Aoko 6CCC.png
MBTL Aoko 6CCC hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
440 (1073) LH CH, EX, MD - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 4 21 34 -8 -
  • The third hit of Aoko's rekka series.
  • Can cancel into an EX Edge or Arc Drive.
  • Spaces you around jabs but unsafe on block.
6+C > AddC > AddC > AddC
MBTL Aoko 6CCCC.png
Low Slide
MBTL Aoko 6CCCC hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
800 L EX, MD L, SK - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
13 7 14 33 -4 -
  • The low ender to Aoko's rekka series.
  • Punishable with throw on block.
  • Can cancel into an EX Edge or Arc Drive.
  • OTGable if they hit the ground during untech.
  • Can be linked off of in certain cases.

Basically her 623A. It's very important to get a good feel for linking 5A after this move, especially on air hit, and a part of that is micromanaging the opponent's height during the rekka. If they're too high, you'll slide under them and they'll tech before it hits. If they're too low, it won't hit meaty and you can't link 5A anymore. Usually this is autotimed but its good to be cognizant of why it does and does not work sometimes.

6+C > AddC > AddC > Add4+C
MBTL Aoko 6CCC4C.png
Doesn't combo from 6CCC but is a overhead
MBTL Aoko 6CCC4C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
836 HA EX, MD, J GB - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
23 3 17 42 -3 -
  • The overhead ender to Aoko's rekka series. Jump cancellable on hit and block.
  • Can cancel into an EX Edge, typically j.214C, to get a combo going.
  • +1 on crouch hit, -1 on standing hit.
  • It's possible to link a 2A on a Counter hit to convert without spending meter, but only when the opponent is hit while crouching. On a Fatal Counter hit you can link 2B instead for a slightly more damaging combo.
MBTL Aoko 4C.png
Secretly her best move.
MBTL Aoko 4c 1 hb.png
The windup...
MBTL Aoko 4c 2 hb.png
and the delivery.
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
850 H - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
22 2 16 39 0 -
  • Aoko does an outward crescent kick with her back leg.
  • Fast overhead with 0 cancel properties.
  • +2 on standing hit, +3 on crouching hit.
  • Links into any normal with a held orb, 2B on counterhit, and 2C on fatal counter.

At a glance this move isn't that great. It can't be cancelled and does less damage than a throw. However, it's the fastest standing overhead in the game on a character who can partially obscure the screen with orbs while also being advantageous on hit and 0 on block with a character with a fairly large 7F 2B so her turn isn't even necessarily over once it's blocked. On top of that, it's yet another low shield crushing option for a character who has an easy time encouraging people to gamble on shield. All of this is to say it's really one of her best moves - and if you've got good confirms, this move can take you very far even without an orb pop.

Additionally, due to its high base damage, this normal sees use as combo filler in the corner.

Universal Mechanics

Rapid Beat 1
Rapid Beat 1
MBTL Aoko rapid1.png
MBTL Aoko rapid1 hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
400 LH SP, CH, EX, MD - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
9 8 18 34 -10 -
  • Rushing knee attack. Auto-attack filler.
3C / Rapid Beat 2
3C / Rapid Beat 2


MBTL Aoko 3C.png
MBTL Aoko 3C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
700 LH SP, EX, MD, (J) LR - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 3 25 37 -11 5-12 Air
  • Universal launcher. Has a decent amount of vertical range but is still tricky to use as an AA due to its relatively shorter horizontal range.
  • As a rapid beat, is often cancelled into 22X for advantage & the distance to pester with 236A.
Ground Throw
MBTL Aoko throw.png
Comboable if you throw the opponent into an orb
MBTL Aoko throw hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1300 - - HK, AB - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4 3 19 25 +64 -
  • If a 214X or j.214X orb is set, you can throw the opponent into the orb, which will detonate it and allow you to get a combo.
  • The above orb trick works with 421X orbs as well, but requires you to detonate them manually.

Aoko's throw is... Interesting. It does 200 less damage than the average throw but is comboable with orb anywhere on the screen. Tossing a 421X orb out and seeing how your opponent reacts is usually the best option since scoring a second throw will give you an orb pop combo. If you want safejumps, your options are IAD > j.66 > dj.8A > Falling j.C, which always sideswaps but is safe to 5F dps, or you can sacrifice 5F dp safety for a sideswap by drifting forward for a couple frames, omitting the j.A, and landing with j.B instead, which still safejumps 6F DPs.

