Fate Unlimited Codes/Caster: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 11:13, 1 July 2024



Caster relies on a complex combination of special moves that allows her to control the battlefield. Punishing the opponent for entering certain areas of the map, preventing them from dashing, etc. She has more specials than any other character and several have unique properties. Caster has a very strong mixup game during pressure and her ability to both zone and provide a strong offensive presence up close allows her to fill very different roles depending on the MU. Once she gets a hard knockdown, 623C vs their wakeup will let you do gross cross-ups.

Her major weaknesses include slow attacks, having poor defensive options without meter, and being a low health character.

Strengths Weaknesses


  • Full Mana Activation Ability: For the duration, Caster no longer has a cooldown when using certain spells.


Standing Normals

FUC Caster 5A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
200 All N, S, R, A 5 26 20 +0

Caster lashes out with a short range magical slash. Tends to whiff crouching characters but can be pressed repeatedly. Usable as a quick anti-air option to catch someone trying to jump.

  • 15% descale
FUC Caster 5B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
350 All J, N, S, R, A 15 41 20 -5

Caster launches her opponent into the air with a magical uppercut. This is your primary launcher option.

  • 15% descale
FUC Caster 5C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
450 All N, S, R, A 20 46 21 -4

Caster summons a midrange explosion. This hits only at a particular range and is difficult to combo off of vs airborne opponents.

  • If this attack hits an airborne opponent, it will knock the opponent away
  • If this attack hits as a counter hit, it will cause the ground opponent to slowly collapse
  • 15% descale

Crouching Normals

FUC Caster 2A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
200 Low N, S, R, A 6 26 16 -3

Same as 5A but crouching. Hit's low and can be pressed repeatedly.

  • 17% descale
FUC Caster 2B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
350 Low N, S, R, A 12 39 16 -10

Caster sweeps her opponent with a very long range magical slash. Hit's low and a good option for catching opponents from far away that are trying to back/side step. Has a deadzone directly next to her so avoid using from pointblank range.

  • 15% descale
FUC Caster 2C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
450 All J, N, S, R, A 25 51 21 -4

Caster summons a midrange explosion aimed upwards. This may whiff vs crouches and will launch on hit. Useful for juggle combos.

  • 15% descale

Aerial Normals

FUC Caster j.A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
- High J*, N, S, A 7 - 16 -
  • 15% descale
FUC Caster j.B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
- High J*, N, S, A 15 - 22 -

Caster reaches her arm forward and release a short-ranged explosion. very useful in extending a combo

  • 15% descale
FUC Caster j.C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
- High S, A 25 - 22 -
  • 15% descale

Command Normals

FUC Caster 6B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
400 All N, S, R, A 15 41 16 -9

Caster performs a midrange magical slash. Blockstring/Combo fodder mainly that can reach the space that her other normals would whiff.

  • 15% descale
FUC Caster 6C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
550 All S, R, A 21 46 21 -3

Caster calls down a bolt of lightning from a midrange. This will force airborne opponents to the ground. Opponents who get hit by this on the ground can be combo'd easily on counter hit.

  • 15% descale

Universal Mechanics

FUC Caster 6A+B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
700 None A 4 51 - -

Caster launches her opponent into the air using a magic circle. This can combo into 5B after a micro-dash, or in the corner

  • 30% descale


236X (Air OK)
FUC Caster 236X.png
FUC Caster 236X2.png
FUC Caster 236X3.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
236A 750 All R, A 16 56 17 -11

Caster fires multiple light magical shots.

  • This move has 5 hits, dealing 150 base damage each
  • 10% descale per hit
236B 200 All R, A 22 61 17 -21

Caster fires a ball of energy that does little damage, but curses Caster's opponent on hit. While cursed, the opponent cannot walk, run or use specials.

  • 15% descale
236C 1250 - 2250 All R, A 32 75 17 -12

Caster's charges a laser beam. can be held down to charge more the laser will have more hits

  • This attack starts with 5 hits at the minimal charge, and can charge up to 9 hits
  • Each hit does 250 base damage
  • Shown are the minimum and maximum damage values for this laser, assuming no scaling and the opponent does not/cannot try to dodge/block
  • The startup and total length represents minimum charge.
  • 10% descale per hit
  • for all versions; if Caster is on the ground, she fires the projectiles/beam straight ahead. If she's in the air, she fires them diagonally downward
623X (Air OK)
FUC Caster 623X.png
FUC Caster 623X2.png
FUC Caster 623X3.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
623A 800 All R, A 46 58 11 +13

Caster summons a long-lasting blizzard in front of her that acts as a powerful zoning tool.

