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*If the opponent is on the ground and is not blocking, this will force a cutscene (even if the target is invulnerable) and Saber will slash the opponent. The slash is a single hit with 2300 damage and causes the target to slowly collapse, fully vulnerable to a combo
*If the opponent is on the ground and is not blocking, this will force a cutscene (even if the target is invulnerable) and Saber will slash the opponent. The slash is a single hit with 2300 damage and causes the target to slowly collapse, fully vulnerable to a combo
*The ground version has 10% descale for the next attack
*The ground version has 10% descale for the next attack
*While the beam does not have a cutscene, it will still hit the opponent in 0 frame, and the slash cannot be avoided. Meaning this is impossible to defend against.
*Auto guard abilities such as Archer's 623X do not count as blocking in this case. The blocking has to be from the backward directional input.
*Auto guard abilities such as Archer's 623X do not count as blocking in this case. The blocking has to be from the backward directional input.

Revision as of 06:46, 10 February 2023

FUC Saber Profile.png
Health 10,500
Prejump 4
Backdash 25F (Invulnerable 1-15)
Weight Light


Saber possesses fast disjointed normals and functions primarily as a rekka character. Saber can apply offense in her pressure or reset situations with her command backdash (214X). Her damage output has a very high ceiling and her fast speed allows her to compensate for her lack of a projectile in most of her matchups. Avalon is a commital counter that prevents others from zoning her too much.


  • Extremely good mobility, including backwards mobility in the form of 214X. Her mobility is in the top 2 or 3 characters mobility wise easily.
  • Because of her 236X allowing her to quickly close in, backdash being special cancelable (including into 214X for a double-backdash), and 214X~B canceling 214X into 236B, she can fade in and out very quickly to catch the opponent off guard and have a very high chance of scoring a hit in neutral. Overall she is very strong in neutral, and her explosive mobility and flexibility is a huge part of why.
  • Rekkas allow her to get very tricky with pressure, especially if she mixes in 214X into her pressure game to try to bait and punish a button that misses. And even have mixup options due to having a low, and a high option on the 2nd swing, with a fast mid option for frametrap or for airtight.
  • 236C lets her go through energy projectiles, 236X has a low hurtbox in general
  • 214A and 214C both sidestep backwards
  • Very high damage, most combos make the opponent have to choose between bursting or dying that round if she doesn't drop it.
  • 6B is a grounded overhead that stays grounded, meaning she can rc its startup to sneak in a low.
  • While it is very costly, Avalon is an incredibly useful tool to threaten opponents into being more careful with their projectiles whenever Saber has 100 or more meter, especially since she can activate to confirm the window for it.
  • 623B is one of very few meterless reversals in the game. Its invul is pretty short but it still exists and should be mentioned. Also 623C stays grounded so she can rc it to get out of trouble.
  • Her sword is invisible/mostly invisible most of the time, making it hard to gauge the range on some of her normals, 5B in particular is an extremely good poke bc it's got the most disjointed range for her but also because it's a stab and her sword is fairly difficult to see it makes the spacing pretty tough to judge, or to try to block in time. Many other moves benefit from deceptive range from her sword being invisible. Most attack collision areas are pretty closely correlating to the models so the invisible sword does present more of an advantage here.


  • Very execution reliant for her damage output, without very good execution, this strength of hers becomes not much of a strength and her damage output falls to average or even a bit below average.
  • Her main BnB combo has an obvious burst point (when the first 214X~C is done after the 236236A), which will leave her with very little meter left. The situation still often favors her though because she mostly only needs the neutral for doing more damage and for Avalon. Damage before the first super is usually about 3k already, so bursting after eating 3k+ is often not an attractive proposition.
  • Range is only average, though as previously mentioned, even average range is pretty good when coupled with mobility like this.
  • 6B scales damage very heavily, and is fairly reactable, though the reaction can be used to sneak in a low due to rc.
  • the high option and delay low option on her rekka can get mashed out of pretty easily. The low option can especially if done fairly fast still frame trap though. The weakness of the high option is a thing, but it doesn't make the high option bad. You want to make sure not to get predictable with them. The rekkas are still good tools but do take care to avoid getting predictable.
  • Overall her mixup game is about average, maybe slightly on the low side for this game's roster, but she still as mentioned above can open people up. Even below-average mixup in this game is still very much a thing to look out for. It's just easy to get spoiled by some other characters in this game in the mixup department.
  • Technically almost every move in her grounded kit is minus. Though with all her delayable cancels everywhere mashing out is significantly easier said than done.
  • Meter damage options are very specific and difficult to pull off. It is unclear how good her optimal meter damage setups are as most players just go for the wind loop.
  • In-game Saber Lily doesn't use Caliburn even though she does on the LE box art and in the LE figure. Lily plays the exact same.


