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Revision as of 09:59, 10 January 2023


Wamuu, honored strategist and villain in Battle Tendency, the second part of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, is a footsies-focused mix-up and guard-crushing monster. Thanks to his tall stature and long reach, he can access great normals such as 5M, 5H, 2H, and j.H. He possesses a variety of mixup tools: "I, Wamuu, will now consider you to be worthy prey!" gives him an overhead and decent left-right mix, while "He bent backwards!" can let him cancel his pressure to bait Stylish Guard or catch the opponent's mashing. Another strength is Wamuu's ability to consistently anti-air, with variations of "Never stand in my shadow!" and great standing normals. This all works well with his qualities as a Stone Mask character, allowing him to gain health back as he puts the opponents in ruthless blockstrings.

Like his fellow Pillar Men, Wamuu has access to Modes in order to enhance his abilites; uniquely, however, he is also the most complex user, possessing 3 different Modes that all affect his normals, special moves, combos, and pressure. Each one also increases the Guard Damage and chip damage of his various special moves, including "Raging Tornado Aftermath!", which can both pull in opponents and destroy projectiles. With mastery of each Mode and the benefits they provide, Wamuu can be thoroughly equipped for any situation or match-up.

That being said, the most honorable of the Pillar Men does have his drawbacks, the top being his inconsistent blockstrings and combos at some ranges. Not only that, Wamuu also lacks normal movement options: as one of two characters who lack the ability to run (the other being Johnny while Dismounted), he cannot dash-jump or dash-cancel buttons like other characters. Wamuu can also be resource-intensive, as entering either "Wind Mode" or "Vapor Barrier" prevent meter gain, which he desperately needs to Flash Cancel for combos, invest in HHA for damage, or make himself safe after a wrong read. Those who enjoy playing a strong, offensive/defensive mid-range game with the ability to augment their gameplan on the fly, would certainly enjoy the master of the winds.

  • Stone Mask: As a Stone Mask character, Wamuu incurs White Damage whenever he is hit, takes extra damage when hit by Hamon-infused attacks, and can only be used in certain stages without completing certain in-game conditions.
  • Modes: Wamuu has three different installs, all of which change the properties on his normals and special moves.
  • Step Dash: In place of a run, Wamuu possesses a step dash, which covers a longer distance than most dashes.
JJASBR Wamuu Small Icon.png Wamuu is a Mode character whose gameplan is centered around the neutral, blockstring pressure, and mixups.
Pros Cons
  • Large Buttons: Wamuu possesses a variety of large buttons that can serve as either mid-range harassment tools or excellent anti-air options.
  • Strong Block Pressure: Between "He bent backwards!", the ability to cancel into "Wind Mode" during blockstrings, and various other offensive special moves, Wamuu can create blockstrings that either deal very high Guard Damage or straight up cause a Guard Break.
  • Modes: Between his 3 Modes, Wamuu can change his gameplan and movement options, becoming scarier on both hit and block. Each one also upgrades his damage, progressively making blockstrings and combos more damaging.
  • Anti-Zoning: Wamuu also possesses many tools to get around zoning. This allows him to play defensively without having to worry about projectiles that normally control the mid-range.
  • Inconsistent Normals: His normals can occasionally push the opponent too far for follow-ups to hit, allowing them an easy escape and punish. This turns one of Wamuu's biggest strengths into his biggest weakness.
  • Expensive: Between his various Modes, their meter gain prevention, and reliance on HHA and Flash Cancels for damage, Wamuu often needs to spend time outside of Mode to build enough bar to make his offense worthwhile.
  • Low Meterless Damage: Wamuu can struggle to get very high damage without using meter or Assists and suffers because of it.
  • Lack of Flash Cancel: Wamuu loses the ability to Flash Cancel "Never stand in my shadow!" once "I shall see with the wind." is active. This makes his high-damage routes dependent on Assist availability.


Wamuu has access to several installs in order to enhance both his specials and normals.

