Melty Blood/MBTL/Mario Gallo Bestino/Strategy

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Gameplay Overview

Marios nuns make him a surprisingly versatile Character with good pressure, setplay, some keepout and some ways to get a lot of frameadvantage. His stubby normals and lack of goopd charge normals make him suffer a bit in the midrange and in neutral.
You normaly want to be either in your enemies face or far away and sending out the nuns to do the lords work.


Marios normals are Stubby and his 2C also does not cover a lot of horizontal space so pokeing can be a bit tricky. He has 2 double hitting moves (5B,5C) which are catastrophic to whiff. 2B can cover a good amount of ground ecspecially from a dash but wiffing it will likely leave you right in front of your enemy. Wiff A>A to get the Autocombo coveres a good amount of space horizontaly and vertically. You will most likely have to immediately special cancel it on block since the third autocombo hit leaves you ariborn limiting your cancel options to 214X. Be carefull the Second Hit of the autocombo is unsafe on HIT if you don't cancel!

Mario does not realy have good jump charged normals to power through in air engages. So you wont be outfootsieing your oponent most of the time.

In general you want to get in on your oponent to start a Blockstring since you have a lot of tools to when you get the pressure going.

On the other hand you can also try to keep the oponent away at fullscreen with 236A/B and 214A/[A] Just spamming out 236A as soon as it is ready at fullscreen can be very annoying to deal with for some characters, be careful when the enemy has fullscreen reversals like Roa or Ciel. If they try to hit the 236A nun on recovery to get a bit of rest you can punish with 214C and run up to get the pressure going. You can also just use 214A/214[A] to catch them trying to punish the 236A nun. If they block 236A and 214A you can continue with another 236A or 236BBB or even 236[B] if you feel cheeky. Shield~B against 236A can be backdashed or blocked if you dont want to deal with the RPS situation. When they like to shield the nun at fullscreen you can try to incorporate 236A,6[6] the mix from so you can dash just out of range of a Shield~B and punish with 5C. This only works at fullscreen and only if the nun has to run the whole way to the enemy. If you misstime it you will eihter get a backdash or block so its not to risky to try.

When they try to get in you can then react to the approches they choose. If they run towards you simply continue with 236A since the nun will then hit them in the back. If they jump you can try to Use 623X to catch them not blocking or at least make them use another airoption to not just fall down to the gorund after blocking.
When in midscreen a sj jC can punish your 236A Look out for that and cancel to 623C to catch them not blocking on the way in. If you dont have meter you should not use 236A in neutral when not sufficiently far away (at least 3/4) or close enough (a bit longer then 5A Range)

In zoneing matchups 236A also often trades. You will probanly loose in the long run against Characters with good fullscreen projectiles like Ciel, Hisui and Vlov so you still have to get in. A grounded 236A hit can be converted into 236C > runnup j2[B]>623B to get the normal BnBs On an airhit 236C will often whiff if not done at the exact right timing confirming to 214C is esier in that scenario. There is a ZOne that is a little bit shorter than fullscreen and a little bit longer then roundstart where they can superjump the 236A nun on reaction and punish the recovery. Be very Carefull with 236A in that range you can use 623C or 22C to try to make it safer but both options are still dangerous. Get to know this "No 236A" Zone! Play reactive and if they superjump try to fish for them with 3B+C ecspecially when they are on the closer side. For some charactes with crossup buttons (DAN...) the zone is much wider since they still can hit you even if the superjump overshoots.

236B is not invlunerable and always activates from the current postion of the nun so you have to Postition her with 236A before using at longer ranges. She will start to hit the first Part of the reka at a bit furhter then roundstart range. The second reka part can be canceled into on wiff but she will be vulnerable the whole time. Its also pretty minus on block. If you can make them block a 236BBB>236C at anything from closerange to 3/4 Screen you can push the oponent towards you and have enough advantage to start your offense with a 2B/dash 2B.

