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   | combo        = {{clr|18|5C}} > {{clr|18|2C}} > IAD > {{clr|17|j.B}} > {{clr|17|623B(1)B}} > {{clr|17|M}}{{clr|18|D}} > {{clr|18|j.[C]}} > {{clr|17|2B}}+{{clr|18|C}} > {{clr|17|3B}}+{{clr|18|C(1)}} > IAD > {{clr|17|j.6B}}+{{clr|18|C}} > {{clr|17|236BX~4X}} > {{clr|16|5A}} > {{clr|17|5B}} > {{clr|17|2B}} > {{clr|16|236AXX}} > {{clr|18|236C}} > {{clr|17|236B}}+{{clr|18|C}}
   | combo        = {{clr|18|5C}} > {{clr|18|2C}} > IAD > {{clr|17|j.B}} > {{clr|17|623B(1)}} > {{clr|17|M}}{{clr|18|D}} > {{clr|18|j.[C]}} > {{clr|17|2B}}+{{clr|18|C}} > {{clr|17|3B}}+{{clr|18|C(1)}} > IAD > {{clr|17|j.6B}}+{{clr|18|C}} > {{clr|17|236BX~4X}} > {{clr|16|5A}} > {{clr|17|5B}} > {{clr|17|2B}} > {{clr|16|236AXX}} > {{clr|18|236C}} > {{clr|17|236B}}+{{clr|18|C}}
   | damage        = {{clr|17|236B}}+{{clr|18|C}} - 6189
   | damage        = {{clr|17|236B}}+{{clr|18|C}} - 6189
   | cost          = 400% Magic Circuit
   | cost          = 400% Magic Circuit

Revision as of 06:33, 2 June 2023

Notation Help
Disclaimer: Combos are written by various writers, so notation may differ slightly from this notation.

For more information, see Glossary and Controls

X > Y X input is cancelled into Y.
X, Y X input is linked into Y, meaning Y is done after X's recovery period.
X+Y Buttons "X" and "Y" must be input simultaneously.
X/Y Input "X" or "Y" can be used.
dl There should be delay before inputting "X".
w.X or Xw Attack "X" should whiff and not hit the opponent.
j.X Button "X" is input while jumping or in the air.
dj.X Button "X" is input after a double jump.
jc Jump cancel the previous action. Will occasionally be omitted due to being obvious. Will occasionally be notated with 7/9 to indicate backwards/forwards.
sj Perform a superjump, which is performed by inputting 2~8.
sjc Superjump cancel the previous action.
IAD Instant Air Dash.
AT Air throw, often used as a combo ender that leads to knockdown.
md.X Perform a micro-dash before performing "X". Unused in favor of writing "microdash."
tk.X Indicates the motion "X" is input immediately after leaving the ground. Stands for tiger knee.
(X) Input "X" is optional. Typically the combo will be easier if omitted.
[X] Input "X" is held down. Also can be known as "Increase" or "IC" for short. Depending on the character, this can indicate that this button is held down and not released until indicated by the release notation.
]X[ Input "X" is released. Will only appear if a button is previously held down.
{X} Button "X" should only be held down briefly to partially charge the attack, instead of the full increased version.
X(#) Attack "X" should only hit # of times.
X~Y This notation has two meanings.
  1. Use attack "X" with "Y" follow-up input.
  2. Input "X" then within a few frames, input "Y". Usually used for option selects.
(...) OR (...) Use only one between the two alternative routes.
RB1/2 The first or second hit of Rapid Beat auto combo.
CH The first attack must be Counter Hit.
FC The first attack must be Fatal Counter.
MD Perform a Moon Drive, which is inputted by pressing 5B+C.
Heat Perform Heat, which is performed by inputting A+B+C.
AD Perform an Arc Drive, which is performed by inputting 236B+C. Characters with more than one Arc Drive will have theirs notated by input.
LA Perform a Last Arc, which is performed by inputting A+B+C+D or successfully Shielding in Blood Heat.

Getting Started

Starter Combos

The combos listed below are basic BNBs and relatively easy combos to use. You can also go into Mission Mode to try his combo trials, but those aren't as well developed.

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Universal BNB. Easy to use and ends in hard knockdown.
  • You can get by just using this combo alone if you wished, it does everything you need.
  • You can add up to any amount of 2A's before the 2C for an easier confirm, but for less damage.
  • You can also convert into this from an IAD j.C by doing 2A right after it.
  • If you are close/inside the corner after the rekka side-switch, you can do 2B > 214A~4X > 5C > RB1 > 214A for additional damage and to get the opponent into the corner position.
  • Video reference
  • Basic A shield counter combo. This is the same combo as the 2B/3C starter one, but with a different starter.
  • Video reference
  • Basic Moon Skill dp combo.
  • 2BC/623B after j[C] is optional, but if this combo is used while hugging a corner, might be necessary to stabilize it.
  • Video reference
  • Basic, Universal Moon Skill starter combo.
  • After the Moon Skill, you can either time it to perform 5A > 5C and then rekka juggle, or do 623B(1)~B > 5B, with the DP only hitting once and the follow up kick happening immediately - whatever is more comfortable for you.
  • 4BC variant will require you to be very close to the corner to get a wall bounce.
  • Video reference (2B+C)
  • Video reference (6B+C)
  • Video reference (j.6B+C)
  • Basic 214A~4X backthrow combo.


