Under Night In-Birth/UNICLR/Carmine/Strategy

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Disclaimer: This is a community written page and may contain opinions that not all players may agree with. Use at your own discretion.

General Gameplan

Carmine is what you would call a lockdown character as his only objective is to put you in the corner with no space to breathe with his astonishing offense

For any questions or adjustements you can contact me on Discord (FalconMan#6354)


Carmine has a lot of tools to play with in neutral whether to keep your opponent away or to make an approach yourself but using VIT on almost every special move, it is not recommended to zone your opponent too much

Before anything else you always want to have a puddle on the screen and the moves able to create one are as follow: 6B, 6[B], j6B, 236X, 22A/B and Force Function if there isn't already a puddle on the screen

Using the puddles available on the screen you are able to control the neutral to an extent for those give you a lot of options to threaten your opponent from fullscreen with his 623 puddles detonation or his Force Function to move the puddles around while having a hitbox


The main way to approach is to use dashblock for it doesn't cost any health and Carmine has one of the fastest runs in the whole game. Paired with the 623X puddle detonation, you're able to reduce a lot of distance before your opponent can hit a button due to it's high blockstun 3C and 3[C] are also reliable for they are disjointed and can let you run in if your opponent gets hit

Keep Away

Once again 3[C] is your friend to stuff both grounded and air approaches if done preemptively thanks to it's head invulnerability and disjoint. 214A and 214B are arguably good for they are very active and occupate a lot of space both horizontally and vertically. 236X is great due to it's high active frames and for covering the area right in front of Carmine. Jump back jC can be useful in some occasions


Carmine has the best offense in game at the cost of his own VIT. Use it wisely and effectively. You can refer to the "How to prank" doc (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OzfaO6CH-WYpYC0pVYqyqvbJOgqeQy_OZcLVBwkCUFY/edit?usp=sharing) for setups and mixups more in details


Carmine has good staggers and combined with 236A, 22X, 214[X] and 6BB you can play around with plus frames to scare your opponent to mash and eventually push them to the corner. Once you've pushed them there your offense becomes 2 times terrifying as setups and mixups open to you


Okizeme over damage as primary rule, always secure okizeme with either 236A or 214[X]. Your 2 primary enders are 2C and 66C, 66C being especially good in the corner. If you have 100 EXS available end your combos with 22C to set up okizeme, primarly 214[A], 214[B] and a tk j236B meaty


Once again in the handful thrust worthy "How to prank" doc (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OzfaO6CH-WYpYC0pVYqyqvbJOgqeQy_OZcLVBwkCUFY/edit) there is a Prank Pile reassembling some gimmicks from pretty useful to hand-breaking


how to defend against, break, or escape pressure

Reversal Tools

63214C is your only fully invincible reversal but it is a command grab that only works on grounded opponents so be careful as it is easy to bait out. 623C has invulnerability on startup but loses it before the hitbox of the move becomes active but it has air invul all the way through making it the best anti-air in the game. 214C has no invul but it can be a good option during your opponent's blockstrings since it appears to low crush very early and allows you to sideswap with a full conversion (if done close enough to your opponent). For abare buttons (mashing out of pressure) his 5A, 2B and 5B are really good but they're all really slow buttons in general. If you have Vorpal you can do Force Function>CS to get a puddle attack your opponent on frame 7 that also lets you block after the CS

Option Selects

Universal 171AD>falling jA, 3BAD and a Carmine specific OS that's of use in certain matchups more than others is the tk j6BAD OS. This OS can low crush most low pokes and throw attempts if done early enough but is especially useful in the Gordeau and Waldstein matchups for it lets you OS their strike/throw mixups without having to commit to the AD

Counter Strategies

Q - I can't get out of the corner against this character what do I do?
A - If you have Vorpal DO NOT CS ON WAKEUP, it is useless against this character, use it to Guard Thrust instead (214D in blockstun) but be careful as good Carmines will bait it and punish you for it.

Q - How do I win Cycle against him?
A - Carmine literally bleeds GRD, especially with his pinwheel special. If you ever block it feel free to shield it even just once to turn the cycle around in your favor. Be careful not to shield if you see the pinwheel startup since he can do 236B instead and make you whiff shield which will lose you GRD or get grabbed and GRD Break.

