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* Similar animation to 236A, but with afterimages on it. If this move is performed close to the opponent, Miyako will sideswitch during the initial step and crossup her opponent.  
* Similar animation to 236A, but with afterimages on it. If this move is performed close to the opponent, Miyako will sideswitch during the initial step and crossup her opponent.  
* The crossup version has 3 additional frames of startup where Miyako pauses behind the opponent. These frames are skipped if the opponent is in a launch state.
* The crossup version has 3 additional frames of startup where Miyako pauses behind the opponent. These frames are skipped if the opponent is in a launch state.
* Doesn't crossup in the corner, which is an argument for not putting your opponent there.
* Doesn't crossup in the corner.
* If done in neutral or after a blockstring ending in an A or B button, the opponent can block this move by holding 4 relative to Miyako's original position. If done after a C normal is blocked, they have to block on the correct side.  
* If done in neutral or after a blockstring ending in an A or B button, the opponent can block this move by holding 4 relative to Miyako's original position. If done after a C normal is blocked, they have to block on the correct side.  
* Mashing will defeat this move if done out of a blockstring.
* Mashing will defeat this move if done out of a blockstring.

Latest revision as of 15:21, 7 February 2024


Miyako Arima is a returning character to Melty Blood Type Lumina and a member of the base roster. She's a high-speed rushdown character that excels at close combat.

Miyako wants nothing more than to get up close and personal with her opponent, and has a number of ways to do so. She has naturally high movement speed, and sports a variety of normal and special moves that help her cover ground in a short amount of time, such as her 5C, 2C, Elbow Strike (236X), the B version of Double Kick (623X), Arrow Fist (214X), and Thousand Year Smash (j.214X). Once she gets in, opponents have to contend with a bewildering variety of fast normals and rebeats that make up the hallmark of her pressure, in addition to threats from her special moves: Quake Stomp (22X) allows her to rebuy her turn or go for a surprise low depending on what version is used, while 236X and 214X still retain their usefulness for pressure or mixup setups (particularly 236B, if used sparingly for crossup shenanigans), and a well-spaced 623B will allow her to sneak in grounded overheads.

The main tradeoff for all of these amazing in-fighting options, though, is that Miyako's ability to contest space control is still relatively weak in spite of her movement speed. She has no projectiles, and most of her options for trying to ignore space control cost a lot of resources in order to get them going. Against characters that outrange her, Miyako has to defend well and measure the risks of certain moves in order to keep herself from getting caught out in a bad situation.

Pick if you like Avoid if you dislike
  • Strong Strike/Throw: Miyako can combo off her ground throw, letting her do extra damage, build meter, and loop back into her okizeme. This incentivizes her opponents to mash on defense, creating more opportunities for Miyako to open them up using her great frame data on her normals.
  • Breakneck Neutral: Miyako's specials and fast ground movement allow her to close in on, and stick to her opponent. Her air normals are fast and active, especially her j.B, which can cross up at very ambiguous angles. All of this combined means her main strategy is to canonball herself at her opponent.
  • Brutal Pressure, Looping Resets: With overhead, low, cross up, armored, rebeat and plus-frame options out of her block strings, Miyako is a character who will catch opponents merely waiting for "their turn" or throwing out risky shields, knock them down, and do it all over again.
  • Surprise Round-Closing Potential: Having grounded unblockable set-ups, fast TK overheads, decent OTG damage, and excellent meter dumps allows Miyako to close out rounds by spending a little extra meter in her combos.
  • Strong Defensive Options: With a strong meterless DP, her metered DP being a combo starter, and multiple good options out of Moon Drive activation, Miyako can often take her own turn back and can capitalize well off scramble situations.
  • Great Corner Carry: Miyako's 236X~A has great corner carry, and being able to side-swap by using the B version lets her reach the corner off nearly any hit, enabling her strongest pressure situations easily.
  • Stubby Normals: Having such short-range means Miyako often has to resort to using more committal special moves for both abare and punishing unsafe options, as certain moves designed to be unsafe on block can push Miyako out of range of her normals. This stubbiness also leads to her having a hard time contesting characters with strong midrange or good projectiles.
  • Meter Reliant: Miyako's meterless combos have both poor damage and don't gain much meter. Confirming off specials is only possible for her with Moon Drive or 214C, making her issues gaining meter worse.

