Arcana Heart 3/AH3X/Petra Johanna Lagerkvist

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Petra Johanna Lagerkvist


The Lagerkvist family is renowned throughout the entire Celestial Union, as the family seems to be a never-ending source of competent and capable officers for the organization. Petra, in addition to being brilliant and driven, also possesses exceptional spiritual powers that eclipse even the most powerful angels found in the Lagerkvist family line. As is customary for Lagerkvists, Petra became a member of the Swedish branch of the Celestial Union, and was selected to work at the Western European branch shortly afterward.

Her abilities rivaled, and in some instances transcended, those of the legendary English angel, Angelia Avallone, a fact that caused a great many members of the Union to become outright hostile to her. Despite the widespread animosity directed at her, Petra continued to add to her reputation by completing every mission assigned to her, going so far as to accept being essentially banished to Japan. Now in Japan, she is dedicated to stopping the Drexler Institute, an organization that aims to destroy the island nation by unleashing the Divine Celestial Weapon.


You've got to ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, punk? Petra is an extremely versatile character that can be played quite effectively in many styles. Thanks to her long range, both on the ground and in the air, she can pressure the opponent and make them weary of committing to careless attacks. Thanks to her command dodge and her quick pokes, her close range game is quite strong as well. Add full screen reflecting bullets for zoning, and you've yourself a flexible character that can cover many angles.

Recommended Arcana

Normal Moves

AH3 Petra 5A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
500 All - 3 2 13 -3 A

A jab at the opponent with Petra's elbow. This move is a short as it looks, so you'll mainly use it for picking up air combos, as well as punishing low techs. This move does NOT cancel into itself so be careful about whiffing it.

AH3 Petra 5B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
1200 All - 9 2 16 -1 B

Petra crosses her arms and shoots at the opponent chest. This move is a bit slow, and the range isn't as good as 2B, so you won't be using this move much outside of combos.

AH3 Petra 5C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
2000 All - 13 2 28 -9 C

Petra turns towards the opponents and pops on in their chest. Aside from 5[E] and 3C, out of Petra's normals this has some of the best reach. The mains use for this move is to link combos that require such reach. Compared to AH2.6, the start up is better, but the recovery is longer. The whole duration of the move is the same though.

AH3 Petra 5E.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
Normal 3000 Mid - 15 2 29 -10 D
Charged 3500 Unb - 42 2 44 - E

This move is like a buffed version of 5C but since the recoil on the move is particularly heavy, it doesn't reach as long as it looks. The start up is decent as you can link this move from any B move, so you could use it for zoning and spacing.

AH3 Petra 2A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
500 Low/Air - 5 2 13 -3 A

Petra does a small kick across the floor. This 2A is a bit slower compared to other characters but the range is very good and is it cancellable into itself. Right next to the opponent you could throw about 5 of these in before moving too far away from the opponent. Also, during the move, Petra has a really low profile so you could slide under moves with high hitboxes.

AH3 Petra 2B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
1000 All - 9 2 18 -4 B

A crouching shot at the opponent knees. Like 5B, the start up for this move as a B type is kind of long but the reach is good and it does not prorate that much. In fact as a starter it has very lenient proration (91%) so you can use this move for spacing, combo starters and long range confirms. One thing though, is that this move is not a low. This move is jump cancellable on block.

AH3 Petra 2C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
1300 Low/Air - 12 4 19 -2 C

Petra crouches and sweeps the opponent with her entire leg. The reach is not too much different from 2B, so you might even whiff it after a longer range 2B hit. You'll be OK if you are up close though. When you are trying to save meter or up close to the opponent, you want this move.

AH3 Petra 2E.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
Normal 2800 Mid - 15 2 25 -2 D
Charged 3200 Unb - 33 2 33 - E

This move is a twin shot much 6C in the upward, diagonal direction. This hitbox is much like what the move looks like and can be used as an anti air. However, you need to be aware of moves that have cross up hitboxes because 2E doesn't have an attack box directly above it or behind. Your profile is low for this move as well, so you can go under and counter a bunch of attacks.