Q - It feels like it's always his turn. Do I really have to block all game long?
A - Carmine has a LOT of plus on block moves so technically yes. But let's say that if Carmine is only doing the 5A>5BB>22A infinite blockstring, you can take advantage of it by winning cycle easily and letting him kill himself. 22A is +2 so if they're being predictable with it you can shield it and make yourself +1 and Carmine having a 6fr it's your turn to fight back. Be ready to either counterpoke them or bait a backdash in that situation for most mid level+ Carmines will opt for one of these options. For 6BB you can shield it and get a bit of GRD but it's +3 so at most you'll end up 0.


214[X] is one of Carmine's main pressure tool for it is only -1 on block and he can release it immediatly to hit you in 20 frames wheither he blocks your attack or gets hit. After blocking this move if Carmine is around max 5A range he can do a safe 5A>(Bomb release)>236A to put you in wheel blockstun and set up a fuzzy just like that so... what do you do against that? If the Carmine is close enough you can microdash and throw him. If he does microdash 5A you should win this situation unless once again he's out of range for your throw to reach. Some characters have a parry that can deal with the bomb detonation easily like Akatsuki or Enkidu. But do not abuse it for he can hold the bomb and you will take serious damage. Jumping is not an option for the bomb is air unblockable. Reversal DP is a risky option but getting out of the corner can be worth it in most situations.

Now you're blocking the bomb set, but the bomb isn't coming out. Now what can you do if he can release it at any moment and get the best slice of cake out of it? Only then opens the multilayers that Carmine has once you're blocking with a bomb right under you. At this point of the game using an OS is riskier than usual so be with it. It isn't really recommended to try and tech the throw if you feel it coming for he can fake it, make you whiff throw or your anti-air OS like a 3CAD and get you hit by the bomb. Something you can try if you're able to would be to run and grab him depending on your character's run speed. But once again even this has counterplay and pray you don't get baited and hit by a tk j6B starter. If you have vorpal and think to yourself "I can just hold 3 and mash D to get CS" think again because he can use the bomb's blockstun to make a gapless 6[C] overhead so look out for that. If he does a gapless wheel to set up a fuzzy, think about Guard Thrust and use it at the right moment, or in reaction to him jumping.


Use these recordings to lab against some of carmine's most common and basic fuzzy mix-ups.

Match Ups

Matchups score is based on Spinach's tier list back in [ST]. We're still working on it as things are being figured out in [CL-R]

