Arcana Heart 3/AH3X/Akane Inuwaka

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Akane Inuwaka


A warrior dispatched by the Inuwaka clan to support and aid the Millennial Guardian, Kamui Tokinomiya, Akane is the textbook definition of the doting, yet ditzy, older sister. An eternal optimist with an insatiable curiosity, she likes to think of herself as a self-styled arbiter of “cool”. Although she constantly worries about her younger sister, Nazuna, she makes it a point to never show it. She also is a very hard worker, but tries to hide that aspect of her personality as she thinks it makes her look uncool.

Akane has an instinctive knack for fighting, as well as the uncanny ability to quickly identify and exploit any enemy weakness. Her preferred method of fighting is to kick her opponent into submission, using her Arcana powers only when she feels it's absolutely necessary.

She has an extraordinary singing voice, an ability that allowed her to captivate Phenex, the Arcana of Sound. Akane listens to just about every genre of music under the sun and will frequently jump in and perform with any street buskers she comes across.

Including the Japanese branch of the Celestial Union, she has several friends and acquaintances that work to remove the planar rifts across Japan. She has trouble telling others up front that she can help, and instead resolves any trouble around her under the excuse that she is on a journey to train herself.


Akane is a technical close-range fighter who wants to punish opponents making mistakes under pressure for big damage. Your goal is to stay in their face as much as possible, as Akane is noticeably lacking in long ranged tools. Her unique mechanic, the Kotodama gauge, helps Akane to accomplish this by providing her unique mixups and additional damage as well as ways to keep yourself safe in case you make a mistake. Akane can hold her own in the air but keeping your opponent near the ground is ideal for her as she boasts a variety of anti-air moves that will help keep the pressure on and get the damage rolling.

Unique Mechanics

With a few Exceptions, Akane can chain her specials moves into one another. These cancels are referred to in-game as “Kotodama Cancels”. This powerful ability is limited by the kotodama gauge shown directly under her health bar, which Akane must manually recharge in order to regain use of. Akane starts every match with a kotodama already stocked and they carry over between rounds. Smart and creative use of these cancels grant Akane access to some of the most powerful mixups and most damaging combos in the game.

Unusual Jump Height
Akane has the tallest normal jump height in the game. She jumps about the same height as some characters' super jumps. This lets her cover vertical space quicker and helps her get out of pressure that other characters may struggle with.

Wall Jump
Akane is one of a handful of characters who can manually wall jump in this game and is uniquely suited to make use of it. She can use it to escape the corner under pressure thanks to her exceptionally tall jump height or use it for tricky mix ups to open the opponent up to combos.

Recommended Arcana

Akane can use any arcana pretty well but benefits greatly from the ones that either compensate for her lack of ranged options or strenghten her close range abilities.

Wind provides additional mobility for Akane. Her tall jump height and ability to wall jump can be used to great effect when applying or escaping pressure. Vertex (214E) is a versatile tool that Akane can abuse for easy pressure and combos into her divekick. Akane’s lever throw is also a very powerful tool when using wind as you can set Vertex as a meaty, cancel the recovery with extend force, and teleport behind them for a very fast cross up as they recover. Wind fast fall also allows Akane to end any divekick combo with 2C to either charge kotodamas or apply okizeme.

Time ball (236E) and fully charged 2E are incredibly powerful mixup tools Akane can use for safe but very potent meterless mixups. You lose access to a traditional 6d but most combos Akane uses it for can be replaced with either 5d or 4d with some adjustments. Time backdash will make your opponent think twice about pressing buttons when Akane is up close as connecting with the clone almost always means Akane can get a free combo. Time super (236236E) into Time Blaze is a legitimate match closer if you have the resources available while the opponent is at low enough health as they cannot burst during the entire duration.

Akane greatly benefits from clashing with the opponent thanks to her incredibly fast 5a that she can use to start combos with. When the opponent is out of range from 5a, or you are unsure whether or not it will connect, Claiomh (623E) is a tool Akane can use very effectively as she can forcibly initiate a clash using Fuumon (B+C). Scairt Airm (236E) also helps her deal with zoners such as Nazuna, Yoriko and Maori and lets her home in on them on hit or block to start her pressure or secure a combo. Fearg Lorg also lets you try for a mixup after a knockdown, for even more pressure and damage.