But what really sets it apart is doing the aforementioned 5f safejump allows her to get a 21F 50/50 with jC > tj.AC or land 2A 2B.

Air Throw
Aerial 4/6+A+D
MBTL Aoko airthrow.png
MBTL Aoko airthrow hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1200 - - HK, AB - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1 3 Until Landing+12 Until Landing+12 - -
  • Universal air combo ender.
  • If you still have your jump and air dash, you can jump cancel the recovery and air dash towards your opponent to meaty them with a falling air normal.

Pretty tough getting a safejump that beats 5F DPs midscreen, but possible with 3C > AT > j.IAD > dj.8~[6] > j.C. It's an absolute partystarter in the corner with j.9A > j.8~[6] > j.C though.

Special Moves

Browning Starmine
Browning Starmine
MBTL Aoko 236A.png
MBTL Aoko 236A hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
950 LHA -CH-, -EX-, -MD- - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 3 26 40 -4 -
  • Aoko fires a short-ranged finger laser.
  • Can be followed up by tapping any attack button, on contact or on whiff.

Excellent poke & stagger tool, especially after 22X. 236A is the easiest way to truestring into 236C

MBTL Aoko 236AX.png
MBTL Aoko 236AX hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
700 LHA -CH-, -EX-, -MD- L - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
14 3 28 44 -6 -
  • Aoko steps forward slightly and fires a laser similar to the first shot from 236A.
  • Can be followed up by tapping any attack button, on contact or on whiff.

Hits lower than the first strike of 236A, you may have to delay this followup in some routes for it to fully connect.

MBTL Aoko 236AXX.png
MBTL Aoko 236AXXX be.png
MBTL Aoko 236AXX hb.png
MBTL Aoko 236AXXX be hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1100 LHA -EX-, -MD- L, WB - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
21 9 29 58 -11 -
  • Full-screen laser shot.
  • Causes wallbounce in the corner.

Has merit in specific max damage corner routes over 236A~X~[X]. Can link 5A if there isn't too much HSD and you delay long enough for them to be in position for it.

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
380*5 (1446) LHA -EX-, -MD- L, WB+ - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
36 15 24 74 0 -
  • Charged version of 236A~X~X. Hits multiple times.
  • Causes wallbounce in the corner.

A primary source of corner damage that connects seamlessly at low hitstun decay and prorates a ton. Try not to delay this at all after 236A~X.

MBTL Aoko 236B.png
MBTL Aoko 236B be.png
MBTL Aoko 236B hb.png
MBTL Aoko 236B be hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
500*3 (1220) LHA -EX-, -MD- L - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
26 9 15 49 +9 -
  • A slower laser shot that reaches full screen.
  • Launches the opponent.
  • Can be low profiled.

Zoning tool that sees occasional use as a pressure reset due to being +9.

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
500*5 (1795) LHA -EX-, -MD- L, WB+ - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
43 18 12 72 +21 -
  • Charged version of 236B.
  • Causes wallbounce at the corner.
MBTL Aoko 236C.png
MBTL Aoko 236C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
630*5 (2203) LHA MD L, HK, AB - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4+14 36 0 53 +23 -
  • Aoko sets up an array of magic circles to fire multiple lasers.
  • Aoko's most damaging EX move in isolation.
  • Can truestring using 236A > 236C to maintain pressure.

Versatile EX move for converting awkward 22A/2BC hits, making 6BC advantageous so you don't die if it's blocked, as the 2nd EX in 2-bar round enders, and for maximizing chip damage during heat/blood heat. Also sees use as one of the two primary knockdowns she uses for her crossup break setups.

MBTL Aoko 6BC.png
Simultaneously one of her best & worst specials.
MBTL Aoko 6BC hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1300 LHA EX, MD L, WB - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
17 9 36 61 -18 Clash 1-11 (MD)
  • Basically a standalone version of 236A~A~X.

Good news, this is unreactable, even from fullscreen! Bad news, if they block this at all the frame advantage is so bad some characters can punish you from fullscreen. Worse news, if they shield this from fullscreen the entire cast except for Shiki, Akiha, Mario, Neco-Arc, and ironically enough Aoko herself, get a combo of some kind /w resource.