Kouma has strong combo enders that allow him to pick between okizeme and damage. This will be listing the enders after rekka specifically, as other combo starters will require specific enders even if they still get to pick between damage and okizeme.

Combo Cost Location
  • Meterless and gives incredibly strong oki. A key part of Kouma's gameplan.
  • Tosses the opponent to the other side of the screen and gives a lengthy knockdown, allowing you to use Moon Charge to gain some extra meter/moon icons or giving you serviceable oki.
  • High damage meter burn ender. Gives worse oki than 214A, but does much higher damage. Use the Rekka variant you haven't already used in your string for this.
  • Arc Drive ender. Huge damage at the cost of pretty lackluster oki.
  • For when you really need that extra damage to kill. In the corner, you can let all 3 hits of 236C connect, giving higher damage.
  • In some cases, you can delay the 2nd rekka input after the first let all 3 hits of 236C connect while still linking into Arc Drive. This requires the opponents height to be rather low, which usually requires Rapid Beat.

Close to Corner After Sideswitch

Combo Cost Location
  • Fairly easy command grab extension ender. Adds a nice bit of damage.
  • 3 Bar ender with the command grab extension. Does great damage.
  • 4 Bars with command grab extension. Does a bit more damage.

Combo Theory

Kouma’s execution is simple and easy at first, but can push the limits of the combo system in the most optimized routes. He can use a large variety of his specials, and generally likes to do so as early as possible. Sometimes he can even struggle to fit the rest of his normals in the end of his routes. His combo theory is almost entirely oriented around his 236X rekka series, as it provides the most damage and meter gain, but he still wants to use as many of his tools as he can before ending. His average damage output is so high that you could opt out of some of his high end routes, but going the extra mile is never a bad thing to practice.

His most common optimal routing is usually Buttons > 2C > (More Buttons) > IAD j.X > 623X(1)X > 236XX(~)4X as it is his most universal optimal routing, being possible even off of A starters (if you delay rekka overhead). However, with better starters, he can get even more off the likes of Double Nijou and more. In corner, it gets better, as he gets access to 236[B] and 22X specials to extend even further as a trade off for 623X being inconsistent.

Kouma's access to high damage combos is not as limited by his starter of choice nor his position on the screen as one might expect. Even off of his A starters, he can easily reach 4k+ damage anywhere with meter usage. And as you would expect, some of his best starters (j.[C], 3B+C, 236[B]) can reach 4k meterless. His A starters mainly depend on doing IAD > 623X into either Delay Rekka Overhead or 236[B]. His higher end starters start to unlock his highest damage potential with the likes of Double Nijou or 2C j.[C]. As always, introducing Fatals skyrockets his damage (especially off of anti airs).

The general reward off his starters goes something like this:

  • Special > EX starters (Rekka Overhead, 623B, 214X~236C)
  • Raw 3C starter
    • Button > 3C does more damage
  • A, B, and C starters
  • 214X~4X
  • 623A
  • Moon Skills
  • j.[C]
  • 236[B]
MBTL Kouma Kishima 236A 2.png


MBTL Kouma Kishima 214A-4.png


MBTL Kouma Kishima 22A.png


MBTL Kouma Kishima jB.png


MBTL Kouma 623X(1).pngMBTL Kouma Kishima 623X Add.png


MBTL Kouma Kishima 236A 1.png


MBTL Kouma Kishima 236A 3.png

Delay Overhead

MBTL Kouma Kishima jC.png

2C j.[C]

MBTL Kouma 623X(1).pngMBTL Kouma 623X(1).png

Double Nijou

MBTL Kouma Kishima 236A 3.png

Meaty Rekka

236X Rekka Series

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Kouma’s rekka series is his most basic, yet most highest damaging special in addition to having great meter gain. It consists of 2 palm strikes and an overhead kick followup. The last followup also groundbounces on hit. 236A is the standard version, while 236B travels a further distance and is 1 frame slower. The second and third followup hits can also be inputted with 4X. For the 2nd followup, this only shortens the distance, while the overhead followup lets him land faster in exchange for landing same side and having less damage.

Comboing off of rekka requires an air juggle, meaning that if you hit a grounded opponent, you need some way to get them in the air for a proper rekka juggle. This is most commonly done with 2C, but other ways such as 623X, j.[C] and other groundbouncing moves, or simply converting off of an air hit are all possible. Depending on how you juggle them and where can be the difference between using 236A, 236B, or using the 4X inputs. Combos will generally list which rekka works the most, but take it with a grain of salt. Also keep in mind that in some cases, even 236B will not cross up on hit. Understanding when to use these variations is key for understanding how Kouma juggles with his rekka.

