JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R/Noriaki Kakyoin

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One of the major allies of Stardust Crusaders, the third part of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Noriaki Kakyoin is the zoner of All-Star Battle R, with outstanding long range pokes that span half-screen and the god of all projectiles: his signature "Emerald Splash", which fires 9 small projectiles with low recovery and beats out nearly every projectile in the game. Good Kakyoin play will leave opponents entirely hopeless as they watch every approach they attempt get stuffed out.

Additionally, Kakyoin has "How's this!" and "You're already in my grasp!", long-ranged attacks which double as alternate zoning options if the opponent has an answer to "Emerald Splash". Kakyoin's zoning is extremely oppressive and will shut down a good part of the cast, and on top of this he has a solid mix-up option between 2M and dash-jump j.H as ways to catch people sleeping or who are too focused on moving around his zoning. Lastly, despite being a zoner, Kakyoin does really above average damage, making him great at creating huge lifeleads to sit on.

Despite all these strengths, Kakyoin is not entirely flawless. Much like the zoners he is inspired by, Kakyoin becomes increasingly weaker the closer the opponent gets due to his very lackluster pressure options, lack of a strong reversal, and poor movement. Winning with Kakyoin requires sniping every approach from the opponent as well as being prepared to cover all of their options. Nevertheless, with his amazing zoning, damage, and great matchup spread, Kakyoin is one of the strongest characters in All-Star Battle R.

  • Long Range Normals: Kakyoin has access to long-reaching normals that can combo from afar, allowing him to play from his most effective distance.
JJASBR Kakyoin Small Icon.png Noriaki Kakyoin is a Stand character who zones with a diverse toolkit that covers anything.
Pros Cons
  • Best In Class Zoning: Kakyoin's long-reaching normals and multi-hitting projectiles allow him to zone effectively without being beaten out by most other zoners, and with his "How's this!" and "You're already in my grasp!" he can effectively deal with the handful of projectiles that beat Emerald Splash.
  • Independent Trap: Because "Hierophant's Barrier" is independent of Kakyoin, he is able to set it up as a defensive measure against opponents who are trying to approach, allowing him to keep up his gameplan even after getting hit.
  • Damage: Kakyoin does great damage and builds great meter with his combos. Using meter or Assists allows him to convert long range pokes into high damage, sometimes making these combos uninterruptible by Reversal Assists.
  • Matchups: Kakyoin's toolkit allows him to turn a large majority of the cast completely helpless; in turn, he does not lose many matchups.
  • Too Close! Too Close!!!: As expected, Kakyoin's performance is very below average at closer ranges, and can very easily be taken apart due to the combination of poor up-close frame data and mediocre reversal options.
Sluggish Movement: Kakyoin's movement speed is below average and his jump is incredibly floaty, which is both a blessing and a curse. The floaty jump lets him easily jump over certain things, but also makes his jump-ins much more reactable and easier to anti-air.


Style Health Low Health Mode Hashtag(s)
Stand 900 Rumble #ASBR_KAK

Move List

JJASBR User Icon.png
JJASBR Stand Icon.png

Stand Off

Normal Moves

JJASBR Kakyoin 5L.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
13 Mid 4 - - -2 +2

Kakyoin performs an open-handed attack while facing away from the opponent.

  • Standard jab, good for stopping dash jumps.
JJASBR Kakyoin 5M.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
21 Mid 14 - - -26 -22

Kakyoin summons Hierophant Green, who performs a long-range attack with a tentacle.

  • Very long reach, good for pokes and zoning.
  • Make sure it doesn't whiff, as it has long recovery.
JJASBR Kakyoin 5H (1).png
JJASBR Kakyoin 5H (2).png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
First Hit: 17
Rest: 36 (4*9)
Mid 12 - - -2 0

Kakyoin summons Hierophant Green, who performs a short-ranged Emerald Splash.

  • Landing the first hit (which can only be done from up-close) causes the remaining hits to be subjected to damage scaling.
  • Hits 2-10 are considered projectiles.
  • Good preemptive anti-air.
  • Less range than 5M, but still a good button for pokes.
JJASBR Kakyoin 2L.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
12 Low 6 - - -2 +4

Kakyoin performs a crouching variation of his 5L.

  • A standard jab.
JJASBR Kakyoin 2M.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
20 Low 12 - - -24 -20

Kakyoin summons Hierophant Green, who performs a long-range low attack with a tentacle.