The 214 nuns are a bit of a double edged sword. 214B is mostly to slow to activate to be useful in neutral and also always appears a fixed distance in front of the enemy so they can most times just avoid her projectile. 214A can be hit while aproaching she also does not take the hit for you so you will also get hit if you are in range. Characters that like to throw out long hitboxes or projectiles can easily neutralize her.

j214A/[A] can be used if the enemy tries to run under you and you are high in the air. You are unable to act on the whole way down so this can be riski if you dont have moondrive. If the enemy hits her while she approaches they will most likely be ready to still punish you falling down. 4B+C is a lot better in this situations. She comes out faster and has a lot of active frames. She always comes out under you and looks in the same direction you do so if the enemy is already behind your back she will attack in the wrong direction and you are vulnerable on the whole way down!

2C is a surprisingly good grounded Antiair but it will still loose to good charged jumpin normals. (w)5A>A can alo be used as an Antiair since it covers a nice Portion of vertical and some horizontal space. Even 5A is somewat usable since it has actually good range for an a normal and hits pretty high. 3C will put you ariborn which is normaly relatively bad since it limits your options. But if you clash with a Jumpin you can then immediatly airthrow which is frame 1 so it will beat nearly everything. 623A/B are air blockable but can still be of value just because of their fullscreen range If you hit very high they recover ealy enough so they can do another air option. If you hit low and close to you can cancel to 236C for an unblockable. 3B+C also pulls you forward regardless of if it hits so you can use it to meet up with an oproching oponent and hit a jB on the way to the ground. Marios Airthrow hits pretty hig above him so its a good anti air option if you are just below a high oponent. 22A has High and Mid Guardpoint after the nun is set so it can also work against jumpins if you have the time to set it up. Be careful though since at certain angels the enemy will just land behind the nun and the counte will miss the hit is tanked by the nun so you can probably still punish them with a normal.



Pressure TLDR:

  • use 236A/214A to make pressure save and maybe even steal it back
  • Many normals move him Forward so his wA rebeat pathing is a bit odd
  • use 236B/214[A] to frametrap
  • use dl. autocombo to frametrap
  • use 236BBB>236C to gain advantage
  • use 22A/B to dissuade enemy from mashing out and to gain advantage (questionable since they often can still shield the counter when hitting the nun with an A normal)
  • use advancing normals (5B(1),5C(1),2[B],RB) into 22B>throw
  • when they are sufficiently dissuaded reset pressure or use 236[B] to gain massive advantage
  • condition the enemy with partially charged 236[B] to not fuzzy mash
  • use max range 2B to get back in
  • when at advantage mix in throws to gain setplay situations
  • use 9/sj/8>Airdash>j[2]B>8jc>drift>Stuff to create Ambigous left/right situations
  • You are succeptible to shield. Keep that in mind if you dont have 50% Moon for offensive B+C

Mario doesn't have a grounded overhead or unblockables and only 2 Low normals. To compensate for that Mario has a lot of other tools to play around with when pressuring. His throw also leads to good setups so it is always a dangerous option. 236A is a true blockstring from 5B(1/2), 2B, 5C(1/2), 2C or the 2nd Hit of Autocombo and a frametrap from 5A/2A. Its also only slightly negative so you can often get away with staying offensive. 236B is a Frametrap where 236A is a blockstring. If delayed or from 5A/2A you might get hit out of it by Enemies which have long fast normals like shikis 2C. 236B/236BB are save on block 236BBB is definetly not, so you will need to spend ressources. This is not as Bad as it sounds since 236C gives you a lot of frame advantage and pushes the enemy back towards you so you can continue the pressure.
236[B] give even more advantage (nearly on MBAACC levels) but the chargetime can be stuffed pretty easily. When they block it you can superjump j2[B]>jc8 see Jumpcancel Drift.