AH3 Petra 6B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
1500 All - 10 2 20 -6 B

A standing shot at the opponent waist.The start up and scope of the clash frames and the duration of the move is much less now compared to AH2.6, so there is not much use to this move besides it's reach.

AH3 Petra 6C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
3500 All - 15 3 22 -2 C

A twin shot at the opponent with both guns. This move is now quicker compared to AH2.6, but in exchange the recovery is a frame longer. Note that this move is not air unblockable. The main uses for this move is to make use of the clash frames, and for combos that need 6C as combo filler from B moves. This move is jump cancellable on block.

AH3 Petra 3B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
1500 Low/Air - 10 2 22 -8 B

A crouching shot at the opponent ankles.This move is a bit slower than 2B but this move is even longer and a low so this move is extremely good for coming in with.

AH3 Petra 3C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
1400 High/Air - 22 2 9+11 -6 C

Petra jumps forward a bit and shoots downwards at the opponent. This move is an overhead and is special, super and arcana cancellable. You can also jump cancel this move. This move is a bit slower normally, but during EF it is rather quick and a great overhead.

AH3 Petra j.A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
500 High/Air - 3 5 14 - A

A flying knee at the opponent. This move is very fast (3F) and has a great hit box as well, making it great of your air to air footsies or when the opponent closes in on you. you can even cross up with this move depending on your angle of approach making this a very useful move.

AH3 Petra jB.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
1300 High/Air - 7 3 21 - B

A jumping shot at the opponent. This move as great horizontal reach, and excellent for your spacing. Also, around frame 2~4, you have a clash box that covers almost your entire upper half, giving you almost like an iron wall to go with your spacing, depending on your position to the opponent. you can go right into a combo on hit with this move as well, making this move one of Petra's strongest.

AH3 Petra jC.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
2600 High/Air - 10 3 22 - C

A jumping twin shot with a VERY slight downward angle. This moves moves you back a bit upon release so its good for adjusting your position and your gap between your opponent. This move has a very good horizontal hitbox so it is go for your spacing. Just remember that you cannot chain your JC to your JE now. That recoil that was mention actually makes combos somewhat hard to do with this move, but during EF that problem is eliminated.

AH3 Petra jE.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
3500 High/Air - 14 2 25 - D

Petra fires a large blast diagonally downwards. This move ignores all the inertia that you had to that point and moves you backwards quite a bit. The hitbox is pretty good in the direction of the blast. JE also does nice raw damage (3500dmg) and is good for air unblocks and just leaving a move out and is not techable on the ground. Whats more is that it has the nerve to have clash from frames 3~10 on your upper body. With that said, the move is still relatively slow, so keep in mind that you need to put it out really early, and that the opponent could hit you from the bottom while it is coming out. The recover is longer from AH2.6 and the time until you can move again in the air is longer so be careful of those points.

AH3 Petra j2B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
1200 High/Air - 8 3 21 - B

Great air combo ender and also a good defensive move. This move has start up clash frames, so in the air, you can use this move either in a clash or to force a clash with the opponent. This move's hitbox will persist past a clash, making it a pretty reliable clash move.


Neutral Throw
AH3 Petra 2E.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
2500 Throw - 5 1 23 - -

Leaves opponent airborne.

Lever Throw
Lever Throw
AH3 Petra Throw.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
2500 Throw - 3 1 23 - -

Sideswaps and knocks down the opponent

Air Throw
Air Throw
AH3 Petra AirThrow.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
2500 Throw - 3 1 23 - -

Knocks opponent down.

Special Moves

L.G.A. Charge-X
L.G.A. Charge-X
AH3 Petra 22X.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
- - - - - A: 38
B: 43
C: 52
- -

Petra spins her gun like Plaxico Burress and reloads her guns. The button pressed will affect the amount of shells reloaded. The recover is a bit long for each version, so you want to make sure you can use this safely before attempting.

