Fate Unlimited Codes/Luviagelita: Difference between revisions

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Line 366: Line 366:
   | header =no
   | header =no
   | damage =400
   | damage =400
   | guard =All
   | guard =Low
   | cancel =U, R, A
   | cancel =U, R, A
   | startup =20
   | startup =20

Revision as of 17:49, 16 June 2024



Luviagelita (or just Luvia) is a versatile grappler with relatively oppressive pressure thanks to her plus on block overhead special (421A). She is able to setup a lot of dangerous situations on block to get her command grab or to start strings on an opponent attempting to jump away from her command grab. Her neutral game is her weakest aspect, allowing her to be zoned out by a large amount of the cast and each attack she uses has risk of being pushblocked and reseting her to a dangerous range. At a distance, in some matchups she can abuse her 236X which is a solid fireball.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Has very strong combo that has the potential to unburstable ToD
  • Has a healthy variety of mix ups
  • The majority of her moves is only 10% descale
  • Strong anti-air with 421X that bounce the target, leading to combo
  • Has very versatile Rekka, for none ToD routes, she can always end with both meter damage and Hard Knock Down
  • Has the best command grabs in the game, B and C version can lead to combo
  • Her grapple loop combos make her a high difficulty character with the links and execution required
  • Weak neutral and range; she lacks buttons and specials with good range, recovery or priority outside of 236A
  • Vulnerable to pushblock
  • Her 22C~A is supposed to be her initiator, but it has no protection, and she can easily be punished by using it


  • Full Mana Activation Ability: For the duration, Luvia cannot be thrown by normal throws. She is still vulnerable to command throws, however.


Standing Normals

FUC Luviagelita 5A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
220 All N, S, R, A 4 29 24 ±0
  • Luvia slaps her opponent across the face. Unfortunately slaps whiff vs crouchers.
  • 15% descale
FUC Luviagelita 5B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
300 All N, S, R, A 13 37 20 -3
  • Luvia chops her opponent's throat.
  • 10% descale
FUC Luviagelita 5C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
300 All N, R, A 8 46 16 -21
  • Luvia shoots a gandr shot and her opponent's legs. This can only cancel into 2C.
  • 10% descale

Crouching Normals

FUC Luviagelita 2A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
250 Low N, S, R, A 7 31 25 +2
  • Luvia steps on her opponent's toes.
  • 17% descale
FUC Luviagelita 2B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
330 Low N, S, R, A 12 36 16 -7
  • Luvia performs a crouching lowkick. This is a good poke for Luvia's standards.
  • 10% descale
FUC Luviagelita 2C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
400 Low S, R, A 11 41 21 -8
  • Luvia sweeps the opponent's legs. It is her longest range comboable normal.
  • 10% descale

Aerial Normals

FUC Luviagelita j.A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
250 High J*, N, S, A 5 - 13 -
  • 10% descale
FUC Luviagelita j.B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
350 High J*, N, S, A 11 - 16 -
  • 10% descale
FUC Luviagelita j.C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
430 High A 15 - 26 -
  • 10% descale

Command Normals

FUC Luviagelita 6B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
350 All N, S, R, A 16 46 26 -3
  • Luvia steps forward and performs a powerful punch to the opponent's face.
  • 10% descale


FUC Luviagelita 6A+B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
700 None A 4 41 - -
  • Luvia grabs her opponent and launches fire jewels into the air to distract her opponent before kicking her opponent across the stage.
  • This move is combo-able with corner
  • 30% descale


Gand Shot
236X (Air OK)
FUC Luviagelita 236X.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
236A 900 All R, A 11 51 16 +2
  • Luvia fires 3 gandr shots at her opponent. This is an important normal for her neutral game.
  • This attack has 3 hits, dealing 300 base damage each
236B 813 All R, A 13 59 N/A N/A
  • Luvia fires 3 gandr shots diagonally upwards as an anti-air.
  • This attack has 3 hits, dealing 300 base damage each
236C 900 All R, A 21 61 26 -13
  • Luvia fires 1 powerful gandr shot towards her opponent.
  • 10% descale per hit for every version
623X (1st Rekka)
FUC Luviagelita 623X.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
623A (1st Rekka) 400 All J*, U, R, A 7 45 28 -9
  • Luvia performs a Wind (A), Fire (B) or Ice (C) launcher.
  • The A version is jump cancellable vs airborne opponents.
623B (1st Rekka) 500 All U, R, A 7 50 27 -14
  • The B version and C version launch grounded opponents.
  • This attack has 2 hits, dealing 250 base damage each
623C (1st Rekka) 750 All U, R, A 7 59 29 -22
  • The C version is invincible and it costs 30 meter to perform. As long as the last hit connects, you will drain 50 meter from your opponent.
  • C version usually leaves the opponent too high to hit with a followup except on counterhit.
  • 10% descale per hit for every version
623X > 46X
46X (2nd Rekka)
FUC Luviagelita 623X2.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
46A (2nd Rekka) 300 All U, R, A 17 45 28 +1
  • Luvia performs a Wind (A), Fire (B) or Ice (C) follow up.
  • The A and B version can combo off of any starter. Neither launch a grounded opponent.
  • 10% descale per hit
46B (2nd Rekka) 400 Low U, R, A 20 49 19 -9
  • This move has 2 hits, dealing 200 base damage each
  • 10% descale per hit
46C (2nd Rekka) 450 High U, R, A 27 61 19 -14
  • The C version is an overhead that ground bounces your opponent.
  • 15% descale per hit
623X > 46X > 63214X
Call/Grace: Emerald/Carmine/Aquamarine
63214X (3rd Rekka)
FUC Luviagelita 623X3.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
63214A (3rd Rekka) 550 All R, A 18 61 35 -7
  • Luvia performs a Wind (A), Fire (B) or Ice (C) ender.
  • 10% descale per hit
63214B (3rd Rekka) 660 All J, R, A 24 68 29 -14
  • All versions will launch an airborne opponent; however, only the (B) ender allows Luvia to continue a combo vs an airborne opponent.