Story & Profile

Young girl training to be a bajiquan master
The eldest daughter of the Arima branch family, which took Shiki in as a child. Currently in fifth grade, she sees herself as Shiki's other sister. Her feelings are easy to see as she always wears her heart on her sleeve.

She unabashedly adores her kind, quiet older "brother",
but whenever he is near, she becomes so nervous she can barely speak.
This continued for many years until Shiki was suddenly called back to the Tohno family, Miyako did not take the news well, but a chance meeting with a mysterious being will change her fate forever.

She learned bajiquan by oberseving others in her family's dojo, though it now sits unused. Although she was nowhere near the skill level of a true martial artist, her abilities quickly flourish in the ensuing battles.
Her destructive powers make it hard to believe she is only 11 years old.

Main Weapon/Skill
Bajiquan (self-taught)

Basic Info
Height: 131cm
Weight: 35kg
Blood Type: O
Birthday: May 4th
Voiced by: Hisako Kanemoto

Character Summary

Move list

Moon Skill
6B+C - Elbow Strike
3B+C - Double Kick
4B+C - Arrow Fist
2B+C - Quake Stomp
j.6B+C - Five Form Fist
j.4B+C - Thousand Year Smash
Special Attacks
236A/B/C (EX OK) - Elbow Strike
> A - Iron Palm
> B - Divine Flash
> C - Zen Smash
623A/B/C (EX OK) - Double Kick
214A/B/C (EX OK) - Arrow Fist
22A/B/C (EX OK) - Quake Stomp
j.236A/B/C (EX OK) - Five Form Fist
j.214A/B/C (EX OK) - Thousand Year Smash
Arc Drive
236B+C - Ultimate Finisher
Last Arc
A+B+C+D / D in Blood Heat - Final Thunder - Smashing Fist
Unique Attacks
6A+B while dashing, 3C, 2C~2C
Blowback Edge Moves
214[A], 214[B], 22[C]
Stats & vitals

Health: 11,700 (Average)


  - 1-10 Full Invul
  - 1-13 Strike Invul
  - 14-18 Projectile/Air Invul
  - N/A Airborne
  - 29 Total

Dash startup: 6

Dash actionable: 5

Jump startup: 4

Jump airtime: 36

Quick combo reference

Basic Midscreen BNB (Meterless): 5A>5B>5C>2C>214A>2C~C>236B~A>2B>3C>jB>jC>AT

Basic Midscreen BNB (Metered): 5A>5B>5C>2C>214A>2C~C>236B~A>214C>2B>3C>jB>jC>AT

Basic Corner BNB (Meterless): 5A>5B>5C>2C~C>214B>236A~A>2B>3C>jA>jB>jC>AT

Basic Corner BNB (Metered): 5A>5B>2C>214A>5C>236B~C>214C>2B>3C>jA>jB>jC>AT

MBTL Miyako Art.png

Move Analysis

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

MBTL Miyako 5A.png
MBTL Miyako 5A hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
180 LH -SE-, -N-, -RB-, -SP-, -EX-, -AD-, -MD-, (J) - - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
5 2 11 17 -1 -
  • Like all grounded A buttons, can be cancelled on whiff.
  • Can be chained up to three times with 4aaa.
  • Whiff cancels available from frame 10 onwards (frame 10 is the first frame of the whiff cancelled move).
MBTL Miyako 5B.png
MBTL Miyako 5B hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
480 LH N, RB, SP, EX, AD, MD, (J) - - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
7 4 17 27 -6 -
  • 5b moves Miyako forward, giving it greater range than the hitbox suggests.
  • Still pretty short, though.
MBTL Miyako 5C.png
MBTL Miyako 5C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
610 LH N, RB, SP, EX, AD, MD, (J) Wall Bounce vs Air - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
9 6 18 32 -7 -
  • The ever-popular shoulder ram.
  • 5c also moves Miyako forward, giving it greater range than the hitbox suggests. Miyako's longest ranged normal.
  • Though it looks big enough to do so, its unreliable as a method to catch IADs.