L.G.A. Fire Type - α
L.G.A. Fire Type - α
AH3 Petra 236X.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
No Cartridge 1400 All - 18 1 37 -11 C
A 1400, 2400 All - 18 1(17)1 37 -3 C
B 1400*3, 2400 All - 18 [1(17)]*3, 1 37 -3 C
C 1400*3, 2400, 4500 All - 18 [1(17)]*3, 1(21)1 37 ±0 C

After a lovely step and twirl, Perta blasts the opponent with both guns. Each version increases the consumption of the ether stock and the number of hits. In the event you do not have enough for the upper version, it will use all of your ether for the appropriate version. These count as normal hits so you can cancel into any special action afterward. If you have no stock, you get one hit that does not float the opponent. This move has quite a bit of reach so you can use it with a bit of authority.

L.G.A. Fire Type - α’
L.G.A. Fire Type - α’
AH3 Petra j236X.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
No Cartridge 1000 All - 14 1 Whiff: 40+13L
Hit/Block: 40+0L
- C
A 1000, 2400 All - 14 1(16)1 Whiff: 40+13L
Hit/Block: 40+0L
- C
B 1000*2, 2400 All - 14 1(10)1(12)1 Whiff: 40+13L
Hit/Block: 40+0L
- C
C 1000*4, 2400 All - 14 [1(10)]*3, 1(12)1 Whiff: 40+13L
Hit/Block: 40+0L
- C

Again, after a whirl in the air, Petra rains shots down. The properties in relation to the ether gauge are similar to The ground version. On hit all of these will give you a guaranteed knock down. When you have no ether stock, you'll get a normal hit. Like the ground version, if you do not have enough for the upper version, it will use all of your ether for the appropriate version, but if you cancel it into something, you'll stop and preserve your stock of ether. This move has a pretty massive hitbox horizontally and downward from Petra's location making it good as an air-vs-air, air-vs-ground or a really long range poke. It's not exaggeration to say that the 3 ether stock version of this move is a major part of Petra's play.

L.G.A. Fire Type - β
L.G.A. Fire Type - β
623X, 421X, or 28X
AH3 Petra 623X.png
AH3 Petra 421X.png
AH3 Petra 28X.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
623X 1500 All - 15 - 41 Total ±0 C
421X 1500 All - 18 - 41 Total +3 C
28X 1500 All - 21 - 41 Total +6 C

Petra fires a reflecting bullet either up (623), downwards (421), or at a very steep angle (28). Much like the 236 series, the properties of the move changes depending on what button you use and your ether stock. When your stock is 0 the bullet will not reflect at all. The ricochet count is dependent on the number of times the bullet his the floor and the ceiling. This is a projectile move so you cannot HC. It's not fast enough to work as an immediate anti air because of the start up, you'll need to read ahead a little bit and choose the version that best fits the situation.

L.G.A. Fire Type - β’
L.G.A. Fire Type - β’
AH3 Petra j421X.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
1500 All - 21 - ≅ 40 Total - C

Petra spins in the air and fires a bullet. Again, the version used only affects how often the bullet will bounce off the walls.

L.G.A. Assault
L.G.A. Assault
AH3 Petra 214X.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
- - - - - A: 88 Total
B: 86 Total
C: 85 Total
- -

Petra performs a steeply angled jump while spinning. The move itself does not attack the enemy, but performs a different attack after an additional command is input. Depending on what button you press Perta will move faster or slower through the air (C being the fastest), but the height of the leap does not change. If you fall to the ground without pressing anything, the recovery is enormous so it is not recommended that you do that. If you combine this with a high jump, you could cross up the opponent with move mentioned next.