This move has 2 hits, dealing 330 damage each

  • 10% descale per hit
63214C (3rd Rekka) 700 All R, A 29 70 30 -10
  • The C version will freeze a grounded opponent, allowing the player to easily combo from there. The A and B versions act the same vs grounded opponents.
  • 10% descale per hit
Jewel Squash
FUC Luviagelita 421X.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
421A 550 High R*, A 26 61 35 +1
  • Luvia jumps forward with a fast overhead attack.
  • The A version, while fastest and safest on block, cannot combo without a cancel or counterhit.
  • 10% descale per hit
421B 600 High R*, A 27 62 23 -11
  • The B version will groundbounce your opponent allowing for it to combo start or extend.
  • 17% descale per hit
421C 650 High R*, A 29 65 20 -15
  • The C version will freeze a grounded opponent, allowing for large combo potential. If they opponent is airborne, they will groundbounce similar to the B version.
  • 17% descale per hit
FUC Luviagelita 360X.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
360A 1200 None A 6 40 - -
  • Luvia's 3 flavours of command grab. Only the A version is not combo-able
360B 1300 None A 11 39 - -
  • 30% descale
360C 1400 None A 15 41 - -
  • 30% descale
Hunting Lady
FUC Luviagelita 22C.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
22C > A - Throw A 37 53 - -
22C > B - Low R, A 32 63 12 -18
22C > C - High R, A 32 63 12 -18
22C > D - - A - 33 - -

22C puts Luvia into her unique grappling stance, which has a tree of followups possible afterward. The followups also track the opponent, even if Luvia herself is off-axis with the opponent after entering the stance.


Luvia attempts an advancing throw on the opponent, swapping sides with them on success. This is NOT a true command grab though; the opponent can tech the throw. Uniquely, Reflect Cancel is also not possible at any point at all during this move.

Though this grab does no damage on its own, she can link into 5A after a successful grab.

22C~B and 22C~C

Luvia leaps at either the opponent's legs (B grapple) or head (C grapple) with hitgrabs that hit low and overhead, respectively. They also both come out on the same frame and look identical until just before they land, so in theory they can be used as a 50/50 in some situations such as after a knockdown or a blocked 6B, however is prone to getting stuffed by fast buttons or throw.

C grapple is essential for Luvia's grapple loop BNB.

Each of the second followups below are possible after the opponent has been forced to the ground by one of the above. These followups can also all grant a Hard Knockdown once they complete.

Queen Slap (464646...)

You probably saw this move on the one TAS TOD video online, and it brought you here.

After an initial 646 or 464 input, Luvia slaps the opponent across the face repeatedly for at least 7 hits. Continuing to alternate the back and forth directions will speed her up, leading to more hits and damage. Each slap deals 30 unscaled damage per hit, and then the coup de grâce (the final hit of the sequence that ends the grapple) deals 100 unscaled damage. With frame perfect inputs, the most number of hits that can be reached is 27 which will deal a total of 880 damage, however only upwards of maybe 20 or so hits (600~700 damage) are really feasible by most human players.

Because of the difficulty or perhaps impossibility of maximizing the damage output of this followup, the Gandr followup is used more often as it is consistent and will mostly likely deal more damage. On the other hand, this follow up ends each grapple with a small ground bounce, so it becomes easier to both link 5C or 2C afterward and also connect another grapple without using too many hits compared to Gandr, resulting in more potential loops.

Gandr followup (Mash B eight times)

Shoots the opponent with a point-blank Gandr shot that deals 800 unscaled damage. This is the followup Luvia will use most of the time. Luvia can link a 5C or 2C afterward similarly to after slaps, however it's a much tighter window as they're left on the ground.

Spangle Necklace followup (C > B > A > B > C > A+B+C)

Chokeslams the opponent with fire and stuff. Deals a total of 1000 unscaled damage, but ends the combo.


Luvia cancels her stance and recovers. Reflect Cancel is not possible at all during this recovery.