Crouching Normals

MBTL Miyako 2A.png
MBTL Miyako 2A hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
150 L -SE-, -N-, -RB-, -SP-, -EX-, -AD-, -MD-, (J) - - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
5 2 11 17 -1 -
  • Miyako attacks the ground.
  • Like all grounded A buttons, can be cancelled on whiff.
  • Can be chained up to three times with 1aaa.
  • Whiff cancels available from frame 10 onwards (frame 10 is the first frame of the whiff cancelled move).
MBTL Miyako 2B.png
MBTL Miyako 2B hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
420 LH N, RB, SP, EX, AD, MD, (J) - - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
7 5 16 27 -6 -
  • A stubby uppercut.
  • ...not the anti-air it looks like.
  • Will whiff if opponent is in an OTG state.
MBTL Miyako 2C.png
MBTL Miyako 2C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
620 L N, RB, CH, SP, EX, AD, MD, (J) Launch, Hard Knockdown - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
8 5 18 30 -6 -
  • Low sweep. Second-longest range of Miyako's normals.
  • Can cancel into 2CC.
2+C > Add2+C
MBTL Miyako 2C2C.png
MBTL Miyako 2C2C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
740 LH N, SP, EX, AD, MD, (J) Launch - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
14 2 19 34 -4 -
  • 2c palm strike followup.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
940 LH N, SP, EX, AD, MD, (J) Launch - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
26 2 19 46 -2 / +2 Clash 16-25
  • Very slow. Does not combo from a non-counterhit 2C against a grounded opponent.
  • Leaves a large gap when used in a blockstring, making it liable to get interrupted or shielded on reaction (both high and low shield work).
  • The opponent recovers from blockstun in the air. The different frame advantage values are for whether the opponent performs an airborne or grounded action.

Jumping Normals

Aerial A
MBTL Miyako jA.png
MBTL Miyako jA hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
140 HA SE, N, TH, SP, EX, MD, J - - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
5 4 11 19 - -
  • It's a melty jA normal. Short but fast.
  • Can hit standing opponents while rising. You can combo into it from 5C on hit to set up some cheeky resets.
Aerial B
MBTL Miyako jB.png
MBTL Miyako jB hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
400 HA N, TH, SP, EX, MD, J - - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
6 8 - - - -
  • jB hits both sides, making it the go-to open when falling on your opponent from directly above them.
  • An incredible button for airspace confrontations, as its quick speed and double-sided hitbox means that it can catch opponents at almost every angle.
Aerial C
MBTL Miyako jC.png
MBTL Miyako jC hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
560 HA N, TH, SP, EX, MD, J - - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
8 7 - - - -
  • Double-palm strike with significant vertical reach.
  • Can hit standing opponents while rising.

Command Normals

6A+B (while dashing)
6A+B (while dashing)
MBTL Miyako 6AB.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
- - - 29 - Strike 7-22
  • Evasive cartwheel. Has invincibility frames on startup, but dash startup prevents it from being used immediately in all situations.
  • Minimum dash time is 5 frames (i.e. the first frame of the cartwheel replaces the 6th frame of dash).
  • Somewhat useful for getting through projectiles without jumping, but it's too slow and obvious to use in most neutral situations.
  • Can bait wakeup options with it, since it will roll clean through most moon skills, heat activation, and reversals.
  • There are probably better things you can do to call out those options, though.
MBTL mi 6b.png
MBTL mi 6b hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
530 LH N, SP, EX, AD, MD, (J) - - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
16 4 18 37 -6 -
  • A slower version of 5B with more forward movement.
  • Unlike 5B, this command normal can be low shielded.