Uni hyde icon.png
(Slight Disadvantage)
[character page][match videos]
Hyde can fight Carmine really well with how versatile his playstyle can be and not to mention his natural chip damage becomes even scarier with Carmine's natural health loss.
  • Fireballs in neutral will beat 6B but still leave a puddle on the ground where the 2 moves collide, it is recommended to use 6[B]instead if you want the puddle to be as far as possible, preventing Hyde from zoning as much
  • Since it's easy to lose the cycle as Carmine, Hyde has easy access to his Vorpal trait, giving him access to scary chip damage forcing Carmine to try an escape, since Hyde's Vorpal trait allows most of his chip damage to go through shield. Thankfully, he is most likely to have to use CS or meter to keep his pressure going
  • 66C pressure is close to impossible as Carmine to deal with. A 66C no cancel is unpunishable by Carmine's 5A, making a midscreen crossup 66C meaty an option of choice for Hyde since it beats all of Carmine's reversal options. Hyde has no reason to not go for this option if they want to beat any reversal. 66C>FF is gapless if not shielded, but Hyde can still delay it to make it a frametrap. You can try and command grab if you notice the startup of this move, since 63214C should leave you blocking high at the end if he were to use the overhead version. 66C>22B when well spaced can also be gapless, but even when shielded you don't have time to 214C if the Hyde doesn't delay it. You can still command grab this move, but be careful not to miss as you could still be stuck in 66C's blockstun and get hit low. 66C>FF>236X is another blockstring against which you have 2 options depending of your spacing. If the Hyde player is close enough, you can shield FF and get a command grab Be careful as this command grab will whiff if he decides to no cancel FF. If he's further away, you could jump over the fireball with 214C and get a much better punish. Once again, this loses to no cancel as it doesn't punish it
Uni linne icon.png
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Your worst matchup often called 7-3. Linne has many of her tools and passive hurtboxes to negate your mix and gimmicks
  • 2C can reduce her hurtbox enough to make her low profile bombs and 6B
  • Her standing hurtbox is still too small to get hit by B Spin!(236B)
  • Her -1 normals and specials can make it really hard for Carmine to get out of pressure due to his 6fr fastest normal
  • Wakeup FF is viable against Meaty Spin! in situations where the pinwheel wouldn't be there to hit her rolling animation
  • Charged Kuuga (Linne's 236[B]) wins against 6B especially if she's doing it from the air
  • She can Force Function every reversal Carmine has on reaction and get a good punish of it
Uni waldstein icon.png
[character page][match videos]
Waldstein is often too slow to contest anything in neutral but again you'll lose more health zoning him than chipping him out
  • Carmine's 214A is an amazing roundstart since it'll trade with 66B and beat anything slower, forcing Waldstein to make riskier jumps roundstart which can only lead into air unblockable scenarios such as walking back a bit and pressing 3C immediatly after
  • As with Gordeau, the tkj6B OS comes back for it's very practical at beating command grab attempts while destroying healthbars even midscreen. Good Waldstein players should know this threat and choose not to go for as many command grabs just because of this move
  • Due to Carmine's lack of "true" reversals you won't be able to rely on them as much especially since Waldstein's hitboxes are huge and very active, able to stuff both 214C and 623C effortlessly
  • When Waldstein is in the corner he is almost doomed by his lack of options to fight back and height, making every mixup possible on him
  • Waldstein's projectile deletion isn't a problem since your projectiles will leave a puddle on the ground even when destroyed
  • If Waldstein gets the health lead and is able to make himself fullscreen you'll have a rough time going back in without spending health that would only make it worse in last second scenarios. Try to avoid this situation at all costs
  • Bombs (214[A]) in neutral are especially good at keeping him away since any approach he may try will get stufffed by the bomb, but a 360B which can catch you off guard due to holding A and having to press AD in order to tech the throw
  • Taking the throw, AKA not using any/many OS doesn't become an option anymore for Waldstein because of Carmine's health regeneration
  • On Waldstein 720X oki midscreen you can command grab his assault jB safejump unless they vary their timing. Do not try to anti-air him with 623C, he will land in time and kill you. In the corner, you can fuzzy mash the forward jump jB but you're putting yourself in a RPS by doing so with his j2C and assault. Nonetheless, if he goes for either of these to vary his timing, you can dash outside the corner and punish with 6C/3C for HUGE damage and looping 50/50s
  • If Waldstein has the cycle midscreen be careful not to get your 6B beaten by him doing 214A>CS>236A as a way to catch your recovery and eat 4K if he has 100 meter. Carmine's 6B is not special cancellable being a normal and not a special move

In the end you have counterplay to all of his neutral skips but he doesn't, and once you get in he'll struggle more than you will

