Bloody Roar Extreme/Yugo the Wolf/Moves

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Basic Moves
Jab Chains
Heart Break Blow / Champion Straight Punch / Machine Gun Upper Chains
Wolf Claw Chains

P Moves

Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
10 High 8 1 16 10 19 16 17

Yugo jabs the opponent's chest.

Heart Break Blow
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
12 Middle 15 2 28 11 21 18 20

Yugo performs a gut punch.

Champion Straight Punch
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
20 High 22 3 24 15 29 26 29
  • Guard Break
  • Causes Stagger on Counter Hit
  • Cancel Point OK

Yugo reels back, then steps forward with a straight punch.

Dragon Finish Blow
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
8 Low / Middle 9 1 16 10 17 16 16
  • High Crush for the entire move

A simple crouching jab.

Leg Slash
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
8 Low 25 2 25 10 19 16 17
  • Causes Trip on hit
  • High Crush between frames 1-32

Yugo sweeps the opponent's legs with his arm.

Machine Gun Upper
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
13 High / Middle 15 2 19 11 22 19 21
  • Causes Stagger on Counter Hit
  • High Crush between frames 1-14

Yugo does a rising uppercut.

Silver Wolf Knuckle
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
16 High 19 2 24 13 25 22 25
  • Causes Groundbounce on hit
  • Low Crush between frames 11-28
  • Considered airborne between frames 8-31

Yugo jumps forward and punches the opponent's head.

High Uppercut
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
13 High 13 4 30 15 29 26 29
  • Backturned Attack
  • Causes Launch on Counter Hit

Yugo turns around while performing an uppercut.

Middle Hook
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
10 Middle 17 2 25 12 24 21 23
  • Backturned Attack
  • Chains into 3P
  • High Crush between frames 1-18

Yugo punches the opponent's mid-section while turning around.

Counter Hook
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
14 High 10 1 27 16 32 29 33

Yugo slides forward while performing a hook punch.

Shoulder Tackle
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
25 Middle 14 6 27 19 37 34 39
  • Causes Knockback on hit

Yugo advances while performing a shoulder tackle.

22P / 2[2]P
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
17 High / Middle 15 3 27 16 31 28 32
  • Causes Launch on Counter Hit

Yugo gets up from the ground while performing an uppercut.

Jumping Jab
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
8 High / Middle 4 6 19 10 17 16 16
  • Can chain into itself once

An aerial punch.

Flying Hammer & Stamp
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
25 Middle 19 5 27 17 34 31 35
  • Guard Break
  • Causes Groundbounce on hit

An airborne, double hammerfist punch. Move is the same regardless of input.

Pursuit P
Pursuit P
Fist Drop
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
7 Middle 14 8 34 10 16 16 16
  • Only usable near a downed opponent
  • Can hit opponents during a Tech Roll

Yugo punches the downed opponent.

K Moves

High Kick
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
13 High 11 2 25 13 26 23 26

Yugo kicks high.

Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
10 Middle 16 3 23 10 19 16 17
  • Causes Stagger on Counter Hit

Yugo performs a punt kick.

Inside Kick
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
15 Low 31 2 25 15 30 27 31
  • Causes Trip on Counter Hit

Yugo backdashes, after which he steps forward and kicks the opponent's shin. A retreating attack that doubles as a standing low.

Low Kick
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
10 Low 13 2 27 11 21 18 20
  • Chains into 3K

Yugo steps forward to kick the opponent's shin. Another standing low.

Despite being a crouching move, this attack cannot High Crush.

Crouching Escape
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
0 - 8 1 22 - - - -
  • Chains into 66P by pressing P
  • Chains into 3K
  • Cancels specifically into One Two Body Upper
  • Middle Crush between frames 1-21
  • High Crush from frame 22 until the end of the move

Yugo weaves backwards. This attack does not have any effect on the opponent.

Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
0 - 22 1 11 - - - -
  • Cancel Point OK
  • Middle Crush between frames 1-27
  • High Crush from frame 28 until the end of the move

Yugo weaves forward. This attack does not have any effect on the opponent.