  • Wind Mode (Mode 1) is activated by pressing the Style button, and costs no meter. With the quick start up of this mode, it can be used to extend combos. This Mode enhances Wamuu's special moves by increasing their damage and adding other properties, such as brief invisibilty (which brings immunity against most projectiles). This Mode also shortens Wamuu's jump arc in addition to making said jump faster.
  • Vapor Barrier (Mode 2) is activated by pressing 22S, and costs one HH Gauge. This Mode further enhances Wamuu's special moves, in addition to making Wamuu invisible and immune to most projectiles. Wamuu's jump is at its fastest (and his jump arc at its shortest) in this Mode.
  • I shall see with the wind. (Mode 3) is Wamuu's final install, and is activated by pressing 63214+two attack buttons. For the cost of two HH Gauges, Wamuu enhances his special moves the most, gains access to "Whooosh!", and can deal chip damage with his normals. Unlike the previous modes, Wamuu's jump is not altered in any way, but it does increase damage on his jump attacks.

The following moves are affected by all Modes:

The tradeoff for using Mode is that while in "Wind Mode" and "Vapor Barrier", Wamuu is unable to build any meter until he either turns off Mode (by pressing Style again, only in Mode 1), uses an HHA or GHA, or is forcefully knocked out of the install by taking a hard knockdown. Additionally, activating "I shall see with the wind." locks Wamuu out of his other two installs for the rest of the match, each of which have their own advantages.


Style Health Low Health Mode Hashtag(s)
Mode 950 Rumble #ASBR_WAM

Move List

Normal Moves

JJASBR Wamuu 5L.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Normal: 15
Mode 1: 16
Mode 2/3: 17
Mid - - - - -

Wamuu jabs the opponent with his fingers. A tremendous defensive option against dash jumps and an excellent poke.

  • Cancelling into 421M gives Wamuu access to a grounded cross up
  • Sets him up close for his throw
JJASBR Wamuu 5M.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Normal: 22
Mode 1: 23
Mode 2/3: 24
Mid - - - - -

Wamuu attacks with a wind-laced step kick, a central core of his offensive game plan. It has incredible reach, going as far as some stand characters' normals and even specials. It can also serve as an active anti-air option.

  • At point blank range, can be canceled into 421M for a cross up.
  • At max range, can push the opponent out of 5H/2H range.
JJASBR Wamuu 5H.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Normal: 38
Mode 1: 39
Mode2/3: 40
Mid - - - - -

With his fingers extended, Wamuu swings his arm upwards. A high hitting anti air option and combo filler.

  • Highest non special anti air option. Can be cancelled on hit into 623M FC for a combo
JJASBR Wamuu 2L.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Mode 1:15
Mode 2/3: 16
Low - - - - -

Wamuu attacks with a low kick.

  • Like 5L, can be canceled at close range into 421M for a cross up
  • Can be chained together 3 times in a block string before pushing the opponent out of range.
JJASBR Wamuu 2M.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Normal: 20 (10*2)
Mode 1: 22 (11*2)
Mode2/3: 24 (12*2)
Low - - - - -

Wamuu creates a horn out of wind and swings it upwards.

  • Double hitting, long range low.
  • Slightly less range than 5M, but better pushback, making it a great option on block to bait normals and punish.
  • Great combo filler, and can be cancelled into 214LL at max range for a combo
JJASBR Wamuu 2H.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Normal: 36 (18*2)
Mode 1: 38 (19*2)
Mode 2/3:40 (20*2)
Low - - - - -

Wamuu extends his arm while covering it with wind. First hit can be cancelled to continue combos

With the strength of a pillar!
JJASBR Wamuu 6H (1).png
JJASBR Wamuu 6H (2).png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Normal: 24
Mode 3: 36
Mid - - - - -

Wamuu takes a step forward and attacks with a clothesline.

  • Causes crumple on it.
  • Possesses Super Armor. Armor startup and duration increase in Mode 3, lasting until the last recovery frame. This allows you to block punish attempts.
JJASBR Wamuu Jump L.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Normal: 18
Mode 1: 20
Mode 2: 22
Mode 3: 26
Overhead - - - - -

Wamuu puts his knees in front.

  • Can tick into his throw
  • Can use J. 421X to mixup landing time
JJASBR Wamuu Jump M.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Normal: 24
Mode 1: 26
Mode 2: 28
Mode 3: 30
Overhead - - - - -

Wamuu creates a horn out of the wind and extends it downwards.

  • Great angle to catch opponents after jumping over projectiles
JJASBR Wamuu Jump H.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Normal: 40
Mode 1: 40
Mode 2: 41
Mode 3: 48
Overhead - - - - -

Wamuu attacks with a gigantic axe kick.

