Melty Blood/MBTL/Akiha Tohno/Strategy

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Akiha is a setplay focused character with the potential to completely lock the opponent down from a single confirm. She has multiple tools to maintain this lockdown, most notably her 236X series which leaves long-lasting stationary ring projectiles that severely limit the opponent's options when near one. This lockdown power comes at a cost, however—because so many of her tools are designed to enable her devestating pressure and oki game, she lacks a strong presence in neutral.

In general, Akiha is rewarded for patient play in neutral and defense as she searches for exploitable weaknesses in the opponent's gameplan.


Akiha has two main ways to engage with neutral: midrange zoning and a more rushdown style. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, and are more appropriate in some matchups than others. In general, the choice of neutral style is left to the player's preference, though a player who can dynamically shift their neutral styles can easily leave their opponent constantly on edge and unsure of what options Akiha is looking to use.


A core component of Akiha neutral centers on whiff punishment with her strongest jump-in normal, j.B. If an opponent is committing to a grounded approach to you and you expect them to use a grounded poke (usually a 5B or 5C), you can evade the incoming attack with a backwards jump and punish the recovery frames with an airdash forward into falling j.B. The nature of j.B's hitbox makes it well suited to this tactic, as it hits deep below Akiha and on either side. On successful hit, you can confirm it into 2B 2C (5C) 5[B] and continue into your BnB.

This is probably the most "straightforward" approach to Akiha's neutral, but in practice you'll likely be finding yourself doing anything but this. Because Melty Blood is a game of aerial footsies, you'll generally need to successfully convince your opponent that aerial approaches are risky with solid anti-airs, and punish them for attempting to close the gap on the ground. This doesn't make it not worth learning: if you've learned how to evade and punish every common poke your opponents can throw at you, one careless move by them can net you an easy win condition.

Midrange Zoning

Akiha can utilize her specials such as Brilliant Wheel (236X), Painting the Moon (623X), and Crushing Beasts (22X) to zone from midrange and enforce space control, punishing the opponent on their approach. If the matchup allows for it, this is the safest approach to neutral, allowing you to be patient and scout out your opponent's responses to your space control.

Brilliant Wheel

Brilliant Wheel is a staple move to control space: 236A completely locks off ground approaches, while 236B creates a major hazard for aerial approaches. While these are active, if your opponent attempts to navigate around them, their movements will be extremely predictable and allow you to easily react to their approach. You will need to be wary of being too predictable with rings, as opponents can simply jump into them and shield for a free RPS situation. Additionally, the aerial versions come with significant landing recovery, making them very punishable to throw out carelessly.
If a Brilliant Wheel ring is already active on the stage, performing a different Brilliant Wheel input will end the active frames of the current ring and place a new one. This can be an effective tactic to bait out jump shielders and catch their landing recovery.
On hit, you can convert with j.[C] delay j.B 5C 5[B] and route into BnB as appropriate. If the hit was grounded, you can instead choose to confirm with 5C and continue with the BnB from there.

Painting the Moon

Painting the Moon is a strong anti-air option that covers a large diagonal space directly above Akiha. This special is air unblockable, which means the opponent must commit to shield in the air to secure themselves against this option; if an opponent finds themselves blocking Brilliant Wheel in the air, they cannot shield and are extremely vulnerable to Painting the Moon. It's important to note that this special does not cover any space on the ground except directly in front of Akiha, and even there crouching will low profile the attack.
On hit, any version of Painting the Moon can be cancelled into EX Brilliant Phantasm (214C) to convert into a combo; if you have it available, activating Moon Drive as a confirm can make this link easier and slightly more damaging.

Crushing Beasts

Crushing Beasts is your grounded space control option, reaching nearly halfscreen distances and hitting low as a bonus. 22A comes out frame 11, which isn't much longer than 2C's 9 frames and recovers much faster, though you still don't want to whiff it. 22B has a larger hitbox and slightly faster recovery in exchange for a more reactable 18 frame startup.
On hit or block, you can cancel Crushing Beasts into EX Brilliant Wheel to either confirm a combo or extend pressure.


Akiha's specials are excellent space control tools, but they're outclassed by the larger zoning tools possessed by some characters. If you find that your zoning gameplan is being outclassed by your opponent, you can switch from using a special-oriented gameplan to using (and abusing) Akiha's strongest normals to close gaps fast and keep the pressure on opponents trying to keep you out.

While Akiha is capable with a more rushdown-oriented strategy, this approach is inherently riskier and matchups where she's forced to be more aggressive in order to keep from being outzoned are heavily unfavorable for her. For most matchups however, Akiha's rushdown options are best kept as ways to keep overloading your opponent's mental stack and present them with even more potential options to keep track of.