Jumping High Kick
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
20 Middle 25 4 27 17 34 31 35
  • Causes Spinfall on hit
  • Low Crush between frames 11-24
  • Considered airborne between frames 13-25

Yugo jumps while performing a spin kick.

Upper Kick
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
18 High 11 2 30 15 29 26 29
  • Backturned Attack

While backturned, Yugo kicks the opponent's chest, turning around as he does so.

Spiral Kick
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
16 Low 12 2 24 14 27 24 27
  • Backturned Attack
  • Causes Trip on Counter Hit

Yugo kicks the opponent's leg while turning around. Cannot High Crush despite being a crouching move.

One Step Knee Attack
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
18 High / Middle 14 5 39 15 29 26 29
  • Causes Spinfall on Counter Hit
  • Considered airborne between frames 14-25

Yugo jumps forward, attacking with his knee.

Ground Slicing Kick
The ever-dreaded but even more so
The ever-dreaded but even more so
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
20 Low 8 6 25 15 29 26 29
  • Causes Trip on hit
  • High Crush between frames 1-26

Yugo slides along the ground.

22K / 2[2]K
Jack Knife Kick
Version Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
Jackknife Kick
17 High / Middle 12 4 27 13 26 23 26
  • Causes Launch on Counter Hit
  • Doesn't have pushback on hit

Yugo gets up while attacking with a kick. Cannot High Crush despite Yugo's low profile.

Heel Attack
13 Middle 11 3 21 11 22 19 21
  • Causes Groundbounce on Counter Hit

In this followup, Yugo brings his leg down, performing an axe kick.

Flying Side Kick
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
10 High / Middle 8 6 19 10 19 16 17
  • Can chain into itself once

A jumping kick.

Diving Kick
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
20 Middle 13 2 49 15 29 26 29
  • Guard Break
  • Causes Knockback on hit

A dropkick. The input used determines if Yugo kicks to the front or to the back.

Pursuit K
Pursuit K
Extra Kick Attack
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
10 Middle 15 3 44 10 19 16 17
  • Only usable near a downed opponent
  • Can hit opponents during a Tech Roll

Yugo kicks the downed opponent.

B Moves

Wolf Claw
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
12 High 10 2 18 11 21 18 20

Yugo slashes the opponent's face with his claw.

Wild Slash
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
15 Middle 19 2 34 12 24 21 23
  • Guard Break
  • Chains into 6P

Yugo does a forceful slash with his claw.

Full Moon Slash
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
20 Middle 17 2 35 17 33 30 34
  • Guard Break
  • Causes Knockback on hit

Yugo attacks with a spinning backfist.

Crescent Moon Toss
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
15 Middle 14 6 33 15 29 26 29
  • Causes Launch on hit

Yugo raises both his arms, slashing with his claws. Cannot High Crush despite being a crouching move.

Wolf Backside Kick
Version Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
Dancing Wolf Kick
11 Low 12 1 10 10 20 17 19
  • Cancels specifically into Meteor Attack
  • High Crush for the entire move
  • Considered backturned from frame 24 until the end of the move
  • Considered airborne between frames 8-16

Yugo turns around and drops to the ground, kicking the opponent's legs. Yugo is considered in a backturned state.

Double Wolf Kick
13 Middle 16 3 37 14 27 24 27
  • Causes Launch on hit
  • High Crush for the entire move
  • Considered airborne between frames 15-31

While turned around, Yugo does a rear kick with both legs. Yugo will not turn around upon completing this move.

Ground Sweeping Cut
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
15 Low 16 3 27 14 27 24 27
  • Chains into 3PPP(P) by pressing 6P
  • High Crush for the entire move

Yugo slashes the opponent's leg with his claw.

Twin Fang Dive
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
6, 14 Middle 17 2x2 23 10, 13 17, 26 16, 23 16, 26
  • Low Crush between frames 15-32
  • Considered airborne between frames 15-33

Yugo jumps forward, slashing with his claws.