214A is an odd case since she takes a few frames longer to arive in the corner then midscreen. 214A is a true blockstring after 2B,5C(1/2),2C,2nd, 3rd hit autocombo and 3C and a Frametrap after 5A/2A and 5B(1). 214[A]is a frametrap after 2B, 5C(1/2), 2C, 2nd, 3rd hit autocombo and 3C. In the corner 214A behaves like 214[A] would midscreen and 214[A] can be stuffed. In the corner People can hit 214A while she is coming in by mashing 2C. Somewhat conterintuitively you beat that by slightly dealying the move or partially charging it so she will hit the extended hurtbox the enemy threw out. 214A seems to be neutral (updateing when framedata is there) 214[A] is substantialy Plus (around 6 frames) but pushes the enemy out of A or 5B range midscreen. On the other hand she is also more plus in the corner 214A is already atleast +6, 214[A] even more so. In the corner you are also not pushed out as much so you can continue with a true blockstring with 2A/5A or various Frametraps.

All in all Mario has a lot of ways to gain Frameadvantage most of it is not realy save. So you have to dissuade the enemy from pressing buttons.

This is where the 22A/B series comes into play. 22A/B call nuns that do an attack after a delay. When the nuns are hit during the delay they immediately counter. The A version has high and mid counter the B version low and mid. Since most buttons that people try to mash are lows or mids 22B is prefered. It also pulls the enemy back towards you on Hit so you can continue the Pressure after they block it. 22A/B also now recovers very quickly so you will be able to act before it hits. If you are very close you can do 22B>Throw and the throw will hit before the 22B. This is only possible if you are very close. Best way to get it is 2[B]>5C(1)/5B(1) or raw 2[B] RB>22B also works if canceled immediately. 22C and 2B+C are Counters only, so its risky to use them since you can be thrown on reaction.

In the Corner you can get the same 22A/B>236C Setup you can get after an Airthrow ender in the Corner (see Okizeme section), which beats nearly all reversal an leaves you pretty plus.

You can partially charge the 236[B] to try to catch them dl mashing out of 236[B]

3B+C can be used for an iprovised "airdashcancel". Midscreen this will send Mario far beyond the enemy but you can Airbackdash to get back on the same side. In the corner you dont need that you can simply do a jumpnormal and since you have all Airmovement ready you can get creative ecspecially with the bounce you get from j2B It can be mashed out by pretty much anything so also only use it when the enemy is sufficiently dissuaded from mashing.

Marios Pressure is very susceptible to Shield. Here Rebeat peressure is the best option. if you rebeat to a 5A/2A you can then try to reset with 2B, IAD or 66>GT. As usual all resets will loose to mashing so you have to mix in 22A/B or Frametraps.
When you have 50% Moonmeter for Offensive B+C you can keep you going or even get a punish if they don't choose their answer carefully. Offensive B+C > j214[A] will beat both A and B followups if the enemy does not delay it.
IAD>j2B will still do the hop on shield and cause A followup to miss the B Followup can be Punished with a delayed Offensive B+C. IAD>j2B can be converted into a combo on counterhit.

Autocombo in Pressure is alway an option since it covers a large area and is a frametrap if delayed, a hit will lead to a decent Combo. Keep in mind that you are ariborn after the last hit of the autocombo so you only have j214X available.

Rebeat Pressure


  • Normals are stubby rebeats into wA leave you with mostly very committal options 2B, Specialmove or resetting
  • try to get the A normal to hit on block isntead and vary between frametraps, tickthrows and resets
  • in the Corner you can use use 5B and 5C after wA and use 214A to reset pressure since it is +

Mario's rebeats compared to other characters in the game are more limited due to his stubby normals.
The only button that will reach from a wA is 2B and it is somewhat slow.
All in all most of his options after wA are very committal or will probably result in going back to neutral.
In the corner 5C also hits, which makes your rebeat Pressure much better.
214A also becomes a very good tool for resetting pressure since it is + and you are not hindered by the pushback.

Because of all the above, a lot of Marios rebeat Pressure is focussed on 5A/2A on block.

Example Strings
Example Strings to get..
...5A on Block
(2A > (2B)) > 2C > (5B(1)) > 5A
(2A > (2B)) > 5B > 5C > 5A
... > 2B > 5A>
...w5A and end up...
(2A > (2B)) > 5B > 2C > w5A
(2A > (2B)) > 5C > dl.2C > w5A
(2A > (2B)) > 5B > 5C > 5A
2A > (2B) > 5B > 5C > 2C > w5A

You can force most routes that normally result in 5A on Block to wiff by adding dl.2As, 2B will close the distance again.