5X Overhead:

  • Provides the most damage, but has to cross up on the overhead hit, else the opponent will be sent far outside of his effective range.
  • Height for juggle must be fairly high, but can be achieved off of simply strings like the BNB in the above list.
  • Link afterwards is usually an A normal, but more basic combos tend to link with 2B instead. This isn't exactly necessary, so use what feels comfortable.
  • Height dependency is lessened in the corner, but still requires enough height to link afterwards.

4X Overhead:

  • Doesn’t sideswap
  • Has a more lenient height confirm, as it lands faster in exchange for less damage.
  • Used in high end routes for the Delay Overhead trick, more explained on its respective section.
  • Generally a safety option when you aren't sure if 5X overhead will crossup or link afterwards.

Additionally, Kouma's rekka is also his #1 choice for special filler into an EX ender because of its aforementioned damage and metergain. Even in cases where both rekkas were already used, it is better to invoke SMP than attempt to filler with another special. You can usually go from Buttons > RB1 > 236X, but omitting Rapid Beat can net you a damage increase most of the time. You will usually go for all 3 rekka hits into the EX of choice, now that it can be EX cancelled on landing, but in some cases in meter dump routes it's better to only do the first 2 hits into EX. It's important keep in mind that you can still crossup when going for an EX ender in some cases if you omit RB1 for more damage.

214A-4X Back Throw

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Constantly sideswapping off rekka confirms can be a hassle, and it might not seem worth it to constantly do 4X overhead to stay on the same side and carry to corner. Fortunately, Kouma has a unique extension that can be applied after a sideswap rekka that not only stays same side, but increases his damage and meter gain. By linking into 214A and inputting the 4X followup, Kouma can throw the opponent back into the corner, causing a wallbounce that allows for continuing the combo.

  • Highest damaging single hit move.
  • Has bad proration, but is alleviated by the wallbounce.
    • Almost always seen after every other special has been used, including rekka. Adding additional specials after wall throw is generally not possible.
  • Typical links after are B and C normals.
    • In some cases where you start with 214A~4X or burned all your normals already, you might link directly into a special.
  • Combo hitbox is a 6 frame startup, meaning that some routes will require a 5A/2A to confirm if only given 5 frames to link.
  • Still triggers SMP if you end with 214A.

Keep in mind that while it can wallbounce at a very far distance from corner, it won't always be feasible to link afterwards with a normal mid combo. Using wall throw requires spacing awareness to abuse to its fullest.

22X Stomp Series

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Whenever Kouma rekka juggles into corner without crossup for a wall throw, he can instead extend using his 22X. It is an armored stomp that has a standard low lag version (22A) and a similar version with a command dash afterwards (22B). You need the opponent to be high enough for Kouma to be able to link after 22A; even more so for 22B. In most cases, you will simply do Normals > 22A > A Normal > ..., but some optimals opt for Double Stomp as opposed to using rekka. It's placement in the combo can vary, but it's generally seen after a rekka juggle or 236[B], more on that in its section.


  • The more common one, and corner exclusive as a combo tool.
  • Most common link into 22A is 5A > 5B , but in some optimals can see a different chain into stomp.
  • Is almost always linked directly after 236[B].
  • Generally preferred for easier linking and avoid SMP in 22B starters.


  • Signficantly rarer, and generally only used in conjunction with 22A.
  • Opponent must be much higher to link with an A normal.
  • Normals and/or Specials before vary widely between routes.
  • Usage in Double Stomp leads to less meter gain than a rekka juggle, but can provide more damage granted 236[B] was used.

22B also used to be a midscreen tool when a groundbounce was already consumed, but the 1.3 patch means that using 22B as opposed to rekka is worse for both damage and meter gain. However, starting a combo with 22B is significantly better even if it is a large commitment.


Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Thanks to his straight-forward and now faster airdash, Kouma can use his grounded jump-cancel for his IAD mid combo and gain extra damage before using his specials. In addition to general air buttons getting extra histun, he can use all of his air buttons (even j.[C] in rare edge cases) to extend. The most common button you'll used is j.B, but some combos prefer j.C or even j.A. Most commonly he cancels into IAD off of 2C, but can cancel off of any B/C normal as long is they are in airborne hitstun. Kouma almost always wants to IAD before doing as of his specials, as he can easily link to his 623X afterwards for his optimal routing, more on that in it's respective section. Otherwise, he can simply do 5A > 5B into rekka.

Something to keep in mind if using IAD feels clunky is that, universally, every character can act out of their airdash faster while the opponent is in hitstun. For some people, using the dash macro makes doing airdash combos a lot easier, and is recommended if that is the case. Using his IAD is essential for almost any of his standard combos, both midscreen and corner, as it can stabilize long range confirms.


  • The most common option, and one you should get used to first.
  • Used when j.C (and by proxy j.[C]) is already used.
  • Easier to use execution-wise.
  • More stable for combo proration.
    • In most cases does more damage than j.C.


  • Higher initial damage and better height gain.
  • Inputted quickly due to startup, easier to fumble.
  • Scales harder for damage and hitstun.


  • Only used in combos that start with j.B, but cannot use j.C.
  • Has to be delayed, but can still link afterwards.