L.G.A. Strike Fire
L.G.A. Assault
X during 214X
AH3 Petra StrikeA.png
AH3 Petra StrikeB.png
AH3 Petra StrikeC.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
1900 High/Air - 6 2 19 - C

By entering the addition input, Petra shoots up and down in the air. Depending on what button you press, Petra changes her shot angles. If you hit the opponent towards the bottom of this attacks hitbox, the opponent will ground slam and you can follow up with a combo. You choose the time you want to release the move during the leap so you can be fancy with this move for mixups and the like. Furthermore after the attack, you are in an airborne status similar to a normal jump, so the recovery is quite short and you can move again after the attack. Good for unblocks, combos, movement and an all around good move.

L.G.A. Intense Reject
L.G.A. Intense Reject
AD during 214X
AH3 Petra Reject.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
3500 Unb - 4 2 Till L+19 - -

While close to the opponent during the leap of [L.G.A assault], you can command grab them with this move. Petra locks the opponent with both lets the slams them to the ground, think of this as a Hooligan Throw. This move can be avoided by couching, and you need to be really close to use this, but you get an untechable groundslam with this move that you can HC and follow up with a combo. This grab counts as a hit so you can grab opponents out of the air and use this in combos as well. This could definitely be used as a tech punish.

L.G.A. Dodge
L.G.A. Dodge
AH3 Petra Dodge.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
- - - - - 60 Total - -

Petra puts a smile on and turns her body away for a dodge. On frame 1, Petra is invulnerable to all normal hits and grabs. There is actually very little danger in using this move so let it rip. During this move... :

L.G.A. Counter Fire
L.G.A. Counter Fire
X during BC
AH3 Petra CounterFireA.png
AH3 Petra CounterFireB.png
AH3 Petra CounterFireC.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
A 3000 Mid - 6 9 25 -11 D

During Petra's dodge, you can fire at the opponent a mid, low or high move. A version gives you upper body invincibility and and fires upwards. This is air unlockable and you can HC it for a combo follow up.

B 3200 All - 6 6 28 -11 D

Gives you mid-body invincibility (from around your chest to waist) and shoot horizontally. On hit, the opponent will be blown to the wall like an E move

C 2800 All - 6 2 32 -11 D

Gives you invincibility from about your knee down and fires downward. Ground slams the opponent so you can follow up with an HC for a combo.

Super Moves

L.G.A. Rapid Charge
L.G.A. Rapid Charge
AH3 Petra 22X.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
- - - - - 11 Total - -

Super reload. Charges your ether stock to 3 in one go. This move is much faster than the special version, you could even cancel B normals into this and come out even. C/E normals canceled in to this would give you a frame advantage.

L.G.A. Combination Fire
L.G.A. Combination Fire
AH3 Petra 6C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
600*11+5000  All - 0+4 1 48 -20 E

Petra's rondo. After a move that looks like 6C, then opponent is blown to the wall, shot up, then down with a JE like move. The start up is just 4F, it has lock properties, and will slice through clash-boxes. The it is untechable and you can HC even on block, but there is 0 invincibility on this move. The major use for this move is guaranteed counter is and in combos. Also, if you are in the corner, you can follow up with L.G.A fire type-β (421) to add some more damage.

Oh Dear, Did I Do That?
Oh Dear, Did I Do That?
214AB (air OK)
AH3 Petra OhDear.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
4800 High/Air - 15 3 Till L+19 - -

Heels -> face. Petra jumps up a bit and then kicks directly down in front of her. This move gives you a ground untechable down. This super has quite a bit normal and throw invincibility, the properties are the same in the air. There aren't many moves that have that kind of invincibility on the ground AND air so this move is quite nice. It will also ignore clash frames, but the hit box of the move is really small (just her feet). You can use this as air combos enders as well, it's a really useful move.