  • Largest jump-in in his kit, ability to cross up.
  • Instant jump heavy will hit unsuspecting opponents, allowing for combos.
  • Once in Mode 3, the hit effect changes to allow juggles.

Special Moves

Never stand in my shadow!
JJASBR Wamuu 623X.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light Normal: 50
Mode 1: 55
Mode 2: 60
Mode 3: 65 (5, 60)
Mid - - - - -
Medium Normal: 55 (5, 50)
Mode 1: 60 (5, 55)
Mode 2: 65 (5, 60)
Mode 3: 70 (5*2, 60)
Mid - - - - -
Heavy Normal: 60 (5*2, 50)
Mode 1: 65 (5*2, 55)
Mode 2: 70 (5*2, 60)
Mode 3: 75 (5*3, 60)
Mid - - - - -

Wamuu performs an upwards reverse kick.

  • Large vertical range, able to catch super jumps
  • Affected by Modes.
    • All versions become partially invisible while "Wind Mode" is active.
    • All versions gain extra hits during Modes 1, 2, and 3
  • All versions launch opponents on their final hit.

L version:

  • Activating "I shall see with the wind." will remove the ability to Flash Cancel this version.
  • Best version for anti air's due to speed and range.

M version:

H version:

  • Has invincibility, but longest startup.
  • Cannot be Flash Canceled.
He bent backwards!
JJASBR Wamuu 214X.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light 0 - - - Total XX - -
Medium 0 - - - Total XX - -
Heavy 0 - - - Total XX - -

Wamuu performs a front flip.

  • Strength determines the distance traveled. Light and medium can be used as a substitute for a standard dash, allowing wamuu a very low-tech version of other characters' dash cancel pressure.
  • Has invincibility in its later portion.
  • Recovery can be canceled into throw and normals, but not command normals or specials.
  • Affected by Modes.
    • Wamuu becomes partially invisible during the flip's later portion while "Wind Mode" is active.
He bent backwards! (Follow-Up)
JJASBR Wamuu 214X-X.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light Normal: 75 (15, 20, 40)
Mode 1: 100 (30, 20, 50)
Mode 2: 108 (33, 20, 55)
Mode 3: 116 (36, 20, 60)
Mid - - - - -
Medium Normal: 85 (25, 20, 40)
Mode 1: 103 (33, 20, 50)
Mode 2: 111 (36, 20, 55)
Mode 3: 119 (39, 20, 60)
Mid - - - - -
Heavy Normal: 95 (35, 20, 40)
Mode 1: 106 (36, 20, 50)
Mode 2: 114 (39, 20, 55)
Mode 3: 122 (42, 20, 60)
Mid - - - - -

Wamuu follows up his front flip with a kick.

  • Causes knockback on hit
  • Strength determines the range and recovery frames.
  • Can be flash canceled for blockstrings or safety.
  • At max range, only the first of the 3 kicks will connect, leaving wamuu stuck in recovery
  • Affected by Modes.
    • Wall bounce gained in Mode makes it an optimal way to land HHA
    • Causes HKD in all modes.
    • Gains increased knockback distance and wall bounce effect during all modes.
    • Guard Damage only increases while "I shall see with the wind." is active.
I, Wamuu, will now consider you to be worthy prey!
JJASBR Wamuu 421X.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light Normal: 55
Mode 1: 60
Mode 2: 65
Mode 3: 60 (5, 55)
Overhead - - - - -
Medium Normal: 60
Mode 1: 65
Mode 2: 70
Mode 3: 70 (10, 60)
Overhead - - - - -
Heavy Normal: 65
Mode 1: 70
Mode 2: 75
Mode 3: 80 (15, 65)
Overhead - - - - -

Wamuu somersaults and unleashes a downward swipe.

  • All versions cause crumple on hit.
  • Affected by Modes.

L version:

  • Moves forward the least.
    • Can cross up with specific setups
    • In Mode 1 has a large, delayed hitbox that can catch counter hit attempts or opponents asleep at the wheel.
    • Safe due to pushback in some matchups.

M version:

  • Moves forward more than the L version.
    • Can cross up
    • In Mode 2 Has a large amount of pushback and can be used to make Wamuu safe completely.