  • This attack has 5 hits, dealing 160 base damage each
  • 10% descale per hit
623B 1300 All R, A 91 51 42 +87

Caster summons a magical comet that falls down diagonally from the sky. It takes some time to arrives and has a set distance from caster. It is useful for setting up on an opponent.

  • The comet itself deals 300 base damage. The explosion deals 1000 base damage
  • 10% descale per hit
623C 1050 All R, A 63 56 16 +67

Caster summons triple lighting strikes at the opponent. As long as the last hit connects, you will drain 50 meter from your opponent. This is most useful in oki and defines Caster's pressure.

  • This attack has 3 hits, dealing 350 base damage each
  • 10% descale per hit
214X (Air OK)
FUC Caster 214X.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
214A 300 All R, A 30 35 22 +18
214B 300 All R, A 35 35 21 +22
214C 300 All R, A 35 35 21 +22

Caster summons skeletons to fight on her behalf. Each skeleton shares the property of absorbing a single melee from your opponent, acting as armor for caster. It will often absorb multiple projectile hits since until it disappears, it acts as a barrier between Caster and her opponent.

All 3 version can start or continue a combo, but the B version is notable for crumpling grounded opponents, leaving them very vulnerable. The C version will launch your opponent.

  • 10% descale per hit for all versions
FUC Caster 421X.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
421A - - R, A - 46 - -
421B - - R, A - 46 - -
421C - - R, A - 46 - -

Caster teleports around the battlefield, becoming invisible and invincible during travel.

The A version travels a set distance towards the opponent. If Caster is close to her opponent, she will instead appear on the opposite side.

The B version travels clockwise around her opponent.

The C version travels counter clockwise around her opponent.

Teleporting and then using RC will cause Caster to reappear only partially through the teleport's movement. This can be used to attack with ambiguous cross-ups.

FUC Caster 22X.png
FUC Caster 22X2.png
FUC Caster 22X3.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
22A 300 Low* R, A 51 49 - -

Caster summons a trap above her opponent's head. If her opponent stands or becomes airborne while the trap is active, they will be hit and become comboable by Caster, assuming she is within range.

  • This trap can be avoided by crouching
  • 10% descale
22B 300 None R, A 41 49 - -

Caster summons a trap below her opponent. If her opponent is vulnerable and grounded while the trap is active, they will teleport across the stage, far from Caster and will be knocked to the ground. Caster cannot combo after this except with 63214C.

22C 500 All R, A 28 41 12 +0

Caster summons an invisible proximity based trap. If her opponent gets within a certain range of the trap, it will go off. Provided frame data assumes the trap goes off as soon as it is set.

  • 15% descale
  • All versions deal unscaled damage
FUC Caster 63214C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
500 - R, A - - - -

Caster's command grab. It has infinite range, but only works vs airborne opponents who are currently in hitstun. It never scales and provides a hard knockdown, so almost every Caster combo ends with this move.

  • This attack deals unscaled damage
FUC Caster 421A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
- - - - 1 - -

Caster begins to float in midair. She is wholly actionable while airborne and gains access to airdashes while floating by pressing 6 or 4.

Float slowly drains casters meter and it can be ended by double jumping, floating slowly downwards by pressing down or by running out of meter.

Supers (WIP)

FUC Caster 236236A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
1500 - - 5 + 31 36 - -

Caster's counter super. She creates a magic circle in front of herself and stabs anyone who attacks her with rulebreaker. This sets her opponents meter to 0 and returns her opponent to neutral.

  • The victim will also be cursed and become unable to gain meter until the curse wears off
  • Type: Counter Super

This costs 100 meter.

FUC Caster 236236B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
2400 All - 45 + 11 81 - Variable, Extremely Plus

Caster draws a magic emblem in the air before summoning a large magical ball of energy that slowly moves across the entire screen. It will disappear after dealing 30 hits, but may end early if it reaches the corner.

  • Type: Ranged Super

This costs 100 meter.

FUC Caster 236236C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
2000 - - 15 + 11 61 - -22

Caster places a magic circle on the ground which traps any grounded or low-airborne opponent. Anyone caught is pelted with several magic beams. This moves Caster and her opponent out of the corner and back to midscreen.