Critical Heart

L.G.A. Superior Fire
641236AB with 3 Ether Stocks
AH3 Petra Superior.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
Normal 900*22 All - 16 67 27 -+5 C
Extend Force 600*9, 800*41 All - 16 10(46)19 36 -3 C

Eating up all the ether cartridges, Petra fires a large laser towards to opponent for big damage. You need 3 bars of meter and your ether stock to be full to use this move. This move is blockable in the air, not particularly fast, and has 0 invincibility. the only real use for this move is in combos. This move is even stronger during EF. Petra fires off 3 laser to increase the damage. However in exchange, you need all three to hit for the damage to be high; the damage given between each laser is relatively low. Compared to the other characters EFXH, the damage is pretty low over all, so there isn't too much point of going for this move.


      • Shots = Bullet Cartridges used, not # of hits**
  • 2A, 2A, 5B, 5C, 236+B (2 shots), (66) 5B, (sj) JB, J2B, JB, (djc) JB, JC
  • 2A, 2A, 5B, 5C, 236+B (2 shots), (66) 5B, 214+C~Air Throw*

^Hooligan Air Throw mix-up if you're feeling feisty

  • 2A, 2B, 2C, 421+A, (66) 5B, 6C, 623+AB
  • 2A, 2B, 2C, 236+C (2 shots), 22+AB, 236+C
  • 2A, 2B, 2C, 236+A, (6HC) 5A, 5B, JA, JB, (djc) JA, JB, JC, J236+X
  • 5A, 5B, 6C, 214+C~C, JB, (land) JA, JB, (djc) JA, JB, JC, J236+X
  • 3C, 236+C (3 shots), (5HC) JB, (land) JA, JB, (djc) JA, JB, JC, J236+X
  • 2A*N, 2B, 5C, 236+C (3 shots)
  • 2A, 2B, 3B, 5C, 236+A, (5HC~9) JB, (land) 5A, JA, JB, (djc) JA, JB, JC, J236+X
  • 2A, 2B, 6C, (sjc) J236+C, (6HC) J2B, (land) 5A, 5B JA, JB, (djc) JB, JC
  • 2A, 2B, 6C, 214+C~C, J2B, (land) 5A, JA, JB, (djc) JA, JB, JC, J236+X
  • 3C, (land) 623+AB
  • J236+C (3 shots), (6HC*) J2B, (land) 5A, 5B, 623+AB

^6HC seems to work best at horizontal range, 5HC~9 works too kinda

  • J236+C (3 shots), (6HC*) J2B, (land) 5A, 5B, JA, JB, (djc) JB, JE
  • 5/N throw, (5HC) JB, J2B, JB, (djc) JA, J2B, JC, J236+X
  • 5/N throw, (5HC) JB, J2B, JB, (djc) JA, JB, JE
  • 2A, 2B, 6C, (sjc) J236+C (3 shots), (6HC) J2B, (land) 5A, 5B, JA, JB, (djc) JB, JC
  • 2A, 2B, 6C, 214+B~C, J2B, (land-66*) 5A, 5B, 6C, 623+AB

^the dash timing is crucial if you expect to land the LGA super after the 6C, you can omit if you're not sure though

  • 2A, 2B, 5C, 236+A, (6HC) 5A, 5C, 3C, (djc) J2B, JE
  • 2A, 2B, 5C, 236+B (2 shots), (66) 5B, JA, JB, (djc) JA, JB, JC, J236+X
  • 2A, 2B, 5C, 236+B (2 shots), (66) 5B, JB, J2B, JE
  • 2A, 2B, 6B, 5C, 236+C (3 shots), 22+AB
  • 2A, 2B, 2C, 236+X (0*), 22+AB, 623+AB

^2 bar quick reload combo

  • 214+X~B, (5HC) JA, (land) 5A, 5C, 3C, (djc) J2B, JB, (land) 623+AB
  • 2A, 2B, 2C, 421+X, (66) 5B, JA, J2B, JB, (8djc*) JA, JB, JC, J236+X