Ichor is an arcana that buffs Akane’s abilities all around, and lets her play much riskier than normal. The passive abilities it provides lets Akane be more liberal with her meter usage while also passively regenerating a portion of her health back. Extend Force’s passive ability applies a large defense modifier which at low health allows Akane to take almost no damage from combos during the duration. Kyma (236E) lets Akane charge kotodamas while applying pressure and potentially still get a full combo. Aima (214E) is comparable to the buff provided by extend force, meaning you can temporarily end any divekick combo with 2C. This arcana is recommended for advanced players who can take advantage of the nuances of Arcana Heart’s System mechanics.

Normal Moves

AH3 Akane 5A.png
5a giveth and 5a taketh away
5a giveth and 5a taketh away
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
500 All - 2 3 20 -11 A

This move comes out really fast. A great option for punishing opponents with forward homing guard cancel. Has clash frames. The vertical hitbox is slightly bigger than it seems. Jump cancellable. DO NOT WHIFF this move. The recovery on 5A is really long,it cannot cancel into itself, and has low hitsun. Throwing this move out in neutral is not recommended.

You can use 5A for some frame traps if you cancel it into 2b or 2C. It also has clash frames to go with it’s fast startup, but you'll want to cancel it into another normal for reasons stated earlier. -Cannot cancel into 2A

AH3 Akane 5B.png
Watching this whiff is not a good feeling.
Watching this whiff is not a good feeling.
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
1100 All - 7 4 22 -4 B

Your go-to hit confirm. This move hits behind you as well as above you a decent amount. It’s jump cancellable, so you’ll be confirming air hits into full combos with this button. Moves Akane forward a bit. Can be canceled into either 2B or 6C to break air blocking opponents. Has quite a lot of recovery for a B normal so be careful not to whiff this move.

-Reflects weak fireballs

-Has clash frames at her foot.

AH3 Akane 5C.png
The Anti Fanservice Skirt.
The Anti Fanservice Skirt.
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
800, 2000 [1600] Mid - 11 3(7)1 25 -4 C-D

5C(1): Mainly combo filler. This move comes out pretty fast for a C normal and moves Akane forward quickly, which helps her adjust spacing for combos. You let the second hit connect for a launcher or chain into 6C to continue your combo on the ground instead. If the first hit misses it cancels into the second hit immediately.

5C(2): The followup to 5C. Because Akane stretches out her leg for the second hit, you can make only the second one hit with the right spacing. This hit is air unblockable, and launches, so try to go for this when trying to anti air opponents. This move is very unsafe on block or whiff, so make sure you have meter to spare if you plan on using this move.

-Cannot cancel into normals.

-Air unblockable

-Launches on hit

-Very unsafe on block without meter.

AH3 Akane 5E.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
Normal 2500 Mid - 12 8 21 -6 D
Charged 2500 Unb - 38 4 18 - E

Standard E normal. Akane stretches her leg forward, so you can land this from pretty far. May be useful for going over some low attacks, but Akane has other ways to do that. Pushes Akane forward a bit.

5[E]: Same properties as 5E, except now it guard crushes and pushes Akane much further than the uncharged version. Don’t use this too often as it is very easy for a prepared opponent to punish it.

-Air unblockable

-Causes wall slam on hit

AH3 Akane 2A.png
Great at tick-throws and ticking you off when your 2C whiffs at max range...
Great at tick-throws and ticking you off when your 2C whiffs at max range...
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
400 Low/Air - 5 2 9 +1 A

Akane’s fastest low and only mashable normal. It’s quite fast for its range but can cause 2B and 2C to whiff at max range due to those normals being shorter than it. Can chain into itself.

- Can Cancel into 5A

-Special Cancellable

AH3 Akane 2B.png
Lowkey the best antiair Akane has.
Lowkey the best antiair Akane has.
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
900 Mid - 7 5 11 0 B

This normal is not a low, but it has a great hitbox, and is even on block, making it a good normal to cancel in pressure and combos. 2B is also air unblockable, so you can catch airborne opponents close to the ground or trying to jump out with this normal. Pushes Akane forward a bit.

-Jump cancellable

-Has clash frames at her foot.

AH3 Akane 2C.png
Counter hits with 2C are satisfying indeed.
Counter hits with 2C are satisfying indeed.
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
1800 Low/Air - 10 4 18 0 C

Akane trips the opponent off their feet with a sweeping kick. This move knocks down the opponent, which sets up the perfect opportunity to use Tama Furi (22X) to charge your kotodamas. In long combos the opponent will be able to unknowingly air tech on the first possible frame, which you can take advantage of with a well-placed anti air normal. It is safe on block if spaced properly. On counterhit you have enough time to pick up a meterless combo using 5a, 2a or 2b.