Turn Around Claw
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
20 Middle 13 4 23 10 33 30 34
  • Backturned Attack
  • Causes Groundbounce on hit

Yugo turns around while slashing downwards with his claw.

Loser's Revenge
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
0 Low 11 0 14 - - - -
  • Backturned Attack
  • Total duration 34F
  • High Crush for the entire move
  • Does not turn Yugo around

Yugo dashes in the direction he's facing. This move does not have any effect on the opponent.

Arc Wrist Attack
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
20 Middle 14 3 36 16 31 28 32
  • Guard Break
  • Causes Groundbounce on hit
  • Low Crush between frames 1-19
  • Considered airborne between frames 2-16

Yugo leaps forward while slashing downwards with his claw.

Body Cannon
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
32 Middle 23 5 11 21 41 38 44
  • Guard Break
  • Causes Knockback on hit
  • Considered airborne between frames 9-37
  • Considered in Knockdown upon landing; can Tech Roll

Yugo does a somersault, followed up by a dropkick.

22B / 2[2]B
Spinning Claw
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
24 Low / Middle 11 4 37 17 33 30 34
  • Causes Spinfall on hit
  • Air Cancel OK
  • Considered airborne between frames 20-31

Yugo spins while slashing around him with his claw.

Wild Toe Kick
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
12 Middle 4 7 21 11 21 18 20
  • Causes Launch on hit
  • Can chain into itself once

Yugo kicks upwards.

Jumping Tail Kick
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
25 Middle 11 5 12 17 34 31 35
  • Causes Launch on hit

Yugo does a backflip, slashing with his leg.

Pursuit B
Pursuit B
Sun Set Claw
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
11 Low 14 4 39 10 20 17 19
  • Only usable near a downed opponent
  • Can hit opponents during a Tech Roll

Yugo slashes the downed opponent with his claw.


Neutral Throw
Neutral Throw
6G against a standing opponent
Version Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
Shoulder Throw
25 High 1 1 34 - - - -

Yugo throws the opponent over his shoulder, ending up right next to them.

Beast Throw
35 High 1 1 34 - - - -

Yugo bites onto the opponent's chest, shakes them around and finally throws them behind him. The opponent ends up right next to Yugo, who is in a backturned state after the throw ends.

Crouching Throw
Slip Down
6G against a crouching opponent
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
10 High 1 1 34 - - - -

Yugo pushes the opponent onto the floor.

Back Throw
Rear Throw
6G against a backturned opponent
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
40 High 1 1 34 - - - -
  • Causes Stagger on a successful throw

Yugo kicks the opponent's leg, then punches them in the face.

Command Throw
The lifeline
The lifeline
Version Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
25 High 1 1 34 - - - -

Yugo applies a clinch hold against the opponent, proceeding to attack them 3 times with his knee. The opponent is normally knocked down, but this can be prevented by using Quick Recovery.

This throw is rather special: it has the ability to chain into several followups. The catch, however, is that these followups that must be input prior to the throw's damaging portion.

Critical Upper
25 High 17 2 34 22 44 41 47
  • Causes Launch on a successful throw
  • Air Cancel OK while in Beast Form

Yugo performs an uppercut, launching the opponent.

Style Change
1 Middle 16 1 16 10 13 16 16

Yugo attacks with a shoulder check while stepping forward. His body then starts shaking rapidly, signifying Yugo has entered his Flicker stance.

Turn Step
0 - 0 0 39 - - - -
  • Causes Stagger on a successful throw

Yugo punches the opponent's face, taking advantage of their confusion to swiftly move to their backs.

Special Moves

One Two Body Upper
One Two Body Upper
Version Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
One Two Body Upper (I)
7, 9 High 15 1(6)2 30 10, 11 19, 21 16, 18 17, 20
  • High Crush between frames 1-11
  • First hit doesn't have pushback on hit

Yugo dashes forward and performs two quick punches. If used on its own, Yugo steps back upon completing the move.