^Neutral jump might be best here

  • 214+B~B, JA, (land) 5A, JA, JB, (djc) JA, JB, JC, J236+X
  • (IAD) JC, J236+C (3 shots), (5HC) JB, (land) JA, JB, (djc) JA, JB, JC, J236+X
  • (Counter) 214+AB, (land) (MAX) 5E
  • 2A, 2B, 5C, 641236+AB (3 shots)
  • 214+X~Air Throw, (5HC) JB, (land-sj) JA, JB, (djc) JA, JB, JC, J236+X
  • 214+X~Air Throw, (land) 641236+AB (3 shots)
  • 2B, 2C, 6C, (sj) JB, J2B, JB, (djc) JB, JC, J236+X

Evade-Counter Routes

  • BC~A, (5HC) JB, J2B, JB, (djc) JA, J2B, JC, J236+X
  • BC~C, 5A, 5C, 3C, (djc-66*) J2B, (land) 5A, JA, JB, (djc) JA, JB, JC, J236+X

^Gotta move your fingers fast here to connect the J2B

  • BC~C, 5A, 5B, JB, J2B, JB, (djc) JB, JC, J236+X*

^Fiona route, because she's small

  • BC~C, 5A, 5C, 3C, (djc-66) J2B, (land) 5A, 6C, 623+AB
  • BC~C, 5A, JA, (delay) J2B, (land) 5A, (sj) JA, J2B, JB, (djc) JA, JB, JC, J236+X
  • (Mid-screen) BC~B, 641236+AB* (3 shots)

^Crazy damage with a practical set-up to boot

EFc Combos

  • 2A, 2B, 2C, (EFc 66) 5B, 5C, 641236+AB* (3 shots)
  • 2A, 2B, 5C, 236+A, (EFc 66) 6B, 5C, 3C, (djc) J2B, JC, J236+X
  • 2A, 2B, 2C, (EFc 66) 6C, 214+C~C, (land) 5B, JB, JC, JB, (djc) JC, J236+X
  • 2A, 2B, 5C, (EFc 66) 2B, 5C, 236+A, (6HC) 5B, 5C, 623+AB
  • 2A, 2B, 5C, (EFc 66) 2B, 5C, 3C, J236+C (3 shots), (5HC) JB, (land) 5A, JA JB, (djc) JB, JC
  • 2A, 2B, 2C, 236+C (2 shots), 22+AB, (66) 6B, 5C, (EFc) 3C, J236+C (3 shots), (5HC) JC
  • 2A, 2B, 6B, 5C, 236+A, (EFc 66) 5B, 3C, (djc) J2B, JB, J236+A/B, J214+AB
  • BC~C, (EFc) BC~C, 5B, 5C, 3C, (djc) J2B, JB, J236+X
  • BC~C, (EFc) BC~C, 5B, 6C, 623+AB
  • BC~C, (EFc) BC~C, 5B, JA, JB, (djc) JA, JB, JC, J236+C (3 shots) (5HC) JB, (land) 623+AB

^Alternate route

  • BC~A, (EFC) (5D) JB, J2B, JB, (djc) JB, J2B, JC, J236+X
  • BC~A, (EFC) (5D) JB, JE, JA, JB, (djc) J2B, JC, JB, J236+X
  • BC~B, (EFc) 236+C (3 shots)
  • BC~B, (EFc 66) 5B, 5C, 623+AB*

^You can omit 5B~5C if you don't think you're fast enough

  • BC~B, (EFc 66) 6B, 5C, 3C, (djc) (small-delay) J2B, JC, J236+X
  • BC~C, (EFc) BC~C, 5B, 5C, 641236+AB* (3 shots)
  • 2A, 2B, 6C, 214+C~C, J2B, (land) 6B, 5C, (EFC 66) 5C, 641236+AB* (3 shots)
  • 2A, 2B, 5C, (EFc 66) 6C, 214+C~C, J2B, (land) 5B, 5C, 641236+AB* (3 shots)
  • (close) 5C*, 236+A, (EFc 66) 6C, 214+C*~Air Throw, (5HC) JC, JB, (djc) JB, JC, J236+X