  • Very long reach, good for pokes and zoning.
  • Make sure it doesn't whiff, as it has long recovery.
JJASBR Kakyoin 2H.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
32 Low 16 - - -30 HKD

Kakyoin summons Hierophant Green to performs a low sweeping attack with a tentacle.

  • Causes hard knockdown.
  • Has less reach than 2M, but still a good button for pokes.
Let's shake on it.
JJASBR Kakyoin 6M.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
45 Mid 12 - - -22 KD

Kakyoin slides forward while attacking with his elbow.

  • Moves Kakyoin forward.
  • Launches on hit.
JJASBR Kakyoin Jump L.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
16 Overhead 8 - - - -

Kakyoin performs a kick downwards.

  • Kakyoin's fastest aerial.
  • Good for air-to-airs and jump-ins.
JJASBR Kakyoin Jump M.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
24 Overhead 8 - - - -

Kakyoin summons Hierophant Green, who performs an attack outwards with a tentacle.

  • Reaches very far outwards, good for air-to-airs and combo filler.
JJASBR Kakyoin Jump H.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
35 Overhead 16 - - - Groundbounce

Kakyoin summons Hierophant Green, who performs an attack downwards with a bunch of tentacles.

  • Causes a groundbounce on hit.
  • Kakyoin's best aerial, as it can confirm into combos from a distance.

Special Moves

Emerald Splash
236L/M/H (Air OK)
JJASBR Kakyoin 236X (1).png
JJASBR Kakyoin 236X (2).png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light 54 (6*9) Mid 14 - - 0 +2
Medium 58 (6.44*9) Mid 16 - - 0 +2
Heavy 63 (7*9) Mid 18 - - 0 +2

Kakyoin summons Hierophant Green, who launches emeralds out towards the opponent.

  • Travel speed and pattern cohesion change depending on the version used.
  • Reaches almost fullscreen.
  • The air version's patterns are more spread out.

L version:

  • The slowest version.

M version:

  • Faster than the L version, though not by much.

H version:

  • The fastest version, though not that much faster than the M version.
How's this!
JJASBR Kakyoin 214X.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light 100 (20, 10*2, 60) Mid 18(1)1 - - -20 Crumple
Medium 100 (20, 10*2, 60) Mid 18(1)1 - - -20 Crumple
Heavy 100 (20, 10*2, 60) Mid 18(1)1 - - -20 Crumple

Kakyoin summons Hierophant Green, who protudes tentacles from the ground to attack the opponent.

  • The spot Hierophant Green attacks in depends on the version used.
  • Causes crumple on hit against grounded opponents.
  • Causes hard knockdown against airborne opponents.
  • Can only be Flash Canceled and HHA canceled on hit.
  • Each version has limited tracking within a certain distance, but will not hit opponents at point-blank range, creating a deadzone.

L version:

  • Attacks about a character away.

M version:

  • Max range is about two characters away.

H version:

  • Max range is about 1/3 of the screen.
Hierophant's Barrier
JJASBR Kakyoin 22X (1).png
JJASBR Kakyoin 22X (2).png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light 5*N Mid - - Total 66 - -
Medium 5*N Mid - - Total 66 - -
Heavy 5*N Mid - - Total 66 - -

Kakyoin summons Hierophant Green, who places a trap of tentacles that launches emeralds on contact with the opponent.

  • Different versions place the trap at different distances.
  • N = number of projectiles.
  • Only one trap can be active at a time.
  • Projectiles are fired off in several directions.
  • Remains active even if Kakyoin is hit.

L version:

  • Places the trap right in front of Kakyoin.

M version:

  • Attacks about a character away.

H version:

  • Attacks about two characters away.

Stand On

Normal Moves

Stand 5L
JJASBR Kakyoin Stand 5L.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
13 Mid 4 - - -2 +2

Hierophant Green performs a jab.

  • Standard jab, good for stopping dash jumps.
Stand 5M
JJASBR Kakyoin Stand 5M (1).png
JJASBR Kakyoin Stand 5M (2).png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
25 (5, 4*5) Mid 12 - - -2 0

Hierophant Green attacks with its knee before performing a small, short-ranged Emerald Splash.

  • Hits 2-6 are considered projectiles.
  • Less range than s.5H, but still a good button for pokes.
Stand 5H
JJASBR Kakyoin Stand 5H.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
30 (5, 10, 15) Mid 18(1)1(8)1 - - -14 -

Hierophant Green performs a long-range attack with a tentacle.