In addition to having follow-ups of its own, Yugo is allowed to branch into his chains from this move:

Of note is that, if Yugo chains into Move 19: Straight Rush (II) from this move, its follow-up will be Move 20b: Short Hook, not Move 20a: Straight Rush (III).

One Two Body Upper (II)
15 Middle 12 3 27 12 24 21 23
  • Guard Break
  • Causes Stagger on Counter Hit
  • Can cancel with G on frames 1-11

Yugo takes a step forward to perform a gut punch.

One Two Body Upper (III)
25 Middle 12 3 40 21 41 38 44
  • Guard Break
  • Causes Launch on hit
  • Air Cancel OK while in Beast Form
  • Can cancel with G on frames 1-11

Yugo takes a step forward while punching straight up.

Silver Wolf Knuckle
Silver Wolf Knuckle
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
18 High / Middle 29 3 35 14 27 24 27
  • Guard Attack
  • Causes Launch on Counter Hit while in Human Form
  • Light Guard on upper body between frames 1-29
  • Can cancel with G on frames 1-29
  • Beast Form Changes:
    • Middle attribute
    • Causes Launch on hit

Yugo advances a short distance, attacking with an uppercut at the end of his dash.

Cross Counter
Cross Counter
Version Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
Counter 0 High 7 1 34 10 13 16 16
High Retaliation - High / Middle 6 3 40 12 23 20 22
Low Retaliation 18 Middle 15 3 30 15 29 26 29
  • Counter
  • Counter frames
  • Does not work against Guard Breaks
  • High Retaliation:
    • Guard Break
    • Damage scales depending on the countered attack
    • Causes Knockback on hit
  • Low Retaliation:
    • Guard Break
    • Causes Groundbounce on hit

Yugo assumes a pose. If hit by an attack during it, the move will activate; however, the move's effect on activation changes depending on the type of attack:

  • If hit by a High or Middle attack, Yugo will punch the opponent in front.
  • If hit by a Low attack, Yugo will perform an overhead punch.

Regardless of the retaliation used, Yugo will take damage if the counter is triggered.

Although the Counter itself cannot affect opponents in any way, it is coded as having a hitbox for Hyper Cancel purposes.

Bloody Roar
Bloody Roar
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
10, 20 Middle 20 5 31 10 19 16 17
  • Hitgrab
  • Can cancel with G on frames 1-19

Yugo lunges forward, attacking with a headbutt. On a successful hit, Yugo will bite the opponent's throat, quickly and forcefully tearing it.

Meteor Attack
Meteor Attack
Version Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
Meteor Attack
0 - - - - - - - -
  • Total duration 61 frames
  • Considered airborne between frames 11-56

Yugo performs a large backwards somersault. Useful for retreating.

During the flip itself, Yugo has access to a few follow-ups. Yugo will perform a Wall Jump if he reaches the wall and doesn't receive any extra inputs.

Meteor Crash
25 Middle 1 48 37 22 44 41 47
  • Must be touching the wall to use this move
  • Causes Knockback on hit

Yugo uses the wall as a support to launch himself downwards with a flying headbutt.

Meteor Slash
20 Middle 15 4 30 - - 20 -
  • Must be input during the first half of 214B
  • Guard Break
  • Causes Spinfall on hit
  • Air Cancel OK

Yugo stops mid-somersault, falls to the ground and moves forward while attacking with a slashing uppercut.

Flicker follow-ups

Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
1 Middle 16 1 16 10 13 16 16
  • Causes Stagger on Counter Hit
  • Stance
  • Total duration 59 frames
  • Accepts followups from frame 4 onwards

Yugo attacks with a shoulder check while stepping forward. His body then starts shaking rapidly, signifying Yugo has entered his stance.

Stepping In
Stepping In
66 or 6K during Flicker
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
- - - - - - - - -
  • Total duration 23 frames
  • Can chain into all Stance attacks
  • Can chain into itself with alternating inputs (66>6K works, 66>66 does not)

Yugo dashes forward.