2A > dl.2A > 2C > 5C > w5A

Long range 2B true blockstring to be only very slightly negative:

2A > 5B > 5C > 2C > (dl.)2B
2A > 5B > 2C > (dl.)5C > (dl.)2B
  • slight dl.2B for frametrap that cateches jumpouts
Options after rebeats

Example Options after A on Block:

  • frametrap with 236A, 236B, 214A, 214[A], dl.RB2 or 5B/5C if it is open
    • 214A can catch jumpstartup at specific distances and screen positions but dont rely on it!
    • depending on position 214A can be a true blockstring (Back to corner)
  • Reset with dl.2B, dl.5B or dl.5C
  • Tickthrow
  • 236[B] is pretty risky here
    • Partially charged 236[B] is easier to get interuppted by fuzzy mash here
    • condition before using it!
  • 22B put it in here sometime to dissuade fuzzy mashing
  • Reset with IAD
  • jump>dl.Airdash can be used to do the Jumpcancel drift pressure or Airdash j2B pressurebut it is slow!
    • 5A>7>dl.AD>jC> will stay same side
    • 5A>8/9>dl.AD>jC> will cross up
      • in the croner you can also use 5A>7>dl.AD>j2[B]>
      • in the corner you can also sj>j2[B]>
  • in the Corner 214A becomes + and the pushback is irrelevant so its very good to reset pressure

Example Options after wA:

  • frametrap with 236A, 236B, 214A, 214[A]
    • the 236B nun might get hit by low profile moves!
    • 214A and 214[A] will often get hit before being active!
  • Reset with 2B
  • reset with 2[B] which is more committal and looses to neutral or back jump
    • 2[B] will often clash with buttons the enemy throws out to contest esspecially when you end up far after the rebeat
      • asside from other multihitting moves with short intervalls between hits (hisui 236X, Akiha 5[B]) they have to invul or shield
  • 22B put it in here sometime to dissuade fuzzy mashing
  • reset with IAD
  • jump>dl.Airdash can be used to do the Jumpcancel drift pressure or Airdash j2B pressure
    • 5A>7>dl.AD>jC> will stay same side
    • 5A>8/9>dl.AD>jC> will cross up
      • If you delay to long jC will wiff
    • in the corner you can also sj>j2[B]>
  • in the Corner 214A becomes + and the pushback is irrelevant so its good to reset pressure but might get mashed out

Airdash j2B Pressure

j2B will bounce you up and depending on if it hits high or if the enemy crouches after the hit it will cross up. If it hits low it will stay same side. If it crosses up you have the follwowing options:

  • jA/jB/jC overhead
  • jA>jA double overhead
  • land 2A
  • land Throw
  • jumpcancel>...
  • j2B
  • j214A

Same side you don't have the overhead options since Mario will always switch his Orientation after the bounce.

Jumpcancel Drift

There are some air normals that alow you very ambigous left/right from a jumpcancel. Those are j2[B] and jC. Hitting jC/j2[B] early/high pushes the enemy forward so you will have your back turned to the enemy after the jump cancel you will be on the same side as you started the jump. (sameside) Hitting jC/j2[B] late/low will make it so that you stay crossed up and face the enemy. (crossup) The examples will denote where you land relative to where the jump started. Sameside or Crossup. Keep in mid that all those are VERY timing dependent and might not give you the exact results written here. The best mix is the one even you are surprised by I guess XD.