H version:

  • Moves forward the most.
  • Also moves upwards at a slight angle, great for avoiding low strikes and projectiles.
  • Can often be low-profiled due to the height Wamuu travels at. Use for reads only
Victim of your own delusion
JJASBR Wamuu 22H.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Normal: 35
Mode 1: 38
Mode 2: 41
Mode 3: 44
Overhead - - - - -

Wamuu brings out a broken column and smashes the opponent with it.

  • Affected by Modes.
  • Can only be used when the opponent is downed, but can be timed to attack while they stand up.
  • Builds a good chunk of bar, key to Wamuu's meter building routes normally and in Mode 3
I, Wamuu, will now consider you to be worthy prey! (Air)
JJASBR Wamuu Jump 421X.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light Normal: 50
Mode 1: 55
Mode 2: 60
Mode 3: 55 (5, 50)
Overhead - - - - -
Medium Normal: 55
Mode 1: 60
Mode 2: 65
Mode 3: 65 (10, 55)
Overhead - - - - -
Heavy Normal: 60
Mode 1: 65
Mode 2: 70
Mode 3: 75 (15, 60)
Overhead - - - - -

While in the air, Wamuu unleashes a downward swipe.

  • All versions cause crumple on hit.
  • Affected by Modes.
  • Can create ambiguous mixups when used during a jump directly over an opponent
  • TK-able with practice, creating a low jump overhead important to his mix.

L version:

  • Stays in place.

M version:

  • Moves straight down at a slow speed.

H version:

  • Moves straight down at a fast speed.
Raging Tornado Aftermath!
JJASBR Wamuu 236S.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Normal: 14 (0, 2*4, 6) [50 (0, 2*22, 6)]
Mode 1: 20 (0, 3*4, 8) [74 (0, 3*22, 8)]
Mode 2: 26 (0, 4*4, 10) [98 (0, 4*22, 10)]
Mode 3: 34 (0, 5*4, 14) [124 (0, 5*22, 14)]
Mid - - - - -

Wamuu leans forward and spins the wires on his headgear into a vortex to hit the opponent.

  • Final hit launches opponents.
  • Can be extended by pressing S repeatedly. [] is for the extended version.
  • Pulls the opponent in from anywhere on the screen in front of Wamuu; pulling force increases with each Mode.
  • Destroys non GHA projectiles
  • Can be flash canceled for combo potential
  • Has hitboxes on the left and right of the move, catching opponents who only SG once.
  • Affected by Modes.
    • Modes increase damage, guard gauge damage, chip damage, pull strength/distance, and duration.
  • IMPORTANT: While the initial hit pull puts the opponent in hitstun, at some ranges they can recover before reaching Wamuu, allowing for time to input parries, supers, or GHA's to punish Wamuu. Be prepared to FC or suffer damage on a wrong read.

System Mechanics

Go for the throat and lungs!
5/4 + Any Two Attack Buttons
JJASBR Wamuu Throw (1).png
JJASBR Wamuu Throw (2).png
JJASBR Wamuu Throw (3).png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
120 Throw - - - - -

Wamuu jams his fingers into the opponent's neck before slamming them into the ground.

  • Leaves the opponent right next to Wamuu.
  • Aside from unique animations and direction, both Throws are identical.
  • Perfect distance to cancel into both 22H and his oki gameplay
  • Both slightly rotate the axis. Small factor but can be helpful to reposition Wamuu *along* the wall, where his combo game can shine.
He bent backwards!
JJASBR Wamuu Assist.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
First Half: 0
Second Half: 95 (35, 20, 40)
Mid - - - - -

Wamuu performs a front flip, following up with a kick.

  • Assault Assist Stocks: 2
  • Reversal Assist Stocks: 1
  • Based on 214H~H
  • Causes knockback on hit.
Wind Mode
JJASBR Wamuu Mode On (1).png
JJASBR Wamuu Mode On (2).png
Mode On
Mode On
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Mode On 0 - - - Total XX - -
Mode Off 0 - - - Total XX - -

Turns Wind Mode on/off.

  • As of 1.3, has incredibly quick startup, allowing for use mid combo or blockstring similar to a quick stand on.
  • Large recovery to turn off. Best done after 2H or Throw due to the knockdown time
  • Can go into "Vapor Barrier" from Wind Mode, but not "I shall see with the wind"
Vapor Barrier
JJASBR Wamuu 22S (1).png
JJASBR Wamuu 22S (2).png
Mode On
Mode On
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
0 - - - - - -

Activates Vapor Barrier.