Stepping Out
Stepping Out
44 or 4K during Flicker
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
- - - - - - - - -
  • Total duration 23 frames
  • Can chain into all Stance attacks
  • Can chain into itself with alternating inputs (44>4K works, 44>44 does not)

Yugo dashes backwards.

High Speed Combination
High Speed Combination
5P during Flicker
Version Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
High Speed Combination (I)
5x2 High 5 1(1)1 16 10x2 14x2 16x2 16x2
High Speed Combination (II)
5x2 High 5 1(1)1 15 10x2 14x2 16x2 16x2
High Speed Combination (III)
5x2 High 5 1(1)1 16 10x2 14x2 16x2 16x2
High Speed Combination (IV)
5x3 Varies 8 1(1)1(1)1 19 10x3 14x3 16x3 16x3

The High Speed Combination series consists of a barrage of punches with few gaps between each attack.

6P during Flicker
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
5x3 Varies 8 1(1)1(1)1 19 10x3 14x3 16x3 16x3

Yugo punches 3 times in quick succession.

Counterblow (Stance)
4P during Flicker
Cross Counter
Cross Counter
Version Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
Counter 0 High 7 1 34 10 13 16 16
High Retaliation - High / Middle 6 3 40 12 23 20 22
Low Retaliation 18 Middle 15 3 30 15 29 26 29
  • Counter
  • Counter frames
  • Does not work against Guard Breaks
  • Ends Stance
  • High Retaliation:
    • Guard Break
    • Damage scales depending on the countered attack
    • Causes Knockback on hit
  • Low Retaliation:
    • Guard Break
    • Causes Groundbounce on hit
  • Identical to Counterblow

Yugo assumes a pose. If hit by an attack during it, the move will activate; however, the move's effect on activation changes depending on the type of attack:

  • If hit by a High or Middle attack, Yugo will punch the opponent in front.
  • If hit by a Low attack, Yugo will perform an overhead punch.

Regardless of the retaliation used, Yugo will take damage if the counter is triggered.

Although the Counter itself cannot affect opponents in any way, it is coded as having a hitbox for Hyper Cancel purposes.

2P during Flicker
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
18 Middle 16 1 31 15 29 26 29
  • Becomes a Guard Break while in Beast Form
  • Causes Groundbounce on hit
  • Can chain into Free Style

Yugo attacks with an overhead punch.

Final Upper
Final Upper
8P during Flicker
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
30 High / Middle 12 6 24 20 31 36 41
  • Guard Break
  • Causes Spinfall on hit
  • Air Cancel OK while in Beast Form
  • Ends Stance

Yugo pumps his arms straight up.

Middle Range
Middle Range
3P during Flicker
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
5x2 High 16 1x2 9 10x2 14x2 16x2 16x2
  • Neither hit has pushback on hit

Yugo skips forward and punches twice.

Hunting Roll
Hunting Roll
2K during Flicker
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
0 Middle 28 1 5 - - - -
  • Total duration 34 frames
  • Can chain into all Stance attacks
  • High Crush between frames 11-20
  • Middle Crush between frames 1-10

Yugo performs a ducking sidestep. The direction Yugo sidesteps to depends on his own stance:

  • Back to the camera: North
  • Front to the camera: South
Free Style
Free Style
8K during Flicker
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
- - - - - - - - -
  • Total duration 14 frames

Yugo hops, ending the stance.

Beast Drives

Spiral Fang
Spiral Fang
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
22, 60 Middle 25 4 31 15 29 26 29
  • Guard Break

Yugo slashes upwards. If it connects, the move will transition into a cinematic series of attacks.

King of Breaker
King of Breaker
King of Breaker
King of Breaker
Extra Barrage
Extra Barrage
Version Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
King of Breaker 5x4, 10, 5, 10, 5+55 Middle 57 1x8, 3 47 10x9 14x4, 19, 14x2, 19, 14 16x9 16x4, 17, 16x2, 17, 16
  • First and last hits are Guard Breaks
  • Last hit coded to cause Launch
  • Middle Crush between frames 1-57
  • None of the attacks have pushback on hit
  • Can cancel the ninth hit with G

Yugo morphs back into his Human Form and dashes forward, after which he starts performing a barrage of punches that ignites his fists on fire. Should the final hit connect against a grounded opponent, a cinematic where Yugo further attacks them will play.