-Special Cancelable

-Knocks down on hit

AH3 Akane 2E.png
Actually a really good antiair!
Actually a really good antiair!
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
Normal 1800 Mid - 9 4 17+17 -15 D
Charged 2200 Unb - 27 6 25+16 - E

Akane does a backflip. Like any other 2E, this one is air unblockable, and has a good hitbox for that purpose. During a part of the animation, Akane is airborne, making her immune to lows and ground throws. Akane also jumps backwards during the move, so it’s harder to punish than most other 2Es on the ground.

-Air unblockable -Launches opponents on hit.

2[E]: Same properties except now it guard crushes. Charging up the normal also causes Akane to jump much further away than before, making it even harder to punish.

AH3 Akane 6C.png
"60% of the time, it works every time."
"60% of the time, it works every time."
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
800, 2600 [1820] Mid/High - 14 3(7)1 10 +10 C-C

6C(1): This move is air unblockable, so it’s a good option to use if you want to break your opponents’ guard without spending meter on 5C(2) or Akane’s E normals to confirm a combo. If the opponent is low to the ground when you anti air them with this move, IAD Jb or JC into 5B are good ways to confirm combos.

-Jump Cancellable

6C(2) Akane’s only Overhead normal. This move causes knockdown on both ground and airborne opponents. The best way to use this normal is to space it so that only the second hit connects during pressure. Plus on block, but try not to abuse this move as it is easy to predict if your opponent is looking out for it. You can cancel this hit into Kaze Harai (236x) right before it connects to go for a low instead. On Counterhit you can combo into Mangetsu Otoshi if you’re quick.

-Special cancellable.

-Causes knockdown.

AH3 Akane jA.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
600 High/Air - 6 12 16 - A

This move has long active frames, so throwing it out early is a great option in neutral. Despite its great angle for being a jump in normal, the hitstun is rather low, so you'll typically need to be close to the ground already if you use this as a jump in against a grounded opponent. You’ll mostly be using this normal preemptively with neutral homing or in combos for extra damage.

-Jump cancellable.

-Has clash frames at her foot

AH3 Akane jB.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
1300 High/Air - 5 4 23 - B

This is your main tool in the air. It comes out fast, has a bigger and longer hitbox and recovers faster than JA, making it ideal when you aren't sure what to press in the air. Has a cross up hitbox. This is your main jump-in normal, and one of your strongest neutral tools.

-Jump cancellable -Has clash frames at her foot.

AH3 Akane jC.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
2000 High/Air - 11 2 20 - C

This move has a strong vertical hitbox, making it well suited to hitting opponents above you. The hitbox extends a little bit below Akane as well, so you can occasionally land beefy jump ins with it as well. The hitstun from this move is massive; you can get relaunch combos if you land this move while you’re close to the ground. You’ll mostly be using this move as combo filler or to get to your divekick loops.

-Special Cancelable

AH3 Akane jE.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
2200 High/Air - 11 2 24 - D

Strong vertical hitbox. Good meterless combo ender when the opponent is below you. Use it sparingly as a jump in normal because it knocks down grounded opponents as well, which limits its usefulness.

-Special Cancelable

-Jump Cancelable


Neutral Throw
AH3 Akane 6C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
500, 500, 1000 Throw - 3 1 23 - -

Akane does a short combo and bounces the opponent in the air right above her. You’ll need to use a homing cancel or extend force if you want to combo from it, otherwise they will recover before you can hit them. The opponent will recover right above you, which you can exploit with anti-airs or air throws if you choose not to combo into it.

Lever Throw
Lever Throw
AH3 Akane Throw.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
2500 Throw - 5 1 23 - -

Akane lifts the opponent up with her leg and knocks them next to her which side switches and leaves the opponent in a hard knockdown situation. Lever throws have less frames to tech out of, making this the preferred throw option. Akane can use this throw to charge kotodamas or set up mixup opportunities.

Air Throw
Air Throw
AH3 Akane Throw.png
AH3 Akane 5DA.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
400*3, 800 Throw - 3 1 23 - -

Akane does a short air combo, then flies through the opponent, launching them high into the air. You can convert the throw into a combo with a homing cancel, or you can simply land if you want to recharge your kotodamas. Overall, a good tool to keep in mind if you can figure out your opponent’s aerial habits. The ideal combo to go for after this throw involves JC into Torigake to bring the opponent back down.