  • jC high:
    • 8>sideswitch>jC>... (sameside) hits with the crossup hitbox again might wiff depending when you hit the jC
    • 8 microdrift 4 >jC>... (crossup)
    • 8 microdrift 6>sideswitch>wjC>... (sameside)
    • j2[B] works simmilar
    • the side you land on with j2[B] seems pretty wonky and depends on when you hit and when you jumpcancled (testing needed)
    • j2B can be delayed to landcanel it before it becomes active
  • jC low:
    • 8>jC>... (crossup)
    • 8>jA>... less blockstun for a throw (crossup)
    • 8 microdrift 6>sideswitch>jC>... (sameside)
    • 8 microdrift 6>sideswitch>j2[B]>... (sameside)
    • 8 >j2[B]>... (crossup)
    • 8 microdrift 4>sideswitch>j2[B]>... (sameside)
    • j2B can be delayed to landcanel it before it is active
  • j2[B]
    • j2[B] heavily depends on which side you hit in general different from crossup jC you will stay on the side you hit
    • not jumpcanceling a low j2[B] leaves you in a very good postition for strike/throw mix since it keeps the momentum and you landcancel a lot of recovery.
    • j2[B]>8>j2[B]>
    • j2[B]>8[6]>sideswitch>j2[B]>
    • 8>jA> less blockstun for a throw

If you still have an airdash you can 8[6]/9>Airbackdash>jB/jC to vary the timing


Air Throw


  • Safejumps
  • 623A>AT
    • hold 9 > dl.jC~D>X is +
  • 3C > BC > AT
    • hold 9> dl.jC~D>X is -

Safejump: AT>[9]>dljB/dlj2B/j2[B]/dl(w)j2[B]/jC
Corner: AT>land>22A/B>236C>[1] Beats all reversal options exept Shield~B and [A+B+C]

Most of Marios Combos can end in an airthrow. After an airthrow ender you can do a savejump by holding 9 and then use jB, j2B or jC on the way down. Since you have your airdash still ready you can also delay the overhead to beat low shield attemtps in the corner.
Against Highshield you can mix in dlj2[B]>2A/Throw. dlj2[B]will not come out befor you land so you can go into 2A to get a counterhit. When hitting airthrow very low to the ground holding 9 will not do the jumpcanel you have to time it manually but the timing is still leniant and you will never not get a safejump.
In the corner you can also just land after the Airthrow and do 22A/B>236C>[1] this beats most reversal options right away exept for Shield~B and [A+B+C]. Invincible Uppercuts will hit your nuns but not you, so you can punish the landing. The Enemy can Moondrive cancel the DP to make it save. If they block the setup you are plus enough to do a true blockstring with 2A, go for a delayed throw or try an IAD for an overhead. 22B also pulls the enemy towards you so you can try to mix in a 8[6]>j2B/j2[B] after setting it up. Be careful not to drift to much towards the enemy so that j2B does not hit anymore.

j2B after Air Throw


  • AT> j2B> jA > 2A sideswitches and combos if they crouch
  • AT j2B >j2B > j214A option for when they dont tend to crouch

j2B cross-up behavior after Airthrow:

  • Does never Cross-up:

low hight AT(like 623A>jAB>AT jB and AT while falling), Corner

  • Enemy can prevent cross-up by holding 4:

Medium hight AT (like 623A>jA>AT or 623A>jXX>AT when both j normals are still rising)

  • Will always Cross up:

High AT like 3C>jBC>AT

j2B followups:

  • on Crossup>jA/jB:

hitconfirm on crouch 2A>2B>, 236A j214A/[A]

  • sameside:

j2B, j214A, j214[A]

j2B after an Airthrow has the tendency to not cross up with the hop. It only realy works from very high airthrows like >3C>jBC>AT.
It will basically never cross up when you are very low like after 623>jAB>AT or can be made to not cross up when you are on middeling hight 623A>jA>AT by the enemy when he just holds 4 after knockdown. You will nevertheless turn around so jumpnormal appart from 2jB do not hit and you can be punished. You might still clash with jA or jB. Your best options now are to do another j2B this will put you away from the oponent or you can directly go into j214A/[A] wich should be safe.