Universal Mechanics

Rapid Beat 1
Rapid Beat 1
MBTL Miyako Auto.png
MBTL Miyako Auto hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
400 LH RB, SP, EX, AD, MD - - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
9 3 23 34 -10 -
  • Damage calculated on 5A whiff.
3C / Rapid Beat 2
3C / Rapid Beat 2


MBTL Miyako 3C.png
MBTL Miyako 3C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
700 LH SP, EX, AD, MD Launch - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
9 3 19 30 -5 Air 5-11
  • Universal launcher.
  • Mostly used as a combo tool: though it can hit people IADing at you, it's not otherwise reliable as an anti-air despite how it looks.
  • Unusually for launchers, it's only -5 on block, making it useful as a pressure tool.
  • Whiffs if opponent is in OTG state.
Ground Throw
MBTL Miyako Grab.png
MBTL Miyako Grab hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
700 - - - - Throw
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4 3 19 25 +18 -
  • Leaves standing and allows for a grounded combo afterwards, or a cheeky reset to catch the unaware: throw damage is prorated, but landing any one of Miyako's mix options leads into a more painful combo.
Air Throw
Aerial 4/6+A+D
MBTL Miyako Airthrow.png
MBTL Miyako Airthrow hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1200 - - Launch, Hard Knockdown - Throw
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1 3 12L - - -
  • Universal air combo ender.