Supers (WIP)

236236A (Air OK)
FUC Luviagelita 236236A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
2000 All - 5 + 6 81 - -17
  • Luvia shoots 20 Gandr shots straight forward at her opponent. This can be performed while Luvia is airborne and will instead aim her Gandr shots diagonally downwards.
  • Costs 100 meter.
Lady Forklift
FUC Luviagelita 236236B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
2400 None - 6 + 4 47 - -
  • Luvia rushes forward and grabs her opponent. It cannot begin a combo and cannot be used in a combo
  • Costs 100 meter.
Ultimately Edelfelt
236236C (Grail Super)
FUC Luviagelita 236236C (Grail Super).png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
4000 All - 10 + 2 46 - -40
  • Luvia freezes the opponent with jewels, then dances around them hitting them with wind jewels, launching them into the air where she jumps and sits on them as they land in fire jewels.
  • This attack always does 4000 damage regardless of scaling. It can only be performed after filling the holy grail and activating with 300 meter.
  • Reduces your meter to 0.

Combos (WIP)

Beginner combo | 2458 damage (with 50% meter damage and Hard Knock Down) (Video Demonstration)

  • This combo aims to teach you about the most common attack string. it does not contain any difficult technique

2B > 5B > 6B > 421C > 421C > 2B > 5B > 6B > 5C > 2C > 623C~46C~63214A

Basic combo | 2868 Damage (with 50% meter damage and Hard Knock Down) (Video Demonstration)

  • This combo aims to teach you about the special jump cancel (AKA tiger knee cancel/tkc), as well as starting to give you a habbit of one of the most important sequences: 5C > 2C > 623A > tkc >

2B > 5B > 6B > 5C > 2C > [623A > 42147C]x2 > 2B > 5B > 6B > 5C > 2C > 623A > 62369C~46C~63214A

Intermediate Combo | 3691 Damage (with 50% meter damage and Hard Knock Down) (Video Demonstration)

  • We are ramping up the difficulty a little bit, this combo will get you familiar with how Luvia plays with her grapple and how to chain them into another attack

2B > 5B > 6B > 5C > [623A > 42147C]x2 > 5C > 2C > 623A > 228C~C~B.B.B.B.B.B.B.B > 5C > 2C > 623A > 62369C~46C~63214A

Fundamental Grappling Combo | 4915 Damage (Hard Knock Down) (Video Demonstration)

  • The Bread and Butter for Luvia's main combos

(Normals) → [5C → 2C → 623A → tkc 22C~C → B.B.B.B.B.B.B.B]×2 → 5C → 2C → 623A → tkc 22C~C → C~B~A~B~C~A+B+C

Hunting Lady ToD: Consistent variation (Video Demonstration)

  • Can be burst technically, but the victim is still likely going to die

j.C > 2B > 5B > 6B > [5C > 2C > 623A > 228C~C~Bx8]x3 > 5C > 2C > 623A > 62369C~46A > rc > 5B > 6B > 623A > 228C~C~Bx8 > 5C > 2C > 623A > 62369C~46A > activate > 623A > 228C~C~Bx8 > [5C > 2C > 623A > 228C~C~Bx8] > 5C > 2C > 623A > 82 > 623A > 236A > 236236A

Hunting Lady ToD Unburstable variation| 10560 damage, (Video Demonstration)

  • cannot be bursted out with 100% meter start
  • Works on everyone except Archer, Kirei and Berserker

2B > 5B > 6B > 5C > [2C > 623A > 228C~C~Bx8]x3 > 5C > [2C > 623A > 228C~C~Bx8] > 5C > 2C > 623A > 62369C~46A > rc > 6B > [2C > 623A > 228C~C~Bx8] > 5C > 2C > 623A > 62369C~46A > activate > 623A > 228C~C~Bx8 > [2C > 623A > 228C~C~Bx8] > 5C > [2C > 623A > 228C~C~Bx8] > 5C > [2C > 623A > 228C~C~C.B.A.B.C A+B+C]

Hunting Lady ToD: Kirei variation (Video Demonstration)

  • Keep in mind this is a very rare case. in real match, Luvia is very unlikely to ToD characters with high HP, which include Kirei, Saber Alter and Berserker. The only possibility is that they have less than 100% meter and she catches them
  • The Hunting Lady combo is only safe from burst up until around 10,700 damage, meaning the next grapple will put Luvia at risk. Which is why I decided to go with unscaled Super ender
  • Removing j.C will lower the combo's damage by 150, which is still enough to kill Kirei, as long as you don't drop the combo

2B > 5B > 6B > 5C > [2C > 623A > 228C~C~Bx8]x3 > 5C > 2C > 623A > 228C~C~Bx8 > 5C > 2C > 623A > 62369C~46A > rc > 6B > [2C > 623A > 228C~C~Bx8] > 5C > 2C > 623A > 62369C~46A > activate > 623A > 228C~C~Bx8 > 5C > [2C > 623A > 228C~C~Bx8] > 5C > 2C > 623A > 82 > 6B > 623A > 82 > 623A > 2369C > 236236A

System Specifics
Technical Data
PSP Differences
Saber Alter
Zero Lancer