FUC Saber 5A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
230 All N, S, R, A 5 26 17 -3

A standing short range slash.

FUC Saber 2A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
210 Low N, S, R, A 6 26 15 -4

A crouching short range slash.

FUC Saber 5B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
330 All N, S, R, A 10 36 18 -7

Saber performs a midrange straight stab.

FUC Saber 2B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
370 Low N, S, R, A 12 41 16 -12

Saber performs a close range sweep that knocks her opponents off their feet.

FUC Saber 6B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
400 High N, S, R, A 27 51 10 -13

Saber steps forward before performing and overhead slash.

FUC Saber 5C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
450 All N, S, R, A 17 46 13 -15

Saber performs a powerful midrange slash.

FUC Saber 2C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
400 All J, N, S, R, A 12 46 16 -17

Saber launches the opponent into the air with a vertical slash.

FUC Saber j.A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
250 High J*, N, A 8 - 13 -

FUC Saber j.B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
330 High J*, N, A 12 - 16 -

FUC Saber j.C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
500 High A 14 - 24 -

FUC Saber 6A+B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
1000 None A 4 51 - -

Saber grabs her opponent before leaping into the air and slashing at her opponent.


236X (Rekka 1)
FUC Saber 236X.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
236A (Rekka 1) 350 All U, R, A 15 41 21 -4
236B (Rekka 1) 400 All U, R, A 20 46 22 -3
236C (Rekka 1) 450 All U, R, A 25 51 23 -2

Saber rushes forward and does a horizontal slash. She travels further the heavier the button she uses.

The C version deflects low level magics

1. Rin's and Luvia's every projectile that's not super (even Sakura's 236C)

2. Caster's 236X and 623A

3. Sakura's 236X

This protection does not work against anything else, such as high-level magic attack (any Super and Caster's 22X, 623B and 623C), thrown weapons or arrows. It

The protection lasts until she starts the slash.

It's still low enough to go under Shirou's 421C, Gilgamesh's and Kirei's 236X even when it has no real protection against them, as long as you don't mistime the move.

236X (Rekka 2)
FUC Saber 236X2.png
FUC Saber 236X3.png
FUC Saber 236X4.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
236A (Rekka 2) 350 All U, R, A 12 - 20 -9

Saber performs a vertical slash that steps in.

This combos from any starter.

236B (Rekka 2) 400 Low U, R, A 19 - 21 -5

Sabers performs a low poke that steps in.

This combos from any starter

236C (Rekka 2) 450 High U, R, A 27 - 16 -7

Saber performs an overhead slash that steps in.

This only combos from 236C. It can be linked into 5A.

236X (Rekka 3)
FUC Saber 236X5.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
236A (Rekka 3) 600 All R, A 18 - 16 -11

Saber performs a vertical slash that knocks her opponent down.

This combos from any starter.

236B (Rekka 3) 700 All R, A 23 - 19 -9

Saber performs a vertical slash that knocks her opponent down.

This combos from 236B and 236C.

236C (Rekka 3) 750 All R, A 25 - 25 -3

Saber performs a vertical slash that staggers her opponent.

This only combos from 236C. It can easily be followed up.

FUC Saber 623X.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
623A 600 All R, A 10 46 24 -12
623B 780 All R, A 5 46 20 -15

Saber launches the opponent into the air while balancing on one foot. A version is jump cancellable while B version is bad.

623C 1015 All R, A 5 66 22 -18

Saber performing 2 vertical slashes that act as an anti-air or a reversal.

Startup on this move is invincible and it costs 30 meter to perform. As long as the last hit connects, you will drain 50 meter from your opponent.

FUC Saber 214X.png
FUC Saber 214X2.png
FUC Saber 214X3.png
FUC Saber 214X4.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
214A - - R, A - 31 - -

Saber sidesteps clockwise.

214B - - R, A - 31 - -

Saber backsteps

214C - - R, A - 31 - -

Saber Sidesteps counter clockwise.