Unfortunaltely an AD will now send you over the enemy so you can not reset from there. In the corner you will never cross up. If you are in the crossup hight you can always go to jA/jB and confirm to 2A>2B on crouching hit other hits will not naturally combo. If they block the jump normals you can do j214A/[A] which can frametrap if they mash or buffer 236A right before the landing which will trade for HKD if they mash. Couching oponets are also always getting crossed up unless in the corner. j2B after AT can be a Potent Knowledge Check but is risky when the enemy knows how to deal with it. You can then use a second j2B or a J214A to punish them trying to mash but both will not realy yield a lot of damage. j214[A] will yield a normal 214[A] Combo so confirm to 623B> or dlsj>j2[B]> J214A/[A] will also come from the enemys back even in the corner so she is less likely to get hit by the mash

Ground Throw/623C


  • groundthrow or 623C > 214B
    • meaty 2B/runnup meaty 2A~D>X beats jumpout resets pressure
    • runnup throw beats Shield
    • IAD>jC beats lowshield, resets pressure
    • 236A beats heat/backdash
    • 2[B] beats backdash

Somewhat outdated!
GT, 214B>meaty 2B beats mash and Shield and jumpout, trades with DPs
GT, 214B>3 beats DP and Heat
GT, 214B>66>meaty 2A>D~X beats mash, DP, Heat, jumpout
GT, 214B>66>Throw beats Shield, Block (they can tech!), might trade with DPs
GT, 214B>6[6]44 beats DP and Heat, the hard callout!
GT, 214B>236A catches Backdash, trades with DP and Heat
Enemy can Moondrive cancel his DPs to shield the axe and make it save or even punish you.
623C leads to basically the same 214B Setups as groundthrow. You are just a tiny bit further away so 236A actually beats DPs, if 214B and 236A are done as fast as possible. YOu can hardcallout heat or DPs by runnup>Backdash

After a ground throw you can setup 214B after the nun is set you can then meaty with 2B or you can go for another throw. Both will loose to DPs. Alternatively you can crouchblock this will cause DPs to miss and get Air counter hit. If they have Moondrive ready they can make DPs save and shield the axe. Heat will also miss but only get a normal hit, you can confirm the missed heat to 236A/236BBB.
236A hits meaty enough, catches backdashes (confirm to 236C) and trades with DPs and heat. IAD>jC will catch backdashes but looses to a lot of other options so 236A seems better. Reversals that move horizontaly (a lot of MD 6B+Cs) will kill the nun before she throws the axe and hit you before 236A is out makeing the setup a lot less scary.
You can also setup 214[B]. From here you can have a wide array of Options here are some Basic examples:

  • run up Throw
  • run up 2A>D~X Meaty (tight timing!)
  • runup dl wThrow>stuff they will be in blockstun by the axe so you can still act before them.
  • IAD>jC>
  • IAD>j2B>stuff
  • 9>j2[B]>
  • 2B>2[B]
  • run against them to push them out of the Axe range. Good against high Shield so you can punish with a low on reaction or just throw again

If they Block 214B you are pretty plus if they block 214[B] you are realy plus. So you can then layer your options like IAD>land>IAD>jX to beat tech attempts.
214[B] has the advantage that even if they tech a throw they will likely have to block or get hit by the second Axe
You can also intentionally slightly delay the 214B/[B] to vary up the timing but that makes you succeptible on being mashed out by charactes with long fast low pokes.
One of the best defenses against axe oki especially in the corner ist reversal Jump~D which is only realy beaten by meaty 2A (or Raw Airthrow but thats risky for not much reward!)

Specific examples for 214B oki:
  • 214B>2B>5A>IAD...
    • jB/C overhead
    • j2B
    • wj2[B]>Throw
    • empty Throw
    • Empty 2A~5D>
  • 214B>2B>5A>7>AD>j2[B]>...
    • j2[B] has to be done pretty early else it will landcancel which you can also use to go for a throw or a low
    • Press 2B then hold 7 and do the rebeat you will then jump back as soon as possible now use the airdash macro at the highest point of the jump
    • if you jumpcancel you will awlays land sameside and cant drift eneough or jump forward to switch sides!
      • only the non crossup stuff from jumpcancel Drift is available
  • 214B>2B>5A>8>AD>
    • j2[B] always switches side and landcancels
    • j2C hits crossup
      • jumpcancel drift stuff is available from here
  • 214B>2[B]2>5A>9>j2[B]>...
    • 2[B] does not hit meaty so will lose to reversal Jump shield dissuade them from jumping by using 2B meaty before.
    • jumpcancel drift stuff is available from here

In the corner you can do the 22A/B>236C Setup. You must slightly delay it. a wiffed 5A should autotime it.