  • Type: Melee Super
  • Does not generate meter for the opponent

This costs 100 meter.

Grail 236236C
236236C (Grail Super)
FUC Caster 236236C (Grail Super).png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
4000 All - 15 + 11 61 - -22

Caster performs 236236C, but finishes her barrage with one final powerful beam attack.

This attack always does 4000 damage regardless of scaling. It can only be performed after filling the holy grail and activating with 300 meter.

This reduces your meter to 0.


Bread and Butters:

  • (2A)> 2B> 5B> 214A> 2B> 5B> 2C> (5C)> 63214C

Basic combo 1. If you put (5C), it will send them far away and you will have to change up your oki. 5B can be omitted as well if it's going to whiff from max range 2B. Combo damage: 2047 * Figures without (). The same as above.

  • (2A)> 2B> 5B> 214A> 2B> 5B> 2C> 214C> 5B> 2C> (5C)> 63214C

Basic combo 2. Combo damage: 2504

  • (2A)> 2B> 5B> 214A> 2B> 5B> 2C> 214C> 2B> 5B> 2C> 214C> 5B> [6B> 63214C] or [5C> 63214C]

Basic combo 3. Don't use vs Saber. Combo damage: 2870

  • (2A)> 2B> 5B> 214A> 2B> 5B> 2C> 214A> 2B> 5B> 2C> 214C> 5B> [6B> 63214C] or [5C> 63214C]

Saber Variant. Combo damage: 2870

  • (2A)> 2B> 5B> 214A> 2B> 5B> 2C> 214C> 5B> 2C> 214A> 2B> 5B> 6B> 63214C

For Assassin and Saber. Combo damage: 2837

  • 2B 5B 214A 2B 5B 2C 214C RC 22C 63214C

Setting 22C mid combo for later okizeme usage.

  • 2A 6B 5C 214A RC 22C 623A j.C j.214B dj.B land 6B 5C 214A dash 5AA 6B 5C 214A dash 5AA 2B 5B 214A

RC route

  • Throw> Dash 5B> 214A> 2B> 5B> 2C> 214C> 5B> 2C> 63214C

Basic combo for throw starter Combo damage: 2293

  • 22B 63214C

  • 22B 421A 2A 63214C

  • 22B 421A RC > 2B > bnb

Other General Enders:

  • 2C 214C ABC 236236B 236C
  • 5B j.B dj.B land j.AB dj.B land j.AB dj.B land 63214C
  • j.AB dj.AB j.421A j.ABC

Advanced Combos:

  • (2A)> 2B> 5B> 214A> 2B> 5B> 2C> 214C> ABC > 236236B> 236C> (RC> 63214C with gauge)

Basic unscale super combo. If you don't hit the 214C, your opponent will fall in the middle. Combo damage: 5354

  • (2A)> 2B> 5B> 214A> 2B> 5B> 2C> 214C> 2B> 5B> 2C> 214C> RC> 22A> 5B> 2C> 214A> (2B)> 5B> 6B> 63214C

Combo using RC. Omit (2B) for Lancer, Tohsaka and Berserker. Don't use on Saber Combo damage: 3440

  • (2A)> 2B> 5B> 214A> 2B> 5B> 2C> 214A> 2B> 5B> 2C> 214C> RC> 22A> 5B> 2C> 214A> (2B)> 5B> 6B> 63214C

Combo damage: 3440

  • (2A)> 2B> 5B> 214A> 2B> 5B> 2C> 236B> RC> 5B> 2C> 63214C

By hitting 236B, the opponent's inputs 4 and 6 can be sealed, making it easier to run okizeme Combo damage: 2651

  • Post 623C oki:

6B> 5C> 214A> RC> 22C> 623A> Close contact 6B> 5C> 214A> Slight dash> 5A> 5A> 6B> 5C> 214A> Slight dash> 5A> 5A> The above basic combo (2A is omitted) Basic combo from 623C. Combo damage: 4551 (value when basic combo 3 is inserted) and above.