Kouma can technically do IAD j.[C] thanks to the aforementioned universal airdash mechanic (would not come out in time otherwise), but can only connect in certain scenarios like the 623B route or 236[B] > MD routes where there is a lot of untech time.

623X DP Series

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

From this point onwards will be diving into 1.3 territory, where you can see a significant damage increase. A prime example is his 623X DP series. It is a fiery upwards kick with 2 hits that has a singular followup kick that sends the opponent down for a groundbounce. Most cases though, you will immediately cancel the first hit into the followup for height stabilization. Both the A and B version are usually interchangeable in this combos, but thanks to a variety of reasons, most routes prefer one over the other in certain scenarios. Similar to his IAD and 236X, you will end up seeing his 623X in a lot of his optimal combos. It adds a large amount of damage, but scales proration enough to where Kouma has to start compromising with 4X overhead and using A normals to pick up after DP > Rekka.

His DP is almost always linked directly into rekka. In some cases, the opponent will be high enough for 5X overhead to cross up. However, other cases will differ and require you to do 4X overhead for consistency. It is also at this point that Delay Rekka Overhead comes into play, more on that in it's section.


  • The common one that you will see in most optimals.
  • Generous hitbox, worries less about range.
  • Travels farther for wall throw MD routes.
    • Since it's also invul, you won't prematurely pop MD if you miss.


  • Scales differently from 623B and thus is more optimal in some scenarios.
  • Usually scales better in fatal starters.
  • Shorter and stubbier, can whiff sometimes.
    • Can still cancel into followup on whiff.

Kouma will now start to push the limits of the combo system. Routes will start excluding SMP to avoid losing damage or making a combo invalid. This is also where routes start to special spam, meaning that fitting more normals in the end of combos will become harder and generally have to start excluding some to make a combo feasible.

Charged 236B

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

In addition to the rest of the cast, Kouma got a new move with the 1.3 patch. His 236[B] is a charged version of his B rekka where instead of having 3 rekka inputs, he strikes the opponent with one heavy palm strike with no followups. This singular hit does a high amount of damage and wallbounces, which make his corner damage insanely good at the trade-off of less meter gain than a full rekka. However, the wallbounce distance and recovery of the move make it only usable in the corner or close to it. Due to the games mechanics, this also means that 236[B] and 236BXX are considered the same move and invoke SMP if used separately.

236[B] has a hefty amount of startup and requires a fair amount of untech, meaning you will usually see this move confirmed off of a C normal (5C in particular), but exceptions do happen. Its placement in a combo varies between routes, but will generally be seen around early or midway through the combo and rarely ever at the end. Thanks to the wallbounce, you can be further from the corner than point blank depending on the move you link afterwards. However, this also means you cannot use it in 4 bar wall throw routes, else they hit all 3 wallbounces and cannot confirm into Arc Drive.

Delay Rekka Overhead - MATH

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

The name explains exactly what you do. Instead of pressing specifically 4X overhead immediately, you delay the timing. In some routes where you would normally only have 4 frames to link an A normal, using this delay trick can grant that extra 5th frame seemingly out of nowhere. This is one of Kouma's hardest techniques to pull off, but being able to get a feel for rekka timings contributes to many of Kouma's high end optimals, including MD routes. This helps to boost his midscreen damage a ton, as he can gain that cheeky extra frame that would've been impossible otherwise. Something to keep in mind, however, is that Delay Overhead seems to be impossible in the corner when a wallbounce has already been introduced via wall throw or 236[B].

While there is no definitive or explicitly confirmed reason for this technique to grant that extra frame of untech, there is one technique that is widely agreed upon by Kouma scientists to be the cause. In MBAC, there existed a mechanic dubbed "Minimum Air Tech Height" (hence the name MATH). In short, there existed a specific minimum height where, even if the opponent would be able to otherwise, cannot air tech out of hitstun. What Kouma is doing with this trick is exactly that; timing his rekka so that when the opponent groundbounces, it bounces so low that they are just barely not touching the ground and thus are locked out of an air tech. Fortunately, the range of height is big enough that it can be practiced and grinded out without being needlessly difficult, which makes it something worth trying to learn in order to unlock Kouma's highest damage. It also explains how this only applies to 4X overhead, as the trajectories for 5X rekka overhead are different. Routes that auto-time MATH may be called "Wolfram" routes.

This minimum height being a legacy mechanic and perfectly explaining this phenomenon is enough for most to agree that this is the leading cause, but take everything with a grain of salt, as this has not been truly confirmed. If this is an intended mechanic in the game, then it also means that Delay Overhead routes will likely not get patched out unless they directly change the combo system or Kouma himself.

2C BE jC

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Because Kouma has a slower than usual j.[C] and no designated jump-cancelable special, he never used it during the combo outside of a very good starter. Confirming it off of grounded normals was not feasible either; 2C is the only normal with enough hitstun to ever link into j.[C], but simply doesn't hit high enough to be in range. That is, until it was discovered that the back hit of his 2C hit at just the right height to confirm afterwards. Hitting this back hitbox is tricky, however, and is only possible in some specific routing. Luckily, it is significantly easier in corner as his 2C moves him forward; his 2[C] even more so.