Special Moves

Tama Furi (Soul Charge)
Tama Furi (Soul Charge)
AH3 Akane 22X.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
A - - - - - 36 - -

Akane assumes a focused stance and charges kotodamas. Kotodamas allow Akane to cancel her special moves into other special moves (but not the same one). Akane cannot kotodama cancel into or out of this move and is in counterhit state for the entire duration. Learning when and how to use kotodamas is key when playing as Akane as her damage, mixups, and defensive tools become much more threatening in conjunction with kotodama cancels (koto cancels). A version charges the least Kotodamas, but recovers the slowest, while the C version charges the most but recovers the quickest. Akane begins each match with 1 kotodama and they carry over between rounds. The best time to use this move is after a knockdown like 2C, a throw, or after any move that launches your opponent far away from you such as 5C or 5/2E.

A version: Charges 1 kotodama. Shortest duration

B - - - - - 54 - -

B version: Charges 2 kotodamas. Medium duration.

C - - - - - 72 - -

C version: Charges 3 kotodamas. Longest duration.

Kaze Harai (Wind Sweep)
Kaze Harai (Wind Sweep)
AH3 Akane 236X.png
AH3 Akane 2E.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
A 700, 2100 [1680] Low/Mid - 16 7(8)2 43 -25 B-C

Akane does a short hop, followed by a slide, then a back flip. The first hit is a low that knocks down, while the second hit is an air unblockable launcher. On certain frames during the short hop and the backflip, Akane is considered airborne, and is immune to low hitting moves and throws. The backflip is useful because you can kotodama cancel into Torigake on most of the cast from this move in combos. Stronger versions of this move push Akane further during the slide.

A version: fastest startup; shortest distance traveled.

B 700, 2100 [1680] - - - - - - -

B version: average startup; average distance traveled.

C 700, 2100 [1680] - - - - - - -

C version: longest startup; goes really far, and reflects weak projectiles.

Tori Gake (Bird Flight)
Tori Gake (Bird Flight)
AH3 Akane j22X.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
A - High/Air - 15 - 20 - D

Akane’s divekick. Overhead. This move is the key to Akane’s most damaging combos using kotodamas. The A version of this move does not have a hitbox unless you perform it from high in the air, making it a powerful mixup tool and a fast way to get to the ground quickly. The C version of this move is the one you want to use for your combos; it bounces opponents up to extend combos. As of Xtend Akane can no longer link 2C from this move unless she is in Extend Force. This means that you need to have a plan for this move if you want to get a knockdown from it now.

A version: fastest startup; knocks down if done from high up in the air. Unsafe on block.

B 1800 High/Air - 20 - 16 - D

B version: noticeably longer startup. It knocks down, so you won’t be using this one much if at all.

C 2100 High/Air - 25 - 12 - D

C version : Causes ground bounce. Plus on block. You have enough time to confirm a combo on hit.

[Ground] Tsuki Kudaki (Moon Shatterer)
[Ground] Tsuki Kudaki (Moon Shatterer)
AH3 Akane 623X.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
A 1600 Mid - 8 14 34+7 -34 -

Does a vertical torpedo spin kick, similar to Cammy’s Spiral Arrow. Despite its animation and input, this move is actually not a dp. It is however, a very powerful anti air with upper body invul that guard crushes opponents.The A version comes out very fast, so you can use it as a reversal option sometimes. Just be aware that it does not come out on frame 1 nor does it have full body invol.

If you whiff this move be sure to koto cancel into Kaze Mai to make yourself safe. Otherwise you won't recover until Akane hits the ground. You have enough time to koto cancel into C Tsuki Kudaki if you hit a grounded opponent with any version of this move.

A version: fastest startup; least damage.

B 2000 - - - - - - -

B Version Average startup; average damage.

C 2200 - - - - - - -

C Version: Longest startup; most damage.

[Aerial] Tsuki Kudaki (Moon Shatterer)
[Aerial] Tsuki Kudaki (Moon Shatterer)
AH3 Akane 623X.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
A 600*4 All - 8 12 7 - -
B 600*4 - - - - - - -
C 600*4 - - - - - - -

Akane uses the same animation as its grounded counterpart. Unfortunately, the air version is relegated to combo filler duty as it serves no other purpose. Hits multiple times, each following hit does less damage and hitstun. Does not guard crush on block. Always koto cancel into Hana Nagi or into Mangetsu Otoshi when using this move.

All versions: Do 4 hits. -Can Koto Cancel at any time during this move.

