Fate Unlimited Codes/Shirou: Difference between revisions

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* Doesn't have much meter control
* Doesn't have much meter control
* Doesn't have HKD ender without using Super
* Doesn't have HKD ender without using Super
* His pressure can be punished on whiff by back dash > Special cancel
* Some character can back dash > Special cancel to punish his pressure on whiff

Revision as of 23:26, 13 February 2023

FUC Shirou Profile.png
Health 10,000
Prejump 4
Backdash 25F (Invulnerable 1-15)
Weight Light


Shirou has a range of tools to function either for zoning or for rushdown. His command dash can be used to extend pressure (6C > 214A > 5A is gapless) helps overcome pushblock giving him relative safety to loop his basic pressure string. Shirou suffers primarily from his split focus since he's not a great zoner, doesn't get huge damage up close and once the opponent knows his restrictions his pressure can be lacking

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Less difficult compared to the majority of the roster
  • Fast recovery on a lot of his moves, making his pressure relatively safe
  • Throw can lead to a combo. However, the scaling is so bad that you won't get much damage from it
  • j.C is a projectile which ignores Reflect Guard. It is one of the best jump attacks that can be used to initiate
  • Has decent oki with 421A
  • Can unscale using either rc or ac
  • Excellent Zoning and can out zone some other zoners
  • Can use 300% activation to regain health quickly. Sometimes can even win by timeout
  • Has to jump A LOT to deal damage
  • Doesn't have much meter control
  • Doesn't have HKD ender without using Super
  • Some character can back dash > Special cancel to punish his pressure on whiff


FUC Shirou 5A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
220 All N, S, R, A 6 26 19 +0
  • Shirou knees his opponent. It is a very short range attack.
  • 17% descale

FUC Shirou 2A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
200 Low N, S, R, A 8 29 18 -2
  • Shirou crouches down and performs a low kick.
  • 17% descale

FUC Shirou 5B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
280 All N, S, R, A 10 31 22 +2
  • Shirou steps forward and elbows his opponent.
  • 15% descale

FUC Shirou 2B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
300 Low N, S, R, A 12 36 21 -2
  • Shirou slides forward and sweeps his opponent's legs and knocks them off their feet.
  • 15% descale

FUC Shirou 5C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
380 All N, S, R, A 18 41 16 -6
  • Shirou punches the opponent to the ground. It will drag down aerial opponents into a non-techable knockdown.
  • 10% descale

FUC Shirou 2C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
400 All J, N, S, R, A 13 41 16 -11
  • Shirou punches the opponent into the air.
  • 10% descale

FUC Shirou 6C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
450 All S, R, A 18 51 35 +3
  • Shirou gut punches his opponent. Vs a grounded foe, this will put them in a crumple state.
  • 10% descale

FUC Shirou j.A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
250 High J*, N, A 8 - 13 -
  • Shirou kicks in front of him while airborne.
  • 15% descale

FUC Shirou j.B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
330 High J*, N, A 13 - 17 -
  • Shirou puts his knee in front of him
  • 15% descale

FUC Shirou j.C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
400 High A 19 - 25 -
  • Shirou summons a bow and aims it downward before shooting a jolt.
  • Stalls air movement on a normal jump, but it can be cancelled on a held jump.
  • 15% descale

FUC Shirou 6A+B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
400 None A 4 51 - -
  • Shirou punches his opponent before kicking them into the air. This can start a combo.
  • 51% descale


Kakuyoku Niren
FUC Shirou 236X.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
236A 350, 350 All R, A 27 46 15 -3
  • Shirou throws 2 daggers at his opponent.
  • A and B version throw 1 dagger into the air and 1 dagger straight forward.
  • A version has the sword aimed upwards to land closer to where shirou threw it
236B 350, 350 All R, A 27 46 15 +5
  • B Version has the sword aimed upwards to land closer to the opponent.
236C 350, 350 All R, A 27 46 15 +4
  • C version throws both daggers into the air.
  • 10% descale per hit for every version

Kakuyoku Souren
FUC Shirou 623X.png
FUC Shirou 623X2.png
FUC Shirou 623X3.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
623A 650 All R, A 20 51 19 -11
  • Shirou summons 2 blades and attacks the opponent.
  • A version is a hard knockdown that knocks the opponent far away.
623B 660 High R*, A 30 61 24 -3
  • B version is an overhead that can link into his normals on hit.
  • This attack has 2 hits, dealing 300 and 360 base damage repectively
623C 750 All R, A 20 66 31 -14
  • Startup on the C version is invincible and it costs 30 meter to perform. As long as it connects, you will drain 50 meter from your opponent.
  • C version launches his opponents, but cannot combo on regular hit without meter.
  • 10% descale per hit for every version