  • When using it in the corner, it may be advised to do j.8 when cancelling 2C, as the link afterwards may be different in corner than midscreen

Using this technique in addition to the rest of his combo kit can greatly increase his damage, and makes things like his 3C break 4k off of a bar that the combo earns by itself. It grants a superb amount of damage on some of his best starters in exchange for typically forcing you to have tighter Delay Overheads or simply avoiding Rekka as a whole and using 236[B].

Double Nijou

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Kouma commonly uses his 623X in his combos to extend damage. Meet Double Nijou, a variant of his combo extensions that uses both his 623A and 623B. Called Double Nijou based off the Japanese term for his 623X: "Double Comet", he can both greatly increase his damage and meter gain from midscreen routes, even to point of gaining Meter Positivity if going for an EX ender. It only works off of his higher ender starters such as B and C Normals, Air-to-Air Fatals, Moon Skills, and others. Just like his regular 623X routes, the order of DPs will affect the damage proration, but 623A first will still generally be better for fatal routes.

Due to both height and untech proration, you cannot link directly into rekka, as you only have 7 frames to link. This means that his only feasible link after is 2B, which then lets you go into rekka. It requires Delay Rekka Overhead, but their height and distance require you use 236B and delay every rekka input to bring them low enough, and pickup with 2A outside of corner. The secret to getting the distance right is to delay the 2nd rekka input as much as possible, but delay the overhead as little as possible to avoid being outside of range (this is mentioned in the footnote of Double Nijou routes).

  • There are also routes for 2B starter that use 5A to link into rekka, but those routes are even more difficult.

Like regular 623X combos, he can technically perform Double Nijou in the corner. Just like 623X though, it can be really inconsistent and can generally be outclassed by 236[B] in damage.

Meaty Rekka

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

DISCLAIMER: This is Kouma's most optimal, yet most impractical way of gaining damage. This section is purely for novelty. Do not attempt this in a real match.

This is the most optimal Kouma can get. So optimal that it becomes highly impractical and nearly impossible to pull off in a real scenario. Because they expanded the hitbox behind him on his rekka overheads, he can meaty the opponent with the later active frames and thus gain more frames to link afterwards. This rekka (usually 236B for the extra distance) is mostly place at the end, when all of his other specials were used and he still wants to fit rekka somewhere in the combo. This is done by usually fitting a normal after you would normally use rekka in a combo. However, the nature of meaty-ing with that hitbox is extremely difficult and depends on several factors before the rekka. It can be done with 4X overhead in the corner, but it's still just as impractical as the rest.

The nature of Meaty Rekka means that different combos may require a different "level of meatiness" depending on height and distance. Rekka Overhead is active for 5 frames, with each meaty frame being exponentially harder than the next. The 2A combo listed above can almost be considered consistent, as the meaty is more lenient. Any meaties the use frame 3 or above are nigh impossible to pull off.

Putting it all together



A Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • BNB. Good combo option that's consistent and easy to confirm.
  • Video Demo
  • Corner variation. Works off of 2A>2A>2A, so don't worry too much about proration
  • Video Demo
  • Near corner combo that requires you to land the crossup rekka. Adds a good amount of damage and also looks cool.
  • Video Demo
  • High damage midscreen meterless combo. Difficult, but works great at any part of the screen.
  • Video Demo
  • Midscreen IAD DP route. Requires delay rekka overhead. Omit 2B for 214A ender outside corner.
  • Video Demo
  • Corner IAD DP route. Do 5A > 2B > 5B on 2AA starter.
  • Video Demo

B Starters

5B and 2B are largely replaceable for the first couple of combos.

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Requires you to be close to the opponent when you do 623B. You don't have to be quite point blank, but it's inconsistent otherwise.
  • Video Demo
  • High damage and good corner carry combo.
  • Video Demo
  • Variant for in case you reach the corner.
  • Video Demo
  • Double Nijou route. Requires every B rekka followup to be delayed.
  • Tip: Delay the 2nd rekka as much as possible, but try to hit rekka overhead ASAP after rekka 2 to stay within 2A range.
  • Video Demo
  • Double Nijou route. To avoid SMP, it uses 5A instead. More difficult, but more rewarding.
  • Tip: Delay the 2nd rekka as much as possible, but try to hit rekka overhead ASAP after rekka 2 to stay within 2A range.
  • Tip 2: If you can't delay the B rekka, try micro charging it instead.
  • Video Demo
  • Stomp routing. Autotimes MATH rekka.
  • Better than Double Nijou on regular hit, but not counterhit.
  • Video Demo

C Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Simple IAD DP link. 2C and 5C are interchangeable.
  • 2C autopilot combo that ironically does more damage.
  • Stomp Routing. Autotimes MATH rekka. 2C and 5C are still interchangeable.
  • High damage Double Nijou route. 2C and 5C are interchangeable at the start.
  • Fatal hit does A DP first.
  • Tip: Delay the 2nd rekka as much as possible, but try to hit rekka overhead ASAP after rekka 2 to stay within 2A range.
  • Higher damage Double Nijou route. 2[C] > 5C is only possible on CH (Either 623X first) and FC (623A first).
  • 2C > 5B non-fatal is 623A first, but fatal is 623B first.
  • Tip: Delay the 2nd rekka as much as possible, but try to hit rekka overhead ASAP after rekka 2 to stay within 2A range.
  • 5C Double Nijou confirm w/o 2C. Good for when they are out of range of sweep, but requires fairly precise height control on 623A.
  • Tip: Delay the 2nd rekka as much as possible, but try to hit rekka overhead ASAP after rekka 2 to stay within 2A range.
  • Corner variant. 5C and 2C are interchangeable.
  • Better route using only one C normal before 236[B]. Works off 2[C] as well.
  • Funny route using the back hit of 2[C]. Can be useful when in corner vs. an non-straight airdasher, but don't rely on it.
  • Funnier route using the back hit of 2[C], but with an extra move. Same guidelines apply.
  • Can work off regular fatal 2[C] into IAD j.[C] while facing the corner.
  • Probably the funniest route using the back hit of 2[C]. If you can hit confirm off a scenario like this, you deserve the damage.
  • Works the same way off IAD j.[C] in the combo above, and is much more lenient.
  • Ascendant fatal 2[C] confirm into Double Nijou. Only works with the immense hitstun from a fatal counter, and stopped working if you press any button between 2[C] and lAD.
  • Tip: Delay the 2nd rekka as much as possible, but try to hit rekka overhead ASAP after rekka 2 to stay within 2A range.

Shield Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Main shield launcher combo. Uses Moon Skill falcon kick for an extension, making it pretty damaging.
  • More optimized version of the combo above.
  • Harder but slightly better damage shield combo.
  • Moonskill and meter combo.
  • Moonskill and meter combo, corner version.
  • Moonskill and meter combo for the corner. Slightly higher damage than the above, but requires a delay.
  • Unlike A/C confirms, requires CH, but highly rewarding for it. Will be used mostly in Shield Wars™.
  • Basic B counter-hit combo.
  • More advanced conversion. Requires fairly tight delay rekka timing.
  • More damage for a more risky starter and a bit of resources.
  • More practical conversion that doesn't depend on CH and has no delay rekka.
  • Can choose to do a low j.[C] into 2[C], but it forces you to delay rekka in exchange for slightly more damage.
  • Autotimed conversion from a lower height.

Anti-Air Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • A combo you will use a lot. No timings besides delay rekka overhead. Omitting RB2 will give 19 extra damage at the cost of .05 meter.
  • A more difficult variant of the above combo. Adding 5C requires you to delay every rekka input and makes delay rekka overhead tighter, but breaks 4k off 1 bar.
  • Tip: Delay the 2nd rekka as much as possible, but try to hit rekka overhead ASAP after rekka 2 to stay within 5A range.
  • Corner version of the above route
  • Easy conversion from 2B. Does exceptional damage from fatal counter.
  • More practical confirm that doesn't use moon gauge. Same confirm also leads into many high damaging MD combos, fatal or non-fatal.
  • Variant that uses 2[C] for more damage. Thanks to scaling, the DP you use is switched from before. May not work as some spacings, in which you can convert regularly into IAD.
  • If non-fatal, use 623B. If fatal, use 623A.
  • Version that uses stomp. Autotimes the MATH rekka.
  • If done too high, 2C will whiff and will require using 5B for more stability at the cost of damage.
  • Esports fatal 5A anti-air. Must immediately cancel 5A into 2[C].
  • Fatal 2B confirm. Will typically see usage as a response to Shield B counter.
  • Slightly more optimal fatal 2B confirm. Will also see usage as a response to Shield B counter.
  • 22B Anti-Air starter. Much easier to link and works off almost any decent height.
  • 22B Anti-Air starter. Harder to link directly into DP, but has much better damage.
  • Standard Double Nijou routing for Fatal 22B. Great reward for a committal anti-air.
  • Tip: Delay the 2nd rekka as much as possible, but try to hit rekka overhead ASAP after rekka 2 to stay within 5A range.
  • Double Nijou variant for a decently far spacing.
  • If done on fatal hit, you can do IAD into a more regular Double Nijou confirm (623A first).
  • Big Nijou. Better combo if you didn't trust 623A to reach and did IAD.
  • If you did 623B(1)B like normal, you can go straight into rekka, but doing 5A rekka will do more anyways.

IAD Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Double IAD combo. Delaying rekka inputs slightly will help stabilize the combo. Can wall throw (214X-4X) for more damage and meter.
  • Corner combo. Actually worse than the midscreen version but can be easier.

j.[C] Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Combo for the rare j.[C] starter. Great damage when it lands.
  • Optimal midscreen j.[C] confirm. Requires delay rekka overhead.
  • Corner confirm that uses 236[B]. No delay rekka required. Can do 2A 2B 5CC 236XXX for more meter gain (1.12) at the cost of damage (4787)
  • Corner double stomp. j.[C] must hit low or 2[C] will not connect
  • Fatal conversion into wall throw that does slightly better than the Double Nijou route.