  • Costs 1 HH Gauge.
  • Has a decent amount of recovery frames, making it impossible to use as a call out against zoning
  • Makes Wamuu invisible and immune to every projectile except for HHA and GHA-based ones.
  • Grants Wamuu one free use of his HHA.
  • Will not be canceled by flash cancels, but can be by GHA.
I shall see with the wind.
63214 + Any Two Attack Buttons
JJASBR Wamuu 63214XX (1).png
JJASBR Wamuu 63214XX (2).png
Mode On
Mode On
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
0 - - - - - -

Wamuu blinds himself and extends his horn.

  • Requires 2 HH Gauges.
  • Able to act immediately out of the animation, making it useful for combos.
  • Activation is permanent and lasts between rounds.
  • Causes Wamuu's normals to deal chip damage.
    • Also increases the launching power of his normals for combo purposes, specifically his 5L, 5M, and 5H.
  • Enables the use of "Whooosh!".
  • Disables the use of "Wind Mode" and "Vapor Barrier" when activated.
  • Renders Wamuu immune to Weather Report's Heavy Weather.
236L/M/H during "I shall see with the wind."
JJASBR Wamuu 236X.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light 75 (5*6, 45) Mid - - - - -
Medium 92 (7*6, 50) Mid - - - - -
Heavy 109 (9*6, 54) Mid - - - - -

Wamuu slides forward horn-first to attack the opponent.

  • Final hit causes crumple.
  • All versions do little scaling in terms of guard gauge damage. This makes them very threatening tools to cancel into on block

L version:

  • Covers the least distance with the shortest startup.
  • Does about 40% of the guard gauge on its own

M version:

  • Covers average distance with average startup.
  • Does about 50-55% of the guard gauge on its own

H version:

  • Covers the most distance with the longest startup.
  • Does 60-65% of the guard gauge on its own.

Heart Heat Attack

Ultimate Technique! Divine Sandstorm!
236 + Any Two Attack Buttons
JJASBR Wamuu HHA (1).png
JJASBR Wamuu HHA (2).png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
149 (8*8, 5*11, 30) Mid - - - - -

Rapidly spinning his arms, Wamuu generates a huge, devastating sandstorm vortex, covering a massive range in front of him.

  • Curves upwards after a certain point.
  • Final explosive hit must land for HKD to trigger
  • Has damage changes based on which range it is used at.
  • Ends "Wind Mode" and "Vapor Barrier" upon use.

Great Heat Attack

Ultimate Technique! Atmospheric Rift
JJASBR Wamuu GHA (1).png
JJASBR Wamuu GHA (2).png
JJASBR Wamuu GHA (3).png
JJASBR Wamuu GHA (4).png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
318 (7*3, 11*2, 8*10, 9*4, 8*4, 4*4, 7*2, 4*10, 6*8, 11) Mid - - - - -

Wamuu turns his horn into a giant wind-based drill and swings the razor-sharp stream of air to knock the opponent into the air above him. He then rapidly juggles them above his head with the drill, and finishes by focusing the drill into his opponent for a powerful attack that sends them flying.

  • Initial hit reaches past halfscreen.
  • Non-cinematic until the final 9 hits; can be blocked all the way.



Normal (Color 1)
Normal (Color 2)
Normal (Color 3)
Normal (Color 4)


Special A (Color 1)
Special A (Color 2)
Special B (Color 1)
Special B (Color 2)


Character Data
Patch Notes
JJASBR Part 1 Emblem.png
Phantom Blood
Dio Brando
JJASBR Part 2 Emblem.png
Battle Tendency
Lisa Lisa
JJASBR Part 3 Emblem.png
Stardust Crusaders
Jotaro (Part 3)
Old Joseph
Hol Horse
Pet Shop
Vanilla Ice
JJASBR Part 4 Emblem.png
Diamond is Unbreakable
Josuke (Part 4)
Jotaro (Part 4)
JJASBR Part 5 Emblem.png
Vento Aureo
JJASBR Part 6 Emblem.png
Stone Ocean
Foo Fighters
Pucci (WS)
Pucci (Final)
JJASBR Part 7 Emblem.png
Steel Ball Run
AW Diego
JJASBR Part 8 Emblem.png
Josuke (Part 8)
Wonder of U
Baoh the Visitor