A Follow up 500 Low R, A 10 41 23 -7

Saber steps in and performs a low attack. This knocks down on counterhit.

B Follow up 350 All R, A 16 41 21 -4

Saber steps in and performs a mid attack. This never knocksdown.

C Follow up 750 All R, A 9 46 21 -15

Saber steps in and launches the opponent. This can start a combo.

Supers (WIP)

FUC Saber 236236A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
1500 All - 8 + 11 58 - -15

Saber shoots a blast of powerful air at her opponent. It launches her opponent into the air and can continue into a combo in the corner.

This costs 100 meter.

236236A (While Activated)
FUC Saber 236236A (While Activated).png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
2000 All - 8 + 8 68 - -18

Saber shoots a beam of energy at her opponent with Excalibur.

This costs 100 meter.

214214C (While Activated)
FUC Saber 214214C (While Activated).png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
2300+ - - - 31 - -

Saber summons Avalon and counters any attacks that come towards her.

This costs 100 meter.

  • The counterattack itself is always unscaled
  • If the opponent is blocking or in the air, Saber will fire Excalibur beam version straight at them (this beam is unblockable). The beam does 85 damage per hit and can hit for up to 41 hits (3485 damage)
  • If the opponent is on the ground and is not blocking, this will force a cutscene (even if the target is invulnerable) and Saber will slash the opponent. The slash is a single hit with 2300 damage and causes the target to slowly collapse, fully vulnerable to a combo
  • The ground version has 10% descale for the next attack
  • While the beam does not have a cutscene, it will still hit the opponent in 0 frame, and the slash cannot be avoided. Meaning this is impossible to defend against.
  • Auto guard abilities such as Archer's 623X do not count as blocking in this case. The blocking has to be from the backward directional input.

236236C (Grail Super)
FUC Saber 236236C (Grail Super).png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
4000 All - - 61 - -16

Saber slashes with excalibur before using her noble phantasm.

This attack always does 4000 damage regardless of scaling. It can only be performed after filling the holy grail and activating with 300 meter.

This reduces your meter to 0.

Combos (WIP)

Normal chain order: 5A > 2A > 5B, 2B > 6B > 5C, 2C

Note: "normals" refers to 5A 2A 5B 5C Because 2B sweeps, you cannot do 2B 5C in combos, if you do 2B either do 2B 5B 623A or 2B 2C 623A and jump/move on off of 6B you just go straight to 5C and continue, and off of a jB/jC, skip the A normals as those add too much damage scaling


Extremely Basic air ender combo (about 1600 damage): normals > 2C 623A jc. > jA jB dj. > jA jB jC

Basic DP ender (about 1800-2500 damage depending on variation): normals > 2C 623A jc. > jA jC > land 62369B/C(~C) (the ~C ender is optional, costs 50 meter, and ends in a hard knockdown)

Super enders: (the super itself does minimum 1200 damage if all hits connect) 623B/C > act > 623C > delay > 236236A 623B/C > act > 236A~236A~236C > 236236A

Combo theory tips in general:

Saber's combos mostly revolve around the fact that her 623A is jump cancelable on hit, as well as 214X~C. You will want to practice those, as well as 623B/C > rc/activate against the wall. Additionally when landing after jA jC you want to do 62369X. This is very important for the 623A to be a true combo and be able to continue into 2369A. It's recommended to practice tkc 623A > tkc 236A. Easiest inputs for it on stick are 62369A > 2369A. Check for a blue aura around her when you do the move to make sure you're getting the tkc.

Another thing you will want to practice is doing 2C > 236236A as a very fast rip. I do it as 2C~36236A.


Rekka Loop is a very difficult combo, however it is Saber's best corner carry option, and a large part of how her high damage stuff works, therefore it is strongly suggested to learn it. You need to do a landing tkc for the 623A after the jump or it will be too slow. Additionally you need to be careful inputting 2C 236A~236A => 2C 236A~236A. Ultimately this takes a lot of practice and you really should make sure to practice this on both sides.