Special Moves

Elbow Strike
Elbow Strike
MBTL Miyako 236A.png
MBTL Miyako 5C.png
236X~A (Iron Palm)
MBTL Miyako 236XB.png
236X~B (Divine Flash)
MBTL Miyako 236XC.png
236X~C (Zen Smash)
MBTL Miyako 236A hb.png
MBTL Miyako 236C hb.png
MBTL Miyako 5C hb.png
236X~A (Iron Palm)
MBTL Miyako 236XB hb.png
236X~B (Divine Flash)
MBTL Miyako 236XC hb.png
236X~C (Zen Smash)
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1100 LH -CH-, -EX-, -AD-, -MD- - - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 3 20 32 -6 -
  • Miyako dashes forward with an elbow strike. Travels about half of round start distance.
  • Unsafe on block if not cancelled into a followup. However, the spacing is outside the range of most character's A buttons, requiring them to commit to a slower button to punish that may be vulnerable to a frame trap followup, or to being dodged entirely by the cartwheel followup.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1250 LH -CH-, -EX-, -AD-, -MD- Crumple - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
23 / 26 3 22 47 / 50 -8 -
  • Similar animation to 236A, but with afterimages on it. If this move is performed close to the opponent, Miyako will sideswitch during the initial step and crossup her opponent.
  • The crossup version has 3 additional frames of startup where Miyako pauses behind the opponent. These frames are skipped if the opponent is in a launch state.
  • Doesn't crossup in the corner.
  • If done in neutral or after a blockstring ending in an A or B button, the opponent can block this move by holding 4 relative to Miyako's original position. If done after a C normal is blocked, they have to block on the correct side.
  • Mashing will defeat this move if done out of a blockstring.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
2300 LH AD, MD Armor Break, Launch, Hard Knockdown - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4+6 4 24 37 -4 -
  • A stronger version of 236B, minus the afterimages but retaining the sideswitch property at the correct spacing. Can't do followups after this version.
  • The first 5 frames of forward movement occur during the super flash and can pass through attacks and projectiles.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1000 LH -EX-, -AD-, -MD- Launch, Wall Bounce, Hard Knockdown - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 7 21 37 -8 -
  • A shoulder strike. Will wallslam if the opponent is near the corner. Damage calculated on 236A whiff. Can frame trap to beat mashing on blocked 236x.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
- - - 29 -14 Strike 7-22
  • Miyako cartwheels forward, gaining invincibility and losing her collision box. This can clip through opponents who are mashing buttons.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
800 L -EX-, -AD-, -MD- Launch - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
9 4 17 29 -4 -
  • A sliding low kick. Damage calculated on 236A whiff. Can frame trap to beat mashing on blocked 236x.
Elbow Strike (Moon Skill)
Elbow Strike (Moon Skill)
MBTL Miyako 6BC.png
MBTL Miyako 6BC hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
700*2 (1302) LH EX, AD, MD Launch, Wall Bounce - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 5(7)7 17 47 -4 MD Clash 1-10
  • An enhanced version of 236X that immediately goes into the A followup on hit or whiff. The first step has longer range than 236A normally does.
  • Can be useful if you see a chance to whiff punish someone, since the speed and range is very good for Miyako.
  • You have to spend resources or have them in the corner to confirm.
  • Gets a ton of clash frames when in moon drive.
  • This move beats Hisui's infamous 6BC! If both players enter moon drive simultaneously and press 6BC, this will win.
  • Minus on block, but not punishable.
Double Kick
Double Kick
MBTL Miyako 623A.png
MBTL Miyako 623B.png
623B Auto-dashes.
MBTL Miyako 623A hb.png
MBTL Miyako 623B hb.png
MBTL Miyako 623C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
640*2 (1196) LH (EX), (MD) Launch - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
6 8(4)3 18 + 12L 50 -28 1-13
  • Miyako does two kicks upwards.
  • Invincible DP. Cancellable on hit into ex moves, but leaves Miyako wide open on whiff or block.
  • Air unblockable. Aside from her Arc Drive and the C variant, this is Miyako's highest-reaching air unblockable move.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
520*3 (1206) LH, H, H -EX-, -AD-, -MD- Launch - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
20 2(2)8(4)3 11 + 14L 63 -9 -
  • Miyako dashes towards her opponent, leaving afterimages behind her, and launches into a series of kicks.
  • Similar to her dash animation, but can be differentiated by having a white flash and afterimages instead of blue sparkles.
  • The first hit can be blocked and shielded low. The remaining hits must be blocked high.
  • 24f overhead if the first hit whiffs. 30f overhead if the first hit is blocked due to the added hitstop.
  • Can't be confirmed outside the corner without spending resources.
  • Doesn't have any invincible frames.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
640*3 (1676) LH (N), (TH), (EX), (MD), (AD), (J) Armor Break, Launch - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4+1 4,7(5)2 24 + 12L 59 -33 1-15
  • Acts similarly to 623A with more range horizontally and vertically. You can cancel into air normals after the third hit for combo extensions.
  • The super flash makes it difficult to use as a way to counter air approaches, since opponents can easily shield or maneuver out of the way on reaction.
Double Kick (Moon Skill)
Double Kick (Moon Skill)
MBTL Miyako 3BC.png
MBTL Miyako 3BC hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
460*3 (1255) LH EX, MD, -J- Launch - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
8 4(4)4(4)5 13 + 12L 53 -17 MD Clash 1-6
  • An enhanced, 3-hit version of 623X with a bit more horizontal range.
  • Jump cancellable on block or hit.
  • Gets significant clash frames while in Moon Drive, but tends to fail against other Moon Skills with clash frames for some reason. Still very useful against other buttons, or even on block.
  • On block, or if it clashes but doesn't score a hit, this move usually leaves Miyako in a favorable situation; she'll often be right above of her opponent, with all her air options remaining.
Arrow Fist
Arrow Fist
MBTL Miyako 214A.png
MBTL Miyako 214A hb.png
MBTL Miyako 214C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1250 LH -EX-, -AD-, -MD- Launch - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
20 6 13 38 -2 -
  • Miyako does a quick lunging punch forward. Covers almost the full length of a round-start distance. Knocks the enemy up for links from various standing buttons.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1400 LH -EX-, -AD-, -MD- Launch - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
27 6 11 43 0 Armor 16-27
  • Similar to the uncharged version, but travels a bit farther, covering round start distance. Gains armor after the BE sound and through the movement.
  • Using this in a pressure string can beat mashing, especially if your opponent is trying to mash out on your other mix options.
  • However, it's unreliable because the armor doesn't kick in immediately, and opponents can still ex cancel into armor-breaking moves if they're alert.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1250 LH -EX-, -AD-, -MD- Launch - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
26 6 11 44 0 -