Uni carmine icon.png
[character page][match videos]
The 10-0 matchup
(Unironically, Carmine is super good against himself)
Uni orie icon.png
(Slight Disadvantage)
[character page][match videos]
Orie can keep Carmine at bay with her great pokes and footsies gameplan
  • Her 236X is really useful against Carmine and she can space herself to be plus quite consistently with how slow Carmine's movement is
  • Her pressure is a pain to get rid of seeing how good her keepaway game is against Carmine's slow buttons
  • She can completely ignore 623x in neutral thanks to her Force Function, and is able to make herself plus with j214B while being completely safe from anti-air attempts unless you use an early 6C or 623C, which would get hit by the j214B if done too late
Uni gordeau icon.png
(Slight Advantage)
[character page][match videos]
Good keepaway game and pokes
  • Gordeau can use his Force Function to trade with 6B and get a full conversion
  • Gordeau's bad abare makes it hard for him to contest wheel and bomb sets
  • Carmine has an OS that works especially well against Gordeau, the tkj6B OS lets you get a huge amount of damage if you were to beat his command grab attempts with this starter
Uni merkava icon.png
[character page][match videos]
Merkava, pseudo-zoner until he gets in
  • Roundstart 214B will catch him jumping or flying back roundstart, trying to create distance and forcing you to use VIT to get in. It will lose to 5B since it has no lower hurtbox. You can whiff punish it by walking back and doing 6C, if he doesn't do the followup 5BB
  • If Merkava is fullscreen, be very careful with your 6B as his 214A will go right through it and give him a meaty. If you shield 214A from fullscreen, you can punish him with FF, or 1/3FF with Vorpal
  • If the Merkava likes to fly and throw fireballs in neutral you should take it as an opportunity to get in, and shield the fireballs for GRD. There's no point in using 6[B] unless done before he even jumped because his charged fireballs will go right through it and still hold their 2 hits
  • You can use every fuzzy on Merkava but just like Seth he can crouch and be small enough dodge an immediate jump assault jC which considerably weakens your mixup options
  • It is common to see someone whiff a grab trying to grab Merkava's head so you should get familiar with his collision box when crouching. To simply run and grab someone is a core tool in Carmine's offense due to his fast run speed
  • Worm high/low mix, can't really do anything about it but try a command grab if they've done their safejump either too close, or went low. You can guard thrust if you're not confident in your defense but after the first mix you can generally block as normal, with the addition of worms on the screen. If he tries to go for another one you can somewhat punish it with 3B or 623B if a puddle is close and if the worms allow you to
  • It is not advised to go for the jFF left/right against tall characters since it makes you very minus. But if the Merkava stays crouching you can press it very low to the ground, enough to be plus and make it a true 50/50
  • Get used to anti-airing with 214A, 3B or 3C for predictable flights if he gets too impatient
  • If Merkava is far from you, you should be blocking high until you notice him microdash for a 2C. His assault jA hits from very far and he can combo it with CS/Worms
Uni vatista icon.png
[character page][match videos]
Infamous top tier strikes again
  • Great at keeping Carmine away forcing him to spend blood to get in
  • 4 frame reversal allows her to dp Carmine's natural blockstring gaps
  • her 2C>5A/2A being 0 it's a good pressure reset against Carmine
  • Her shield can easily bait your attempts at putting puddles down and punish you with laser for it
Uni seth icon.png
(Slight Advantage)
[character page][match videos]
Overwhelming speed vs overwhelming pressure
  • Carmine can keep Seth away from the air with 6[B] and 623B puddle detonation to catch his landing recovery, forcing him to play a more grounded game and reducing his options in neutral by a lot
  • Seth can crouch to avoid an immediate jassault jC, meaning he can dodge the double overhead and the rising jA setup by blocking the last hit of the wheel crouching
  • Seth'S 214X>B>j214A becomes a bit more risky against Carmine thanks to his 6C having no hurtbox and reaching quite high. The way you want to use it is a commitment of getting 6C if you guessed which side Seth would end on, and getting 5C is you guessed wrong, which would still be prone to trading. Both of these buttons can be beaten with a delayed j214A or a fake retreat such as backdash>j214A to catch Carmine in recovery. You should wait to see the startup of the blink before pressing it, and a good Seth player will notice this fast and change his blink timings, which you can then use to get out of blink pressure by running out
  • Seth meaty 66C acts pretty much the same as Hyde's meaning that it can beat a lot of Carmine's reversal options but IW, IWEX and 623C if timed accordingly
Uni yuzuriha icon.png
[character page][match videos]
MFW we're both fighting for the health lead
  • Yuzuriha's zoning is good until you have a puddle close to her since she'll have to be careful of raw FF hits and 623B, forcing her to go in the air more
  • Her 214A/B are airborne and strike attribute, meaning you can't use reversals against it other than VO or IW
  • Yes, her air 236X are all strikes too
  • If she uses her infamous 236B>s6A(whiff)>236B blockstring, you can 214C over the 2nd 236B and get good corner carry
  • Be careful when pressuring with 22A/B plus frames since her 4B will parry any mids at it's 7th frame so 5B is not an option. If she shields the 22A, you can't 5A either, having to resort to slower lows like 2B and 2C, 2B that'll lose to her 2A
  • When under Carmine pressure she suffers as much as everyone else but has a small mindgame after a successful guard thrust. Even if you can 623B to detonate a puddle that was left in the corner against everyone else, she can teleport outside it's range or jump backwards and then teleport out to the midscreen. Keep those options in mind and try to call out or react to what she is going to do
Uni hilda icon.png
(Slight Advantage)
[character page][match videos]
The most commonly hated matchup amongst Hilda players

Hilda's bad defensive options make it really painful for her on defense (or at least that's what they say)

  • She gets hit by every fuzzy variant
  • Her only reversal options are VO and IW which are easily beaten
  • Carmine's run speed never felt so good on defense
  • Her 50/50 is better than yours give up

But even with these in head it's a glass cannon fight, first hit is most likely to win, especially if Carmine has it