Rekka Loop/midscreen wind loop: (between wind supers, dash towards the opponent then do 2C and do it again)

normals > (2C 623A jc. > jA jC > land 62369A 2369A~236A > 2C 236A~236A > 2C 236236A)xN

Rekka loop to 623B/C(~C) ender:

normals > 2C 623A jc. > jA jC > land 62369A 2369A~236A > 2C 236A~236A > 2C 236A~236A~236C > 623B/C(~C)

Harder super ender (does a bit more damage than the easier versions): 623B/C > act > jump > jA jC > land 62369A 2369A~236A~236C > 236236A


this combo works by alternating 2147A~C and 2147C~C against the wall, you want to make sure to keep hitting them into the wall, so do not side step too close to the wall with 2147X~C Sometimes you need to use 2147A~C or 2147C~C twice in a row. After you reach 8-10 hits, they fall too fast to keep going, so reset gravity with 2362369A. You must be very aware of your stage positioning, as 214A goes to Saber's left, 214C to her right

An example of this loop:

236236A > ((2147A~C 2147C~C)x4 > 2362369A)xN

Important notes about wall wind loop/elfin loop: count the number of hits between supers, NOT the number of groupings of hits. There is a rhythm to it, the time between the 2147X~C's gets shorter as you do more of them, until you have to reset gravity because there isnt enough time for another 2147X~C

Additionally 62369B/C > 623B/C > rc can be done for the gravity reset, but you only get 6-7 hits before needing to reset gravity again 62369B/C activate can also be done. By doing the C version both times you can do some meter damage. And you can end with 62369B/C > 623B/C~C if you want as well

Additionally, (2369A~236A~236C > 623B/C > rc/act > next loop) works too


Avalon when it gets grounded counter hit version, leaves the opponent in crumple state, (you will be on the right always) there is enough time to launch the opponent with 623A, but not by much, so the timing is a bit precise The combo you can do off of it depends on how much meter you have left in the activate. If you have none, you can do longer combos by meter regaining after the activate runs out. The basic version is (zero meter after Avalon) AVALON > 623A jc. > jA jC > land 62369A 2369A~236A > 2C > 236A~236A > 2C 236A~236A~236C > 623B~C If you have too much meter after Avalon hits, you can omit the C followup to the 623B and end with 623B/C

This totals to about 5.5k. You can get more but how much more is character specific.

Excalibur enders post Avalon (30 meter post Avalon, about 4k) AVALON > 623A~62369C > delay > 236236A

(60 meter post Avalon, about 4.5k) AVALON > 623A jc. > jA jC > land 62369C > delay > 236236A

(100 meter post Avalon, about 5.5k) AVALON > 623A jc. > jA jC > land 62369A 2369A~236A~236C > 236236A

Avalon combo I saw in a combo music video done on Rin (WILL NOT work against Berserker, needs medium or small stage):

AVALON > 623A jc. > jA jC > land 62369A 2369A~236A > 2C 236A~236A > 2C 236A~236A~236C > 623B > rc > 2147X~C loop (7 hits) > 2369A~236A~236C > 623B > act > (2147X~C loop (11 hits) > 62369A 62369B > 623B > act > jump > jA jC > land 62369A 2369A~236A~236C > 236236A

(video https://www.bilibili.com/video/av20216562/ (at 4:22))

Elfin Ender (safer, but a little harder)

AVALON > 623A jc. > jA jC > land 62369A 2369A~236A > 2C 236A~236A > 2C 236A~236A~236C > 623B > rc > 2147X~C loop (7 hits) > 2369A~236A~236C > 623B > act > (2147X~C loop (11 hits) > 62369A 62369B > 623B > act > 2147X~C loop (4 hits) > 236236A

Rekka Ender (the easiest, but still in burst radius)

Will kill any 10k characters

AVALON > 623A jc. > jA jC > land 62369A 2369A~236A > 2C 236A~236A > 2C 236A~236A~236C > 623B > rc > 2147X~C loop (7 hits) > 2369A~236A~236C > 623B > act > (2147X~C loop (11 hits) > 62369A 62369B > 623B > act > 214X~B~236A > 2C 236A~236A~236C > 236236A

623X ender (the hardest, but guaranteed to kill the other Saber

AVALON > 623A jc. > jA jC > land 62369A 2369A~236A > 2C 236A~236A > 2C 236A~236A~236C > 623B > rc > 2147X~C loop (7 hits) > 2369A~236A~236C > 623B > act > (2147X~C loop (11 hits) > 62369A 62369B > 623B > act > 2147X~C loop (2 hits) > (82)623A x2 > (82)623C > 236236A

System Specifics
Technical Data
PSP Differences
Saber Alter
Zero Lancer