  • Hits 1-2 will not hit opponents beyond close range.
  • The final hit launches opponents away.
  • Very long reach, good for pokes and zoning.
  • Make sure it doesn't whiff, as it has long recovery.
Stand 2L
JJASBR Kakyoin Stand 2L.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
12 Mid 6 - - -2 +2

Hierophant Green performs a crouching jab.

  • A standard jab, but does not hit Low.
Stand 2M
JJASBR Kakyoin Stand 2M.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
20 Mid 6 - - -26 -22

While crouching, Hierophant Green performs a long-ranged attack with a tentacle.

  • Very long reach, but does not hit Low.
  • Make sure it doesn't whiff, as it has long recovery.
Stand 2H
JJASBR Kakyoin Stand 2H.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
36 (9*2, 18) Low 16(1)1(3)1 - - -20 KD

Hierophant Green performs an attack with a bunch of tentacles that starts low and angles upwards.

  • Launches on hit.
  • Has slightly less reach than s.2M.
Stand JL
JJASBR Kakyoin Stand Jump L.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
16 Overhead 8 - - - -

Hierophant Green performs a stab downwards.

  • Hierophant Green's fastest aerial.
  • Good for air-to-airs and jump-ins.
Stand JM
JJASBR Kakyoin Stand Jump M.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
24 Overhead 10 - - - -

Hierophant Green sprouts a tentacle and performs a long range attack outwards.

  • Reaches very far outwards, good for air-to-airs and combo filler.
Stand JH
JJASBR Kakyoin Stand Jump H.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
24 (10, 14) Overhead 18(3)1 - - - -

Hierophant Green performs an attack downwards with a bunch of tentacles.

  • Does not cause a groundbounce like the Stand Off variant, but now hits twice.
  • Good for jump-ins and combo filler.

Special Moves

Stand 236X
Emerald Splash
JJASBR Kakyoin Stand 236L.png
L version
L version
JJASBR Kakyoin Stand 236M.png
M version
M version
JJASBR Kakyoin Stand 236H.png
H version
H version
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light 54 (6*9) Mid 10 - - -8 -4
Medium 58 (6.44*9) Mid 12 - - -6 -4
Heavy 63 (7*9) Mid 12 - - -6 -4

Hierophant Green launches emeralds out towards the opponent.

  • The projectiles spread out horizontally, with their pattern and travel speed depending on the version used.
  • Stand Rush-compatible.
  • In comparison with their Stand Off counterparts, the projectiles travel faster (with each version showing more noticeable travel speed and range differences) at the cost of way more recovery.

L version:

  • The slowest version.
  • Reaches about 3/4 of the screen.

M version:

  • Average speed.
  • Range lies between L and H versions.

H version:

  • The fastest version.
  • Reaches almost fullscreen.
Stand J236X
Emerald Splash (Air)
JJASBR Kakyoin Stand Jump 236L.png
L version
L version
JJASBR Kakyoin Stand Jump 236M.png
M version
M version
JJASBR Kakyoin Stand Jump 236H.png
H version
H version
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light 48 (6*8) Mid 10 - - - -
Medium 52 (6.5*8) Mid 12 - - - -
Heavy 56 (7*8) Mid 12 - - - -

While in the air, Hierophant Green launches emeralds out at a downwards angle.

  • The projectiles' horizontal spread, as well as their angle, change depending on the version used.
  • Stand Rush-compatible.

L version:

  • Aims at a 45° angle.
  • Pushes Kakyoin backwards the most.

M version:

  • Aims at a 30° angle.
  • Pushes Kakyoin backwards less.

H version:

  • Aims at a 15° angle.
  • Pushes Kakyoin backwards the least, almost staying in place.
Stand 623X
You're already in my grasp!
JJASBR Kakyoin Stand 623X.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light 55 (5*3, 10*4) Mid 10 - - -44 HKD
Medium 55 (5*3, 10*4) Mid 10 - - -54 HKD
Heavy 55 (5*3, 10*4) Mid 10 - - -66 HKD

Hierophant Green performs a long range attack with 3 tentacles from the ground.

  • The spot Hierophant Green attacks in depends on the version used.
  • The final hit launches and causes hard knockdown.
  • Cannot be canceled into HHA.
  • Considered a hitgrab. Because of this, neither Kakyoin nor the opponent can call an Assist if this move connects.

L version:

  • Hits at point-blank range.

M version:

  • Hits about a character away.