  • 6B> 5C> 214A> RC> 22C> 623A> 214B> ABC > 236236B> 421A> 22C> 623A> 214B> 22C> 623A> Dash 6B> 5C> 214A> Slight dash> 5A> 5A> 6B> 5C> 214A> Slight dash> 5A> 5A> Basic combo above (2A omitted)

Unscale Combo on ground. Combo damage: 8129

  • 6B> 5C> 214A> RC> 22C> 623A> 214B> ABC > 236236B> 421A> 623C> 236236B> 421A> 22C> 623A> 214B> 22C> 623A> Close to 6B> 5C> 214A> Slight dash> 5A> 5A> 6B> 5C> 214A> A little dash> 5A> 5A> The above basic combo (2A is omitted)

Death Combo Combo damage: 10739

  • 6B> 5C> 214A> ABC > 22C> 623A> Close contact 6B> 5C> 214A> RC> 22C> 623A> Close contact 6B> 5C> 214A> Slight dash> 5A> 5A> 6B> 5C> 214A> Slight dash > 5A> 5A> Basic combo

After releasing, the gauge will collect again and release> correction can be cut off. If you do not release the second time, it will accumulate more than the gauge used. If it is less than 1.3 gauge when released, it is OK. Combo damage: 5311

  • 6B> 5C> 214A> RC> [22C> 623A> 214B] ×n

Infinite combo best done in corners.

  • Reflect Guard ~ C > [22C > 623A> 214B > (mini dash)] ×n

mini dash is not required in corners (Video Demonstration)

  • 2A 6B 5C 214A dash 5AA 6B 5C 214A xn

Corner Loop

While in Activate Loops : 5B 214A x N

Any combo > 63214C > mini dash until Caster reaches the target's position > sidestep > 623C > j.A (unblockable if timed right) > 236236B (unscaled) > 421A (teleport) > 623C > back dash > 236236B > 421A > 623C > wait until the 2nd bolt lands > 22C > 623A > 214B > mini dash > 22C (can be infinite) > 5B > 2C > 63214C


623C Lightning Okizeme:

This is Caster's primary okizeme tool with an infinite amount of applications for mixup. 623C costs meter to use but will call upon 3 consecutive lighting strikes that can track your opponent. The lightning will continue to strike as long as Caster finishes her initial cast animation which can keep some of her setups reversal safe (matchup dependent). Additionally the lightning strikes have gaps between each bolt which allows you to cross up your opponent without putting your opponent in a true blockstring.

Some basic setups include:

63214C Ender > 623C >

  • 421A/421B/421C will teleport behind the opponent or stay on the same side while the lightning comes down. You can also simply choose to double jump over your opponents head instead of teleporting.
  • j.A/2A will be your instant overhead vs low option. (NOTE: Instant j.A cannot hit Saber, Sakura, and Rin while they are crouching).

You can easily add variations to the basic setup by changing the timing of your lightning so that it hits later (and not meaty) or altering when you teleport or decide to go for your high/low. 623C is also usable in the air so you can cast it right above their head and then double jump either in front or behind to make a 50/50 like that as well.

Also worth noting that if lightning hits you can confirm into her infinite/loop with 22C > 623A > 214B.

22A/C Okizeme:

You will sometimes have to use this option if you have no meter for 623C. The options are similar but not as effective. 22A will also noticeably whiff crouchers on wake up but works as a better option for baiting out burst/reversals compared to 22C which can sometimes be negated by reversals. 22C however is a relatively quick move to cast so you can combine it with skeleton okizeme (see below) if you end in 63214C from higher heights.

63214C Ender > 22A/C >

  • 421A/421B/421C will teleport behind the opponent or stay on the same side while the trap activates.
  • j.A/2A will be your instant overhead vs low option

623B Okizeme:

You will usually use this option from far knockdown enders (ex. 236236C enders) where 22X okizeme isn't viable and 623C isn't available. You're most likely to combine this with 421A but typically you are too far away for it to consistently cross up when the meteor drops. Instead just using the opportunity to get more distance and get your zoning started can be a strong option as well. 623B will at least cover most of your opponent's movement when they wake up thanks to the big meter explosion. You can also sneak in a 22B sometimes while your opponent is distracted by the incoming meteor.

Skeleton Okizeme:

Skeleton oki is another possible option for when you want to use the skeletons as a shield from certain reversals. You can cast the skeletons by themselves and have them meaty your opponent while you hide behind it and check for responses. For most effectiveness using RC to cancel the cast animation recovery and going for a high/low or teleport will yield the best mixup using skeleton.


Other Wiki Pages:

Combo Videos:

Match Footage:

System Specifics
Technical Data
PSP Differences
Saber Alter
Zero Lancer