236[B] and 22B hit meaty 22A hits slightly later but to early to grab, you cant use them to beat shield so they are not realy useful as setups.

HKD>214B Midscreen

You can cut most Combos short and end in 2[B] for hard knockdown. You can then use 214[B] to setup oki. If you cancel 2[B] into 214[B] the axe will hit meaty and you wont be able to throw shield atempts. So it's better to either delay the 214[B] or even better to jumpcancel 2[B] and then use j214[B]. You can then vary your distance and timing with some of the following techniqes:

  • TK 214[B] puts a little bit of distance between you and the enemy and has no or nearly no gap between thier wakeup and the axe hitting so they can simply wakeup shield!
  • jc8>dl214[B] puts some distance between you and the enemy and slightly delayes the axes
  • jc9>dl214[B] puts you right in Front of the enemy
  • IAD>TK214[B] to land sameside
  • IAD>dl214[B] to Sideswitch.
    • Video Guide by Tripin
      • 214B Counterhit DP trade pickup guide
        • arc: neutral recover, delay j.b
        • ciel: forward recover, j.2[b]
        • tohno: neutral GROUND recovery, 5a
        • kouma: neutral recover, delay j.b
        • noel: neutral recover, j.2b j.b (5b)
        • roa: neutral recover, j.b jc j.2[b]
        • miyako: neutral GROUND recovery, 5a
        • red arc: neutral recover, j.2b j.b (5b)
        • dan: neutral GROUND recovery, 5a
        • powered ciel: lol
        • dantes: neutral recover, delay j.b
        • shiki: neutral recover, 2B

HKD Corner

Somewhat outdated. You might rather want to use one of the Corner Steal Routes and end in 623C to get axe oki
...>214C, w5A>236[B], GT: Beats shield and Mash. When 236[B] hits the Throw will wiff but you can still confirm into 2B
...>214C, w5A>236[B], w2A>D~X: beats Moonskills and DPs. When shielding Heat all followups wil wiff and delayed 2A can be blocked.
...>214C, w5A>236[B], 44: Will dodge heat, on heat wiff confirm with 2B, on 236[B] hit confirm into 3B+C>dl.jC>

Midscreen L/R

236A>IADj2B>jB>j214C> Left/Right Midscreen
  • >236A>IADj2B>jB>j214C>2B>sj>land>5B
    • not in range for 2A!
  • >236A>IADj2B>jB>j214C>mircowalk 4>2B>sj>land>2A~D>
    • if you microwalk very short you will still crossup
  • 236A has to hit very low so the best most consistent way to get into it is 5B(1)>[2]B>dl.autocombo>dl.236A
  • Hold 9 during 236A and press Dashmacro as soon as you jump
236A>IADj2B>jBA>j214C "reverse Wellington" Left/Right Midscreen
  • 236A>IADj2B>jBA>j214C>sj>land>84>9jc>land> meaty
  • the ammount of drift defines if its left or right
  • 236A has to hit very low so the best most consistent way to get into it is 5B(1)>[2]B>dl.autocombo>dl.236A
  • Hold 9 during 236A and press Dashmacro as soon as you jump
236A>j2[B]>jC>jB>j214C> Left/Right Midscreen
  • >236A>j2[B]>jC>jB>j214C>sj>land>microwalk4>9>land>...
  • the lenght of the microwalk decides if its left or right
  • should be able to be combined with >2A>D~X OS but is manually timed
low j214C Left/Right

Same layers as many other drift Left/Rights apply

  • j2[B]>jc9>j2[B]>jB/C>j214C>sj>crossup>8>[6]([4])>2A~D>X
  • mostly from 4B+C>236[B]
  • Test if possible form >236A(2)>jc>