Uni chaos icon.png
[character page][match videos]
Tip: He doesn't want you to get in
  • Azhi has good pressure but Carmine's 3B, 623B and 214A are all incredible at killing Azhi while aiming at Chaos too. You can't allow yourself to take random hits because of your natural VIT loss so maybe only aim for certified Azhi kills. His zoning has more layers than yours and doesn't cost health so zoning back isn't an answer either
  • 6C can easily reflect your projectiles and keep you at bay, he's more likely to use it when Azhi is unavailable so make sure you have a puddle near him before going in. Notes plays the first cycle very reserved by killing Azhi once from fullscreen and setting a 214[A] near him, then charges GRD. When Azhi comes near, he blue shields once and releases the bomb to kill him to get more GRD
  • Your command grab reversal works especially well against his far crossup setups since his FF doesn't have throw invul
  • His FF has early air and projectile invulnerability allowing him to punish or take his turn against 6B where his 6C wouldn't have enough time to come out
  • If Chaos goes in the air DO NOT TRY TO ANTI-AIR HIM. His greatest weakness is also one of his best strengths as Azhi can come as fast as frame 8 with j236C and catch you trying to punish him

If you go in training mode and figure out how Azhi works you'll have much more success at defending and fighting back

Uni nanase icon.png
[character page][match videos]
Sword car go BRRR (Need more info)
Uni byakuya icon.png
[character page][match videos]
So Carmine already loses GRD now you're fighting Byakuya?
  • It won't be rare to play matches where you literally never get vorpal outside of VO Strip due to Byakuya's incredible GRD game
  • The first cycle is a HUGE game changer if you manage to get it. Mostly because you're taking it away from him, neglecting meter, a safe Force Function overhead and a safe 236B meaty
  • Byakuya standing isn't as tall as he looks and you cannot rising overhead him. You'll have to resort to assault jA which also hits him crouching so you won't need to do any fuzzy setup prior
  • Byakuya gets huge rewards from being patient and landing a single hit. Since Carmine's offense tends to be so powerful anyway, it makes no difference to him than fighting any other character
  • When in triple web OKI, Carmine can tech backwards and use 6C to clear all the webs. Since you HAVE to tech backwards in order to hit all of them, you'll lose GRD so be wary when making this callout. Alternatively you can 63214C, IW or VO to beat him pressing 2C, since it's extremely rewarding for him to do so. Any other reversal loses to webs and 2C
  • It's useless to zone him other than threatening a 214[A] in neutral for a slightly better strike/throw game, when trying to take away some of his GRD

Byakuya is a better Carmine in every aspect

Uni phonon icon.png
(Slight Disadvantage)
[character page][match videos]
Sounds like a good matchup but it isn't (Need more info)
Uni mika icon.png
(Slight Disadvantage)
[character page][match videos]
XD (Need more info)
Uni wagner icon.png
[character page][match videos]
Good abare and simple but oppressive pressure
  • Wagner's blockstrings are hard to contest for her huge stagger windows and good frame data
  • She is most likely to try and contest your wheel and bomb set attempts with her great abare, be careful not to get predictable with your blockstrings
  • Shield buffed 214X and Force Function goes straight through 623x and 214C if you were to try one of these reversal options
  • With the highest damage output in the game it's easily said you'll die sooner than any other character in the game
Uni enkidu icon.png
(Slight Disadvantage)
[character page][match videos]
Master of the iron fist shackles
  • Enkidu's pressure is not to be put aside as it can be very intimidating up close with your slow abare buttons
  • 236C goes through projectiles so he could potentially dash through 6B or 236X and get some damage, and a lot more in the corner
  • His 4fr parry lets him do a delayed parry on blocked bomb sets like a sort of OS to beat immediate button or an immediate bomb release. You can beat this by waiting a bit and get a big punish
Uni londrekia icon.png
Londrekia[No Data]
[character page][match videos]
Uni eltnum icon.png
Eltnum[No Data]
(Slight Disadvantage)
[character page][match videos]
Uni akatsuki icon.png
Akatsuki[No Data]
[character page][match videos]


External Links

Carmine Wiki Roadmap

Click here for the UNICLR roadmap.

Page last edited on: 2022-12-02 by FalconMan.

36% complete
Page Completed To-do Score


  • Gameplay summary copied from ST page
  • Frame data and new moves added
  • Check gameplay summary to see if it still holds up in CLR
  • Need complete data for new moves
  • Created base pages
  • Fill in Strategies
  • Created base pages
  • Start adding combos
Patch Notes
Frame Data