That said, this is mainly a hail mary in neutral and occasional fullscreen frametrap tool. You should always EX cancel it into 236C for frame advantage on block and a combo extension on hit, otherwise your turn is over from anywhere on the screen. Since this starts up in 20f from fullscreen and 236C is +23, you can choose to loop 6BC > 236C when in Heat/Blood heat for fairly good chip damage. 6BC > 236C is also a high damage starter you can choose to cash out on with MD to close out a round.

I'll trip you up!/I'll send you flying!
I'll trip you up!
MBTL Aoko 623A.png
MBTL Aoko 623A hb(2).png
The startup of these specials lower Aoko's hurtbox.
MBTL Aoko 623A hb.png
A version's hitbox is different from 6CCCC's... but only slightly.
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1200 L -EX-, -MD- L, SK - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
17 9 12 37 -4 5-15 Low Crush, 16 Throw
  • Aoko does a low hop into a sweeping kick.
  • Travels quite far with a lot of active frames but jumps up before the kick which means it's not a very good low profile.

Without a doubt Aoko's most important & versatile special for combos. You should always be able to fit at least one in a combo. It's VERY active and a vast majority of her routes require it to hit a little bit meaty if you want to convert.

I'll send you flying!
MBTL Aoko 623B.png
MBTL Aoko 623BX.png
B Followup
MBTL Aoko 623C.png
Her reversal
MBTL Aoko 623B 1 hb.png
B version's first active frames.
MBTL Aoko 623B 2 hb.png
B version's last active frames.
MBTL Aoko 623BX hb.png
MBTL Aoko 623C 1 hb.png
C version looks like B version, except massive.
MBTL Aoko 623C 2 hb.png
Followup is only performed on hit.
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
440, 836 (1200) H -CH-, -EX-, -MD- GB - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
18 3 (7) 7 14 48 -4 6-35 Low Crush
  • Aoko does a jumping overhead axe kick.
  • Hits grounded opponents on frame 29.
  • Hits jumping opponents on frame 19.
  • Will groundbounce an opponent in the air.

Versatile in its own right, it's often used as combo filler for routes such as Shield-A, sideswap routes, or the 2A crossup protection break route. Can also see some use as a hail mary overhead to check the opponent, which can then be cancelled into j.214C for plus frames if blocked. Sometimes used as a combo ender going straight into j.214C if the hitstun decay is low enough to enable her best crossup breaks.

Additionally it makes for an okay anti-air thanks to its fast startup and air unblockable properties. This also makes it an excellent reset tool after 6CCC~C and 623A if you know you're going to drop but are unwilling to give up the combo.

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
800 LHA -EX-, -MD-, (J) L - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 4 X + 8L - -11~-12 -
  • A somersault followup to 623B.
  • If this input is delayed it's possible to pick up and get meterless conversions for further corner carry.
  • With meter, can get conversions by using 236C or j.214C.

623B~B is primarily used as a combo ender going into j.236C for a hard knockdown, but if you hit a raw 623B you can use it to score a full conversion by linking 2B afterward.

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
160 * 3, 836, 800 (1936) LH (MD) L, HK, AB - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4+2 12 (6) 3 24 50 -10 1-17 All
  • A supercharged, invulnerable version of 623B that travels farther and automatically does the followup on hit.
  • Gives a long knockdown on hit, which can buy time to set up orbs.
  • Listed frame advantage is on block (punishable).

Her dp. Fast up close, travels really far horizontally, and AUB to boot. The crazy horizontal movement happens somewhere around frame 20 - frame 24 so not actually that good as an AUB tool.