The other standout Akiha air button, j.[C] comes with a great hitbox in front of and below Akiha, clash frames, and a bounce to give you time to confirm your combo. j.B excels in closer-range engagements, but Akiha's short airdash and the somewhat narrow nature of j.B make it less of a threat if you're not already closer than roundstart distance. If you're finding yourself at halfscreen or further, throwing out a superjump into j.[C] can give you a safer approach than you would otherwise think. The clash frames can help deal with attempts to zone or anti-air you, and can easily catch an extended hurtbox.

dj. j.B

If the angle of superjump is favorable, or if you're close enough to begin with, using Akiha's double jump to mix up your aerial options and bait your opponent's rununders gives you a chance to leverage drift mechanics and j.B's ambiguous crossup nature. j.B. is strongest when you are directly above an opponent, so double jumping when you're over them, then holding 4 or 6 to drift left/right lets you setup an ambiguous crossup situation that's difficult to block or anti-air.


5C is one of Akiha's best grounded normals in neutral: it's only 1 frame slower than 5B but advances further, has a high-hitting hitbox to catch someone trying to jump out, and on block retains all of Akiha's rebeat options to immediately launch into a pressure string. If you've conditioned your opponent into expecting an aerial approach, simply running up and pressing 5C can give you a frightening starter and make them far more wary of your options on approach.


Alongside universal Melty Blood pressure options like staggers and rebeats, Akiha has a number of ways she can open someone up once she's got them blocking.

Your general blockstrings should ideally leave 5A open for rebeat purposes, and 5B is massively outclassed by 5[B] as a frametrap and combo confirm tool, so it's not advised to use 5B. That said, you can confirm a combo from 2C with 214A and link into 5C 5[B], so if you inadvertently route into it (or do so intentionally to throw an exceptionally aware opponent off guard) you can still confirm a combo if you land a hit.

Your go-to safe pressure ender should be 22A -- this leaves you minus at a comfortable distance where you are better prepared to react to your opponent's next moves. 22A also hits low as a bonus so you can catch people standing.

As always, with the strength of shield options mid-pressure in Type Lumina, be aware of your opponents shielding habits and look to counter them.


The most useful natural frametraps available to Akiha are 5[B] and 22B, which can frametrap off any normal. 5[B] in particular offers clash frames, making it especially useful if you suspect your opponent might go for a meterless reversal attempt. 22B doubles as a frametrap low and pressure ender, especially when you mix it with 22A. 22B gives you better frame advantage than 22A does, but still leaves you at a distance where you can't really exploit the slight difference in advantage.

214A/B can also frametrap, especially when you have discouraged your opponent from using low shield options with throws. This is a risky option however, as you are left minus or even at point blank. 214A hits mid but comes out much faster and travels a shorter distance; 214B hits overhead, but travels much further and can easily whiff if your spacing is off.

Pressure Resets

Akiha has access to metered gapless pressure resets through 236C, which doubles as a confirm for a successful 22B frametrap. While your opponent is blocking the wheel, you can superjump and go for a left/right j.B mixup and continue with grounded pressure if they successfully block it. It is very important to be mindful of your meter when going for a 236C reset: Akiha is resource-hungry at all times, and exchanges meter for strong mix and pressure opportunities.

Rebeat Options

Akiha has a lot of lows and no standing overheads, so to open up your opponent through high/low mix requires a bit of conditioning. Using 5A rebeats at good spacing where it whiffs (often achieved through staggered cancels) will allow you to IAD j.C a crouching opponent relatively quickly and put that on their mental stack. 5A rebeat throw is also a strong option to encourage mashing and discourage shield use.



Why use 236B instead of 236A after an EX knockdown?

After EX knockdowns, Akiha will typically set 236B. This might seem odd at first; after all, it doesn't actually hit them unless they stand. So why use 236B?

  1. Firstly, and most importantly, 236B will not OTG the opponent if done as soon as possible after your EX knockdown. 236A will. This actually gives you less time to set up after 236A, even if its startup is lower.
  2. 236B leaves open throw, 632146C, and AD, if they crouch the wheel.
  3. Your opponent can only shield the wheel with stand shield. This means that attempts to shield the wheel always lose to meaty lows. If the opponent wants to try to shield your meaty low instead, they risk whiffing a shield. In contrast, with 236A, your opponent can always both 5D and 2D and shield the wheel; they will never whiff a shield. As a result, with 236A, you must meaty high or meaty low and guess correctly to beat their shield attempt, which can open you to other defensive options. 236B does not have this issue.
  4. Your opponent isn't being hit if they crouch, so they can act. This may seem bad, but your opponent is more restricted than it looks. First, they cannot input 22x or 623x without being hit by the wheel. Second, any 214x or 236x must have invuln, and the button press must be on the same frame as the final directional input in order for the move to come out. Third, attempts to dash will get hit, and attempts to backdash will either get hit during the input (44) or after the backdash invul wears off (frame perfect 4A+B). Fourth, any attempt to moondrive must time the 5 perfectly with the B+C or they will get hit. And lastly, they can attempt to stand shield the wheel late, but they must time the shield with their blockswitch, which is less forgiving than doing it with the wakeup buffer. In short: they are only so much better off than if they had blocked. And furthermore...
  5. The wheel will not tick unless they are in it. If your opponent crouches on wakeup and standblocks later, you do not actually lose ticks on the wheel. They will still receive four ticks as long as they standblock before the wheel's duration expires. If your opponent doesn't block immediately, they are giving you those plus frames at a better time later. In contrast, you will always get the plus frames from 236A immediately, if you get them at all.
  6. B wheel enables better punishes than A wheel.