  • Similar to 214A with a longer startup time, making it harder to combo into. Standing normals still link afterward, but not when it's done at max range.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1400 LH -EX-, -AD-, -MD- Launch - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
36 6 9 50 +2 Armor 18-36
  • Similar to 214B, but travels a bit farther than it does. Gains armor after the BE sound and through the movement.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1350*2 (2403) LH AD, MD Armor Break, Launch, Wall Bounce, Hard Knockdown - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4+2 7(3)6 17 38 -6 / -1 Armor 6-16
  • Same animation as the A/B versions, but Miyako will add a second palm strike after the first if the move makes contact. Even on block the second hit knocks the opponent extremely far away.
  • This version also has armor on it, but the armor does not kick in immediately, so it can't be used as a reversal against true meaties.
  • Also, the armor is defeated by other ex moves, so be careful about using this against an enemy with enough gauge to react with their own.
  • The opponent recovers from blockstun in the air. The different frame advantage values are for whether the opponent performs an airborne or grounded action.
Arrow Fist (Moon Skill)
Arrow Fist (Moon Skill)
MBTL Miyako 4BC.png
MBTL Miyako 4BC hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1500 LH EX, AD, MD Launch - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
20 6 11 36 0 MD Clash 1-11
  • An enhanced version of 214X. 4B+C's range is basically similar to 214[A]'s minus the charge time.
  • Clash frames in moon drive don't seem very good compared to her other options.
Quake Stomp
Quake Stomp
MBTL Miyako 22A.png
MBTL Miyako 22A hb.png
MBTL Miyako 22B hb.png
MBTL Miyako 22C hb.png
The floor is lava!
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1000 LH -EX-, -AD-, -MD- Launch, Hard Knockdown - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
16 5 18 38 +2 -
  • Miyako stomps the ground. NOT a low, despite what the animation leads you to think. Quick plus-on-block pressure reset.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1000 L -EX-, -AD-, -MD- Launch - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
27 5 11 42 +9 -
  • Longer startup than 22A but actually hits low, is a lot more plus, and has a much bigger range. Launches high enough that you can link normals after it when you're close enough.
  • Can mix your opponent, in tandem with 623b and 236b.
  • Slower pressure reset for when your opponent is respecting your buttons. Can set up an unblockable 22[C].
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1600 L AD, MD Armor Break, Launch, Hard Knockdown - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4+6 2 29 40 -6 -
  • Fullscreen low. Launches the opponent much higher than 22B if it hits. Often a really strong whiff-punishing tool and can be used to close out rounds against risky backdashes. It's reactable if your opponent isn't doing anything.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1800 U AD, MD Armor Break, Launch, Hard Knockdown - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4+22 2 42 69 - -
  • Increases damage slightly and also causes the hitbox to become unblockable.
  • Besides knowledge-checking newbies, it can be made truly unblockable in a number of ways. Meaty 22A/B is the easiest and most common option. Meaty stomp is so plus that if they block it, the unblockable hit will hit them before they can shield. Representing this allows Miyako to force her opponent to shield on wake-up.
Quake Stomp (Moon Skill)
Quake Stomp (Moon Skill)
MBTL Miyako 2BC.png
MBTL Miyako 2BC hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1100 L EX, AD, MD Launch, Soft Knockdown - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
13 5 17 34 +2 MD Clash 1-11
  • An enhanced version of 22X that mixes 22A's startup with 22B's reach. Hits low and is plus on block.
  • Completely misses people who are airborne, just like the regular version.
  • Using this in a blockstring can catch people trying to mash moon drive from any range, since they have to stand.
  • It gains clash frames when in moon drive. Somehow, it beats Hisui's moon drive 6BC as well.
  • This move does basically everything except anti air and is ignorant as hell. If your opponent likes to approach on the ground, this should show them why that's a bad idea.
Five Form Fist
Five Form Fist
Aerial 236+X
MBTL Miyako j236X.png
MBTL Miyako j236X hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1400 LHA -EX-, (AD), -MD- Launch - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 7 12L - -12 -
  • Miyako does a brief flying kick upward.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1400 LHA -EX-, (AD), -MD- Launch, Wall Bounce - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
14 9 12L - -18 -
  • Similar animation to j.236A but travels farther.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
2600 LHA (AD), MD Armor Break, Launch, Wall Bounce, Hard Knockdown - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4+3 9 12L - -16 -
  • Travels farther and a bit higher than j.236A/B. Useful if you need to eke out that last bit of damage from a standard combo to clinch the round.
Five Form Fist (Moon Skill)
Five Form Fist (Moon Skill)
For when you'd rather be playing Jam.
Aerial 6+B+C
MBTL Miyako j6BC.png
MBTL Miyako j6BC hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1500 LHA EX, (AD), MD, -J- Launch, Wall Bounce - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
14 9 12L - -18 -
  • An enhanced version of j.236X. It wallslams similarly to 236B/C with longer reach and a bit more damage than 236B.
  • Unlike the regular variants, it is jump cancellable on whiff. The version can be used as a way to maneuver into position in relative safety, particularly against characters with strong zoning tools such as Vlov and Ciel.
  • Think of it more like a super air dash than a real attack.
Thousand Year Smash
Thousand Year Smash
Aerial 214+X
MBTL Miyako j214X.png
MBTL Miyako j214X hb.png
MBTL Miyako j214X hb.png
MBTL Miyako j214C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1200 HA -EX-, -MD-, J Ground Bounce - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
18 X 26L - -14 -
  • Miyako falls from the sky with an elbow strike.
  • Hits overhead. Absurdly fast, but can't confirm into any combos.
  • Miyako can jump cancel on block, allowing her to continue her pressure from the sky.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1200 HA -EX-, -MD-, J Ground Bounce - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
18 X 26L - -14 -
  • Travels farther than j.214A. Occasionally useful to sail over projectiles.
  • Otherwise the same as the A variant.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
690*3 (1807) HA MD, J Armor Break, Ground Bounce, Hard Knockdown - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4+4 3,3(4)X 26L - - -
  • Travels even farther than j.214B. Hits multiple times as well.
  • Bounces the opponent much higher than j.236A/B, allowing for a followup combo.
  • This version's main use is as a way to turn a 623a or A shield counter hit into real damage.
Thousand Year Smash (Moon Skill)
Thousand Year Smash
Aerial 4+B+C
MBTL Miyako j4BC.png
MBTL Miyako j4BC hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1200, 400 (1500) LHA EX, AD, MD, J Launch - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
16 X(2)5 24 - -4 -
  • An enhanced version of j.214X. It adds a second hit to the attack when Miyako hits the ground.
  • It's not an overhead, unlike the regular variants.
  • However, the second hit can be cancelled into ex moves or arc drive to get a confirm.