MBTL Aoko 3BC.png
MBTL Aoko 3BC hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1200 HA EX, MD, J L, GB - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
27 6 12 44 -1 Clash 1-11 (MD)
  • A faster version of 623B with no followup allowed.
  • Unlike 623B, the first hit only works during combos.
  • Jump-cancelable on contact.
Floating Starmine
Floating Starmine
"Proximity Orb"
MBTL Aoko 214A.png
Proximity Orb
MBTL Aoko 214C.png
MBTL Aoko 214A hb.png
MBTL Aoko 214C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
900 LHA -EX-, -MD- - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
26 (30) 5 - 38 +16 -
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
900 LHA -EX-, -MD- - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
26 (30) 5 - 38 +16 -
  • Startup data refers to the time it takes the orb's trigger box to come out, orb spawns on f11, trigger box activates on f26, orb's actual explosion has 5f startup once triggered.
  • Orb fizzles out on f348.
  • Aoko puts her hand forward and an orb floats out. After its initial startup, it will detonate automatically when an opponent gets too close to it.
  • Up to 2 orbs from 214A/B are allowed on screen at the same time; repeating the command for an orb you've already set will destroy it and replace it with an orb at your current position.
  • Any orbs made by 214A will be replaced if you use j.214A. Similarly, any orbs made by 214B will be replaced by j.214B.
  • Holding the attack button during the initial input will move the orb forward until you stop holding the button.
  • If Aoko is hit, then any deployed orbs disappear. They also disappear on their own after a period of time or if they are hit by attacks.
  • One of her main oki and space control tools.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
550*4 (1886) LHA (MD/AD) L, HK, AB - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4+4 (4+9) 5 - 31 +14 -
  • Aoko sets out a large orb that does multiple hits when it detonates. Unlike 214A/B, it will detonate near instantly if the opponent is close enough during startup.
  • This move is pretty similar to the A and B orbs; C can be held to move it forward, it disappears when Aoko is hit or after it's been deployed for a while, and using 214C or j.214C when a 214C or j.214C orb is already out will delete the old 214C/j.214C orb and replace it with a new one.
  • However, 214C's orb counts as a separate orb from 214A/B and j.214A/B orbs, so it can be used even if you have one or both of those orbs out already.

It has its niche as a pressure rebuy when you aren't airborne or can't get out a 236A for 236A > 236C, but by most metrics this move is an inferior version of j214C. Seen in niche setups and occasionally whiff cancelled out of 421C in neutral.

MBTL Aoko 4BC.png
Affectionately known as the "UFO Orb"
MBTL Aoko 4BC hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
900*2 (1602) LHA MD, AD - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
14 (18) 5 - 41 +1 (min) Clash 1-10 (MD)
  • Sends a 214A and a 214B orb forward in opposing sine wave motions. Will replace any existing A/B proximity orbs on the screen.
  • The bottom orb counts as an A orb and the top orb counts as a B orb. Using any version of 214A or 214B will replace the corresponding 4BC orb.

Floating Starmine (NE)