Hana Nagi (Flower Reaper)
Hana Nagi (Flower Reaper)
214X (air OK)
AH3 Akane 214X.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
A 2400 - - - - - - -
B 2400 - - - - - - -
C 2400 - - - - - - -

Akane dashes forward and attacks the opponent from their blindside, knocking them down. This move is not a throw, but behaves like one once it connects on hit only. Stronger versions cause Akane to travel farther. Unsafe on block, but can be koto canceled to continue pressure or make yourself safe. In the air, Akane simply attacks in front of her without dashing.

All versions: Clash frames during the dash portion of the move

A version: short startup, travels the shortest distance

B version: Average startup, travels average distance

C version: Longest startup, travels the farthest.

Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
Air A 2400 - - - - - - -
Air B 200, 2400 - - - - - - -
Air C 400, 2400 - - - - - - -

Recovery ends once after Akane’s landing recovery is completed

Hana Utsushi (Flower Shadow)
Hana Utsushi (Flower Shadow)
AH3 Akane 421X.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
A 500*5 - - - - - - -
B 500*5 - - - - - - -
C 500*5 - - - - - - -

Akane taunts the opponent, then counters the attack by dashing behind the opponent. Has 4f startup, so it cannot be used as a true reversal. Akane is completely invulnerable during the dash and following attack. The distance travelled depends on the button pressed. Since this move does not track the opponent, use this move carefully. Can be koto cancelled on hit or block.

A version: travels a short distance. Best used for short ranged punishes.

B version: travels a bit further than the A version. Use this one when you aren't sure if the A version will connect.

C version: travels about half screen. Use this to punish long range moves like love laser or

Kaze Mai (Wind Dance)
Kaze Mai (Wind Dance)
41236X (air OK)
AH3 Akane 41236X.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
A - - - - - - - -
B - - - - - - - -
C - - - - - - - -

Akane’s high speed teleports. Leaves a cool afterimage. Button pressed changes the direction she travels. Can teleport through opponents. The air versions are identical to the ground ones. Cancelling into this move is a good way to keep yourself safe if you make a mistake, or you want to try mixup up your opponent with which-way mixups.

A version: Akane travels forward. B version: Akane travels backwards C version Akane travels upwards at a 45 degree angle

Tsuki Hoe (Moon Roar)
Tsuki Hoe (Moon Roar)
AH3 Akane 28X.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
A 2400 - - - - - - -

Akane performs an awesome impression of Bruce Lee’s flying kick by jumping forward and kicking the opponent across the screen. Launches grounded opponents and has tons of hitstun to go with it. The A and B versions hit at different angles. The C version hits at the same angle as the B version, but guard crushes on block. As of Xtend, the B version is angled slightly higher than before, requiring different timings to confirm combos with it. Canceling Torigake (j.22c) from this move leads to Akane’s most powerful combos.

A version: Hits at a 45-degree angle. Whiffs on short characters standing and everyone (except Catherine), crouching.

-very unsafe on block or whiff.

-can koto cancel to avoid the recovery.

B 2800 - - - - - - -

B Version: Hits at a 60-degree angle.

C 4000 - - - - - - -

C Version: Hits at a 60 Degree angle. Longer startup than the B version but causes guard crush on block.

Fummon (Wind Crest)
Fummon (Wind Crest)
BC or 2BC (air OK)
AH3 Akane BC.png
AH3 Akane 2BC.png
AH3 Akane jBC.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
- - - - - - - -

Akane parries an incoming attack while assuming a defensive stance. Causes a clash when connecting with moves with clash frames. Reflects weak projectiles like love balls, sin balls, Minori’s fireball and wind projectile. Can be used while crouching to counter lows, and in the air to avoid getting anti-aired, or just to counter a predictable attack. Be aware that if you mistime the move or guess wrong, you will be counterhit. The air version has recovery until Akane lands. A powerful tool, but it’s recommended to only use it once you have a read on your opponent’s attacking habits. Good moves to use after connecting this move are 5a(for grounded fuumon clashes), JB (for air-to air fuumons), 5B or tsuki kudaki (vs aerial approaches) and lightning dagger (when using thunder arcana) vs when you aren't sure how to punish the incoming attack.

-In counterhit state during the recovery.

-Air version recovery ends once after Akane’s landing recovery is completed

Super Moves

Akane’s Super moves aren’t the ideal way you want to end your combos as they don’t give you any time to charge kotodamas, nor do you get significant frame advantage from them. It’s recommended that you prioritize learning to end combos with 2C whenever possible and save supers for when you need extra damage to end a round.