Super Moves

Ultimate Finisher
Ultimate Finisher
MBTL Miyako 236BC.png
MBTL Miyako 236BC hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
3500 LH - Armor Break, Hard Knockdown - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1+7 25 22 54 -15 1-23
  • Miyako stomps the ground, causing a huge eruption. Limited horizontal range, but it reaches the sky.
  • Air unblockable, but it can be shielded.
  • Invincible frames last a relatively long time; wins against some other arc drives, e.g. Arcueid's.
  • Miyako yells 'Sugoi' during the move.
Final Thunder - Smashing Fist
Final Thunder - Smashing Fist
MBTL Miyako LA.png
MBTL Miyako LA hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
4800 [4800 ~ 6960 in BH] LH - Armor Break, Hard Knockdown - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1+21 4 27 52 -14 1-25
  • It's a Last Arc. Big damage.
  • Summons a mysterious panda to help beat up your opponent in an exciting cut scene.

Reverse Beats

Rebeat Table
Attack Chain Advantage
5B/2B 5A/2A -3
5C/2C 5A/2A -1
Gap Table
Attack Chain Frame Gap


Palette options

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Color 5 (Hakuno Kishinami)
Color 6
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Color 25

Miyako Arima Wiki Roadmap

26% complete
Page Completed To-do Score


Basically finished, Added quick combo reference and reworked pros and cons to be more accurate to the current patch.

Make a list of frametraps in the table and clean up info about Moon Skills


Normals Section and Overview completed

Everything with a blank header on the page, and potentially more


Nothing. Basically everything on the page has incorrect damage values or is very inoptimal. No way to tell at a glance what is recent.

Verify all the combos, update new damage values, remove combos that don't do anything useful or have bad routing.



Start with some of the easier and more common match-ups.


MBTL Navigation

The Game
Getting Started
News & updates
The Battle System
Game Data
Shiki Tohno
Arcueid Brunestud
Akiha Tohno
Hisui & Kohaku
Miyako Arima
Kouma Kishima
Michael Roa Valdamjong
Vlov Arkhangel
Red Arcueid
Aoko Aozaki
Dead Apostle Noel
Mario Gallo Bestino
Powered Ciel
Mash Kyrielight
Monte Cristo