Floating Starmine
"Negative Edge Orb"
MBTL Aoko 421X2.png
MBTL Aoko 421X.png
C version is not an EX move
MBTL Aoko 421X hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
900 LHA -EX-, -MD- - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
18 (23) [24] + 8 4 - 50 (47) [44] 0 (+8) [+12] {+24} -
  • Data listed is for A (B) [C] orb respectively. Frame advantage is for the fastest pop of A (B) and [C], followed by the {+24} you get from any stray orb pop. Startup listed refers to the time it takes to put the orb on the screen; the earliest detonation is 8 frames afterwards.
  • Aoko points and sets out an orb that will move to a fixed position and then automatically detonate.
  • The strength of the button used determines how far away from Aoko the orb appears. A doesn't move and is right at her fingertip, while B travels a bit farther than an unheld 214A/B and C is almost halfscreen at max range.
  • When any attack button is being held before a 421X orb detonates, the orb's detonation is paused until no attack buttons are being held down. You can, for example, do 421[A], then 421B without holding B, and keep both orbs from detonating as long as you hold A the whole time. You can also switch which button you're holding as long as you don't release all of them in-between switching.
  • 214X/j.214X orbs DO NOT OVERLAP WITH 421X orbs. This means you can set orbs with 214X or j.214X and then set 421X orbs as you see fit. However, only 2 orbs from 421X are allowed on screen at the same time. If you try to set a third 421X orb, you will get the 214X version of whatever 421X orb you're trying to set.
  • Another critical part of Aoko's oki and space control kit.
MBTL Aoko 1BC.png
1BC: same positions as B and C orb
MBTL Aoko 1BC hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
900*2 (1602) LHA - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
24, 28 + 8 (32, 36) 4 - 34 +22/+26 (min) Clash 1-11 (MD)
  • Data in () represents total startup of the orbs including detonation.
  • Sets two 421X orbs out at once.
  • Much like regular 421X, you can hold any attacking button to keep these orbs from detonating.
  • Although these are negative edge orbs, these can be broken if hit by the opponent's attacks.
Floating Starmine (air)
Floating Starmine (air)
Aerial 214+X
MBTL Aoko j214A.png
Air proximity orbs
MBTL Aoko j214C.png
MBTL Aoko j214A hb.png
MBTL Aoko j214C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
900 LHA -EX-, -MD- - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
25 + 5 5 6L - - -
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
900 LHA -EX-, -MD- - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
25 + 5 5 6L - - -
  • An aerial version of 214A/B, where Aoko sets an orb in midair and then falls to the ground.
  • Very loose height restriction, so when the input is tiger kneed, Aoko will set the orb extremely close to the ground.
  • After the orb is set, Aoko will fall forward if she was moving forward before setting the orb. Otherwise, she'll fall backward.
  • Pretty much all the same rules and restrictions from 214A/B apply here, except held inputs will instead give a charged version (listed below).
  • Any orbs made by j.214A will be replaced if you use 214A and vice versa. Similarly, Aoko may only have one orb from either 214B or j214B out at a time.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
900 LHA -J-, -EX-, -MD- - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
31 + 5 5 6L 36 - -
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
900 LHA -J-, -EX-, -MD- - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
31 + 5 5 6L 36 - -
  • Charged versions of j.214A/B. Unlike the normal versions, Aoko will always move backward after setting a charged orb.
  • If Aoko has air actions remaining, she can jump-cancel after charged j.214A/B, though this doesn't work with TK'd versions as she lands too quickly for the jump cancel point.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
550*4 (1886) LHA (MD) L, HK, AB - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4+3 (4+8) 5 6L - - -
  • Aoko sets out a big orb that hits multiple times, just like 214C.
  • Pretty much all the same rules and restrictions as 214C apply, minus being able to charge it with a held input (faster detonation, the orb is destroyed & replaced by using j.214C or 214C when an orb is out, etc.)

This move is the partystarter. Provided the combo is not too scaled, this is the move you are going to end your combos with to set up her layered Crossup Protection Break setups. In pressure, it can be made plus enough that you can truestring an IAD jC, and to top it off, it only goes away when Aoko is hit or techs a throw. Thanks to the low landing recovery and the effect the move has on your momentum in the air, EX Cancelling into this move after 22B in the corner can severely limit the opponent's options due to it auto punishing reckless abare if Aoko blocks. From there, she can truestring into 2C, 5[C] to fatal shield attempts, dash up and reset pressure, etc. Coupled with a negative edge orb, the opponent has no choice but to gamble their way out. The sky is the limit if you have the meter to spend on this move.

Aerial 4+B C
MBTL Aoko j4BC.png
MBTL Aoko 4BC hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
900*2 (1602) LHA -J-, MD - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
28 (32) 5 - 30 - -
  • Sets two j.214X orbs out at the same time, one slightly below and in front of the other.
  • Using 214A or j.214A will replace the top orb, while using 214B or j.214B will replace the bottom orb.
  • Great setplay tool. After a 214C knockdown, it can be used to setup a "wall" of plus frames to sandwich the opponent between.
  • If buffered after rising j.A, it will stop your momentum allowing you to continue the combo on hit or sideswitch on block.
Blazing Starmine
Blazing Starmine
MBTL Aoko 22A.png
Anti air & safe pressure ender.
MBTL Aoko 22B.png
Pressure tool.
MBTL Aoko 22C.png
Mainly EX cancelled into on whiff for safety.
MBTL Aoko 22A Hitbox.png
22A, massive anti-air.
MBTL Aoko 22B Hitbox.png
22B, much smaller than 22A but fires 2 geysers.
MBTL Aoko 22C 1 hb.png
22C, initial hitbox is somewhat thin...
MBTL Aoko 22C 2 hb.png
But the hitbox expands outward from f9 to f14...
MBTL Aoko 22C 3 hb.png
Then flies forward from f15 to f23...
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
800 LHA J, -EX-, -MD- L - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 6 19 34 -2 -
  • Aoko does a backward flipkick and shoots an upward laser from her initial position.
  • Jump-cancelable on hit only.