If the cinematic is triggered, the opponent will be launched behind Yugo, who will remain backturned.

Extra Barrage 10x4, 30, 5 Middle 2 1x6 52 10x4, 24, 10 19x4, 49, 14 16x4, 46, 16 17, 53, 16
  • Fifth hit is a Guard Break
  • Fourth hit causes Launch
  • Fifth and sixth hits cause Knockback
  • Hits 1-4 don't have pushback on hit

If the final hit of King of Breaker is blocked, Yugo will continue with an additional barrage. This move can also be performed by pressing P repeatedly during King of Breaker, although this can't be done if it whiffs.


BREX YUG 5P-236P Chains.png

  • For the sake of avoiding repetition, moves present in the Basic Moves tab or in other chains will not be included here, although they will be linked to.


Move 1: Jab
Move 1: Jab
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
- - - - - - - - -
Move 18: Straight Rush 1
Move 18: Straight Rush (I)
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
11 High 8 1 21 10 20 17 19

Yugo attacks with a quick jab.

Move 19: Straight Rush 2
Move 19: Straight Rush (II)
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
10 High 11 2 23 10 19 16 17

Yugo attacks with a straight punch.

Move 20: Straight Rush 3
Move 20a: Straight Rush (III)
Move 20b: Short Hook

Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
13 High 10 4 24 11 22 19 21

Yugo performs a high hook. This move is actually present as two separate versions, with their attributes being identical aside from one key detail:

  • A variant becomes a Guard Break while in Beast Form.
  • B variant never gains Guard Break properties under any circumstance.
Move 5: Leg Slash
Move 5: Leg Slash
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
- - - - - - - - -
Move 22: Dragon Finish Blow
Move 22: Dragon Finish Blow
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
15 Low / Middle 11 3 23 11 22 19 21

Yugo bashes the opponent's head with his arm.

Move 23: Counter Blow
Move 23: Counter Blow
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
15 Middle 11 3 23 11 22 19 21

Yugo bashes the opponent's head with his arm.

Move 6: Silver Wolf Knuckle
Move 6: Silver Wolf Knuckle
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
- - - - - - - - -
Move 16: Crescent Moon Toss
Move 16: Crescent Moon Toss
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
- - - - - - - - -
  • See 2B for details
Move 27: Backspin High Kick
Move 27: Backspin High Kick
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
20 High 15 3 38 15 29 26 29
  • Causes Spinfall on hit
  • Air Cancel OK while in Beast Form

Yugo attacks with a high roundhouse kick.

Move 11: Ducking
Move 11: Ducking
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
- - - - - - - - -
  • See 3K for details
Move 26: Side Kick
Move 26: Side Kick
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
22 Middle 13 2 40 16 31 28 32
  • Causes Spinfall on hit
  • Air Cancel OK while in Beast Form

Yugo attacks with a side kick.

Move 9: High Kick
Move 9: High Kick
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
- - - - - - - - -
  • See 5K for details
Move 24: High Kick Twine
Move 24: High Kick Twine
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
18 High 13 5 26 16 31 28 32
  • Cancel Point OK

Yugo follows up with a roundhouse kick.

Move 25: Spiral Kick
Move 25: Spiral Kick
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
12 Low 21 3 29 11 21 18 20
  • Causes Trip on hit
  • High Crush for the entire move

Yugo goes low and attacks with a sweep kick.


BREX YUG 6P-4P-3P Chains.png

  • For the sake of avoiding repetition, moves present in the Basic Moves tab or in other chains will not be included here, although they will be linked to.

Heart Break Blow Chains Moves

Move 2: Heart Break Blow 1
Move 2: Heart Break Blow (I)
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
- - - - - - - - -
Move 28: Heart Break Blow 2
Move 28: Heart Break Blow (II)
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
10 Middle 12 2 29 10 19 16 17

Yugo takes a step forward and follows up with another gut punch.