Now, you will not -always- use 236B; some setups, like SKD's crossup protection break, use j.6B+C, and others use j.236X. But EX knockdown>236B is your go-to, and your most basic setup.

How does 236B affect the risk/reward on shielding?


Corner Oki: Airthrow Knockdown

Lowest AT (e.g. 214B j.[C]B AT)


Lower AT (e.g. j.[c]b land j.AB AT)


Moderate AT (e.g. 3C immediate AT)


Higher AT (e.g. 3C j.AB AT)


Highest AT (e.g 3C j.BC dj.BC AT)


Corner Oki: EX Wheel KD

j.[C] j.236C Knockdown > 236B Meaty 22B

Example combo into setup:

2a 5b 2b 5c 2c 6c 22b 2c 6c 214b j[c] j.236c, backwalk to max 22B range (or another range if it's better for the matchup), 22B meaty

When set up like this, 236B > max range 22B outspaces heat, lets you bait a fair amount of reversals, and punishes stand shield with a meaty low. It also puts you at a spacing where Shield>A Followup whiffs, and where—if you read Shield>B Followup—you can punish it with 3C. For specifics on baiting reversals, see the charts below. (623C and MD punishes assume you are reacting to the flash. If nothing specific is said after MD, assume you can block, shield, or moonskill as you want.)

Opponent's Reversal Your Answer
22B Outranged at max 22B range
22C 623C, or MD
236B+C 623C (only get a punish if close); MD>shield>recover and punish
Opponent's Reversal Your Answer
22B Outranged with only a slight backwalk after ring
22C Outranged with only a slight backwalk after ring
236C MD
236B+C MD>block>punish or MD>shield>A.
Opponent's Reversal Your Answer
623B Outranged with only a slight backwalk after ring
623C Outranged with only a slight backwalk after ring
236B+C Moon Drive>shield>A. Your 236B+C invulns through the unheld version and hits with the strike; unsure about the held version.
Opponent's Reversal Your Answer
623C Outranged at max 22B range. If closer, can MD>shield>recover and punish.
236B+C Outranged, even with only a slight backwalk after ring.
Opponent's Reversal Your Answer
623B Outranged at max 22B range
623C Cannot outrange. MD.
214C Outranged with only a slight backwalk after ring.
22C Whiffs at max 22B range, but he armors the 236B. Can 236C on reaction to the flash, or MD>shield>B+C if you stayed in range to get hit.
236B+C Cannot outrange. 236B+C on reaction hits for 2500 (no grab). MD>jump is your best punish.
Opponent's Reversal Your Answer
22C Cannot outrange. Can 623C on reaction, or MD.
236B+C Cannot outrange. Your 236B+C will invuln through and hit with the strike. Moon Drive>block is best.
Opponent's Reversal Your Answer
236B+C Moon Drive>shield>B followup. Check the timing for this before you try it in match; it's a little unintuitive.
Opponent's Reversal Your Answer
623B Outranged with only a slight backwalk after ring
623C Outranged with only a slight backwalk after ring
236C Cannot outrange. MD>block or MD>shield>a.
236B+C Cannot outrange. 623C punishes. Moon Drive>shield>recover also punishes.
Opponent's Reversal Your Answer
623A Outranged with only a slight backwalk after ring
623C Outranged at max 22B range
236B+C Outranged at slightly less than max 22B range
Opponent's Reversal Your Answer
236B+C Cannot outspace. MD>shield>A.
Opponent's Reversal Your Answer
214C (Answer pending. Initially had recover from 22B, backdash twice, and punish the landing, but that might be a training mode only punish.)
236B+C Moon Drive>tap shield and jump after. If shield connects, then hit the b followup, run to Kohaku, and punish. (Needs further testing.)
Opponent's Reversal Your Answer
236C Cannot outspace. Can 623C on reaction and punish. Can MD>block or MD>Shield and punish.
236B+C Can 623C through if closer; practice the spacing for this, because it's weird. Moon Drive>shield>recover punishes.
Opponent's Reversal Your Answer
623C 623C, MD.
236B+C If within 2C range, can MD>shield>recover.

Midscreen Oki: Airthrow Knockdown


Lowest AT (e.g. 214B j.[C]B AT)


Lower AT (e.g. j.[c]b land j.AB AT)


Moderate AT (e.g. 3C immediate AT)


Higher AT (e.g. 3C j.AB AT)


Highest AT (e.g 3C j.BC dj.BC AT)


Midscreen: EX Wheel Knockdown




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