22A is gigantic, the hitbox pretty much matches what the visuals would imply, it's fairly active, and it covers a very important angle for melty so you should get familiar with confirming off it. Typically you convert off it in combos & off stray hits with SJ j.[C](1) > j.236A > ground normal, if you're super close just j.9 instead of SJ. Since you can't jump cancel on block, learning the SJ timing and always inputting it without hitconfirming is also a good strat. If you aren't confident in the SJ timing or otherwise got a really really high non-fatal hit, wait until you land and do 236C, you should be able to dash up and convert with 623A or 5B afterward.

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
(300*3 [846])x2 (1425) LHA J, -EX-, -MD- L - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
15 3,3 23 43 +2~+5 -
  • The B version fires multiple lasers from her initial position instead, each traveling a little farther forward.
  • Is +2 point blank but when cancelled from any normal it's +5.
  • Truestrings from C normals and rapid beat 2, while it leaves a 1F gap when cancelled from B normals, and a 4F gap when cancelled from A normals.
  • Jump-cancelable on hit only.

This sees much less use as an anti air due to the smaller hitbox and longer startup when compared to 2BC and 22A. It's instead used to end pressure in the corner at a safe distance to pester with 236A, 2BC, 6BC etc without getting hit by quick pokes like Tohno 2C or Roa 214A. Since it truestrings from Rapid Beat you can use this to correct any mistakes in pressure while maintaining some form of advantage.

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
(170*3)x6 [2006] LHA J, MD L, HK, AB - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4+3 3,3,3,3,3,3 10 34 +9 ~ +18 -
  • Similar to the B version, but there are more lasers that cover more horizontal ground.
  • Jump-cancelable on hit only.

Probably Aoko's strangest EX move damage-wise. While it looks like it fires 7 pillars forward, it actually fires off 1 big hit that expands outwards for 6 frames, and then travels forward for 9 frames, with a new hit every 3 frames. Every instance of the hitbox hits 3 times... What all of this means is damage wise this move pretty much has a "sweet spot" where you will get all 6 hits and it becomes her 2nd most damaging EX move (With the highest minimum damage at 540 total, though the instances where this optimzation is possible are few to none), otherwise it's her least damaging one.

It's insanely fast so you'll see it used to net punishes at ranges where 2B won't hit (Blocked Shield-A when outside of 2B range, for example.) In combos, it's used when no other EX move will hit and you need emergency damage/hitstun at the end of a wack confirm, or to put out a hitbox when trying to make a whiffed special move safe, since it only has 3 frames less recovery than 214C but comes out in 6 frames to punish any commitments made before superflash. It also has some utility in corner routes, enabling you to place a 421X orb mid combo and still convert into 3C, enabling a 421X orb safejump which has some merit over the standard 1BC orb safejump.

MBTL Aoko 2BC.png
(Mow em' down!)
MBTL Aoko 22C 1 hb.png
A hitbox befitting a panic button...
MBTL Aoko 22C 2 hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
180*9 (1273) LHA EX, MD, (J) L - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 3,3,3 30 48 -2 Clash 1-7 (MD)
  • A faster version of 22B with the 3 initial hits of 22C for its hitboxes.
  • Jump cancellable only on hit.

The panic button. Massive, super fast without a motion input, comes out in 10 frames (9 in MD), has clash frames in MD, gives a bunch of meter on hit, is easy to confirm with sj j.[C]... Super versatile move, but don't be reckless with it. If it's shielded, you're super dead. If the opponent clashes with it and has MD, you're super dead. If you use it too much... Well, you'll run out of moon and are likely super dead.

Raining Starmine
Raining Starmine
Aerial 236+X
MBTL Aoko j236A.png
MBTL Aoko j236A hb.png
MBTL Aoko j236B hb.png
MBTL Aoko j236C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1000 LHA -EX-, -MD- - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
17 6 Until Landing+16 - ~-11(tk) ~+16(falling) -
  • Aoko fires a laser downward at a narrow angle while retaining momentum.

This is your main tool for converting air hits into a ground combo for damage, also adds fairly good damage in optimized punishes in combination with j.C or j.[C](1).

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
500*3 (1220) LHA -EX-, -MD- L - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
21 9 Until landing+12 - +9(tk) -
  • Aoko fires a beam diagonally downward while halting all momentum before recoiling back slightly.