Corner L/R

low j214C Left/Right Corner
  • j2[B]>jc>j2[B]>jB/C>j214C>rununder>sj>dlj44>jC>2A~D>X
  • j2[B]>jc>j2[B]>jB/C>j214C>rununder>sj>dljc9>jC>2A~D>X
  • j2[B]>jc>j2[B]>jB/C>j214C>rununder>8>jc9/8>j44>jC>2A~D>X
  • j2[B]>jc>j2[B]>jB/C>j214C>rununder>8>jc8[6]>j44>jC>2A~D>X
    • you can use JB>jA>j214C to auztotime the hight of j214C
    • unreactable version
    • the timing of Airbackdash will determin L/R
  • also possible from 214A wallbounce on lower proration
  • now possible with ...>236A(2)>jc>...
  • Examples:
low j214C>sj>j2B Left/Right Corner
  • >j2[B]>9jc>j2[B]>jC>j214C>sj>j2B>8jc>(4)>AD>land>dl.2A
    • 1Frame of Drift back is enough!
    • you can use >JB>jA>214C instead of jC>214C for easier timing
    • the sJ has to be done immediately so buffer it!
  • Example sameside, Example switch
Autocombo>236A>623C L/R
  • 623A>jA>j2B>jC>jB>2CC>236A(1)>623C>
    • 8>dl.AD>meaty.2A sideswitch
    • 7>dl.AD>meaty.2A sameside
    • 8>AD>dl.meaty.2A sameside
  • crossup depends mostly on the airdash timing
  • should work from most of the cornersteals into Autocombo 236A>623C variants
  • also works if you cancel 236A on the second hit.

Crossup Break

  • this will realy hamper your Damage!
  • 236C>66>9(wjA)>dlj214B
    • using j214[B] is possible but not realy usefull since it will cause more proration on hit
    • jumpcanel right before you crossup! You have to face the same direction after the jump!
    • j214[B] has to be very low wjA can help you with the timeing
  • Crossup Break
    • 8>AD>...
  • Sameside
    • IAD>JC>...
  • proof of concepts for Crossubreak oki:
  • running against the enemy to push them back to vary the timing of the axes

Kirby SuperOki: 8 Setplays in One! WIP

Techtraps and other funky stuff.
thanks to KirbySage for labbing most of the stuff out.


  • only ground tech possible
    • forward tech gets punished by the axe
    • neutral tech can be pinned by 5A but you are at sligt disadvantage so they can throw you or mash out with 5 frames
      • even if you get hit by a 5A mash they can't continue a combo or else they will get counterhit by the axe.
      • neutral tech jump will get hit by the axe and can be AUBed with 5C
    • Backtech can be pinned by 5A/5B
      • Back tech jump will get hit by the axe and can be AUBed with 5C



  • Abare Moves 5A, 5M, 236A
  • 2B+C in MD (ONLY if they dont have MD!)
  • 7j.B+C against trhow atempts and IAD>IAD throwbaits but very risky!
  • Use system and universal mechanics (shield, fuzzymash ...)

Mario does not have any Invincible reversals. Even the 22C counter is not invincible on startup and looses to meaties. Moondrive 2B+C on the other hand is pretty strong the startup Clashes and after that the counter happens. Moondrive 4B+C seems to be pretty inconsitent with its clash frames so its mostly not a good reversal tool.

6B+C Moves you and the sword nun forward and can lead to situations where Mario dances around infront of the actual hitbox which is bad for obvious reasons. This happens when the nun starts the move from way behind you mostly because she has been send out there and the enemy has corssed you up before she recovered.

You can use 22X to dissuade people from resetting pressure but you have to guess high or low when you don't want to use ressources. 6B+C can also be quite good to stuff pressure resets.

You can use 236A as abare since the nun is invul after frame 8 it at worst trades with thier button which is normally advantageous for you.
Here is also one of the only viable places to use 22C. It can catch delayed Special cancels and rebeat>Attacks but its still risky since you can be punished if they just do nothing.

Appart from that you will have to use the system mechanics for defense.

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