Special Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • On the occasion you get a counter-hit 4X from rekka, this is the combo to go for. Neat way to get more damage out of it.
  • Rekka overhead starter into metered conversion.
  • Can be done off 236B start but getting them in range after A rekka is tricky outside corner.
  • Alternate conversion using IAD if you don't like delay rekka. Can be tricky to fit extra normals at the end.
  • Rekka overhead in the corner, and probably what you'll use most of the time.
  • Delaying j.236C can let you do 2[C] for more damage.
  • Basic 1 bar midscreen 236[B] combo.
  • Similar to the above combo, but in the corner and without a dash. Not optimal, but very easy.
  • Highly damaging combo of 236[B] but is slightly tricky to perform
  • Higher damaging combo only if you go for EX ender. Less meter gain.
  • Combo off of 22A > 22C. 22C must be instantly inputted after 22A
  • Combo off of 22A > 22C, but with a counter hit. Easier time confirming into EX stomp thanks to the extra hitstun.
  • Corner Conversion. Self explanatory
  • The same combo on counter hit, but with j.[C]. Press j.8 if you are having trouble linking rekka.
  • Conversion off the ever so rare 623A starter. You shouldn't really be pressing this button, but here's some reward if you did anyways.
  • Sideswap conversion.
  • Air hit conversion. Only works if you do not input the followup.
  • Corner version. Useful for a quick but high damage punish (read: heat) without using a moon skill.
  • Better corner version. Jumping backwards prevents collision from messing up the rekka link, thus leading to better damage. Better meter gain.
  • B DP conversion into oki. No use trying to cram extra normals as the damage and meter gain is minimal.

Back to Corner Starters

Numbers assume 214A starter.

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • When you land a command grab while in or near the corner.
  • New, optimal 214X4X combo now that 236[B] exists.
  • Switch 5C and 5B for more damage and potentially better range from corner.
  • Combo that utilizes j.[C]. Must be extremely close to corner.
  • Model 5[C] conversion. Requires specific spacing and a slightly different route for each button.
  • 2A link ends with 2B after 236[B].
  • 2B link ends with 2C > 5C after 236[B].
  • 2C link omits 236[B] and ends with 2A > 2B.
  • Straight into 236AXX continues like the regular 214X4X combo listed above.
  • Model 5[C] conversion using IAD. Requires the same specific spacing and slightly different routes. Marginally better damage at the cost of meter gain.
  • 2A link ends with 2B into rekka and uses 623A.
  • 2B link goes straight into rekka and uses 623B.
  • 5[C] conversion you can do at a range. Good meter gain.
  • 5[C] alternate conversion you can do at a range. Still good meter gain
  • 5[C] conversion you can at do even further range.

Air to Air CH Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Air to air conversion. Fairly typical.
  • j.A combo.
  • j.B combo.
  • j.C combo. Does less damage than the j.B combo, hilariously enough.
  • Model combo for Double Nijou off FC air hit. More lenient on spacing, but can depend on height of counter hit.
  • j.A/j.C/j.[C] - IAD j.B
  • j.B - IAD j.A
  • Tip: Delay the 2nd rekka as much as possible, but try to hit rekka overhead ASAP after rekka 2 to stay within 2A range.
  • Harder model combo for Double Nijou off FC air hit. Requires the back hit of 2C or 2[C] (easier on the latter) to link j.[C]
  • Tip: Delay the 2nd rekka as much as possible, but try to hit rekka overhead ASAP after rekka 2 to stay within 2A range.

Moonskill starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • High Damage 2B+C combo.
  • 2B+C corner combo.
  • Standard 6B+C route.
  • Corner 6B+C route.
  • Optimal 6B+C route.
  • Funky, but great reward for one of Kouma's best starters.
  • Harder, funkier version of the above combo. Doing 7A+B or it's equivalent after 2[C] will cause Kouma to cross up and do and IAD in the opposite direction. Requires a very low j.[C].
  • Another weird route that requires whiffing 2A to prevent a cross up. Once again requires a very low j.[C] to connect fully.
  • Corner 3B+C route. You want to get it low enough so you can do 236[B]
  • j.6B+C route.
  • Corner j.6B+C route.
  • Optimal j.6B+C route. Delay 623A if you have trouble linking the back hit of 2C.

j.6B+C route with j.236C right after. Useful when you can't hitconfirm in time but still want to be safe on block. The lower to the ground you perform j.236C, the easier it is to land the follow-ups.