A more specialized air version of 236B, this can be seen in some high damage corner routes as a tk. This move is really punishable on whiff without much reward on hit unless you have moon drive, but having negative edge orbs on the ground to cover your landing can make this move a real nuisance for some characters who lack a good answer to it. It can also be used to stall your air momentum when the opponent expects a landing j.B/C and you don't have air options left to bait with, but don't do this without MD to cover your whiff.

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
850*3 (1938) LHA MD L, GB, HK, AB - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4+8 9 Until Landing+12 - +9(tk) -
  • A supercharged version of j.236B that causes a hard knockdown. Very useful as a combo ender from 623B~B, can also combo into it from any air normal.
Aerial 6+B+C
MBTL Aoko j6BC.png
MBTL Aoko j6BC hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1300 LHA EX, MD, -J- L, GB - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
18 9 12L 33 - -
  • Combines the speed of j.236A with the forced momentum change of j.236B, but allows for a jump cancel to keep yourself safe on whiff.

Super Moves

Arc Drives

Severe Break Slider
Severe Break Slider
MBTL Aoko 236BC.png
MBTL Aoko 236BC hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
50*40, 75*20 (3500) LHA - L, HK, AB - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1+8 60 (21) 60 58 207 -34 All 1-158
  • Aoko punches out two fullscreen lasers. If they hit, she adds on a third jump-kicked laser for maximum damage.
  • Aoko continues the attack if the opponent blocks it. Opponents can shield into B followup with time after to set up for a damaging combo while Aoko finishes the attack.

Last Arc

Retrograde - Genesis Light Year
Retrograde - Genesis Light Year
MBTL Aoko ABCD.png
MBTL Aoko ABCD hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
4800 [4800 ~ 6960 in BH] LH - L, HK, AB - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1+21 4 27 52 -14 All 1-25
  • Aoko does a short punch forward. If it hits, she traps the opponent in the Marvel 2 character select screen and catches them in the detonation of a new universe.
  • Animation identical to the second hit of her arc drive.
  • Longest Last Arc in the game.

As with most Last Arcs, comboing into this is rarely (if ever) optimal over just ending with an EX > Arc Drive outside of Blood Heat. Meterlessly, you're looking at any wallbounce > MD > LA, or ending any corner combo with orb pop > LA. During Blood Heat, you're looking at 214C/j.214C > 66 > LA midscreen and 236C > LA in the corner.

Rebeats and Gaps

Rebeat Table
Attack Chain Advantage
5B/2B 5A/2A -3
5C/2C/2CC 5A/2A -1
5[C] (Laser Hits) 5A +0
Gap Table
Attack Chain Frame Gap
2A/5A 5[C] 8F(3-7 Clash)
2B/5B 5[C] 5F(1-4 Clash)
2C/2CC 5[C] 3F(1-2 Clash)
2A/5A 4C 11F
2B/5B 4C 8F
2C/5C 4C 6F
5[C] (Laser Hits) 4C 5F
5C/2C/2CC/6C/6CC/3C 421A 10F
5C/2C/2CC/6C/6CC/3C 236B 10F
5C/2C/2CC/6C/6CC/3C 421A > 22C 6F
5C/2C/2CC/6C/6CC/3C 421B > 22C 3F
5C/2C/2CC/6C/6CC/3C 421C > 22C 0F


Palette options

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Aoko Wiki Roadmap

40% complete
Page Completed To-do Score


Various framedata mistakes fixed. Some descriptions added, fixed some bad images/missing hitboxes.

Clean up messy move descriptions & detail the more barren ones. Add the missing hitboxes.


Functional Neutral, Pressure & Oki sections.

Go over more Neutral strategies & add more offensive setups. Complete defense section.


Combos listed for various starters.

Pending update to 1.31 routing + needs better sorting.


Fill in every MU.


MBTL Navigation

The Game
Getting Started
News & updates
The Battle System
Game Data
Shiki Tohno
Arcueid Brunestud
Akiha Tohno
Hisui & Kohaku
Miyako Arima
Kouma Kishima
Michael Roa Valdamjong
Vlov Arkhangel
Red Arcueid
Aoko Aozaki
Dead Apostle Noel
Mario Gallo Bestino
Powered Ciel
Mash Kyrielight
Monte Cristo