^You can space the 5C based on how close to the corner you have them,

  • (Corner-spaced) 5C*, 236+A, (EFc 66) 6C, 214+B*~Air Throw, (5HC) JC, JB, (8djc) JB, JC, J236+X

^Corner variant, just use 5C at range and switch to B version of LGA/Hooligan instead, and use vertical double jump

  • (Spaced) 5C, 236+A, (EFc) 3C, (djc-66) J2B, JC, JB, (land) 623+AB

Arcana Combos


  • 2A, 2A, 5B, 2C, (EFc 66) 5A*N, 6C, 623+AB
  • 2A, 2A, 5B, 5C, 236+A, (EFc 66) 5B, 3C, (djc) JE, JB, J214214+E
  • 2A, 2A, 5B, 5C, 236+A (1 shot), (EFc 66) 5B, 3C, (djc) JE, J214+AB, (land) 22+X*

^Empty the clip, then reload during their recovery

  • (Mid-screen) BC~A, (EFc) (delayed) 236+E, (5D) JA, JB, (djc) JB, JC, JB, J236+X
  • (Mid-screen) BC~A, (EFc) (delayed) 236+E, (5D) JA, JB, (djc) JB, JC, JB, J214214+E
  • BC~C, (EFc) 5A*N, 214+BC
  • BC~C, (EFc-fast*) 236+ABC, (6D) 6C, 623+AB*

^You have to EF pretty much on reaction to do it fast enough but it works, counter-hit gives you a little more leeway, you can swap the super with bullets (236+X) but they can recover before the last bullet finishes


  • (Mid-screen) 2A, 2B, 6B, 5C, 236+C (3 shots), 22+AB, 623+E
  • (Far from Corner) 2A, 2B, 6B, 5C, 236+C (3 shots), 641236+E
  • (Spaced-Anti-Air) 623+E, 641236+AB (3 shots)
  • (Near corner) BC~C, (EFc) BC~A, 236+ABC*

^Petra has a few ways to combo into llios, but the damage for the others are meh, this the best one I think


  • 5A, 5B, 6C, (EFc 66) (MAX) 2E, (5D) JB, J2B, JB, (8djc) J2B, JC, J236+X
  • 2A, 2B, 2C, (EFc 66) 5B, 5C, 236+C (3 shots), 214+BC
  • (Far from corner) 2A, 2B, 2C, (EFc 66) 5A*N, 5E, 641236+AB (3 shots)
  • (Far from corner) 2A, 2B, 2C, (EFc 66) 5A*N, 6C, 623+AB


  • BC~C, (EFc) 6C, (sjc) JB, J2B, JB, (djc) JB, JC, J623+E
  • 2A, 2B, 5C, 236+A, (EFc 66) 5B, 5C, 3C, (djc) J2B, JC, J641236+E, (land) 22+A
  • 2A, 2B, 5C, 236+A, (EFc 66) 5B, 5C, 3C, (djc) J2B, JC, J623+E, (land) 22+A


  • 2A, 2B, 5C, 236+C (3 shots), (6HC) 5A, 5B, JB, J2B, JB, (djc) JB, JC
  • BC~A, (6HC) 5A, 5B, 5C, 3C, (djc) J2B, JB, J236+X
  • BC~A, (EFc) 5B, 6B, 5C, 6C, 214+C~Air Throw, J236236+E, (land) (MAX-install) 2E, JA, JB, JC, J236+X, (release) 2E, (land) 22+X
  • 2A, 2B, 2C, 236+A, (EFc 66) 5C, 6C, 214+C~Air Throw, (land) 623+AB


  • 2A, 2B, 5C, 236+E, 6B, 5C, 236+E, 5A, 5B, 623+AB
  • (close*) 5E, 236+E, 5A, 5B, JB, J2B, JB, (djc) JB, JC, J623+E

^If you're not close enough the Vine won't catch them

  • 2A, 2B, 6B, 5C, 236+E, 5B, 5C, 236+C (3 shots), 236236+E

Videos - Combos above in video

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