MD Combos

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Anti-air 2B kill route that you can reroute to after a very normal conversion.
  • Anti-air 2B kill route that's harder to confirm into, but deals slightly more damage.
  • Anti-air 2B kill route that does exactly 6666 damage. Useful against Shield B.
  • Anti-air 2B kill route number 4. Have to neutral jump drift forward on j.[C] and time 2[C] to prevent crossing under 2B+C.
  • Corner 2A kill route that does 6k. If counter hit (doesn't have to be fatal), switch 2B and 5C for 6112 damage.
  • Combo for the EX followup on 214X. Scaling is horrendous but can be vital to closing a round.
  • Wall throw route. Builds 150% and does 6.7k if fatal. Works from a surprisingly far distance if you run up 623A.
  • Corner 2C kill route. Breaks 6.5k if you move 5B between 2B and 22A, but requires manual delays.
  • Midscreen Stomp MD route. Height lets you autotime the MATH rekka and requires no delays.
  • Alternative Midscreen Stomp MD route. Still autotimes MATH.
  • Corner Stomp MD route.
  • IAD j.B fatal route that carries to corner. Delay A DP to prevent cross up or whiff 2A.
  • Fadeaway j.B fatal route if you didn't buffer j.6B+C. Expensive, but great damage.
  • 236[B] corner route with the fun novelty j.6B+C > 236C ender. Not quite 6.7k, but easier to execute.
  • 236[B] corner route that does exactly 6.7k.
  • 236[B] fatal route that breaks 7k damage.
  • 3C kill route that uses a really weird way to sideswitch after launcher.
  • 5C > 2C route that goes off a practical conversion.
  • 5C > 2C route that breaks 6.2k.
  • 5C > 2C route in the corner.
  • If you ever get an Air Shield A counter in the corner.
  • A more practical air Shield A counter for midscreen. Used after rekka oki > MD pop against DPs.
  • j.A air hit confirm. Practical for true punishing PCiel j.236X after they block 236[B].
  • Anti Shield B route w/ Heat and MD active. Will see most use in 22X Checkmate Oki.
  • Anti Shield B route w/ Heat and Full MD active. Only works around Round Start position.

Pre MD routes

Routes to perform if you had already burned MD. The idea is that if you activate MD and get a hit, you want to spend as much of that moon as quickly as possible so you can start gaining moon again and thus get to MD again. As a general rule of thumb, shoving 3B+C > j.[C] or 2B+C will end up doing more than the regular confirm.

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • 2B route w/ MD active. Useful against Shield A while doing the checkmate setup.
  • Anti Shield B route w/ only MD active.
  • Another anti Shield B route w/ only MD active. Works without FC.
  • Anti Shield BC route w/ MD active. Autotimes MATH rekka, but only on B rekka.
  • Anti Shield BC route w/ MD active and using Air Shield A.
  • Wallthrow route w/ MD active.
  • Because of MD making 3B+C frame 6, it works at the same range as the regular 623A(1) pickup from the regular route.
  • 2A confirm w/ MD active.
  • Letting Kouma land and do grounded jump j.6B+C autotimes the MATH rekka, but only on B rekka.
  • 3C confirm w/ MD active, and comeback of the ever so funny 3C > dj j.[C].
  • If the 5B link is too hard, go directly into 2B+C and do 2C > 5B > j.6B+C for 1 less damage.
  • 5C > 2C confirms w/ MD active. Several different routings based on preference.
  • First route is for only having 1 MS to use.
  • Second route is for meter gain.
  • Third route is for damage. Can autotime MATH depending on the delay on j.[C], but 2B is slightly more lenient on this.


What do I do after X starter?

Various starters allow for certain combo extensions. Generally he gets IAD > 623X > 236XX(~)4X off of any standard starter, but midscreen B and C starters can go for extensions like Double Nijou. Corner combos allow for 236[B], but the use of another rekka afterward varies from combo to combo. If you are unsure what to do, check the vast array of combos listed on this page.

Why end with 214A?

This damage is made up by the advantage you get after it: Several left/right mixups, several safejump setups, and an unreactable high/low using rekka oki.

Why does Rekka not cross up?

A) You finished with 4X.
B) You delayed it too much.
C) You are using the wrong one On higher ranges you have to switch 236A for 236B.

  • At extreme ranges, even 236B will not cross up.

D) You delayed your 623X in some way.

How do I time Delay Rekka Overhead?

It depends on the combo as height is the main factor. You can generally get the feel of each delay as you practice, but a general tip is:

  • If they ground tech, you delayed too much
  • If they air tech, you delayed too little
I can't fit all of his normals after rekka overhead, what to do?

In some routes, Kouma struggles to fit every normal available before ending his combo without plenty of delays. In most cases, it is best to omit some buttons (usually 2B), especially if going for 214A ender.

I can’t connect anything after j.[C] after 3B+C, my opponent just techs!

Start charging j.[C] when falling, not rising. 3B+C has a lot of hitstun.

DP into Rekka in the corner is inconsistent, what do I do?

Due to various reasons, doing 623X > 236X can cause the opponent to be too high and tech before they land in rekka range. In most cases you can solve this by delaying the 623X, but most combos will opt to do something else in corner for more damage.

2C j.[C] doesn't work in the corner, how do I avoid this?

In the corner, it may help to jump directly upwards (press j.8) in order to prevent collision from messing up the combo.

How do I end Double Nijou combos meterless? They aren't in range for 214A.

Double Nijou normally carries to corner to allow for Rapid Beat to connect, but purely midscreen they simply land too far away to confirm without doing 2A directly into Rapid Beat. You can compromise by routing into 3C, which gives you worse oki, or you can always opt to spend the bar because the routes are generally meter positive.


Kouma 214A Oki Showcase (turn on CC)

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