FUC Shirou 214X.png
FUC Shirou 214X2.png
FUC Shirou 214X3.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
214A - - R, A - 25 - -
  • Shirou rushes forward with a command dash.
  • A version has no follow up attack and returns Shirou to neutral.
214B 500 Low R, A 25 44 20 +2
  • B version performs a plus on block low attack.
214C 600 High R*, A 30 60 21 -8
  • C version performs a committal overhead that does not look like an overhead.
  • Can be jump cancelled, opening Shirou's strongest routes.
  • 10% descale for both B and C versions

Trap Shot
FUC Shirou 421X.png
FUC Shirou 421X2.png
Link Shot
Link Shot
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
421A 585 All R, A 76 44 18 +73
  • Shirou takes out his bow and fires at his opponent.
  • A version fires into the sky and will hit in front of Shirou soon after.
  • This is one of the few ways Shirou can set up his 236236B unblockeable set-up
421B 750 All R, A 28 56 15 -13
  • B version fires multiple shots straight forward.
  • This attack has 3 hits, dealing 250 base damage per hit
421C 800 All R, A 36 56 22 +3
  • C version fires one powerful shot straight forward.
  • 5% descale per hit for every version

Supers (WIP)

FUC Shirou 236236A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
2100 All - 10 + 5 81 - -44
  • Shirou summons Caliburn before striking at his opponent.
  • This attack is invincible on startup.
  • Can be comboed after with a 2B > 2C starter.
  • Costs 100 meter.
  • 10% descale

Kakuyoku Sanren
FUC Shirou 236236B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
2500 or 600 None - 40 + 12 81 - -
  • Shirou summons Archer's swords before throwing them at his opponent as a projectile.
  • This attack is unblockable and does more damage on block than on hit.
  • Invincible before the super flash.
  • Costs 100 meter.

Nine Lives (Grail Super)
FUC Shirou 236236C (Grail Super).png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
4000 None - 10 + 0 46 - -
  • Shirou summons Berserker's sword before performing 8 powerful simultaneous strikes. This is a command grab, and will only land on opponents that are in a grabbable state
  • This attack always does 4000 damage regardless of scaling. It can only be performed after filling the holy grail and activating with 300 meter. This only succeeds at close range.
  • Reduces your meter to 0.

Combos (WIP)

A combo is consisted of Opener > Combo > Ender/Extender

Opener: Opener is simply a way to make the opponent vulnerable to the Combo. In this case, the Knee combo

*Confirmed hit > 5B > 6C > Combo > Ender
*Throw > Combo > Ender

Knee Combo: The Knee combo got its name from how Shirou keeps yelling "KNEE!" every time he does it

It always starts with 214C, as it offers great damage and optimal scale

There're a few adjustments based to the weight of the opponent

Standard Knee Combo
*Opener > 214C > 214C > j.C > 2C > j.C > 2C > j.C > {2B} > 5C > 2C > 214C > j.C > 5B > 2C > {5C} > Ender


*623A: highest damage meterless, solid oki
*421A: deals no damage on its own, can be used against certain characters's wake-up options and to set-up 236236B unblockeables.
*236236A: Metered ender, a follow-up combo can be done on certain scenarios 


Basic Combo | 3143DMG with 623A ender

  • 5B > 6C > 214C > jump(9) > j.C > land 2C > j.C > j.B > land 5B > 2C > jump(9) > j.B > j.C > j.B > land 5A > 5B > 2C > 5C > Ender
Basic combo that does decent damage for the ease. Works in the corner

Lightweight Knee Combo | 3671DMG with 623A ender

  • 5B > 6C > 214C > jump(9) > ff j.C > land 2C > jump(9) > ff j.C > land 2C > jump(9) > ff j.C > land 5B > 5C > 2C > 214C > jump(9) > ff j.C > land 5B > 2C > 5C > Ender
Double knee combo on light weights. Can use 5A instead of the last 5B to make the pickup after the last j.C easier.

Midweight Knee Combo | 3598DMG with 623A ender

  • 5B > 6C > 214C > jump(9) > ff j.C > land 2C > jump(9) > ff j.C > land 2C > jump(9) > ff j.C > land 2B > 2C > 214C > jump(9) > j.C > land 5B > 2C > 5C > Ender
Double knee combo on midweights. Delay the 2B after the second 214C to keep the knee from crossing under.

Berserker Knee Combo | 3580DMG with 623A ender

  • 5B > 6C > 214C > jump(9) > ff j.C > land 5C > 2C > 214C > jump(9) > ff j.C > land delay 2B > 2C > 214C > jump(9) > ff j.C > 5A > 2C > 5C > Ender
Knee combo on Berserker.

System Specifics
Technical Data
PSP Differences
Saber Alter
Zero Lancer