H version:

  • Hits about 1/3 of the screen.
Stand 63214X
Didn't you notice?
JJASBR Kakyoin Stand 63214X (1).png
JJASBR Kakyoin Stand 63214X (2).png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light 100 (20+80) Throw 22 - - - HKD
Medium 130 (20+110) Throw 40 - - - HKD
Heavy 160 (20+140) Throw 60 - - - HKD

Hierophant Green wraps its tentacles around the opponent before hitting them with a point blank Emerald Splash.

  • The version used affects the startup and damage of the attack, but not the range.
  • Launches opponents away and causes hard knockdown on a successful Throw.
  • A long-ranged command grab that reaches about midscreen.

L version:

  • The fastest startup.
  • Takes the longest to reach max range.

M version:

  • Startup, travel speed and damage are between the L and H versions.

H version:

  • The slowest startup.
  • Takes the least to reach max range.

System Mechanics

No match for my Stand!
5/4 + Any Two Attack Buttons
JJASBR Kakyoin Throw (1).png
JJASBR Kakyoin Throw (2).png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
130 (120+10) Throw 6 - - - HKD

Kakyoin grabs the opponent before Hierophant Green's tentacle knocks them down.

  • Forward Throw leaves the opponent closer to Kakyoin than Back Throw.
You're already in my grasp!
JJASBR Assault Assist Icon.pngJJASBR Assault Assist Icon.pngJJASBR Reversal Assist Icon.pngJJASBR Reversal Assist Icon.png
JJASBR Kakyoin Assist.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
55 (5*3, 10*4) Mid - - - - HKD

Kakyoin summons Hierophant Green, who performs a long range attack with 3 tentacles from the ground.

  • Assault Assist Stocks: 2
  • Reversal Assist Stocks: 2
  • Based on s.623M
  • The final hit launches and causes hard knockdown.
  • Not considered a hitgrab, unlike the original move.
Stand On/Off
JJASBR Kakyoin Stand On.png
Stand On
Stand On
JJASBR Kakyoin Stand Off.png
Stand Off
Stand Off
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- - - - - - -

(Un)Summons Hierophant Green, altering Kakyoin's moveset and abilities.

Heart Heat Attack

Time for your punishment!
236 + Any Two Attack Buttons
JJASBR Kakyoin HHA (1).png
JJASBR Kakyoin HHA (2).png
JJASBR Kakyoin HHA (3).png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
168 (50+6*6+11*2+20+40) Mid 2+10 - - -70 HKD (+60)

Hierophant Green attacks with tentacles from the sky, using them to enter the opponent's body and tear them apart from the inside.

  • This is a hitgrab.
  • While the activation hitbox can be used for anti-airs, it can miss deceptively often.

Great Heat Attack

20m Radius Emerald Splash
JJASBR Kakyoin GHA (1).png
JJASBR Kakyoin GHA (2).png
JJASBR Kakyoin GHA (3).png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
315 Mid 2+26 - - -64 Groundbounce

Hierophant Green fires an Emerald Splash. On hit, Hierophant Green then sets up its tentacles around the opponent and bounces them between them while hitting them with multiple Emerald Splashes before finishing with a point blank Emerald Splash.

  • Activation projectiles travel fullscreen and move very quickly.
  • Rarely, at further ranges, an additional projectile will connect before the cutscene plays, adding 10 extra damage.
    • This extra damage is not taken into account by the cutscene, which will also prevent it from factoring into Training Mode's Damage Display.



Normal (Color 1)
Normal (Color 2)
Normal (Color 3)
Normal (Color 4)


Special A (Color 1)
Special A (Color 2)


Hierophant Green (Color 1)
Hierophant Green (Color 2)


Character Data
Patch Notes
JJASBR Part 1 Emblem.png
Phantom Blood
Dio Brando
JJASBR Part 2 Emblem.png
Battle Tendency
Lisa Lisa
JJASBR Part 3 Emblem.png
Stardust Crusaders
Jotaro (Part 3)
Old Joseph
Hol Horse
Pet Shop
Vanilla Ice
JJASBR Part 4 Emblem.png
Diamond is Unbreakable
Josuke (Part 4)
Jotaro (Part 4)
JJASBR Part 5 Emblem.png
Vento Aureo
JJASBR Part 6 Emblem.png
Stone Ocean
Foo Fighters
Pucci (WS)
Pucci (Final)
JJASBR Part 7 Emblem.png
Steel Ball Run
AW Diego
JJASBR Part 8 Emblem.png
Josuke (Part 8)
Wonder of U
Baoh the Visitor