Mangetsu Otoshi (Full Moon Drop)
Mangetsu Otoshi (Full Moon Drop)
623AB (air OK)
AH3 Akane 623AB.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
Ground 5500 - - - - - - -
Air 5500 - - - - - - -

Akane starts a rising air combo, ending in a knockdown. Akane’s only true reversal: Has clash frames during the start of the initial hit. If the combo is too long, it’s possible for the opponent to fall out of the super or recover in the air if the super was used from too high up. On block, Akane does the first part of the super move’s combo animation, then Akane is free to act again. Great reversal option. It’s recommended you input an attack command like JA or JB in case the first hit is clashed though to keep yourself safe and possibly take the offensive if you are using this as a reversal. Using a homing cancel or Extend force after this move lets Akane maintain frame advantage and pressure as the opponent recovers off the ground.

-”Unsafe on block”, but it’s hard to punish correctly.

-Akane’s only reversal.

-Costs 1 Meter to activate.

Akane Bunshin no Jutsu (Akane Clone Technique)
Akane Bunshin no Jutsu (Akane Clone Technique)
AH3 Akane 214AB.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
7000 - - - - - - -

Akane rushes forward, then knocks the opponents all over the screen using her shadow clones. No invul and slow startup means you should not be using this move as a reversal. Does a good amount of damage. The super always ends midscreen no matter where Akane was when the super connected, so it's recommended that you only use it in the corner if it will end the round. The super takes a bit of time to complete , so it's possible to stall out the last seconds of the clock with this move if you need to.

-Very unsafe on block.

-Slow Startup

-Does not have clash frames; good at punishing forward Guard Cancels.

-costs 1 meter

Critical Heart

Shunkoku (Instantaneous)
632146AB, then rapidly input buttons
AH3 Akane Shunkoku1.png
AH3 Akane Shunkoku2.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
Normal Depends - - - - - - -
Extend Force Depends - - - - - - -

Akane charges up. More attacks mean the more damage Akane deals. Has genuine use as a full screen punish option because of how fast it travels across the ground. Don’t use this move unless you're sure it will kill because Akane has stronger combos for 2 bars with Extend Force. Scales very badly in combos. You can confirm this with 2C in normal state as well as 236x (the first hit only) or j22c while in extend force. In Xtend the number of inputs required has been greatly reduced, making it easier to get the maximum amount of hits more consistently.

-very fast startup

-Does not have invul

-unsafe on block and minus on hit.

-costs 3 meter to use


Solo Combos

  • 2A 2B 2C 236A (2 hits) 214A+B
  • 2/5A 2/5B 2C 236A(2 hits) 5d jA jC j22C 2C 28A 22C 28A 22C 2C 22x

"finish with sweep 22x whenever you run out of kotodama

  • 5b 5c 5d jB JC J22C 28A J22C 28A J22C 2C 22C
it's possible to go for combo damage instead of kotodama refill with 236A or super
  • 2A 2B 2C 28A 22C 2C 28A 22C 2C 28A 22C 2C 22x
Meterless corner only combo into kotodama recharge.


  • 2A 2B 2C 236A EFC 5A 5B 6C jABEB djc jBC j623C > 214C (>j22A)
  • 5B > 5C >EFC > 5B> jB >jC >j22C> 28A> 22C> 2C> 22x(or super/eclipse>22x with certain arcana)
    • 2A> 2B> 2C > 236A > EFC > iad >jC >land >jC > j22C > 28A >22C >2C >22x

Arcana Combos


starter>623xx>236236E starter>j214x>236236E


  • 5B>5C>EFC>5D>jA>jC>22C>2C>214B+C>22x>5D>jB>jE
  • 5B > 5C >EFC > 5B> jB >jC >j22C> 28A> 22C> 2C> 214B+C > 22x >air jB>jE
no need to home if you are close to them, or use homing if further away. more options maybe available depending on which kotodama charge you use.
  • starter >236A EFC 214B+C 22x > air combo
old school combo that worked in older versions


  • 2E>efc>623E>5D>jB>jC>214C>22A>623A+B (1 kotodama)


  • 5B>5C(1hit)>623E>66>5B>5C(1hit)>623E>EFC>5B>5C(1hit)>623E>66>5B>5C(1hit)>623E>66>236B>six stars loop
coast to coast and easy damage


Change List
Meter Gain
Health Modifiers
Dark Heart
Blossoms (Flower)
Holy (Sacred)
Light (Halo)
Lightning (Thunder)
Nature (Plant)
Sound (Tone)