Move 29: Heart Break Blow 3
Move 29: Heart Break Blow (III)
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
15 Middle 13 2 25 12 24 21 23
  • Becomes a Guard Break while in Beast Form
  • Cancel Point OK

Yugo finishes the chain with a third gut punch.

Champion Straight Punch Chains Moves

Move 3: Champion Straight Punch 1
Move 3: Champion Straight Punch (I)
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
- - - - - - - - -
Move 30: Champion Straight Punch 2
Move 30: Champion Straight Punch (II)
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
15 High 23 2 19 20 39 36 41

Yugo steps forward with a straight punch.

Move 31: Champion Straight Punch 3
Move 31: Champion Straight Punch (III)
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
25 High 28 3 33 22 44 41 47

Yugo steps forward again and performs another straight punch.

Move 39: Nail Slash
Move 39: Nail Slash
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
8 Middle 13 3 25 10 17 16 16

Yugo attacks with a mid-level hook.

Move 40: Nail Slash Twin
Move 40: Nail Slash Twin
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
- - - - - - - - -
Move 41: Body Slasher
Move 41: Body Slasher
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
- - - - - - - - -

Machine Gun Upper Chains Moves

Move 4: Machine Gun Upper 1
Move 4: Machine Gun Upper (I)
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
- - - - - - - - -
Move 32: Machine Gun Upper 2
Move 32: Machine Gun Upper (II)
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
11 Middle 15 2 28 10 20 17 19

Yugo performs a short uppercut.

Move 33: Machine Gun Upper 3
Move 33: Machine Gun Upper (III)
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
7x2 Middle 16 1(11)1 29 10x2 16x2 16x2 16x2

Yugo continues with two uppercuts in quick succession.

Move 34: Final Machine Gun Upper
Move 34: Final Machine Gun Upper
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
25 Middle 18 3 61 17 34 31 35
  • Guard Break
  • Causes Launch on hit while in Human Form
  • Beast Form Changes:
    • Causes Spinfall on hit
    • Air Cancel OK

Yugo finishes the chain with a strong uppercut.


BREX YUG 5B Chains.png

  • For the sake of avoiding repetition, moves present in the Basic Moves tab or in other chains will not be included here, although they will be linked to.


Move 13: Wolf Claw
Move 13: Wolf Claw
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
- - - - - - - - -
Move 35: Slash Upper
Move 35: Slash Upper
14 Middle 14 2 26 12 23 20 22

Yugo performs a clawed uppercut.

Move 36: Slash Dive
Move 36: Slash Dive
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
10x2 Middle 13 2(16)3 51 10, 11 20, 22 17, 19 19, 21
  • First hit is a Guard Break
  • Second hit causes Groundbounce
  • First hit doesn't have pushback on hit
  • Considered airborne between frames 17-32

Yugo flips forward, slashing with his arm and foot.

Move 15: Full Moon Slash
Move 15: Full Moon Slash
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
- - - - - - - - -
  • See 4B for details
Move 38: Twin Fang Dive
Move 38: Twin Fang Dive
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
- - - - - - - - -
  • See 8B for details
Move 37: Low Slash
Move 37: Low Slash
Base Damage Attribute Startup Active Recovery Light Guard Blockstun Heavy Guard Blockstun Hitstun Counter Hit Hitstun
12 Low 22 3 28 11 21 18 20
  • Causes Trip on hit
  • High Crush for the entire move

Yugo performs a spinning slash against the opponent's legs.


Advanced Mechanics
Character Data
Debug Menu
Alice the Rabbit
Bakuryu the Mole
Busuzima the Chameleon
Cronos the Phoenix
Fang the Wolf
Gado the Lion
Ganesha the Elephant
Jenny the Bat
Kohryu the Iron Mole
Long the Tiger
Marvel the Leopard
Shenlong the Tiger
Stun the Insect
Uranus the Chimera
Uriko the Half-Beast
Xion the Unborn
Yugo the Wolf